
diddledandum de dum01:24
zmoylan-pidoobie doobie doo01:40
diddledando yoo 'ave a lissonce for this minkey?01:48
diddledando yoo 'ave a lissonce for this minkey?01:56
zmoylan-pithe monkey doesn't tell me what to play and i don't tell the monkey what to do with his money01:59
diddledanI have no idea what my nickserv password is02:04
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zmoylan-piglad that was cleared up :-)02:08
m0nkey_g'night all04:02
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diploMorning all08:25
MooDoomorning diplo08:40
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:43
davmor2Morning all09:17
MooDoomorning chap09:18
davmor2MooDoo: Pip pip, tally ho, olwd bean, in top form dear chap, you?09:19
MooDooyeah man ok09:20
davmor2MooDoo: for some reason I expected a Peace Man \/m09:23
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Grammar Day! :-D10:10
daftykinsgood morning indeed10:16
daftykinsargh there's an air conditioning unit near here that's periodically making a huge squeaky racket :P10:16
foobarrywd40 in the intake :P10:16
daftykinsmmm, trouble is i can't quite pinpoint where it's coming from10:19
daftykinsi love on a narrow steep lane, so the sound is bouncing like crazy10:19
daftykinstempted to ask the hotel opposite but it might not be theirs, could be a unit that's just beside some flats10:19
daftykinsthough it has all manner of barbed wire fencing up to it10:19
daftykinsin other news - i just received a super cheap £208 Lenovo 15" intel i3 laptop!10:21
daftykinspretty neat it is too 0o10:21
davmor2JamesTait: One is particularly proud of 'is lack of grammar :P "The Walter in Majorca Don't Taste like Wot rit Aughta" and all that pip pip, tally ho10:26
JamesTaitI'm sorry, davmor2, I have no idea what you just said. :-P10:29
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz9_YfIQaz410:30
JamesTaitpopey, that link makes me smile, and reminds me of the second time I met Jane.  I was at Millbank for a sprint and, being only my second visit to the office, I thought I'd have a walk round and introduce myself to a few people.  I bumped into Jane in the kitchen, recognised her, and introduced myself with "Hello, I don't think we've met - I'm James."10:32
JamesTaitpopey, her response?  "Yes, I know, we met before when you were going to Italy."10:33
daftykins"now give me back my mug"10:33
JamesTaitI felt like an idiot, but she was so nice about it.10:33
daftykinsshould've used the twin brother defense10:34
JamesTaitI used the "New guy, flying visit, still finding my feet" tactic.10:34
JamesTaitWhich was perfectly valid - I'd been with the company three weeks, as I recall.10:35
daftykinshmm i might use this Windows 8.1 Lenovo as an opportunity to document an Ubuntu beside Windows dualboot install10:38
daftykinsso many get drowned in the many ridiculous partitions these OEM things come with10:39
JamesTaitdavmor2, I remember that advert - I'd forgotten just how well she does the accents, though. :D10:39
davmor2JamesTait: it's the bloke at the end that tickles me after she's done such a great job :)10:40
JamesTait"Ya, absolutely wrong!"10:40
popeywoah, skype is built into windows 10?10:41
daftykinsas will be the program to stream from the xbox 0o10:41
davmor2popey: well MS owns them so why wouldn't they10:41
foobarrylike msn was "built in"?10:41
foobarryits like antitrust never happened10:42
daftykinsi don't think the case was ever about instant messaging programs10:42
foobarryit killed aim/yahoo and others10:43
daftykinsyahoo's still going afaik10:43
foobarryand real player had a case too10:43
foobarryalthought real SUCKED10:43
daftykinsrealBUFFERINGplayer :>10:44
foobarryIn October, 2005, Microsoft agreed to pay RealNetworks $460 million to settle an antitrust lawsuit.[10]10:44
foobarryNumber of employees10:45
foobarry1,060 (2012)10:45
daftykinsthat's how many Real had?10:50
foobarryin 201210:53
foobarryand probably still have them10:53
foobarryyahoo and real are enigmas to me10:53
popeyreal (until recently) were paid licenses by a number of tv networks for their streaming servers10:54
popeyyahoo are paid by large companies who have content deals10:54
popeye.g. SAP has/had Yahoo! integration10:55
foobarrybought a load of batteries off ebay, seem to be good prices10:59
foobarrythe same duracells i usually buy10:59
daftykinsyou're not a rechargable fan?11:00
foobarrynot with the kids11:00
foobarrywe have so many devices11:00
foobarrysometimes the batteries stay there for years11:00
foobarryand get passed on with the batteries still there11:00
foobarryother things (wii) then i'm not organised enough to have a good supply11:01
daftykins7dayshop.com is always worth a look, used to be a local warehouse but i'm not sure what they do now11:01
daftykinsi've got some great 2900mAh AA's from them11:02
foobarryuse a lot of their stuff11:02
foobarryfor audio work i do11:02
foobarrypowering wireles mics etc11:02
daftykinsah neat11:03
daftykinswe used to have LVCR or low value consignment relief, which was a loophole from the 80s to allow cheap flower export to England to be VAT free. Sadly it had been taken advantage of by etailers such as HMV and 7dayshop there... so the UK gov decided to kill it11:04
foobarrysometimes you just need duracells to get you through 6 hrs of handheld mic though11:04
daftykinsovernight these companies packed up and moved to somewhere in Europe instead11:04
foobarrywhat was the jersey based cd company?11:05
foobarryand them too,11:05
foobarryused to like play.com11:05
daftykinsmmm, it was good for a time11:05
foobarrythen they killed it11:05
foobarrywith 3rd party sellers11:06
foobarryand probably the UK gov thing was at the same time then11:06
daftykinsi think there was a great decline beforehand, not sure on timing though11:07
daftykinsooh my the main telco is rolling out 4G hardware11:07
daftykinsmakes no difference to me :D11:08
foobarrythis looks cool11:08
foobarrymaybe a "nice to have"11:08
foobarryrather than worth it though11:08
foobarrychomps up magazines v quickly11:09
foobarrysome guy is givign me a massive load of old scale modelling magz11:10
daftykinsi got a free printer with this cheap Lenovo laptop today, Canon Pixma iP285011:10
foobarrydon't mind if its destructive scanning, but i want to archive them11:11
daftykinsmagazine subscriptions?11:11
foobarryof course the pilatesbay could help with newer stuff if i actaully own them11:11
foobarrygoing back 10yrs or so11:11
foobarryabout 5 diffeerent magz11:11
foobarryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFQQ1a_KY-Y seems pretty quick process11:12
foobarryunsure if i need a computer on , or i cuold send to my microserver11:13
daftykinsscanners that dump direct onto a network file share are great :D11:13
foobarryouch the network one is £35011:15
foobarryalso linux support is poor for the 1300i11:21
daftykinshmm grabbing a 14.04.2 ISO to throw on this flash drive then install beside Windows on this Lenovo :D11:26
* directhex moos11:27
daftykinsa wild hexy11:28
daftykinsgood to see you on the ol' xbox one often, sir - whether it's yourself or wifey11:28
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directhexdaftykins: the kinect can spy me in the kitchen11:42
zmoylan-piwhere the presence of a potential hot grease discourages nudity... :-)11:43
popeyi never use my xbox11:43
popeyalways sam on it11:43
popeyso the avatar is now looking like him11:44
popeyi should figure out one day if we can both have an account on it and be on live and me not pay extra11:46
zmoylan-piand if you do ms will find a way to stop that :-)11:47
daftykinsi think there's some kind of family setup, not sure on the details though11:47
directhexpopey: as of xbox one, yes. xbox 360 no.11:50
daftykinswell this is novel, normally i'm the one shocked at people unable to get a machine to boot ubuntu over in #ubuntu - but this Lenovo is really proving difficult 0o11:55
zmoylan-pisecure boot off, bios on11:57
zmoylan-pihammer raised :-)11:57
zmoylan-pioh is this the new security thingy lenovo do...11:57
zmoylan-piverified boot11:58
daftykinsi'll keep going through my flash drive collection, i don't think it liked that one11:58
daftykinsa win7 drive came up fine both EFI and legacy11:58
zmoylan-pia thingy lenovo calls boot guard11:58
NET||abusehi guys. has anyone here managed to get an IPSEC vpn connection setup in 14.10?12:01
NET||abusei'm not sure what route to take and google is showing some pretty gnarly guides in the results12:01
directhexNET||abuse: server or client?12:02
NET||abusetrying to connect from my laptop to the office12:02
NET||abusethey gave me a networkconnect file (xml) and a document for mac connections..12:02
directhexnetwork-manager-strongswan installed?12:02
NET||abusetis now12:03
NET||abusesomehow i didn't land on the askubuntu article..12:03
jpdsdirecthex / NET||abuse: n-m-strongswan is le broken.12:03
NET||abuseended up digging through a bunch of other old articles.12:03
jpdsNET||abuse: Yeah, n-m changed the API and broke the plugin.12:04
jpdsNET||abuse: Configuring it directly in /etc/ipsec.conf works though.12:04
NET||abuseok,, how dirty do i need to get my hands to do that?12:05
daftykinswell there's a useful comment ;)12:06
NET||abuseif i've done "apt-get install strongswan network-manager-strongswan" do i need to change which packages i've installed.12:06
jpdsdaftykins: ...on your IPsec knowledge.12:06
jpdsNET||abuse: Nope.12:06
jpdsNET||abuse: Is the other end a strongswan server?12:06
jpdsUbuntu server with strongSwan*12:06
NET||abusenot sure.12:07
NET||abuseprobably not12:07
NET||abusei'm trying to https port for the host specified.12:07
jpdsYou should find that out.12:07
NET||abusei've no real way.12:07
jpdsCould be Cisco, Juniper, etc...12:07
NET||abuseit's a government vpn, some closed up department12:07
jpdsSurely your local admin should be setting this up?12:08
daftykinsok nope that was easy - system just didn't like the flash drive :) now it's bootable just dandy12:08
NET||abusethey don't offer that service, and they certainly dont support linux12:08
zmoylan-piphew daftykins12:09
daftykinsnow to consider whether 'install alongside Windows' or manual partitioning would be wisest12:16
popeyhas that bug been fixed which wipes out windows?12:17
jpdsdaftykins: Neither.12:18
jpdsOh, wait, fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/126519212:18
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Install/reinstall wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical,Fix released]12:18
daftykinswell i'm doing this a slightly cunning way12:19
daftykinsi've actually used windows 8 to backup the recovery, some files, deleted a wasteful partition then resized C:12:19
daftykinsso this 14.04.2 64-bit ISO just successfully offered to create root and swap in the space i had already created12:20
daftykinsbut the point is i'm gonna document it for others :D so i can restore it to how it was if i naff up12:20
daftykinsoh dear i didn't realise 14.04.2 comes with the utopic HWE, no thank you12:23
directhexnon-lts HWE is ubuntu's solution to the "how to make LTS boot on new computers" issue12:27
directhexwhich is a historical problem in ubuntu12:27
directhexthe alternative is backporting the world, which requires more engineer time12:27
directhexe.g. red hat's kernels which say "i am version x" but have most of version x+7's features glued in12:27
daftykinsmmm, i've just seen it get messy for others when the HWE ends support, would rather just stay on 100% LTS12:29
daftykinsam i imagining it, or did Ubuntu or rather Ubiquity used to copy the data you created during a live session, in ~, to the new install?12:32
diddledanali1234, sorry, I'm about to post a graham clueless link.. everyone else, new ssl vuln: https://grahamcluley.com/2015/03/freak-attack-what-is-it-heres-what-you-need-to-know/12:33
shauno'new'  hehe12:37
diddledanyeah well12:37
diddledannewly announced12:37
daftykinspopey: was that a nope to me?12:38
daftykinsthanks :>12:38
shaunothat's an interesting line, "Do you have an iPhone, an Android or a Mac OS X computer? It affects you."12:40
shaunoI just tried chrome & firefox on win7, both came up flagged.  I guess that's not as sexy though?12:40
daftykinswhat's worse to me, is he says "On Android devices, make sure to use something else instead of the built-in Android Browser."12:41
shaunosometimes it feels like editors go "nice article, but it doesn't mention apple.  go back and squeeze them in, kthxbye"12:41
daftykinsi think that depends on version 0o12:41
daftykinsnothing like a good Apple bashing12:42
shaunothey've truely overtaken msft :)12:42
zmoylan-piaren't all alternate browsers on ios limited12:42
diddledanzmoylan-pi, all alternative browsers on ios are just an apple-provided webview inside a wrapper app12:44
daftykinsused to be, the API was all that was available so you were basically just... ^12:44
daftykinsstill remember the boss' kid saying "my friend made a BROWSER!" and i was saying no, no he really didn't.12:44
zmoylan-piso would that make them more limited in terms of this new freak attack?12:45
daftykinssuper cheap machine!12:45
diddledanzmoylan-pi, it means that if the freak affects safari on ios then it affects all the other browsers too12:45
davmor2\o/ ubuntu phones browser is safe from freakattack :D12:46
zmoylan-piand if apple did or does fix it how far back does that patch reach iphone 4's?12:46
popeyjust wipe it and put cyanoge... oh hang on12:47
diddledanit might go as far back as the 4, more likely the 4S or even 5 minimum12:47
daftykinsthe 4 vanilla didn't get iOS 8, but the 4S did - so probably only the S12:47
popeyI should wipe my 4S and give it to wifey12:48
popeyshe's bumbling along with a 412:49
daftykinsmight be worth seeing how much 8.1.3 or whatever they're up to now, grinds it to a halt :D12:49
daftykinshrmm £21 to double this little thing to 8GB RAM12:51
diddledandoo eet12:52
popey\o/ wiped iphone12:52
daftykinsright now the machine stands at £208 cost :D12:52
popeywhat machine is it?12:52
diddledan229 sounds so much better12:52
popeyhah, neat, just got an email from apple saying find my iphone has been disabled now I wiped it12:53
daftykinsLenovo B50-70, intel i3 4030U, 4GB RAM and 500GB HD12:53
popeywe need a find my ubuntu phone12:53
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davmor2popey: why it's alway on the desk in front of me ;)12:53
popeythat's your phone12:53
diddledanI'm cold :-(12:54
popeyI want _my_ phone12:54
popeydaftykins: did it come with that superfish thing?12:54
diddledanooh, it's lunch time12:54
daftykinspopey: not sure, gonna wipe it anyway.12:54
diddledanfood ftw12:54
daftykinslikely put 7 on instead of 8, if it goes to mother12:54
diddledan<norman bates> Yessss, mother!12:54
davmor2diddledan: you're norman bates......quick arrest the psycho12:55
diddledanspeaking of mother - don't you love how in the original alien movie the computers are text-output12:55
zmoylan-piyou'll need an ssd if she's in a rocking chair :-)12:55
directhexdiddledan: have you played Alien Isolation? they didn't update that at all - it's delightfully future-retro12:56
diddledan.. and how they thought it would look more computery if the text appeared one character at a time12:57
daftykinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10526631/ - OEM machines are such a mess partitions wise :P13:00
zmoylan-pisaves 1-2p on supplying recovery disks13:01
daftykinsnow i have to wait ~28 days to ask for the £50 cashback from Lenovo13:02
daftykinsoh crap i see smoke outside13:02
daftykinsargh there's a courtyard behind my place so it's impossible to even work out what house/shop/office it's coming from13:03
daftykinsproper white stuff rising though O_O13:03
zmoylan-pievacuate just in case13:03
daftykinswell it's only me and the cat in mine ;)13:04
zmoylan-piunless the cat is smart and has already left the building in a calm relaxed manner13:04
daftykinsnope still sunning herself on the stairs13:05
daftykinsthat's the life13:06
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zmoylan-pifind sunbeam and enter suspended animation...13:06
popeyi shut the door to the rest of the house, the cats are stuck in here with me13:12
* daftykins hears a chorus of scared miaows13:13
daftykinsoh my, 1pm already13:13
diddledandaftykins, food!13:13
daftykinsdebating going out on a visit, too13:14
daftykinsnow that i have finished playing with the toy, at least for now13:14
daftykinsthe free printer it came with i'm not so excited about...13:14
zmoylan-pinot big enough for cat to sleep on? :-)13:15
daftykinsit's not in direct sunlight right now ;)13:15
daftykinsit's a bit rude that Lenovo have a little security tape thing on the hard disk screw inside that laptop13:16
shaunoI know it's out of place, but a quick windows question .. any idea how to see what's accessing the disk?13:17
zmoylan-piit's so they can tell if it was repaired by a professional or an amateur.  the amateur will find a way to not disturb it whereas the professional will say sod that and rip it off :-)13:18
daftykinsshauno: task manager with added columns of IO13:20
shaunoooh, these I've never spotted.  that should help :)13:21
shaunomy work laptop keeps crawling.  absolutely crawling.  and you can hear the disk churning away when it does.  so I'm nosey13:21
daftykinsooh-err, touching swap? er virtual memory... ;D13:22
daftykinsooh my not Rory13:23
diddledanrory says "canonical, which basically runs ubuntu" <-- what happened to the huge volunteer developer community?13:28
diddledanthe meizu mx4 looks nice, with a very slim bezel <313:30
diddledanI'm all about that bezel!13:30
diddledanthat bezel!13:31
diddledanso. when's the ubuntu watch?13:31
daftykins1st of Nevruary13:32
daftykinsNeveruary 0o13:32
zmoylan-piwell you get a dogs collar and glue it to the back of your ubuntu phone.  remember watches have been getting huge in last few years :-)13:32
daftykinsdiddledan: what's for lunch?13:41
diddledanburger and chips when I go to the café13:41
diddledanI was just about to head out13:41
daftykins:O a whole cafe lunch, crikey13:42
diddledantake-away so I don't have to be without cpu-juice for too long13:42
diddledanhey, it's my birthday, so I'm pushing the boat out :-p13:42
daftykinshappy birthday sir!13:43
daftykinswhat was it, 32, 33?13:43
diddledanI'm now 32 (binary)13:43
zmoylan-pionly a few years away from mid life crisis13:44
daftykinsah yesh13:44
shaunodiddledan: you're now over 1 billion seconds old.  well done.13:44
* daftykins blows a party thingy at diddledan 13:44
diddledanyeah, don't remind me - someone put a picture on facebook of the spice girls stating that it was 18 years ago13:44
shauno(isnt' that a bit nuts.  1 million seconds is ~11 days.  1 billion seconds is ~1 diddledan.)13:45
diddledansomeone replied saying they showed the picture to their 18year old daughter who asked "who are they?"13:45
daftykinsthat's one lucky kid.13:45
diddledanimagine the oodles of people alive now who don't know who blobby is!?!13:46
zmoylan-pithe year cds went on sale in uk13:46
diddledantony blair became an mp in 8313:48
zmoylan-piwasn't all good then13:48
diddledanclive sinclair received his knighthood in 8313:48
zmoylan-pifirst episode of blackadder \o/13:48
zmoylan-pifirst episode of blockbusters.  can i have a p please bob13:49
diddledanzmoylan-pi, down the hall on the right13:50
diddledanyey, the first cruise missiles at greenham13:50
zmoylan-pibest games of 1983.  spy hunter... atic atac... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IREp_YSXxIE13:53
diddledanbbiab, food!13:53
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daftykinsim' reading about this Dennis Nilsen chap 0o13:57
foobarrymate of mine's dad was on who caught him13:57
daftykinsoh wow14:01
daftykinsany ideas how they did it 0o14:01
daftykinsmaybe i should just try and find that part14:01
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
daftykinscor, it's way too dark reading about that14:15
daftykinscan't imagine having to deal with that for work O_O14:15
diddledanwow, that's .. I'm not sure how to describe it, daftykins14:26
diddledanfun eating while reading that14:26
diddledanpopey, november is ages away14:27
diddledanvalve missed the obvious branding tho, steam machine would have been better as "steam engine"14:28
shaunothey already have an engine though, Source14:29
davmor2diddledan: Locomotive14:30
diddledanwhat's the difference between "windows 8.1" and "windows 8.1 with bing"?14:30
shauno"with bing", I'd imagine :)14:31
zmoylan-piinternet explorer is locked to bing seemingly.  a cheap windows licence for manufacturers to stop chromebooks i think was the idea.  didn't sell well14:32
zmoylan-pifirst thing you do is download firefox or chrome depending on your religion and you're grand :-)14:34
diddledanit's a systembuilder thing - the license to builders is 0 based on the caveat that the oem can't also change the ie search engine to default google by signing a deal where google pay for that privilege14:34
diddledanyou can change the search engine yourself so in a way it's no different to non-oem-bundled editions of windows14:35
diddledanref: http://www.howtogeek.com/195934/what-exactly-is-windows-8.1-with-bing-do-i-have-to-use-bing/14:36
diddledanoh, if anyone does ssl-on-a-server I'd like to recommend sslmate14:39
diddledanit's a commandline automation of ssl certificate request and download from a ca14:39
diddledanthey also have a function in the cli app that will dump out configuratino for standard web servers14:40
diddledancopy+paste is so much better than manually typing everything14:40
diddledanand the config they dump follows best-practice in terms of cipher order and the like14:41
daftykinsmmm fresh croissant from pasty presto around the corner :D14:45
diddledanthat's one thing the french do well14:49
diddledanbread + cakes14:49
diddledanthat's two things the french do well14:49
zmoylan-piall too far north14:56
daftykinsyes, you are ;)14:57
diddledannewquay is north?14:58
zmoylan-pinorth of the equator, yes14:58
diddledanwell I suppose "lots of planets have a north" (according to 9)14:58
diddledanaah, you're talking about too far north for optimum launching. I assumed you were referring to travel time to get there15:01
zmoylan-piwell that too, and the language barrier :-P15:01
diddledanstill, uk-to-aus in 2 hours sounds fun15:01
diddledanof course that requires aus to build one, too15:02
zmoylan-piwith an extra hour for security and waiting for your bag to be dug out of the ground after it broke lose15:02
foobarrymmm jelly snakes15:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
shaunowoot, moar toys  *hugs postman*15:33
diddledanwhatcha bought15:36
shaunoall the rams15:37
shaunomore ram than I could ever use :)15:37
shaunowell, until I figure out bank switching15:38
shaunoI also found out what's hogging all the disk on my windows machine.  "mcafee process validation service" :(15:42
daftykinsi'd be tempted to whip it off and reinstall, it could've gone funky from regular patching15:47
daftykinsi've seen that happen at times15:47
diddledanshauno, what is your rams for?15:56
shaunoyou fill it with numbers.  and then when you ask nicely, they come back out15:56
diddledanwhich machine?15:56
shaunooh.  I'm having fun sticking stuff to a z80 to see what happens15:57
diddledany'eejit :-p15:57
shaunoit's not so much 'a machine' at the moment15:57
diddledanz80 with 32GB of rams sounds... interesting15:57
shaunoheh.  I got a whole megabit of ram15:57
shaunowhich is more than it can address, but it seems easier than buying small chips these days15:58
diddledanit's probably easier to emulate15:58
shaunowhere's the fun in that?15:59
diddledantrue, you can't show off an emulator and say "look at my frankenstein's monster!"15:59
diddledanhint, apparently girls don't want to hear that on a first date16:00
daftykinshrmm what was the old syntax, "sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0" sound about right?16:02
diddledanyeah that looks close16:03
diddledanmaybe without -net16:03
diddledanor maybe net without the dash16:03
diddledanI only really need(ed) the default route16:04
diddledanonly ever(16:04
diddledanwhich is `route add default via 192.168.x.y` or sometimes `route add default gw 192.168.x.y`16:05
diddledanI didn't work out why one was used in some places and the other in others16:05
daftykinsmmm there's some guy in #ubuntu with multiple subnets today16:06
daftykinsit's all a bit odd :P16:06
diddledanhe's a weirdo16:06
daftykinsjust someone trying to do things with something they've no experience of i think16:07
daftykinsso possibly all of us XD16:07
diddledanI still say he's a weirdo16:08
daftykinsthen you're a big meanie16:08
diddledanhey, I resemble that remark!16:08
diddledanno, wait, I meant "resent"!16:09
shaunowhich one?  big, meanie, or weirdo?16:09
diddledanwhich one do I resemble or which one do I resent?16:10
diddledanin that case then, all three :-p16:12
daftykinsorganising a curry with you two would be unpossible16:12
shaunowell, I can see logistical issues.  we're all on different islands.16:15
daftykinswe should all agree to have a curry, then swap who phones whos for the order16:16
daftykinsthen leave a UUID for the collection name16:16
ali1234dining cryptographers?16:17
daftykinsthis little Lenovo is quite lovely then, but oh my word i can't stand using systems without an SSD, now16:17
diddledandaftykins, I've got a difference in speed of my fastest ssd at 100MB/s to my slowest HDD at 1MB/s in the SAME SYSTEM!16:20
daftykinsthat's a slow SSD and a very slow HDD :>16:20
daftykinsi take it that was made up?16:20
diddledanyeah, the ssd was a conservative estimate16:20
diddledanthis is for extracting a zip to and from the same drive as a contrived test16:21
diddledana zip of linux-like file collection - i.e. a slew of loads of really tiny files and some big files16:22
diddledanI think it was a zip of drush (the drupal shell) which contained a load of php files and php itself with all it's supporting libraries16:23
diddledan6Gb/s is max of about 500MB/s?16:24
daftykinsbut now there are lovely M.2 SSDs with PCI-E 2x connections, or higher16:24
diddledanmmmmm, they sound tasty16:25
directhexthey're also tiny16:27
directhexno 1T m.2 drives on the market16:27
daftykinsthat's alright, there seems to be talk of upcoming boards having 2 or 3 slots O_O16:28
diddledanthen of course for speed-demons: http://go.bwlh.at/1w3ptLX16:31
daftykinsthose are pretty ancient now though, and sandforce based16:32
daftykinssuper unreliable controllers16:32
diddledanif you happen to have a hole burning in your wallet: http://go.bwlh.at/1w3pXBV16:33
intrbizI have one of these, allows for 4xmsata - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lycom-PE-125-AHCI-6Gbps-RAID-4x-mSATA-Low-Profile-PCIe-2-0-Host-Adapter-/121431347857?pt=UK_Computing_ComputerComponents_InterfaceCards&hash=item1c45df529116:36
daftykinsmSATA is old hat now ;)16:37
intrbizsure, but still lots of it around and I like the compat with sata controllers16:38
diddledandoes booting off a pcie work via the option-rom capability of bios?16:38
diddledane.g. like the way old scsi cards used to work16:38
directhexthe UEFI equivalent.16:38
diddledanI don't got uefi16:39
daftykinsit only crops up on the modern platforms16:39
daftykinsif you got a card you'd likely be unable to boot from it16:39
directhexactually the answer is "no"16:39
directhexolder cards present to the firmware as AHCI devices16:39
intrbizdirecthex: probably depends on the PCIe card in question, server boots off spinning rust16:39
directhexso boot as such16:39
diddledanI got one of those weird frankensteins that gigabyte put together that's a bios with a uefi shim that the bios loads16:39
directhexnewer devices present as NVMe, so require support for that16:40
directhexi expect there'll never be NVMe support in BIOS compatibility layers16:40
daftykinsprobably no great loss16:40
diddledanthis isn't bios compatibility - it is a true bios with efi compatibility16:40
directhexyeah, i know16:40
directhexmy dad has one16:40
diddledanit's evil!16:40
directhexbricked his system when windows did a suspend16:40
directhexfor his model, there was a beta "bios update" available which replaced it with real uefi16:41
diddledanI wish I had waited until they version bumped the board to include efi16:41
daftykinsi'm glad i've skipped all that experimental period :>16:41
diddledanI've got a GA-990FXA-UD5 (ver 1.0) - they released a successor, the version 3.0, which has uefi natively16:42
directhexmsi did their experimental period last decade16:42
directhex"clickbios" boards from msi were uefi with mandatory bios compatibility years before anyone other than apple was doing uefi on x8616:42
diddledanyeah I bricked one of those16:44
directhexgigabyte invested a lot of time/money into adding clicky GUI stuff into their BIOS instead, hence "hybrid EFI" compatibility layer on top of BIOS16:44
daftykinslets give TV licensing another go16:48
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
zmoylan-piif you get rid of the licence fee for the bbc you'd end up with american tv 24x717:21
daftykinsmanaged to tell them i don't need one \o/17:22
daftykinsi don't watch any of it so... :D17:22
shaunoit sounds like they're trying to go the same way as ireland wants to - a universal fee17:22
MyrttiFinland moved into a TV tax everyone needs to pay17:23
zmoylan-pithey're moving to everyone pays in ireland.  the blind aren't exempt last i heard which has them a little miffed17:24
Myrttiwell it used to be tv licence but moved into "FBC tax" which more obviously funds the radio too.17:25
daftykinsi did hear they tax all forms of internet connection above a given speed in either Denmark or the Netherlands17:25
zmoylan-pithey're trying that angle i think in ireland but irish radio is given buttons of the fee17:25
zmoylan-pimind in dublin they switched off the audio cues on pedestrian crossings as sighted people complained that it confused them.  they didn't tell anyone and switched them all off in one weekend which was fun for blind pedestrians on the monday17:26
MyrttiI value the FBC radio more than their tv17:26
shaunoI get more out of bbc radio than TV too.  and their website17:27
* zmoylan-pi is fan of irish radio and gets a fair few podcasts from them17:27
daftykinsdoes the 'pod' bit come from 'ipod' ? 0o17:27
shaunobut the odd position in ireland is that I get much more out of the bbc than rte.  while makes the tv licence just feel silly17:27
zmoylan-pii think the pod in podcast was originally for ipods but now most people i know that use podcasts _don't_ use iphones or ipods17:28
bashrcI don't pay much attention to the beeb these days. Very occasionally I might be drawn to some news article on their web site, but that's about it17:29
MyrttiI love channel 4 podcasts17:29
zmoylan-pithe bbc world service is a far better potential weapon against extremists in afghanistan/pakistan than any troops ever sent if used right17:29
shaunoradio4 is a bedtime ritual for me17:29
shaunoexcept when they put cricket on instead of closing.  then I get woke up by the automated dude that tells me they don't have the rights to broadcast it online17:30
zmoylan-pibetter than having to listen to cricket :-)17:30
shaunothey should just cut to the worldservice like they usually do at close.  instead of 4 hours of this guy telling me why they didn't17:31
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)17:33
shaunoO di like the world service too.  but the version they have online has a strong african theme  (I believe they broadcast different schedules around the world, and only stream one)17:33
shaunoso, eg, I know who won the africa cup of nations this year.  and why it was moved to equatorial guinea  lol17:34
shaunowow.  my typing is fantastic today.17:34
zmoylan-piyou can fly the irish tri colour upside down and support ivory coast \o/17:35
bigcalmAt the office and have a shiny new Dell XPS 8700. Of course it's come with win 8.1 and I need to scrub it off. Trying to get Ubuntu 14.04 to install but it's not seeing the HDD. Any thoughts?17:36
shaunothe irish flag upsdie down is still the irish flag :)  you need to staple the wrong side to the mast to flip it17:36
bigcalmThe HDD is showing up in gparted, but not in the installer17:36
bigcalmdirecthex: have you been able to dual boot a win 8.1 machine that's using secure boot and uefi?17:41
diddledandaily fail today leads with the story of how jihadi john is actually an evil man because he spent 20 years on benefits17:42
diddledananywho, I'm off for a bit17:42
bigcalmdirecthex: how? :D17:44
directhexbigcalm: same way as without secure boot, in the case of ubuntu (which uses a signed bootloader)17:44
bigcalmdirecthex: so leave it all using secure boot and uefi, boot from a USB stick with Ubuntu 14.04.2 on it and let it work magic?17:46
bigcalmLooking in gparted at the harddrive, there are multiple existing partitions because it's Dell. gparted even complained that GPT was in the wrong place and offered to fix it for me - I ignored it17:47
bigcalmOkay, I'll try again17:47
directhexthe partition thing is likely a recovery partition thing being insane17:50
* bigcalm drums his fingers17:50
bigcalmIf leave the system using secure boot, grub appears when the USB stick is plugged in. But selecting any option results in a black screen and nothing else. This is the case for all HDMI and DVI ports.17:51
bigcalmDisabling secure boot results in getting further17:51
bigcalmAs in, the normal desktop system loads as expected17:52
bigcalmBut the HDD is not detected by the installer17:52
directhexthis doesn't sound like secure boot behaviour... how recent is it?17:53
directhexold GPU?17:53
bigcalmIt's brand new from Dell. Arrived today17:54
directhexfirmware update available?17:56
directhexa10 is current17:57
bigcalmI've not booted into Windows to find out :)17:57
bigcalmIt's using A0918:00
bigcalmI'll go through the Windows set-up and see about getting a firmware update18:00
daftykinsi'd leave off 14.04.2 since it uses the utopic HWE18:01
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popeythat makes no sense.18:02
popeyon a brand new machine, it makes way more sense to have a later kernel18:02
directhexdaftykins: you mean a modern kernel? that's a positive, not a negative, for HW support18:02
popeyespecially dell stuff18:02
popeywhere they ship consumer devices with bleeding edge hardware18:03
daftykinsi guess so, but does mean that when utopic dies you have to keep faffing with the upgrades18:04
bigcalmShould I try using 14.10 then?18:04
daftykinswell they're saying ignore me, so up to you :D18:04
popeybigcalm: no, 14.04 imo18:06
bigcalmGood. I want LTS on work machines18:06
daftykinsi've just seen too many crying in #ubuntu when HWEs die18:06
popeyHWEs don't "die"18:06
daftykinsyou know what i mean18:07
popeyno, I flat out don't18:07
daftykinsor if not, it should be pretty obvious18:07
daftykinsmmm you've used those words before18:07
popeyi don't know what you're talking about18:07
daftykinswhen the release the HWE comes from falls out of support18:07
daftykinse.g. when raring died so the 3.15 kernel and xorg on precise became EOL18:08
daftykinser, hmm no 3.518:08
daftykinsclear as mud? :D18:09
popeyI don't see the issue, you update to the next HWE stack18:10
popeyand get new shiny18:10
daftykinsyeah but all the tools to do so are a mess quite frankly18:10
popeynever had a problem with it personally18:10
daftykinslast time it happened there was a mix of output for people coming into #ubuntu - the verbose hwe-support-status command which i forget right now would say they were EOL but not tell them what to do to resolve it18:11
daftykinsbigcalm: amusingly i was just doing what you're doing, albeit with a Lenovo18:12
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diddledanquiet in here tonight23:35
Myrttidon't yinx it23:41
* m0nkey_ bangs his pots and pans23:50
m0nkey_LOUD ENOUGH FOR YOU?! :-P23:50

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