
VolUTFanhowdy ya'll01:25
VolUTFanHey, I want to create a script, that will, when run create an empty panel on the right side of my screen and auto add application icons to it.  Anyone know where I can start?01:54
VolUTFantrying to streamline setting up a new desktop01:55
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kernelcruncherhas anyone else had k3b bugging out at 98%?04:38
kernelcruncher14.04 with kde ppa04:38
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keithzgVolUTFan: I'd almost just look at the way the configs look for plasma after you do indeed set a desktop up that way, and just write a script that writes those entries to the respective config files.04:39
VolUTFankeithzg: might be a good place to start.  I tried to google the concept but there is so much stuff on google, its prob burried 100 pages down somewhere04:41
VolUTFanwhat directory path do you suggest I start digging?  .kde?04:41
VolUTFankernelcruncher: Ive had it happen to me in 14.0404:43
VolUTFannever went digging for an answer tho04:43
VolUTFanthought my install was bricked somehow and just stopped trying04:44
kernelcruncherVolUTFan: Ok thanks04:44
keithzgVolUTFan: Yeah, there's a plasmarc file around there somewhere in .kde that I think is the ticket, at least for KDE 4.x.04:44
VolUTFankeithzg: its kde404:45
VolUTFanthere are 2 results to $locate plasmarc /usr/share/kde4/apps/kconf_update/plasmarc-to-plasmadesktoprc.upd and this one /usr/share/kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/share/config/plasmarc04:47
keithzgVolUTFan: actually the config file might be ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc for your user session.04:48
VolUTFanlet me check that one04:48
VolUTFanthat might be a good place to start.  thanks a lot04:49
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keithzgkernelcruncher: Have you tried different disks? Have you tried burning via something other than K3b? Have you tried wiping your K3b configs and starting them from scratch? Those are the only three things I can think of (it works fine for me in 14.04, thankfully, since I have to burn DVDs very often05:00
keithzgas part of my day job).05:00
martikusвсем драсти05:00
kernelcruncherkeithzg: yes05:02
kernelcruncherkeithzg: same .iso burns fine in openSUSE 13.2 k3b05:02
kernelcruncherkeithzg: I was wondering if it could be related to the kde PPA but I see k3b isn't from there anyway05:04
keithzgkernelcruncher: Yeah, it seems unlikely. Hmm.05:04
keithzgkernelcruncher: What's the version of K3b and growisofs on openSUSE?05:04
kernelcruncherkeithzg: K3b Version: 2.0.205:04
kernelcruncherkeithzg: growisofs: 7.105:05
kernelcruncherkeithzg: those are for kubuntu05:05
keithzgkernelcruncher: Yeah, got that from the paste you did anyways ;) and those are the same as mine on Kubuntu 14.04 too.05:06
kernelcruncherkeithzg: k3b 2.0.8005:06
keithzgkernelcruncher: wait, huh? The latest release was 2.0.3, back in November . . .05:08
kernelcruncherkeithzg: opensuse uses cdrecord 3.1a2505:08
kernelcruncherkeithzg: http://packman.links2linux.de/package/k3b/59166305:11
keithzgkernelcruncher: Doesn't really explain where that weird version is coming from :P05:12
keithzgkernelcruncher: Well, I guess it kindof does, looks like openSUSE at some point got impatient waiting for a release and started packaging a somewhat fake one from git, perhaps?05:13
kernelcruncherkeithzg: I have a burn to do later and plan to try xfburn05:13
keithzgThe "2.0.80" releases seem to start inbetween when 2.0.2 and 2.0.3 were released, which *was* a long time.05:13
keithzgkernelcruncher: Yeah, it'd be interesting to see if that works from within Kubuntu, since if it does then you do know that the problem is somehow part of the software stack that's specific to k3b (and conversely, if it also fails then you know it's a lower-level issue)05:14
kernelcruncherkeithzg: I'm more concerend about kubuntu not actually working correctly than what Packman are doing05:14
kernelcruncherkeithzg: thanks for your interest05:15
keithzgkernelcruncher: Well, I'm trying to figure out what the difference is! And that gets a bit wonkier when they're packaging their own releases, heh.05:15
keithzgkernelcruncher: Looks like 14.10 is still on 2.0.2, but 15.04 will ship with 2.0.305:16
kernelcruncherkeithzg: it's partly to do with the fact that openSUSE can only push 'open' software. The packman version comes tied with the k3b-codecs that openSUSE can't have in their sources05:16
keithzgkernelcruncher: Fair enough. Well, the k3b packages (k3b, k3b-data, libk4b6) don't look to require any newer dependencies outside of what ships with Trusty, so you *could* just try installing those and see if that fixes things.05:19
keithzgkernelcruncher: I'd recommend trying xfburn first, and *if* that works fine then try installing the newer k3b packages.05:20
kernelcruncherkeithzg: thanks man05:20
keithzg(http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/k3b http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/k3b-data and http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/libk3b6 should be all you need if I'm reading it right)05:20
keithzgkernelcruncher: no problem, best of luck!05:20
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wamariHi guys07:06
wamarianyone know how to get dropbox indicator working in Kubuntu 15.04?07:06
valorienot sure we'll get an indicator for quite awhile07:10
valorieuntil someone re-writes the old one for the new standards07:10
valoriedropbox is working without problem in 15.04 for me, though07:11
wamarithats a bummer07:12
wamariat least it syncs07:13
wamarii guess i could live without the indicator for a while07:13
valoriepatches probably welcome - dropbox isn't a KDE project07:14
valorieor even free07:15
valoriethat said, I use it too07:15
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lordievaderGood morning.08:57
alkethi, how to install KDE Telepathy Instant Messenger 0.9 in ubuntu 14.0410:30
valorie!info kde-telepathy10:43
ubottukde-telepathy (source: meta-kde-telepathy): metapackage for installing all the KDE Telepathy components. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 1 kB, installed size 26 kB10:43
valorieso install via muon, or `sudo apt install meta-kde-telepathy`10:43
valoriealket: ^^^10:44
lordievadervalorie: That is 0.8, alket was asking about 0.9.10:49
lordievader!info kde-telepathy kubuntu-backports10:49
ubottuPackage kde-telepathy does not exist in kubuntu-backports10:49
alketsince a big bug is fixed in that version10:49
lordievaderGuess it ain't packeged (yet).10:49
alketi need it to use at work10:49
alketits for 14.10 though10:49
alketin backports10:49
lordievaderThat is the downside of running LTS, old software.10:50
alketwell i use it LTS at work10:51
alketcan't upgrade it10:51
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soeegood morning11:48
BluesKajHey folks12:25
DragoWing_anyone online? (sorry for the second time) for some reason it didn't send anything for me)12:26
DragoWing_ahhh, okayy12:26
DragoWing_may i ask something?12:26
BluesKajask away12:26
lordievader!ask | DragoWing_12:26
ubottuDragoWing_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:26
DragoWing_ohhhh, sorry12:26
DragoWing_whats the difference between all the linux/ubuntu versions?12:27
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.12:27
lordievaderThe DE mostely.12:27
yossarianukhi - as so far KRDC hasn't been ported to Plasma5.x - does that mean 15.04 will miss that package (or will the plasma4.x package be available instead ?)12:28
DragoWing_ok, and i suppose you all prefer kde the most? XD12:28
yossarianukDragoWing_: yes12:28
DragoWing_i think i will try it out, i am not sure i like the unity version that much, and screenshots of gnome i am not sure, thank you guys for your aweome help, :D12:29
yossarianukDragoWing_: some distros have different options used to make the kernel, etc  (i.e different schedulers, etc, 100Hz , etc) - some distros are tuned differently.12:29
BluesKajthat's what Kubuntu is , ubuntu witht KDE desktop environment12:29
ronnocAnyone having an issue playing videos in 15.04 after the last round of updates?12:30
DragoWing_thank you very much for the awesome help, and very fast too!12:30
DragoWing_i suppose i have to downloads LTS version too, right?12:30
hateballDragoWing_: you dont have to re-download an iso if you already run Ubuntu12:31
DragoWing_i am using unity right now12:31
hateballyou can run this in a terminal "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"12:31
hateballDragoWing_: ^12:31
hateballAnd it will download and install everything needed12:31
DragoWing_wow, thats pretty cool, but does it delete unity then? or jsut ontop?12:31
hateballDragoWing_: Then you can switch between KDE Plasma and Unity at login12:31
DragoWing_ok, cool12:31
yossarianukDragoWing_: I find it always 'cleaner' to install a free os - otherwise you may have gnome/unity utilities as the default instead of KDE tools.12:32
DragoWing_yeah, i think i will just redownload it12:32
DragoWing_thank you very much!12:33
DragoWing_okidoki, ;o))12:34
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telemakbonjour tout le monde12:58
telemaky a du monde qui touche sa bille en debian? j ai un peu d mal pour un truc12:59
BluesKaj!fr | telemak12:59
ubottutelemak: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:59
telemakok no pb I can speak in english12:59
telemakI ve got a little pb on my debian, I have a picture of it13:00
telemakso if somenone is good on debian13:00
telemakI just need a little of help13:01
Riddellthis is a kubuntu channel13:01
BluesKajtelemak, join #debian, this is kubuntu13:01
telemakooooo...oh dear...sorry13:01
DragoWinghello, sorry for bothering again, i was wondering, do i need to get the 14.04 LTS version or is 14.10 better?13:04
BluesKajDragoWing, that depends on your needs and su=ituation , are you a home user on the job ?13:09
BluesKajerr situation13:09
BluesKajok, wqell I use 14.10 it's very solid13:10
DragoWingok, is it any different?13:10
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)13:10
DragoWingand is 14.10 LTS? google says LTS is bestest13:10
telemak14.10 works fine on my cptr13:11
BluesKajDragoWing, there's no 14.10 LTS13:11
telemakbut no 14.10LTS for the moment13:11
DragoWingohhhh, okayy, but whats the difference then? i can't seem to find out13:11
BluesKajand won't be anytime , the next LTS will be 16.04 afaik13:12
DragoWingso, the 04 versiions are mostly LTS?13:12
telemakif 03 isn't13:12
BluesKajyes , but every 2 yrs13:12
DragoWingahhhh, okayy, and when did 14.04 and 14.10 release?13:13
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BluesKajtelemak, ther a re no 03s13:13
telemakBluesKaj:  it was a joke13:13
telemakI know I know13:13
BluesKaj14 stands for the yr, 04 stands for the month13:13
DragoWingahhhh, okayy, cool13:14
DragoWingso 14th of april13:14
DragoWingi mean13:14
BluesKajso 15.04 will be released this april13:14
telemakgread matematician DragoWing ! lol13:14
DragoWingyeah, sorry, i can't do math, XD13:14
telemakno problem, I can't speak english13:15
DragoWingapril 201413:15
BluesKajyr=year ,13:15
telemaksame same13:15
telemakbut diffrent13:15
DragoWingyeah, i know, sorry13:15
DragoWingbut 2016 comes the next one?13:15
telemakwon't in 201513:15
DragoWingok, cool13:16
DragoWingand 14.10?13:16
DragoWinghow long support?13:16
telemakI don't know I m not a Linux devlopper lol13:16
DragoWingwell, i allways could ask13:16
telemak14.04 long time support13:16
telemakand if you havbe a question on the 14.1013:16
DragoWingok, i think i will keep it by 14.04 instead13:17
telemakyou just put the same questionh on 14.0413:17
jadysontem alguém testando o Kubuntu 15.04 Beta 1 ?13:17
telemakIt will be the same and no problem with troller13:17
telemakben oué va y on parle en esperanto aussi????13:17
DragoWingok, cool, and will 14.04 get plasma5 too?13:18
telemakplasma 5???13:18
DragoWingi think i saw something on website plasma 4, lol13:19
DragoWingcould be wrong, tho13:19
telemakLike Rambo13:19
DragoWingoh, i just see plasma on 14.10 i suppose, XD13:19
telemak5 not better than 413:19
telemakplasma 5.....He's on stargate13:20
telemakno soucy13:20
DragoWingok, thank you, i think i know enough, i will install 14.04, thaank you!13:21
kahtahsDragoWing: no, packages in ubuntu releases are frozen besides security updates13:21
telemakyeah DragoWing install 14.0413:21
DragoWingthank you very much!13:21
BluesKaj14.10 is very stable , 14.04 has some stability problems in my experience , DragoWing13:21
DragoWingit does?13:22
telemakI m on quad boot : kubuntu, debian, tails, win713:22
BluesKajthat was my experience yes13:22
DragoWinghmz, now i can't choose, XD13:22
BluesKajgo for 14.1013:22
DragoWingbut everyone says i had to do LTS cuz they are the best13:22
telemak14.04 BluesKaj13:23
DragoWingsorry, a bit new to linux13:23
kahtahsBluesKaj: LTS enablement stack?13:23
BluesKajDragoWing, not all LTS are , but that's your choice13:23
DragoWingahhhh, okayy, well, then i think i will do 14.10, i trust ur judgement, XD13:24
kahtahsDragoWing: go for 14.04.1 not 14.04.2: 5 years instead of 18 months support and LTS enablement stack just got released and has some bugs left13:24
DragoWingwow, wait, should i go for 14.04 orv 14.10? XD13:25
kahtahsif you don't need the newer packages in 14.10, you don't need 14.1013:25
kahtahsif you want plasma 5, best to go for 15.04 beta13:26
BluesKaj14.10 FTW in my opnion13:26
BluesKajstable and mature13:27
BluesKaj15.04 is for the adventurous and those who don't mind breakge13:27
DragoWingok, i think i have to choose, i will try 14.10 then like kaj said, :D13:29
BluesKajLTS  is meant for the work environment13:29
kahtahs14.10 only has support for 9 months, so support ends on July 2015, which is rather soon13:30
DragoWingohhhh, and does it get a new version after?13:30
kahtahsyou can update to 15.04 when it's out13:32
DragoWingok, cool, well, i jsut do 14.04 then, since its longer supported13:32
DragoWingthank you all, have to go now, ;o))13:33
BluesKajkahtahs, now you've really got hinm confused13:33
DragoWingi suppose indeed13:34
BluesKaj14.04 is still supported , but i's not needed by home users , DragoWing\13:34
DragoWingso, as a home user 14.10 is better?13:35
BluesKajLTS is meant for the work environment, like I said before13:35
BluesKaj14.10 is best for now13:35
DragoWingoh, for devs?13:35
kahtahsBluesKaj: not true: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS13:35
BluesKajkahtahs, don't beleive everything you read, beleive me, I've used 14.04 :)13:36
kahtahsnon-lts will soon force you to use systemd, which is planned for 15.0413:37
BluesKajnot for devs, DragoWing for the workplace13:37
DragoWingah, okayy13:37
lordievaderBluesKaj: That is not entirely true. If you want a very stable Ubuntu system you go with LTS.13:37
BluesKajsystemd works ok , I use it13:37
DragoWingok, now peopel say different, XD13:38
kahtahsBluesKaj: it's a major structural change, which you will have to deal with13:38
BluesKajlordievader, that's your opinion, and I have mine13:38
DragoWingok, i have to go, thank you all for your time and help, really appreciate it, ;o))13:38
DragoWingi will look how LTS version will work if not i will just change13:39
BluesKajkahtahs, I already have,  no problems so far13:39
DragoWingbye bye13:39
DragoWingokidoki, ;o))13:40
kahtahsBluesKaj: wouldn't call that no problems: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1411-systemd-migration13:48
BluesKajwell, I don't have any13:51
BluesKajone has to install sddm and systemd-sysv to make things work13:53
BluesKajnot fan of systemd, but I might aswell get used to it , just like pulseaudio13:53
mparilloAnybody know wget? I was trying to grab the kubuntu-devel logs from February (to avoid having to ask Riddell the same question twice), so I used: wget -r -A "*kubuntu-devel.txt" http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/02 but it seems to be pulling in all logs. I killed it when it built the whole structure back to 2004 and files from January 2015.14:15
Riddellmparillo: I use this script to download them http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/get14:17
Riddelljust update the month14:18
mparilloRiddell: TY, and safer than trying to figure out recursion in wget.14:20
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alkethow come kdevelop has better syntax highlighting than kate15:04
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yossarianukalket: try kwrite15:40
lordievaderalket: Because kdevelop is an ide.15:50
lordievaderKate is an advanced text editor.15:51
yossarianukwhat is the difference between kate + kwrite ? For some reason kwrite seems more usable ...16:00
yossarianukis it the same backend ?16:00
lordievaderyossarianuk: Yes, both kate, kwrite and kdevelop use the same backend.16:04
yossarianuklordievader: cheers - for some reason kwrite has always seemed more useful..16:05
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rberg_funny. I had to use Gnomes empathy client to configure KDE IM comtacts.. otherwise I got a auth failure16:55
VolUTFanHey Guys17:00
VolUTFanBluesKaj, how do you change the font size in the chat screen on konversation17:01
VolUTFanid like to bump it up maybe 2 sizes17:01
yossarianukVolUTFan: try Settings -> configure konversation17:02
VolUTFanum yea  lol, where in that mess is the font size17:03
VolUTFanive looked through all of that and if its there, I am apparently blind.  And that may be the case17:04
VolUTFanmy eyesight isn't what it used to be.  thats why i was trying to bump up the font size a tid bit17:06
VolUTFani think I found it.. the fixed size isn't going to work17:07
VolUTFanyepp, I fixed it.  now I can actually see whats on the screen.17:10
Dranguewhere are gwenview plugins located ? I want to disable some of them17:33
datshow do we add icon to panel in kubuntu 15.0417:46
datshi there anyone could let me know17:46
VolUTFanits not like 14.x.  From what I remember, you have to left click and drag17:48
VolUTFanIts in my test enviroment, but I don't have vivid loaded right now17:48
VolUTFandats: that was for you17:48
VolUTFanDrangue: I am trying to figure you problem out.  Loading gwenview right now to try and assist you17:49
datsi tried to do for k3b17:49
VolUTFandats: are you saying..  just to clarify.  You have a empty panel on your screen, say to the right, and you want to drag an icon over to it17:50
datsi am not able to do it17:50
VolUTFandats: but what I am describing, is what your attempting to do.. is that correct?17:51
VolUTFandats: if that is what your attempting to do..  I will load my test enviroment for vivid and simulate what your trying to do and walk you through it17:51
VolUTFandats: ok, will do.  Standby and let me load up my vivid box17:52
datsi have kubuntu 15.0417:52
VolUTFanvivid = 15.04 beta 117:52
datskde plasma 5.1.9517:54
VolUTFanDrangue: standby..  I am still digging for intel on the gwenview plugins.  Are you trying to remove, specific plugin's or all of them?17:56
datsvivid is smooth to run but to put icons in the panel i am not able to17:56
datsi think it is 15.04 that is what the information about system in settings say17:57
VolUTFandats: I think I figured out your problem17:58
datswaiting eagerly17:58
VolUTFanright click in a blank portion of your kicker panel..  at the bottom of the screen.  Select Panel Options, then unlock widgets.  Once you have that done, you should be able to right click and hold, then drag your icons over to your panel17:59
VolUTFandats: try that, then let me know if that works17:59
datsi tried to get the way out from internet but i drew a blank as i suppose 15.04 is new17:59
VolUTFanDrangue: See if this URL helps.  It doesn't specifically talk about disabling the gwenview plugins, but does talk about uninstalling specific plugins.  Maybe it will guide you to where you need to be.  https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?66477-Uninstall-Gwenview-plugins18:01
VolUTFandats: I don't understand what you mean.  Please rephrase18:01
VolUTFandats: Did the solution I provided you work?18:03
VolUTFandats: are you able to add icons to your panels now?18:04
datsyeah it is in the form - u add widget called as application launcher and edit it to the apllication you want -18:05
datsit is against the rules called as kiss18:05
datskeep it simple and straight18:05
datsthanks nice to interact18:06
datsi am out guten nicht - good night18:07
VolUTFanDrangue: Does that link help you?18:11
martasbnczzdarec vespolek..18:14
martasbnczsetkal se někdo z Vás,že mu maxthon(browser) nasadil dvě až tři zombie a samotné ubu/kubu zahlásilo vnitřní chybu ?18:16
martasbnczotevřené porty v komunikaci jsem projel,tam chyba není,procesy které šly jsem killnul..18:17
VolUTFanmartasbncz: english please18:17
martasbnczVolUTFan: ok18:18
VolUTFanDrangue: Within gwenview, once you install the plugins (kipi-plugins) I don't see a specific way to disable or configure the plugins from within the GUI app Gwenview.  Strange.  That would be an excellent feature however18:21
VolUTFanmartasbncz: What can I help you out with?18:21
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martasbnczVolUTFan: maxthon browsers = zombie ...know somebody problem ?18:26
VolUTFanwhat version of Kubuntu are you running?18:29
VolUTFanmartasbncz: ok, thanks.  What do you mean by zombie18:30
martasbnczorphan, unfinished process18:31
VolUTFanmartasbncz: So you are simply trying to kill the hung process?18:32
martasbnczVolUTFan: kill the process, no problem, restart, and he works again18:34
VolUTFanmartasbncz: so you can kill the process and it works again?18:35
martasbnczVolUTFan: works without killing, but I see him top18:38
VolUTFanmartasbncz: I don't understand what the problem is then.  If it is running fine without killing it, what then is the problem with your zombie process?  Are you saying that you have 1 instance of the application open, yet you see 2 maxthon processes?18:39
VolUTFanmartasbncz: I am downloading the maxthon browser to my test box18:43
martasbnczVolUTFan: I see 2-3 zombie and not only in the top, the system slacker kills a process over time is here again18:45
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lordievadermartasbncz: Having zombie processes doesn't matter. They don't use resources, they only use a pid.18:46
martasbnczlordievader: thanks18:49
VolUTFanlordievader: is it somewhat like google chrome or chromium?  the processes I mean18:49
VolUTFandats:  whats up18:50
VolUTFanI was in the process of installing the maxthon browser.  Apparently its pretty new18:51
lordievaderVolUTFan: A fork of Netscape, IIRC.18:51
lordievaderNever mind... I do not recall correctly.18:52
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VolUTFanI was in the process of installing the maxthon browser.  Apparently its pretty new18:52
VolUTFani don't know why on earth it posted that message twice. LOL18:53
martasbnczMaxthon works fast but his zombie'm tired18:54
VolUTFanim not sure why my vbox 14.04 is so slow in loading this deb file18:58
martasbncz8.18.216.151: icmp_seq=1 ttl=44 time=181 ms19:00
VolUTFanmartasbncz: I got maxthon browser installed.  Each of the maxthon processes have a specific job.  A new install, yields 8 total maxthon processes19:05
VolUTFansome of the processes are for crash reporting, and smooth scrolling.  From what I see, these processes are supposted to be there19:06
VolUTFanit also reaches out to remote servers to gather plugins, so I would imagine you would see pids from that as well19:07
martasbnczVolUTFan: yes, I saw it, please explore the "top and" last19:08
VolUTFanmartasbncz: what specifically about the top and last pids?19:09
martasbncz 1465319:16
VolUTFanmy pid, virtual and reserve memory blocks are going to be different from yours19:17
VolUTFanmartasbncz: PID's are usually 4 digits long, unless your running a whopping large system19:18
VolUTFanlordievader: doesn't the 5 digit numbers sound a lot like memory sectors to you?  in the TOP command19:19
martasbnczIt is certain, any error was found? higher swap, memory, load average?19:20
lordievaderVolUTFan: Max pid can be read from /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max19:20
lordievaderAfter that number pid's are recycled.19:20
VolUTFanmartasbncz: it all depends on the specific application.  In this case, I am not familiar enough with the maxthon browser to know that information19:21
VolUTFanlordievader: max pids would be cleared on a reboot of the system.. right?19:22
martasbnczEven so thank you very much for the effort and attempt19:23
lordievaderVolUTFan: Yes.19:23
VolUTFanlordievader: thats what I thought.  thanks for the confirm.19:23
VolUTFanmartasbncz: no problem19:23
martasbnczthank .. You guys, I search the computers start19:25
VolUTFanlordievader: where can I find a user list of commands for IRC chat?  For example, how would I say a thought, like -*- is thinking19:41
VolUTFanive seen it, but not really had time to look into it19:41
lordievaderVolUTFan: That one would be /me, further more, no idea.19:41
VolUTFanhmm lol19:44
* VolUTFan is thinking19:44
VolUTFandid that show up as a thought19:44
VolUTFanokie dokie, awesome.  learned something new19:45
VolUTFanim poking around in gwenview after installing the kipi-plugins.  The facebook plugin doesn't seem to jive with the upload.  It took me to facebook to auth the api call, and it showed success.  I come back to gwenview, highlight picture items and select to upload to facebook.  What I get is this.http://picpaste.com/facebooksuccess-bM88hCeE.jpg  /  http://picpaste.com/facebook-plugin-notice-AqyUtdSE.jpg  /  http://picpaste.com/19:57
VolUTFanhttp://picpaste.com/facebook-plugin-error-U8IqrPpl.jpg  last url didn't load19:58
VolUTFanany ideas19:58
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feral_hedgehogHello everyone! Linux noob here. Just spent 3 days on solving serious printer problem. Please tell me where to post it so that other linux noobs don't have to spend 3 days. Here's what happened: While using Kubuntu 14.10 64bit, printer wouldn't print files from Office 2007 running on wine1.7. To fix the problem I've installed the latest hplip and in '/etc/cups/ppd/' add read permission to Everyone on the printer's PPD file.20:23
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Drangueswex: on ubuntuforums.org21:15
Coffee-Pothow can I simlink a document .docx so that it shows up on my desktop21:32
Coffee-Potnot specifically the Desktop folder, but the desktop itself21:32
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rberg_Coffee-Pot: you might need to use the folder widget to get plamsa to display files on the desktop21:38
Coffee-Pothey rburg, this is actually VolUTFan, logged in from a 2nd session on my K-Box.  let me see if I can find that folder widget.  The fidget widget lol21:40
rberg_start with the cashew21:41
Coffee-Potrberg_: your joking with me right?21:41
rberg_nope.. the little cashew icon at the top right is where you add widgets21:42
Coffee-Potrberg_: I already did that part, and added the widget.  I didnt know what that was called.  It looks like its just my home folder, has all the folders in my home directory and files21:43
Coffee-Potthe same Desktop folder is there, but still doesnt help me simlink a file to the actual desktop21:44
rberg_oh you got that far.. you can drap a file from dolphin to the file widget and select link21:45
rberg_I can also tell you how to do if from konsole if you wish21:45
Coffee-Potfrom terminal I know its ln -s /path/path/file.ext /dest/dest/simlink21:47
Coffee-Potbut not sure where to point the simlink path so it shows up on the desktop.  I wanted to add a freq used file.docx to the desktop for quick access21:48
Coffee-Poti think I figured it out21:50
bpromptCoffee-Pot:      whatever is in ~/.Desktop folder, would show on the desktop21:51
bpromptpreferably with a .desktop extension and format21:52
Coffee-Potthere is no .desktop folder in /home/user/21:52
Coffee-Potthere is a Desktop folder, but no .Desktop21:52
Coffee-Potand nope, I tried adding files to the Desktop folder and they do not show on the desktop21:52
bpromptCoffee-Pot:   ahemm... that's what I meant21:52
bpromptCoffee-Pot:    well.. do you have a .desktop file it points to?21:53
Coffee-Potim not sure what you mean21:53
bpromptCoffee-Pot:    what are you putting in directory .Desktop anyhow?   what's the symlink pointing to?21:53
rberg_Coffee-Pot: symlink it to whatever folder you have the folder widget looking at.. my default thats ~/Desktop but you can configure that too21:53
Coffee-Potrberg_: I see what you mean by the config of the folder widget21:54
bprompthmm actaully is not hidden, doh, is Desktop, but anyhow, what are you pointing it to?21:54
yahyaadoes anyone know when the stable version of plasma5 will be released?21:54
Coffee-Potaccording to the shortcut I managed to get on my desktop, the file is located in /home/marie/.local/share/applications21:55
Coffee-Potor that is there the simlink is located pointing the the docx file in my home folder21:55
Coffee-Potso i guess if I need to simlink something to the desktop the simlink should be name.desktop for that folder21:56
bpromptCoffee-Pot:   are you in kwin?  whatever is in ~/.local/share/applications, shows up in the menu, and in kwin, you can just drag-drop to the desktop from there21:58
Coffee-Potim not entirely sure21:59
Coffee-Potwhat would be the hints I am in kwin22:00
bpromptCoffee-Pot:   kwin is kde's default window manager22:00
Coffee-Potthen thats what I am using22:00
bpromptso if you dunno what a window  manager is, chances are, you're using kwin :)22:00
Coffee-Poti mean I can drag and drop..  already tried that.  and it works22:00
bpromptCoffee-Pot:   then the .desktop would show up in the menu, and you can just drag and drop it on the desktop from the menu22:01
Coffee-Potbut how would I simlink a file in /home/user/file.docx to the actual desktop22:01
Coffee-Potright, but can it be done from the terminal?22:01
rberg_Coffee-Pot: I would think "ln -s /home/user/file.docx ~/Desktop"22:01
Coffee-Potlet me run that command and show you the results via screenshot22:02
Coffee-Potbrb, need to log off and back on to see if it worked22:03
bpromptCoffee-Pot:      say    ~# ln -s file.docx  Desktop/myfile22:04
Coffee-Potok I am back22:05
Coffee-Pot1 second22:05
bpromptCoffee-Pot:      say    ~# ln -s file.docx  Desktop/myfile   <----22:06
bpromptCoffee-Pot:   anyhow, you don't need to log out, it shows right off22:06
Coffee-Potno matter if I run ln -s file Desktop or ln -s file /Desktop/myfile it doesnt show on the desktop.  Look at my screenshot and you can see the file simlink in the Desktop folder, but not on the desktop22:07
rberg_I dont think the file widget is looking at ~/Desktop then22:08
rberg_clock on the wrench on the side of the widget to see where its pointed22:08
Coffee-Poti dont ever use that folder widget.22:08
rberg_*click.. I mean.. ok kde will not show files on the desktop without it22:09
Coffee-Potok hang on22:09
rberg_thats just how kde 4 is..22:10
Coffee-Pothttp://picpaste.com/snapshot2-IFdYqYik.png  . No folder widget, opened dolphin and dragged the file right to the desktop.22:11
Coffee-Potso I know that is possible.  It shows the location of the simlink as /home/marie/.local/share/applications22:12
rberg_huh? yeah that does work22:13
Coffee-Potyea, but I did it without using the folder widget22:13
Coffee-Potnow the question remains.  How can i do it via the terminal lol22:15
Coffee-PotI feel like im mentally challenged for some reason when it surronds the desktop folder22:16
Coffee-Potor the desktop for that matter22:16
rberg_yeah apparently kde doesnt track the Desktop folder but some other folder22:17
Coffee-Potthats what i am trying to figure out lol22:17
Coffee-Potwhy bother having a Desktop folder in home, it its not even connected to the Desktop itself lol22:17
Coffee-Poti was talking to lordievader about that earlier I think22:18
Coffee-Pot not today but either yesterday or day-before22:18
bpromptCoffee-Pot:    got any icons on the desktop that are showing?  any names for the filename?22:19
bpromptCoffee-Pot:  if those files are showing there... you could just do a quick "find" on that file, so you can see where's at22:19
Coffee-PotI can add one.  Do you want me to add an application shortcut or a file shortcut22:19
bpromptwell... should be a shortcut22:19
Coffee-Potbprompt: look at my last screenshot.  The path is right there in the properties window22:20
bpromptCoffee-Pot:     I see it on the desktop...... is that the symlink? or just a plain drag-n-drop?22:21
Coffee-Potwhat I dont understand is... when I do ln -s /file.doc ~/.local/share/applications it doesnt show on the Desktop, yet that is there the shortcut lands when i drag and drop lol22:22
Coffee-Potits drag and drop, but in that case, doesnt still resemble a softlink22:22
bpromptCoffee-Pot:    hmmmm   ~/.local/share/applications  is for the menu entry, not the desktop icon22:22
Coffee-Potok, let me do another screenshot to show you whats there22:23
Coffee-Potim going to do a drag and drop, then screenshot again22:23
bpromptCoffee-Pot:     where's file.doc?  in the root folder? or ~ ?22:24
Coffee-Pothttp://picpaste.com/snapshot3-Pv3RgKDy.png  drag and drop.  shortcut on desktop, drug from /home/marie/Marie-Resume.doc then look at the ls -lach in terminal22:25
bpromptCoffee-Pot:    and  ->  ln -s file.doc Desktop/myfile  <-- is not showing it?22:26
Coffee-Potthat is correct bprompt22:26
Coffee-Potsee what I mean rberg_22:28
bpromptCoffee-Pot:   you made the symlink properly AT ~/.local/share/applications, NOT at ~/Desktop though22:28
bpromptCoffee-Pot:    hmmmm   ~/.local/share/applications  is for the menu entry, not the desktop icon22:28
Coffee-Potok... let me do it your way bprompt and I will again show you results.  LOL brb in a sec22:29
bpromptCoffee-Pot:    try ->    ln -s ~/Marie-Resume.doc ~/Desktop/Marie.Resume.doc22:30
Coffee-Potsee what I mean?22:33
* Coffee-Pot has managed to drink another entire pot of coffee22:35
* Coffee-Pot Time to put on another pot of coffee now LOL22:35
bpromptCoffee-Pot:     so...if you do an "ls -l"   what does it show as broken link?22:36
Coffee-Potbprompt: are you stumpped at what I am showing you?  I realize what your telling me should work22:36
Coffee-Potok hang on22:36
Coffee-Potlrwxrwxrwx 1 marie marie 16 Mar  5 17:11 Marie-Resume.doc -> Marie-Resume.doc22:36
Coffee-Potits pointing the simlink at itself, not at the origionating file22:37
Coffee-Potmaybe that is what the problem is22:37
bpromptmeaning the ln -s is ahemmm pointing to nowhere22:37
bpromptthus rm the symlink and redo it22:37
Coffee-Potjust did22:37
bpromptCoffee-Pot:    try ->    ln -s ~/Marie-Resume.doc ~/Desktop/Marie.Resume.doc22:37
Coffee-Pothttp://picpaste.com/snapshot5-soVzPD9A.png  that corrected the linking problem so its not pointing at itself, but rather the origion however as you can see... Still no shortcut on the desktop LOL22:39
* Coffee-Pot ***Is laughing my butt off ***22:40
bpromptreminds me of "ace venture, when nature calls"22:41
Coffee-Potbprompt:  LOL22:41
Coffee-PotLet me ask you, if you are running Kub and you do the same thing I am doing, does the simlink actually show on your desktop22:41
bpromptit may just be kwin....22:42
bpromptI do have kwin, but I use lxde22:42
bpromptbut the shortcuts are pretty much the same in both IIRC22:42
bpromptin lxde it shows instantly22:42
Coffee-Poti dont get it tho...  how is it, that I can drag and drop, and successfully make it show up, but not simlink a desktop shortcut22:42
Coffee-Potlet me try something.22:43
bpromptCoffee-Pot:     could be that....lemme recall... I think kwin.... wants a .desktop file, rather than "whatever"22:43
Coffee-Potright, and that is exactly what happens when I drag and drop the file from dolphin to the desktop, but it lands in the /home/marie/.local/share/applications path22:45
bpromptyou mean, is NOT in the Desktop folder?22:46
Coffee-Potthats what I am telling you22:46
Coffee-PotNOT in the Desktop folder22:46
Coffee-Potthat happens every single time I drag and drop..  funny thing tho..  if I remove the file Marie-Resume.desktop then go back to the terminal and do ln -s file.ext /home/marie/.local/share/applications/Marie-Resume.desktop it doesnt reappear on the actual desktop22:47
Coffee-Potit seems to be one-way.  Drag and Drop will work, but if I do it in reverse via the terminal, it wont work22:48
Coffee-Potlet me switch back over to my other account brb22:50
VolUTFanbprompt: I am back, this is Coffee-Pot.22:51
VolUTFanim going to try something under my main account22:51
VolUTFanI have a few application shortcuts on my own desktop22:51
bpromptwell... each account or user has their own Desktop folder anyhow, and also their own ~/.local22:54
VolUTFanRight, I understand that.  Look here.  http://picpaste.com/snapshot3-5dPam5GK.png22:56
VolUTFanI already knew how to add application shortcuts to desktop by drag and drop, but the funny thing is, there is no entries in either folder ~/.local/share/applications or in ~/Desktop22:57
VolUTFanconfusing confusing23:00
VolUTFanoh well..  doesn't really matter in the longrun I don't guess.23:01
* VolUTFan Thanks for the effort bprompt23:02
VolUTFanDo any of you run an encrypted LVM drive like I do?23:03
VolUTFanI was wondering if Re-Linux would be able to backup and make an image of your OS, with all of your applications, files, etc on it, so if your system was to crash, you would be able to reinstall fast23:04
VolUTFanif Re-Linux is even an option, or even supported at this point, OR if there was a better solution23:04
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