
marcoceppicatbus1: you can find it by going to jujucharms.com/charm and it'll be listed on the page, https://jujucharms.com/wordpress/ says it's revision 1000:00
marcoceppicatbus1: you can use the cs:charm-rev, not sure if that actually works, but if it did work before it should still going forward00:00
marcoceppicatbus1: I lied, the revision is in the URL on the right00:01
marcoceppiso that version of WordPress is version 100:01
catbus1ok. thanks, marcoceppi00:01
catbus1marcoceppi: do you know if there is any documentation about how to mirror the juju charm store? I have a friend in Asia who is in need of a local mirror as he sometimes has problems getting charms.00:11
marcoceppicatbus1: you can run an old script, "charm getall", which will download all of the precise charms. It'll be updated in the next few weeks so that you can use it with other series00:12
marcoceppionce you have it downloaded, you just need to put it in a local JUJU_REPOSITORY00:12
marcoceppiand then use it as a local deploy00:12
catbus1That would require building a local repo for each juju.00:15
catbus1my friend was thinking about hosting a mirror.00:16
catbus1so anyone can access it, not just for his juju instance.00:16
catbus1am I right that for every deployed charms, Juju caches them in the ~/.juju/charmcache folder?00:34
halcyonlazyPower: hye lazyPower are u available at this time...01:11
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lazyPowerhalcyon: o/04:56
lazyPowerhalcyon: i'm a bit late, had some things to wrap up downstairs. Hopefully you're still around though04:56
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MuraliHi gnuoy:05:59
MuraliI would like to do some changes to nova-compute charm and would like to test locally06:00
MuraliAnd I want deploy using juju-deployer. is it possible ?06:01
halcyonlazyPower: hye06:04
halcyonlazyPower: I'm here06:04
halcyonlazyPower: currently I destroy back my environment06:05
lazyPowerhalcyon: ey06:09
lazyPowerso you're having problems with the local provider since you edited your bridge settings, as i understand it?06:10
halcyonlazyPower: yes, as i change according ur tutorial but now I'm doing it once again and let u see the log ..is it okay??06:11
halcyonlazyPower: i hope u can guide me from there06:12
lazyPowerhalcyon: There's a bit i'll need to know - like whats your current CIDR for your network06:13
lazyPowerhalcyon: and can you pastebin the edits you made?06:13
halcyonlazyPower: sure can paste it here but06:14
halcyonlazyPower: sorry what is CIDR06:14
lazyPowerhalcyon: please pastebin it, then handoff a link.06:14
lazyPowerhalcyon: the ip range of your LAN in this case -
lazyPower^ as an example06:15
halcyonlazyPower: how should I handoff a link?06:15
lazyPowerhalcyon: paste.ubuntu.com - paste the contents of the file there and give me the link to the paste.06:15
halcyonlazyPower: ok06:16
halcyonlazyPower: current CIDR06:18
halcyonlazyPower: 10.11.66/2406:20
lazyPowerok, in /etc/default/lxc-net - is your LXC_NETWORK set to
lazyPowerhalcyon: better yet, just pastebin the contents of /etc/default/lxc-net for me :)06:22
halcyonyes set to that CIDR06:22
halcyonlazyPower: this is my file http://paste.ubuntu.com/10535681/06:28
lazyPowerhalcyon: ok, this looks good so far. and if you run `ifconfig br0` you should see the ip address that you defined
halcyonlazyPower: are u still here right?06:31
halcyonlazyPower: if I run ifconfig it give me another ip for br006:31
lazyPowerhalcyon: ok, this probably means your parent interface is set to DHCP - the post assumes the host IP will be static. there's issue #!06:32
halcyonlazyPower: ok wait I set the file in etc/network/interfaces like this...I pastebin to show u...06:34
halcyonlazyPower: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10535757/06:37
lazyPowerhmm... ok, can you pastebin the local provider snippet from ~/.juju/environments.yaml and the contents of /etc/lxc/default.conf?06:39
halcyonlazyPower: ok...but the default.conf I move to file name lxc.conf06:41
lazyPowerhalcyon: there are 2 files in /etc/lxc - it shoudl be default.conf and lxc-usernet06:43
halcyonlazyPower: yes 2 file at first but still now the default.conf is there06:44
halcyonlazyPower:  now this is the file ...environments.yaml06:45
halcyonlazyPower: that is the local part06:45
halcyonlazyPower: this is the default.conf file http://paste.ubuntu.com/10535839/06:48
lazyPowerthat lxc-clone line looks like its missing an indent - possibly a paste artifact?06:49
halcyonlazyPower: paste artifact??06:50
halcyonwhat is that?06:50
lazyPowerside-effect when pasting?06:50
lazyPoweris the lxc-clone line in ~/.juju/environments.yaml under the local provider indented to match the rest of the provider declaration?06:50
halcyonyes yes it should be same like the rest06:50
halcyonyes side effect from pasting06:51
lazyPowerok. since you moved the file default.conf back into place - reboot and try bootstrapping and  deploying cs:trusty/ubuntu06:51
halcyonlazyPower: ok06:53
halcyonlazyPower: u mean juju deploy cs:trusty/ubuntu...06:53
halcyonis the command like that06:53
halcyonlazyPower: u hv any idea when i run command juju status but it take some time to execute the output06:57
lazyPowerhalcyon: does it eventually come back or is it hung?06:58
halcyonlazyPower: is something like hung06:58
lazyPowernot sure what would cause that to be slow :(06:59
halcyonshould I reboot once again06:59
lazyPowerif you've rebooted once - you shouldn't have to reboot again07:00
lazyPoweryou've bootstrapped and run juju deploy cs:trusty/ubuntu right?07:01
halcyonI did bootstrap but not yet run juju deploy cs:trusty/ubuntu07:02
lazyPowerhalcyon: in ~/.juju/environments/local.jenv - you should have a couple lines denoting your state server.  for example, mine looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10535978/07:03
lazyPowerdo you see your br0 ip address listed as one of the state server entries?07:04
halcyonlazyPower: now my status come out and again lazyPower i see the machine id 1 the status is container failed to start07:06
lazyPowerhalcyon: ok - run sudo lxc-ls --fancy  and pastebin the output for me07:06
halcyonlazyPower: suprisingly when i run lxc-ls --fancy no output07:08
halcyonmeans i hv no container07:08
lazyPowerhalcyon: did you juju deploy trusty/ubuntu?07:08
lazyPowerhalcyon: the state server doesn't create a container - its actually running on your desktop.07:08
halcyoni deploy07:09
halcyonjuju deploy cs:trusty/ubuntu07:09
lazyPowerok, so it failed before it even greated the template container... weird07:09
halcyonoh u mean when i deploy trusty/ubuntu then it should create that service as if in my desktop itself??07:10
halcyonis it right??07:10
lazyPowerhalcyon: ps aux | grep wget07:11
lazyPowerdo you see wget fetching a cloud archive image?07:11
halcyonnot see any image07:12
halcyonlet me pastebin u my local.jenv file07:12
lazyPowerok, i'm thinking there's something else going wrong here that juju is kind of hiding due to the fact it didnt even attempt to create teh container.07:12
lazyPowerhalcyon: lets try this, we're going to create a lxc container manually07:13
lazyPowersudo lxc-create -t download -n test -d ubuntu -r trusty -a amd6407:13
halcyonlazyPower: done create lxc container07:14
lazyPowerhalcyon: ok now run sudo lxc-start -n test -d07:14
lazyPowerhalcyon: you should see the container running and with an ip address when you sudo lxc-ls --fancy now07:15
halcyonI got this message lxc_container: lxc-start.c main: 296 Executing '/sbin/init' with no configuration file may crash the host07:16
lazyPowerhang on07:16
halcyonit think the container doesnt start07:17
lazyPowerhalcyon: can you try starting the container again with -o lxc.log -l TRACE07:18
halcyon-o lxc.log -l TRACE07:18
halcyonthe command like above one lazyPower i write ya07:19
lazyPowerhalcyon: sudo lxc-start -n test -d -o lxc.log -l TRACE07:19
halcyonlazyPower: I got the same error message :(07:20
lazyPowerhalcyon: anything in lxc.log?07:20
lazyPoweror did it bail before it even attempted to log07:20
halcyonlazyPower: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10536067/07:21
halcyonlazyPower: the log file for lxc07:22
lazyPowerhalcyon: run "dpkg -l lxc" - are you running 1.0.7-0ubuntu0 ?07:23
halcyonu ask about juju version??07:24
lazyPowerhalcyon: no, just wanting to confirm you're on the latest stable release of lxc07:25
halcyonyes 1.0.7-0ubuntu0.107:25
lazyPowerhalcyon: is it possible to set your ethernet to a static ip? even if just temporarily?07:26
halcyonbefore I edit br0 the ip is static one07:26
lazyPowerok, can you set it to the address07:27
halcyonu mean I change eth0 to to static??07:27
lazyPowerhalcyon: no, we want to keep teh bridge around07:29
lazyPowerhalcyon: so we need to leave teh physical interface to manual, let the br0 be auto, and make it static07:29
lazyPowerhalcyon: like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10536134/07:30
halcyonok u mean I change this file /etc/network/interfaces07:30
lazyPowerhalcyon: correct07:30
halcyonlazyPower: ok understood but before i do that i destroy environment right?07:31
lazyPowerhalcyon: yeah, we'll use the lxc-container we created as our litmus test07:32
halcyonlazyPower: ok done edit that file07:39
lazyPowerhalcyon: did you bring the interface up/down so the static ip is in effect?07:40
halcyonso now i bootstrap again ya07:40
halcyonnot yet07:40
halcyonlazyPower: now when i run ifconfig07:41
halcyonmy ip for br0 is
halcyoni just reboot machine after i edit that file just now07:42
lazyPowerok, with the static ip in place, i think that will fix the problem07:42
lazyPowerif not, i'm out of ideas :(07:42
halcyonlazyPower: huhu..07:44
halcyonlazyPower: wait ya..07:45
halcyonlazyPower: ok i cant ping top google.com07:50
lazyPowerhalcyon: can you reach your gateway?07:50
halcyonand i can ping
halcyonas well07:51
halcyonhmmm kind of weird..I am sorry lazyPower coz troublesome for u...;(07:53
lazyPowerhalcyon: with all the issues that are cropping up and me not having a good answer it sounds like its time to start reverting back to the shipped config07:54
lazyPowerhalcyon: do you need me to pastebin any of those configs for you?07:54
halcyonok ...with all those issue I would like to again revert back to the original state where the host itself is clean07:56
halcyonok sure u can pastebin those configs for me07:56
halcyoni myself do not hv much knowledge about lxc07:57
lazyPower- /etc/lxc/default.conf - http://paste.ubuntu.com/10536369/07:57
halcyonlazyPower:  do u think those problems regarding the container is it ??07:57
lazyPower- /etc/default/lxc-net - http://paste.ubuntu.com/10536382/07:58
lazyPowerYOu will need to change the bridge to lxcbr0 in ~/.juju/environments.yaml07:58
lazyPowerby removing br0 from /etc/network/interfaces, and putting configuration back under your ethernet device, you should be g2g after a reboot.07:59
lazyPower(dont forget to set your ethernet device back to auto as well)07:59
halcyonok understood08:00
halcyonthank you lazyPower08:00
lazyPowerhalcyon: np, sorry i couldn't get you up and running :(08:00
lazyPowerbloodearnest: i took a look - are you referring to this MP? https://code.launchpad.net/~bloodearnest/charms/trusty/rabbitmq-server/add-nagios-service-groups/+merge/25179008:01
halcyon:( is okay08:01
halcyonlazyPower: hope can communicate again!08:08
lazyPowerhalcyon: good luck, i'm about to head out and get some sleep. its 3am here :)08:08
halcyonok :)08:11
bloodearnestlazyPower, I found the issue. The linting uses the venv, which uses --system-site-packages, and we don't have pinned requirements, which means I was using an older version of flake8 that was in the system09:46
bloodearnestI will pin the reqs, should fix it09:46
bloodearnestalthough the amulet failures are a bit frustrating, as they are failing in tip, not because of my changes09:47
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stubIs there a limit to how large a file that can be included in a charm? I've got a 95MB tarball in the directory I'm deploying from that isn't ending up on the deployed units12:03
stubHmm.... juju is fine. Looks like juju-deployer is what is griefing me.12:12
thierry-ibmmarcoceppi: Looking at http://marcoceppi.com/2014/06/deploying-openstack-with-just-two-machines/ I have a question - working on Kimchi charm - kimchi being a monitor for all VMs on system, I believe the idea is to deploy it onto 0 - that sounds possible for Manual or OpenStack env , but what would I configure for a Local env ?12:37
hazmatthierry-ibm: you don't12:44
hazmatstub: details?12:44
hazmatthierry-ibm: local env machine 0 is not a container, its the host, its 'special'12:44
hazmatno units get deployed to it12:44
thierry-ibmhazmat: so is there a purpose to deploy this charm in a local env ? may be to verify it starts properly but then I think I will have to redirect nginx  associated port to a port on main host - what do you think ?13:16
hazmatthierry-ibm: if your on the host you can directly navigate to the container ip address .. if your using a vm, you'll need to port forward13:16
hazmats/on vm/off the host13:17
thierry-ibmhazmat: understand that - thanks13:17
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skayI like having a local directory mounted in a container so that I can do work with my repo locally. vaguely, is it easy to make a post-deploy(?) script in a mojo spec that would mount the directory for me so that I could do this?15:29
skaycurrently I use a script that does not involve juju that sets up a container and does hte mounting work for me15:29
skaywhat I'd love is to have a stage that would do everything for me15:29
skayanother thing that would be nice is to be able to deploy some units with lxc and some to a remote openstack environment15:30
skayis that possible?15:30
skayroadmr: it would be like if I could have juju deploy a local development environment for me that behaves like your develop-in-lxc.py script15:31
roadmrskay: I don't think you can merge local and lxc :/ at least not local lxc :(15:33
skayroadmr: it would be cool if we could have a situation where we used swift externally but everything else locally15:34
roadmrskay: that'd be so cool :) Usually the lxc mount-a-local-dir config has to be done *before* booting the container, it's a modification of the fstab so it remains to be seen if it can be done while the lxc is already booted15:34
skayroadmr: so maybe one of the predeploy scripts in a mojo spec15:34
skayI need to beef up my lxc-fu15:34
roadmrskay: I don't see stgraber to ask him for confirmation, but given how the host resource looks like in the mtab (it's not even in fstab) I'd say it can't be done in a running container :/15:36
roadmrskay: plus it wouldn't make sense security-wise; if a container were able to arbitrarily mount resources in the host system it'd be a huge hole15:37
roadmrskay: so prior to boot we tell lxc which host resources to expose to the container, and once it's booted they can't be altered15:37
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jcastrohey wwitzel320:12
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whitanyone here thinking about going to dockercon? doing the hackathon?21:39
lazyPowerkwmonroe: hey the documentation for the charm you're looking at is actually here: http://chuckbutler.github.io/docker-charm/user/getting-started.html22:00
whitkwmonroe, we'll fix the readme, thanks for spotting that22:01
kwmonroenp whit. thanks for being nice to me.  lazyPower could learn a thing or two from you.22:08
jrwrencan anyone tell me a story about logstash-indexer on trusty?22:12
cory_fulazyPower: What does this mean?  ERROR: Unable to find an inventory file, specify one with -i ?22:28
lazyPowercory_fu: that sounds like an ansible error - can you pastebin me the output of what threw that/22:29
hazmatjrwren: once upon a time, in a log entry far far away ;-)22:29
cory_fumake lint on the docker charm22:29
cory_fuI can't get it to lint properly22:29
cory_fulazyPower: NB: Using charmbox to review22:29
hazmatcory_fu: its barfing on not having an inventory22:29
lazyPowerok, charmbox wasn't a thing when that portion was written, its isolated to a venv22:29
hazmatcory_fu: typically that means its not operating in local mode22:29
cory_fulazyPower: The venv construction in the charm is broken22:30
lazyPowerwell.. thats fun :(22:36
cory_fulazyPower: Ok, fixed the inventory issue, since it was my fault, but getting "provided hosts list is empty" now22:37
cory_fuAny idea?22:37
lazyPowercory_fu: 1 sec let me double check the makefile22:38
cory_fulazyPower: I've got a list of comments regarding that Makefile.  ;)22:38
lazyPowercory_fu: i think, i'm not positive - but i think what the issue is with the line about --syntax-check @ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbooks/site.yaml22:38
lazyPowermy in dev copy actually has that removed, and lint passes fine with just ansible-lint plugin22:39
cory_fulazyPower: Strange thing is that lint worked fine for asanjar, so I'm not sure why it's failing for me22:39
lazyPowercory_fu: it might be due to a missing dependency, mismatch in ansible versions22:40
cory_fuI didn't have ansible installed already, though, so I did an apt-get install ansible22:40
lazyPowerthose are teh 2 things that come to mind22:40
cory_fuOk, I removed that line, and now it says that .venv/bin/ansible-lint not found22:40
cory_fuI'll just note these things on the review and move on22:41
lazyPowercory_fu: weird, the make virtualenv target should have installed all those deps22:42
cory_fuIt doesn't.  The venv target doesn't install anything ansible related22:42
lazyPowercory_fu: but - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lazypower/charms/trusty/docker/trunk/view/head:/Makefile22:42
lazyPowerit says it does22:43
* lazyPower is cornfused22:43
cory_fuI was using the github version22:43
cory_fuI thought that was the more up-to-date one22:43
cory_fuAnd for some reason I already had it checked out22:43
lazyPowercory_fu: looks like i vendored something without getting it merged into master22:46
lazyPower#fwp with my vendoring process22:46
cory_fuWell, the LP branch is what the review points to, so I should be using that22:46
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