
ScottKSpamapS: ^^^01:34
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shijing 12:24
sil2100_Hello! Could anyone from the ubuntu-mir team take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtquickcontrols-opensource-src/+bug/1429836 ?13:17
ubot93Launchpad bug 1429836 in qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qtquickcontrols-opensource-src" [Undecided,New]13:17
sil2100_It's currently blocking desktop builds13:17
bzoltan_mlankhorst: ping13:36
bzoltan_mlankhorst: I have forwarded a mail to you. We have been reported a serious looking sdk issue.13:37
bzoltan_mlankhorst: https://askubuntu.com/questions/592614/cant-install-ubuntu-sdk-after-installing-ubuntu-14-04-213:38
mlankhorstI seem to have no problem with the one from the archive on my machine, so adding a bunch of hints to the package might help13:39
bzoltan_mlankhorst: I have checked with all possible people (Mirv, alex-abreu and myself) that we did not touch the SDK specific bits or the Qt packages in LTS anywhere.13:39
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  First of all :) I would love to understand what the problem is... and what causes it13:41
mlankhorstprobably that some of the -dev packages don't install with the lts-utopic stack enabled13:41
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  how can that happen?13:42
mlankhorst-dev packages are a weird corner case13:43
* bzoltan_ is ashamed for his ignorance on the topic13:43
mlankhorstthe packages on the lts stack are renamed and stuff13:44
mlankhorstso xxx-dev becomes xxx-dev-lts-utopic13:44
mlankhorstbut other packages might still require xxx-dev, to handle that I add a provides: xxx-dev, but if that package is not installed you're out of luck..13:45
bzoltan_mlankhorst: what do you suggest to do? broken SDK is far from fun :)13:47
mlankhorstrunning updates in my chroot first13:48
popeymlankhorst: I tested this in a clean 14.04.2 vm, which is where the paste in the au post came from13:53
mlankhorst# apt-get install ubuntu-sdk libegl1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic  libgles2-mesa-dev-lts-utopic libgbm-dev-lts-utopic  libegl1-mesa-drivers-lts-utopic libgl1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic13:55
mlankhorstor shorter.. # apt-get install ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev libgl1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic libgles2-mesa-dev-lts-utopic14:03
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  good stuff, thank you.   Where should it be added? to the ubuntu-sdk?14:09
mlankhorstno idea tbh :P14:10
bzoltan_popey:  ^ would you please test this14:10
mlankhorstit depends on whether you have the hwe stack or not14:10
popeymlankhorst: bzoltan_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/1056851714:14
popey(from pasting your first command into a 14.04.2 vm)14:14
mlankhorstthat's correct right?14:14
mlankhorstsecond command should work too, but shorter14:14
popeywell, it doesn't error...14:16
popeyand more importantly it doesn't want to remove anything14:16
mlankhorstsecond command's probably the one you want14:17
popeywell, the command I really want is "apt-get install ubuntu-sdk" :)14:18
mlankhorstwhat if you add depends: libgl1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic | libgl1-mesa-dev, libgles2-mesa-dev-lts-utopic | libgles2-mesa-dev to ubuntu-sdk-libs ?14:19
bzoltan_popey: well, we need to convince the LTS edition of the ubuntu-sdk to do that14:19
bzoltan_popey: who has the license to upload to Trusty a change like this?14:20
popeyusual SRU process14:21
ubot93Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:21
ubot93You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:24
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mlankhorstbzoltan_: bah, explicitly adding the other -dev packages resulted in reverting back to unrenamed stack :(15:00
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  crap15:01
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  so if I add these dependencies to the ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev then it will revert to the unranemed stack when installed?15:06
mlankhorstmaybe if I add a bit more help to the resolver15:06
bzoltan_mlankhorst: the ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev comes from the seeds... and SRU'ing a seed is something what turns opn big red lights and noisy sirens :D15:09
mlankhorstah second attempt works..15:09
ogra_bzoltan_, well, we just have never done it before (i think) ...15:10
ogra_it is likely solvable15:10
mlankhorstbzoltan_: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/199746287/ubuntu-touch-meta_1.126.2~ppa1_1.126.2~ppa2.diff.gz15:10
cjwatsonThat's a creative interpretation given that we SRU metapackages (via seeds) to introduce the HWE stacks in the first place15:10
ogra_ah !15:10
ogra_bzoltan_, see :)15:10
mlankhorsthm works with the hwe stack, trying without..15:10
cjwatsonWell, as it happens it seems we haven't actually SRUed ubuntu-meta for the HWE stacks - but at any rate it's not true that it's some kind of forbidden thing15:12
cjwatsonIt would be assessed like any other change15:12
mlankhorstbah, breaks without the hwe stack..15:12
mlankhorstcjwatson: any idea how I can give the resolver hints to solve this correctly?15:15
cjwatsonNot sure, sorry15:15
cjwatsonTry mvo15:16
mlankhorstbzoltan_: could it be done manually somehow?15:16
bzoltan_mlankhorst: manually?15:17
mlankhorstif iyou're on the hwe stack, use this command, else use this command15:17
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  the installation guide of the SDK is pretty skinny https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/15:18
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  I do not think we can do that.15:18
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  the simple installation of the SDK is one of the fundamental requironment :(15:19
bzoltan_mlankhorst:  as a workaround we can suggest to the victims of this problem to install those packages manually, but I would not canonize this as official installation15:20
mlankhorstit's a pain regardless..15:21
mlankhorstthe apt solver would need to be changed to fix it15:21
tgm4883Reading the backlog now. Is there an issue with the daily ISO builds? Trying to find the systemd images for testing15:28
cjwatsontgm4883: yes, it was fixed earlier today, except for Ubuntu desktop which is blocked on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtquickcontrols-opensource-src/+bug/142983615:29
ubot93Launchpad bug 1429836 in qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qtquickcontrols-opensource-src" [Undecided,New]15:29
cjwatson(the problem was that upstart was still priority: required and so was installed by debootstrap)15:29
tgm4883cjwatson: ah, so the one that I looked at on cdimage.ubuntu.com that I thought would definitely be updated is the one that hasn't been15:30
tgm4883but the rest do seem to be there :)15:30
tgm4883cjwatson: thanks, I'll pull some down and do some testing15:31
bzoltan_mlankhorst: It is pain indeed. I though that it could be escapated to the apt too.15:32
mlankhorst*tests one more thing*15:33
mlankhorstmeh :/15:35
mlankhorstI'll look at it more tomorrow15:39
bzoltan_mlankhorst: Thank you.15:43
jamespageplease can a member of the release team review bug 1426761 and bug 142360116:10
ubot93bug 1426761 in pacemaker (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Upgrade pacemaker to 1.1.12" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142676116:10
ubot93bug 1423601 in ceph (Ubuntu) "[FFe] ceph 0.93 -> hammer release" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142360116:10
jamespageI'd like to get those landed asap if possible16:11
flexiondotorg_cjwatson, If I wanted to add an armv7hf device to Ubuntu MATE, do I need to modify debian-cd, livecd-rootfs and ubuntu-cdimage?16:52
cjwatsonProbably just ubuntu-cdimage16:56
flexiondotorg_cjwatson, Thanks. That's enough to be me started.16:56
cjwatsonAlso probably worth getting into the habit of calling it just "armhf", which is the Ubuntu architecture name for it16:56
flexiondotorg_cjwatson, My Arch background seeping through. Sorry.16:57
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