
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
ildefonsoVolUTFan, I ran on encrypted hard drive, basically, luks with LVM on top, for a long time.00:56
ildefonsobut I have not used Re-Linux, could you explain what does it do?00:57
VolUTFanlet me see if I can find some information on it for you01:05
VolUTFannot sure if it will work for luks LVM01:05
VolUTFanhttps://relinuxkit.wordpress.com/page/3/  there is a lot of information out on the internet about re-linux but here is a starter01:07
VolUTFanbasically whats its for..  You build your distro the way you want it and it works somewhat like norton/symantec ghost and it builds an image/iso file01:08
=== roide is now known as Guest92139
MichaelTunnellso I have been an Arch user for a very long time and I typically have been a GNOME user on Arch. With that said, I've been doing a KDE challenge to try out KDE on a long term test. It has been a month now and I kind of love it.03:19
MichaelTunnellI even made KDE look and work like GNOME - https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/2wwylh/kde4_converted_to_a_gnome3_style_workflow_please/03:19
MichaelTunnellthat is crazy impressive03:19
MichaelTunnellso KDE on Arch has become volatile and messy so I am considering leaving Arch, I just wanted to come here and thank you all for making Kubuntu03:20
MichaelTunnellI'm 99% sure I'm going to move to Kubuntu03:20
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corruptcoreHi people03:32
corruptcoresomebody say something03:32
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
MichaelTunnellcorruptcore: what is the point of asking people to say something rather than just asking your question or what you need?03:38
corruptcorei was just wondering if anyone even used this03:38
corruptcorethere's 252 people on the nick list none of which are talking or anything03:39
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remlineMichaelTunnell, interesting article you posted on reddit. I will have to give Kupfer a try.03:43
Guest73321remline: is that not similiar to GNOME Do03:48
VolUTFanIm in here, but was working on a project03:57
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markcMichaelTunnell: I'm the same, love Archlinux PKGBUILDs and AUR but AL is too volatile for a server so I decided to standardise on ubuntu server and kubuntu desktop instead about a year ago.05:26
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xrlabshey guys, if i want to set my IP Address to 192.168.20.x, to I have to change the nameserver too?10:20
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jubo2Hello, hello and thank yous for the great OS11:35
jubo2My clock is in UTC even as I've set the timezone properly in the settings11:36
jubo2The clock in the lower right-hand corner11:36
jubo2says 11:36 UTC11:36
jubo2I don't want to know what the time is in UTC but what it is in Helsinki11:36
yossarianukjubo2: assuming you are using kde4.x11:39
yossarianuk-> right click on the clock -> adjust time+date11:39
yossarianuk'time  zone' tab -:> search for helsinki11:40
jubo2yossarianuk: Helsinki is set as the timezone there11:43
jubo2yossarianuk: but the clock still says UTC and shows UTC time11:43
BluesKajHi all11:45
dcorbinwhat apt command can I use to find out what version of a package will be installed?11:53
serverhamsterjubo2: Hover with the mouse over your clock and try the mouse wheel.11:55
jubo2serverhamster: thanks11:56
jubo2serverhamster: now the time shown is "local"11:56
serverhamsterYou're welcome :-)11:57
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest65040
Anoniem4lGreetings everyone, I am trying to install kubuntu on Windows 7 (dual boot) with the .iso image I downloaded (from the official website). I tried running it as administrator and this error doesn't go away: http://pastebin.com/UZPZdn8y14:19
lordievaderAnoniem4l: You need to burn the iso to a disc or create a live-usb and boot from it.14:26
Anoniem4llordievader: but I have installed dual-boot inbefore without doing that.14:26
lordievaderAnoniem4l: That was likely Wubi. Wubi is something that should just die.14:27
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Anoniem4llordievader: ok then, thank you for your input..14:31
lordievaderIn case you couldn't tell, I dislike Wubi.14:31
lordievaderA lot.14:31
=== Guest34567 is now known as OnurLinux34
lordievaderAnoniem4l: Anyhow, checkout http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/14:32
Anoniem4lWell, it proved quite useful in the past.14:32
Anoniem4lSaved me time from backup'ing my USB's contents and writing stuff into it...14:32
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VolUTFanwhat exactly is ubiquity16:19
OerHeksUbiquity is a simple graphical live CD installer16:21
VolUTFanOerHeks: Thanks for the clarification.  I am trying to figure out the ReLinux package17:10
VolUTFanOerHeks: honestly I am not sure if relinux is even going to work at this point, its way outdated, but giving it a spin17:10
* VolUTFan ***Enjoying my first cup O' Coffee for the day. Mmmm good :)17:16
=== marc__ is now known as Marc128000
VolUTFanwhere would these 2 files reside in the directory tree isolinux.bin and vesamenu.c3217:26
lordievaderSounds like pxe things.17:27
lordievaderVolUTFan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preboot_Execution_Environment17:32
lordievaderVolUTFan: Or it is isolinux: http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php/ISOLINUX17:33
VolUTFanits for the relinux app..  deb-amd64 http://ppa.launchpad.net/relinux-dev/testing/ubuntu quantal main  ---- Honestly, I may be barking up the wrong tree.  This package could very well be broke under utopic, but.... you never know.  I am just playing with it right now to see if I can generate a live ISO of my current distro with all of my apps on it.  The only thing I can find thus far in /var/log/relinux.log is that the /usr/17:33
VolUTFanlib/syslinux is missing those 2 files and the log says I need to copy those files to that directory.  In this case, I checked and they are in fact, not there.17:33
VolUTFanhonestly im not sure..  but the file says isolinux.bin, so I am guessing isolinux17:34
lordievaderVolUTFan: Unpack the iso, replace the squashfs, pack iso?17:34
lordievaderVolUTFan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization17:35
VolUTFanbrb in a second..  browswer is freaking out for some reason after last run of the relinux17:35
VolUTFanlordievader: Gotta tell ya.  relinux is spazzing Kub out.  Browser acted like there was no internet connection, 404's, then I logged out, hung keyboard and mouse.  No control at all, had to hit the power button and cold shutdown.  2nd time thats happened with relinux..  Hmmm LOL17:43
* VolUTFan thinks --- oh well, the price of testing17:43
lordievaderVolUTFan: If you get 404's your internet connection is fine.17:43
lordievaderElse you would get a 'could not make a connection to the server' error.17:44
VolUTFanit doesn't say 404, it was try again on every load17:48
VolUTFanit was like something was hung17:48
VolUTFanno worries now after reboot17:48
VolUTFanlordievader: I installed the isolinux package to get the isolinux.bin.  now how to find that file?  I tried locate isolinux.bin (no result), locate i*.bin (no result), locate .bin ( didn't see it here either..mostly firmware )17:54
VolUTFanany other ideas of where to look for that file17:54
=== roide is now known as Guest31627
VolUTFanlordievader: I talked to one of the guys in dev channel, and he recommended the package apt-file.  sudo apt-get install apt-file.  syntax apt-get search filename18:18
VolUTFanworks like a charm to find files on the system.  it indexes all of your repos and locates the location and the package it belongs to18:19
VolUTFantime to give re-linux another spin now.  expecting a lockup again LOL18:22
lordievaderVolUTFan: I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish. Isolinux is a bootloader, typically found on live-cd's/usb's.19:05
lordievaderAnd yes, apt-file is nice :D19:05
VolUTFanlordievader: in the end thats what I am trying to do.  Relinux takes your installed distro, all of your packages, custom settings, etc, and turns it into a live iso that you can inturn burn or usb19:06
=== tatie is now known as gregor300nolive
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host127the question is, why someone is blocked when begins to show true codes?19:52
lordievaderhost127: Err, what?19:53
host127yes why someone is blocked when begins to show true codes?19:53
lordievaderhost127: What are you talking about?19:54
lordievaderhost127: Do you seek Kubuntu support?19:54
host127someone was blocked on #ubuntu after show to all people, that fstab is manipulated to forbid permissions on vfat usb disks19:54
bprompthost127:     you mean they got a +b from a channel op?19:55
bpromptnot that that is OS relevant btw19:56
host127i want to know why someone is blocked when begins to crash the false argument used by ubuntu developers that "vfat on linux have not permissions"?19:56
lordievaderhost127: The channel operator who banned him likely got a good reason for doing so. That said, this is not the channel to disscuss such matters.19:57
host127how the blocked person contact the "channel operator" if he is blocked?19:58
lordievaderhost127: If you find it unjust, #ubuntu-ops is the channel.19:59
bpromptactually I find some of the #ubuntu ops are just dogmatic and zealots, some are reasonable though19:59
host127lordievader: you know that all ubuntu release are comming by default, with blinded usb disk mount packages?20:00
bprompthost127:     well, the claiim is that he was "crash the false argument used by ubuntu devs", the assumption being that that claim has any feasible ground, which for all we know, is someone just venting out, for which I could see a ban on that, depending on behaviour to go about it20:01
lordievaderhost127: I do not understand your question...20:02
host127lordievader: ; bprompot:  you tried to remount some pendrive in exec mode with read/write20:02
bprompts/he was/ he began/20:02
bprompthost127:     no myself20:02
host127bprompt: try to mount by defaults some disk in your ubuntu distro and create a simple .sh file, exzecute this .sh file, and finally say to me what happened20:04
lordievaderhost127: This will not work, you haven't set the execute flag.20:05
bprompthost127:     I've done -> mount -o remount, rw /  <--- in recovery mode, works fine for me20:05
geskertrying out 15.04 beta 2. Seeing some keyboard lag that wasn't in 15.04 alpha 1. Any hints on what/where I can check to get responsiveness back?20:05
lordievadergesker: Vivid support is in #ubuntu+120:06
host127bprompt: please, pay atemption now20:06
bpromptwell then, I can see why "someone" got a +b20:06
host127bprompt: maintain your usb disk mounted like you done, and now try create a new folder20:06
geskerthanks lordievader. I'll ask there. BTW kubuntu 15.04 looks like it's going to be a slam dunk. it's really nice.20:07
bprompthost127:     my liveusb?  hmm well.... I have a 4gb one, with 1gb persistent data, but it mounts just fine, I don't have to do any remounts20:07
lordievadergesker: \o/20:07
host127bprompt: use another usb disk20:08
host127bprompt: and remount -o rw and try create a mew file20:08
bprompthost127:    if it ain't broken, don't fix it, methinks, so, mine is working, no need to get another as far as I can see20:08
host127bprompt: you are liyng or you don't know onwhere i want to come20:09
bprompthost127:   either way, if you found a bug, ubuntu.com has a area to file a bug, thus, file away, and give all the relevant details, so they could be addressed20:09
host127bprompt: is not a bug, they won"ty answer,20:10
bpromptwell then, I can see why "someone" got a +b   <----20:10
=== rharish|dinner is now known as rharish
host127bprompt: you can see? they are abfuscating who show the true?20:11
host127bprompt: you can see? they are obfuscating who shows the true?20:11
lordievaderhost127: Could you try to describe clearly the problem you are facing. I have been following your entire conversation and I do not understand what the problem is.20:12
bprompthost127:    you may well  be correct, but no need to prosecutorial or gleeful, casting aspersions is not very conducive to address what may well be a plausible claim20:12
bprompts/to/& be/20:13
host127bprompt: you can see? they are abfuscating who show the true?20:13
host127bprompt: you can see? they are obfuscating who shows the true?20:13
host127censoring who shows that they are liars with proofs20:13
lordievaderhost127: This doesn't help anyone. Please describe your problem clearly.20:14
host127lordievader: you tried to mount a vfat disk on your ubuntu with all permissions like windows do?20:14
bprompthost127:    I dunno myself, since I haven't done it or trample on it yet, you may be correct, but, I'd say, file it away as some bug, rather than call folks names or cast all kinds of accusations without any solid bases20:15
host127lordievader: in root or non-root mode20:16
host127lordievader: don't waste your time, all ubuntu forums is lost, all that they has written about this is lie20:17
lordievaderhost127: This is not a problem description. What are you trying to do, what should happen and what happens?20:18
host127lordievader: i am done, i treid, now i am done, meaning to know all ubuntu"s users opinion20:19
host127about vfat permissions on ubuntu like windows20:19
lordievaderI still don't understand. And I don't think I will ever. Good luck, host127.20:20
host127lordievader: i am running varios softwares in windows and linux via usb vfat disk20:20
host127when the linux discovered that im am portabling all the linux softwares, they decided to censor all releases to forbid executables on usb fats20:21
host127lordievader: now the linux foundation are fooling all the world saying: "vfat have not permissions"20:22
host127lordievader: i am now on chatzilla in seamonkey portable on a live usb kubuntu20:23
lordievaderhost127: That is untrue. Most live-usb's are fat32.20:23
lordievaderAnd yes. FAT filesystems do not have the Unix permission model.20:23
host127lordievader: i wasted 7 years to scan onwhere i have to edit to return my pendrive in exec,rw mode forever, i discovered , i done, and now i am asking. but appears that the ubuntu don't likke portability20:24
lordievaderhost127: You can execute files from a fat32 usbstick just fine.20:25
host127lordievader: i said permissions like windows, example: if i set read-only to any file, the linux will set to read only20:25
bprompthmm 7 years.... that's about 14 kubuntu versions ago, two per year20:25
host127lordievader: i know that i execute files on usb disk20:25
lordievaderHrmm, I still have no real idea of what the problem is. Forget it.20:26
host127bprompt: i ever used usb with no problems untill 9.04 release20:26
host127by default today, in some linux, if i try set a file to read only, the system ignores20:28
host127bprompt: i found a mount -o remount rw,exec and tried this too20:28
bprompthost127:   I think you could use a nice hot cup of chamomille tea20:29
host127bprompt: but if i set -o remount rw,exec, the filesystem is not rw, is ro20:29
=== il-blu-profondo- is now known as faLUCE
host127some of 2 things, if i mount with exec mode, the filesystem won't mount in rw together20:30
host127the search around 7 years, was on some more i need to reedit in fstab, amd i found and have proof using now20:30
host127i found and have proof using now20:31
host127my usb disk fat32 now is mine20:31
host127bprompt: all those ubuntu forums don"t explains what i"ve done20:32
OerHeksOn ntfs/vfat with umask=000 all your files will be executable20:33
host127i at least i won't explain in public local because they will search any strategy to brake me again20:33
bpromptOerHeks:    that's the default case, he's just venting out20:34
host127OerHeks: i tried this without sucess20:34
BluesKajnot much point, don't think he's reading the responses20:34
host127OerHeks: in kubuntu the prompt saysa "umask= unknow option"20:34
OerHeksbprompt, i know, he was ranting in #ubuntu too20:35
host127OerHeks: executable is not the problem, the problem is: executable, readable, writeable to ge ther20:37
host127OerHeks: after exec,rw setter in permissions independently if i am root or not because the disk is not a part of linux20:38
host127the linux don't like portables, because somday they said: "because we are open source, binaries will never trouble us" :D20:42
host127i don't understand, on microsoft windows, i never had any kind of troubles, (only with macafee and avasat) that i remember20:43
host127OerHeks: if you want to be propietary of all your fat32 disks on linux. i will send to you the fstab line with a tutorial via email (encrypted mail) okey?20:45
host127OerHeks: it's important set files to read only on vfat disk because linux system, have backdoors like i found on android to : (for example) delete dowloads from youtube...20:48
Bundestrojanergood evening.20:48
Bundestrojanera few weeks ago, the installation of flahsplugin-installer with apt-get failed. Now i get (evertime i boot my kubuntu) a lightbulb-symbol in the "task bar". When i klick it, it says the download of files failed and i shall reinstall flash-plugin installer.20:48
Bundestrojaneri tried to reinstall it, atm it is removed, but it always appears again. how can i remove this anoying msg?20:48
host127Bundestrojaner: uninstall flash installer20:49
Bundestrojanerhost127: you mean apt-get remove flashplugin-installer?20:49
host127Bundestrojaner: after this, download the libflashplayer.so and install manually20:49
lordievaderThat is a really bad idea.20:50
host127Bundestrojaner: the flash-plugin is considered evil on all linux20:50
Bundestrojaneri know20:50
Bundestrojanerhost127: i don't even need flash anymore - at least not this long outdated version.20:50
lordievaderBundestrojaner: Reinstall the flashplugin-installer package, indeed.20:50
Bundestrojaneras i said, i reinstalled it, removed it,...20:51
Bundestrojanerbut the msg still appears when i boot20:51
host127Bundestrojaner: okey uninstall: apt-get remopve --purge flash-support20:51
host127Bundestrojaner: okey uninstall: apt-get remove --purge flash-support20:51
lordievaderBundestrojaner: Does it actually mention the flashplugin installer? Could you pastebin the entire message?20:52
host127Bundestrojaner: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-installer20:53
Bundestrojanerlordievader: yes, it mentions flashplugin-installer.20:54
Bundestrojanerof course i can pastebin it, but my system language is german...20:54
host127Bundestrojaner: sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-installer use --purge to force20:54
lordievaderBundestrojaner: Go ahead, I can a (little) bit of german.20:54
krooyhhi, I have question, is there some magic kay combination that do something with desktop, like I work and suddenly i loose 3/4 of my open windows, desktop switches a bit (place of icons)20:54
Bundestrojanerlordievader: this is the exact msg in english: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213488820:56
krooyhI even have one of those windows in "alt+tab" but I cant switch to it20:57
host127Bundestrojaner: http://askubuntu.com/questions/43050/uninstalling-flash-plugin-completely20:57
lordievaderBundestrojaner: Did you try what is suggested in post #9?20:59
Bundestrojanerhost127: i've run your command (--purge), it said it removed it20:59
host127Bundestrojaner: http://askubuntu.com/questions/43050/uninstalling-flash-plugin-completely20:59
lordievaderBundestrojaner: #13 might be applicable to your situation too.20:59
Bundestrojanerlordievader: i did "sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-installer"21:00
Bundestrojaneri don't need this flash-plugin anymore21:00
host127Bundestrojaner: Good decision :D21:00
Bundestrojaneri'm just anoyed by this msg every startup21:00
Bundestrojanerfor the rare situations i need it, i use chromium with it's built-in flash21:00
host127Bundestrojaner: Good decision :D21:01
Bundestrojanerand it is even the latest version, not a version from ~2008?21:01
host127Bundestrojaner: but install manually21:01
Bundestrojanerhost127: install manually what?21:01
host127the firefox installation directory have a folder called "plugins"21:01
host127if dont have, create and copy the libflashplayer.so to there, and reboot firefox21:02
host127on chrome installation is the same because chrome browser is mozilla based21:02
host127Bundestrojaner: nobody needs the plugin-installer only we all need is a simple script that copies the .dll on windows or the .so file on linux to the directory of the browser installation.21:04
host127Bundestrojaner: if someday you need the flashplayer again, find on google for linux libfleshplayer.so21:05
Bundestrojaneri don't get it. the ubuntu wiki says, the latest flash-version is only available for chromium and chrome21:05
host127Bundestrojaner: if someday you need the flashplayer again, find on google for windows NPFSW.dll21:05
Bundestrojanerthe version flashplugin-installer downloads is years old21:05
host127 libflashplayer.so21:06
host1273 venon things to firefox and chrome: 1- flashplugin , 2-plugin container , 3-auto-update21:07
host127Bundestrojaner: you rebooted your system and the message still stays or not?21:08
bpromptBundestrojaner:   yeap21:09
bpromptBundestrojaner:     installing a chromium browser, like say opera 28, comes with flash plugin 15, same for google chrome21:09
Bundestrojanerhost127: i didn't check it yet. but apt-get remove --purge said, it removed it21:09
bpromptBundestrojaner:    hmm, he's been venting out for the last 3hrs or so21:10
Bundestrojanerbprompt: flashplugin-installer installs 11.221:10
bpromptBundestrojaner:   yes21:11
host127Bundestrojaner: http://askubuntu.com/questions/43050/uninstalling-flash-plugin-completely try do this manually21:15
=== Skeletbossen is now known as kevin
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bpromptallo again21:48
* bprompt wondering is Skeletbossen is just a "Hi" bot21:48
SkeletbossenHehe I was just testing, Had some trouble registering21:49
SkeletbossenIn order to verify my account i needed to log in using my password. I forgot my password. In iorder to email me my password I had to verify my account.21:51
SkeletbossenAn evil circle21:51
VolUTFanIf wanting to exclude /home/* and /media/* from a copy, mv, script etc, can I use $HOME AND $MEDIA?22:26
VolUTFanor rather $HOME/*22:27
VolUTFanor $HOME*22:27
VolUTFanI guess $home will work, but not $media22:28
VolUTFanany ideas on the media side22:28
keithzgVolUTFan: Well, you could always just define it as a variable in your script.22:50
keithzgOr just in your own user variables for bash or whatnot.22:51
keithzgVolUTFan: Perhaps a "export MEDIA="/media" in your .bashrc (or to make it universal on your system, you could add it to /etc/environment)22:53
VolUTFanim just trying to make it local to the script, but good idea keithzg22:53
host127Hi, how to run mplayer from this site: http://portablelinuxapps.org on my pendrive?23:49

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