
holsteinxubuntu31w: hey03:46
xubuntu31wI am a serious newbie, Can you help me?03:47
holsteinxubuntu31w: no way to know, til you ask03:47
xubuntu31wI have installed Xubuntu 12.04 on an old Gateway laptop, Ran ok until I activated the wireless internet driver, It asked me to reboot, I did so, It won03:48
xubuntu31wIt won't reboot, just stuck.03:48
xubuntu31wDid I do somthing wrong?03:49
holsteinxubuntu31w: i have no idea what you did, but, i dont have enough information to diagnose what is done wrong by whom03:50
holsteinxubuntu31w: personally, i would just test the hard drive, and other hardware.. since, it could be an older machine03:50
holsteini would also consider using 14.04..03:50
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes03:50
xubuntu31wI tried 14 but it didn't work.  I was going to upgrade, but Kablam!03:51
xubuntu31wShould I just reinstall the system?03:51
holsteinxubuntu31w: i dont know, friend.. again, i dont have enough information to go on.. i already suggested testing the hard drive.. not sure how else to imply thats what i would do, and that i think would be a good use of your time03:53
xubuntu31wHow do you test a hard drive?03:53
holsteinsome machiens have tests in the bios.. it still looks like this mostly in ubuntu http://linuxhub.net/2010/09/scan-your-hard-disk-with-gsmartcontrol-on-ubuntu-10-10/03:54
holsteinthough, there are many ways.03:54
xubuntu31wCan I boot from this program?03:56
holsteinxubuntu31w: you would use a live iso, and test the hardware.. but dont over think it.. if its too much for you to take on.. just keep tryihng things03:57
holsteinxubuntu31w: if you literaly just installed, then, yo udont have any data to worry about.. i say, install 14.0403:57
xubuntu31wThanks for your help.  I'll try a 14 again.03:58
jobzywhats the diff between 14.04 14.04.1 and 14.04.205:00
holsteinjobzy: updates.. 14.04.2 for example, *is* 14.04.. with the updates applied05:00
holsteinyou can download a 14.04 iso now that is up to date..05:01
jobzyah okj05:01
xubuntu466which are the requirements to run xubuntu?05:05
bynariexubuntu466, can u read this?05:05
bynarieoh ok05:05
bynariewell what type of system do you have xubuntu46605:06
xubuntu466actually Im trying different types of ubuntu distros05:06
xubuntu466but Ive tried ubuntu and it didnt work very well05:06
xubuntu466when I try to open for example mozilla, the computer freezes05:07
bynarieim using xubuntu just because i like xfce, but all ubuntu distros are exactly the same just with different desktops (xubuntu,kubuntu,lubuntu)05:07
bynarieregular ubuntu with the unity desktop is god ugly05:07
=== Guest93386 is now known as cfhowlett
Enkidu_akIs there an alternative to USC for Xubuntu? I'm looking for an apt worker similar to qapt, that can install and resolve dependencies in a single step, but isn't as bloated and slow as USC and doesn't require me to install kde-base05:08
cfhowlettEnkidu_ak, just use apt-get commands05:08
xubuntu466My pc is an pentium 4 with 2gb of ram and a nvidia gforce 6200. Which distro recommend you?05:08
cfhowlettxubuntu466, xubuntu or lubuntu05:08
holsteinEnkidu_ak: synaptic?05:08
bynariexubuntu466, thats lubuntu05:09
cfhowlett!lubuntu | xubuntu46605:09
ubottuxubuntu466: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.05:09
bynariesorry didnt mean to say "thats lubuntu"05:09
holsteinxubuntu466: xubuntu.. this is the xubuntu channel ;) ..you can try them all live and see05:09
xubuntu466ah ok sorry05:09
bynariexubuntu definitely looks better but i think lxde is lighter05:10
xubuntu466ok guys thanks!05:10
xubuntu466Ill try both, xubuntu and lubuntu05:10
bynariethere u go05:10
xubuntu466actually xubuntu is installing right now05:10
cfhowlettxubuntu466,  for example: install lubuntu.  but to test other DE (NOT the full distro), sudo apt-get install kde-plasma xfce4 lxde05:10
cfhowlettxubuntu466, then logout/choose alternate session/login05:10
bynarieyes, thats a good idea05:10
bynariejust install the desktop env, not the entire distro05:11
cfhowlettxubuntu466, when you find one you like, THEN you can install the full distro with, for example, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop05:11
xubuntu466I didnt know that xD05:12
xubuntu466Im new user of this OS05:12
cfhowlettxubuntu466, most people don't know that.05:12
Unit193Some people wouldn't recommend that as much though. :P05:12
cfhowlettxubuntu466, well, you have a small learning curve ahead, but nothing you can't handle.  are you a windows or OSX refugee?05:12
bynariewell, when u do "apt install xubuntu-desktop" its different than "apt install xfce4"05:12
bynariesame desktop just different settings and whatnot05:13
xubuntu466Im a regular windows user05:13
bynarielooks a little diff05:13
xubuntu466my entire life with windows, but now that I start the college our teachers of computer science told us to try Ubuntu05:13
cfhowlettxubuntu466, Welcome!  And a suggestion: www.fullcirclemagazin.org/downloads.  get issue #0.  read.  Get issue #1.  read.  repeat05:14
xubuntu466ty bynarie!05:14
bynariexubuntu466, why did they recommend ubuntu over another distro? ease of use or somethin?05:14
cfhowlettxubuntu466, what college?05:14
xubuntu466actually they didnt told ubuntu specifically05:15
xubuntu466just to try with any of those distros05:15
xubuntu466and something else05:16
xubuntu466Ive heard that ati and nvidia graphic cards05:16
xubuntu466have some problems with linux, is it true?05:16
xubuntu466because I have my doubts in ubuntu if is the OS or my graphic card05:16
cfhowlettxubuntu466, lemme stop you there.  amd/ati is SLOWLY coming around on linus.  nvidia is much better supported05:16
bynariecould be true, depending on the card and drivers that are available05:17
cfhowlettbynarie, the newest cards tend to lag a bit on linux support.05:17
bynariebut like cfhowlett said, nvidia has much better support05:17
xubuntu466when I try to update or change the drives in the updates panel, it start updating but after a while all my pc freeze and I have to turn it down from the start botton05:18
bynariecfhowlett, i thought i noticed some lag.. im running a geforce 770m and i tried to play counter-strike 1.6 thru steam, and was barely getting 50 fps, which makes no sense05:18
cfhowlettfor example, I just purchased the Dell m3800 Developer Edition.  the nvidia driver makes this puppy fly!  and you can switch it off if not needed.05:18
xubuntu466mmm Understood05:19
xubuntu466and after I try sudo apt - get lubuntu desktop05:20
xubuntu466how do I return to xubuntu desktop?05:20
bynarielogout, change session, login05:20
xubuntu466just the same but sudo apt - get lubuntu desktop like this?05:20
holsteinsudo apt-get install lxde05:21
holstein!info lubuntu-desktop05:21
bynarie"sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop"05:21
holsteinwhich, works as well.. but, i say, just get lxde..05:21
bynariejust like that05:21
xubuntu466mmm ok guys, thank you a lot05:21
bynarieor "sudo apt-get install lxde"05:21
xubuntu466you have no idea how you help me!05:21
cfhowlettxubuntu466, happy2help!  good luck with the studies05:22
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.55 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)05:22
bynariexubuntu466, quick crash course - "apt-get install" installs, "apt-get remove" uninstalls, "apt-get --purge" uninstalls and deletes configs, "apt-cache search <packagename>" to search for packages05:23
bynarieif u download .DEB files directly, use "dpkg -i <filename>.deb" to install05:24
bynarieof course sudo is needed in front of these commands05:24
bynarieand "dpkg -r <packagename>" removes DEB installed packages05:26
bynariebut use apt-get if possible because of easy management05:26
bynariecrap i didnt even notice he left, sorry05:26
klopsi-u3im kind of scared to try the nvidia drivers since the nouveau work so reliably05:29
cfhowlettklopsi-u3, no requirement that you use nvidia ... but OEM support?  for me = win05:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto05:33
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:35
cfhowlettklopsi-u3, pro-tip.  you can read !factoids in private with   /msg ubottu !factoid05:36
klopsi-u3ok ty05:37
Bwithmore19 Guys i have a problem with new xfce 4.12 after i upgrade the stock xfce version in xubuntu 14.04 to 4.12 using xubuntu/dev ppa xfce4-appearance-settings is not working anymore and after five seconds i think the appearance setting is closing by it self07:40
xanguaif the appearence settings was also updated by that repository you'd want to discuss with that PPA maintainer07:54
ochosiBwithmore19: any useful output after starting xfce4-appearance-settings from the terminal?07:55
ochosihmm, ok07:57
ochosiBwithmore19: do you mind pastebinning a list of themes/icons you have installed?07:59
Bwithmore19that output appearing after the appearance setting is crashing by it self07:59
ochosii'm pretty sure that there is a faulty theme somewhere, but it really shouldn't crash the dialog07:59
Bwithmore19i need to reboot ochosi08:01
Bwithmore19w8 man08:01
ochosiBwithmore19: so just do "ls /usr/share/icons" and pastebin that please08:08
ochosialso, if you have themes in ~/.themes, that would be important to know08:09
Bwithmore19w8 ochosi08:18
Bwithmore19ochosi: the output of ls /usr/share/icons https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c6467c985c81e3e16dc008:21
Bwithmore19and i dont have themes on my ~/.themes08:22
ochosiyou mean ~/.icons08:22
ochosiso one of the theme folders is the offender08:23
ochosisuggestion, you could move them to a different location one-by-one until the appearance dialog doesn't crash anymore08:24
Bwithmore19oh wait08:24
Bwithmore19ok man08:24
ochosithen we know which icon-theme causes the crash and i can investigate the issue08:24
Bwithmore19this from my ./icons home folder08:25
ochosiwow, so even more :)08:25
ochosiwell still, try to move them and we'll find out08:25
klopsi-u3hi Luyin nice to meet someone from hessen08:32
Luyinhi klopsi-u308:32
Bwithmore19ochosi its not working08:57
klopsi-u3i dont understand ubuntu networking08:57
klopsi-u3wifi card driver is loaded, networkmanager sees the access point08:58
klopsi-u3sorry this probably isnt the right place08:58
ochosiBwithmore19: you mean without having any icon themes there you still get the crash?09:01
Luyinklopsi-u3: no, better try #ubuntu09:16
Bwithmore19yes ochosi09:37
Bwithmore19you know the problem is i cannot  change everything in appearance setting and in any second the appearance setting will crash i dont know is that happen09:38
Bwithmore19even close it in her windows button dont work09:39
Bwithmore19thats the main problem09:39
ochosii meant you should move the icon themes on your harddrive to a different location09:40
ochosiso that both /usr/share/icons only contains hicolor and ~/.icons is empty (or just rename ~/.icons to something else for testing)09:41
Bwithmore19ok i will try it09:41
Bwithmore19yes now its now working ochosi09:43
ochosiso what did you move exactly?09:43
Bwithmore19all of the icons09:43
Bwithmore19exept hicolor and locolor09:44
ochosiok, then move them back one by one09:44
Bwithmore19yes that the one who go in my mind09:44
ochosiand after you've moved one, check whether appearance-settings still works09:44
ochosiuntil you've found the theme that crashes the dialog09:44
Bwithmore19thanks for this help09:46
Bwithmore19i will observe if this will happen again or another problem will appear ochosi09:46
ochosiwell, as i said, move them back one by one...09:47
Bwithmore19i know what fucking icons is making my appearance to crash09:51
ochosiso which one is itß09:53
Bwithmore19the mint-x dark09:54
ochosicould you please pastebin the index.theme file?09:55
ochosi(just run "pastebinit index.theme" in the terminal and paste the link here)09:55
Bwithmore19and mint-grey too09:56
Bwithmore19ochosi here https://gist.github.com/anonymous/100d59a43205bea5534610:00
ochosiBwithmore19: thanks10:04
Bwithmore19what do you think xfce 4.12 is acting on that type of icons ochosi ?10:05
cousteauxdg-open and exo-open don't work on Xubuntu 12.04 (see  https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1138143  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs24/+bug/1425972  https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11601 ) -- seems fixed, but how long will it take for it to make it into 12.04?10:05
ubottuMozilla bug 1138143 in Untriaged "Passing a URL via xdg-open does not open URL in Firefox 36 but shows default homepage instead" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]10:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1425972 in exo (Ubuntu) "Firefox no longer supports -remote parameter" [Medium,Confirmed]10:05
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11601 in Helpers "exo-open: firefox no longer supports -remote" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:05
Bwithmore19ochosi numix-bevel too and numix-circle-light10:07
ochosiBwithmore19: it's just a bug, i'll try to reproduce it now10:08
Bwithmore19this bug needs to fix man10:08
Bwithmore19im using xfce 4.12 using xubuntu-dev/ppa10:08
ochosiyeah, it will be fixed10:09
ochosihowever note that you're using that PPA at your own risk10:09
Bwithmore19ok man10:10
cfhowlettBwithmore19, you're in a ppa.  ask them.  OR be patient and wait for it to be added to the repo.  bleeding edge frequently = bloody edge.10:10
ochosicfhowlett: "them"?10:11
ochosiBwithmore19: works fine here with numix-circle-light btw10:11
Bwithmore19why it making problems on my system ochosi ?10:12
cfhowlettochosi, you know ... the magical ubuntu gnomes!10:12
ochosiBwithmore19: probably because you're a bad person ;)10:13
* ochosi has such amazing karma10:13
Bwithmore19WHAT !!!10:13
ochosihow did you install the mint-x themes?10:14
ochosior where did you get them from?10:14
Bwithmore19in my linux mint 17.1 system and copy it to /usr/share/icons of xubuntu10:14
cfhowlettand you're using a ppa which, by definition, is experimental.10:15
cfhowlettxubuntu ain't mint.  mint ain't xubuntu.  mixing and matching distros is *always* an uncertain proposition10:16
Bwithmore19ok did you think i need to disable the xfce4-4.12 ppa10:16
Bwithmore19and wait for xfce 4.12 to go in main repo ?10:17
ochosiat least for now that is likely, or you just get rid of the offending icon themes10:17
ochosii'm installing mint-x now10:18
ochosiwill try to reproduce your problem10:18
ochosiBwithmore19: so that works as well... http://i.imgur.com/oP5MCpw.png10:19
ochosiBwithmore19: could you please paste the output of "ls -Rl /usr/share/icons" ?10:22
Bwithmore19ok i think the real problem in mint-x and numix working now10:24
ochosii thought you identified those themes as breaking the dialog?10:25
Bwithmore19numix-circle-light is not10:25
ochosiyou're really confusing me over here, could you again tell me which themes break the dialog exactly and then please give me the output of "ls -Rl" for them?10:26
Bwithmore19ok man sorry for confusing you10:27
ochosino worries10:29
ochosigotta go grab some lunch, so i'll be afk for a bit10:29
Bwithmore19ok man i have to go10:29
ochosiplease post your findings anyway, i'll read them when i'm back10:29
Bwithmore19i will just observing this10:29
xubuntuformacHi I'm having trouble installing xubuntu 14.04 on a macbook late 2008, I believe I need a +mac installer because the mac is fairly old but I'm unable to find one10:35
cfhowlett!mac | xubuntuformac,10:35
ubottuxubuntuformac,: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages10:35
xubuntuformacI've tried googling the issue and I've created a usb as well as a cd with xubuntu on it, i've installed efi boot and followed all the steps but it simply returns "cannot boot legacy OS"10:36
xubuntuformacthe message tells me that some hard drives are not supported on older macs10:36
xubuntuformacI've also created a bootable USB that doesn't load10:37
cfhowlettxubuntuformac, best to contact someone from the ubuntu/mac team.  rarely are they in this channel ...10:37
xubuntuformacok sorry10:37
xubuntuformacthank you10:37
=== Luyinot is now known as Luyin
user__Hello all,Please help me with the following: i type in terminal $ sudo su ,password and then $ cd ~/Downloads and i get no file found error13:17
klopsi-u3maybe because /root has no Downloads directory13:18
user__klopsi what do you suggest? move the file to another directory? which one if yes or what i can do,the file i need to install requires root access13:18
klopsi-u3you probably want to cd /home/$user/Downloads13:18
user__i tried and get no such file or directory13:19
klopsi-u3what is the user name you downloaded with?13:19
user__and i am in root@user:/home/user#13:19
user__same i am with now, xyzuser13:20
klopsi-u3your username is "user" or "xyzuser" or what?13:21
klopsi-u3that is strange because by default there should be a /home/user/Downloads directory13:22
dokoorun pwd to check that you are still in your user's home directory13:22
user__is it possible that the problem is that i downloaded while using the private tab of the installed browser (defult ff that is with xubuntu)13:23
user__dokoo how do i go about running pwd? thank you13:23
GridCubethat would just not log the download toff history13:23
user__so it's not the problem then Grid if i understand you correctly.13:24
GridCubeuser__: what problem do you seem to have?13:24
user__i would like to install a downloaded file,which requires to be installed under root,i then type in terminal sudo su,enter pwd,then can not move file with cd command13:25
koegsusing "cd ~/Downloads" as root will lead to "/root/Downloads" instead of the User-Download-Dir13:25
user__instruction from installation is: Change directories to the directory that contains the Workstation installer file.13:25
GridCube^ if you are as root13:25
user__i see koegs so how do i go about doing that meaning either moving the file to the root Downloads folder or?13:26
GridCubeif you sudo su then your ~ is /root/ but you downloaded as user so users ~ is /home/username/13:26
user__and yes that is the case13:26
user__downloaded as user need to cd as root13:27
GridCubejust cd /home/username/Downloads13:27
GridCubethe file should be there13:27
user__also same error13:27
user__cannot find file13:27
GridCubedo a locate13:27
koegsdid you replace username with the "real username"?13:27
user__yes koegs and grid how do i do a locate please,will search for it now13:27
GridCubelocate *filename*13:28
user__ok will try now long file name 2minutes thanks guys13:28
koegsyou can also check the downloads in firefox, rightclick on the file and say "open target directory"13:29
GridCubeuser__: use * and just write a relevant part of the filename and * again13:29
GridCubekoegs: not if he used private browsing13:29
elfybut if they've not updatedb then locate probably won't find it13:29
user__yes i did that grid and the file is in the /home/user/Downloads13:29
user__and yes i did download while using private browsing tab13:30
GridCubeuser__: then you copy that path13:30
user__please tell me how to do that grid?13:31
GridCubealso user__ if you are tryng to run using something like ./install.sh make sure that install.sh is an executable file, chmod +x, also dont install stuff you are not sure are safe, also if you do you are on your own and we can't really help you after installing13:31
GridCubeuser__: select the text with the mouse and copy with the contextual menu13:32
GridCubeor use tab completion to try to follow the path13:32
user__the file is VMware-Workstation-Full-version numbers.bundle13:32
GridCubejust type VM and press tab13:33
GridCubeit should autocomplete the filename13:33
user__if i got it right i typed in VM in terminal and tab but nothing13:34
GridCubeare uyou in the corect directory?13:34
dokootype /home/username/VM then tab13:34
GridCubecd to the correct directory and try again13:35
GridCubealso remember that to execute something that is not installed you need to add ./ to it first, or the whole path to it13:35
user__thank you guys for trying sinceraly but still nothing happens13:36
GridCubeis it an executable file user__ ?13:37
user__i believe that it is, if it means anything it is a .bundle file and it contains virtual machine (VMWare workstation)13:38
user__the instructions i got from https://pubs.vmware.com/workstation-9/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.ws.get_started.doc%2FGUID-1F5B1F14-A586-4A56-83FA-2E7D8333D5CA.html13:38
GridCubeuser__: go to the directory where the file is and type ls -o VM*13:38
user__when you say go to the directory where the file is,do you mean "go to" it in terminal or actually going to the user downloads folder13:39
GridCubeyou should see something like; -rw-rw-r-- 1 biblio 14150978 ene 25 12:25 adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.440.orig.tar.gz13:39
GridCubei mean on a terminal, cd to it13:39
GridCubeuser__: in this case this file is not exectuble, you should see some x's13:40
user__user@user:~$ ls -o VM*13:40
user__ls: cannot access VM*: No such file or directory13:40
GridCubeyou are not in the correct directory13:40
GridCubeyou have not cd Downloads13:40
user__i have not cd at all,it downloaded to /home/user/Downloads when i downloaded it13:41
user__by defualt13:41
GridCubewell , you need to go there13:41
GridCubetype cd Downloads on the terminal13:41
GridCubeand press enter13:41
GridCubeto go to the downloads directory13:41
user__ok seems i am there now and what to type now13:42
GridCubethe ls13:42
user__user@user:~$ cd Downloads13:42
user__user@user:~/Downloads$ ls13:42
GridCubenow type ls -o VM*13:42
GridCubegood the file is there13:42
GridCubenow the -o will tell you if its executable or not13:42
user__ok and now how would i cd it as instructions require13:42
user__ok doing -o now13:42
user__user@user:~/Downloads$ ls -o VM*13:43
user__-rw-rw-r-- 1 user 432476411 Mar  4 08:02 VMware-Workstation-Full-11.1.0-2496824.x86_64.bundle13:43
GridCubeits not an executable file user__, try chmod +x VM[press tab]13:44
user__user@user:~/Downloads$ chmod +x VMware-Workstation-Full-11.1.0-2496824.x86_64.bundle13:44
GridCubenow do ./VM[press tab]13:44
GridCubestuff should happen13:45
user__2minutes thanks again grid13:46
GridCubewell, you are on your own now user__ :)13:46
GridCubegood luck13:46
user__re-did commands, file is now in green color,then ./VM and tab just completed file name again so maybe will now do the sh command from installation instructions?13:48
user__Run the appropriate Workstation installer for the host system.13:49
user__For example: sh VMware-Workstation-xxxx-xxxx.architecture.bundle [--option]13:49
GridCubei guess13:49
user__and now when i click the file it tells me root access is required for these operations13:49
GridCubeyou at least have the file now13:49
user__yes,thanks for that.13:50
GridCubewell yes, you made it executable, if you didnt have to just do a chmod -x VM[press tab]13:50
user__i pressed enter as you said and it tries to extract but i get pop-up of root access needed,how do i do the same only in root access?13:50
GridCubechmod minus x takes the x P: chmod plus x adds the x, see?13:50
GridCubeadd sudo in front of the command you are given13:51
GridCubeagain this is dangerous and you just do it if you understand what its going on13:51
GridCubeelse you risk damaging your system13:51
GridCubei hope you understand this13:51
user__i think i am now root in right folder will try13:51
user__yes successfully extracted13:53
user__just to know for now and future,is it acceptable to "tip" for assistance here or not at all13:53
user__thank you very much Grid.13:54
GridCubeuser__: its unusual, just pass the help to the next person who needs it :) if you wanna contribute with monies theres bug hunting rewards that you can contribute, you can ask the people at -devel how to do so13:57
GridCubeand you're welcome user__ :) but again, remember that doing blindly what people tells you on the internet is dangerous, you should do it only if you understand whats going on13:58
GridCubeif not ask someone else if its correct or be aware of the risk you are taking13:58
GridCubeits your system after all, you are responsible for it13:59
=== sonne_ is now known as sonne
janfiI use Xubuntu 14.04. Very often when I start my computer my icons are arranged to the left of the screen. I don't want that. Is there any solution ?15:38
drcjanfi: what do you want?  No icons, icons on right?  What?15:40
klopsi-u3are you using Xubuntu 12.04 janfi ?15:41
drcklopsi-u3: He said 14.0415:41
klopsi-u3oh sorry i flew over that15:41
klopsi-u3here is some discussion about the problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/119099015:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1190990 in xfdesktop "Xfce4 mess up with icon positions" [Low,Fix released]15:42
drcklopsi-u3: We're not sure he has a bug...we really don't know what he wants.15:43
klopsi-u3wants to keep desktop icon placement and not have them moved to the left side?15:44
drcWe don't know...re-read his comment.  All we know is that they are on the left and he doesn't want that.15:44
drcYou're probably correct, but until he gives us more inforamtion.... :)15:46
cfhowlettjanfi, care to weigh here??15:46
janfiWhat I want is if I put an icon (generally a folder shortcut) somewhere on the screen, the day after I would like to find it on the same place.15:54
drcjanfi: See the link klopsi-u3 gabe you earlier.15:55
drcklopsi-u3: You were right :)15:55
janfiI have Xubuntu 14.0415:55
xubuntu07wHi there, trying to get my "at"-sign running on a MacBook with latest Xubuntu. I tryed to map "<Control><Alt>l" as a system shortcut, which should output the sign, but it doesnt work. Is there a way to output a string by using a shortcut?16:09
janfithanks, that should help16:27
xubuntu07wI think, I found it by myself. I used "lv3:enter_switch" as a xkboption ... works fine for me, thamks16:38
klopsi-u3ok cause my sid install couldnt run bumblee i am back to xubuntu :)17:51
klopsi-u3wonder if I can just switch to nvidia binary driver with "Additional Drivers" on an optimus laptop18:10
klopsi-u3here goes nuthin18:10
klopsi-u3rebooted and now laptop is using the nvidia chip!18:15
msev_got a question, in one of the app I use which has a dock inside based on "Gnome dock library (gdl)" I can't see text in one of the docked items, but in others I can...does anyone have an idea what could that be18:17
vrkalakwill xubuntu-15.04 have xfce-4.12 already installed?  does anyone know?18:19
spartakus9I'm on Xubuntu and I want to install bumblebee. My problem is that I don't know wich installation I could use.20:01
spartakus9sudo apt-get install bumblebee but with which options ?20:01
spartakus9Is virtualg and primus the same ? I use the opensource driver by the way.20:02
spartakus9 In fact, I just want to know if primus is made for the open source driver or not because I don't want to use the proprietary one.20:08
vrkalakhey, Drone` ... o/20:24
Executionerspartakus9: try 1.4.31, if that doesn't work uninstall it20:33
=== xubuntu88w is now known as katastrof
katastrofHow to know which card graphic my system is using?21:35
katastrofholstein: Thanks I don't understand I mean is driver = card graphic the same? I use nouveau (without bumblebee) and I have two graphical cards.21:40
katastrofWhen I mean the same, I mean in the result of the command21:41
holsteinkatastrof: if you are using the nouveau driver, thats the nvidia open driver..21:41
katastrofholstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10531529/21:42
holsteinkatastrof: right..21:42
holsteinkatastrof: you'll have to install something to manage the display you want to use21:43
katastrofThat means it's my nvidia card that's always running ?21:43
holsteinkatastrof: what do i do? disable the nvidia side, since i want the battery life..21:43
holsteinkatastrof: if you havent done anything to keep the nvidia card from running, then, yes.. AFAIK, the nvidia "side" is still running21:43
holsteinkatastrof: on my dual GPU like that, i use a kernel mod from a PPA that disabled the nvidia side21:44
katastrofbut intel is running too ?21:44
katastrofthey are both running but nvidia is the real one used, or ?21:44
holsteinkatastrof: AFAIK, correct.. but, just pulling power.. not displaying things21:44
holsteinkatastrof: is this relevant? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics i would expect to install something to manage the device.. if thats possible in linux21:45
katastrofholstein: the thing is I used bumblebee but with nouveau it's causes problems and nividia prime is also a problem for me because it freezes my computer some time21:47
holsteinkatastrof: yup.. caused problems for me to.. AFAIK, nvidia didnt specifically address it for me, so, i just disabled the nvidia "side"21:47
klopsi-u3i just switched to the nvidia driver21:48
klopsi-u3never need battery21:48
holsteinkatastrof: i would expect a lot of trial and error, and trying the various drivers.. and i would personally want the latest 15.04, even though, its not out yet21:48
katastrofif i install nvidia prime but I activate only the intel card, the problem will not go because it's the same driver ?21:49
holsteinkatastrof: those are the quesitons i would be answering, with experiementation..21:50
holsteinkatastrof: i dont have that hardware.. but, you can always look for someone with it, in #ubuntu for example..21:50
katastrofdid you have problems with flash too ?21:50
katastrofwith the prop drivers I had to F5 to reload like youtube videos because I had the sound but not the frame21:51
holsteinkatastrof: no.. i use the current flash provided to linux for the chrome browser21:51
holsteinkatastrof: i dont personally let chrome dictate my GPU drivers in linux.. its just such a potential mess..21:52
katastrofI'm contacting a guy from #ubuntu right now he has nvidia prime21:55
katastrofI'll post the result here maybe it will help21:55
katastrofHe said pretty the same thing : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10531773/22:09
katastrofI'll do some tests and come here if I see it doesn't work ty guys !22:10
katastrofholstein: but damn i use only intel will it be a problem for encoding stuff I forget to mention that22:21
katastrof*if i use22:21
Dub_BoyWoohoo Xubuntu brought my PC back to life!22:38
Dub_BoyCan anyone explain what adding vm.swapsize=10 to /etc/sysctl does ecatly to increase performance? also I've heard it has no effect22:42

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