[11:43] Hi ... I am using Firefox Nightly in Ubuntu from nightly ppa, and I am having strange problems with it for a past 7 or more days [11:43] It is very slow in opening pages, and it is using 50% of cpu (100% one CPU core)... sometimes it just freezes with cpu usage stuck at 50% [16:50] hello all [16:50] question: [16:50] what's the deal with firefox , linux, flash , videos ? [16:51] I get that flash is not supported [16:51] but why chrome defaults to html5 while firefox still uses it's ancient flash to (unsuccessfully) try to reproduce videos? [16:52] http://www.infobae.com/2015/03/06/1714150-video-como-ganar-una-lucha-sumo-el-mas-minimo-esfuerzo [16:52] firefox tries use flash and fails ^ [16:53] chrome uses html5 and succeeds (doesn't even use is up to date inhouse flash thingy) [16:53] i'm on ubuntu 12 [16:53] latest firefox [16:54] shouting at the wind [16:54] if you are going to ditch flash, AT THE VERY LEAST USE HTML5 WHEN POSSIBLE!!!!!!!! [16:55] that said, I always use firefox. I resort to chrome when video or g ames don't work [17:01] Adobe is abandoning Firefox/Linux not the other way around [17:02] I'm not sure about Ubuntu 12.04.. but in 14.04, youtube can do pretty much everyting with HTML5 [17:02] NoobForever: ^ [17:03] ok [17:03] thanks for answering my rant [17:03] I'll upgrade to 14 then (been postponing it) [17:03] gQuigs: that video works for me on Firefox 36.0 on vivid (of course I'm not suggesting you run vivid) [17:04] +1 on upgrading to 14.04