
alesageelopio, I added a line to the automation proposal00:56
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pittielfy: good to know, thanks!06:27
mgedminmy periodic attempt to log into iso.qa.ubuntu.com failed again, with the same error: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+bug/141838306:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1418383 in Ubuntu QA Website "Log In tries to register a new user account for an existing user" [Undecided,New]06:46
balloonsmgedmin, :-(14:10
balloonsmgedmin, do you have a launchpad account?14:10
balloonscan you share?14:11
mgedminI've been able to log in into iso.qa.ubuntu.com in the past14:11
elopioballoons: how can we get permissions to change the topic?14:11
mgedminnow it won't accept me back14:11
elopioballoons: we will try having a vanguard to answer to automation pings, and would like to put his name on the topc.14:12
balloonsmgedmin, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/user/logout, then http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker?destination=qatracker14:12
balloonselopio, ahh I have permission14:12
balloonselopio, for permission for you or for a bot or ?14:13
elopioballoons: for me, rhuddie, brendand, fgimenez and veebers, so we don't have to ping you everytime we change the vanguard.14:13
balloonselopio, let's hop over to #ubuntu-irc and see if they can help out14:14
brendandelopio, don't we just have a group name like ubuntu-qa14:14
mgedminballoons, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/user/logout is an "Oops!  The resource you tried to access doesn't exist", after which http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker?destination=qatracker gives me the front page with a Log In button on the left which continues not to work14:14
brendandelopio, and manage who is vanguard internally14:15
mgedminin the manner described in my bug ("The name mgedmin is already taken")14:15
mgedmin(after a brief foray into Launchpad's SSO)14:15
balloonsmgedmin, bah :-(14:15
mgedminmy crystal ball says something's messed up in the database with my user account14:15
elopiobrendand: balloons: that works.14:15
elopioInstead of: For help with autopilot, try #ubuntu-autopilot14:16
elopiowe can use: For help with automation, ping ubuntu-qa.14:16
balloonsmgedmin, hmm.. Can you auth to other sites using ubuntu sso?14:16
mgedminsites like bugs.launchpad.net?  yes14:17
mgedminlet me try again in an incognito window to remove all doubt14:17
balloonselopio, brendand sure that's simple I can update it now14:17
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | Need test automation help? ping #ubuntu-qa |The vervet is currently serving vivid goodness | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam
balloonsmgedmin, ack14:19
mgedminwiki.ubuntu.com -> login -> login.ubuntu.com: username, yes returning user here's my pw -> four checkboxes (tz fullname username email) -> looong timeout :/14:19
balloonsmgedmin, so something might be up with you lp account then?14:20
mgedminbugs.launchpad.net -> login -> login.launchpad.net: username, yes returning user here's my pw -> two checkboxes (fullname email) -> I'm logged in14:20
balloonselopio, look good?14:20
mgedminand wiki.ubuntu.com _finally_ loaded and I'm logged in14:20
elopioballoons: without the #14:21
mgedminiso.qa.ubuntu.com -> login -> login.ubuntu.com: (skips 1st page, shows the 2nd) two checkboxes (username email) -> iso.qa.ubuntu.com: "account registration failed: the name mgedmin is already taken"14:21
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | Need test automation help? ping ubuntu-qa |The vervet is currently serving vivid goodness | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam
mgedminit's as if I somehow have an account with iso.qa.ubuntu.com, but it's not linked to my launchpad openid14:22
elopiothanks balloons.14:22
elfymgedmin: that sounds to me like maybe you've got more than 1 sso account - see the same from people having issues logging into forum from time to time14:38
elopiofgimenez: brendand: rhuddie: do you have the ubuntu-qa highlight in your IRC clients?14:38
brendandelopio, i do14:39
jibelelopio, that's annoying14:39
rhuddieelopio, yes i do14:39
elopiojibel: that will be the vanguard highlight.14:39
mgedminelfy, I have only one launchpad account, but I have two email addresses associated with it14:39
jibeltoo many notifications kills notifications, if you could choose another highlight14:39
elfymgedmin: not talking about LP - but at login.ubuntu.com14:40
balloonselopio, true.. perhaps including vanguard in the highlight would be better14:40
elopiojibel: I would prefer for everybody to read when we get automation questions. Anybody from QA can reply, actualy.14:40
mgedminelfy, is login.ubuntu.com the same as login.launchpad.net?  I get confused about these14:41
elopiothe vanguard will just make sure that no pings go unanswered.14:41
mgedminI signed up for a launchpad.net account years ago, before it even implemented an openid provider AFAICR14:41
davmor2elopio: I do and you ping me without cause again and I'm gonna hunt you down ;)14:41
mgedminI'm guessing my account got migrated to the new sso infrastructure together with the rest14:41
jibelelopio, many people in the QA team cannot help with automation14:41
elopiodavmor2: just saying hi.14:41
jibeland they get pinged14:42
davmor2elopio: you need a projects-team or qa-automation tag14:42
elopiojibel: I think that's a problem. Everybody from QA should be able to look at the logs at least, and from there know who to ping to get help, at least.14:43
jibelelopio, yeah, but people are busy with other stuff and cannot just stop everything when they are pinged about something they don't directly work on14:44
elopiojibel: that applies for everybody in the team, nobody is directly working on answering questions. So we need to share the load.14:45
elopioI think that this is not only a projects team job. We can be the main point of contact and reply to most of the questions, but I would like all the team to be involved and learn about reading logs and debugging errors.14:45
elopiobut well, your opinion was heard. we'll talk about it on our standup.14:46
elopiowe can change it to qahelp, and encourage everybody to get it as a highlight. But leave it optional.14:51
elopioI don't like the optional part :)14:51
fgimenezelopio: didn't have it, already set up14:52
elopiopitti: I haven't found the autopkgtest file that backs up the directory in /tmp and restores it. Any pointers?14:53
* mgedmin afk14:53
pittielopio: how do you mean "file"? that's done by adt-run itself14:58
elopiopitti: I would like to read the source file that does it.14:59
pittielopio: lib/VirtSubproc.py, cmd_reboot()14:59
elopiothank you.14:59
pittielopio: the actual mechanics of rebooting the testbed is left to the virt-runner-* implementation; that's the common code for saving/restoring15:00
elopiopitti: from your last email, only the reboot target won't work because we also need to reenable ssh.15:00
elopiounless we reenable ssh on every reboot, even when not needed.15:00
pittielopio: yeah, I'm just doing that15:01
pittielopio: you can't reenable ssh from the test itself15:01
pittias that's running on the testbed, so you need ssh to run it :)15:01
elopiopitti: ah, of course :)15:02
elopiothat's me uninstalling openssh-server in my remote server all over again.15:02
pittielopio: hm, not sure if we ever had a rebooting test on touch15:04
pittiafter reboot, adb is locked again15:05
pittiand you can't unlock it programmatically15:05
pittias it needs unlocking the screen to re-enable adb15:05
pittianother one of ogra's lockdowns15:05
elopiopitti: it's working for me.15:05
elopioI flashed my krillin yesterday with vivid.15:05
pittiadb fails with "error: closed" right after (re)booting15:05
pittiyou need to unlock the screen once, then it comes online15:05
elopiopitti: veebers had something similar, and he said: sudo touch /userdata/.adb_onlock15:06
pittielopio: oh! that sounds like something which should go into the setup script, too :)15:07
elopioit hasn't happen to me.15:07
pittiit does to me, and it's by design; you're sure you dno't have that stamp file?15:07
elopiopitti: yes, I have it.15:08
elopiomaybe it's added when I flash with developer-mode?15:08
elopioI did a --wipe yesterday, and didn't add it myself. I'm sure of that.15:08
pittiyeah, could be15:09
pittiI can't do that (dual boot)15:09
elopiobarry: what if the dbus Apply script that you had in your mind calls /tmp/autopkgtest-reboot rebooted-mark and we leave the backup, restore, and wait until booted to adt ?15:14
elopiowe could call /sbin/reboot -f recovery through the reboot command file. Or if that part is not critical, we can call adb reboot recovery with the target file.15:15
elopioah, I see your last email. I don't fully understand the Applied signal, I thought we just needed to wait for the test to boot.15:18
elopiobut that wait can be added to the test, I see no problem there.15:18
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pittielopio: the adb script now does /userdata/.adb_onlock, thanks for pointing out!16:09
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elopiothanks to you pitti.16:29
elopiobrendand: meeting16:32
elopioballoons: I have a meeting now with ci to talk about tests. So I can't attend the core apps one.16:58
balloonselopio, ack17:00
elopiojfunk: my main wish for the next MIR sprint is a mir virtual frame buffer.18:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239872 in Mir "[enhancement] Add a virtual framebuffer mode/driver for testing" [Medium,Triaged]18:27
elopioreported more than a year ago. I really need it now.18:27
jfunkelopio: ack, let's see what I can do19:11
jfunkelopio: can you tell me a little bit what that is blocking in terms of test development19:11
elopiojfunk: all our test suites are slow, so when we run them in the same machine that we are programming, we have to wait until the tests finish. With a vfb, we could run the tests without losing control of the machine.19:24
elopiowhen running tests in a virtual test bed, we want to have the minimum requirements installed on that test bed. We don't want a full unity install in there if we don't need it. But in order to test things like trusted sessions and url-dispatcher, we need mir.19:24
elopioand if we run the tests that don't require mir in a x11 virtual frame buffer, we might miss issues that appear only when using mir.19:24
elopiojfunk: in this example, I want to test that I can open the messaging app from the dialer app. That needs url dispatcher and url dispatcher needs mir.19:25
elopiothat's another item to add to somebody's backlog: Make url dispatcher work without mir. I'm asking who should do that.19:26
elopioI think unity apis.19:26
elopioveebers: do you like the cat empire?20:34
elopiothat's from around the corner from your house.20:34
veeberselopio: uh, what? :-P I'm not sure what you're talking about sorry20:36
elopioveebers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiY3xMM4DSk20:40
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veeberselopio: ah a bad, awesome. that statement that it was around the corner of my house confused me :-)20:54
veeberscool, thanks for the suggestion, I'll hit it up in spotify and give it a listen20:55
wxlpitti: so playing with systemd. installed systemd-sysv, which removed upstart as it was supposed to. however, upstart-bin is still hanging around and upstart is still being run. is that to be expected?22:08
gQuigswxl: upstart's still used for the user session I believe22:11
gQuigsand I think there was going to be a boot option to revert to upstart22:11
gQuigswxl: is it being run as: upstart --user ?22:12
wxlgQuigs: yep. there are some other upstart processes run, too.22:13
wxlgQuigs: i pointed that at pitti because i was thinking ahead to his FFe22:13
wxlgQuigs: others are upstart-event, upstart-dbus-bridge, and upstart-file-bridge22:14
gQuigsthey should all have --user in them though right? and all should be under your user account22:15
wxlgQuigs: so is upstart going to be used for the user session ad infinitum?22:15
wxlgQuigs: yeppers. well. not upstart-event-bridge.22:15
wxl…but i think that makes sense22:16
gQuigsodd... I don't seem to have upstart-event-bridge22:16
wxlgQuigs: also a part of upstart-bin22:17
gQuigsps -p1 shows systemd right?22:17
gQuigswxl: but yea, I think the long term goal is to move the user session too, but there isn't a rush for it (and I'm 90% sure it's out of scope for vivid)22:18
wxlokie dokie22:18
wxlthanks a bunch gQuigs :)22:18
gQuigssure :)22:18
* gQuigs now why don't I have event-bridge.... hmm22:19
wxlgQuigs: fwiw this is a fairly old vivid lubuntu that's been updated and then systemd-sysv added22:19
wxlymmv with a newer vivid22:21
wxli doubt that tho22:21
gQuigsinteresting it's own the blueprint (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1411-systemd-migration)  "22:21
gQuigs[xnox] port away from events-bridge / :sys:* events usage: DONE"22:21
wxland i doubt that being lubuntu would make a difference22:22
gQuigsit's on22:22
gQuigsworth testing...22:22
* wxl checks to see if the blueprint covers user sessions22:23
gQuigswxl: under see also: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1403-session-init-systemd-migration22:23
wxldanke gQuigs22:24
veebersHi barry o/23:00
veebersbarry: query, are there any good green cards to pick up that won't impede you at all?23:00
barryveebers: hi.  yep, you could take "script to ensure system-image-dbus is not yet running"23:02
barryveebers: i'll add some comments to the card23:02
veebersbarry: awesome thanks. I'll pick it up and hit it today :-)23:03

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