
Noskcajdarkxst, libebook seems to have broken SO versioning. configure.ac says .19, the file compiles to .1600:09
darkxstNoskcaj, looking00:15
darkxstNoskcaj, seem right00:39
darkxstCURRENT - AGE = 1600:39
Noskcajoh, is it minus the age?00:43
darkxstyes, though technically age should get reset to 0 when api changes00:44
shaffaafhey guys i have this problem where I cant resize gtk3 apps.. im on ubuntu 14.10 and using gnome 3.1407:15
p4r4s1t3I dont have gtk3 window shadows , and cant resize gtk3 windows (14.10,3.14.3)07:48
darkxstp4r4s1t3, its a bug in the intel driver07:52
darkxst(shadows atleast)07:52
darkxstp4r4s1t3, bug 137818807:54
ubot5bug 1378188 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[GNOME3 Staging PPA] strange shadow rendered where client-side decorations are used" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137818807:54
p4r4s1t3@darkxst @ubot5 I already have latest intel driver from ppa .. didnt solve it .. and i actually dont have any shadows07:56
meetingologyp4r4s1t3: Error: "darkxst" is not a valid command.07:56
darkxstp4r4s1t3, file a bug then, I've not heard of any other shadow bugs07:58
darkxstalso not heard of resizing issues under gnome-shell07:59
darkxstbut its a known issue under compiz for CSD apps (maybe fixed in 15.04)07:59
lindoldrop shadow bug?08:42
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