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sil2100Saviq: hey! Did you guys see the unity8 AP test failures on the vivid dashboard?10:07
Saviqsil2100, yeah, we're having trouble reproducing locally unfortunately :/10:08
Saviqevery time I release, I run the whole suite and get 100% pass (with maybe one flaky)10:08
sil2100Saviq: ouch... from the recent discussions I had with CI, smoketesting shouldn't be doing anything specific during image testing10:08
sil2100I think the only difference is in the unlock script10:09
sil2100Maybe that's the cause?10:09
Saviqwe'd need a video of the phone as it's running the tests10:09
sil2100I wonder if something like that can be arranged10:11
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dandraderSaviq, I had to manually add Jenkins to https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/shellRotation/+merge/248400. Will that work?13:33
dandraderI wonder why Jenkins wasn't there in the first place13:33
Saviqdandrader, huh, good question, I'm not totally sure how the MP scrubber works, but I'd say it probably won't change anything, let me see the job list13:34
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kgunn_Saviq: so i was playing around with cross building, and wanted to add a ppa to a chroot18:22
kgunn_was reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild#Temporarily_adding_PPAs18:22
kgunn_why does it say "add the ppa but don't update" ?18:23
kgunn_seems odd18:23
kgunn_....i've been tinkering and have noticed, apt-get update and upgrade don't seem to behave the same way18:23
kgunn_as my regular machien18:23
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anpoki guess because it updates on every build run18:31
anpokand hm that way you reduce the impact on the source chroot18:33
kgunn_anpok: so i have to re-run mk-sbuild ?...if so, what's the point of sbuild-update and such ?18:43
anpokkgunn_: hm you dont have to rerun mk-sbuild .. i mean the instruction tells to add the ppa to the source chroot.. which should usually only contains the build essentials.. and you want to stay clean18:53
anpokas far as i understood the build happens in an overlay .. that usually runs apt update18:53
anpokso there the ppa will affect the build process18:54
Saviqkgunn_, what anpok said, unless you want the PPA to be added permanently, don't update the *source* chroot - it will still update every time you build20:32
Saviqkgunn_, this way you can just remove the .list file and have the chroot pristine20:32
kgunn_Saviq: so say i don't mind, and i went into the chroot and did update/upgrade...i would expect to see it pull packages...but it didn't20:33
kgunn_i'm just wondering...maybe i don't understand20:33
Saviqkgunn_, no, that should work just fine20:33
Saviqkgunn_, apt-cache policy $a_package20:33
kgunn_Saviq: right...i do that, and it shows the ppa i added as a candidate...but it doesn't come up as installed20:34
kgunn_do i have to install manually ?20:34
Saviqkgunn_, is any other installed?20:34
* kgunn_ checks20:34
Saviqkgunn_, build chroots are generally very small20:34
Saviqkgunn_, meaning you only have the base system, and any dependencies are installed on demand20:34
kgunn_Saviq: right...so apt maybe doesn't behave the same way20:35
kgunn_i was gonna build macslows branch20:35
Saviqkgunn_, why do you say it doesn't behave the same way?20:35
kgunn_just installed silo 0 ppa first...20:35
Saviqkgunn_, "installing" a ppa20:35
kgunn_Saviq: meaning, i thot after upgrade apt-cache policy would show those packages from that ppa as installed20:36
Saviqkgunn_, is nothing more than upgrading your packages from a ppa, not installing all the ones available in the ppa20:36
kgunn_got it20:36
kgunn_so if it wasn't installed prior20:36
kgunn_then it still won't be20:36
Saviqyup, nothing will change20:36
kgunn_i get it now20:36
Saviqwhen you build, that's when it's gonna get pulled in20:36
kgunn_got it20:36
Saviqas a build dependency20:36
kgunn_like magic ?20:36
Saviqkgunn_, well, debian/control does that for you20:37
kgunn_i got it...right20:37
kgunn_this is the cmake part where it goes and looks for pkgs20:37
kgunn_and then installs20:37
kgunn_starting to make sense20:37
Saviqnot cmake20:37
Saviqkgunn_, sbuild just picks debian/control and installs everything declared in build-depends there20:37
Saviqkgunn_, cmake can only verify that something is available, can't install anything20:37
kgunn_got it20:38
kgunn_so they work in coordination20:38
Saviqwhich is why we get this unfortunate duplication of deps between cmake and debian/control20:38
kgunn_ok...so i'm just gonna try some building now and watch the magic20:38
Saviqbut that's because other people don't necessarily use dpkg20:39
Saviqso they just want the source and will install the dependencies by whatever means they want to20:39
kgunn_right, but we should all be uniform in this respect20:39
kgunn_w/in canonical projs20:39
kgunn_(in theory i suppose :)20:39
Saviqoh yeah, by "other people" I mean people that don't use a debian-derived distro20:40
kgunn_Saviq: so do you mount your home dir to work out of ? like build existing bzr branches you want to cross build ?20:40
kgunn_i did that...just curious is that's common20:40
Saviqkgunn_, I have my home mounted in the chroot, yes, that's the easiest, really, as you don't need a separate space to share between chroot and host20:41
Saviqkgunn_, but, if you use sbuild, it doesn't matter, as sbuild does all the things it needs to put the source and output in the right places20:41
Saviqkgunn_, it only really matters if you open the chroot manually (via schroot) and muck around in there20:42
kgunn_is it just personal pref ?20:42
kgunn_for some reason working in chroot makes me feel better20:42
Saviqkgunn_, it does mean you have to do manual steps20:42
Saviqkgunn_, when with sbuild you just call it in a source tree and go have a tea20:43
Saviqkgunn_, like just going at it manually you have to install deps manually (sure, via apt build-dep, but still it's you that has to call it)20:43
Saviqkgunn_, caveat: sbuild doesn't deal well with the :native bit in our debian/control, need to get rid of that if you want to use it20:44
* Saviq files a bug20:44
kgunn_i'm reading...20:50
kgunn_Saviq: so i just sbuild -s <dir of source>20:50
Saviqkgunn_, not -s20:51
Saviqkgunn_, -s would build you just a source package (so tarball + some dpkg bits)20:52
Saviqkgunn_, to cross-build, you go `sbuild --host=armhf -c name-of-chroot`20:52
kgunn_Saviq: sorry, i'm dense....how does it know what you want built? if you have a local source, e.g. from some branch-yet-to-be-proposed20:54
kgunn_like where do you tell it "i want you to use this source"20:54
kgunn_ah...nvmd...i found it i think20:59
kgunn_i skipped over that part on the wiki20:59
Saviqkgunn_, you can pass the source folder, or a .dsc file (that you can build with `bzr bd -S` from the branch)21:00
Saviqkgunn_, or you can even go `bzr bd -S --builder='sbuild -c chroot-name --host=armhf'`21:00
kgunn_yep i see it now under the heading "using the schroot"21:00
Saviqkgunn_, the last one has the disadvantage of locking the bzr branch for the duration of the build21:01
kgunn_Saviq: do i have to dch -i & update-maintainer to make it happy?21:02
kgunn_would think i could skip...but i'm usually wrong :)21:02
kgunn_:) ....going for tea21:05
Saviqkgunn_, you can skip, you'll have to install the .debs explicitly anyway21:09
Saviqkgunn_, -i only helps when you put them in an archive somewhere21:10
Saviqkgunn_, update-maintainer, never had to do that myself21:10
kgunn_right...it was just instructions, figured it was to prevent direct uploads w/o traceability21:10
kgunn_but then again deb is too smart sometimes...didn't know if it would gripe21:10
Saviqkgunn_, if you want to upload to the archive, then yeah, that's when stuff are more tricky, you need to sign the source package with gpg key that's accepted by the archive, other than that you can do what you want21:42
kgunn_Saviq: just interesting...left for a tea (aka exercise) too quick, failed with dep isssue22:35
kgunn_ sbuild-build-depends-core-dummy : Depends: crossbuild-essential-armhf but it is not going to be installed22:35
kgunn_i'll install manually...but wouldn't have expected this to fail22:35

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