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alan_galf_: anpok_ are we content to support these interfaces? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/integrate-generic-shell/+merge/25158111:14
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kenvandinewhat causes the prompt session state to change to mir_prompt_session_state_suspended17:53
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kenvandineignore that last question :)18:11
kenvandinei'm working on trust session for content-hub, and I'm close... I have a valid prompt session and i'm sure i have a valid file descriptor for MIR_SOCKET18:14
kenvandinebut my helper is throwing this:18:14
kenvandineterminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<mir::socket_error> >'18:14
kenvandine  what():  Failed to read message from server: Socket operation on non-socket18:14
kgunncamako: racarr AlbertA ^ anyone got any hints for kenvandine19:06
camakokgunn, below his question he says to ignore it (figured it out?)19:07
kgunncamako: true, just wondering if someone knew why the helper might be angry19:08
dandraderkdub,  does mir provide the display DPI?19:09
kenvandinecamako, i had another question after that19:13
kenvandineon my service side i have a prompt session that is in the state starting19:14
kenvandineand my helper finds the file descriptor (and is valid)19:14
kenvandinebut i get that error19:14
kenvandinealthough now i seemed to have broken the service side... let me fix that again and ask again later :)19:15
* dandrader wonders it differs from ro.sf.lcd_density]19:20
kdubdandrader, it does not yet19:32
kdubalthough its mostly plumbed out... let me put something on the mir backlog19:33
dandraderkdub, ok, so the best way is to fetch the ro.sf.lcd_density android property, right?19:33
dandraderat least for now19:33
dandraderracarr_, racarr, ping19:41
racarr_dandrader: Pong19:50
* kdub considers tinkering with std::regex for the lttng parsing19:50
racarror rather pong19:51
dandraderracarr, https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtubuntu/port-to-mirclient/+merge/245164/comments/62559219:51
racarrdandrader: Yeah good call19:52
racarrI guess it works because papi still pulls in mirclient19:52
racarr0.11 I guedss19:53
racarrmaybe 0.1019:53
racarrI dunno19:53
racarrdandrader: Fixed. Thanks19:55
kdubdandrader, put the dpi task on the mir backlog: https://trello.com/c/mzxOXlfW20:03
dandraderkdub, where will you get that information from? can it differ from ro.sf.lcd_density?20:06
kdubthat bubbles out to me through the driver20:06
kdubfrom the kernel, through the hwc library20:06
kduband, I guess it shouldnt differ, but havent done a survey of devices20:08
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AlbertAkenvandine: it sounds like the connection has not yet been established....could be race somewhere...21:54
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