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whitmy new answer to the "should I use juju or docker question?"(at least in headline and image style) http://shoreditchworks.com/containers-dont-solve-infrastructure/02:35
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unused_PhDis it typical to deploy juju and maas on the same machine?  I only have six servers to cluster, so I'm wondering if both services can sit on the same box11:01
dimiternunused_PhD, you could install both in separate kvm containers11:02
dimiternunused_PhD, and by juju I presume you mean the juju state server machine, not the client where you're running commands from11:03
unused_PhDand thanks!11:05
philip_stoevHello. What is the canonical way to open and close TCP ports in a Python-based charm?12:32
philip_stoevShould I put an open_port() call in the config-changed hook?12:36
marcoceppiphilip_stoev: probably, esp if the port is configurable12:36
philip_stoevok, thanks. Next question: When I do bzr bind lp:~philip-stoev-f/charms/trusty/galera-cluster/trunk to push my charm to  LaunchPad, I get13:32
philip_stoevbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~philip-stoev-f/charms/trusty/galera-cluster/trunk": No such source package galera-cluster.13:32
apuimedomarcoceppi: Hi13:41
apuimedoI was checking out http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/bundles/openstack/bundle/view/head:/bundles.yaml13:41
apuimedoand I was wondering for example in neutron-openvswitch13:41
apuimedocharm: "cs:trusty/neutron-openvswitch-2"13:42
apuimedowhat's the trailing '-2'13:42
tvansteenburghapuimedo: that's the charm revision. the charm store increments it each time an update to the charm is pushed to the store13:52
apuimedotvansteenburgh: cool, thanks13:53
tvansteenburghapuimedo: np. leaving it off will always give you the latest revision for the target series13:53
marcoceppiphilip_stoev: you don't need to do a bzr bind, bzr bind gives you SVN like co/ci stuff13:58
marcoceppiphilip_stoev: just "bzr push" instead13:58
apuimedotvansteenburgh: ah. good ;-)13:58
philip_stoevmarcoceppi: yes, you are right. My problem in particular was that I did not run bzr launchpad-login prior to bzr push.13:59
marcoceppiphilip_stoev: ah!13:59
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marcoceppitvansteenburgh: is this still the case in amulet? https://bugs.launchpad.net/amulet/+bug/139407814:24
mupBug #1394078: Only tests committed files <Amulet:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1394078>14:24
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: dunno, would need to be tested14:24
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: ack, ta, will take a look14:25
jcastroanyone know where the CPC guys keep the sources for building the vagrant boxes?14:45
Odd_Blokejcastro: It's https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/vmbuilder/jenkins_kvm14:48
Odd_Blokejcastro: Specifically http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/vmbuilder/jenkins_kvm/view/head:/jenkins/CloudImages_Juju.sh for JuJu Vagrant images.14:48
Odd_Bloke(And http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/vmbuilder/jenkins_kvm/view/head:/jenkins/CloudImages_Vagrant.sh for non-Juju Vagrant images)14:49
jcastroyeah that's the one I want, thanks14:49
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jcastromarcoceppi, are juju resources documented?16:30
marcoceppijcastro: ask cory_fu16:30
marcoceppi(yes) but I don't know where16:31
cory_fuThe upcoming feature for Core?  No one could ever point me to any, so *shrug*16:31
marcoceppicory_fu: the think you made16:31
cory_fuI am going to have to rename it, I think.  :(16:32
marcoceppicory_fu: why?16:32
cory_fuBut yes, it's fairly well documented on pypi.16:33
cory_fuBecause it is confusing and it'd be better to rename it now than later16:33
cory_fujcastro: http://pythonhosted.org/jujuresources/16:33
marcoceppicory_fu: it'd be great if it was composed the same way that the juju feature which I guess is going to be wokred on eventually, so that as that feature goes live no one has to change anything16:34
cory_fuYeah, that would be ideal.16:35
marcoceppiI'd just do that instead of renaming16:35
cory_fuBut, TBH, I think there will be a lot that I won't be able to replicate in user-space (or won't be able to replicate with the same interface)16:35
marcoceppinot to sound snide, but then why even bother continuing to work on it, if in X time it'll be duplicated by core?16:36
cory_fuBecause it's useful now.16:36
jcastrolazyPower, can you explain this tip better for me: juju upgrade-charm --force, get that iterative action without a teardown/redeploy in an error state16:38
jcastrohey marcoceppi16:40
marcoceppihey jcastro16:40
jcastrothierry's python charmhelper tip seems more like a bug to me16:40
marcoceppijcastro: they filed bugs about it already16:41
jcastroack, so I won't put it on the tips page16:42
marcoceppijcastro: right, it was marked won't fix fwiw16:42
jcastrogot a link?16:42
marcoceppijcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-tools/+bug/142593816:47
mupBug #1425938: use of charmhelpers log function raise exception if not under juju environment  <Juju Charm Tools:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1425938>16:47
marcoceppijcastro: and lp:142594316:47
jcastrook but your response is newer than his mail16:48
jcastrowhich is all I really needed to know16:48
jcastrobloodearnest, ping17:05
bloodearnestjcastro, hey17:11
jcastroheya, if you guys have any bandwidth over the next 2 weeks or so, we could really use a hand in the charm review queue17:14
jcastroeven 1 or two would really help17:14
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ctlaughI have nodes of 2 different architectures that need 2 different sets of configuration settings.  Is it possible to 'juju deploy' to one node and specifying one configuration file, then 'juju add-unit' to other nodes, specifying a different configuration file?17:34
jcastrois the link to ctlaugh's question18:05
jcastromarcoceppi, this is a good one ^^18:07
hazmatctlaugh: no it would need to be two services20:12
hazmatctlaugh: services are treated as mostly homegenous collections of iaas/software resources managed via the service, so configuration activities apply at the service level not at the unit.20:13
ctlaugh_hazmat: so, I assume I would need to do something like duplicate the nova-network charm?20:15
ctlaugh_(and give it a different name)?20:15
hazmatctlaugh_: does openstack support that now? previously different architectures had to be different regions?20:17
hazmater. zones20:17
ctlaugh_I've done it with image flavors20:18
hazmatand the scheduler picks up the right one i guess.20:18
ctlaugh_I can't remember specifics (it was mid-last-year when I was doing it last), but am about to start setting up something similar again and wanted to use juju to do it.20:20
hazmatctlaugh_: so.. best person to answer this is someone more familiar with the nova-compute charms.. if you need different config it would need to be two services20:20
hazmatctlaugh_: do you need separate config on nova-network/neutron as well?20:20
ctlaugh_Looks like some multi-arch support in Juju is needed....20:21
ctlaugh_No, not neutron yet (but who knows, maybe later).20:21
ctlaugh_Right now, only nova-network is known to work on arm.20:21
hazmatctlaugh_: so if its the same config, you should be able to get by with a single service there and related to both the compute services20:22
hazmatctlaugh_: i think you'd be best firing off an email to the list on this one.. i don't think any of our openstack charmers are around atm (europe based past EOD)20:22
hazmatagreed juju could be a bit nicer about multi-arch, its supports it, but most of the arch testing we do is homogenous (power, arm, amd64).. but again thats also distinct from how the openstack charms in particular work and support that multi-arch20:24
ctlaugh_Yes - for all other services (cinder, glance, horizon, etc), the same config works, so I can deploy on both arm64 or amd64 with no issues.  nova-compute needs 3 additional parameters (passed in using 'config-flags') to work correctly on arm64.  They just end up as config settings in nova.conf.  I could manually modify them, but the problem is that juju20:24
ctlaugh_overwrites that file at will.20:24
hazmatctlaugh_: another option is to modify the charm to auto detect arch and your flags automatically20:25
hazmatthe nova-compute charm that is20:25
ctlaugh_True -- that would be pretty easy.  Good idea.20:26
ctlaugh_I can do it locally for now... what is the procedure for suggesting those changes upstream later?20:26
hazmatctlaugh_: so in launchpad.. you'd branch the existing upstream, make your changes, test, commit, push upstream to your user account, submit merge proposal..20:27
hazmatpretty similiar to github.. just substitute lp for gh and bzr for git20:28
ctlaugh_ok - I haven't done much with launchpad for source control, but I'll give it a try.  Thanks for the help.20:29
hazmatctlaugh_: more specifically bzr lp:charms/trusty/nova-compute .. make changes.. bzr commit .. bzr push lp:~yourusername/charms/trusty/nova-compute/trunk20:29
hazmatthen within the launchpad ui, if you go to your branch you can create a merge proposal to the origin branch20:29
* hazmat wanders back to aws land20:30
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ctlaugh_quick juju charm-writing question... is there a way already present in some help lib or data structure to determine the processor architecture of the host the charm is running on?21:33
jcastrowe do this in the power charms iirc21:39
jcastrombruzek, ^^^21:39
mbruzekctlaugh_: yes21:40
mbruzekctlaugh_: What I have done for power charms was ARCH=`uname -m`21:40
mbruzekfor a bash charm.21:40
mbruzekarch = subprocess.check_output(['uname21:41
mbruzek', '-am]).strip()21:41
mbruzekfor a python charm21:41
ctlaugh_mbruzek, jcastro: I'm trying to modify the nova-compute charm (written in python, I think)21:41
mbruzekthe -am was a typo21:42
ctlaugh_mbruzek: ok, I'll go with something like that... I just wasn't sure if something was already available.21:42
ctlaugh_mbruzek: thank you21:42
mbruzekarch = subprocess.check_output(['uname', '-m']).strip()  would give you x86_64 or ppc64le21:42
mbruzekctlaugh_:  FYI I also use the `lsb_release -a` command for getting things like "trusty" vs "precise"21:44
mbruzekCODENAME = `lsb_release -cs`21:45
ctlaugh_Looks like in python, I can also just call platform.machine() to get the same data from uname21:53
hazmatctlaugh_: that sounds much better21:55
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