
imgbot=== IMAGE 127 building (started: 20150309-02:05) ===02:05
imgbot=== IMAGE 127 DONE (finished: 20150309-03:30) ===03:30
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/127.changes ===03:30
* sil2100 needs to drive to his parents place06:55
sil2100In case trainguard things are required while I'm in mid-drive, if urgent, please poke mvo once he's around06:55
sil2100I'll be available in ~1.5h06:56
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* sil2100_ sighs08:58
ogra_ugh ... FF crash09:30
sil2100_dbarth-afk: hey, give us a sign once you're back :)10:41
LaneyThe latest UITK introduced a component-mismatch11:20
LaneyWhich is making Ubuntu desktop image builds fail https://launchpadlibrarian.net/199731958/buildlog_ubuntu_vivid_i386_ubuntu_BUILDING.txt.gz11:21
sil2100_Hey! Oh my, geh11:22
sil2100_I wonder why it didn't get noticed before publication, let me see what was up11:22
sil2100_Laney: not sure who signed off the packaging changes, but the publisher was robru11:24
Laneysil2100_: Well, probably just needs an MIR filed by the lander or their delegate. :)11:26
Laney(making the assumption that this doesn't drag in loads of universe packages and isn't huge)11:26
sil2100__Laney: anyway, yeah, need to poke robru which core-dev he poked when signing off the changes11:28
sil2100__bzoltan_: we need to fix UITK deps11:28
sil2100__bzoltan_: I see that qml-module-qtquick-layouts which you are now using is in main11:29
=== sil2100__ is now known as sil2100_
LaneyDoesn't look like it has any further universe deps or build-deps - probably a reasonable candidate for MIR11:32
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sil2100_My only concern is how this got into the archive11:35
sil2100_Laney: indeed, check-mir says it's clean, need to make sure about its maintainability11:37
sil2100_But it looks safe11:37
sil2100_Seems like it's from the Qt codebase11:38
sil2100_popey: \o/ on it11:38
popeysil2100_: thanks12:02
bzoltan_sil2100_: ohh... is there anything I should do?12:07
sil2100_bzoltan_: no no, I'll just make some coffee and I'll prepare some MIR formalities12:10
bzoltan_sil2100_:  thanks for the coffee, it was not really necessary ... I drink it with milk without sugar please12:11
sil2100_bzoltan_: ;D12:11
bzoltan_sil2100_:  CI service has improved big deal :) Only if we were at the same office :D12:12
sil2100_hah! I'm not CI though, so it's more like foundations service..? Doesn't sound right though ;)12:12
rvrIs the image server down?12:20
rvr2015/03/09 12:19:44 Get https://system-image.ubuntu.com/gpg/image-master.tar.xz: EOF12:20
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popeybfiller: any chance we can get that patch from renato tested more widely and landed in vivid? It fixes the crasher.13:42
bfillerpopey: let me create a silo13:43
bfillerpopey: building in ubuntu silo 213:48
=== dbarth-afk is now known as dbarth
dbarthsil2100_: i'm back and on silo-010 now13:51
sil2100_dbarth: \o/13:52
sil2100_dbarth: any ETA?13:52
davmor2sil2100: silo 003 has qa signoff now so what is the process for getting silo001 rebuilt when it lands?13:53
dbarthsil2100_: within an hour, or tomorrow morning; i'm checking a potential regression for users with many apps / accounts configured13:54
jibeldbarth, it's the last fix remaining before we can build an image for this week's promotion. Having this silo ready for testing today would be great13:55
pmcgowanpopey, do we plan to release a new weather app? or have we recently?13:55
pmcgowanhoping for the fix to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/140452013:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1404520 in Ubuntu Weather App "The link to the weather channel is incorrect" [High,Fix committed]13:55
popeypmcgowan: yes, it's on my list.13:56
sil2100_pmcgowan: right now QA has the new reminders-app on their list13:57
popeythey'll have weather too in a few minutes :)13:59
popeysil2100_: you have mail :)14:02
sil2100_popey: something new? :)14:03
* sil2100_ refreshes like crazy14:03
sil2100_Ah ha!14:03
sil2100_On it14:04
nerochiarogreyback: do you have any news on the autopilot issue were looking at last week14:07
greybacknerochiaro: so I reproduced it Friday, but had to nuke the device to work on something else. Today I've had the test running in a loop for over an hour. It managed to deadlock the shell, which isn't your issue though14:08
greybacknerochiaro: so no real news yet14:08
nerochiarogreyback: did you run the test using the process I sent you the other day ? (the same that CI uses)14:09
greybacknerochiaro: using the "phablet-test-run camera-app" ? If so, yes14:10
nerochiarogreyback: yes14:11
sil2100_jibel: just to make sure it's not missed: reminders and weather should now be added on the trello board14:29
nerochiarofginther: hi, did you manage to find out about the license problem ?14:30
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sil2100_jibel, davmor2: soonish it would also be nice to have silo 001 for vivid signed-off, since we just landed it for 14.09 today14:31
davmor2sil2100: did you see my question to you earlier?14:32
rvrsil2100_: I will test it, but needs to be rebuilt, isn't it?14:32
rvr(silo 1)14:32
davmor2davmor2> sil2100: silo 003 has qa signoff now so what is the process for getting silo001 rebuilt when it lands?14:32
nerochiarofginther: we were discussing it last week14:32
jibelsil2100_, reminder and weather are both on the board14:32
fginthernerochiaro, I have a solution in place now. There was an alternate license check that works for this source (at least it did when I last tested on Friday). I just switched that a moment ago14:33
sil2100_davmor2: ah, sorry, it seems my notify's aren't working14:33
sil2100_hm, let me rebuild and ping kenvandine14:34
sil2100_kenvandine: piing14:34
fginthernerochiaro, I'll still do some follow-up, but this should work for now14:34
sil2100_rvr: silo 1 in vivid shouldn't need a rebuild14:34
sil2100_rvr: I'm talking about vivid ;) Not rtm14:34
rvrsil2100_: Ah14:34
nerochiarofginther: if i have a merge request on which CI fails because of that, can CI be re-run on it ?14:34
sil2100_Actually, it's rebuilding already14:34
nerochiarofginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/refactor-and-fix-editor-tests/+merge/25093114:35
fginthernerochiaro, sure, one moment14:35
sil2100_kenvandine is on it it seems :)14:35
fginthernerochiaro, build in progress14:36
nerochiarofginther: thank you14:36
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
kenvandinesil2100, yup... i saw it merge so kicked a rebuild14:37
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dbarthsil2100: we're merging a last fix real quick in silo 010; hopefully for good this time14:52
plarspopey: what ever became of calendar app? is it back now?14:58
popeyplars: I'm going to resubmit once https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1423185/+merge/252184 lands14:58
popeyright now QA rejected it for various reasons, all fixed execpt that14:58
plarspopey: cool. No big deal from my end, just wanted to follow up in case we had missed it :)14:58
popeyoh it's very much at the top of my list!15:01
plarsno doubt :)15:02
oSoMoNrobru, hey, can https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/webbrowser-app/no-change-rebuild/+merge/251202 be deleted?15:23
Laneysil2100: thanks for the MIR - are you chasing people to look at it?15:29
LaneyThey'll ask for bug subscribers. ;-)15:29
mzanettitrainguards: please reconfig silo 0. I've dropped the ui-toolkit branch that landed in trunk by now15:49
sil2100pstolowski: regarding that rtm silo request - is that a critical/factory/battery fix?15:51
sil2100mzanetti: on it15:51
sil2100Laney: I poked on -release ;) But I'll poke around some more15:52
LaneyThere's not the biggest of overlap between the MIR and release teams15:52
pstolowskisil2100, nope..15:53
sil2100I was actually waiting for mterry_ to pop up, thought I might have his eyeballs looking at it15:53
mvosil2100: uh, I just noticed that I was invited for the standup of you guys this morning, should I come tmorrow? what do you want to talk about?15:53
* mterry_ looks up15:53
sil2100pstolowski: since generally we're slowly moving away from assigning to ubuntu-rtm15:53
sil2100mterry_: so, a MIR!15:54
sil2100mterry_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtquickcontrols-opensource-src/+bug/142983615:54
mterry_sil2100, which one?  I'm looking at media-hub right now15:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1429836 in qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qtquickcontrols-opensource-src" [Undecided,New]15:54
mterry_sil2100, huh ok15:54
sil2100mterry_: this one is actually causing some trouble in the desktop world15:54
sil2100mvo: hey, uh, I think it was something strange that google did since I didn't change anything in the invitation :)15:55
mterry_sil2100, desktop uses of the toolkit?  Or for other reasons15:55
sil2100mterry_: yeah, I guess it's pulled in by webbrowser-app etc.15:55
mterry_sil2100, ok well I will look at it15:56
mvosil2100: aha, ok15:56
pstolowskisil2100, i see. let me check with pat, he was asking about landing that bug but I think that was just confusion about its importance15:56
mvosil2100: even better, then I will claim I knew that and therefore did not show up ;)15:56
sil2100mvo: ;)15:57
sil2100pstolowski: ok, since I think we're only aiming for battery fixes and the u1 fix for the OTA this week15:57
sil2100bfiller: hey! Apparently the camera-app seems to suffer 7 AP failures on ubuntu-rtm/14.09 - is that something on your team's radar? :)16:04
bfillersil2100: yes16:04
bfillersil2100: there is a mir issue causing some of the failures that is being worked as well16:05
sil2100bfiller: ah, ok, so I suppose it's not something that won't be fixed by tomorrow, right?16:09
sil2100dbarth: hey! How's the fix going? Has it been merged and tested?16:09
bfillersil2100: nerochiaro is working on it, some of the issues are already fixed in ubuntu silo 28. hopefully many can be fixed by tomorrow16:10
bfillernerochiaro: these are the failures from the nightly smoketests, please make sure they are related to the fixes you are working on http://rtm-dashboard.ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch_stable/krillin/252:20150306:20150225-b67e0b6/384/camera_app/16:11
sil2100bfiller: thanks o/16:12
sil2100bfiller, nerochiaro: would be grately appreciated, since the dashboard starts looking really nice in overall16:12
sil2100alex-abreu: hey! Regarding your silo request for rtm - how critical are those fixes? Have they been requested by pmcgowan or anyone from the product team/BQ ?16:14
alex-abreusil2100, pmcgowan +1'd them ... (right?)16:15
sil2100Ok, I see one +1 already16:15
sil2100ACK, assigning16:15
alex-abreusil2100, thx16:16
nerochiarosil2100: now that fginther fixed the license problems that prevented camera MR to build, I am waiting to see the results of the test run on this MR https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/refactor-and-fix-editor-tests/+merge/25093116:16
nerochiarosil2100: which should fix several of the problems16:16
sil2100The number of fixes for this release is getting bigger and bigger ;)16:16
nerochiarosil2100: greyback_ is working on figuring out what causes a random failure somewhere between upstart-app-run and MIR that prevents all tests following the problem to pass16:17
sil2100rvr: silo 001 in rtm is ready for a re-test ;)16:17
pmcgowansil2100, alex-abreu yes we want those for the china dev contest16:18
nerochiarosil2100: and from that dashboard link you sent to me there seems to be a few new ones that were not in my original list of things to fix16:18
rvrsil2100: Ack16:18
oSoMoNtrainguards: can I have a silo for line 44, please?16:27
sil2100oSoMoN: on it16:27
ralsinatrainguards: also a silo for like 45 please :-)16:29
dbarthsil2100: nope, i have had to flash the phone fully, to make sure i test the right things; still on it16:29
ralsinathanks so much16:31
robrusil2100: hey do you have the diff handy for that uitk MIR issue? I don't remember who acked it but seeing the diff might jog my memory16:32
sil2100robru: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-003-2-publish/77/artifact/packaging_changes_ubuntu-ui-toolkit_1.2.1433+15.04.20150306-0ubuntu1.diff16:34
sil2100robru: the core-dev ACKing that missed checking both new deps with check-mir16:34
sil2100dbarth: thanks!16:35
robrusil2100: Laney ah it was acked by ken, sorry I forgot to mark that when I hit publish. https://pastebin.canonical.com/127182/16:37
nerochiarofginther: i still see the build failures due to the license issue: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-vivid-amd64/822/console16:45
davmor2popey: mzanetti : see row 34 \o/16:47
davmor2sil2100: ^16:47
sil2100davmor2: Yaay!16:47
sil2100popey: publish!16:47
mzanettidavmor2, awesomes :)16:49
davmor2sil2100:  I found 1 minor issue that mzanetti is aware of and I'll file a bug for it, now I've finished, but it isn't a regression could just do with a fix for the next update to the app :)16:49
mzanettididn't know we're doing the train thing with reminders16:49
davmor2mzanetti: anything that touches rtm needs a check and we needed to make a single process for everything16:50
mzanettisure, makes total sense16:50
mzanettidavmor2, are we releasing that to vivid/the store too?16:51
sil2100mzanetti: we only have one store, so anything landing from the clicks is essentially on both rtm and vivid16:51
davmor2mzanetti: as far as I am aware yes, popey can confirm it though16:51
popeywe have only one store, yes.16:51
mzanettiack. perfect16:51
mzanettiwasn't sure if there's a difference between preinstalled on rtm and the store16:51
popeyreminders isn't pre-installed on krillin16:52
popeyonly on nexus16:52
popey(this may change)16:52
mzanetti+1 for the previous version not being preinstalled :D16:52
popeySo, sil2100 I don't need to run this past pmcgowan ?16:52
* mzanetti food. biab16:52
nerochiarocihelp: fginther: plars: i requested to one of you some times ago to have the system where tests are run set up to have python3-wand installed. i was told it was done. but a test ran today still fails because it is missing: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/812/testReport/junit/unittest.loader.ModuleImportFailure.camera_app/tests/test_capture/16:53
popeymzanetti: well done!16:53
plarsnerochiaro: hmm, let me take a look16:53
mzanettipopey, thanks :D16:53
plarsnerochiaro: ah, I bet it only ended up in the smoke testing branch, not the one used by that job, one sec and I'll verify that. If so, it will be a really quick fix16:55
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
sil2100popey: I think we all agreed on getting this landed17:00
sil2100alex-abreu: are you building the silo?17:08
alex-abreusil2100, now yes17:08
davmor2sil2100: less sailing more bobby in the water desperate to stay afloat ;)17:17
fginthernerochiaro, regarding the failure on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-vivid-amd64/822/console... Looks like you did a rebuild of another build. Unfortunately, this will cause it to re-use the same parameters which includes specification of the old license check script. In order to avoid this, the job has to be rebuilt from scratch which I did here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/camera-app-ci/403/17:21
nerochiarofginther: ok, sorry. did not see it built from hours so I launched another rebuild17:21
nerochiarofginther: i will wait for that one to finish and check tomorrow17:22
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fginthernerochiaro, also looks like other issue is being addressed, sorry about that oversight17:22
nerochiarofginther: np17:23
robrufginther: hey is the engine mojo spec expected to be deployable in juju-lxc?17:34
fgintherrobru, yes17:34
robrufginther: https://pastebin.canonical.com/127187/17:35
fgintherrobru, looking17:37
robrufginther: https://pastebin.canonical.com/127188/ oops there's a bit more. thanks.17:37
kgunn_trainguards hi, can we get the ubuntu-ui-toolkit deleted from silo 0 ?17:38
robrukgunn_: sure one sec17:38
kgunn_we've got no more MP's for that...but have an old plg17:38
kgunn_pkg even17:38
robrukgunn_: you're welcome. should be gone in a sec17:39
robrufginther: oops, just noticed I'm not on the VPN. trying again...17:40
fgintherrobru, yeah, two things.  Even for local deployments, you need to have the nova OS_, etc environment variables set (it uses swift to upload the application tarball)17:41
robrufginther: yeah I set OS_PASSWORD correctly I think, had that one saved in my password manager from the last time I tried to deploy in hpcloud months and months ago17:41
fgintherrobru, and make sure you have "cheetah python-apt jinja2 statsd python-neutronclient" dependencies installed on the host17:42
bzoltan_kgunn_: I was already wondering about that uitoolkit thing :)17:42
robrufginther: where can I get cheetah and statsd from?17:42
plarsnerochiaro: ok, if you want to retry that job, it should work now17:43
kgunn_bzoltan_: hey, while you're here...who is the best person to include on grid unit discussion from sdk team?17:43
robrufginther: you mean python-cheetah and python-statsd?17:43
fgintherrobru, oops sorry, yep try those17:43
robrufginther: k thanks17:43
nerochiarofginther: can you please restart the build job one more time after the change plars made ?17:45
plarsnerochiaro: I can do that17:45
nerochiaroplars: please do then17:46
plarsnerochiaro: I didn't want to do it without taking to you first though, if you are ready for it I'll push it through again though17:46
fgintherplars, in this case, the build has to be entered from scratch because the parameters changed (due to another change in the job config)17:46
nerochiaroplars: fginther: the MR is ready, so please push a rebuild17:46
plarsfginther: so it's actually https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/camera-app-ci/404/ that has to start over then?17:47
fgintherplars, right, just do a new build of the camera-app-ci job and copy over the landing_candidate, merge_proposal and candidate_revision parameters17:48
plarsfginther: ah, I just hit rebuild on it, which I think should do all we need right?17:48
plarsnerochiaro: it's in progress17:48
fgintherplars, almost, "hooks" has been updated in the new config. So you could do a rebuild, then copy in the new value of hooks from the job configuration17:50
plarsah, ok17:51
fginthersorry about that17:51
fgintherit's not the most elegant design17:51
plarsnp, I remember seeing that mp now, just forgot it was related to this17:51
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
dbarth_trainguards: can i get a quick reconfig on rtm-010 please?18:04
robrudbarth_: sure,one sec18:04
dbarth_this is to wrap the image (hopefully)18:04
robrudbarth_: ok, good to go. just mind the conflict in rtm118:06
dbarth_robru: which conflict?18:06
dbarth_robru: ah i see18:07
robrudbarth_: yeah system settings18:07
robrukenvandine: will you be publishing silo rtm 1 shortly? I see it's approved. dbarth_ has a conflicting silo18:08
dbarth_robru: hmm, then maybe i can drop the system-settings branch to avoid any mistake18:08
dbarth_it's "belt & suspenders", whereas the signon fix is the key one18:08
robrudbarth_: well I'm not sure what the plan is. if ken will publish his you can just rebuild yours afterwards and it'll be fine.18:09
dbarth_robru: i dropped the uss line, if you can reconfig one last time18:09
robrudbarth_: ok18:09
davmor2popey: I think there is a serious bug in the weather app that jibel will be able to attest to.  It say sunny in London that can't be right, it should default to rain surely ;)18:11
popeyit also is dark!18:12
elopioping cihelp: is it ok for you if we make a dep8 test that requires the host to be on vivid?18:23
plarselopio: the host? can you give me more details?18:25
robrufginther: https://pastebin.canonical.com/127192/ no such luck I'm afraid, even with deps installed and env vars set18:25
robruand on the vpn18:25
fgintherrobru, looking18:26
elopioplars: we have a host and a testbed. On the host, we call adt-run and it executes the dep8 tests in the testbed.18:27
elopiofor this project, we might require the machine that calls adt-run to be on vivid to use the latest packages from ubuntu-system-image.18:27
elopioplars: so, do we have vivid machines on the lab to execute the tests?18:28
plarselopio: no, but if it's just a certain version of adt-run that's required, I think it would be easier to make sure we have that version18:28
plarselopio: what kinds of tests are these?18:28
elopioplars: what we need is a specific version of system-image-dbus.18:29
fgintherrobru, I gave you some missing info, one moment, trying to figure out what else I might have missed18:29
elopioplars: over the air upgrades.18:29
robrufginther: yeah I'll have to update the README once I finally get this working18:29
plarselopio: assuming the thing calling adt-run is on trusty, would it be possible to give us a list of hard dependencies? It would seem that we should easily be able to get a backport of those things if we really need to.  It gets messy really fast if we have to have a different host environment for tests, and much worse if it has to be on a development version.  We need a pretty stable environment or we're likely to hit infrastructure p18:32
plarselopio: it sounds like these tests may be special enough to need a story on our side though, have you talked to Ursinha about it?18:33
elopioplars: I'll ask.18:33
elopioplars: not yet. We are just defining what the tests are, and how to run them.18:34
elopioat the end of this week we'll have our requirements better defined.18:34
plarselopio: anything you can do to reduce special requirements on the host side will surely help with stability of the test environment18:35
plarssomething to think about18:35
fgintherrobru, sent you an updated email18:37
robrufginther: thanks18:37
elopioplars: ack. Thanks for the info. We have plenty of options, so we'll make them adjust to trusty hosts.18:39
rvrricmm: Vivid silo 13 is approved19:11
ricmmrvr: thanks19:13
ricmmrsalveti: could you publish 13 for me please19:13
rsalvetiricmm: sure19:15
rsalvetiricmm: done19:18
davmor2popey: row 4219:29
popeydavmor2: \o/ sweet! Thank you.19:35
davmor2popey: no thank you for the etherpad makes it much easier :)19:36
popeypmcgowan: weather updated in store.19:39
pmcgowanpopey, yay19:41
popey\o/ two down, loads to go!19:44
dbarth_robru, davmor2, whoever can wrap the image; silo 010 is ok for qa now19:44
davmor2dbarth_: I'm about to EOD so one for ToyKeeper probably19:44
dbarth_ok, let me know; i'll be around19:45
ToyKeeperI've got a meeting in a few, but perhaps after that?19:47
robrudbarth_: yep I'm happy to publish once ToyKeeper qa's it.19:53
dbarth_perfect; ToyKeeper it's in your hands now ;)19:59
=== dbarth_ is now known as dbarth
sil2100dbarth: teh silo is ready? :)20:00
dbarthsil2100: it is yes20:13
robrubfiller: failure looks transient, retrying: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-028-1-build/31/console21:09
ToyKeeperdbarth: Starting now.21:13
dbarthToyKeeper: ok21:19
ToyKeeperWell, that's what I get for being efficient and starting a new flash before finding out what the silo does.  Gotta go reflash again now.  ;P21:20
dbarthToyKeeper: i may switch to sleep mode in a bit, but keep me posted21:20
dbarthToyKeeper: right, sorry; flash to #16, create u1 account, apply silo; reboot; flash to #18 and check that you still have the u1 account around21:21
ToyKeeperYeah, I just should have read it first.  :)21:21
dbarthToyKeeper: everything ok ?22:43
ToyKeeperdbarth: So far, yeah; OTA always takes forever here.22:44
ToyKeeper... that is, if citrain device-upgrade would stop failing.  This is new...22:58
ToyKeeperdbarth...  left.  D'oh.23:38
ToyKeeperTest tools finally stopped failing, and I *still* see no difference at all pre- and post-silo.23:38

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