
jrwrenilken: i never reinstall. no need. You can remove network manager and configure networking without it.02:22
RudeViperI am setting up a HOME file/media server which will also host a small private minecraft server. I have the OS drive set up as an ext4 file system and now need to add the other small drives. What would be the "safest" file system for this - zfs - btrfs - ext4 or ntsf? I'll need Windows to be able to read it02:46
cryptodanRudeViper: then NTFS it is02:52
RudeViperok thanks02:52
JanCRudeViper: Windows needs to read it over the network or locally?03:40
RudeViperover the network03:42
RudeViperJanC, - sorry was AFK for a few03:43
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lordievaderGood morning.08:42
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Voyagesite.com/about-us is not redirecting to site.com/about-us.php  via config: RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1.php -f  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [L]  What can be wrong?11:04
JanCRudeViper|ZZZzzz: if you use Samba then you don't need/want NTFS on the server11:46
apeskalleBekks: http://xfs.org/index.php/XFS_FAQ#Q:_Why_doesn.27t_NFS-exporting_subdirectories_of_inode64-mounted_filesystem_work.3F12:11
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Emmanuel_ChanelHow can I get core dump?16:22
jrwrenulimit -c unlimited16:24
ReScOhey people, i'm having a lot of trouble with setting up postfix and dovecot18:17
ReScOi have my config here: http://pastie.org/private/lx80yeyj5dxgwddwdxipcg18:18
ReScOcurrently having trouble with setting up SSL, and making postfix and dovecot receive mail for both dead-pixel.nl and api1.nl as domains18:19
ReScOwhat is going wrong?18:22
bekksError messages would be handy :)18:22
ObrienDaveerror messages? we don't need no stinking error messages ;p18:23
bekksJust get you glass orbs working, guys ;)18:24
ReScOgot none18:26
bekksThen how do you know something is not working as expected?18:26
bekksAnd where is that from?18:27
ReScObecause at first i had trouble with SSL, now i don't anymore, SASL, still clueless about that and finally, i have no clue on how to set up v.domain and v.users18:27
ReScObekks: mail.err18:27
bekksI am heavily wondering why your log has time glitches.18:28
ReScOand mail.log: http://pastie.org/private/jn5mtv8gzf7nrurc1vmftq18:28
ReScObekks: "mail.err"18:28
bekksIs that just an excerpt from mail.err?18:29
ReScOonly errors18:29
ReScOexcerpts with info that is related to my issue18:29
bekksSo that excerpt is totally useless.18:29
ReScOyou mean the mail.err log? no shit, you wanted it.18:30
ReScOi told you it was useless/ got none18:30
ReScOunable to send you complete logs tho18:30
ReScObecause i can only copy over so many lines in nano?18:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:31
bekksAnd take a look at this post: http://askubuntu.com/questions/532405/fatal-no-sasl-authentication-mechanism18:31
ReScOwhy would i want to share private email adresses and such?18:33
bekksBEcause you can anonymize them before pasting.18:33
ReScOyeah totes18:34
ReScOyou're making it pretty hard, aren't ya? :P18:34
ReScO"use pastebinit" k. "anonymize dem emails" sed s/"blah"/"" right??18:34
bekksYeah, because I am asking for complete logs. Anyways, it is your mailserver, not mine. Maybe someone else make it less hard for you.18:35
ReScO(afayk, i completely have no clue on how to "anonymize" my logs -before- pasting.)18:36
Emmanuel_ChanelHello! When the bug of libpam-smbpass will be fixed?21:27
=== bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
tewardEmmanuel_Chanel: that's oddly nonspecific - what bug21:48
Emmanuel_ChanelMaybe, my commented on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/1257186 is out of topics,22:07
Emmanuel_Chanelit disable my mail server to use both auth-system.conf.ext and another.22:07
Emmanuel_ChanelMy problem's solution is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2246951&highlight=dovecot+auth+worker22:08
tewardEmmanuel_Chanel: well, that bug will detail the 'fix status' - it looks like upstream may have it but Debian doesn't even yet22:13
tewardbut the only thing I can say is perhaps patience is needed?22:13
Emmanuel_Chanelteward: ok...23:06
jiridoHi i have some troubles to start up vsftp on 14.04 and wonder if there is some procedur to folow to get info on what fails when starting service. One config works one don't23:08
jiridoAnd is it possible to switch to systemd somewhat easy?23:09
Emmanuel_Chanelteward: I took your comment for meaning libpam-smbpass is originally a Debian package. But looks I'm wrong...23:23
tewardEmmanuel_Chanel: no, I didn't mean that, my point is that not even Debian has grabbed the fix for it yet23:27
tewardEmmanuel_Chanel: it'll probably get done eventually, but you need to have patience either way23:27

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