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hazmatblr: no.. if you want to manually configure containers, you can use the manual provider01:52
blrhazmat: aware the correct thing to do is charm the other dependant service and set the IP with a relation, but the other service is super non-trivial to charm01:53
blrwill have a look at the manual provider though, thanks01:54
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Muntanerhi guys10:15
Muntanerhow can I detach a public address (floating IP) to a juju service?10:15
Muntanermarcoceppi, I'm adapting my charm to load balancing. Have you got any suggestion? Can I simply follow the WordPress charm code?10:24
Muntanerfrankban, I detached a floating IP to a Juju VM; but Juju GUI isn't updating (still diplays the floating ip)10:49
frankbanMuntaner: where is the ip displayed in the GUI? how did you detach the floating ip?10:51
Muntanerfrankban, I detached it via OpenStack Horizon dashboard. I still can see the old IP by clicking on the charm, clicking on the mysql/0 - ish on the left10:52
frankbanMuntaner: do you see the old ip with juju status?10:53
Muntanerfrankban, this can sound strange - I tried to do that with mysql and haproxy. On mysql charm the status does not show the old IP, while for haproxy I still see the old one10:54
Muntanerin the GUI, I see the old IP from both of them10:55
Muntanerfrankban, juju does not have a mechanism to detach the IPs?10:55
frankbanMuntaner: not sure about the how juju reacts to this kind of changes directly done by using horizon. Perhaps you can get help from someone more expert of openstack stuff. Since openstack environments have a use-floating-ip option, I guess you can run "juju environment set" to enable or disable floating ips, but never tryed11:01
frankbantried even11:01
Muntanerfrankban, ty11:08
bloodearnestheya all. Am trying to write amulet test for apache, but it keeps using the wrong charm11:27
bloodearnestI do:11:27
bloodearnestd = amulet.Deployment(series='trusty')11:27
bloodearnestbut I get the current cs version, not my local version on disk11:27
Muntanermarcoceppi, have you got a few minutes?11:47
stubbloodearnest: The second argument to d.add is the path to the charm, which avoids the problem11:53
bloodearneststub, lovely, thanks11:55
rbasakfrankban: what is juju-quickstart 2.0's compatibility with older versions of Juju, please?12:46
frankbanrbasak: no changes from previous versions, so it supports juju >= 1.18.12:47
rbasakfrankban: OK. Thanks!12:47
frankbanrbasak: there is an open bug we are working on FYI and I we expect to release a 2.0.1 today or tomorrow.12:47
rbasakack. I can work on the packaging anyway, since that'll presumably be a minor change I can pull in before upload.12:49
frankbanrbasak: +113:02
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skayhi all, I haven't run bundletester before. I need help https://code.launchpad.net/~codersquid/charms/trusty/python-django/pip-extra-args/+merge/24578513:19
skaynot urgently, but if you have a chance, please take a look and comment13:19
skayalso, would it be possible to unpin bundletester's dep on bzr and make it >= ?13:20
nicopacehi whit, marcoceppi, asanjar, jcastro, arosales. A new week begins, and i return with my review requests :) This is a reminder: https://code.launchpad.net/~nicopace/+activereviews There are still 9 pending branches14:09
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Muntanergood mornign guys15:06
Muntanermarcoceppi, toc toc15:18
tvansteenburghskay: fwiw, i branched python-django/trunk and ran `bundletester -e amazon -l DEBUG -v` and all the tests passed (using latest bundletester from github)15:31
skaytvansteenburgh: thanks, I'll try that.15:35
MuntanerI am deploying a haproxy charm, and trying to connect to it, but nobody seems to happen16:00
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bloodearneststub, adding path as a second arg to add() doesn't seem to work for me - I still need to have JUJU_REPOSITORY set for it work17:34
bdxI have a few questions regarding charm configuration is there someone who might have an extra minute or two to advise me of a best practice?17:37
bdxjamespage: Could you have a look at this https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-installer/issues/456 ?17:38
bdxcharmers: Can anyone give any insight here https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-installer/issues/456 ?17:40
bdxAny takers https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/openstack-installer/issues/456 ?17:57
whitanyone have any good ideas for the dockercon hackathon?18:05
* whit means other than marcoceppi idea to go do something cool in lxc and then reveal it at the last moment18:05
bdxjamespage, charmers: If a charm, say cinder is deployed, and the configs os-admin-network, os-internal-network, and os-public-network are respectivly, and, must then the physical node that the cinder charm is deployed to be connected on all three seperate networks?18:44
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jorgemarcoceppi, can you link to your actions blog post?19:28
marcoceppijorge: when I finish writing it19:28
jorgeoh lol19:28
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jamespagebdx, indeed it must be19:54
jamespageotherwise the charm will just fallback to private-address from juju19:55
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mchasalmarcoceppi, jorge I wonder if you could help with some project organization issues we're having. We've got a single project that is housing multiple charms. We've got a devel branch where we've been doing our work, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to handle publishing this to the charm store since they will be on different schedules. Can't just merge the whole devel branch with trunk as it will pull in charms that aren't ready.20:09
mchasalHere's the project page: https://launchpad.net/ibmcharms20:09
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mchasalAny advice?20:09
marcoceppio/ *20:10
jcastrowhen you mean publishing to the charm store20:10
jcastrodo you mean like just having everything in this lp project indexed on jujucharms.com?20:11
mchasalYes, and, and so users can eventually just deploy from there.20:11
mchasalMy understanding is that Launchpad will automatically find any charms pushed to a trunk branch.20:13
jcastroyou need to put /charms/ in the branch name though20:13
mchasalAh, ok, not just in the path.20:13
jcastroso like I see in your branches you have like20:13
jcastroyou can push to ~username/ibmcharms/charms/trusty/kimchi for example20:14
jcastromchasal, but that's just how it is now20:14
jcastrosoon you can push to wherever you want, then just `juju publish`20:14
mchasalYes, I understand those changes are coming.20:15
* jcastro nods20:15
mchasalI think we're going to be pushing our first versions of these soon though, I'm guessing before publish is out there.20:15
jcastrofrom there after you push I believe the threshold is 15 minutes for it to get listed20:16
mchasalOk, that's no problem. I'm just trying to get this project structured in a sensible way, which I don't think I did the first time around.20:17
mchasalTrying to keep all the charms we're working on under this single umbrella.20:17
mchasalBut it looks like a single devel branch was too much.20:18
jcastroalso remember you need a place for the bundles too20:18
mchasalI guess I'm still a little confused about the series, in your example above: "push ~username/ibmcharms/charms/trusty/kimchi" That's just going to go to whatever the development focus series is.20:22
jcastroseries is just linked to the distro though20:24
jcastrowherever trunk development of the charm is can be anywhere20:24
jcastrolet me try to find how the openstack charmers do it20:25
mchasalHmm, maybe I'm mixing up my terminology.20:25
jcastrothey have a nice setup for devel and then propagating that to release20:25
mchasalI was looking at their repos trying to understand this.20:25
jcastroyou want one place to do devel, and you want one place that is stable right?20:25
mchasalright, I just don't want the automated process to pick stuff up before it's ready to be published. I was trying to encourage our members to push code regularly.20:26
mchasalSo yes, trunk/stable and devel20:27
jcastromarcoceppi, do you have any insight into how the openstack guys do this?20:28
jcastroI am noticing milestones, etc. in launchpad for their charms20:28
mchasalThings like this confused me there too: "Merged branch lp:~hopem/charms/trusty/keystone/stable-precise-1423513"20:29
mchasalSo the branch with trust in its name has stuff for Precise.20:29
jcastrohmm, I wonder if I can just ask them team to write up their whole workflow20:29
mchasalThat might be a good thing.20:31
jcastrook I'll go ahead and ask them to do so20:32
jcastromchasal, aha!20:34
jcastrolooks like they did that already, see the "development flow" section20:34
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mchasalYou mean they didn't just write that now?20:34
jcastroI'll go ahead and post this to the list too20:35
jcastroI think I'll put this in best practices as well20:36
mchasalThanks for the help, I'll have to try and digest this all now.20:39
mchasalIt's still not clear to me where the trunk branch fits in.20:39
jcastroYeah, the reason I posted to the list was that if you had questions you can respond, because james is in the uk and will hopefully answer it before you start your day tomorrow20:40
mchasalOk, I'll keep an eye on it.20:41
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sebas5384lazyPower: ping23:38
lazyPowersebas5384: pong23:54
sebas5384lazyPower: hey!23:54
lazyPowerwhats up?23:55
sebas5384we have a team here that are starting to using docker + ansible23:55
sebas5384and the discussion of juju vs docker came up23:55
sebas5384I understand the diference23:56
lazyPowertwo completely different, and somewhat complimentary technologies.23:56
sebas5384yeah I know23:56
sebas5384the thing that was concluded at the end of the discussion was that juju is more like if you need to install a docker cluster23:57
sebas5384to then23:57
sebas5384use docker23:57
sebas5384and orchestrate your containers with other tool like flannel (i don't know really)23:57
lazyPowersebas5384: flannel isn't an orchestration tool23:57
sebas5384hmmm what is then?23:58
lazyPowersebas5384: flannel is a software defined networking stack that compliments docker's networking bridge, so you can do L2 over L3 networking.23:58
lazyPowereg: cross host networking23:58
sebas5384hmmm get it23:58
sebas5384thanks for the explaining23:58
lazyPowersebas5384: the way i explain this to people who ask... (give me a minute to type this out)23:58
sebas5384till that, the issue here was like, why Juju doesn't use docker as a provider23:59

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