
valorieRiddell: question - should I leave in reference to daily unstable PPA?00:08
Riddellvalorie: that's a question for sitter I guess, I'm not sure if it's maintained currently (probably not)00:09
valoriethen I think I'll clear it all out00:09
valorieit's time to move people on to vivid00:10
valorieit is kubuntu-desktop meta-package people need to install if they ppa-purge, correct?00:12
Riddellvalorie: yep00:12
valoriehmmm, why are we still supplying these? http://files.kde.org/snapshots/00:17
valorieand do we want to point anybody to them00:17
valoriethey are isos, I guess it is not a problem, but there is still neon listed there!00:19
Riddellvalorie: the weekly isos are now based on vivid + ci packages00:21
valorieok, I'll change that text also then00:21
Riddellvalorie: I believe the neon is just a symlink to keep old links happy00:21
valoriesanity check on https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Packages#Kubuntu please00:23
Riddellvalorie: "Live Images of Utopic Kubuntu Plasma 5 images " can go since they're obsolete00:27
Riddellvalorie: "Live Image of Kubuntu Utopic with Packages from Git" should say vivid not utopic00:28
valoriedone, and added bash highlighting00:30
valorieI'll drop a note to -devel in case there are any more corrections needed00:30
Riddellthanks valorie 00:30
Riddellvalorie: did you get a time for kubuntu at akademy?00:32
valorieuh, I don't know if anything is on the official calendar yet, but didn't we decide on dates?00:35
* valorie goes to look at logs00:35
valoriecouldn't find anything in logs, probably lost in that data that wasn't backup up00:45
valoriewasn't backed up, sheesh00:45
valorieI've left a query for kenny00:45
valorieso set up a doodle, which has 2 answers: Riddell and sitter00:49
valoriewhen I lost my data, I guess I lost my memory as well00:50
valoriedoodle says: We'll meet Wed. morning the 29th for a half day. Then Thursday, either morning or afternoon.00:50
valorielast call folks, if you care00:51
valoriealso, pizza and beer time00:54
=== mustang_ is now known as VolUTFan_
AndChat|675444valorie: ping02:50
AndChat|675444valorie: I got past that bug02:50
valorieah, this must be ahoneybun02:51
AndChat|675444Yeah it will not let me log in02:51
valoriewhat will not let you?02:51
AndChat|675444I'm logged in at home02:51
AndChat|675444I'm on my one plus one02:51
valorieyou can link accounts I believe02:52
valoriea bit of rigmarole however02:52
valorieanyway, good to hear you got around it02:52
AndChat|675444Yes well you know it's me lol02:52
AndChat|675444I used fdisk to partition02:54
valoriesad that that was necessary02:54
AndChat|675444And then let the installer do the work 02:54
valorieI hope you will follow up on the bug report02:54
AndChat|675444Well I added comments02:54
AndChat|675444About what I did and what I think is the problem02:55
AndChat|675444Yep hopefully it will get fixed soon 02:56
AndChat|675444Kde connect works very well 02:57
valorieI agree02:57
valorie<3 kdeconnect02:58
valorieso glad to have it back again02:58
valorienow I want to be able to reply to sms here on the laptop02:58
AndChat|675444Sweet 02:58
AndChat|675444It's cool03:01
AndChat|675444valorie: I restarted the trello board 03:01
AndChat|675444And I edited the docs some03:02
valorieyes, I saw that03:02
valorieI always read the backlog03:02
AndChat|675444That's cool that it says that03:02
valoriethat's great, because I have zero time right now03:02
AndChat|675444I'll do want I can03:03
AndChat|675444I added some screenies,  edited text for what works now 03:04
AndChat|675444Rewrote somethings03:04
valorieif you run into any problems, please write an email to kubuntu-devel list03:05
valorieactually, once you have some pages done, please report those to the list03:05
valorienothing gets enthusiasm going more than some work already done03:06
AndChat|675444valorie: I'll report once I have something 03:06
AndChat|675444BTW I installed steam just fine03:07
AndChat|675444With no extra work but it might be from my previous Ubuntu install03:08
AndChat|675444I kept my home partition03:08
valorieyes, we should get a tester03:09
valorieI have no time for that, unfortunately03:09
AndChat|675444For steam?03:09
valoriefor our install steam page03:09
AndChat|675444Oh yea03:09
AndChat|675444I might end up doing a clean install to try it out03:10
AndChat|675444BTW don't use driver manager yet 03:10
AndChat|675444It will broke your systen03:10
valorieis there a bug report for that>03:11
valorieshadeslayer: ^^^03:11
valorieI don't want to hear about system-breaking things!03:11
AndChat|675444No 03:13
AndChat|675444valorie: when is akademy 03:13
valorielast week of july03:13
valorielook on the Dot, it's just been announced03:13
AndChat|675444Think Ubuntu would sponsor? 03:14
AndChat|675444Me I mean 03:14
valorieI forgot - did you get your membership?03:14
valoriethen yes03:15
AndChat|675444valorie: sweet03:15
AndChat|675444I would Love to go03:15
valorieare you reading kubuntu-devel?03:15
AndChat|675444And helpout03:15
AndChat|675444I saw your post yea03:15
valorieI just asked again for feedback about our Kubuntu day03:15
AndChat|675444Email I mean03:15
AndChat|675444Yep I want to go more events and help where I can 03:16
AndChat|675444BRB 2 hours,  watching a movie03:16
lordievaderGood morning.09:56
alketgood morning09:57
lordievaderHey alket 09:57
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:02
shadeslayerwould be nice to know what broke12:31
soeeRiddell: "Experience the future with Plasma 5" ?12:40
BluesKajnot crazy about the future if that's the case, soee :) 12:43
yofelthe vivid future? ^^12:43
BluesKajlooks not so vivid atm12:45
soeeBluesKaj: propose anything you want :)12:45
BluesKajaltho it seems better than it was 2 days ago12:45
BluesKajI miss my varied backgrounds on the the VDs12:46
soeeok i'm off for 4 hours12:46
yofelcan't say I'm too impressed with p5 either though. At least its somewhat usable by now12:48
BluesKajyeah, it's ok so far, but I'm hoping it has some features that are missing atm12:52
BluesKajin the future12:52
* yofel removes calligra*12:57
yofelRiddell: could you please look at the latest packaging bugs for calligra? calligrasheets is uninstallable and I don't really understand your splitting plan12:58
ovidiu-florinkubotu: ping ahoneybun15:50
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help ping'15:50
ovidiu-florinkubotu: help ping15:50
kubotuping => replies with a pong15:50
lordievaderovidiu-florin: You can set a /notify, then your client will notify you when someone comes online.15:57
yofelovidiu-florin: freenode has a memoserv running if you want to use it16:12
yofel[MemoServ] MemoServ allows users to send memos to registered users.16:14
yofelhey'll get a notify when he comes online16:14
mustafamHello everybody16:38
mustafamI am testing beta 1 and found some problems16:39
mustafamI wanted to ask about them here before reporting16:39
mustafamFirst, I use pppoe, but it is not working out of the box, I am almost sure that the newer NetworkManager requires pppoe binary16:40
mustafampreviously it only needed ppp16:40
mustafamIs this known or should I report it?16:40
ovidiu-florinFor everybodys information (FYI) I neget got PPPoE working throught he KDE GUI16:46
ovidiu-florinI haven't tried on the latest 16:47
ovidiu-florinon 15.0416:47
mustafamI always use it, from the connection use "Add DSL Connection"16:48
Riddellyofel: meh, I dont think anyone understands calligra's splitting plan :(17:08
yofelseriously O.O17:22
soeein my hom dir i have some epty Snapshots folde - any idea to what app it belongs ?17:32
Riddellyofel: the main issue is filters and do they go into calligra-libs or into the app they're relevant for17:59
yofeldid debian have some kind of pattern there? Otherwise I would have to ask upstream whether a filter is really only used by the application whose name it carries..18:01
Riddellyofel: I think debian is inconsistent too18:02
yofelremove the file from -data for now I guess?18:02
Riddellyofel: they don't usually carry the name of the application18:03
Riddelllooking in filters/ https://paste.kde.org/pfob5y7qo18:03
yofelwell, this one does, but yeah18:03
Riddellthere are some which are non-application specific and some which are app specific18:03
Riddellso I guess the packaging could follow that18:04
alketis kde 4.14.3 coming to 14.04 ?18:08
Riddellalket: we don't have the person-power for that I'm afraid18:11
Riddellall help appreciated of course18:11
alketI would help , but i don't know where to start18:11
alketand I assume it will take time to do that18:11
Riddellyou'd start by learning to package18:16
Riddellthen once you have one package mastered we have scripts to make the big releases manageable18:16
alketwhy not just get them from debian18:17
Riddellwe do but debian and ubuntu aren't binary or source compatible so they need recompiled and rejigged18:19
Riddellsoee: have you tried kdeconnect-kde ?18:33
soeeRiddell: after todays update ?18:35
Riddellsoee: yes, do you now have "kdeconnect" installed?18:41
Riddelland can you now open your device in dolphin and send files to your device?18:41
Riddellhi drawkward 18:43
soeeRiddell: yes im running it since few days, do i have to reboot to test todays update ?18:44
Riddellsoee: the change is that "kdeconnect" is back as well as "kdeconnect-plasma"18:48
Riddellsoee: this means you should be able to open your device in dolphin and send files to it18:48
soeeRiddell: yes i can browse Camera photos and All files directories, i can upload or download files to phone18:53
soeethough if i open gallery on my phone, the photos list isn't updated 18:54
soeeprobably some cache on phone18:54
Riddellhmm, we don't really track packaging on trello, I wonder why not19:22
soeeany progress with lo ions ?19:23
yofelbecause we have a working way to track packaging that also works with the rest of ubuntu, so why change it?19:24
Riddellyofel: what's that?19:25
Riddellsoee: lo icons?19:26
yofelRiddell: bugs?19:26
soeeRiddell: libre office breeze icons19:26
Riddellsoee: still on my todo list19:26
Riddellyofel: right, I just wonder if the big releases, frameworks, plasma and applications would fit better into trello items19:27
yofelRiddell: hm.... a while ago sitter did make deadline items on trello for those (didn't we have a seperate deadline board?) - maybe he gave up19:29
yofelyeah, seems like he gave up on the idea for vivid19:30
RiddellI might add them and see how it works19:31
Riddelld__ed: you're famous lwn.net/Articles/635781/19:31
Riddellhi KDDA 19:34
KDDAhi Riddell19:34
KDDAany craic?19:34
Riddell267 unread e-mails, that's crack enough!19:39
KDDApopular man!19:41
d__edRiddell: thanks! yeah, it's weird wasn't a particularly amazing article, and I'm mostly just leeching off some Qt work19:41
Riddelld__ed: aye but big difference to users :)19:42
d__edonly posh users19:44
VolUTFanDoes anyone have an example I can look at of how to go about scripting auto creation of a empty panel and adding shortcuts to it for Plasma4.  I am Trying to streamline installation of workstation19:55
RiddellVolUTFan: plasma scripting is something that I always find confusing, javascript plus a fairly opaque api20:01
RiddellVolUTFan: examples in    dpkg -L kubuntu-settings-desktop | grep js20:02
VolUTFanRiddell: thanks, I will read that20:02
VolUTFanthanks a bunch Riddell20:03
Riddellvalorie: you're famous too :) http://linux.slashdot.org/story/15/03/07/1811253/kde-accepted-to-google-summer-of-code-201520:20
Riddellnot sure why that's news to anyone but kde but always nice to make slashdot20:20
KDDAare there any Kubuntu applications that can stream to Chromecast?20:51
Riddellprobably not unless it uses a standard protocol20:54
valorievery nice - would be cool to have some Murrican gsoc applicants21:55
* alket hides21:56
QuintasanIt's either SoC or some kind of work for me21:56
* Quintasan looks at projects21:56
ahoneybunhey all22:00
ahoneybunhey Quintasan22:02
RiddellQuintasan: propose a "fix kubuntu" project :)22:08
QuintasanRiddell: That would require at least 10 more people :D22:08
Quintasan>Project: Port Ubiquity to Qt 522:10
QuintasanThis means I have to learn python22:11
Riddella very worthy things to do (and not hard)22:13
Riddelland also it's easy to do so it would leave several weeks to fix kubuntu22:14
prthRiddell, I'm interested in "Port Ubiquity to Qt 5". i sent u an email, could you please point me to the bugs I can solve for this project?22:22
Riddellhi prth 22:26
Riddellwelcome to irc22:26
Riddellmaybe bug 1429461 wouldn't be too hard22:26
ubottubug 1429461 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "manual parition new/change dialog should pre-select filetype" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142946122:26
Riddellor bug 135085522:26
ubottubug 1350855 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Vivid) "Manual Partitioner Does not Translate when Selecting a new Language" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135085522:26
prthRiddell, cool, thanks22:27
Riddellhacking on an installer is difficult, be careful not to format your hard disk (use a usb drive maybe)22:28
Riddellthis blog post should help http://agateau.com/2013/hacking-on-ubiquity-the-setup/22:28
valorieQuintasan: it would be lovely to have you as an applicant22:30
prthprth yeah i was afraid of that too. thanks :)22:30
alketis kde 4 in maintenance mode ?22:32
alketlike only bug fixes ?22:32
alketfor how long ?22:32
yofelworkspace (plasma 2) until August22:37
yofelapplications... you have to use current I believe22:39
yofelRiddell: ^ ?22:39

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