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GerowenI'm thinking about trying Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 7 tablet, but I was wondering if there's some way to preview it before-hand to see how it runs, what apps are available, etc.02:56
DonkeyHoteithere are emulator images02:59
geniiGerowen: You might want to check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Emulator  ...this runs on the computer, not on the tablet, but you get a feel for what it's like03:00
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damjaHi friends..04:56
damjaAnyone here now online?04:56
damjaCan I install ubuntu touch in my firefox os based flame device?04:59
DonkeyHoteidamja: is it one of the devices for which a port already exists?05:10
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ric96any guesses why i am getting this ?05:30
ric96make: *** No rule to make target `/home/ric/phablet/out/target/product/condor/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libmake_f2fs_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `/home/ric/phablet/out/target/product/condor/obj/EXECUTABLES/recovery_intermediates/import_includes'.  Stop.05:30
peat-psuwitric96: You need to add f2fs-tools in local manifest05:38
peat-psuwit<remote name="github" fetch="https://github.com/" />05:38
peat-psuwit<project path="external/f2fs-tools" name="CyanogenMod/android_external_f2fs-tools" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0" />05:39
ric96I did that and also added it to main.mk05:46
ric96didnt help05:46
ric96peat-psuwit: ^05:48
peat-psuwitdid you run "repo sync" ?05:53
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ric96i did not add it to mainfest but manually git cloned it to external05:56
ric96and of course renamed it to f2fs-tools05:57
ric96peat-psuwit:   ^05:58
peat-psuwitric96: May I see your build/core/main.mk? Put it on pastebin or so.06:03
ric96peat-psuwit: http://pastebin.com/cnSGAcfA06:17
ubuntuser13where i can find ubuntu touch keyboard layout tutorials?06:19
peat-psuwitric96: That's strange. Try running "make clean" and try again.06:29
ric96peat-psuwit: didnt help06:35
peat-psuwitric96: Then I'm out of idea.06:38
ric96peat-psuwit: hmmm.... anyways thnx for you help06:44
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larlarI have started to try to port ubuntu to lg g2 (d802 version).07:15
larlarI have gotten a working recovery built.07:16
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dholbachgood morning07:47
elimistevethat's the only link I can find about Ubuntu Touch running on the MX4 at MWC! Hopefully there's more press than this?08:38
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elimisteveNevermind: https://www.google.com/?q=mwc+2015+ubuntu10:06
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Grammar Day! :-D10:10
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popeythat made me chuckle10:21
ogra_popey, heh, funny, mark *never* was CEO10:44
oSoMoNanyone knows who should handle requests to add a package to the touch seed ? (re: bug #1378184)10:55
ubot5bug 1378184 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu RTM) "RTM r3 why is Nepali Unicode texts not displaying in browser app" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137818410:55
ogra_oSoMoN, rsalveti or me ...10:56
oSoMoNogra_, so, can we add fonts-lohit-deva to the touch seed (both vivid and RTM) ?11:02
ogra_oSoMoN, yeah, i need to talk to jibel if/how he wants to pre-test that ... seed changes dont go though silos11:03
ogra_i guess its prety easy to test by just installin the font and switching to the language11:03
oSoMoNogra_, no need to even switch to the language, just point the browser to http://www.ashesh.com.np/nepali-unicode.php and verify that nepali characters are correctly displayed11:04
oSoMoNogra_, would you mind assigning the bug to yourself (to show progress, and to avoid it falling off the radar again)?11:05
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ogra_pitti, i'm just wonderin about bug 1378184 ... shouldnt we perhaps make fonts a dep of the specific langpacks12:50
ubot5bug 1378184 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu RTM) "RTM r3 why is Nepali Unicode texts not displaying in browser app" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137818412:50
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pittiogra_: or just seed them? that's what we do on desktop, as displaying foreign documents or websites shouldn't really require having the langpack installed13:33
ogra_pitti, thats what i was questionin13:33
ogra_but yeah, the webpage issue is indeed true13:33
pittior emails and other docs13:34
pittion desktop we have a more dynamic way of installing extra packages by language (check-language-suport), but obviously that won't make sense on touch13:34
pittibut I don't see a Nepalese specific font on desktop either13:35
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VercHI :) Is there possibility to connect to WPA Enterprise network in Ubuntu Touch 14.10 ?14:06
popeyVerc: i think we have an open bug for that.14:08
Vercand when I create wifi network in my Desktop (14.04 LTS) the telephone cannot connect to it14:08
Vercif it is locked14:08
Vercif the network is not protected the telephone connects to it14:09
robjhif you were to plug a nexus 7 with ubuntu into a usb phone modem, would it work as a land line phone?! :O14:10
popeythat makes no sense to me.14:12
popeyVerc: you might be able to copy the network config over with "phablet-network"14:13
robjhheh :314:13
Vercany tutorial? I'm totally green14:14
VercI don't know if there is that idiom in English :D14:15
popeyplug phone into computer which is on the wifi you want to connect to14:15
popeyrun phablet-network on pc14:15
popeyit copies the network-manager config over to the device14:16
popeymight work14:16
Verci'm trying :)14:18
VercIt doesn't work14:20
VercProvisioning network on device  Network setup complete14:20
Vercand on the telephone the name of the network is green but I cannot browse Internet14:21
popeyVerc: if you "adb shell" to the phone and run ifconfig or ip addr, do you see an IP address assigned?14:22
popey(It could be this wont work, I know it was broken in the past)14:22
Vercphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ifconfig lo        Link encap:Local Loopback             inet addr:  Mask:           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1           RX packets:10276 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:10276 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0            RX bytes:770232 (770.2 KB)  TX bytes:77023214:25
VercI think I cannot14:25
Vercinet6 is the IP ?14:26
saidinesh5Elleo: is libskeyer working well for you?14:32
Elleosaidinesh5: the results it gives are really good, but the performance suffers a lot with anything but very short words unfortunately14:33
Elleosaidinesh5: I might try just having skeyer produce 1 candidate for use as the primary one, then presage do all the others, see what the delay is like then14:33
saidinesh5Elleo: could you give me the offending words?14:33
saidinesh5Elleo: also if I have deliberately disabled caching some data for the sake of speed when it comes to typed alphabets14:34
saidinesh5*for the sake of memory14:34
saidinesh5as opposed to swiping14:35
kenvandinepopey, so you're into construct 2 right?14:35
kenvandinepopey, http://people.canonical.com/~kenvandine/space-blaster.ken-vandine_0.1_all.click14:35
kenvandinepopey, one of the construct 2 demo games14:35
saidinesh5*if/I have14:35
Elleosaidinesh5: anything over 5 or 6 characters seemed to get too slow to be reasonably usable (since we need to assume the user is going to tap space very quickly after the last character they entered)14:35
saidinesh5umm that doesn't sound right...14:36
kenvandinepopey, took me a whole 5 minutes to build a click package for a game i exported from construct 2 :)14:36
Elleosaidinesh5: I can test some specific words a bit later, currently having to reflash my phone after an upgrade to Qt 5.4.1 went horribly wrong ;)14:36
saidinesh5Elleo: can you give me the list of words you are using to benchmark?14:36
saidinesh5Ahh hehhe14:36
saidinesh5you can add the unigramFrequencyDistance check in case of typed words too in BruteForceMatcher14:37
saidinesh5but that means 5MB of extra memory14:37
saidinesh5but definitely a huge improvement in speed14:37
saidinesh5hold on adding it so you can check14:37
popeykenvandine: hahah, i also made a click for that exact demo too :)14:38
Elleosaidinesh5: okay, cool, will do some proper tests with and without that14:38
Elleosaidinesh5: if I can revive my phone :P14:38
saidinesh5hehh lets see who gets it done first: you reviving your phone or me fixing this issue14:38
Elleosaidinesh5: it just popped up a brand new boot failure message I've never seen before14:38
Elleowhich is... exciting :/14:38
saidinesh5did you use apt-get to update Qt?14:38
kenvandinepopey, actually http://people.canonical.com/~kenvandine/space-blaster.ken-vandine_0.1.1_all.click14:39
kenvandinewith sound :)14:39
saidinesh5i only compile things in a chroot on device now...14:39
Elleosaidinesh5: we have a system for updating things from testing package silos (which uses apt-get under the hood, but only ugprades the specific packages in the silo, so as to avoid breaking other stuff)14:39
popeykenvandine: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/2014/device-2014-09-11-195619.png14:39
saidinesh5Ohh link? its not that .... nice to currently do everything in a chroot...14:40
popeykenvandine: I didnt put it in the store because I wasn't sure it was allowed14:40
Elleosaidinesh5: the aim is that we want to shift to Qt 5.4.1 soon, but apparently maliit is segfaulting under Qt 5.4.1 (but is fine on Qt 5.4.0...) so I'm having to poke around a bit14:40
saidinesh5but also i am using multirom so things break and make the whole deviec unbootable14:40
popeykenvandine: have you seen they're making construct3 which runs on Linux?14:40
Elleosaidinesh5: it's all based on our internal landing system stuff, I don't think its possible for anyone outside of canonical to add anything to a silo unfortunately14:40
kenvandinepopey, ah... you grabbed the same demo :)14:41
saidinesh5i am on 5.4 too, but i am guessign the segfaults are from the new QVariant behavior14:41
kenvandineit's super easy to package them... so anyone can build a construct game for ubuntu14:41
popeykenvandine: i made a skeleton around it for any construct2 app14:41
kenvandinei just copied it into www and built a click14:41
Elleosaidinesh5: well I think the QVariant stuff changed in 5.4.0, (which maliit runs fine on) not certain though14:42
kenvandinetedg, adding my mir-connection-demangler to the apparmor profile just opened a can of worms... because the APP_EXEC uses aa-exec-click14:43
kenvandinetedg, which is a shell script, and runs other commands14:43
kenvandinetedg, so i guess i need to mimic what aa-exec-click does and do it myself?14:43
Elleosaidinesh5: apparently the crash happens in QV4::ExecutionContext::setProperty() which is interesting, as that's part of the internal QML JS runtime; so it sounds like it might be an "interesting" one to debug ;)14:44
Elleosaidinesh5: assuming I can ever get my phone working again :P14:44
saidinesh5looks like that QJsonValue14:44
saidinesh5or whatever that blog post said lol14:44
Elleosaidinesh5: could you link me to that blog post? sounds like it might be handy to read up on14:45
kenvandinepopey, so if there are lots of developers writing construct 2 games, we should get them to publish them for ubuntu :)14:45
saidinesh5yeah already searching14:45
saidinesh5was on planet kde i think14:45
Elleosaidinesh5: oh, that rings a bell actually14:45
kenvandinepopey, i still think QML is more fun to develop games with :)14:45
Elleosaidinesh5: did it discuss the differences between QV4 + QV8 for compiling stuff for performance?14:46
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tedgkenvandine, No, you shouldn't need aa-exec-click14:46
tedgkenvandine, What are you using that for?14:46
Elleosaidinesh5: I might be thinking of a different article though14:46
saidinesh5Okay my bad its for 5.414:46
kenvandinetedg, i'm not trying to :)14:46
tedgkenvandine, Upstart will setup the apparmor profile for you.14:46
kenvandinetedg, it's what's used for exec14:46
kenvandinemy exec-tool (modified version of what's in pay-service)14:46
saidinesh5with 5.4.1 i think they bring back support for qt types14:46
tedgkenvandine, I'm not sure what you mean there.14:46
kenvandinebuilds the APP_EXEC14:46
kenvandinewhich is aa-exec-click14:47
Elleosaidinesh5: ah, okay14:47
tedgkenvandine, Don't do that.14:47
tedgkenvandine, :-)14:47
kenvandineso i should create my own Exec line?14:47
tedgkenvandine, There's no reason for you to be using aa-exec-click.14:47
kenvandinenot what click has in the desktop file?14:48
tedgkenvandine, No, it should be the one given by the app.14:48
saidinesh5Ooo this looks interesting: "Other important fixes in Qt 5.4.1 include enabling JIT by default in the Qt Quick Engine (QTBUG-43171),"14:48
tedgkenvandine, The app most certainly doesn't have that in it's desktop file.14:48
saidinesh5=> much better performance../14:48
jdstrandyes, to reiterate what ted said, don't do that :)14:48
tedgkenvandine, You can't use the desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications, that's a cache that should go away.14:48
kenvandineExec=aa-exec-click -p com.ubuntu.developer.ken-vandine.hub-exporter_hub-exporter_0.2.1 -- qmlscene $@ hub-exporter.qml14:48
tedgkenvandine, You need to use the desktop file that the application ships.14:48
jdstrandkenvandine: don't you just need to fork/execvp() or similar?14:48
kenvandineoh... so that's why you always copy them around :)14:48
Elleosaidinesh5: looking at the bug it appears JIT was just disabled on windows14:49
kenvandinejdstrand, i am using execvp14:49
kenvandinebut i was using the wrong APP_EXEC :)14:49
tedgkenvandine, symlink, but yes :-)14:49
Elleosaidinesh5: we have some nifty caching stuff for the JIT code in RTM at the moment, but that still has to be ported to 5.4 I think14:49
kenvandinetedg, i was wondering why you always make copies :)14:49
kenvandineok... link14:49
Elleosaidinesh5: which is why app start-up is much quicker on RTM than on vivid14:49
jdstrandright, so, just exec your executable14:49
popeykenvandine: i actually bought the paid version of construct2 :)14:49
popeykenvandine: made a couple of games already14:49
kenvandinepopey, it's just not as much fun as QML :)14:50
saidinesh5Elleo: i really thought you guys were using that qtquick compiler heh14:50
jdstrandalright, seems ted has it under control, I just wanted to reiterate what he was saying :)14:50
kenvandinewriting games should be fun :)14:50
kenvandinejdstrand, thanks14:50
popeykenvandine: it is for me, who doesn't know qml very well14:50
Elleosaidinesh5: nah, I think we wanted a solution that worked as well as possible for all developers, rather than just those that could license stuff from digia14:50
kenvandinetedg, so indeed... i guess i need my hook to make a symlink too14:50
saidinesh5oh.. wasnt there a fossy version on github?14:50
tedgkenvandine, Just add a click hook, and click will do it for you.14:50
jdstrand(you won't have access to aa-exec-click, can't aa_change_profile(), etc, etc)14:50
kenvandinetedg, yes...14:51
tedgkenvandine, You don't even need to give click an exec14:51
Elleosaidinesh5: yeah, it's not usable yet though14:51
saidinesh5ohh thanks for the warning14:51
tedgkenvandine, Just have it maintain a directory of symlinks14:51
kenvandinejdstrand, yeah, that's what i hit... and i was like "no way i want to use aa-exec-click" :)14:51
Elleosaidinesh5: or at least it wasn't when we last looked at it, iirc it fails on anything using Loaders14:51
kenvandinetedg, yeah, i was trying to be slick and just reuse what i knew would be there14:51
Elleosaidinesh5: and didn't have arm support at the time (although I think they were working on that)14:51
kenvandinepopey, i played with construct 2 for a bit last night, i pretty quickly felt constrained, just couldn't do what i wanted14:52
jdstrandkenvandine: iirc, isn't this just an executable down in /usr/lib somewhere?14:52
saidinesh5ohh i thought it compiled things to C++?14:52
kenvandineit's a nice tool though14:52
saidinesh5whats so big about arm support?14:52
kenvandinejdstrand, well... my mir-connection-demangler is14:52
kenvandinewhich uses execvp on the app's exec14:52
popeykenvandine: interesting.14:52
kenvandinewhich would most likely be qmlscene14:52
jdstrandI see, I was missing context14:53
Elleosaidinesh5: looks like they have arm support now: https://github.com/qmlc/qmlc14:53
kenvandinei need to be able to launch any app that provides a picker14:53
Elleosaidinesh5: it's basically just doing the normal Qt JIT stuff in advance14:53
kenvandinepopey, it's fun to play with though14:53
kenvandinepopey, so are there a lot of games created with it?14:53
jdstrandkenvandine: oh, interesting, I thought it went the other way around. I thought the app needed to execvp mir-connection-demangler14:54
Elleosaidinesh5: whereas we let Qt do its JIT at app start-up and then save the JIT code then (so the developer doesn't have to worry about it)14:54
kenvandinejdstrand, ah... no other way :)14:54
Elleo(and it keeps pure QML apps arch independent)14:54
Elleosaidinesh5: whereas I think the qml compiler from Digia does a lot more advanced stuff14:54
kenvandinemir-connection-demangler is just used to get the handle for the mir connection14:54
kenvandineso the app can use it14:54
kenvandineso it needs to be the middle man14:55
popeykenvandine: yeah, I rummage around in their forums a bit but seems mostly hobby devs14:55
kenvandinepopey, yeah, that's the impression i got, clearly there are more construct2 games than there are ubuntu games...14:55
popeywell, yes.14:55
kenvandinebut it's nothing like libgdx or cocos2d-x :)14:55
* jdstrand wonders if there is another problem lurking somewhere in there14:56
Elleosaidinesh5: I'm not sure exactly what it does, but iirc someone did some benchmarks and got some pretty impressive improvements on some things (particularly large listviews iirc)14:56
popeykenvandine: or unity3d14:56
kenvandinejdstrand, oh i'm sure i'll hit another wall14:56
kenvandinepopey, indeed14:56
Elleosaidinesh5: but that's proprietary, and has to be licensed from Digia unforunately, so I haven't looked at it in detail14:56
kenvandinebut it is so easy to package a construct2 game, we should promote that14:56
saidinesh5Ahh hmm14:56
popeykenvandine: blog it :)14:56
saidinesh5on android i can certainly see how slow the app startup is though14:56
kenvandinepopey, i will then!14:57
saidinesh5and especially horrible if you use their qtquick controls!14:57
mptWhat’s the Touch equivalent of the ubuntu-meta package? i.e. deciding exactly what packages get shipped on the touch image14:57
jdstrandI just wonder about inserting a new parent for qmlscene, etc14:57
kenvandinempt, ubuntu-touch14:57
Elleosaidinesh5: personally I quite like Jolla's approach (and Nokia's old approach) of having all the common qt+qml libs in the app launcher's memory and just fork that to spped up start up time, but apparently that causes some security issues I believe14:58
kenvandinejdstrand, well it still runs under the same profile it normally would14:58
kenvandinei suspect it'll be fine14:58
jdstrandif there are things that are going to be expecting qmlscene or similar in /proc14:58
kenvandinebut then again... the deeper i get in this... the more layers i find :)14:58
mptkenvandine, <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch> and <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch> both 40414:58
jdstrandI think the apparmo rbits will be ok14:58
jdstrandI wonder about other parts of the system14:58
jdstrandthe sdk14:59
saidinesh5hmm..... iirc N9 used to use screenshots to make the startup look faster too14:59
kenvandinempt, oh... ubuntu-touch-meta14:59
kenvandinesorry :)14:59
ogra_mpt, ubuntu-tuoch-meta14:59
Elleosaidinesh5: yeah, that's super cheating :P14:59
saidinesh5hehh but worked nicely14:59
ogra_(without the typo :P )14:59
jdstrandI'm not saying there is a problem. I'm merely saying I wouldn't be surprised if there was14:59
saidinesh5even apple does that i think14:59
kenvandinejdstrand, yeah... lets hope not :)14:59
mptkenvandine, thank you kindly :-)14:59
mptI’ll add it to the Avengers page14:59
ogra_does anyone still use that ?15:00
jdstrandI can say that one won't be able to use the current Exec line that is created in the desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications the the desktop hook provides15:00
shashankmcHey, anyone has any clue if ubuntu touch can be flashed on one touch idol x plus?15:00
jdstrandcause it does: Exec=aa-exec-click -p ... -- <original Exec=>15:00
kenvandinejdstrand, yeah... that's what i just learned :)15:01
mptogra_, the Design team does … Unless you’re steeped in the code it’s not at all obvious which package controls which UI15:02
kenvandinei was trying to avoid my hook from keeping it's own symlink... but that didn't work out15:02
jdstrandbut that probably doesn't matter cause I think these days ual is always preferred with unity8, and the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications is for non-mir environments15:02
mptogra_, for example, today I discovered that a bug report being filed on “ciborium” was not actually an accident15:02
ogra_mpt, ah, good then ... i just wasnt sure if it is still used15:02
ogra_heh, yeah15:02
ogra_we also have nuntium :)15:03
jdstrandalright, well, I suspect there may be an issue lurking somewhere, but I hope not15:03
saidinesh5Elleo: git pull15:33
saidinesh5filtering even words out by caching some data. So increased memory usage by 4MB. but you should have a much higher speed now...15:34
Elleosaidinesh5: okay, cool; still trying to revive my phone15:35
saidinesh5was doing this only for swipes before because words there are really big.. 30 characcters on average15:35
saidinesh5Ahh sure np15:35
saidinesh5Also another interesting bug was increasing the UI responsiveness of skeyer itself15:35
saidinesh5i was using onMouseMoved: displayPoints.push(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))15:36
saidinesh5which was working well on my desktop but absolutely sucking on friends' shiny android phones15:36
saidinesh5to draw the swipeTail15:36
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Elleointeresting, do you get a lot more mouse movements reported on touch perhaps?15:36
saidinesh5was surprised but i figured out pushing so many points on such tiny screen but such high screen resolution => lots of reallocs()15:37
saidinesh5so using a prealllocated ringBuffer now in the UI15:37
saidinesh5heh another cool trick was in the bruteforcematcher15:39
saidinesh5previously i was using QMap<qchar, int> ish data type to store the frequencies of characters in a word15:39
saidinesh5and i needed their "diffs"15:39
saidinesh5so allocating/deallocating a new QMap<qchar,int> and copying stuff there to diff things was just waaaaaay too many reallocations15:40
saidinesh5and QMap<qchar,int> is not exactly O(1) either15:40
saidinesh5so now using QVector< QPair<QChar, int> > to store frequency vectors15:41
saidinesh5and doing things in O(n) as opposed to the O(nlog n) as previously done15:41
Elleosweet :)15:41
saidinesh5basically given 2 sets , finding intersection...15:42
saidinesh5is much easier with "sorted sets"15:42
mariogrip_ogra_ will qcom cne work with ubuntu touch?15:42
saidinesh5now the one place that can use some speed up is the editDistance method itself.. but holding it back until you tell me it i really needed :P15:43
saidinesh5kcachegrind output btw http://imgur.com/a/iuePf#015:44
Elleogreat :)15:48
ElleoI suspect I'm going to have to resort to a --wipe now, reflashing doesn't seem to be going anywhere15:49
ogra_mariogrip_, hmm, that would likely require some support in network-manager ... not sure if there is anything yet ... i guess cyphermox could tell you15:49
mariogrip_ogra_ is there any way of disable it?15:50
ogra_no idea, i didnt know about cne 10min ago :)15:51
ogra_but i assume if your driver supports it there might be a switch in the driver to turn it on7off15:52
mariogrip_I might use the init.rc setup of mako.15:53
saidinesh5Elleo: next time use a chroot :P15:53
Elleosaidinesh5: next time let other people worry about Qt upgrade issues :P15:54
saidinesh5lol the last time i had qt upgrade issues the only option for me was chroot15:54
saidinesh5cuz apt get was pulling in things that messed with /boot and breaking the whole device instead of just that multirom15:55
ogra_yeah, better use chroots15:55
dobeymardy: did you see my comment on your MP? also, i'm not sure how you're testing it exactly, but it seems to me like it would just not work, as well.15:55
Elleosaidinesh5: yeah, I need to be testing issues on the phone though to be sure they're fixed15:55
Elleosaidinesh5: plus the silo system *should* avoid the sort of issue you were running into15:56
* ogra_ thinks we should probably provide a "lxc-developer container" 15:56
Elleo(assuming the silo doesn't contain packages that break stuff)15:56
ogra_Elleo, the base system does15:56
ogra_our images are not designed as RW images15:56
saidinesh5Elleo: i thought multirom isnt supported by utouch?15:56
mardydobey: yes, you are right that queryinfo fails, but the write succeeds (for some reason signond allows that); but you are right, a script would be better15:57
ogra_eventually you will hit a package that tries to regenerate the initrd or one that has files in the writable space15:57
Elleoogra_: yeah, I realise that; but I'm trying to test Qt 5.4.1 upgrades to our images from silo 1215:57
ogra_either case will break your upgrade15:57
dobeymardy: that's odd that write is allowed. wouldn't that be a problem that any app could exploit by simply adding itself to the acl?15:58
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mardydobey: no, it's not like that; it's that because of a workaround we added, "unconfined" can add itself to any ACL16:11
dobeymardy: ok. could we maybe just change signond instead to always add unconfined to any accounts that don't have it when something tries to access them?16:15
dobeymardy: that would at least move it to a single place for all accounts, and we could avoid duplicating the code to add unconfined to the ACL across all the plug-ins16:16
mardydobey: no, modifying the ACL on the fly doesn't seem correct; we could add a debian patch to let "unconfined" always pass, but it's a pity since ATM we don't have any upstream patches16:22
ryan_evosIs the Ubuntu Touch Email client (part of Core Apps) still a thing?16:25
dobeymardy: why doesn't it seem correct? and i'm not sure why that would need to be a patch. requiring all plug-ins to duplicate code to add the same ACL seems incorrect to me16:25
ogra_ryan_evos, dekko is ...16:26
dobeyryan_evos: a) there is no "Touch." it's just Ubuntu. b) it's not part of core apps no, but dekko does exist yes16:26
dobey(at least, i don't think it's part of the core apps project)16:26
ogra_ryan_evos, https://appstore.bhdouglass.com/app/dekko.dekkoproject16:26
ryan_evosWas looking at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/EmailClient16:27
dobeyryan_evos: that is dekko16:28
ryan_evosGot it16:28
dobeythat wiki page is way outdated and i don't think it's actually part of core apps, though16:28
dobeymhall119, popey: ^^ is that wiki page still relevant wrt dekko? can you delete/update it as appropriate?16:29
dobeyok i need to get lunch16:33
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DonkeyHoteiis rsalveti here?17:01
ogra_pitti, juts FYI, the image build looks fine17:01
ogra_Building dependency tree...17:01
ogra_Package 'systemd-sysv' is not installed, so not removed17:01
ogra_ubuntu-minimal is already the newest version.17:01
ogra_thats all i get new with your changes17:02
mhall119Mirv: are you the guy to talk to about getting QtOrganizer API docs?17:03
pittiogra_: thanks!17:03
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DonkeyHoteiis rsalveti here?17:15
OerHeksDonkeyHotei, likely AFK17:20
davmor2mhall119: he will likely be offline now but I would hazzard if Mirv isn't he can point you in the right direction maybe email him17:21
seb128my rtm bq displays a wifi signal icon in the indicator but the aps list shows none as connected to17:21
seb128is that a known issue?17:22
davmor2mhall119: he is on holiday too till tuesday-ish iirc too17:22
seb128kenvandine, mandel, bah, didn't see that for a while, but I just saw a case of duplicated updates on the settings panel on rtm 249 :/ (http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/updates.jpg)17:28
kenvandineseb128, ugh17:28
kenvandinei wonder how that happened... we clear that model17:29
attente_bfiller: hi, would you mind looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/maliit/1245925/+merge/25031117:29
kenvandineseb128, did you maybe backout of the updates page before it was done checking then go back in?17:29
seb128kenvandine, I had n-m in a weird state, see just before17:29
kenvandineit should still be getting cleared, but maybe there's a race17:30
seb128kenvandine, it would display the icon as being connected to wifi but no ap selected17:30
seb128kenvandine, I might have done that as well yes17:30
kenvandineoh... so maybe the check was hung17:30
seb128could be17:30
kenvandineand it resumed after a second check started17:30
kenvandinewhich shouldn't be possible, but if the connectivity API reported as connected when it was, perhaps17:31
seb128well, first time I saw it in a while17:31
bfillerattente_: going to pass that on to Elleo to have a look17:31
kenvandineseb128, it probably couldn't happen if it wasn't for the nm bug :)17:32
attente_bfiller: ok, thanks17:32
kenvandinei haven't seen it in ages either17:32
seb128kenvandine, could be :-)17:32
Elleoattente_: will take a look tomorrow, just about to finish for the day :)17:39
Elleosaidinesh5: performance is *much* better, that's really cool17:39
attente_Elleo: sure, thanks :)17:39
saidinesh5Elleo: :D17:40
saidinesh5swipes are still a little  slower though17:40
saidinesh5but will have to fix that later17:40
saidinesh5typing is quite harder for me since the last 20 days cuz of what looks like RSI17:40
saidinesh5Elleo: and the memory usage?17:40
Elleosaidinesh5: ouch, one of my friends had pretty bad RSI a few years back; really important to get it looked at as soon as possible and don't do much typing if its hurting17:41
saidinesh5oh :\17:41
Elleosaidinesh5: iirc he found some pads that elevated his wrists as he typed helped a lot17:41
saidinesh5hmm i should try that17:42
Elleosaidinesh5: but best to get some proper advice from a doctor, it got a lot worse for him because he ignored it for ages and carried on working ridiculously long hours despite it17:42
saidinesh5oh define ages17:43
saidinesh5its been 20 days for me17:43
Elleosaidinesh5: memory usage is a bit high (78MB), but I think we can probably completely replace hunspell with libskeyer, which will bring us back down by 10-15MB (depending on the dictionary)17:43
Elleosaidinesh5: but that's an acceptable trade off as far as I'm concerned for the much better performance :)17:43
saidinesh5interesting that skeyer is only 71MB17:43
saidinesh5but wait thats a debug build?17:44
saidinesh5yeah so everything should be around 50MBish then17:45
saidinesh5in release build17:45
Elleoyeah, and getting rid of hunspell with be a big benefit17:46
saidinesh5so this means i should work on finishing off the API first. wrt language models. 2 things needed: last used term needs more priority, need to add tests for incrementProbabilityOnce17:46
saidinesh5oh yes you were even using 2 threads before17:46
saidinesh5for hunspell17:46
Elleoyeah, we'll still have it multithreaded as we can't really afford any delay between a key being pressed and it being input17:47
Elleoeven slight latency there feels really awkward17:47
saidinesh5afaik for normal types every result is within 16msec, so it shouldnt matter.. no?17:47
Elleosaidinesh5: we'll still have presage doing stuff as well though17:47
saidinesh5i would really like nice benchmarks though17:47
saidinesh5Ahhh i am actually looking for proper bigram models17:48
saidinesh5so i dont have to include presage17:48
saidinesh5google's dictionaries were supposed to have bigrams too17:48
saidinesh5but i couldnt find them17:48
Elleoyeah, we're currently using presage with 3-grams but I haven't evaluated its abilities on different amounts of n-grams really17:49
ElleoI think we just went with 3-grams because its the default presage recommends17:49
saidinesh5at this point i am actually not sure what you mean by 3-grams for presage though17:50
saidinesh5if it is q-grams or n-grams17:50
saidinesh5that is17:50
Elleosaidinesh5: n-grams17:50
Elleowhere n is 317:50
saidinesh5i know but i meant what presage means by ngrams17:50
Elleoah right17:50
saidinesh5because 3grams means 100s of mb of data17:50
saidinesh5proper 3grams17:50
Elleoyeah, I have dug into presage's internals in any great detail17:51
saidinesh5like q-grams are for filtering words before computing edit distance17:51
saidinesh5n-grams are more for predicting a word based on previous words17:51
saidinesh5most research papers i ve seen are calling q-grams as n-grams too17:51
Elleoyeah, presage basically builds a database of 1, 2 and 3 word n-grams and their frequency17:52
Elleobut I'm not sure if it has a threshold below which it might not bother recording them for example17:52
saidinesh5wow.. how big is that database17:52
Elleo(e.g. if you only see a 3-gram once it might not be worth reporting)17:52
saidinesh5yeah but the google 2 gram database was heaavy17:53
Elleosaidinesh5: depends on the sample data, by default presage produces its databases from books17:53
Elleosaidinesh5: e.g. a picture of dorian grey ends up giving you a ~6mb database17:53
Elleowhich is the default for english17:53
saidinesh5Ahh interesting17:53
saidinesh56MB doesnt sound much actually17:53
saidinesh5since the words are already indexed17:53
saidinesh5i can use integer arrays17:54
saidinesh5to store bigrams17:54
ElleoI did try building a really big database once, but presage's performance gets pretty dodgy with large databases (getting on for 40mb iirc)17:54
saidinesh5btw. google uses bigrams on android17:54
Elleoanyway, I have to go catch a train17:54
saidinesh5Ah sure cya later17:54
Elleobut thanks so much for your skeyer work, I think it's going to be a big boost to our keyboard :)17:54
saidinesh5hehh no mention :)17:55
saidinesh5this way more people work on and fix skeyer :P17:55
saidinesh5profit . win-win. etc.. :P17:55
mhall119thanks davmor217:58
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rokkiHi guys! I tried to compile reminders-app in my 15.04 desktop, but got the following error message:   Can not use "Organizer" module which has not yet been found.18:07
rokkiAny idea?18:07
davmor2rokki: might be better asked on #ubuntu-app-devel18:07
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rokkidavmor2: thanks, I saw this channel in the reminders-app wiki page as the IRC support channel18:08
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brendandbarry, i could look at hooking the upgrade reboot to autopkgtest-reboot, can you give an idea of what's involved?21:07
brendandbarry, somewhere to start from21:07
barryoh brendand, come back! :)21:47
dobeydoes anyone have a fresh rtm flashed onto a phone?22:01
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dobeyi guess not :-/22:08
aLeSD_hi all23:51
aLeSD_I started to port a device to ubuntu touch .. the documentation says that if I have a AOSP tree of the device it's easy23:51
aLeSD_I have this : https://github.com/bq/aquaris-E523:52
aLeSD_it's the kernel source of my device...23:52
aLeSD_the documentation says : If you're repository is compatible with the AOSP tree, it's just a matter of adding the device specific git repositories23:53
aLeSD_but my question is where ?23:53

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