
zy3pDwill lubuntu 15.04 use lxqt???00:08
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kgHey guys02:19
kgMy network adapter isnt being recognized02:19
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:20
holsteinunless its wired..02:20
kgnope, wifi02:20
kgIve found out that I have to install the following package: bcmwl-kernel-source02:20
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:20
holsteindepends.. i have a few broadcom chips.. mostly, i pull them out and replace them02:20
kgBut it has to many dependencies if I try to install only the deb files02:20
holsteinkg: sure. just use the one in the repos referenced02:21
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:21
holsteinno need to import source, or build anything.. the driver you need is in the repos.. likely.. just try it first02:21
holsteinkg: i would simply wire the machine up and sudo apt-get what you need. otherwise there are "offline" options and directions02:22
kgholstein: its on a mac, cant wire it up :o02:22
kgI need the driver for a Broadcom 436002:23
holsteinkg: sure.. thats why i referece the "offline" options.. also, i have a few wifi usb devices that i *know* work well in linux.. i use those as needed.. carry one around in my bag02:24
kgmmhhh dammit :<02:24
kgWhat is the offline option?02:24
kgholstein: I dont have a wifi usb device, just an iphone 6. tried to use tethering via bluetooth but it didnt work02:28
holsteinkg: i dont see the 4360 specifically referenced02:28
holsteinkg: sure.. im sure lots of things "dont work".. try and go with what does02:28
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages02:28
holsteinkg: i would still try the offline options for the broadcom driver listed above.. otherwise, you'll do what you are trying to do. move the dependencies you need02:29
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159851 for example references ubuntu and your device specifically02:31
kgholstein: could you compile this from the source for me? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/
kgI've read that if you compile it from the source, all dependencies would be in the package02:49
holsteinkg: not on an "ive read"02:50
holsteini dont think that is any different than what is in the repos02:50
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:50
kgholstein: http://askubuntu.com/a/51066902:51
holsteintry https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access02:51
holsteinkg: you can try #ubuntu as well, since, this is not specific to lubuntu or lxde02:51
holsteinkg: i have not installed for that specific chip.. but, i have followed these instructions02:52
holsteinkg: personally, i would rather replace the hardware, than fiddle with a broadcom chip for so long, and, end up with poor performance, as well02:53
holsteini had one like that, and i messed and messed around. it was a *Great* day when i took it out and replaced it..02:53
nemaonahow can i install latest npm in lubuntu, i have trouble installing angular with yeoman05:48
nemaonai used add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js05:49
holsteinnemaona: if there is a ppa, thats probably the easist way05:49
nemaonait installed version 1.4.28 which i think is not enough for angular05:50
holsteinask them, and make sure you are not wasting time05:51
mrmdkWhat's the minimum installed size of lubuntu 64 bit?07:14
pgnomewhat happened with 14.10?07:54
pgnometried the live cd.... just terrible...distorted screen.... unusable07:54
mlnpHello i did a fresh install of lubuntu 14.10 and have been trying to set up a wireless connection14:44
mlnphowever there are no wireless connections when i check the nm-applet14:45
mlnpis this a driver problem?14:46
ochosisounds like it14:50
mlnpwhat should i do?14:52
ochosicheck whether there are restricted drivers available (software and updates > additional drivers)14:53
ochosiotherwise google your wireless card14:53
ochosi"lspci" in the terminal can help you find out what you have in case you don't know14:53
mlnpthank you very much14:53
lxdewill lubuntu go from lxde to qt?15:52
krytariklxde: Yep, but definitely not before 15.10.15:59
krytarikHello JethroTux.15:59
lxdeso 16.04 will be the LTS release with qt then?15:59
JethroTuxI have lubuntu 14.10. my autostart files in ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart and /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart do not WORK. anybody know why?16:00
krytariklxde: Might be, we'll have to see.16:00
JethroTux*.desktop scripts work instead!16:00
JethroTuxdesktop sripts in /etc/xdg/autostart/ and in $HOME work nicely16:02
JethroTuxthat's kinda strange16:02
krytarikJethroTux: Like nothing of them gets run, or just specific entries?16:03
JethroTuxthe ones which don't work are those in the autostart file16:04
JethroTuxlike @/usr/local/bin/wbar16:05
krytarikJethroTux: "Wbar needs to be started a few seconds after the rest of the desktop sets up." - http://lxlinux.com/wbar.html16:11
JethroTuxthat is not the issue indeed but thanks for helping. It's not about wbar, any lines in autostart file do not work proprely16:12
JethroTuxkrytarik, I've solved the issue about autostart file17:16
JethroTuxif the file ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart exists the file /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart will be ignored.17:17
mlnphello im using a new lubuntu 14.10 install and beforehand managed to connect to a wireless network by using an alternate wireless driver19:10
mlnpnow the wireless connection is not detected19:10
mlnpafter i rebooted the computer19:11
mlnpwhat could be the issue?19:11
noink139i'm running vmware player from lubuntu, how can i hide the windows border while maximized?19:26
noink139if i am running vmware player maximized from lubuntu, i always see borders outside of it. how can i hide it?20:26
wxlnoink139: do you have the same problem with other apps? if not, you might want to check with vmware.20:26
wxlor you can use virtualbox which works fine for me :)20:26
wxlor kvm for that matter20:26
noink139yea, its just vmware. sorry20:30
wxlindeed, talk to vmware then20:31
wxli think they have a channel around somewhere20:31
noink139ok. thank u20:32
ioioiany software to use with IP cameras besides zoneminder ?21:05
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proteusguyIs Lubuntu 14.10 using LXQt already?22:42
holsteinproteusguy: no22:42
holsteinproteusguy: 15.04 is not either22:42
proteusguyOh when's that anticipated?22:42
wxlprolly 15.1022:42
proteusguySo 2016 probably?22:43
holsteinproteusguy: 15.10 is october201522:43
wxl15.10 refers to the release date in the form of (YEAR-2000).(MONTH#)22:44
holsteinproteusguy: but, lxqt could be in a stable -ish state in a ppa before then22:44
proteusguyAh ok :-) Thanx.22:44
wxlit is in a ppa now22:44
wxlbut i'm not sure stable is entirely appropriate22:44
holsteini am :/22:44
wxland the ppa doesn't include all the new applications22:44
holsteinits not..22:44
holsteinthe ppa currenty (in 15.04) doesnt work...22:44
holsteinprobably fine in 14.10 and/or 14.04..22:45
proteusguyIs it possible to do an install from scratch and go straight to LXQt?22:48
wxlwell i mean honestly you could do it with the ppa22:48
wxlbut the ppa doesn't remove lxdew22:49
wxlyou might want to see the link to the "lubuntu-next" ISOs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing22:49
wxlit's a little old but will give you some sense of what lxqt will be like in lubuntu22:49

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