
smallfoot-Does Wayland have any systemd sessions?00:29
=== Logan is now known as FelipeJuanPabloA
=== FelipeJuanPabloA is now known as Logan
lordievaderGood morning.08:57
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
BluesKajHey folks12:25
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
He4dShOthey guys12:51
He4dShOtI wanted to try unity812:51
He4dShOtI installed unity8-desktop-session-mir, but it freeze after logging in12:52
DaekdroomDoes anyone else have Unity crash when using GTK apps with window-decorations?14:29
=== soee_ is now known as soee
rwwk1l_: well, there's your announcement: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2015-March/001130.html17:45
=== TheNumb is now known as OpenRC
=== Demon is now known as Guest96611
elfyrww: I'll be glad to see the end of the on the fence on it18:54
rwwI'm very pro-systemd, so I'm rather happy ;)18:55
rwwnot excited to see #ubuntu's reaction in April, but whatever18:55
rwwwill be a lot more defensible than the Amazon thing was (and that was a mess in there too)...18:55
elfywell I am very pro- I just want to turn it on and it work without me having the foggiest idea what's running where18:55
elfywell yea18:56
elfynot my bag that either :)18:56
=== OpenRC is now known as TheNumb

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