
knomewow, is this channel empty or what. hey pleia2, hey zequence!00:54
knomeapparently nobody cares about the example-content package too much any more00:55
pleia2I think I joined when someone joined the artwork list with the grand idea of creating an ubuntu artwork channel "but there already is one"00:55
knomeit used to have flavor logos; no more00:55
pleia2what does it have?00:55
knomeit only has a video clip and a CC licensed song00:55
knomeexactly same content/version since saucy00:56
knomefunnily enough, it has 5 open bugs00:56
knomei think the package should really be killed or refreshed hugely00:57
pleia2how do people learn that it exists?00:57
knomei *guess* a shortcut is added to the homedir00:58
pleia2oh, example-content that ships with ubuntu00:58
knomehmm, setup mentions Mirv00:58
knomemaybe i should poke him..00:58
knomebut seriously, the package is so meh :)01:00
knomewe don't even pull it in (any more at least) with xubuntu01:00
knomehehe, there's an idea to ship vcards for all ubuntu members01:03
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