
darkxsthey didrocks07:54
didrocksevening darkxst07:56
ochosilarsu: after fiddling more with symbolic icons, i can only say this is really worth it! it's super easy and super failsafe, since it falls back to non-symbolic icons automatically if there are non found. so to the worst you get your current behavior07:58
darkxstdidrocks, is the timezone master ;)08:01
pittibonjour didrocks08:15
pittihey darkxst08:15
didrockshey pitti08:16
seb128hey didrocks pitti ochosi darkxst08:20
ochosimorning seb12808:20
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?08:20
seb128pitti, oui, très bien, c'est vendredi ! et toi ?08:20
pittiseb128: j'ai un rhume, je me sense faible :/08:20
seb128pitti, :-(08:23
seb128pitti, repose toi !08:23
jpdspitti: http://fun.sdinet.de/pics/english/Fahrrad.jpg08:24
darkxsthey seb12808:25
didrockshey Laney09:10
Laneysoooooooooo does anyone else have to frequently restart n-m to get networking to work on resume?09:10
Laneyas a bonus, this time restarting nm locked the machine up09:11
Laneyhi didrocks!09:11
seb128hey Laney, wie gehts?09:12
didrocksLaney: hum, not yet at least :)09:12
seb128Laney, no, didn't have n-m issues since brussels here09:12
Laneyofono was stopped btw09:12
Laneyhey seb12809:13
Laneynot bad, got tea and I can see the sky09:13
seb128I'm good, thanks :-)09:14
willcookeHello from another airport desktoppers09:18
willcookeDid anything burn down this week?09:18
seb128hey willcooke!09:19
willcookehey seb12809:19
seb128no, we know how to party without burning the house don't worry09:19
seb128ups, did I say party? no no, we worked hard this week09:19
seb128nothing to worry about :p09:19
seb128how was WMC?09:20
willcookeThanks for yours and didrocks reply on that email thread about MWC - it looks like we're heading in a better direction now09:20
willcookeMWC was AWESOME!09:20
willcookeEverybody loves the convergence demo.  Lots of people coming back to show their friends and colleagues09:20
willcookeSome Ubuntu fans even gave it a round of applause09:21
didrockswillcooke: excellent! I hope you had fun :)09:21
didrockswillcooke: next step, adding a clapping sensors to transform in desktop mode!09:22
willcookeIt was fun, but really hard work.  Standing up from 8am to 7pm with no proper breaks.09:22
seb128try to not get the ubuflu on the way back!09:23
didrocksyeah, and standing the whole day, not used to that anymore working from home desk :)09:23
didrocksmwcflu :p09:23
didrockswillcooke: enjoy seating in the plane at least ;)09:25
flexiondotorg_Laney, I need some advice regarding a package update.09:49
flexiondotorg_Laney, Please could you cast your eye over my last reply in this bug please.09:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1427742 in mate-menu (Ubuntu) "mate-menu package needs updating" [Undecided,New]09:49
flexiondotorg_Just want to know what I should do about the changelog entry for a version that was never release to Ubuntu.09:50
Laneyhi flexiondotorg_, usually I'd update that one instead of adding a new one on top09:53
Laneyso each entry corresponds to one upload in ubuntu09:53
flexiondotorg_So merge the last code review into the new one and skip the release that never happened?09:58
LaneySounds right, you want people to be reviewing the changes between today's archive and what you want to upload10:00
flexiondotorg_Laney, Thanks. I'll do that now.10:00
=== mzanetti_ is now known as mzanetti
Laneylarsu: doing a gtk upload to fix that messagedialog-icon thing, thought I'd take the commit to add a CSS class to title buttons too10:36
Laneyare there any other ones you need?10:36
sabdflhi folks, wonder if someone with indicator-location insight would look at this crasher:10:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1419405 in indicator-location (Ubuntu) "indicator-location-service crashed with SIGABRT in internal::ToBackend::exit_module()" [Medium,Confirmed]10:39
sabdflseems to have been around a while, regular crash on startup10:39
Laneysabdfl: Not sure if this is meant to work on current desktops (it's not installed by default there) - should exit cleanly instead of crashing though if that's the case.10:45
Laneycharles: ^?10:45
LaneySounds unfriendly for platform-api to be aborting...10:47
sabdflyes indeed10:48
sabdflit may have come in with unity8 which i have on this machine10:48
sabdflbut still10:48
ogra_technically you should have a dummy location service running10:51
Laneyit's aborting on some missing configuration file10:51
ogra_hmm, tvoss isnt in here10:51
Laneysee the message in the trace10:51
* ogra_ wonders with ubuntu-location-* services are installed on desktop-next 10:56
ogra_(in /etc/init)10:57
Laneydoes it have this /etc/ubuntu-platform-api/application.conf file?10:57
Laneyor maybe do you just not see the crash ;-)10:57
ogra_i dont have a desktop unity8 install here :)10:57
ricmmim trying to think about the cause10:58
ogra_in the phone there are some overrides10:58
ricmmif indicator-location-service is started from the context of the unity8 session it should have the platform defined10:58
Laneythis is in unity 710:58
LaneyJust run it in your normal desktop environment10:59
ogra_oh, do we seed it there ?10:59
Laneybut if you have it installed for whatever reason ...10:59
ogra_well, indicator-location seems to not have a dep on ubuntu-location-service11:01
ogra_which makes me suspect you dont have a backend installed at all in this case11:01
ogra_i.e. not even the dummy11:01
ricmmthats not it11:03
LaneyI definitely don't have this /etc/ubuntu-platform-api/application.conf file that it wants11:03
ricmmwhats the name of the desktop u8 session package?11:04
Laneyyou can just apt-get install indicator-location11:04
ricmmthe desktop package11:04
Laneywhy do you need all of that?11:04
ogra_it ships that file11:04
Laneythis is a minimal package to reproduce11:04
Laneywho cares? it's valid to install just indicator-location11:05
Laneynothing should crash11:05
ricmmyea, no one is contradicting you11:05
ricmmtrying to understand why unity8 and applications find the plugin while indicator location doesnt11:05
Laneyit'll be because something has pulled in ubuntu-touch-session11:06
ricmmnot really11:07
Laneyfine, you take care of it then11:09
ricmmwill do indeed11:10
ricmmLaney: so I remember a time when there was a unity8 override that provided the desktop session initialization11:11
ricmmnow all I see is different stuff in unity8-desktop-session-mir11:11
LaneyTo work it'd have to be applied to unity7 sessions too11:15
ricmmok so11:16
ricmmindicator-location is now being started by the unity7 session?11:17
Laneyif you have it installed, yeah11:17
LaneyI think you want it to exit cleanly if it can't start the location service controller11:18
Laneybut since platform-api aborts you in that case ...11:18
Laneykind of hard11:18
ogra_is it started from the upstart job ?11:19
ogra_as a quick fix you could just add a check for the file to a pre-start script11:20
ricmmno no11:20
ricmmwith the new scripts we basically dont have that env exported, as they are only exporting the QPA now (for unity8 session)11:20
ricmmfor the failing case under unity7, thats a different thing as we just dont have a need for the platform-api there11:21
ricmm*however*, depending on how indicator-location is started we can just point it to the dummy provider11:21
ogra_well, then you need a package dep11:21
ricmmdep on what, platform-api ?11:22
ogra_nothing guarantees you the location service is even installed currently11:22
ricmmthe location service being installed or not is irrelevant11:22
ricmmplatform api supports three platforms11:22
ogra_it provides the dummy provider, no ?11:22
ricmmtouch_mir, desktop_mir and test11:22
ogra_or do we have another internal one in p-api ?11:23
ricmmimo unity7 doesnt fall on any of those three, so if unity7 starts the location it should just dunny out11:23
ricmmso the question is, who starts indicator-location on unity7? does it ship an upstart job?11:24
ogra_all indicators do nowadays11:24
ogra_i think11:24
Laneyone workaround would be to change the job of course11:27
ricmmno, just wanted to know, changing it is wrong as its made to start on indicator-services-started or whatever the signal is11:28
ricmmso if im correct it should also be crashing under the unity8 session11:29
ogra_depends where11:29
ogra_in desktop-next ubuntu-touch-session is seeded11:29
ricmmwhy would they do that11:29
ogra_if you plainly install unity8 it wont be dragged in11:29
ogra_desktop-next uses (nearly) the same seed as touch11:30
ricmmsure, but application.conf there clearly says touch_mirclient11:30
ricmmwhich means hybris sensors, which means blow up11:30
ricmmthe only reason for which its not blowing up is that the qtubuntu plugin has extra checks in place for that11:31
ricmmbut any non-qt app that would like to use sensors would segfault11:31
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel/seeds/ubuntu-touch.vivid$ grep ubuntu-touch-session *11:31
ogra_touch: * ubuntu-touch-session11:31
ricmmI can only imagine there are other touch-specific bits in ubuntu-touch-session11:31
ogra_false alarm ... not seeded11:31
ricmmalright, good11:31
ricmmso it should be crashing then11:31
Laneyif it was then the error wouldn't talk about the file being missing11:31
ricmmas the env var was dropped when desktop changed from the unity8-mir upstart job11:32
Laneyunless there are that many people installing it bare11:32
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel/seeds/ubuntu-touch.vivid$ grep session *11:32
ogra_desktop: * unity8-desktop-session-mir11:32
ogra_touch: * ubuntu-touch-session11:32
ogra_there we go11:32
ricmmLaney: could you confirm that it crashes on unity8 as well?11:32
Laneynot easily, maybe seb128 can, afaik he has a desktop-next installation11:32
ricmmseb128: ^ could you give us a hand with that?11:33
ogra_if test -z "$DISPLAY" && [ $DESKTOP_SESSION != "unity8-lxc" ]; then11:34
ogra_  export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=ubuntumirclient11:34
ogra_  export UNITY_INDICATOR_PROFILE=desktop11:34
ogra_from unity8-desktop-session11:34
ricmmyea, thats why I say it should crash too11:35
ricmmfrom first glance, the UBUNTu_PLATFORM_API_BACKEND var was dropped11:35
ricmmwhen it moved from unity8-mir.conf to these helper scripts11:36
ochosihmmm, is gtk3-icon-browser not packaged at all?11:36
ochosishould be a part of gtk3.14, but i can't seem to find it at all11:36
Laneyricmm: yeah, okay, just pulled out the inspiron & it is crashing there11:38
seb128Laney, ricmm, want me to confirm something?11:38
Laneyno worry11:38
Laneyochosi: no, can probably put it in gtk-3-examples tho11:41
ochosiLaney: that would be really great!11:42
ochosimaybe along with gtk-encode-symbolic-svg ?11:42
ochosithose two are really important for porting stuff to gtk3 and symbolic icons11:42
Laneywhat is that?11:42
ochosisymbolic icons you mean?11:42
ochosior the encoder11:42
ochosithe encoder creates pngs from symbolic svgs which are still recolorable, but are loading faster11:43
ochosiso you can use that in a script and convert your symbolic icons in humanity or wherever you keep them to .symbolic.png icons11:44
ochosigtk3.14 loads them automatically, and faster than with svg11:44
Laneyok, yeah, sounds like we can install that too11:46
ochosithanks a lot!11:47
ochosiwe'll use that in xubuntu for sure11:47
ricmmso the unity8 crash is a regression as that env var was dropped from the environment11:48
ricmmhowever what we could do instead of provide the module config files from the platform-api module package directly11:48
ricmminstall to /usr/share/ubuntu-platform-api/ or something11:48
ricmmand make touch/desktop conflict/replace11:48
ogra_how do you know in which env you are then ?11:48
ogra_well, the config changes based on your environment, no ?11:49
ricmmno, env var can override whats in the config file11:50
ricmmyou either install the touch plugin, or the desktop plugin11:50
ogra_ah, k11:50
ricmmbut not both11:50
ricmmright now we are relying on either the env var being there (which it used to be in utopic for unity8-desktop-session-mir) or the application.conf file being there11:50
ricmmso my suggestion is to ship the file with each plugin, and make both packages conflict11:51
ricmmso if some -next dependency pulls in something that uses platform-api, it will guarantee that the module conf file is in place11:51
ochosiLaney: do you want me to report bugs about those two to keep track of them?11:51
LaneyI was doing a gtk upload alraedy11:51
ochosioh cool11:51
ricmmLaney: do you agree with that approach?11:52
ochosiLaney: thanks a lot!11:52
Laneyricmm: I don't really like having packages which both supply the same file forever11:56
LaneyWould be best if this could be dynamic - i.e. try to initialise each module in turn until one works11:56
Laneybut in the absence of that I probably prefer setting environment variables11:56
ricmmits gonna have to be an env var then11:57
ricmmUBUNTU_PLATFORM_API_BACKEND=desktop_mirclient needs to be part of both unity7 and unity8 sessions11:57
ricmmit used to be part of the unity8 one, so needs to get back in that file ogra pasted earlier11:58
Laneyit works on x?11:58
ricmmyes, it works, the UI bits are unused outside of the unity8 session11:59
Laneyok so you also have to have a dependency which pulls it in12:00
ricmmit is pulled in by the unity8-desktop-mir-session12:00
Laneyyou don't get this if you just install indicator-location12:00
ricmmindicator-location depends on ubuntu-application-api12:01
Laneyyeah, that only gets you 'test' afaics12:02
ricmmyea, it is up to the session to set up its environment if you want more than that12:02
ricmmconsideri t like QT_QPA_PLATFORM=dummy12:02
ricmmQt doesnt have the depend on qtubuntu-desktop or qtubuntu-android, thats up to the session to provide and setup12:03
LaneyI don't really care if it doesn't work without setup12:03
LaneyI care that it doesn't crash though12:04
Laneyand particularly that it doesn't crash on startup12:04
ricmmLaney: easiest way is to add the env to the unity8 session, and have unity7 default to the dummy plugin12:08
ricmmif you dont care about it working, just not crashing12:09
LaneyI don't think it's the end of the world to have to install an extra backend to get it working12:11
Laneydoes dummy provide fake data or just no data?12:11
Laneyalso if I run UBUNTU_PLATFORM_API_BACKEND=test /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-location/indicator-location-service I get an assertion failure12:11
ricmmso? but it doesnt crash12:12
ricmmcant expect it to work with the dummy12:12
LaneyI'm just saying12:12
ricmmif you want it to *work* it needs desktop_mirclient12:13
ricmmbut its illogical for idnciator-location to depend on that12:13
ricmmas it runs on both touch and desktop seeds12:13
ricmmif you want it to not crash, test is enough12:13
LaneyI'd rather it didn't crash in the no configuration case too12:14
Laneyif that was the case then we would only have to fix unity812:14
ricmmyea if we are going to do test I'l just make it default to test if theres no other selection12:14
ricmmok, will do it that way12:15
Laneymight be cleaner to get _create_controller() to return nullptr instead of aborting, then i-location could handle the case cleanly and just exit(0)12:17
ricmmthats what it does when "test" is selected12:17
ricmmwell, indicator-location can do whatever it want, currently it doesnt exit but it stays running12:18
ricmmbut it doesnt crash12:18
LaneyIndeed that assertion shows it does return null then12:18
ricmmLaney: ok I'll get a silo for platform-api, who can add the env var to the unity8 mir conf?12:25
Laneyricmm: hmm, there's no separate desktop job any more, just uses the main unity8 one12:31
ricmmtheres a script that exports the QPA12:31
ricmmthats where this var should go12:31
Laneywhich job is that?12:31
Laneyok, not upstart12:33
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Sweet5harkAh, seb128 is cleverly hiding from me as I have a LibreOffice upload for him ... ;)13:02
Sweet5harkwell, friday uploads are a bad idea anyway.13:02
ricmmLaney: so whos the right guy for the desktop session change?13:14
Laneydid you see the MP?13:14
ogra_bregma presumably13:15
ricmmLaney: could you confirm on the inspiron that with that change it doesnt crash in the unity8 session?13:15
bregmawe'll need ricmm's approval that it's a sane change then we'll test it in our lab and toss it in a silo13:17
Laney'lab' sounds scientific13:17
bregmabut it makes me sound like a professional13:18
ricmmwell I've added to a silo I requested for the platform-api change13:18
ricmmbut yea it looks fine, if someone could confirm on the desktop session that the indicator wont crash13:18
bregmaone of the test machines in my lab sits on a stack of 3 dead laptops so its display is at eye height13:18
bregmaLaney, is there also a fix for the indicator-location crash under Unity 7?13:19
ricmmtheres a platform-api in the same silo-in-wait13:20
ricmmthat makes it default to the dummy13:20
Laneyricmm: just tried & i-l-s is running now13:23
Laneyso seems ok13:23
ricmmbregma, Laney: I'll ping you with the silo once platform-api is there too to try the unity7 one13:23
ricmmI've tried here and looks fine13:23
ricmmwell, looks fine in the sense that it doesnt crash just uses the dummy (so no functionality)13:24
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== jorge_ is now known as jcastro
desrtdidrocks: ping14:10
desrtdidrocks: i just wanted to remind you about how great i think you are14:10
desrtdidrocks: keep it up14:10
Laneyyou're right, didrocks is a great guy14:35
ricmmLaney: vivid 13 has the two packages15:19
ricmmif you'd like to give it a spin on your test laptop15:19
=== jhodapp_ is now known as jhodapp
charlesLaney, thanks for https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/unity8-desktop-session/platform-api-export/+merge/25210516:44
Laneycharles: np16:45
Laneymight want to consider making i-location exit if it can't init the service16:45
=== jfunk is now known as jfunk-lunch
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
charlesLaney, not sure how I could make i-location pre-empt that abort() call; it's happening in platform-api when i-location calls ua_location_service_create_controller()18:06
charlesie, there's not a way to test first18:06
Laneyricmm's platform-api change makes it return nullptr now18:07
ricmmcharles: yes, if you'd like to test silo 13 vivid it should be fine now18:08
charlessure enough, https://code.launchpad.net/~ricmm/platform-api/no-abort-default-dummy/+merge/25210818:08
ricmmas it will default to the dummy if theres no module selected18:08
* Laney is off18:10
Laneysorry I didn't get to test, will do monday if you still need it then18:10
=== jfunk-lu_ is now known as jfunk

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