
slickymasterknome, elfy -> https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+merge/25168201:46
slickymasterknome that's just text and slide order wise ^^01:49
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/1401609 looks lovely.05:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1401609 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmusicbrowser crashed with SIGSEGV in emission_find()" [Medium,Confirmed]05:37
ochosiUnit193: yeah, i might05:52
ochosi've seen that bug myself05:53
ochosibut not sure i can reproduce it some way05:53
Akusarigood morning07:36
AkusariI have the same copy+crash bug with thunar (using 1.65) like this bug report: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11450 I can't find any ubuntu bug report so far. Do i missed something?07:39
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11450 in core "Thunar 1.64 & 1.65 crash when copy pasting" [Critical,Needinfo]07:39
AkusariI think this bug is still not fixed, right? (1.6.6 has the same problem?)07:53
ochosiyeah, pretty sure it's not fixed yet07:54
Akusariok, let me install the debug symbol versions and run with gnu debugger and hope i can repeat this bug :-) (i think thats the main problem)07:55
elfyochosi: did you catch that odd thing I see arranging desktop icons ? 07:57
ochosii'm not using desktop icons07:57
ochosiso no07:57
elfyI'll just do a bug report for it from live tonight then07:58
AkusariThat's really a nasty bug. I did around 50 copy+paste jobs so far and no crash so far :-( btw: I don't believe this is a usb device related topic. In my case it happend on system harddisk.08:52
AkusariThis bug isn't easy anyway. If it doesn't happen in a repeat case it could be a thread race condition problem as well.08:58
Akusaribtw: If someone wants lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings in trusty i did a backport and it runs fine (screenshot: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-04032015-103635.php) . I'm using it on my product system as well. My test ppa ppa:daniel-mehrmann/test. Its on your own risk of course ;-) Well, it needs a newer lightdm-gtk-greeter as well (includes in this ppa)09:40
ochosiAkusari: newer greeter might also need a newer version of greybird09:45
ochosior to be concrete a newer version of the greeter.css in greybird09:45
Akusarihmmm, ok, i'll take a look :-) I found no graphic errors so far09:45
ochosii'm pretty sure the 2.0 greeter needs some style changes09:47
Akusariyep, thats why i'm using version 1.909:48
Akusariin this ppa (combinations)09:48
Akusarilightdm-gtk-greeter 1.9.0 + lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings 1.1.009:48
Akusarii saw these problems in 2.0 09:49
Akusariso, this versions will be used currently https://launchpad.net/~daniel-mehrmann/+archive/ubuntu/test09:50
flexiondotorgochosi, ali1234 bluesabre I confirm the following fixed with the new gtk2 release now in the 15.04 archive.11:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1425401 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Notification area crashed upon booting to the live DE (i386 only)" [High,Confirmed]11:38
ochosiflexiondotorg: that's great news!11:39
slickymasterWorkelfy, regarding your comments on my installer-slideshow MP: I'll fix the 'wether' typo tonight. Yes, your rewording is semantically better, so I'll use it instead. The paths are to be corrected when the new images/screenshots are included.11:43
slickymasterWorkknome ^^^11:43
=== Luyinot is now known as Luyin
flexiondotorgochosi, ali1234 bluesabre I've change the ubuntu-mate-default-settings package so that it does not conflict with xubuntu-default-settings.12:07
flexiondotorgI've created a simple script that run as an autostart application.12:07
ochosioh, how did you change it exactly?12:07
flexiondotorgThe auto stat application is only accessible to MATE.12:07
flexiondotorgSo, if the user has install Xubuntu which place Trolltech.conf in ~/.config and then installs Ubuntu MATE.12:08
flexiondotorgMy script will attempt to lay down it's Trolltech.conf, but only if there isn't one already present.12:08
flexiondotorgThe Xubuntu Trolltech.conf carries the most important setting that I would want. theming via GTK+12:09
flexiondotorgHas the benefit that every login can overlay config, if it doesn't already exist and I can deliver updates too.12:10
bluesabreflexiondotorg: that's an interesting solution12:30
flexiondotorgbluesabre, Interesting good or interesting bad? ;)12:30
bluesabreochosi, knome: should we make an announcement in the coming weeks that xubuntu 12.04 EOL is just around the corner?12:30
bluesabreflexiondotorg: I'd only say interesting if I didn't think it was awful12:31
bluesabreUnit193: your trusty debdiff doesn't apply to the latest trusty release https://launchpadlibrarian.net/199179199/exo-trusty.debdiff -- exo (0.10.2-3ubuntu1.14.04.1)12:48
bluesabreochosi, elfy: exo 0.10.3 uploaded to ubuntu (vivid), xubuntu-staging (vivid), xfce-4.12 (trusty and utopic)12:49
bluesabreif folks have need for an immediate package, that will handle it12:49
bluesabreotherwise, we can direct them to editing their helper launcher12:50
bluesabreUnit193: test-building your exo package for utopic, then will upload that to utopic-proposed12:51
bluesabresuppose we'll need to patch precise as well12:52
bluesabreUnit193: uploaded to utopic-proposed13:02
elfybluesabre: thanks re exo and re 12.04 EOL I think we'd be silly not too do something - people will forget it's not 2017 13:14
knomebluesabre, probably wise, that14:52
sidiknome, pleia2 are the Xubuntu tshirts good quality?15:05
knomehaven't even seen one of them15:06
knomesidi, probably too good for you though... :P15:07
sidiknome, i sometimes try to look clean.15:07
knomei'm sure that's rare.15:07
slickymasterWorkhey guys15:08
knomehullo slimy15:09
slickymasterWorkknome, besides panel, do you also want to take a menulibre screenshoot?15:09
slickymasterWorks/want/want me15:09
knomehowever you fancy15:09
slickymasterWorkmight polite knome 15:10
pleia2sidi: they sent me one, the shirt is very nice!15:50
pleia2(we wouldn't have linked to + promoted it without being sure)15:51
sidii see good to know!15:52
drcwoah...looks like the FF exo- bug got fixed :)15:57
flexiondotorgI take you guys are aware of this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/142765416:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1427654 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Vivid) "FFE: switch system init to systemd [not touch] in 15.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:50
flexiondotorgYep, just saw you gave the nod too :)16:53
slickymasterWorkknome, FYI I'll be using this standardization for the screenshoots17:01
slickymasterWorkupdate on that knome ^^^ No, I won't be using it17:04
slickymasterWorkI'll go with the default install ones17:04
* dkessel wonders how to translate "User's" in the multihead configuration screen of lightdm-gtk-greeter17:07
ochosiyeah, tbh not sure what that is supposed to do/say17:08
ochosihad no time but wanted to get in touch with andrew p. about that17:08
dkesselmaybe "use the user's desktop background"17:08
dkesselbut how do i translate that in a short fashion17:09
ochosimaybe you could report a bug referring to this string17:09
dkesselyes i could17:09
dkesselochosi: there you go, bug 142822417:15
ubottubug 1428224 in Settings editor for LightDM GTK+ Greeter "table column title "User's" in multihead setup dialog is hard to understand" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142822417:15
flexiondotorgFYI - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mate-settings/+bug/142718217:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1427182 in ubuntu-mate "ubuntu-mate-settings package needs updating" [Critical,New]17:22
dkesselknome: it seems you are xubuntu-devel mailing list administrator - i am trying to get a password reminder mail, but i don't get any e-mail...17:55
dkesseldo you guys know why the translations for "orage" are missing (in vivid)?18:07
dkesselit seems to be complete in transifex and git...18:08
ochosimaybe there hasn't been a release yet18:08
ochositranslations only get to us when releases are done18:08
dkesseloh right. so i could file a bug to get a release18:09
dkesseli am asking in xfce-dev18:19
elfyochosi: when were you thinking of doing the next meeting? 19:31
Unit193bluesabre: Great!  And whoopsie then.  Wonder if it'd be useful to dump .3 in trusty.19:33
Unit193migrating-upgrading.xml:337: element xref: validity error : Element xref does not carry attribute linkend19:33
Unit193migrating-upgrading.xml:337: element xref: validity error : No declaration for attribute linked of element xref19:33
Unit193guide-keeping-safe.xml:297: element menuchoice: validity error : Element menuchoice content does not follow the DTD, expectin19:33
ochosielfy: yeah, sorry i haven't set the date yet, actually i have some really important things next week between mon and wed20:21
ochosiwanted to set it shortly before the UIF20:21
elfyyep - no worries, just wondering is all :)20:22
slickymasterknome, pleia2, can you please propagate21:20
slickymasterin our media channels https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2015-March/010662.html21:20
Unit193slickymaster: See the broken stuff I pasted?22:32
Unit193bluesabre: Looks like xfce 4.12 is about to hit Debian experimental.22:33
slickymasterhey Unit19322:33
slickymasterno I didn't. Where did you past it?22:33
bluesabreUnit193: see that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs24/+bug/1425972 got bumped?23:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1425972 in exo (Ubuntu) "Firefox no longer supports -remote parameter" [Medium,Confirmed]23:23
bluesabrewant to do the SRU honors, or should I?23:23
bluesabreactually, I'll go ahead and do that23:26
knomeslickymaster, tweeted23:30
pleia2slickymaster: put on g+ & fb23:54

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