
holsteinInfoCentral: for me, nothing about audio production benifits from encryption.. so i dont encrypt03:07
holsteinInfoCentral: if i need encryption, i either do it on another partition/install (dual boot), or i do it as needed..03:07
holsteinas for it "not booting".. i can guarantee, that on hardware that "supports linux", the ubuntustudio dvd "just works"...03:08
holsteinas for "getting what you pay for", if you would like to do what you have done, in the past, for windows, which is, purchase a machine that has been promised will run the operating system you want to run, try https://system76.com/03:09
holsteinthere, you can purchase a machine pre-loaded with ubuntu.. thus, just working out of the box.. no setup needed03:09
holsteinotherwise, it can be challenging, since, the creators of your hardware hired a team of professionals to work and provide you windows support.. you'll have to basically do a version of that to support linux03:10
holsteinnothing about ubuntu or ubuntustuduio is preventing your hardware from loading the DVD, and i'd be glad to discuss some troubleshooting options..03:10
=== Guest93386 is now known as cfhowlett
InfoCentralI finally got the DVD to run the program but it won't install onto my HD.  Apparently I need to create a boot sector first and it is asking me to insert the system disk.  I can install and format Windows on it but that is not what I want to do.  Since it is a brand new HD how do I go about formatting it for Ubuntu?06:15
holsteinInfoCentral: the DVD to run the program?06:16
holsteinyou mean, you got the installer to start? from DVD?06:16
holsteinInfoCentral: you shouldnt need to do anything special like that.. i just follow the promts and do a typical default install.. really depends on what you are doing06:16
holsteini would just choose the entire disk in the installer, and let it format and install06:17
InfoCentralYep, the installer got all the way to the point of installing to the HD but couldn't because it didn't recognize it.06:22
InfoCentralI then shut down and took the DVD out and restarted with just the blank HD.06:22
holsteincool.. a blank hard drive shouldnt do anything06:23
holsteinif the installer isnt seeing the drive, i would look in the bios, and make sure the system is configured properly06:23
InfoCentralThe system recognized it but said it didn't have any boot sector and asked for the system disk06:24
holsteini might just use a live iso, runing the live desktop.. from the ubuntustuduio installer, for example, and just check to see if the drive mounts, and works properly06:24
holsteinfrom there, you can remove any partitions on the drive.. if needed.. not sure what you have going on there06:24
InfoCentralI then loaded the DVD back in and told it to install UbuntuStudio.  This time I got all the way to how do I want to format and install.06:25
holsteinsure.. just select the entire disk. and let the installer wipe it, and put what it needs on there06:25
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:25
InfoCentralI wasn't sure if I should pick the LVM or not so I just picked the erase everything and install option.  I think it is doing it now!06:26
holsteinin dont do anything like that, since, its not helpful for an audio production environment06:27
InfoCentralWhat's not helpful?  The LVM format?06:28
holsteinright. lvm, encryption.. anything specialized like that.. i dont want it on my audio prodution box06:29
holsteindont need it06:29
InfoCentralGood then I made the right choice06:29
InfoCentralThere is a little circle with dots rotating so I assume it doing its thing.  Probably going to take several hours now?06:30
holsteinnot sure.. it takes me about 15 minutes to install what i install.. not sure what you are doing and how you are doing it06:31
InfoCentralIts a new HD so it has to completly format it and then install all the Studio programs and OS.06:32
holsteinyup.. thats what i would expect to take 20 minutes or so..06:33
holsteinbut, it'll take longer for all of ubuntustudio, for sure06:33
InfoCentralNice, on Windows it takes me the better part of a day to get all that done.06:33
InfoCentralI am really looking forward to dumping Windows ASAP06:35
holsteinwell, there is no "windows studio" operating system, with all the tools and sources all in one place06:35
holsteinsure.. check out #opensourcemusicians06:35
cfhowlettInfoCentral, I installed ubuntustudio and ALL of the suggested alternatives ... took perhaps an hour.  and that's on this damn slow China ISP!06:35
holsteinkeep in mine, ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. so, you can use #ubuntu for things that are higher-level when this channel is dead06:35
holsteinkeep in mind*06:35
InfoCentralTrue, but just formatting a new HD takes a good hr or more.06:36
holsteinit can..06:36
holsteindoesnt typically take me that long.. but, what do i know..06:36
holsteinanyways.. good night, and good luck..06:36
InfoCentralI believe the last time I restored from a drive image it took just under 2 hrs and that was with a formatted drive.06:37
InfoCentralThanks for all your help.  Good night.06:38
cfhowlettblender question: do renders go faster with full graphics enabled?12:28
cfhowletti.e. nvidia card at full power12:29
tcuchi there, i have an issue with my graphics tablet in ubuntu studio. have i come to the right place?21:57
tcuckaa, :P21:57
holsteini dont think XFCE is doing anything for touch, specifically, though21:57
holsteini think, i would look at running a DE that supports touch,  and use it.. otherwise, i think whatever you do will be "bolted on" and probably take a long time to get working21:58
tcucoh, not a tablet PC, a drawing tablet21:58
tcucthats th eone i use21:59
tcuci'm on a Asus x501u22:00
tcuclaptop ;)22:00
holsteinwell, id say, heres your biggest issue http://www.huion-tablet.com/download/22:00
holsteinthey dont support linux22:00
holsteinare you finding some 3rd party drivers? or are you just trying to use whats in the kernel?22:01
tcuci have used it a while ago on the drivers in the kernel22:01
tcucbut nothing i enabled, it was on by default22:01
tcucbut i belive it's not enabled in ubuntuStudio22:02
holsteintcuc: asure.. but, those are a "guess" as best22:02
holsteintcuc: ubuntustuduio *is* ubuntu.. and uses the linux kernel22:02
holsteincan you remember what supported the device?22:02
tcuci think it was Manjaro or antergos. (arch)22:03
holsteintcuc: i would confirm that.. that will save you a lot of time22:03
holsteintcuc: since, those are "newer" tpyically, maybe just fire up a 15.04 live iso, and see if the thing "just works"22:03
holsteinif it doesn, you can then look and see what is supporting the device, and how.. and go from there22:04
holsteineither forcing that into the kernel you are using, or, just running a newer kernel22:04
tcuck, i remember specifically grabbing a .deb from some guide to update my ubuntu install to use the tablet22:05
tcuci belive it was from a debian mirror22:05
holsteintcuc: cool.. that *could* add the support.. thats the 3rd party source i referenced earlier22:05
holsteintcuc: you'll just need to clear up your questions22:05
zequenceMight need linux-firmware-nonfree or something similar22:05
zequenceYou can get that from the Ubuntu repo22:05
holsteinyeah. i would look in the repo, first22:06
tcucok, so synaptics search?22:06
holsteinpersonally, i would just search google22:06
zequenceYou can just try installing it.22:06
zequencesudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree22:06
holsteini woudl search "linux the thing i have" and "ubuntu the thing i have" and see what others have done22:06
holsteininstalling linux-firmware-nonfree wont hurt anything ^^ you can just try that first..22:07
tcuci found a thread about the wizardpen driver, but it seems to be dead.22:08
holsteintcuc: so, the firmware didnt work?22:08
tcucoh, so the non free is that thing i can enable in the software center?22:10
zequenceUbuntustudio does not control your hardware like that. The kernel does, and it's the same as on any flavor22:11
zequenceSorry, never mind22:11
zequencetcuc: If you like, you can just install it from a terminal with: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree22:11
zequenceI would try that first22:12
tcucah thanks! :D22:12
holsteintcuc: try opening the terminal and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree" and try the tablet..22:12
zequenceThen, see if your device is listed on this page https://github.com/DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers22:12
holsteinit'll be immediate, basically, if it works22:12
tcucok? wont i have to reboot?22:12
holsteintcuc: correct.. i say, you "shouldnt"... but, you can always try, then reboot and try.. then go on from there22:13
tcucmhm, oh, just finished installing! :D22:13
tcucok, so no pressure sensing. ill reboot and se if that gets it working.22:16
tcucright after i find out where i can save this conversation so i wont forget xD22:16
tcucBe back after the reboot ;)22:18
tcucnope, not working. :P22:23
tcuczequence, i checked the github link you sendt, and that's perfect. my device is there :D22:27
tcucand it's what i remember finding a while ago, that support was added in 3.1122:28

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