
richard28711does anyone know how to get freetuxtv to worl00:08
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valorie!info freetuxtv00:15
ubottufreetuxtv (source: freetuxtv): Internet television and radio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.6~dfsg1-1 (utopic), package size 245 kB, installed size 1205 kB00:15
valoriewhat isn't working, richard28711?00:15
richard28711hi..cannot play any channels...when i click on the channel in list nothing happens00:16
richard28711!info freetuxtv00:17
ubottufreetuxtv (source: freetuxtv): Internet television and radio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.6~dfsg1-1 (utopic), package size 245 kB, installed size 1205 kB00:17
valorierichard28711: have you looked here? http://database.freetuxtv.net00:19
valorieto check the channels00:19
richard28711no but i will brb00:20
valoriehmmm, askubuntu.com/questions/459962/freetuxtv-is-installed-in-14-04-and-not-working00:22
valoriesounds like there are problems perhaps with the backend (vlc)00:22
richard28711all that showed was the channels and links00:26
richard28711what should i do00:27
valoriethat isn't kubuntu software, sorry00:27
valorieyou'll need to talk to the developers of that software00:27
valoriethat said, there is a workaround described in the askubuntu link above00:27
richard28711thank you00:27
valoriebest of luck; sounds like a great idea00:28
KalSo, I upgraded to 15.04 Beta 1, but now, plasmashell crashes as soon as I log in on my main account.00:29
KalIf I create a new user and log in as it, then, everything goes fine.00:29
KalAre there some files that I can delete/move to prevent this crash, while keeping the rest of my settings and preferences?00:30
KalOr would I be better off making a new user account, and transferring parts from my /home dir later?00:31
valorieKal: what I would do is save my ~/.kde, .config, and .local to a dropbox or something00:31
valorieuse the new user, and slowly transfer files back00:32
valorieonly one by one00:32
valorieuntil you find the "bad" one00:32
valorieor ones00:32
valoriewhat is complicated right now is that although all applications have been ported to frameworks00:33
valorienot all have been ported to plasma 500:33
valorieplasma 5 uses ~/.config and ~/.local00:33
valoriewhereas KDE4 used ~/.kde*00:33
KalI tried renaming my ~/.kde before, and that didn't fix it, so, I'll try .config and .local00:33
VolUTFanKal, I believe that was one that I had trouble with under 14.10 Plasma 5, and I am sure it carried over to vivid b101:15
VolUTFanbtw, I created a completely new account and tried logging in as well, and plasmashell never came back01:15
VolUTFansooo... just wanted to let you know01:15
VolUTFanvalorie, should I go ahead and get that reported for Kal?  I doubt he can get to a terminal that can provide him with a gui since vividb1p5 plasmashell is crashed01:17
kubuntubuntuhey folks01:23
alketnice nick01:24
virusdunilbonjour tout le monde,un petit nouveau sous kubuntu01:26
krytarik!fr | virusdunil01:26
ubottuvirusdunil: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:26
VolUTFanvalorie: dropped you a script link on the offtopic channel.  I thought I was in this room when I sent it01:52
VolUTFanvalorie: hope it helps you next time01:52
VolUTFanI have a question that I had been wondering about, but just now crossed my mind.  Does anyone use clamav, klamav and does it actually find any trojans/worms/malware etc?01:56
VolUTFanive tried it before, but it never really did any good.  At least I didn't notice it catching any type of viruii01:56
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VolUTFanAll kinda quiet in here right now02:36
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remlineThere is a calendar widget stuck on my main screen that I can't get rid of03:37
ubottuKDE bug 339654 in editor "Plasma applet for NetworkManager OpenVPN profile import is broken" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]03:38
darthanubishas this only been fixed in plasma 5?03:38
VolUTFanhas anyone used the simplescreenrecorder ?03:56
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valorieVolUTFan: better that a person file a bug themselves from the troubled machine using the cli: `ubuntu-bug plasmashell` for instance04:49
valoriethat way hardware and software info are automatically added to the bug report04:50
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Finetundrahello, I'm attempting to install razor-qt however each time I try to install I get a return of multiple broken packages. Anyone have any idaes05:39
valorieaccording to Wikipedia: Razor-qt is a now defunct free desktop environment for personal computers. Razor merged with LXDE, another project with similar scope.05:40
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valorieyou might prefer lubuntu05:41
valoriewhich is LXDE on ubuntu05:41
valoriehere on freenode: #lubuntu05:41
Finetundravalorie: in truth I just want to try out the desktop enviroment. The reason I'm trying for razor-qt is that I hear LXQt is very unstable05:42
valoriewell, a now-defunct distro doesn't sound very stable either05:44
valorieneither one is on-topic here05:44
valorieI'm reasonably sure that lubuntu is stable05:45
valoriethey are certainly active05:45
valorieI seed all the *buntu torrents and people are always downloading it05:46
Finetundravalorie:  I am aware that lubuntu is stable. I'm intersted in the DE itself. Not a whole distro05:46
valoriesorry, I don't know, and am not interested in more off-topic discussion here05:47
kaidelongthe wiki article is misleading05:51
kaidelongrazor-qt merged with lxqt, a fork of lxde05:51
valorieit's a wiki - you can fix it05:51
kaidelongperhaps you can try installing lxqt if that's packaged?05:51
valorieplease take the discussion elsewhere05:52
kaidelonghow is "how do I install a package on kubuntu" off topic05:52
valorie!info lxqt05:52
ubottuPackage lxqt does not exist in utopic05:52
kaidelongI found a PPA05:53
kaidelongoh apparently05:53
kaidelongit's in here05:53
kaidelongso umm, yes, lubuntu does have this ubottu05:53
valorie!lubuntu | kaidelong05:54
ubottukaidelong: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.05:54
kaidelonggo ask there05:54
kaidelongFinetundra, I meant05:54
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VolUTFanwhats a good application that I can use, somewhat like "cheese"  except it will capture audio and video off of your webcam?06:07
valoriekamoso - not sure what it's state is now though06:10
VolUTFanbetter question...  can I use my webcam to record audio without using it as a webcam as well?06:29
VolUTFanfunny thing...  I am running lsusb --verbose and do not see an audio controller, although I can use cheese and know that the webcam is working and plugged in.06:30
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valorieon my laptop at least, the mic and cam are separate06:34
valoriedifferent devices06:34
valorieyou might look at pulseaudio output, or alsamixer06:35
VolUTFani know how to do alsamixer, but how do I check the pulseaudio output06:42
VolUTFani have a all in one usb webcam sitting on top of my screen06:43
valorieoh, what is the little widget called - velomix I think06:44
valorie!info velomix06:44
ubottuPackage velomix does not exist in utopic06:45
valoriedead widget06:45
valorieoh, maybe that is now folded into kmix06:45
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lordievaderGood morning.08:42
nlsthznable to scan to HP Photosmart Plus via network (it is connected wirelessly) using Ubuntu 14.04 but not when I use Kubuntu 14.04... read up on sane and made some changes to config files and made sure daemon is running but non of the scanner utilities finds the scanner... any assistance welcome!08:44
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Ante_GamissuHi guys, I'm looking ofr info on a web interface to my irc server: any hint ?09:39
AnteGamissuSorry changed client.. but the questino is stille the sam e:)09:39
valorieAnteGamissu: not sure what you mean?09:40
valorieisn't a web interface part of the ircd you choose?09:40
AnteGamissuvalorie: I have a working irc server, and I'd like to permit people to connect via web (like mibbit as example)09:41
valorienot sure this is the proper place for question anyway09:41
valoriethere are java clients that do that, I know09:41
valorienothing in kubuntu that I know of09:41
AnteGamissuI've find some but all not open source :(09:42
valoriesearch for webchat09:42
valoriefreenode has one09:42
valorieso you might investigate that in freenode.net09:42
valorielots of info there09:42
AnteGamissuumm good idea.. I do not use frq freenode so I did not think about... I'll give  a look.. thanks valorie09:43
valoriethis is freenode, LOL09:43
valoriegood luck, I know having such a service available helps get people on09:44
AnteGamissufounde it seem it name is09:45
AnteGamissuhttp://www.qwebirc.org/installation really what I was looking for.. thanks valorie09:47
valorieexcellent, have fun with that09:53
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AnteGamissuvalorie: really easy to install and confiure... less than 5 minutes and it's up and running!! Thanks a lot10:04
valorieyou are welcome10:05
MrSassyPantsSo ok, I'm using the wireless share NetworkManager thing to share the wired connection. But there's an odditiy which I have observed before, clients in the wireless seem to have "internets", but trying to open youtube videos and some other applications doesn't work.10:08
MrSassyPantsLast time I eventually resorted to turning the notebook into a full blown permanent access point.10:08
MrSassyPantsWhich is not an option at this point. So whats the deal with the wonky shared wireless?10:08
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MoonUnit`glad i made a backup of my kscreen file, just tried a game demo which broke my monitor layout, login was broken after i rebooted.11:17
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JunkHunkhello I am running sculptris alpha 6 under wine on Kubuntu 14.04 but shortcuts wont work...is there a way to fix it?12:57
JunkHunkI only find old test results: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=23839&iTestingId=6484112:58
JunkHunkhey here a 2012 thread... http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?166327-Sculptris-Wine-Xubuntu-11-10-Keyboard-input-freezes-interface13:04
JunkHunkbut a dead end...still13:09
BluesKajHiyas all14:24
Anoniem4lhello BluesKaj :)14:28
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CountryfiedLinuxHow do I add IM Contact accounts?14:32
CountryfiedLinuxTelepathy I think it is.14:32
BluesKajhi Anoniem4l14:32
BluesKajAnoniem4l, how goes the battle with the radeon driver ?14:43
Anoniem4lBluesKaj: nothing changed, it's pretty much a dead-end15:01
BluesKajAnoniem4l, that's unfortunate, wish I knew more about ati/amd gpus and drivers, but i suppose it's the multiscreen setup and gpu output  that's wonky somehow15:04
Anoniem4lyeah, i am pretty clueless myself as well on what to search/do next15:05
BluesKajaccording to lordievader, your setup should work, since he uses a multiscreen system too.15:05
BluesKajwith ati radeon15:06
lordievaderDifferent card, milage may vary.15:06
BluesKajtrue that15:08
lordievaderMust say I do not run Kubuntu. But I think the Kubuntu install was capable of doing the same.15:14
Ben2Hey :-)15:15
MoonUnit`amd and multiscreen can be weird, had fun setting up mine.15:21
MoonUnit`screen has tendency to turn into hieroglyphics when changing screen sizes and rotation.15:24
krillionignore that... oops15:27
Anoniem4llordievader: which one do you run? also how did you install the AMD driver?15:30
lordievaderAnoniem4l: I run Gentoo with the radeon driver.15:31
lordievaderAnoniem4l: Compiled into the kernel, not as a module.15:31
Anoniem4llordievader: fair enough :P.15:36
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Ben2Hello everybody :-)16:49
BluesKajhi Ben216:49
Ben2i got a Problem with my touchpad @Ubuntu 14.04 ! "Funktion+F5" doesnt work ! Had anybody the same Problem ? Thx16:50
BluesKajBen2, what does Fn + F5 do ?16:51
Ben2maybe Computer goes to sleep-mode16:51
Ben2iḿ not sure if itś F4 or F5....i dont want to try^^16:53
Ben2the point is : Mouse got funktion,touchpad not any more :-/ !16:53
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wonko_Hello! I ran into an issue with the 15.04 beta. I switched to the NVIDIA drivers via the driver manager, but the dialog to select the display manager was messed up. Now on booting, it falls back to the Unity greeting screen, from which I can't log in (failed to open session).17:07
wonko_ I have to start sddm from the VT, which then works fine. How can I get sddm to start properly?17:07
lordievaderwonko_: Vivid support is in #ubuntu+117:09
wonko_Ok, thanks.17:09
BluesKajwonko_, you're booting into lightdm,  that's why you're getting the unity greet page, just remove lightdm17:09
wonko_I'd prefer not to remove my fallback, but switch "properly" if thats a thing.17:10
lordievaderwonko_: dpkg-reconfigure sddm17:12
wonko_Ah, I see, will try. Thanks and sorry for using the wrong channel.17:13
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richard28711does anyone know how to get adobe flash to work on Kubuntu 14.1018:13
BluesKajrichard28711, install flashplugin-installer18:18
proteusguyrichard28711, I turned on the non-free sources and it installed fine. Works in Firefox. However my Opera doesn't work with it.18:18
avitoholix sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer18:18
VolUTFanMay want to copy the flashplugin to the plugins directory of the specific browser if it doesn't work after installation?18:19
richard28711i will try it18:19
VolUTFanjust a thought18:19
proteusguyVolUTFan, yeah I never know where those are.... :-)18:19
BluesKajproteusguy,  usually in /usr/lib/18:20
esmobghi   evry weher18:22
esmobgwhat  kubuntu is th best of mint18:22
esmobgi  have   a quastchon ubuntu  is  not using for blind ?18:24
richard28711thank  you for your help VolUTFan18:32
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VolUTFan**Note** /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so is the flashplugin-installer plugin.  Just simlink this libflashplayer.so to the plugins directory of your specific browser.  Restart browser and should work18:45
BluesKajVolUTFan, I just copied the nonfree plugin in previous kubuntus to the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins file and that was enough to make it work18:53
john__unable to install nvidia driver in kubuntu beta 64 bit,,,,19:26
john__i did removed ubuntu minimal  and upstart and now using systemd..... does it cause  the problem?19:28
soeejohn__: what errors do you have  ?19:29
john__i used driver managers, i didnt get any errors19:31
john__while installing  nvidia it goes upto 50% and then it chooses xorg driver again instead of installing new driver19:32
soeetry installing it form cli19:32
john__what is the command to start it19:32
john__in kjonsole19:33
soeejohn__: sudo apt-get install nvidia- ...19:37
soeeand add teh version you want (pres tab and sjould show you wvailable options)19:37
soeesudo apt-get install nvidia-34619:37
VolUTFanBluesKaj: Was you using a test system?19:39
VolUTFanBluesKaj: Sorry, son had my attention for a bit19:39
BluesKajVolUTFan, no that was on 14.04 I beleive, after the official release19:40
john__yeah got it removing upstart was creating the problem, i think installing upstart will resolve the problem...19:40
BluesKajit was a bug for quite a while iirc19:41
soeeBluesKaj: nvidia driver depends of upstart ?19:41
BluesKajnot sure, I thought is was the nvidia-prime bug with sddm19:42
soeeBluesKaj: ok19:43
john__trying to install from muon showed upstart as a dependency...19:44
john__yep that solved the issue19:45
john__now it is working19:46
john__the problem is if kubuntu releases with systemd as only init system default user may be find it difficult to use driver manager...19:54
john__thanks soee now restarted with nvidia driver.....19:59
soeejohn__: cool :)19:59
VolUTFanHey can I get some help for vokoscreen please?  I am trying to set this thing up so I can record a screencast, unfortunally I can't seem to get any audio.  It is a USB webcam that sits on top of my monitor.  http://picpaste.com/vokoscreen-no-audio-n4HDtrH1.jpg20:19
BluesKajVolUTFan, check audio capture settings in alsamixer and pavucontrol/pulseaudio20:23
VolUTFanI did, nothing there, but I think this specific webcam doesn't have a mic built in.  Weird since I swear I used this to record my other screencasts.  lol20:25
BluesKajhm , I thought all webcams came with a built in mic20:32
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VolUTFanapparently not this one lol20:37
VolUTFanvokoscreen isn't recording either, with or without audio20:37
VolUTFani click start.. it flashes and doesn't start recordin20:37
CountryfiedLinuxThe SD card in my camcorder isn't showing in Dolphin. Any suggestions?20:41
CountryfiedLinuxThanks in advance.20:41
BluesKajCountryfiedLinux, do you have a sdcard reader on the pc , if so try it there20:42
CountryfiedLinuxYes I do BluesKaj and tried that. But in other OSes I could just turn it on, plug it into the usb, press play, then it would show up in the file manager.20:45
MrSassyPantsok is it just me or is dnsmasq full of AIDS and fail?20:45
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ubarghi, anybody's here?21:24
bprompt*cough* nope *cough*21:25
ubargkubuntu 14.04.2 with Plasma 4.13... Plasma 4.13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:25
ubargAn UNSUPPORTED version by KDE...21:25
ubargthis must be a f*k*ng joke!21:25
ubargwhat are thinking the devs?21:26
bpromptwell... I use kde 4.8.5  and works fine21:26
ubargbut is not serious21:26
ubargreleasing an update21:27
ubargwith unsupported soft21:27
NotoriuSрусские есть???21:29
bprompt!ru | NotoriuS21:30
ubottuNotoriuS: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:30
RegexNinja47 Hi! I'm having trouble getting KDE working with vnc4server in Kubuntu 15.04. It just shows a blank grey screen. The contents of my log can be found here: pastebin.com/dnbuzu8821:32
RegexNinja47Can anyone pinpoint the error?21:32
NotoriuShi, im work ubuntu 14.04, but start OS error. What doing? bag in Temps!!21:36
RegexNinja47NotoriuS: Se il vous plaît fournir plus de détails21:40
RegexNinja47Are you french? Sounds like french broken english21:40
RegexNinja47BTW French (or whatever language you speak) has a very different grammer21:41
RegexNinja47So I can barely understand what your saying21:41
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lordievader!info libkdecore522:03
ubottulibkdecore5 (source: kde4libs): KDE Platform Core Library. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.14.1-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 1017 kB, installed size 3868 kB22:04
lordievader!info libkdecore5 kubuntu-backports22:04
ubottulibkdecore5 (source: kde4libs): KDE Platform Core Library. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.14.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa1 (kubuntu-backports), package size 907 kB, installed size 3047 kB22:04
Felishiahow do I connect to wifi on kubuntu?22:59
Felishiawithout plasma23:00
Felishiaplasma crashes all the damn time23:00
Felishiait's getting in my nerves23:00
soeeFelishia: check for example http://askubuntu.com/questions/294257/connect-to-wifi-network-through-ubuntu-terminal23:01
valorieFelishia: what version of Kubuntu are you using?23:04
Felishiavalorie, latest23:04
Felishiait crashes when I use chrome, just suddenly23:04
valorieby which you mean 14.10?23:04
Felishiaand I need chrome because I develop with it23:05
Felishiavalorie, yes23:05
FelishiaI need to stay up to date.23:05
valorieand you didn't install the next ppa?23:05
valoriesure, but Chrome is always behind chromium23:05
FelishiaI see another upgrade23:06
Felishiavalorie, what do you mean?23:06
valorieFelishia: we used to support a PPA for testing plasma 523:06
valoriethat has now been deprecated23:06
valorieI just wanted to be sure that wasn't the cause of your plasma crashing problem23:06
Felishiaahw... :< but does chromium has the same features as chrome?23:07
FelishiaI need the features more than anything23:07
Felishiamostly breakpoints and device emulation23:07
valoriesince I don't use it for development, I can't tell you that23:07
Felishiaactually google chrome has a problem with css media queries emulation23:07
valoriehowever, I use chromium without problems23:07
Felishiavalorie, my plasma is up to date23:08
Felishiaactually I'm running an apt-upgrade now23:08
Felishiawhat do you use?23:08
valorie!info chromium-browser23:08
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 40.0.2214.111-0ubuntu0. (utopic), package size 48502 kB, installed size 177534 kB23:08
valorieyou might google around a bit and see if that fills your needs23:08
soeethe only problems i had with chromium was its gpu rendering/support that make browser unresponsive etc.23:09
soeeafter i switched off gpu support, it works pretty nice23:09
valorieand just to clarify: I'm running it in Vivid beta23:09
soeealso a nice browser is Vivaldi23:09
Felishiavalorie, yes I will23:09
Felishiaafter I upgrade chrome :<23:09
* Felishia needs debugging tests mostly23:10
FelishiaI haven't found anything more verbose than chrome for the moment23:10
soeeFelishia: https://vivaldi.com/23:10
Felishiait's so verbose that it can get anoying XD23:10
soeeFelishia: bts is like beta version23:11
soeethough super fast :)23:11
Felishiasoee, give me a sec my internet is slow23:13
Felishia100kbps at most :p23:13
Felishiastill 25% ¬¬ u kidding me?23:13
* Felishia throws a brick at the modem23:14
FelishiaOMG My_Dog!23:14
Felishiasoee, you seem familiar to me... do I know you from somewhere else?23:15
Felishiait's running at 50kbps actually :<23:15
soeeoh i doubt, i'm not an linux expert, i'm more web developer :)23:16
valorieyou are too modest, soee23:16
Felishiaso am I...23:16
Felishiawhois doesn't work!23:17
Felishiait's my internet which got stuck23:18
Felishiasoee, yeah considering ubuntu phone now it's about HTML5 and QML23:19
Felishianow any webdev knows a lot about linux23:19
Felishia90%! yay!23:35
Felishiasoee, alright now reading about vivaldi23:39

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