
karpatilnik90: yes, your build is working fine00:14
nik90karpatil: hmm not sure why your build isnt working00:15
nik90karpatil: I built it using my 14.04 laptop and a 15.04 chroot (qtc)00:15
nik90I will have to install ubutnu 15.04 on my other laptop to check if anything is wrong there00:16
nik90karpatil: but its getting late now here (01:18 AM) .. so I will be going offline soon00:18
karpatilsure, thank you for your time00:19
karpatilnik90: i will look after it00:19
karpatilnik90: maybe something with my system env settings00:20
mariogrip_what do you guys think about this? http://ubports.com/ good or bad idea?00:25
dobeymariogrip: buying a domain and setting all that stuff up was probably a bit much. :)00:49
mariogrip_dobey, maybe :P00:51
dobeymariogrip_: it /is/ possible to edit or create pages on the ubuntu wiki and use existing code hosting and such :)00:52
mariogrip_dobey, i know, but i think this will be easier for developers where we can provide ota server, build servers and knowledge about porting.00:56
mariogrip_and when (if) we get many devices ported, a place to find downloads and support00:57
dobeyi've actually been thinking of setting up a system-image server of my own00:58
dobeywith a valid ssl cert01:01
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jcbjoewhat is the latest ubuntu-touch stable version ?05:55
jcbjoeis it still r12 or is it something else now ?05:56
jcbjoeyes 14.09 r12 ?05:56
jcbjoei forgot where you get the r12 from its in the about section i think05:56
lotuspsychjeogra_: morning08:31
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adrian47Is possible to install apps from store with apparmor disabled?11:14
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studio_that is the name for the settings-manager in ubuntu touch? i have a problem in a xfce-profile and don't know ho to delete it, rm .config/xfce4 is not working, it allways comes back.13:07
studio_sorry, i a mean what13:07
taiebotHey i am unable to update kodiscope to version 4.0 it downloads from the store but does not install.14:19
studio_i have seen, that there are 2 new branches under ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed, krillin.en and krillin.es where is the different to the normal devel-proposed ?14:19
atyahi all14:20
atyais anybody here, who use N4 with latest devel version of Ubutnu Touch?14:21
taiebotatya I am14:22
atyataiebot:  can U tell me, is the agps works well with the latest dev version? if it isn't, is there any hope, it will works perfectly anytime?14:24
taiebotagps you mean location based on gps + wifi?14:24
atyataiebot:  when I tried it with my N4, the GPS was terribly slow14:24
taiebotgps is always slow.14:25
atyataiebot:  ok, the real question is: is the GPS usable on N4 now? how much time to find itself?14:25
atyataiebot:  not always. with Android it works well14:26
taiebotalmost 2min to get a location14:26
atyataiebot:  can U tell me, what is the cause of this? is it driver problem or Ubuntu error?14:26
taieboti do not know on this you can download an app to help you sensor status14:27
atyataiebot:  from where? what is that's name?14:28
taiebotwhere it tells you if the backend is found and gives you your location14:28
taiebotapp store14:28
taiebotthe name is sensorsstatus14:29
atyataiebot:  thank a lot, I will try it soon14:29
atyataiebot:  is the GPS _always_ finds the location in 2 minutes?14:30
taiebotdepends where you are. It is normally not recommended to be inside14:31
studio_btw. what navigation software are you all using? never tied that and in the new image isn't the "here" anymore ... can you please give me an advice?14:31
atyataiebot:  it would be acceptable14:31
taiebot. agps does not seems to work here as it did not find my position yet.14:32
atyataiebot:  I tried it outside in my car, but I can't wait for half an hour :S14:33
taiebotstudio_ i still have the here maps web app installed and osm14:33
studio_what version (image) do you use?14:34
atyastudio_:  I want to develop one :D But I have to buy a Meizu MX4 before, I'm affraid :D14:34
taiebot15.04 r12614:34
taieboti think the web app was removed from the store.14:35
studio_i have 15.04 r137 (krillin) but without here?!14:36
taieboti would like to know what ships with the BQ and the meizu?14:36
taiebotatya it looks like it s not working here either so must be a ubuntu bug14:37
atyataiebot:  can anybody browse the Ubuntu Store without Touch? Is there any webapp?14:37
taiebotatya https://appstore.bhdouglass.com/apps14:38
atyataiebot:  tnx14:39
studio_is there via command line a test tool for gps?14:39
atyathans for your help, bye all!14:42
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adrian47I have some problems with adb, but wifi works, ssh should start automatically? I cant connect to it (ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused)15:30
studio_adrian47, did you enabled ssh?15:35
adrian47when i connect adb unity is not usable, but i start ssh now for test and.. :Permission denied (publickey).15:37
adrian47How can i start ssh automatically?15:38
studio_hehe, i had the same problem in the beginning, you have to change keys15:38
studio_username is not working15:39
adrian47oh, thanks but how? :)15:40
studio_hmm, i still can't connect via mtp to my phone (15.04 - r137) and there is also still an empty vendor/device on lsusb on 2a47:0c02 is that normal?15:52
studio_is there a "trick" to enable the mtp-client on the device?16:18
adrian47studio_ you editet ssh.override file?16:20
adrian47with ssh problem :)16:21
studio_no, just made the keys and imported them16:21
studio_was a little bit "tricky" with adb get or wget (from my server) to get it to the ubuntu-touch device. could be made more easy ... :(16:23
studio_but what about the mtp problem? on two computers no connection via mtp to the ubuntu-touch device. so it must be a problem with the software on the device. where can i find the changelog or diff to the software about changeings in the  mt-protocol?16:35
studio_is still someone here who is using the bq e4.5 and can "maybe" help?16:49
adrian47studio_, i made key and flashed it, now whe i try ssh it want's password but phablet doesn't work17:05
studio_adrian47, i am flashing my device right now back, because i have unsolved problems. but for ssh-connection you do not need to "flash" your device. "just" import the right ssh-key ...17:12
studio_adrian47, as the guy in the url wrote "Paste your public key to /home/phablet/.ssh/authorized_keys2" ... did you made that?17:20
adrian47studio_, yes, there wasn't .ssh folder so I created it17:25
adrian47and after this, when trying to connect I have to enter password: 'phablet@'s password: '17:27
studio_ok, "cd ~/.ssh" then "ssh-keygen" and change the keys on both sides :)17:27
studio_the password is normally the phrase you set ...17:28
studio_isn't it?17:29
adrian47i set empty password17:29
adrian47and it not works17:29
adrian47it's better to set it?17:30
studio_i never worked with an empty phrase ... try one.17:31
studio_ssh is for beginners "not so nice". needs an easy how-to ...17:34
studio_most windows users use putty and when they try to connect to their ubuntu-touch device with ssh, then they have their first big problem ...17:37
digim0nkIs the new music app released .. Running stable .. Will the new music app be released for 14.1017:40
ahayzen_digim0nk, define 'new' music app? and do you mean desktop/phone ?17:40
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studio_i am back on 14.10 on my device and mtp is working again. the error must be on 15.04!17:55
adrian47hmm, i have ported 15.04 and here mtp works, it must be device specific17:57
studio_on what device?17:57
adrian47HTC Desire HD17:57
adrian47old one but i love him :)17:58
studio_i use a bq 4.5 :)17:58
studio_i also think now it is device specific ... :(17:59
dobeythere are some known issues with vivid images that came up as people were concentrating on the rtm release for the bq phone. they should be getting fixed soon17:59
studio_import contacts from the sim card was not working on the 14.10, but on 15.04 it works...18:00
dobeythe branch to fix that was only for vivid, yes18:00
studio_ahh ok18:00
studio_but on 14.10 i have nokia here?18:01
studio_why it was removed from 15.04?18:02
k1l_are you mixing ports and official images?18:04
studio_no, from bq there is no official image. that was what Víctor González told me ...18:05
g105bhow long do I have to wait for my bq :( still not got it18:08
k1l_best is to ask the bq guys :)18:09
studio_g105b, they still have no release for the software :)18:11
g105bstudio_: oh so there isn't any made yet? I thought I was waiting for the shipping...18:11
studio_made, maybe, but not public ...18:12
Elleog105b: last thing I saw on G+ seemed to indicate there was some issue with the cases that was holding up shipping18:13
Elleog105b: no idea how reliable that is though18:13
g105baha there's me rushing to the mailbox every afternoon after work and they haven't finished building it yet :D18:13
Elleog105b: https://plus.google.com/110395302661228413735/posts/jaZeyc2DiuW18:14
Elleog105b: but like I say, no idea how reliable that is18:14
studio_if they use 14.10 i ask myself how user can import contacts from the sim card, when this is only possible with the 15.04?18:14
g105bhmm, very concerned about "unable to say if other devices will be shipped with Ubuntu or not"18:14
dobeystudio_: no. the rtm image has what's on the phone that's shipped by bq18:17
dobeystudio_: the vivid images are developer builds18:17
dobeystudio_: you were told this already18:17
dobeystudio_: also as arleady told to you, sim contacts import is not supported yet18:18
dobeyg105b: why the concern? that's about whether they will product ubuntu versions of their other existing phone models18:19
studio_that will be a problem on the "release" when the users will figure out that ...18:19
g105bdobey: Oh, I read it as "we might not even send you the phone with Ubuntu on it"18:20
dobeystudio_: no it won't. you are not all users. stop trying to act like you speak for everyone.18:20
dobeyg105b: no, the ubuntu version of the phone will be shipped to those who bought it. there is apparently just some delay in shipment.18:20
g105bI see18:21
digim0nkContact and Calendar sync from Google worked like a charm .. Impressive.18:21
studio_dobey, ok how can new users import their contacts to the ubuntu-phone?18:21
dobeystudio_: google? anyone using an android phone will almost certainl have their contacts in google already18:21
studio_why google? thei do not use google !!!18:22
dobeywho do not use google?18:22
adrian47studio_, i tried but still the same error18:23
k1l_everyone with an android uses google.18:23
g105beveryone with an android phone is used by google.18:23
dobeyi don't use google contacts. but i don't use android either18:23
k1l_and all the nerds who dont use google because "google is evil" know how to handle their stuff with other services.18:23
studio_they use a phone with contacts on it, som also uses old phones without android ios or windows ... so how to import via th "normal" way from the sim card?18:24
dobeyand i imported the contacts from my webos phone through a vcf export18:24
dobeystudio_: who is "they" ?18:24
dobeystudio_: 14:18 < dobey> studio_: no it won't. you are not all users. stop trying to act like you speak for everyone.18:24
k1l_so there is no "dumb user" who knows that "google is evil" but doesnt know how to setup stuff without google. so dont pretend that is a usecase for 99% of the users.18:24
Elleostudio_: SIM card import is under development, so it'll be available for users who can't use the existing methods when vivid becomes stable18:25
studio_Elleo, i understood under development, but is there an alternative way, not google, for exchange contacts? a tool for windows for example?18:27
dobeyno there is no tool for windows18:27
Elleostudio_: the contacts app can import vcf files (which most things can export)18:28
studio_Elleo, on the 14.10 is only import via google, nothing more.18:30
Elleostudio_: you can do vcf imports on 14.10 as well18:31
dobeyElleo: how?18:31
Elleostudio_: just email yourself a vcf file for example, or download one through the browser and it'll let you open it in the contacts app18:31
Elleoat least I'm pretty sure that's the case18:32
Elleoit's possible that there's only vcf export, but I think there's import as well18:32
dobeyElleo: you cana't copy a vcf onto the phone via mtp and open it afaik18:32
dobeyyou can import a vcf as a new address book in evolution, and then copy the contacts.db onto the phone and overwrite whatever contacts you already have on the phone, with that18:33
dobeybut there's no "import" button in the contacts app18:34
Elleodobey: no button, but import is available via content-hub18:34
Elleodobey: e.g. just visit http://mikeasoft.com/~mike/test.vcf in the browser18:34
Elleodobey: and it should provide contacts as a destination18:34
dobeyElleo: if there's no button, there's no way to copy your vcf onto the phone and import it18:34
dobeyElleo: that's fine, but that's different from importing a local vcf18:35
Elleodobey: it's still a non-google way of importing contacts18:35
dobeysure, but it's a very roundabout way of doing it which involves putting your contacts list somewhere on the internet18:35
Elleodobey: it'll work if you email them to yourself as well, uploading it was just the fastest public example18:37
dobeyElleo: yes, and e-mail == internet18:37
Elleodobey: and if it doesn't work from the file manager then that's a bug in the file manager that needs fixing18:37
dobeyElleo: there is no file manager on the retail phone18:38
dobeythat's an app you have to install from the store18:38
Elleodobey: I don't really see installing an app as being an insurmountable challenge18:38
dobeyeven if it does work from the file manager "install this extra app that has nothing to do with contacts, to be able to import your contacts" is not a nice solution18:38
Elleodobey: I'm not saying the current solutions are perfect, but they do exist18:38
dobeyElleo: it's not about being a surmountable challenge or not. it's about user experience18:38
Elleoyou don't have to be tied to gmail to import contacts (it's the easiest way, but it's not the only one)18:39
dobeyimporting contacts from google or a web site, is the only thing that gives a halfway decent user experience right now though18:39
Elleodobey: I'm not saying it's the best user experience; someone asked how to import contacts without google and I was simply explaining how it can be done currently18:41
Elleodobey: I don't think that'll always be the way to do it (for one thing sim imports are landing in devel at the moment), but it's the way you can do it currently18:42
adrian47i need help with ssh :D18:58
adrian47Is there a way to hack it? I am usign it on private network so I don't need any security19:00
studio_Elleo, thanks for help with the vcard import, but that did/should not be the "common way" ... it must be more easy19:03
popeyadrian47: what do you mean "hack"?19:12
adrian47popey, I'm not sure, do something to get it work :)19:13
adrian47i added authorized_keys2 to /home/phablet/.ssh, but still getting Permission denied (publickey).19:14
popeydid you set permissions correctly?19:15
popeyand why authorized_keys2  and not authorized_keys?19:16
adrian47studio gives me this link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/563573/cant-ssh-into-ubuntu-touch-device19:17
adrian47i tried with authorized_keys too19:17
popey19:15 < popey> did you set permissions correctly?19:17
studio_for me that was working ...19:17
popeyfor the .ssh folder and the authorized_keys file19:17
popeythey have to have specific authorisations to work correctly19:17
popeydrwx------ 2 phablet phablet 4096 Jan  8 15:32 .ssh19:17
adrian47give me a second19:17
popey-rw------- 1 phablet phablet  799 Mar  8 19:16 authorized_keys19:17
popeythis is the #1 reason why ssh with keys fails on every single platform19:18
popey(that and people putting the wrong key on the machine)19:18
studio_popey, why now "authorized_keys" ?19:18
popeystudio_: that's easily found out by a simple online search19:19
studio_i made it with the authorized_keys2 and it worked ?19:20
studio_"by a simple online search" is http://askubuntu.com/questions/563573/cant-ssh-into-ubuntu-touch-device19:21
adrian47.ssh has drwxrwxrwx, and authorized_keys has -rw-rw-rw-19:21
studio_isn't it?19:21
popeyadrian47: thats wronger than wrong19:21
popeysee mine above19:22
adrian47popey, ok, so i changed it now and rebooting19:24
popeyyou dont need to reboot, this isn't windows19:24
adrian47i have problems with adb19:25
adrian47i need made changes from recovery19:25
adrian47adb works but when i turn developer mode, unity is completely not usable  (respond to touch after 10 minutes) until restart19:27
popeywhat device is this and what image you running?19:28
adrian47HTC DHD, my vivid port19:28
adrian47still the same error19:29
popeywhat error?19:29
adrian47Permission denied (publickey).19:29
popeydo "ssh -vvvv phablet@ip.add.ress"19:29
popeyand pastebin the result19:29
popeyyou're logged into your machine as root?19:31
popeyand you copied the key from the /root/.ssh/ directory to the device?19:31
popeynot "your" key, but "root" key?19:32
adrian47hmm, i was doing everything from 'sudo su' terminal session19:32
popeyi wouldn't do that :)19:33
popeycopy your own personal normal user key to the authorized keys file on the device and ssh as you, not root19:33
popeylooks like you may have copied the wrong key over19:33
popeylook at the end of the authorized_keys file on the device and you'll see the username @ hostname which owns the key19:34
adrian47the same19:44
adrian47PasswordAuthentication should be yes or no?19:45
popeyyou should not need to fiddle with the ssh config19:46
popeyadrian47: so, permissions are 100% correct, same as mine on .ssh and authorized_keys?19:46
popeyand you have the correct contents of authorized_keys?19:46
l3ondebug apparmor group is auto-added by ubutnu-sdk, how can I disable this behaviour?19:48
adrian47popey, seeecond, from recovery adb the file was there but now when I connected adb when running i dont see it19:51
popeywolflarson: good evening19:51
adrian47my adb works sooo slooooow :(19:57
ogra_use ssh ;)19:58
adrian47hahah :D19:58
adrian47I want! But ssh don't want work with me :)19:59
popeyconfigure it correctly then :)19:59
ogra_does you wlan work ?20:00
adrian47but how without working adb?20:00
adrian47ogra_, yes20:00
adrian47i need restart it now, adb blocked UT completely20:01
ogra_put "true" into /userdata/android-data/property/persist.service.ssh20:01
ogra_at least if your property system in the container works properly that should trigger ssh to start on boot20:02
adrian47i inserted 'service ssh start' into /etc/rc.local (found it somewhere)20:03
adrian47and it boots, but i am getting Permission denied (publickey).20:03
ogra_ah, yeah, that would indeed work too ... (ugly, but works)20:04
ogra_well, make sure the permissions are correct20:04
ogra_for your public key and the ~/.ssh dir )20:04
adrian47trying and trying but it's hard with my adb20:06
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ls -lhd .ssh/20:11
ogra_drwxr-xr-x 2 phablet phablet 4,0K Feb 25 13:00 .ssh/20:11
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ls -lh .ssh/20:11
ogra_-rw------- 1 phablet phablet 221 Mär  6 16:50 authorized_keys20:11
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 phablet phablet 222 Feb 25 13:00 known_hosts20:11
ogra_these are my permissions20:11
ogra_(on a working ssh)20:12
adrian47changing permissions from recovery adb will affect?20:17
ogra_yes, but i'mm not sure your recovery shell allows UIDs that dont exist ...20:18
ogra_phablet has 32011 or some such20:18
studio_guys, i figured out the problem with the ssh, because i made it new ...20:18
studio_adrian47, do you have the public key from your PC, example: "pc_id_rsa.pub" in /home/phablet/.ssh?20:21
adrian47studio_ yes generated by ssh-keygen20:21
adrian47and then  'cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys'20:22
ogra_heh, you could just cp :)20:22
studio_if yes, make "cat pc_id_rsa.pub >> authorized_key" in /home/phablet/.ssh20:22
studio_if yes, make "cat pc_id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys" in /home/phablet/.ssh20:23
studio_"S" sorry20:23
adrian47studio_ i made it on pc and then pushed with adb to /data/home/phablet/.ssh  (data because i pushed it from recovery20:24
studio_hope it is a different name? id_rsa.pub is standard ...20:25
popeyif you adb push it, it will have the wrong owner and wrong permissions20:26
popeywhich you need to fix20:26
studio_adrian47, use mtp and but it into Downloads, then adb to copy it from Downloads to /home/phablet/.ssh/pc_id_rsa.pub or what ever20:28
popeythis is confusing advice.20:29
studio_i know, but it is working20:29
popeynot with that filename it aint20:30
popeyIt's been explained multiple times now by 3 people what needs to be done. It's really very simple.20:30
adrian47it's hard because i don't have good working adb20:31
ogra_did you use my hacked adbd binary ?20:31
adrian47ogra_, yes it worked until i get working unity20:32
studio_the problem is, how to push the id_rsa.pub from the pc to the .ssh-folder with a different name than id_rsa.pub and then to add to the authorized_key20:32
ogra_adrian47, oh ?20:32
ogra_for that binary unity shouldnt make any difference20:32
popeystudio_: that is not remotely hard at all20:32
ogra_and given that you are unlikely to have more keys on the device you can just cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys20:33
ogra_no need to cat20:33
popeyon pc, "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub". On phone, "vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" and then "i" and then paste it in, save it, set permissions, _done_20:33
popeythere is nothing else which needs doing.20:33
studio_popey, if you understand "how-to" it is easy, but most ppls do not understand20:33
popeyI disagree, but hey ho.20:34
popeyyou're giving incorrect advice which is muddying the waters.20:34
ogra_this is why phablet-shell does it automatically for you ... ;)20:34
ogra_(but phablet-shell needs adb )20:34
n-iCehi guys, long time no see you20:35
n-iCewhat's new?20:36
studio_the phablet shell can connect without problems to an ubuntu-server or RPI-Device. the problem is the other way20:36
ogra_"the phablet shell" ?20:36
ogra_i'm talking about the phablet-shell command :)20:36
ogra_that you run on the PC to connect20:36
ogra_(from the phablet-tools PPA ... it gives you a far advanced adb session ... (with working nano support for example ... and not limited to 80x24 chars))20:37
n-iCeis whatsapp supported yet?20:39
studio_"that you run on the PC to connect" ok ... but i use ssh20:39
popeyn-iCe: no20:39
ogra_studio_, because you have working wlan :)20:39
ogra_phablet-shell uses an ssh connection on top of adb ... doesnt need any network20:39
studio_the problem is to get ssh working for a beginner20:40
ogra_a beginner should just install phablet-shell and call it once20:40
popeyor just follow one of a million ssh guides online20:40
ogra_after that your ssh is completely set up .. nothing to do20:40
popeythey're all the same.20:40
popeycopy key to authorized_keys, set permissions. _done_20:41
studio_a beginner is using putty on windows ...20:41
popeya beginner on ubuntu phone is almost certainly using ubuntu20:41
popey(or some other linux)20:41
popeyin the future that will chage20:41
studio_popey, beleve me, you are wrong20:41
popeyand again, there's a million "how to setup ssh" tutorials online20:41
popeyyou don't know what you're talking about :)20:42
popeyright now, the vast majority of ubuntu phone users are ubuntu users20:42
popeyin the future that will change, but right now, I'm confident that's the case.20:42
studio_fist, the rpi was new land for windows users, but now they want more ...20:43
adrian47ogra_, at boot i have few seconds when adb works fine but, next it slows down (very) and slows whole system (10mins for response)20:45
adrian47now after few restarts, used every second, I pushed id_rsa.pub to device, cat it to authorized_keys, and set permissions (600 for authorized_keys, and 700 for .ssh)20:48
adrian47still the same error :(20:48
studio_"id_rsa.pub" same name as your device made???20:49
popeyyou do not need id_rsa.pub on the device.20:50
studio_why not?20:50
popeyyou need authorized_keys on the device20:51
adrian47there wasn't .ssh folder in /home/phablet/, so i created it and there is "id_rsa.pub" and "authorized_keys"20:51
popeyadrian47: ok20:52
popeyadrian47: can you show us "ls -ld /home/phablet/.ssh" and "ls -l /home/phablet/.ssh/"?20:52
popeyadrian47: on your pc, do you have a ~/.ssh/id_rsa file?20:53
popeydebug3: Could not load "/home/adrian/.ssh/id_rsa" as a RSA1 public key20:53
taiebotAnyone having networking issues? on vivid r126. I have been having multiple issues. Wifi i can have up to 100+ wifi network available in the dash when i walk around my house. 3g does not work very well i need to restart ofono multiple times before getting a network connection it looks like it conflicts with wifi network. The toogle which switch of the wifi does toggle as well the 3g network off. i have had few times at s20:54
adrian47yes, it's in default dir: /home/adrian/.ssh , generated with ssh-keygen20:54
popeycan you do those two ls commands above?20:54
adrian47popey, yes20:54
popeyand also ls -l /home/adrian/.ssh  on your pc20:54
* ogra_ bets your ownership is still not right20:56
studio_popey, please again why he do not need the "id_rsa.pub" from his device?20:58
popeyI said he doesn't need id_rsa.pub _on_ his device.20:59
popey"device" in this context meaning "phone"20:59
studio_and when i like to connect to other devices by a shared key?21:00
ogra_adrian47, root.root ...21:00
ogra_thats your prob21:00
popey20:26 < popey> if you adb push it, it will have the wrong owner and wrong permissions21:01
ogra_* ogra_ bets your ownership is still not right21:01
popey19:18 < popey> this is the #1 reason why ssh with keys fails on every single platform21:01
popey(just to keep rubbing it in there) :D21:01
adrian47hahah I missed it :D21:02
popeyit happens to everyone21:02
popeyat least once21:02
adrian47when i remove authorized_keys file only, and then create it and cat as phablet user it should work?21:03
popeyjust chown it21:03
popeychown -R phablet:phablet /home/phablet/.ssh21:04
ogra_popey, tricky if the phablet user doesnt exist ;)21:11
ogra_(in recovery)21:11
popeyooh, fun.21:11
popeyso chown -R 32011 instead of phablet?21:12
ogra_if the recovery chwon allows that21:12
ogra_it is busybox ... not sure21:12
stigrayHi, I'm fairly new to porting and want to port utouch to LG G2. So far I followed the porting guide(advanced) and i'm able to build images for mako.21:14
stigrayAfter that the guide says Add your device specific git repositories under phablet/device ("phablet" is the repository you cloned by following the previous build example and/or Touch/Building).  Make sure it's respecting the format used by AOSP (device/<vendor>/<device name>).21:14
stigrayCan anyone help me what it exactly means and how do i add git repo for LG G2 D80021:14
ogra_right, you need an AOSP tree and the AOSP binary drivers21:15
stigraySo I have this https://github.com/G2-AOSP/android_device_lge_d80021:16
stigrayso where do I add it21:16
adrian47I did it at boot time, when adb worked, but now i have problem to boot it :)21:17
ogra_i have never done an AOSP port ... before you just added the different trees for your devices to the manifext file21:17
stigraymanifest file21:17
stigrayThanks I'll give it a try21:18
ogra_back then we were suing CM still though ...21:18
ogra_not sure how much AOSP differs21:18
studio_ok, now i understood why "here" was removed ...21:36
studio_what is the best offline navigation software in the moment with osm for ubuntu touch?21:40
dobeythere is no offline navigation software on ubuntu21:42
dobeyat the moment21:42
studio_all the software cant't store the os-maps?21:44
dobeystoring maps offline is one thing. doing navigation is something completely different21:45
dobeyi don't know if any support offline caching of just the map tiles21:45
studio_ok guys, thanks for help for today, have to go to sleep. bye ...22:23
adrian47i am trying and trying, but after used adb, system hangs, and after reboot (adb reboot or battery pull) system doesn't start...22:23

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