
Loshkifrankf: shell autocompletion is very configurable, particularly in bash. Does this help? http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/tabexpansion.html00:00
cxdvtystill went into grub rescue00:00
daftykinsswapon, grasshopper00:01
cxdvtyI did lol00:01
daftykinssorry, Karate Kid.00:01
daftykinsnevermind, back to work00:02
roger3415so i need a little help if yall dont mind00:02
daftykinsroger3415: ask away with detail on one line00:02
ObrienDavedaftykins, argh, he says he did. suspecting fstab issue. how to redo grub?00:02
cxdvtyjust ask roger341500:02
daftykinsObrienDave: UUID update done? sorry i was watching TV eps00:02
daftykinsi wonder if a resize affects UUID00:03
ObrienDaveno but deleting and remaking partition does00:03
roger3415ok thanks. so i have a wifi card. Its a ralink rt5592 fits in a pcie slot. FOund drivers however have to compile them. I followed the instructions from a forum and when i go to modprobe rt5592 it isnt working out at all for me00:03
cxdvtyyou can't connect to internet?00:04
roger3415i am on ethernet00:04
roger3415but nothing shows up for wifi00:04
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cxdvtyyour on unity desktop?00:04
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ObrienDavecxdvty, in terminal, sudo update-grub00:05
roger3415im on a desktop with ubuntu 14.1000:05
daftykinsroger3415: did you get any errors running 'sudo modprobe rt5592' ?00:05
daftykinsfwiw i'm not sure download and compile was really the best driver approach00:05
cxdvtyokay go to your settings and click on software sources00:05
roger3415i get error 2 when i did the make command00:06
cxdvtyroger did you do what I said00:07
daftykinsroger3415: ok so it probably didn't compile. i have no idea what guide you're following00:07
roger3415this one here00:08
daftykinsroger3415: ok follow the steps again and use http://paste.ubuntu.com to show any errors as and when it fails00:08
ObrienDavewaiting on you ;p00:08
cxdvty_kubuntu@kubuntu:~$ sudo update-grub /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.00:08
ObrienDavehmm, i know nothing about that message00:09
RudeVipernow it just hangs up after displaying * Starting CUPS printing spooler/server00:09
n0wHello! Someone here know how to fix this issue: "Indicator Applet Complete has quit unexpectedly. If you reload a panel object, it will automatically be added back to the panel." But quem I reload nothing happens.00:09
cxdvty_What to do?00:10
ObrienDavehang on00:10
cxdvty_roger3415 are you trying to install network drivers?00:11
roger3415for a wifi card yes00:11
cxdvty_go to settings00:11
daftykinsroger3415: mmm nope never run 'sudo su'00:11
cxdvty_then click on software sources00:11
cxdvty_Tell me when you do that00:11
daftykinsi should tell chili555 off about that one00:11
roger3415there isnt that in system settings00:11
yeowzaI have a high end PC with a Geforce 970 graphics card.  Does anyone know if there are drivers for this in Linux?00:11
roger3415im on 14.1000:11
cxdvty_all the way down at the bottom there should be a picture of a brown box00:12
cxdvty_click on it00:12
cxdvty_then click on "additional drivers" tab00:12
roger3415yup already there and it doesnt show up00:12
roger3415only my gpu shows up00:12
daftykinscxdvty_: this is why roger3415 is attempting to compile ;)00:13
roger3415exactly lol00:13
ObrienDavecxdvty_, are you still in live USB?00:13
roger3415im on hard drive00:13
cxdvty_I had wifi card probs and i just went to enable the propietary driver d;00:13
cxdvty_yes I am00:13
roger3415and actually i did a livecd install00:13
roger3415yea some cards can do that00:14
cxdvty_he was talking to me roger lol00:14
roger3415but mine u have to compile them00:14
ObrienDavecxdvty_, ok, update-grub will NOT work from live USB00:14
daftykinsroger3415: i'm no compilation person sadly, but i see that there's something wrong in a config file for that module00:14
cxdvty_where else do i go then d;00:14
roger3415this is such a headache ugh lol00:14
cxdvty_I cant even boot to my os roger :P00:15
cxdvty_bigger headache00:15
cxdvty_Consider yourself lucky :')00:15
daftykinsroger3415: did you follow this "Quick Start.txt" ?00:15
daftykinscxdvty_: yours is a billion times easier :P00:15
ObrienDaveboot to HD, in the rescue console do update-grub00:15
roger3415there isnt one in the download for the drivers though00:16
MrCollinsif md5sums says the md5sums are different when checking a ubuntu iso does that mean the iso is bad?00:16
daftykinsroger3415: do you actually have that same model Asus?00:16
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roger3415no its a rosewill n600pce00:17
cxdvtyunknown command 'update-grub'00:17
roger3415but its the same chip00:17
daftykinslaptop, not card00:17
roger3415and the drivers i got from the website directly00:17
daftykinswhose website?00:17
cxdvtywhat to dooooo c':00:18
roger3415thats it right there00:18
cxdvtyObrienDave: still here?00:19
ObrienDavecxdvty, try this; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair00:20
daftykinsroger3415: can you run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "ip a | pastebinit" and share the link here?00:20
Bashing-omObrienDave: cxdvty :; Might be a good idea to verify the UUIDs in /etc/fstab ??? make sure then the UUIDs agrees with /boot/grub/grub.cfg . Just a thought .00:21
roger3415hold on i need to reboot ill be back had some updates going00:22
ObrienDaveBashing-om, would appreciate your help with that. u don't mess with UUIDs very often00:22
ObrienDave*I don't00:22
daftykinsmy bad, i didn't want to intervene00:23
daftykinscxdvty: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/fstab && sudo blkid | pastebinit00:23
Bashing-omObrienDave: Sure, gald to see what we can do .. cxdvty you game to take a look and see ?00:23
roger3415ok im back00:24
ObrienDavewife is calling me for dinner, back asap00:24
htqpdaftykins: pastebinit is currently broken: https://bugs.launchpad.net/pastebinit/+bug/142739400:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1427394 in pastebinit "api_dev_key for pastebin.com is invalid" [Undecided,New]00:24
cxdvty_you still here ObrienDave00:24
daftykinshtqp: really? 'cause i've been using it all day with helpee's00:24
htqpdaftykins: unable to use it here on ubuntu 14.04...00:24
roger3415who was talking to me earlier again?00:25
htqpdaftykins: and I have seen invalid_dev_key errors by my helpees in last days00:25
daftykinshtqp: must be bad timing :)00:25
daftykinsroger3415: can you run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "ip a | pastebinit" and share the link here?00:26
daftykinsnow we'll find out00:26
roger3415whats that symbol between the a and pastebinit?00:27
roger3415wait nvm00:27
daftykinscxdvty: you run that command yet? :P00:27
Bashing-omcxdvty_: ObrienDave is off for chow break/quality time .... You want to see that the UUIDs in the install /etc/fstab file agree with 'sudo blkid' and these agree with the installed /boot/grub/grub.cfg file ; before doing else .00:27
cxdvty_i am running boot-repair00:28
daftykinsroger3415: ok and "lshw -C network | pastebinit" please00:28
daftykinshtqp: what do you know, seems fine00:28
htqpthanks daftykins, now I'm going to dig deeper into this00:28
Bashing-omcxdvty: k .00:29
daftykinshtqp: which version are you on and which package version of pastebinit do you have?00:29
htqpdaftykins: ubuntu 14.04, 1.4-3, which seems to be latest according to packages.ubuntu.com00:30
daftykinsroger3415: excellent, and "sudo modprobe rt2x00pci" then "ip a | pastebinit" again00:30
daftykins!info pastebinit trusty00:30
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-3 (trusty), package size 14 kB, installed size 164 kB00:30
daftykinssure is00:30
daftykinshtqp: well that is a mystery!00:30
daftykinsmmmk nope no change00:31
htqpdaftykins: assuming you are on 14.04, would you be so kind to give me the output of this command, so I can dig into the difference?:   strace pastebinit > out.log 2>&100:32
htqpofc prepend with an echo | just to give it something to actually pastebin00:32
daftykinshtqp: unfortunately i type from a 10.04.4 VM which has but days of life left :)00:33
roger3415ya idk what to do :?00:33
daftykinscxdvty: yes?00:33
cxdvtyIt worked d:00:33
htqpok, thank for the confirmation anyway!00:33
roger3415his was easier lol00:33
cxdvtyBut everytime i boot it goes to grub automatically00:33
cxdvtywhich is annoying d;00:34
daftykinsand you have to hit enter?00:34
roger3415dafty what next?00:34
daftykinsroger3415: i'm finding nothing useful online00:35
roger3415ya this sucks :/00:35
daftykinsroger3415: take the card back and get another, i'd say00:35
daftykinsone with good Linux support00:35
cxdvtydaftykins is there a way around the grub thing00:37
kantican anyone help me out with compiling this program? when i hit cmake .. this happens http://paste.ubuntu.com/10565584/00:37
daftykinscxdvty: yeah, most likely. bedtime for me now though, i'm sure Bashing-om is available for more :D00:37
* daftykins pats Bashing-om 00:37
MFLuckyHi! Anybody here? Have a problem with my HDD :(00:37
kgAny ideas?00:38
cxdvtySo is ubuntu the best flavor of ubuntu d:00:38
GraemeLioncxdvty: Best.. for?00:38
cxdvtyLooks I guess d:00:38
teward!best | cxdvty00:38
tewardthat was removed00:38
daftykinsMFLucky: what's wrong?00:38
tewardcxdvty: that's a highly subjective opinionative question - unless you're specific there's no way to give than answer.00:39
GraemeLioncxdvty: Depends entirely on what you want.  It's not awful for look and feel.00:39
GraemeLionBut I live large portions of my life in emacs so :D00:39
cxdvtyteward: Oka have to hit enter00:39
daftykinsteward: yeah someone went around removing all the useful ones =|00:40
Bashing-omdaftykins: cxdvty ;; Goog for a couple of hours het !00:40
tewarddaftykins: indeed.00:40
daftykinsMFLucky: sooo... anything? else i have to go...00:40
MFLuckyI bought a new new {LL and decided to create the volume. mkfs.ext4 / dev / sdb00:41
MFLuckyBut the process failed and now I get the error I \ O error00:41
tewardcxdvty: if you have to hit 'enter' to get past grub, then it sounds like grub maybe is messed or your config is set to not have a timer on it - regardless of the individual variant you choose (14.04, 14.10, or Kubuntu, Lubuntu, etc.) that grub system could do the same thing (though it shouldn't by default)00:41
daftykinsMFLucky: you can't mkfs on /dev/sdb, that's a disk not a partition00:41
MFLuckysry, my english is bad :D00:41
cxdvtyHow do i fix it?00:41
cxdvtyDo I configure grub settings?00:41
MFLuckyemm... so its doesnt metter now. I cant do anything now00:42
MFLuckyi\o errors00:42
daftykinsMFLucky: reboot?00:42
MFLuckybut hard drive is visible in bios00:42
MFLuckyi did00:42
MFLuckymay times00:43
daftykinsand still errors? boot a live session00:43
MFLuckyyes. This HDD is not bootable. Just for media00:43
htqpinput/output error means "Some physical input or output error occurred.", per POSIX  http://www.hpmmsupport.com/MPE%20Manual/5000/B3265090482.13523/21.htm00:43
MFLuckyI think this is BSY error00:43
MFLuckymy HDD IS Seagate00:44
roger3415unfortunately returning the card is not an option :/00:44
daftykinsroger3415: how come?00:44
roger3415past the return date00:44
MFLuckybut im not shure :)00:44
roger3415i didnt originally buy the card for use with linux00:44
roger3415however there are drivers for it00:44
roger3415just have to compile them00:44
MFLuckywhich cards?00:44
daftykinsok bed for me, laters00:45
bennypr0fanehey guys, this chmod should work, right? chmod -R 774 /home/ben/Owncloud  I'm getting "invalid argument" errors00:45
roger3415a rosewill n600pce ralink rt5592 wifi card00:45
Bashing-omcxdvty: If I understand it, you entend to dual boot with 15.04 ? so you do need to see that grub boot menu to select the system to boot, no ?00:45
MFLuckychmod -R 774 /home/ben/Owncloud works for me00:45
cxdvtyI am leery on that now00:46
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MFLuckyHey, so what i shoul do first, when i bouhgt new HDD and added to my system????00:46
cxdvtyHow buggy is 15.04 when it is installed anyway?00:46
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142500:47
Bashing-omcxdvty: Why leary ? Having a back up system is a great thing ( I do multi-boot ) .00:47
cxdvtyI know but I don't want to dual boot with an os that's likely to fail00:47
GraemeLioncxdvty: It's pretty solid. But that's a +1 question, and come tomorrow everything goes over to systemd00:47
GraemeLionWhich SHOULD be okay, but :D00:47
roger3415so can anyone else help me at all?00:48
cxdvtythere's a good chance I won't even be able to boot tomrorow :D00:48
cxdvtyroger i will when i return00:48
ObrienDaveBashing-om, did he get grub fixed?00:50
roger3415man why does compiling drivers have to be so hard :/00:50
ObrienDavedaftykins, thanks for your help *thumbs up*00:51
Bashing-omObrienDave: Yeah, he did .. boot-repair to the rescue .. now debating if he wants to dual boot at all ( sheesshh) .. maybe set grub for 0 timeout , so menu is not displayed .00:52
ObrienDavecool, grub-customizer will fix that00:53
Bashing-omObrienDave: :) ( a quick edit will too )00:53
ObrienDavethis is true :)00:54
Felishiacome on I can't believe there is no DocBook reader for linux00:55
ObrienDavewas that supposed to be a Ubuntu support question or a rant?00:56
FelishiaI dunno :<00:56
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
roger3415is anyone here good at compiling drivers?>00:59
Felishiawhat's the relative to CHM files in ubuntu?01:01
FelishiaI can't find any format that works01:01
ObrienDaveCHM is old windows help files, yes?01:01
FelishiaObrienDave, I want something like it, preferible in html01:03
FelishiaI just care of the search area :<01:03
kantican anyone help me with an error im getting when trying to compile a program http://paste.ubuntu.com/10565584/01:03
ObrienDaveFelishia, hmm, the man pages is the closest i can think of. not sure about searching those01:04
FelishiaObrienDave, no, that wouldn't work... I'm documenting some javascript crazy widgets I invented, but there are tooooo many I just need an easy search01:04
FelishiaI could generate the HTML in a sec, the problem is the search01:05
Felishiaso how can I document then?01:08
roger3415so no one is responded to me off there...........01:12
cxdvtydid my first dualboot d;01:15
Felishiaroger3415, I'm not, that's all I can say01:15
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:16
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htqpkanti: ask the qt developers in channel #qt01:17
OerHeksroger3415, most drivers come with a howto and/or dependencies01:17
ObrienDavecxdvty, did you get it?01:17
Bashing-om!yah | cxdvty01:18
cxdvtyHow do I get flash player for google chrome on 15.04?01:19
OerHekscxdvty, not, as chrome has a flash player build-in01:19
Bashing-omcxdvty: google-chrome uses peper flash .. what is the problem ?01:20
cxdvtywhats the command to install it01:20
Bashing-omcxdvty: I would expect that to be an extension . ??01:22
cxdvtyDo i use the built in?01:22
SomelauwAs there are no stupid questions, what do I need to install such that I can include X11/xlib.h01:23
SomelauwI'm trying to build xkblayout-state01:23
SomelauwI already tried apt-cache search Xlib.h01:24
Bashing-omcxdvty: setting -> extensions -> more ->search on " flash player " ther are several available .01:24
cxdvtywhich one do i get from several01:25
htqpSomelauw: normally one does apt-get build-dep package-that-I-want-to-build01:25
htqpbut in your case, I don't know what pkg xkblayout-state belongs to01:26
Somelauwhtqp: it's not a deb, it's this github https://github.com/nonpop/xkblayout-state01:26
Bashing-omSomelauw: maybe: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xlib.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=trusty&arch=any .01:26
OerHeks!find Xlib.h01:26
ubottuFile Xlib.h found in castle-game-engine-doc, emscripten, ivtools-dev, libghc-x11-dev, libghc-x11-doc, libhugs-x11-bundled, libroot-core5.34, libx11-dev, perl-tk, tendra (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=Xlib.h&mode=&suite=utopic&arch=any01:26
htqplibx11-dev then.01:26
OerHeks* correct if i am wrong01:27
Somelauwoh maybe I should try apt-file instead of apt-cache.01:27
htqpthank you OerHeks, did not know the automatic finder01:27
=== AustinTheGrey is now known as AustinTheGrey_Aw
SomelauwTo be more precise, I need this line to compile '#include <X11/Xlib.h>'01:28
SomelauwOerHeks: okay, but which of those01:28
cxdvtyNo updates after a fresh install of 15.04 beta1?01:29
Somelauwoh, I just saw you wrote libx11-dev already01:29
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu+1 | cxdvty01:29
ubottucxdvty: Vivid Vervet is the codename for Ubuntu 15.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+101:29
MrCollinsevery time i download ubuntu the checksums are fucked01:29
MrCollinsive downloaded 3 times01:29
htqpMrCollins: rsync or zsync will reuse the correct blocks in the iso, and download only the non-matching blocks01:30
MrCollinsok.... how do i use rsync?01:30
cxdvtySorry O_001:30
SomelauwI usually download by torrent01:30
htqprsync -avP http://your/mirror/some-ubuntu.iso .01:30
MrCollinsah ok htqp01:31
htqp(assuming you did cd into the directory where the iso is, with the same name)01:31
MrCollinsok. so i need the iso on this computer01:31
galentannerCan anyone help me with this error?01:31
MrCollinsthen do the rync?01:31
galentannergalentanner@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ tar xvzf /home/galentanner/Downloads/X-AIR-EDIT_LINUX_0.5.1.beta.tar-101:31
galentannergzip: stdin: not in gzip format01:31
galentannertar: Child returned status 101:31
galentannertar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now01:31
SchrodingersScatgalentanner: try taking out the z01:32
galentannerThat seemed to have worked.  The file shows in that directory but there is an error message:Failed to execute child process "/home/galentanner/Downloads/X-Air-Edit" (No such file or directory).01:34
huliohi, this is hulio01:35
huliodo you guys know me?01:35
hulioi find that ubuntu is more user friendly than redhat or solaris01:35
htqpgalentanner: what si the contents of directory Downloads?01:36
cxdvtyObrienDave: go to #ubuntu+101:36
galentannerI just double clicked on the icon and got that message.01:36
hulioi am installing VMware 1101:39
hulionice vmware01:39
hulioi'm glad vmware build for linux01:39
galentannerhow do I show the directory contents?01:39
htqpopen in file manager01:39
galentannerI'm looking at it there.  I clicked the icon and that error came up.  What am I missing?01:40
Bashing-omhulio: This channel is ubuntu system support, for chit-chat about ubuntu /join ubuntu-offtopic :)01:40
galentannerDoes it make a difference that I am running Xbuntu 14.04?01:41
SchrodingersScat!pastebinit | galentanner01:42
ubottugalentanner: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:42
MrCollinsPlease tell me what  I am doing wrong.....01:43
MrCollinssudo rsync -avP http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/trusty/ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso01:43
MrCollinsssh: Could not resolve hostname http: Name or service not known01:43
MrCollinsrsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]01:43
MrCollinsrsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.0]01:43
SchrodingersScatI probably wouldn't sudo rsync01:44
ObrienDaveMrCollins, do you have a torrent client?01:44
MrCollinsOk. It doesnt work with sudo removed01:44
MrCollinsyes, I do.01:44
hulioanyone know a complete guide to install or upgrade Nvidia driver?01:45
huliothanks if you can feed me01:45
galentannerI'm sorry, what am I supposed to do with the pastebinit thing?01:45
ObrienDavepaste the URL here01:46
SchrodingersScatgalentanner: could open up a terminal, cd to your Downloads directory then ls -lah | pastebinit , but I wasn't the one asking for the contents so not sure what they're looking for...01:46
hulioanyone know a complete guide to install or upgrade Nvidia driver?01:46
SchrodingersScatgalentanner: also not familiar with whatever that software is, trying to run it from command line might provide some insight01:47
ObrienDave!patience | hulio01:47
ubottuhulio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:47
MrCollinsWHat is a good torrent client...01:48
MrCollinsI have one on my winbox.... bit torrent....01:48
ObrienDavei like deluge01:48
galentannerOk.  I am a windows guy.  This means I'm super dumb....I need step by step instructions.  I thought I could just double click the icon and off it goes. What do I do?01:48
ObrienDavethat will work01:48
Bashing-omhulio: There are so many ways to install a Nvidia driver, there is no one-guide-covers-all that I am aware of .01:48
ObrienDaveMrCollins, that will work01:48
hulioBashing-om, i want to install from the nvidia site download  .run file01:49
Bashing-omhulio: Why ? This is ubuntu, installing from OEM is the means of last resort .01:49
hulioBashing-om, because the one from PPA is not the lastest01:50
huliothe one provide by the Nvidia is the latest01:50
Bashing-om!latest | hulio01:50
ObrienDaveMrCollins, for ubuntu, deluge or transmission01:50
ubottuhulio: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.01:50
MrCollinsok thx Obrien01:51
[Raiden]!latest | [Raiden]01:51
ubottu[Raiden], please see my private message01:51
hulioBashing-om, i understand your point, but i'm very sure Nvidia don't push out something they are not sure..they have stable version as well.01:51
SchrodingersScatgalentanner: ok, so you have some X-Air-Edit file in your downloads now? Can you check the file permissions? might be able to right click and get to properties or something, see if you can make it executable, if it's not already.  then from there if that throws the same error you can try opening a terminal and running ./Downloads/X-Air-Edit and see if that does anything at all.01:51
ObrienDavehulio, things installed outside of official repose are not supported here. you're on your own ;p01:52
hulioi do unstand01:52
SchrodingersScatgalentanner: also that ^01:52
huliobut i would like to know how to install from the .run file01:52
galentannerok.  It says "Executable"01:52
ObrienDavehulio, normally, sh <file>.run01:52
galentannerso just type in that command and it shoudl run?01:52
hulioObrienDave, there are more to that...if i recalled from long ago i did once.01:53
huliolike stop the GUI01:53
huliogo to black screen mode or something01:53
SchrodingersScatgalentanner: should also check for instructions, is this something you have to install?  Pretend we know nothing about what you're doing.01:53
[Raiden]hulio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual01:54
ObrienDavehulio, open terminal, then sh <file>.run01:54
Bashing-omhulio: Hokay ; see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2081649 ; looks like a good guide/tutorial to me .01:54
hulioObrienDave, nah, i dont think they will help01:54
* ObrienDave sighs and saunters on down the road01:55
huliothanks Bashing-om something he gave is more ligit01:55
huliosudo service lightdm stop01:55
huliosound familiar01:55
galentannerIt's a program for editing sound from my mixer.  It is basically a Digital Audio Workstation.  According to Behringer is has been tested to be compatible with Ubuntu 14.04 lts.  It shows up in the Downloads directory but I just typed in that command and it says"galentanner@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ./Downloads/X-Air-Edit01:55
galentannerbash: ./Downloads/X-Air-Edit: No such file or directory01:55
Bashing-omhulio: Yep, ya got to stop X prior to installing the proprietary driver .. do the cleanup 1st before proceeding with install .01:56
netametahow do i add more extensions to php on ubuntu - specifically sqlsrv02:02
codepython777what is a good laptop to buy for ubuntu these days? would prefer something like macbook air02:02
ObrienDavejust about anything modern02:03
htqpcodepython777: macbookair a couple years old (otherwise you are asking for issues mainly with wireless)02:03
htqpcodepython777: check model-per-model on the wiki.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir02:04
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galentannerCan anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?02:05
d[^_^]bhttp://i.imgur.com/veMHNdL.png <- i'm having an odd issue02:05
d[^_^]bseems that dracut will cause cryptsetup to hang02:05
htqpcodepython777: the 2011 model works like a charm.02:05
codepython777htqp: i dont want to use macbook air for ubuntu. I wont be comfortable with the keyboard and swipes. Or is that recommended?02:06
htqpyou wrote "prefer something like macbook air" so...02:06
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byterighthey all02:08
byterighthas anyone installed ubuntu on the new dell inspiron 15s?02:10
byterightI haven't found anything by googling. I'm trying to get rid of this piece of cancer windows.02:10
d[^_^]bseems the xts module may be missing02:11
byterightd[^_^]b, you're not talking about what I was asking about right?02:12
galentannerI guess I'll just go to bed.02:13
d[^_^]bnope, sorry02:13
byterightokay cool02:13
byterightI was confused at first lol02:13
d[^_^]bi'm trying to use something i wrote that manages iscsi workstations, to boot encrypted VMs02:14
byterightyea I will be of no help in that area02:14
d[^_^]bthe dracut initramfs just hangs - i think dracut failed to include the crypto module i need02:14
cxdvtyhi all :P02:14
galentannerIs there anywhere I can go for help for newbies?  I don't know all the jargon and code.02:14
byterightholy shit the join and quit notifications are annoying on this channel02:14
SchrodingersScat!language | byteright02:15
ubottubyteright: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:15
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142502:15
byterightgalentanner: just start using it and google when you run into problems02:15
cxdvtycxdvty: lol02:16
byterightSchrodingersScat & ubottu: thanks, I didn't know. I'll watch it02:16
cxdvtyjust messing d:02:16
galentannerI have a simple problem....at least in theory and am asking for help!02:16
cxdvtyState your problem galentanner02:16
byterightgalentanner: Yea I don't know about a noob reference guide, but usually you can pick up how to use it by using it heh02:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:17
galentannerI have downloaded a program and need to to install it.  It shows up as an executable in the Downloads folder.  I double click on it and I get an error message: Failed to execute child process "/home/galentanner/Downloads/X-Air-Edit" (No such file or directory).  What am I missing?02:18
cxdvtyWhat are you trying to install02:19
cxdvtyAnd is it for linux specifically?02:19
galentannerIt's a Digital Audio Workstation that is supposed to be compatible with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.02:19
cxdvtyAre you installing through terminal02:20
htqpmail the developers to make an ubuntu-friendly package. That said, what files are in the downloads folder?02:20
cxdvtyWhat is the name of the program you are installing?02:20
galentannerI was just double clicking the icon that appeared after I ran some "tar" command.02:20
Bray90820What exactly is GID02:20
htqpbecause, if it expects a file ("no such file or dir") then you want to know why it's not there02:20
galentannerX-Air-Edit from Behringer02:21
Bray90820Is GID group ID02:21
htqpBray90820: yes02:21
Bray90820Alright and UID is user ID right02:21
galentannerThere are two files in the folder, the one I just mentioned and the one I ran the "tar" command on.02:22
galentannerI do want to know why it's not there.  I see it in the directory.  Why does the computer not see it?02:22
cxdvtyAre they placed in the downloads folder?02:22
cxdvtyCan you paste the command you ran?02:23
galentannerBoth in the Downloads folder...yes02:23
galentannergalentanner@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ tar xvf /home/galentanner/Downloads/X-AIR-EDIT_LINUX_0.5.1.beta.tar-102:23
galentannerThis points to the other file in the directory.02:24
cxdvty galentanner@ubuntu:~/  tar xvf /home/galentanner/Downloads/X-AIR-EDIT_LINUX_0.5.1.beta.tar-102:24
cxdvtyput them both in home folder and try that02:24
cxdvtyi put too many spaces before tar only put one space02:24
galentannerI dragged them both to the galentanner folder and double clicked...same message02:25
Huliocan ubuntu 14.10 install as wubi?02:25
cxdvtyYou put them in the HOME folder?02:26
Huliohow come when i wubi , it has demo and install02:26
Huliothen it ask me to reboot?02:26
cxdvtyThen ran the command i told you to run?02:26
galentannerI don't see a home folder02:26
Hulioi thought it should install within windows?02:26
cxdvtyclick on your files app02:26
cxdvtythen click on home tab02:26
cxdvtydrag them both to home tab02:26
cxdvtythen run the command02:27
galentannerThere is no "home" tab.02:27
htqpgalentanner: on terminal, run:  file Downloads/X-Air-Edit02:27
htqpwhat is the output02:27
cxdvtyhtqp: Is it possible to not have a home tab?02:28
htqpidk, I have xfce here02:28
cxdvtyYou should still have home though right02:28
galentannerI'm in the File manager and my folder is under a heading "places"02:28
galentannerI put it back in the Downloads folder and typed in that command and got the "no such file or directory" error.02:32
galentannerI think I'm going back to windows.  This is just too much work!02:34
byterightgalentanner: you did not just say that02:35
terrasapienwhat's too much work is all the GUI noise, clicking and looking for tabs that might not exist02:36
terrasapienjust do command line and be done with it02:36
galentannerI'm sorry!  I love the Idea of linux, but I've been trying to get this to work for two weeks.  I'm missing time with my family because nothing works,  It's constantly crashing and it's just terrible.02:36
byterightwhat did you install? the newest ubuntu release right?02:37
codepython777htqp: Something that is more ubuntu friendly would be nice. Apple and Ubuntu, am not sure go together well.02:37
galentannerI have an old Gateway Laptop and I finally got Xbuntu 14.04 LTS to run.  I don't dare update it because it just crashes the thing.02:37
htqpcodepython777: what part of "the 2011 model works like a charm" is unclear02:38
SchrodingersScatcharms don't work02:38
codepython777htqp: this is 2015?02:38
htqpand I also linked the mode-per-model compatibility tables02:38
galentannerOnce it crashes then it's another 5 hours to wipe the hard drive and reinstall...02:38
codepython777dell xps seems to be decent choice02:39
htqpcodepython777: and? still i5 + broadcom wifi + ssd + webcam, what kind of advanced tech has been developed in the last 4 years AND was made available on the consumer market AND is relevant to your comp usage?02:39
terrasapiengalentanner, what happens when you open a terminal and type : sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade  ??02:40
terrasapienit crashes??02:40
terrasapienmight be a hardware issue02:40
htqp^ if ubuntu lts crashes you can bet it0s hardware issue, do a memcheck at the boot menu02:41
galentanneragain with the codes...I don't know how to do that...02:41
galentannerI put in that code...it02:41
galentannerit's thinking02:42
codepython777does anyone have a dell xps running ubuntu here?02:44
galentannerThe terminal is stuck at: Reading package lists... 63%02:45
terrasapiengalentanner, probably just a slow machine, but seeing that means it's likely working02:45
terrasapienalbeit slowly02:45
galentannerE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)02:49
galentannerE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?02:49
galentannerWhat is a root?02:49
terrasapiensudo runs the following command as "root"02:49
SchrodingersScat!sudo | galentanner02:49
ubottugalentanner: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:49
terrasapienwhich is the super user02:49
acerimmer_!aptlock | galentanner here's the fix for aptlock02:49
ubottugalentanner here's the fix for aptlock: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:49
galentannerWhat does this do?02:50
cem_millet turkce bilen varmi lan burda?02:50
terrasapieni'd try the small hammer first and just put "sudo" ahead of the command02:51
acerimmer_galentanner, it unlocks your error02:51
acerimmer_!tk | cem_02:51
acerimmer_!turkey | cem_02:51
ubottucem_: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.02:51
galentannerok.  I did that.  No error message..no message at all...actually02:51
cem_ok thanks a lot!02:52
galentannerNow what?02:52
terrasapiengalentanner,  sudo apt-get upgrade02:54
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galentannerlast time I upgraded, I had to wipe this thing and start over.  Are you sure this won't cost me another 5 hours?02:54
terrasapieni'm not there to know your hardware02:54
roger3415how do i do multi-arch?02:55
terrasapienbut if that breaks you have some deep (probably hardware) problems02:55
terrasapienit shouldn't break, go ahead02:55
roger3415i am on a 64bit system and need to do a 32bit lib for a compile driver02:55
terrasapienlive dangerously02:55
acerimmer_galentanner, OR you could download the latest version of ubuntu and clean install.  depends on your ISP speed.02:55
roger3415i am also on ubuntu 14.1002:56
galentannerI tried Ubuntu and it never came up...literally spent 7 hours waiting.  Just too big.  I'll try the upgrade.02:56
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galentannerIt's chewing on it...02:59
terrasapiengalentanner,  . . . oh the anticipation!02:59
roger3415no one does?03:00
galentannerOk. I'm still here.  Should I double click the icon again?03:00
terrasapiengalentanner, i thought you were using a terminal ??03:01
terrasapienshouldn't be anything to click with a terminal, only simple, decisive text based commands03:01
galentannerI am way too dumb to be typing in commands.  I'm a point and click guy.03:01
terrasapiengalentanner, but you seem to be typing into this chat quite well03:02
terrasapienterminal is not much different03:03
galentannerI can type, but I praised the day that DOS 6.22 gave way to Windows.  I hate the idea of commands.03:03
terrasapieni'm the opposite, couldn't live without em03:04
galentannerSo, I double click the icon and get the same error message.  I just can't install this thing.03:04
=== achernya_ is now known as achernya
OpenSorce14.04 If I were going to run the remote desktop preference by typing a command into the run box (alt-F2) what would I type?03:04
galentannerThat's great, but I have things to do, don't want to spend all day programming03:04
terrasapiengalentanner, like most things in life, you get out what you're willing to put in03:05
terrasapiengood luck with it03:05
OpenSorceterrasapien, lol my questions stems from my having a similar fixation on cli commands.03:05
galentannerI guess.  I'll just put in on my windows machine.  This just isn't working.03:05
galentannerThank so much for the help.03:05
mneptokgalentanner: what is this file?03:06
galentanners a DAW03:06
galentannera digital recorder for music03:06
OpenSorceI know most of you guys think it's great, but I just don't use Unity. I would like to run the Remote Desktop preferences without having to log out and log into Unity. Anyone know the cli command for it?03:07
mneptokgalentanner: a DAW file is not an app. what app did you install that is supposed to open Digital Audio WOrkstation files?03:07
galentannerIt's a downloaded program that I'm supposed to install.  Can't get it to install.03:08
galentannerDAW is Digital Audio Workstation03:08
mneptokgalentanner: downloaded from where?03:08
galentannerI have been able to get the "tar" command to work, but I double click on the icon and it says it's not there.03:09
mneptokgalentanner: and the name of the app is X Air Edit?03:09
bongma hi i know its off topic but does rescatux work on windows 10 or win 8?? no one answers at the sgrub channel.03:10
galentannerAny ideas?03:10
cfhowlettgalentanner, consult the app documentation.  it's not an ubuntu product03:11
mneptokgalentanner: https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=x%20air%20edit03:11
galentannerNo it's not.  Behringer gave no instructions just stated that compatibility was checked with 14.0403:11
mneptokgalentanner: the first (and only) app hit from Behringer is for an iOS/Android product03:11
cfhowlettgalentanner, send me the download link please.  also: what is your ubuntu version?03:12
galentannerI know,  It's on the website.  IT has the little penguin and everything03:12
galentannerXbuntu 14.04 LTS.....03:12
cfhowlettgalentanner, wait, nvmind.  got it03:13
bongma hi i know its off topic but does rescatux work on windows 10 or win 8?? no one answers at the sgrub channel.03:19
roger3415welp thats one way lol03:20
huliohi guys03:21
hulioremember me?03:21
cfhowletthulio, no.  ask your ubuntu questions03:21
YukenFinally got an SD card, installing Ubuntu Desktop (14.04.2) onto it using Rufus; my question is:03:21
huliois redhat diff from ubuntu?03:21
cfhowletthulio, yes.03:21
Yukenwill UBuntu automatically make a partition (That I set the size of) off of the Windows one?03:22
hulioi find that ubuntu is more UI frendly03:22
YukenOr do I have to manually shrink a partition?03:22
hulioYuken, it set automatic03:22
hulioYuken, i install alongside mode03:22
getthepopelaidno, you have to shrink the partition in windows if you dont already have unpartitioned off space03:22
cfhowletthulio, chit chat = #ubuntu-offtopic         this channel is for support. thanks.03:22
OpenSorceI know most of you guys think it's great, but I just don't use Unity. I would like to run the Remote Desktop preferences without having to log out and log into Unity. Anyone know the cli command for it?03:22
YukenAnd, another question; I WOULD google it but google isn't available, nor is steam/etc:03:22
YukenIs TF2 available for Linux? XD03:22
cfhowlett!steam | Yuken03:23
OpenSorceor is it called Desktop Sharing now?03:23
ubottuYuken: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.03:23
galentannerThanks for your help everyone.03:23
hulioi think ubuntu is best man03:23
Yukencfhowlett: I can't access anything besides freenode as of right now, XD03:23
huliobut for now it is lack of softwares03:23
ObrienDavehulio, like anything else, you have to learn how do make do with what's available03:24
d[^_^]banyone use dracut+dmcrypt?03:24
YukenAMD64 works with Intel, right? XD.03:28
* Yuken is stopdi03:28
OpenSorceAh... had to run ps aux to find it but it seems to be "vino-preferences"!03:28
bongma hi i know its off topic but does rescatux work on windows 10 or win 8?? no one answers at the sgrub channel.03:29
cfhowlettbongma, ask ##linux03:30
brian_ubuntu 14.04 what is the easiest way to make desktop icons03:36
ObrienDavebrian_, for?03:46
bongmacfhowlett:   ##linux :Cannot send to channel03:50
ObrienDavebongma, you probably have to use a registered nick03:51
ObrienDaveno, i guess not03:51
bongmaObrienDave:  msg NickServ REGISTER password youremail@example.com ? can i enter this anywhere?03:54
ObrienDavebongma, best to do that in the server window. not in a channel03:55
codepython777does anyone have a good laptop they use for ubuntu? (Apart from apple stuff)03:55
bongmaObrienDave: how do i get to  a server window?03:57
SchrodingersScatbongma: /query nickserv03:57
Licht21well I have a laptop... it isn't good but it has ubuntu installed -not mac stuff-03:58
ObrienDavebongma, it's the freenode window. you using webchat?03:58
bongmaObrienDave: no, using hexchat.03:59
ObrienDavefreenode tab04:00
ObrienDaveyou using channel tabs or the tree?04:00
OpenSorce14.04 So Desktop Sharing buggy or no? I've set it to allow in the preferences and set a password but it keeps "actively refusing" connections.04:02
K-gHi, I have a problem to set up my network adapter04:12
byterightyes that sounds like linux04:12
K-gI cant get any further than this. Any idea??04:12
codepython777what laptop do you use if you use ubuntu natively?04:13
K-gOn my mac?04:15
K-gOSX natively, I have an lubuntu vm in OSX and my main lubuntu installation on an external hard drive04:16
omosoji want to write a little program that monitors my keyboard and mouse movement. would htat be possible?04:23
omosoji read somewhere that processes can't communicate with each other easily or soemthing. would i be able to even get that information? (will be using ruby)04:23
omosojforget that question ^04:31
ObrienDavedone ;p04:32
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codepython777I'm looking to buy a native ubuntu laptop - any suggestions?04:58
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getthepopelaidthats usually not a good idea05:02
getthepopelaidi find that the vendors that sell linux oem stuff is overpriced05:02
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=== keltim_ is now known as keltim
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convidadoalguem aqui pode me ajudar?05:29
convidadogalera to precisando de ajuda com um router da multilaser05:31
convidadoa rede tava montada tudo ok fui botar o cabo em outro pc e simplesmente a rede toda sumiu05:32
ObrienDave!es | convidado05:32
ubottuconvidado: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:32
convidadoalguem aqui tem como me ajudar?05:32
Flannel!br | convidado05:32
ubottuconvidado: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.05:32
ObrienDave!pr | convidado05:32
keltimspreadsheets are awful ...05:33
keltimwell, the way some offices use them is awful05:34
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macopythonDoes apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi install wsgi for Python3 or Python2 ?05:47
macopythonany help ?05:47
ubuntuser13ubuntu touch emulator says segementation fault (core dumped). why?05:51
shortstraw8apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3  is for py3 Im pretty sure macopython05:51
MyChrisHey guys anyone experienced an issue where a NIC isn't detected?, It shows up in lspci/lshw06:01
MyChrisbut if I try ifup eth0 or etc I'm told the device doesn't exist06:02
MyChris"Cannot find device "eth0"" "Failed to bring up eth0."06:02
MyChrisHmm I guess my theory about it being a driver issue was correct considering the fact I've just been told it's "unclaimed" by lshw -c network.06:03
rypervencheMyChris: Pastebin the output of "ip a", "ethtool eth0", and "cat /etc/network/interfaces" please.06:04
keltimwow it seems like half the stuff in universe won't even install anymore06:05
keltimjust about everything I tried to install for emacs had a postinst script fail ...06:06
MyChrisNew question what's best way to load drivers for a network adapter over IPMI....06:06
keltimwell it sounds like there is no driver loaded at all06:07
keltimdo you know what driver it's supposed to be using?06:08
MyChriskeltim, not yet.06:09
MyChrisresearching that now.06:09
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:09
keltimlspci will tell you what chip it is, then google for that and linux06:09
MyChrisKeltim, if you'd like to help me search... I217-LM06:09
MyChrisand I21006:09
keltimwhat brand?06:09
keltimhm, intel supports linux very well06:10
MyChris8086:153a / 8086:153306:10
keltimMyChris, https://downloadcenter.intel.com/search?keyword=Intel%C2%AE+Ethernet+Connection+I217-LM06:12
MyChrislooks like 12.04 actually doesn't have it06:12
MyChrisbecause it wasn't supported until kernel 3.506:12
keltimit lists the e1000 driver as the right one .. that one is definitely in ubuntu, strange06:13
MyChrisnot in 12.0406:13
keltimMyChris, does modinfo e1000e say anything?06:13
MyChris"Support for the Intel I217 is available since the linux kernel 3.5, as Ubuntu 12.04.2 uses Kernel 3.2.x the ethernet card is not recongized"06:14
MyChrisjut found this on askubuntu06:14
MyChris*just found06:14
keltimwell, you might have to compile it yourself ... https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/15817/Network-Adapter-Driver-for-PCI-E-Gigabit-Network-Connections-under-Linux-06:15
keltimjust remember every time you install a new kernel you will have to repeat that process06:15
MyChrisright now06:16
MyChristhe goal is even getting it to the system.06:16
MyChriswith nothing but IPMI06:16
Ben64or use a newer kernel with 12.0406:16
Ben643.13 is available for 12.0406:17
MyChrisBen64: I'm doing rappid deployment06:17
MyChriswith a pre-configured iso atm06:17
MyChrisI don't have that option06:17
Ben64then you're doing it wrong06:17
MyChrisI didn't create the iso ;)06:17
Ben64so make one that works...06:18
MyChrisI don't have that option at the moment.06:18
MyChrisI have a solution I'm going to use it.06:18
dopieeHey guys, im having a problem with cmake its breaking and I really dont know what the hell is going on06:27
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TigerHijinksHi all, I'm having some trouble on a new install with my display resolution in xubuntu.   At first boot it was super fuzzy.  Managed to find the display settings and can read it now at 800x600 but would prefer native 1680x1050.  Running a GTX 750Ti.  Trying to switch to that resolution in the display settings does nothing currently.06:35
SelecttoIt seems like in the past Ubuntu was much easier to install to be able to dual boot with windows, not that seems a whole lot more difficult for some reason06:54
somsip!uefi | Selectto (seems to cause a lot of current problems)06:54
ubottuSelectto (seems to cause a lot of current problems): UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:54
Selecttosomsip, Yea, I can understand why it would cause a lot of problems, its ridiculous.06:55
SelecttoI wonder which programming genious thought, oh lets make this ultra difficult partitioning tool for the average user.06:57
lotuspsychje_Selectto: partitioning manually is needed for a lot of users06:58
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Selecttolotuspsychje, Oh, I am sure it is.  Its hard for the average computer user though.06:59
lotuspsychjeSelectto: what are you trying to do exactly?07:00
Selecttolotuspsychje, Dual boot windows 7 and Ubuntu.07:00
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Selectto07:00
ubottuSelectto: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:00
Selecttolotuspsychje, And I've already read all the help files and googled it..07:00
SelecttoYea, I've seen that.07:00
dellhello guys i am new07:01
lotuspsychjeSelectto: there are many good dualboot howto's on the net, find some07:01
lotuspsychjedell: welcome, this is an ubuntu support channel07:01
Selecttolotuspsychje, I've read them.07:01
dellsupport channel means07:01
Selecttolotuspsychje, I can do it...just saying it used to be easier is all.07:01
lotuspsychjedell: helping with ubuntu troubles07:02
laskodell: If you have an issue with ubuntu we can help with those issues.07:02
dellok thanks07:02
Ben64Selectto: so you just came here to complain?07:02
delllinux is awesome07:02
SelecttoBen64, yea07:02
Ben64Selectto: please don't. this channel is for support only07:02
laskoSelectto: Sounds like you should write an article to make it easier?07:02
Selecttolasko, Thats a good idea.07:03
SelecttoBen64, ok.07:03
agent_whiteEasy problems are the worst... I find the ones that have you banging your head against the desk are ones you will never forget.07:03
dellcan anybody help me with the difference between Kali and Ubuntu07:04
lotuspsychje!kali | dell07:04
ubottudell: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)07:04
lotuspsychjedell: or you in the proces of choosing a right distro for yourself?07:05
dellok thanks07:05
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dellnope just wanted to know07:06
delli have both downloaded kali linux07:07
laskodell: Kali is a Debian derived version of Linux.07:07
lotuspsychjedell: try also the ##linux channel, where you can discuss such things07:07
dellwhat about ubuntu07:07
lotuspsychjedell: as your in an ubuntu channel, we will surely reccomend you ubuntu 14.04 LTS07:07
laskodell: Ubuntu is also a Debian derived version of linux, but both are forked into opposite directions in both philosophy and standards.07:08
lotuspsychje!ubuntu | dell07:08
ubottudell: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:08
delli want to become a hacker07:08
dellhow do i start07:08
laskodell: I'm not sure I can take your seriously with that statement.07:08
agent_whiteHe's trolling07:08
Ben64either way, its not on topic here, so please stop07:08
lotuspsychje!ot | dell07:09
ubottudell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:09
dellso how do i change channels07:09
Ben64/join #channel             ... if you have any other irc related questions, please ask them in #freenode07:09
dellbut how?07:10
laskoWith your keyboard.07:11
* agent_white slaps dell around with a large trout.07:11
dellman i know where do i type it in freenod07:11
laskoJust type it. Anything starting with a / is considering a command.07:12
delli have done it07:15
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greenteahi, im hoping somebody here could help me out, i'm trying to use the telenet command to test a server socket however telenet doesnt seem to be found when i run the command07:29
greenteasorry, that is what i meant mispell07:30
laskogreentea: If you open up a terminal and type telnet --- you get an error about the command not being found?07:30
greenteathat is correct07:31
Ben64greentea: what OS07:31
greenteawhats weird is that when i try and install it, it says its already installed07:31
greenteaUbuntu 14.0407:31
laskogreentea: Open a terminal and do the follow for me.      /usr/bin/telnet07:31
laskogreentea: If that works, then it is likely you dont have /usr/bin in your $PATH07:32
laskootherwise telnet is in another location in which case you can use the find command to locate it.  e.g.  find / -name "telnet"07:32
greentealasko: it doesnt work07:34
Ben64what have you done to your system? telnet is a standard application07:35
laskogreentea: do this --    sudo find / -name "telnet"07:35
laskogreentea: Also, provide me the output for  "echo $PATH"07:35
Ben64don't need sudo to run find :)07:35
greenteanvm it works now 0.007:36
greenteai exited terminal07:36
greenteaand opened a new one07:36
laskoBen64: Thats true, but he'll end up with a bunch or permission denied errors if he doesn't.07:36
laskoI suspect anyways.07:36
laskogreentea: Okay, glad its working07:36
greenteasorry for the trouble guys, many thanks!!! <307:36
laskono problem. Good luck07:37
Secret-Firehow can i add another drive to my grub boot menu07:44
Secret-Firei have tried update grub07:44
LyzeSecret-Fire: is there already a sec. os installed?07:45
Secret-Fireyea win 7 efi i am using kubuntu triple boot with kali linux07:45
Secret-Fireit recognizes kali but not win707:45
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iyogeshjoshiis it possible to change the sequence or say default os on Grub menu07:46
melvincvhi all, I am back :)07:47
LyzeSecret-Fire: do you have win7 installed on a different disk?07:49
cfhowlett!grub2 | iyogeshjoshi, yes.  steps are outlined in the grub2 wiki07:50
ubottuiyogeshjoshi, yes.  steps are outlined in the grub2 wiki: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:50
iyogeshjoshithanks cfhowlett and ubottu07:51
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Interprog56Hello...Where should I start to become familiar with Ubuntu/Linux and how can I be an Ubuntu developer?07:57
cfhowlett!contribute | Interprog5607:58
ubottuInterprog56: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu07:58
laskohehe if he comes back07:58
cfhowlettyeah - he was only teashing07:59
AlexPortableAny way I can put the global appmenu on gnome fallback in the title bar? Next to the close and minimize buttons?08:00
laskoAs far as contribution is concerned though.. I've really only ever contributed here. Primarily because I have found that a.) This place is the best place to contribue, and b.) Contributing any other way doesn't feel like I'm contributing lol08:00
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allstarsnorks2Hi there. May I know why lightdm.conf is missing from Xubuntu 14.04?08:02
Secret-FireLyze : kali and kubuntu on /dev/sdb and win7 /dev/sda08:02
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cfhowlettallstarsnorks2, perhaps ask #xubuntu  ?08:03
LyzeSecret-Fire: is it possible to change the boot medium to boot win 7?08:03
Secret-FireLyze : at the moment i just use the bios08:03
Secret-FireLyze : but would be nice to have win7 on grub08:03
d8nielalguien habla español?08:03
allstarsnorks2cfhowlett Don't know whether there will be replies08:04
aeon-ltd!es | d8niel08:04
ubottud8niel: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:04
LyzeSecret-Fire: perhapse this will work: http://askubuntu.com/questions/193144/dual-boot-uefi-windows-7-and-ubuntu-12-04-both-64-bits-w7-entry-doesnt-appea08:05
laskod8niel: Hello08:05
cfhowlett!es d8niel08:06
cfhowlett!es | d8niel08:06
ubottud8niel: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:06
[[thufir]]I'm not able use intellij because ctrl-alt-l logs me out.  how do I change this?  i've looked in dconf-editor.  see also:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/412046/unable-to-use-intellij-idea-keyboard-shortcuts-on-ubuntu08:06
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geirha[[thufir]]: in the keyboard settings08:10
* [[thufir]] grits his teeth08:11
[[thufir]]geirha: thanks.08:12
[[thufir]]aeon-ltd: when it started going on about installing xbindkeys I stopped reading.  I mean, I don't mind reading, but the other solution said gconf-editor, then...etc, etc.  so, I ended up here.08:13
[[thufir]]aeon-ltd: yes, I know now, thank you.  there are several solutions floating out on the net for sort of thing.  google sometimes gives 99 solutions for simple thing.  hence, people.  thank you again.08:17
HounddogHi Guys, i have got myself a new mic "blue yeti" and it doesnt get recognized...  now i am lost where to start :/08:18
aeon-ltd[[thufir]]: no problem08:19
LyzeHounddog: usb?08:20
HounddogLyze: yeah08:20
Lyzeplease pastebin the following cmd: lsusb08:21
HounddogLyze: http://pastebin.com/Utr2veMU08:22
LyzeHounddog: now unplug it and pastebin it again please08:23
HounddogBus 008 Device 005: ID b58e:9e84  this is the one i would guess not getting any information there08:24
LyzeHounddog: well sorry my internet doesn't work perfectly right now08:26
LyzeHounddog: can't help you because of it :(08:26
HounddogLyze:  am also searching... bloody 140 bucks mic an ubuntu hates it gnah08:27
LyzeHounddog: ah that sucks :(08:27
LyzeHounddog: perhapse try  a different distro?08:27
Lyzehi brainstorming :)08:28
HounddogLyze: i got something i think08:28
allstarsnorks2I noted a Unity 8-styled Browser installed on Ubuntu. How do I remove it?08:29
brainstormingi'm having problem with r8168 driver on ubuntu 14.04 server with a 3.13 linux kernel... do u have some advices for me? :)08:29
LyzeHounddog: nice :)08:29
Hounddogi plugged it in another usb08:29
Hounddogbut i have different ones like power when off and such08:30
LyzeHounddog: ah that's a pretty obvious move :)08:30
Hounddogi did that before but moved from a blue usb to another blue usb now its in red08:30
LyzeHounddog: yeah the same color is connected to the same slot at the main board. perhapse its faulty08:30
LyzeHounddog: or you have a usb3 mic and connected it to a usb208:31
HounddogLyze: that makes sense lol08:31
HounddogLyze: i never give it a thought on that really08:32
Hounddogplug in and pray it works08:32
LyzeHounddog: yeah :)08:32
brainstormingi'm having problem with r8168 driver on ubuntu 14.04 server with a 3.13 linux kernel... do u have some advices for me? :)08:39
SnakersHello everybody!08:47
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tharinduNASnakers, Hello08:47
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spm_dragetVirtualbox on 14.04: Installing the current Extension Pack from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads does not work under Truty Thar (14.04), it says 'VERR_VERSION_MISMATCH'. Does anyone know the correct extenion package?08:59
ZinovaS_w5in ubuntu server installation there is option to install for virtuall machine guest. is somethere documentation describing what exactly this option does differently?08:59
Lyzespm_draget: can't you install it directly via devices -> install guest addons?09:01
spm_dragetLyze: VirtualBox Extensions <-> Guest Additions. Two different things :P The first ist about USB2 and RDP support09:01
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Dr_Robotnichi does anyone know a good (up to date) tutorial for building a custom liveCD09:09
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maimster /quit09:17
LyzeHello Interprog5609:40
Interprog56I just wanna ask, how can I start to being familiar with ubuntu/linux and start to programming?09:42
LyzeInterprog56: install a linux distro which looks nice and then search everything in google what you need :)09:44
k1l_Interprog56: well, install it, use it as regular OS and get used to it :)09:44
AlexPortableAny way I can put the global appmenu on gnome fallback in the title bar? Next to the close and minimize buttons?09:44
Interprog56Thanks guys :), I just wanna yours opinion.....I'm a beginner in programming...use C++ (for GUI, indeed speed is important to build GUI)...I also found a good project to join...called ToriOS09:45
Interprog56Anyway...why just don't get familiar with UNIX interface instead of changing OS regularly....like command line? :D09:47
LyzeInterprog56: becaue commandline != different os's commandline ;)09:48
Lyzewhich means that when you know ya windows cmd you know 0 about a linux terminal09:48
k1l_Interprog56: well, then join the tori OS channel and talk to them :)this channel is ubuntu only09:49
Interprog56I just mentioned the project because it's nice...not to promote or something like that...09:49
Interprog56I know some bash and korn's09:50
Interprog56but I prefer tcsh instead....09:50
Interprog56and I heard Windows got the PowerShell, is it better than Linux shells?09:51
Lyzewell you can't compare python with java can you?09:52
Lyzeso yeah they are simmilar but not the same. so learning powershell is not really a use when you want to learn a linux shell09:52
Interprog56Oh, I see :)09:53
Lyzewell you can use basic linux commands (like ls) but they are just some aliases to the windows comamnds (dir,. ...)09:54
Interprog56and what Ubuntu SDK packages provide you? I heard it support QML(Qt) for Ubuntu phone and desktop09:54
Interprog56I need to learn a lot as a beginner...and yeah..I found the shells is not much different...just how it's designed and implemented for the OS it managed.09:56
Lyzei wouldn't start using a linux os with programming it. just try to use it as a basic os instead of windows then go onto linux programming09:57
Lyzefirstly get used to it09:58
Interprog56I'm sorry, I don't understand..can you type a little bit clearly, sir?09:59
LyzeInterprog56: yeah sure :)09:59
LyzeInterprog56: When you start learning something. try to get used to the environment before you start programming it10:00
Lyzeso my guess is that you should use linux as your main os a couple of weeks then start programming it10:00
Lyzerno_:hi :)10:01
rno_anyone here!10:02
Lyzeyeah sure :)10:02
Interprog56Thanks for the advice Lyze, I really appreciated it. I gotta go now. Bye! Have a good day, all of you! :D10:02
LyzeInterprog56: yeah no problem, cya!10:02
Interprog56Hello....I'm using Qt to building GUI10:14
kevindeHow can I add a shell to /etc/crontab that runs every 5 minutes between 9 and 10 and the rest of the day each 5 minute after hour10:14
kevindewithout any GUI10:14
Interprog56and somehow....I created an app based (in Qt documentation)10:14
Interprog56without downloading any Qt packages?10:15
g0ts1ckguys got one problem10:17
g0ts1ckwith graphic card on my ubuntu10:17
g0ts1ckg0t@yard:~/CTF$ lspci | grep VGA10:18
g0ts1ck00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)10:18
g0ts1ckbut i got 2 graph cards10:18
hggdhkevinde: crontab -e10:20
arcskyHi! 2 questions. 1. How do i set so when ppl try to SSH to my ubuntu they get a WARNING message.. 2. How do i add/change info when i got inlogged via ssh? i want for example add more inteface. and maybe an ascii text..10:22
Lyzearcsky: thats called a motd message10:27
Lyzearcsky: sorry i mean a issue :) the issue will be displayed before the user logs in10:28
Lyzejust edit the /etc/issue file10:29
thalishcould anyone take a look at this ?10:29
thalishI'm completely clueless how to proceed with installation10:29
netanhi all, I want to install a minimal ubuntu system without desktop. I find a net install image but I should rather download a complete cd/DVD so I can install off-line10:31
netanany suggestions ?10:32
bazhangget the server iso netan10:33
ubottuUtopic can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/utopic/desktop/ubuntu-14.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/utopic/server/ubuntu-14.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696910:33
Bashing-omnetan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall :)10:36
zaggynlhello, how come ubuntu 14.04 is on kernel 3.13 while debian wheezy is on 3.18+ ?10:39
netanBashing-om, thanks, the problem with the minimal CD is that I can not save the image for off-line use, the problem with the server edition is I get a lot of packages I don't use (700MB)10:39
k1l_zaggynl: ubuntu and debian are different distributions :)10:40
zaggynlno way D:10:40
zaggynlwell I knew that but I thought debian stable was slower than ubuntu lts10:40
k1l_and wheezy is not on 3.18+10:41
zaggynlLinux raspberrypi 3.18.7+ #755 PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 17:14:31 GMT 2015 armv6l GNU/Linux10:41
zaggynlhmm, might be raspbian then10:41
k1l_zaggynl: that is a special raspbian thing. not debian wheezy10:41
bazhangask in #raspbian zaggynl10:41
netan..debian have a 280MB install disk that lets you deselected stuff you don't need during install. are there non such image for ubuntu?10:41
Lyzenetan http://www.ubuntu-mini-remix.org/10:41
k1l_netan: use the mini iso?10:42
netank1l_, I was hoping to find an image I could download10:43
nextboxWhat does asterisks mean in smokeping alert pattern configuration, for example:  >0%,*5*,>0%,*5*,>0%10:43
k1l_!miniiso | netan10:44
ubottunetan: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:44
netanLyze, are it possible to use remix to install on HD ?10:45
Lyzenetan: i have not tried this os myself :) just googled around a bit10:45
Lyzebut the minimal cd iso k1l_ linked you should be your best guess.10:46
Lyzethe short summary from ubottu sais that you can select packages you want and deselect those you dont want10:46
netanubottu, I run that installer last week but I have a slow connection and the installation failed of some reason, should rather have a iso so I could start from scratch if I got any problems10:47
ubottunetan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:47
Lyzecreate one for yourself?10:47
netangood bot!  .. : )10:47
Lyzethere are some tools out there where you can create your very own distro based on others10:47
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g0ts1ckguys anyof you got good xp10:48
g0ts1ckwith hardware problems on ubuntu ?10:48
netanLyze, thanks for the help, I might try that10:48
g0ts1ckgot 2 GPU's cant fix the problem with builtin resolution10:48
g0ts1ckon my laptop10:48
MagePsychohey how to upgrade ssl 3.0 to tls 2.010:49
Lyzenetan no problem :) hopefully it works for you10:49
anti-unixhi all10:50
Lyzehi pc-moon and anti-unix10:50
pc-mooni wanna ask about how to add /var/www to vsftpd10:50
lesshastehow do you get a drobpox icon on ubuntu?10:50
k1l_lesshaste: install dropbox :)10:51
lesshastek1l_,  it is installed10:51
k1l_lesshaste: nautilus-dropbox is installed?10:51
k1l_lesshaste: what ubuntu and what desktop is that exactly?10:52
lesshastek1l_, I am installed nautilus-dropbox.. it is removing dropbox to do that. Is that right?  I am on 14.0410:52
lesshasteI am installing nautilus-dropbox I mean10:52
k1l_which desktop?10:53
lesshastek1l_,  how do I tell? I think is gnome10:53
anti-unixubuntu need one rolling release  edition10:53
pc-mooni just installed vsftpd and didnt found another home i dont wanna home i wanna /var/www10:54
k1l_i installed the dropbox from their website and its working with unity10:54
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Lyzeanti-unix: well thats more like a discussion not suited for a help channel. please use #ubuntu-offtopic for it ;)10:54
bazhanganti-unix, do you have a ubuntu support question10:55
k1l_lesshaste: well, gnome got ridiculous guidelines for icons to put here and there. i dont know what to do to get that icon working like it is expected to.10:55
lesshastek1l_,  ok well I can remove nautilus-dropbox.. but do you have a  dropbox icon somewhere?10:55
k1l_lesshaste: i have a dropbox indicator in the top panel. but i am running unity.10:55
lesshastek1l_,  how do I tell if I am running unity?10:56
k1l_what gives "echo $DESKTOP_SESSION"10:57
lesshastek1l_, ubuntu10:58
k1l_lesshaste: hmm, that is not really indicating. see this gallery http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ10:59
lesshastek1l_,  it looks like unity11:00
k1l_ok. did you relogin after you installed dropbox?11:00
lesshastek1l_, as in log out completely and log back in?11:01
lesshasteI can do that11:01
pgunnarseyo wasup, whats the best way to view a desktop on a remote machine11:01
pgunnarsboth machines ubuntu11:01
k1l_you need a full desktop at all?11:02
pgunnarsjust enough to install matlab11:02
pgunnarssuch shitty upload speed where im at I cba to upload the installation files to the server11:03
pgunnarswhich i apparantly need for a silent install11:03
k1l_well, isnt ssh enough for that?11:03
pgunnarsapparantly it's not enough to have the installer for the silent install, I need the installation files predownloaded11:03
pgunnarssince the server has like 100x11:04
pgunnarsbetter connection, i figured itd be best to get a desktop going11:04
pgunnarsso i can run the installer wholly on the server11:04
Sohail-Ahmedhow can I find out the list of text editors installed on my system?11:14
NotNSAhello aldos11:14
NotNSAwanna do someting illegal?11:15
cfhowlettNotNSA, no.  go away.11:15
DJonesNotNSA: No11:15
NotNSAOh, come on guys :(11:15
LyzeSohail-Ahmed: for what reason do you need a list of them?11:16
cfhowlettNotNSA, you are clearly in the wrong channel.  also, note that this channel is logged.11:16
Lyzepgunnars: would use vnc or teamviewer for a remote desktop thingy11:16
bazhangNotNSA, got an ubuntu support issue11:16
NotFBIHello fellow ubuntus11:17
NotFBIDo any of you sell weed by any chance?11:17
cfhowlett!ops | NotFBI,11:18
ubottuNotFBI,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:18
Sohail-AhmedLyze: Actually I have just uploaded my directory to cloud.sagemath and they have an installed editor which support tex files. I want to open my tex files in that editor to make use of inverse searching, for example.11:18
Sohail-AhmedLyze: and I don't know the name of that editor.11:20
LyzeSohail-Ahmed: try vi or nano11:20
NotNSAI have some problem with my ubuntu, sometimes i try to install apache2, but they say i have already have a updated version of then, i test on debian but works great, but only on ubuntu 12 i have this issue, someone can help me?11:20
Lyzewhere nano is a bit more easy11:20
NotNSAI am doing something illegal?11:20
bazhang#httpd NotNSA11:21
Sohail-AhmedLyze: I understand vim or nano is installed by default but the problem is that I want some thing more from an editor, a function thats already there at cloud.sagemath and I have a terminal access to the cloud. But the problem is that I don't know to get to it11:22
NotNSAThank you, if you do something wrong to government, i will wash your hands to you :) kiss11:22
LyzeSohail-Ahmed: oh ok.11:23
=== sins-_w is now known as sins-
nextboxChecking latency logger daemon status: smokeping (status 0) does that mean that it has stopped?11:27
arcskyLyze: ok but whats the diff between issue and issue.net?11:27
Lyzearcsky,  issue.net - identification file for telnet sessions11:29
petard_I want to install hhvm for php on ubuntu 14.0411:30
Lyzearcsky: also when editing the /etc/issue file and you want that it shows when sb connects via ssh to the server then you need to enable "banners" in the sshd_config and make sure that it points to the correct path11:30
petard_but I am getting Unable to locate package hhvm11:30
Lyzepetard_ sudo apt-get update11:31
Lyzeand pastebin the output please11:31
arcskyLyze: this: Banner /etc/ssh-bannner to Banner /etc/issue ?11:32
Lyzei think so11:32
Lyzecurrently on a windows desktop so i can't really test it out11:32
Lyzemake sure to restart the daemon afterwards11:33
petard_Lyse: http://pastebin.com/KwUhXhAh11:33
nyuszika7h!ops daveX7 unauthorized bot11:33
ubottunyuszika7h: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:33
petard_Lyse: I added source but nothing11:34
arcskyLyze: didnt work11:35
Lyzepetard_: are you sure that its the correct name of the package? else try a apt-cache search <name>11:36
Lyzearcsky: hmm11:36
netanI am now installing ubuntu using the minimal net installer, I now have come to the menu http://mcdn.maketecheasier.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/minimal-ubuntu-select-package.png but are not sure what to select11:36
Lyzenetan 403 forbidde11:37
Lyzearcsky: sorry i can't help you from now on :(11:37
arcskyLyze: solved issue.net it was11:37
Lyzeoh ok :)11:37
netanthe only thing I need is apt-get and to be able to ssh into this image in virtualbox11:37
arcskyLyze: ok do you know where to do this after the logg?11:37
Lyzenetan i can't see the image it gets me a 403 forbidden error11:38
Lyzearcsky: to show something after they login?11:38
petard_Lyze: apt-cache search hhvm didn't return result, so maybe package name is wrong, how can I find correct package name11:38
Lyzepetard_: can you give me a link to the ppa?11:39
Lyzepetard_: or is it this one? https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/wiki/Prebuilt-packages-on-Ubuntu-14.0411:39
arcskyLyze: yeah11:39
Lyzearcsky: /etc/motd11:39
Lyzesorry /etc/motd.tail or something like that ;)11:40
netanLyze, maybe you are not allowed to past links to images here? http://mcdn.maketecheasier.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/minimal-ubuntu-select-package.png11:40
arcskyLyze: do i have to add it in sshd_config?11:40
netancan you open that one?11:40
Lyzenetan no11:41
Lyzearcsky: i dont think so11:41
petard_Lyze: I am not using ppa, I am using that instruction http://www.nginxtips.com/install-hhvm-ubuntu-debian/11:41
netanLyze, nevermind , it was just an image over what software you can select during the ubuntu installation,11:41
Lyzepetard_: which version of ubuntu do you use?11:42
netanI guess I need open ssh server ? or is that only necessary to have on the host machine ?11:42
petard_Lyze: 14.0411:42
Lyzenetan open ssh server. when you want to connect to the computer from a different computer via ssh11:43
netanLyze, yes, thanks11:43
Lyzepetard_: so you did this? http://pastebin.com/MQZdZpUu11:43
petard_Lyze: yes I did it, but I receive this Unable to locate package hhvm-dbg,  Unable to locate package hhvm11:45
Lyzepetard_: is your system a 32 bit machine?11:46
petard_Lyze: uname -m return i68611:46
Lyzepetard_: well your system is a 32 bit system but the binaries are compiled for 64 bit systems11:48
arcskyLyze: ok but why this: http://pastebin.com/2jDiaUbj11:48
Lyzearcsky: what did you write into your motd file?11:48
Lyzepetard_: Please Note: You must be running a 64-bit OS to compile & install HHVM.11:49
arcskyLyze: THIS IS MOTD !!!11:49
Lyzearcsky: thats weird. sorry i dont know why it will be dispayed 2 times :(11:49
petard_Lyze: so I cant install it on this mashine11:50
Lyzepetard_: im sorry but you cant install it on your machine. either reinstall a 64 bit os on your machine or use a different one11:50
petard_Lyze: ok thank you11:50
arcskyLyze: ok i solved it. how do i do if i want motd to be displayed on the top instead of the bottom?11:53
Lyzehi k1l_ :) do you have a knowledge of the motd file in linux? if so can you help answer me the question from arcsky?11:54
Lyzewell sorry arcsky i g2g so cya :)11:56
NindustriesHi, is TRIM enabled by default?11:58
k1l_arcsky: well, have a read into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateMotd#Design and http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/en/man1/update-motd.1.html11:58
k1l_Nindustries: yes11:59
NindustriesYay! Thanks k1l_11:59
dannymichelis it possible to install ubuntu on an external with data on it without partitioning?12:07
EriC^^i dont think so12:07
EriC^^not sure12:07
dannymichelwish id done it before i put 3TBs of data on it12:07
hateballyou can resize the partitions prior or during install to make room for your OS install12:08
EriC^^dannymichel, just shrink it and make sme ext4 partitions for ubuntu12:08
dannymichelthats an idea12:08
EriC^^just 1 partition if you want and another for swap if you want that12:09
dannymichelmakes sense12:09
EriC^^if you're using uefi you'll need to make a fat32 efi partition too12:10
superprowerHi. I have usb sound card (roland duo-capture mkII). What programms i need to install to use my guitar in rakarrack? I can clearly see card in PulseAudio. I tried to install QJackCTL, but i can't see my card in it.12:10
EriC^^just about 300mb12:10
dannymichelempty fat32?12:10
EriC^^dannymichel, are you using uefi?12:11
dannymichelno, but am on my windows machine12:12
BluesKajHiyas all12:16
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akiva-thinkpadhow do you paste or convert highlighted text to lowercase?12:17
Lee-Chi is there anyone who could help me out with an openssh problem I'm having?12:17
oxigenhello guys, i need some help12:19
oxigenhow to make usb that alow read only into (read and write)?12:20
BluesKajLee-C,  ssh to remote server or to other computers on a LAN ?  Dunno much about remote ssh12:25
Lee-CBluesKaj: another computer on local network12:26
Lee-CBluesKaj: I have no trouble accessing the server from my phone on the same network using the exact same port ip and password but cannot seem to access t from my laptop12:27
melvincvoxigen: that usb either has a virus or a hardware issue, AFAIK12:27
oxigenguys, i need your help12:27
oxigeni try 3 usb12:27
BluesKajLee-C,  what error do you get ?12:28
oxigeni can view but cant add file to it12:28
Lee-CBluesKaj: Permission denied, please try again.12:29
k1l_oxigen: can you show "dmesg" after you put that usb drive in, in a pastebin please?12:29
BluesKajLee-C, that sounds like the ssh gui in networking, have you tried from the console ?12:30
JuJuBeeWhen I insert a blue ray disc, makemkv doesn't see it but if I insert a CD it does.  I do have a blue ray player in my computer12:30
BluesKajJuJuBee, install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:31
Lee-CBluesKaj: that is from the console... using "ssh -p port# username@ip_address" then get the password prompt but then get denied every time...12:31
melvincvoxigen: but you can use it normally in windows?12:32
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: thanks, I'll give that a try12:32
BluesKajno need for the port,  Lee-C, unless you're specifying a differnt port than port 2212:33
BluesKajthe default port is 2212:33
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: still says no disc inserted12:33
Lee-CBluesKaj: yeah im using a different port to default and know it works as my phone has no trouble,,, really confusing and frustrating,12:34
WhitorHey there! got a quick Q... Firefox... latest version, Ubuntu 14.04... When I visit certain web sites a little dialog box drops down and says, for example: 'would you like to install youtube for faster access?'  Now I'm not a fan of software bloat... but I'l install something if it really is a good thing... What is going to be installed here? and is there any compelling reason to do so?   What is12:34
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/P49B75Z612:35
k1l_Whitor: could be webapps12:35
BluesKajLee-C, have you specifies a directory path after the IP such as user@IPaddreess:~/Downloads ?12:36
Lee-Cno nothing like that BluesKaj12:36
gr33n7007hLee-C: use -vv for verboity could help12:37
BluesKajLee-C, try user@IPaddress::~/12:39
Lee-Cgr33n7007h: still get the same permission denied, please try again message nothing extra...12:39
BluesKajJuJuBee, go to the VLC site and download libdvdcss, then install it12:39
Lee-CBluesKaj: could not resolve host name with that...12:41
BluesKajLee-C, anything else in that error?12:42
lolekhi guys, I've got a question, unity dash (hope it's correct name) display package info when clicked with rmb, where that text and package info come from?12:42
Lee-Cname or service not known BluesKaj12:42
BluesKajLee-C, are you sure you have ssh installed on your laptop12:42
remlineSo will Snappy eventually come to standard Ubuntu Desktop? If it makes packages easier, than it could be useful.12:42
k1l_remline: yes, time will tell12:43
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Lee-CBluesKaj: i have used it heaps of times on this laptop in the past with no drama though its been ages and ive only recently run an update so maybe something is broken...  surely if it was no longer installed i wouldnt even get the the password prompt...12:44
BluesKajLee-C, I had to ask , judging from the "name or service not known' response ...12:46
Lee-CBluesKaj: haha you got me questioning myself a little there but just double checked and the client is the latest version.12:49
BluesKajLee-C, ok :)12:49
Lee-CBluesKaj: im running out of ideas at the moment.  wondering if something on ether the server or this client has blacklisted the other12:50
ioriaLee-C didyou change your ip or something ?12:50
BluesKajLee-C, can you ping the IP ?12:50
roger3415anyone here have experince with ndiswrapper?12:51
Lee-CBluesKaj: yes ping works from this laptop to the server.  ioria: i have gien the server a static ip on the lan but the client would be getting a dynamic ip12:52
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: ./configure does not work in libdvdcss ?  configure.ac is in there but not just configure12:52
ioriaLee-C can you reach   the server  and ping your laptop ?12:53
BluesKajLee-C, does your router allow static IPs tied to the devices MAC addresses12:54
Lee-Cch fail2ban12:54
BluesKajon the LAN that is12:54
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: got it from http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/multimedia/libdvdcss.html but after install, still no disc inserted12:56
Lee-Cioria: yeah had no trouble with the ping from the server.  BluesKaj: I'm a little lost by your question sorry12:57
Lee-Cok ioria and BluesKaj i have no idea why but after running apt-get autoremove it now connects...13:00
ioriaLee-C  yippi13:00
ioriaLee-C  did you remove a lot of stuff ?13:00
Lee-Cioria: tell me about it!! 21 packages were removed. its only after BluesKaj asked if i even has ssh installed that i tried to install it and was told that it was the latest but had redundant packages that could be removed so gave that a go.13:03
BluesKajLee-C, yeah , it's good to houseclean once in a while13:03
comodo_dragonubuntu is good13:03
ioriaLee-C  good ;-)13:04
Lee-CBluesKaj: evidently!! thank you very much for your help! and you ioria it is very much appreciated!!! that's what i get for neglecting my poor old laptop for so long!!!13:05
ioriaLee-C  better to reboot and check if it's all ok13:05
BluesKajLee-C, glad you were able get it connected :)13:05
Lee-Cgood thinking will give it a whirl and let you know ioria13:06
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
mines5I can't for the life of me remember how to register my nick on IRC13:11
cfhowlett!nick | mines513:11
ubottumines5: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.13:11
mines5thank you13:11
mines5!nick | mines513:11
ubottumines5, please see my private message13:11
ReyLocohello :D13:13
ReyLocogood to see some life in here :D I think I fell asleep at the keyboard in my shop right after I came in here :P13:14
mines5Now I should be good13:17
ReyLocoI made a small retro game machine using a laptop motherboard and a nes the most difficult thing sadly has been me getting 1 dang application to actually work lol\13:18
mines5I mean, unless you've written the proper drivers its unlikely the computer will understand whats happening13:18
Lee-Cioria: reboot done and all is well!! thanks again to yourself and BluesKaj !!13:19
BluesKajLee-C, yw13:20
roger3415why dont you just get a raspberry pi and do that emulation retro gamer mod to it13:20
mines5I'd love to get my hands on one of those at some point13:21
ioriaLee-C  nice to hear that :-)13:21
roger3415you can pick one up for like 25 bucks now13:21
roger3415the first model that is13:21
mines5I've heard there is quite a lot you can do with them.13:21
roger3415oh yes13:21
ReyLocobecause I want to be able to skype as well13:21
roger3415ive done alot of research13:21
mines5I'm a poor college student atm, so not quite able to afford that.13:21
roger3415some people turn them into smart tv consoles13:21
ReyLocoI do have a few pis lying around from an old project13:22
roger3415for those who have hd tvs but non smart13:22
mines5Ubuntu's website says that they have ubuntu tv now13:22
mines5So that piqued my interest13:22
NeilCarvalhoHello guys. I've been through a problem installing PostgreSQL 9.4 since yesterday. I lost the SSH connection while installing it and had to kill the apt jobs after a couple hours. Now I'm trying to dpkg --configure postgresql-common and it hangs, and I don't know how to debug it.13:22
ReyLocobut need the power of something more substantial and I had this laptop here so I have it outputting through hdmi to the tv then running ubuntu13:23
ReyLocowith emulation station the same thing retropi uses13:23
mines5have you tried to get dpkg to run in verbose mode?13:23
mines5not sure if it'll help, but it'll give you a better idea of where the prolbem is.13:24
NeilCarvalhocouldn't find verbose mode, tried -v and --verbose and none of them work13:24
NeilCarvalhodpkg --help doesn't show anything related13:24
mines5well that sucks...13:24
ReyLocoand I added skype to it and a video chat client I was working on for steam machines and linux :D13:24
mines5I would like to note I adopted ubunut as an OS just this weekend so I'm sort of rusty when it come to using it.13:25
NeilCarvalhoit asks for a password, postgres I guess, but it seems to get stuck right after asking for this password13:25
mines5how long does it hang?13:25
White_Cat_best way to resolve rust is to drink lots of caffeine I am told13:25
NeilCarvalhobecause when I type it, the password shows on screen13:25
mines5can you control c out of it?13:25
NeilCarvalhowhen I ctrl+C, it shows "su: Authentication failure"13:26
ReyLocolol I have been using it slowly on and off for 2 months and I will always be rusty :P13:26
NeilCarvalhobut only after ctrl+c13:26
White_Cat_sudo su?13:26
mines5or superuser?13:26
Lee-CNeilCarvalho: i am nowhere near qualified to help you but would like to suggest you start to use something like screen when you are doing these sorts of things in the future.  that way if im not wrong your not going to have these dramas if you loose your ssh connection.13:26
mines5also Neil, are you accessing it over the wire or via the computer itself?13:27
NeilCarvalhoLee-C: thank you, I'll use screen next time13:27
NeilCarvalhomine5 over the wire13:27
NeilCarvalhoI'll try to sudo su13:28
mines5that may be why your hanging then, linux may or may not be preoccupied with whats its coding.13:28
mines5not coding13:28
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mines5On a slightly related note, Ubunut has given me the ability to watch blu-rays on my laptops again.13:29
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mines5And I'm going to keep calling it ubunut because thats how my fingers keep hitting the keys13:30
michaeltking79Anyone know how to decompress or mount a .DAT or a .PAX file?13:30
RobbGGHi there, I'm having a bit of trouble installing a gcc toolchain for cross compiling to an arm9 system, could anyone help with installing it?13:31
mines5I do not, but I would consult with google if you have the time.13:31
ReyLocoI am actually using the laptop mobo with out a case and the keyboard through a ribon cable13:31
ReyLocoout of the case13:31
mines5Rey be careful lol13:31
ReyLocowow my english today sucks13:31
mines5don't touch it with your fingers13:31
mines5I did that with a RAM chip13:31
mines5fried it almost instantly.13:31
NeilCarvalhoswitched to root user, instead of using sudo, and nothing changes13:31
NeilCarvalhoI'll try sending a more detailed question on some forums13:32
NeilCarvalhothank you mine513:32
mines5Your welcome13:32
mines5good luck13:32
NeilCarvalhothank you13:32
AcidRain2012i removed myself from the sudoers group13:32
AcidRain2012ye, epic fail13:32
mines5do you know the root user pass still?13:32
mines5if so just re-add yourself13:32
RobbGGAnyone able to help me install a gcc toolchain?13:33
mines5which one, and for what?13:33
ReyLocomines5, I was stupid when I was in college and started swapping capacitors on a powersupply since a few blew and didnt know the damn thing was plugged in they all blew after that and so did my soldering iron thank god the handle was plastic :P13:33
RobbGGarm-unknown-linux-gnu for AT91SAM9G2013:33
laskoAcidRain2012: so just open a console and type --    su       type in the root password that you know. And then you'll have a root prompt where you can then re-add yourelf13:34
AcidRain2012how can i add myself to the group if im not a sudoer13:34
mines5I forgot the specifics but there is a group command that allows you to add/remove users from groups if you have the priveleges13:34
AcidRain2012apparently there isnt a root password13:34
mines5are you running a live image?13:35
RobbGGmines5: The GCC4.2.3 from this page http://www.glomationinc.com/SupportWiki/index.php?n=Main.Tools-Drivers13:35
laskoAcidRain2012: You could just reboot and boot into single-user mode and change the root passwd13:35
ReyLocoIts been so long since I have seen IRC  brings back so many memories lol13:36
laskowell -- set it anyways.13:36
mikhael_k33hlHello, I have a line in my rc.local file: directory/executable --daemon   <<<< How do I restart the daemon if I want to?13:36
mines5I think you use the service command, not sure though, still working on that myself13:36
Pratik151hi, i am having this error i will post it if someone can help13:36
lasko!ask | Pratik15113:37
ubottuPratik151: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:37
mines5And as far as getting the code for GCC, does it have a respository for the stuff your looking for?13:37
ReyLocoWhat is the meaning to life and the universe???13:37
mines5if it does, just add it to your sources list13:37
Pratik151The following packages have unmet dependencies : libcogl15 : depends :libegl1-mesa drivers    libgles2-mesa-dev : depends libegl1-mesa-dev13:38
lasko!paste | Pratik15113:38
ubottuPratik151: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:38
ReyLocoYes now I can die in peace13:38
laskoPratik151: Put the full error output in pastebin13:38
Pratik151ok got it will do13:38
mines5if its dependencies you need, you can install them individually13:38
mines5I think13:38
* ReyLoco dies happily now that he knows 4213:39
* ReyLoco sadly lives again to hear is wife yelling at him from the kitchen about cereal and dropping the kids off to school13:40
AcidRain2012what is the cmd to boot into recovery mode?13:40
mines5you need to reboot your computer and then select the recovry image before ubuntu starts13:41
mines5need to boot from RGUB13:41
AcidRain2012k. brb13:41
mines5I can't type today13:41
ReyLocowelcome to the club mines513:42
Knight80Hello everyone13:42
knobhello Knight8013:42
mines5also, is there a way to stop hexchat from constantly showing me login/logoff messages13:43
Knight80How are you all?13:43
mines5good, currently supposed to be doing table assignments but geting distracted lol13:43
Pratik151hey, here is the ss of error http://i.imgur.com/4vxnCxI.png13:43
cfhowlettmines5, rightclick on the channel tab, settings > Hide joins and parts13:44
Knight80Is there any way to make the terminal beep everytime it prints a line on the screen?13:44
Knight80I mean, with Lxterminal13:44
mines5why do you want it to do that?13:45
mines5you'd probably go insane if you did13:45
mines5Linux likes to print lines13:45
Knight80mines5 I don't know, I guess it's cooler :)13:45
Pratik151anyone can help with the error : http://i.imgur.com/4vxnCxI.png13:45
cfhowlett!patience | Pratik15113:46
ubottuPratik151: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:46
laskoPratik151: Next time please use pastebin13:46
lasko!paste Pratik15113:46
Knight80mines5 It's like a challenge for me13:46
lasko!paste | Pratik15113:46
ubottuPratik151: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:46
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Pratik151oh ok so should i post it in pastebin or someone can help with that image?13:47
mines5Much better now, I can read chat without it being flushed immediately13:47
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=== Wiz_KeeD is now known as PCatinean
RobbGGI need to install the GCC 4.2.3 ARM toolchain from here http://www.glomationinc.com/SupportWiki/index.php?n=Main.Tools-Drivers onto an ubuntu 14 x64 server. The tarball contains a /usr/local/arm directory with what looks like the toolchain in. I've extracted it to my root directory and added the */bin directory in the toolchain to my path variable but when I try to run make on an existing project written for this toolchain it can't find13:49
mines5I'd have to say your out of luck in my department, I've always had issues with the make commands13:50
laskoPratik151: Yes please paste the data into the pastebin site.13:50
Knight80How can I make system bell work? I mean my PC Speaker isn't enabled and I would like to do it with a custom soundfile.13:51
mines5For some odd reason when I tried to compile the driver for my specific model sound card it failed13:51
RobbGGmines5: Same here, I only started looking into them a few weeks ago. The annoying thing is this project builds fine on the system it's meant to run on, it just takes 20 minutes.13:52
mines5I guess the question is whether you've tried removing the files from the previous install attempt13:52
RobbGGmines5: Yeah, did rm -rf on the highest level directory from the tarball that didn't have other stuff in.13:54
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borisetoNow this is more bash specific question instead of only Ubuntu and sorry if breaking any rules but here goes nothing...13:54
borisetoCan somebody point me how can I change a batch of files that contain certain string (lets say "line") and after that string there is a new line?13:54
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ioriaborisedo,  i remember something about the 'sed' command  ...13:56
ThmsHI there, I am poking around with PXE booting, but I don't understand how it can boot a full os without HDD, just with copying over boot fodler, vmlinuz, initrd and pxelinux.0/cfg in the TFTP¨folder.13:57
ioriaboriseto,  i remember something about the 'sed' command  ...13:57
ThmsWhere does it get all the binary files to make the software / desktop work ?13:57
TijGThms: add options to the DHCP request, point to the IP of the TFTP server13:57
ThmsTijG, I have this, it is booting and stuff.13:58
TijGThms: congrats :)13:58
ThmsI just don't understand how the software can work since I have nothing related to say RDP13:58
ThmsWhere are all the logfiles and config files ?13:58
TijGThms: in memory, config on the TFTP13:58
ThmsSo it's all in the build of the my thinclient OS ?13:58
TijGThms: yup13:58
RobbGGmines5: Well, looks like I'm going to have to re-build the toolchain with crosstool-ng. Wish me luck.13:59
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Thmsso if I want to make any change I have t rebuild it.13:59
TijGThms: yup13:59
ThmsTijG, in which file exactly ? pxelinux.0 ?13:59
TijGThms: can't remember exactly how it works though14:00
ThmsTijG, ok thanks.14:00
TijGThms: but can't search now, working at a client atm14:00
ThmsNo problem.14:00
ThmsI'll look up which file has the bigger size, must be this one14:00
sursIs there a way to apt-get reinstall vim with ruby support?14:03
Pratik151hi, here is the error i got : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10568476/14:05
quantsHi guys, I want to upgrade my friends netbook to Ubuntu. Its a 32bit System.  its been a while since ive done this. could you please advise me how to go about it?14:06
nullbyte_does on april will be released a new version ?14:06
daftykinsquants: what's it got right now? to be honest the age of netbooks has long since past, those things are only fit for the scrap heap now14:07
quantsdaftykins its running windows seven starer, the most anoying of the windows OS's lol14:08
daftykinsah, yes that must be quite painful14:08
daftykinsquants: i think lubuntu or xubuntu are your best choices, either 12.04 or 14.0414:09
dreamcat4^quants: they're all annoying! my personal vote goes to 'windows millenium edition' (which came after win'98 SE)14:09
quantsdaftykins is the layout more of less the same?14:10
mines5ME was the worst of them all14:10
daftykinsmines5 and dreamcat4^: off topic thanks14:10
daftykinsquants: as ubuntu with unity? not especially, best to give it a go14:10
quantsdreamcat the trouble is all windows os's suck14:11
mines5I like ubunuts unity14:11
dreamcat4^yep sorry daftykins /OT14:11
mines5I tried installing other shells but they act weird and don't function properly14:11
mines5xubuntu and lubuntu do not like my computer.14:11
quantsdaftykins its just i use 14.04 lts on my netbook and it runs pretty well14:12
daftykinspeople, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic - this channel is *support* only14:12
daftykinsquants: oh? netbooks tended to have 1GB RAM max, so i'd consider unity a mistake - totally up to you though14:12
daftykinsyou're the one that has to support it :D14:12
AcidRain2012k guys we got an issue14:13
mines5whats wrong?14:13
quantsdaftykins, do you have a download link for lubuntu then?14:13
AcidRain2012i added myself to sudoers group by changing /etc/sudo just appending my username to the end of the sudo line.14:13
AcidRain2012all went well. im a sudoer now14:13
AcidRain2012mines5: the issue is that after a reboot, all of the fonts are extremely small14:14
AcidRain2012that seems to be the only side effect14:14
mines5I know that feeling14:14
AcidRain2012if i had to guess. id say all fonts are around 2px14:14
mines5I think thats an inherent issue with a lot of the ubunut images14:14
daftykinsAcidRain2012: your user wasn't the first created one on that system? 0o14:14
AcidRain2012ye, how do i fix it14:14
mines5if its too small just increase it to a higher level14:14
PriceyAcidRain2012: For future reference, use visudo, don't edit the file directly.14:14
AcidRain2012daftykins: it was. i accidentally removed myself14:14
* daftykins chuckles14:15
AcidRain2012Pricey: ye, i know ive messed it up somehow. how do i fix this?14:15
PriceyAcidRain2012: Sounds unrelated to me.14:15
AcidRain2012nah. they are related14:15
AcidRain2012has to be14:15
PriceyAcidRain2012: Why do you think that?14:15
AcidRain2012was an issue before. modded sudo file. its an issue now14:15
AcidRain2012i see a relation14:15
PriceyAcidRain2012: I think its more likely you did something else. /etc/sudoers should only be used by the sudo command I believe.14:16
AcidRain2012that was first time ive ever modded the sudo file.14:16
AcidRain2012Pricey: i modded the file from another partition that i do have sudo on14:16
PriceyAcidRain2012: I don't understand.14:16
AcidRain2012Pricey: i have another hdd that is installed in this computer. it has ubuntu 12 on it. from ubuntu 12, i edited the ubuntu 14 /etc/sudoers file14:17
AcidRain2012not sudoers14:17
daftykinsAcidRain2012: in future you should use the recovery boot to undo mistakes :)14:17
AcidRain2012daftykins: wouldnt let me do anything in recovery because i dont have root :/14:18
PriceyAcidRain2012: Did you only add yourself to the admin group, nothing more?14:18
daftykinsrecovery boots to a root shell.14:18
daftykinsAcidRain2012: so you did it wrong :)14:18
AcidRain2012yeah. but i didnt have root14:18
Priceydaftykins: I don't think it'd give much advantage here thoguh.14:18
daftykinswell not given we're after the event no, but that would have been the proper way14:19
AcidRain2012daftykins: in root shell: usermod -aG root acidrain14:19
AcidRain2012dont have root priv14:19
daftykinsi don't think that's right.14:19
PriceyAcidRain2012: You don't want to add yourself to the root group, that's overkill.14:20
PriceyI think 'admin' is the default sudo group on ubuntu?14:20
AcidRain2012cant remember. i think it is admin14:20
AcidRain2012-rw-r--r-- root:root is the permissions on /etc/group14:20
AcidRain2012is this right?14:21
AcidRain2012now terminal randomly locks up :(14:21
AcidRain2012so now. if i remove myself from sudoers. and readd myself before rebooting, will it fix this?14:22
AcidRain2012i changed sudoers to 044014:24
k1l_Pratik151: what ubuntu is that?14:24
PriceyI don't think it'll make your fonts bigger.14:24
PriceyAcidRain2012: Eeeek don't randomly change the file modes on that thing.14:24
AcidRain2012Pricey: i dont want them bigger, i want my system wide font to return to its normal size14:24
Pratik151k1l_ : 14.0414:24
EriC^^AcidRain2012, did it ask for the password when you dropped to root shell?14:24
AcidRain2012Pricey: google said that was supposed to be the persmission on it14:24
AcidRain2012EriC^^: didnt ask for password. just said i didnt have root access14:25
AcidRain2012it prompted me with a root shell. but every cmd said no root priv14:25
k1l_Pratik151: what command did do that output? can you pastebin that all together?14:25
EriC^^AcidRain2012, oh14:25
AcidRain2012im gonna restart again and see if by the grace of god it magically fixes14:26
EriC^^did you try typing id14:26
EriC^^to see if your uid is 014:26
AcidRain2012my uid is not 0 now.14:26
AcidRain2012its 100014:26
=== lasko1 is now known as lasko
EriC^^yeah i mean in the root shell14:26
AcidRain2012hang on. the system is rebooting. ill get root shell and check the id14:27
Pratik151k1l_ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10568566/14:27
AcidRain2012lol. take that back. i have to reboot via power button now14:27
EriC^^you're in the cli?14:28
AcidRain2012it wouldnt reboot14:28
EriC^^press ctrl+alt+del14:28
AcidRain2012nah. booted up normally14:28
EriC^^it should reboot14:28
EriC^^press ctrl+alt+f1, then ctrl+alt+del14:28
AcidRain2012EriC^^: yes. 0 is the id14:29
k1l_Pratik151: can you whos the whole output of "sudo apt-get update"14:30
EriC^^useradd -m -G sudo <user>14:30
AcidRain2012k. how do i change the font size of dolphin?14:30
EriC^^AcidRain2012, doesn't work?14:30
AcidRain2012EriC^^: i am part of sudoers again. i did this my manually editing /etc/group with gedit14:31
EriC^^oh ok14:31
daftykinsthus the lesson about running random commands from online was learnt, the hard way :)14:32
AcidRain2012daftykins: i can do without the flames >_>14:32
Pratik151k1l_ : whos?14:33
k1l_Pratik151: *show14:33
carter1anyone here good with mdadm? i'm getting some confusing results with something14:33
=== Steven| is now known as Steven-
daftykinsAcidRain2012: that's not even vaguely flaming, i'm seriously pointing out the dangers of running things you don't truly understand14:33
Pratik151k1l_ : ok14:33
daftykinschanging file permissions on a system file is highly dubious14:33
carter1heh, yeah, i've learned that the hardway too dafty14:34
carter1understand what you run xD14:34
AcidRain20120440 is the default permissions on /etc/group :O14:34
EriC^^AcidRain2012, actually it's not14:36
AcidRain2012EriC^^: what is it?14:36
lotuspsychjeLyze: wb14:36
Lyzegood evening guys ;)14:36
EriC^^AcidRain2012, nless you're talking about sudors14:36
AcidRain2012yes right right14:36
Lyzelotuspsychje: :)14:37
AcidRain2012EriC^^: hmmm.... seems to be a KDE issue only. how can i fully remove KDE and all configurations14:38
AcidRain2012sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename   ?14:39
carter1that should do it14:40
AcidRain2012lol. it thinks that KDE isnt even installed14:40
AcidRain2012gave me error "we thought the uid was 0 but its rly 1000"14:40
EriC^^AcidRain2012, sudo apt-get purge <package>14:41
AcidRain2012k, reinstalling now14:41
k1l_Pratik151: ?14:42
AcidRain2012see what type of hax we can cook up14:42
EriC^^AcidRain2012, that's an odd error msg :D14:42
xeon123When I start the ubuntu, my interfaces start from eth3. What file I should clean so that my interfaces start in eth0?14:42
daftykinsa clean install by the sounds of it ;)14:42
AcidRain2012expected windows user idea14:42
Pratik151k1l_ : sorry for the delay i will do it just now. sorry, i will ping u after its done14:43
AcidRain2012its fixed14:44
Pratik151k1l_ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10568657/14:47
d4r3topkHey. Can someone help me with apt-get installation. apt-get package just dissappeared, and I am looking for a way to download it manually(because I dont have apt-get anymore)14:47
isthisreallifehow can i find path of libgeos_c.so14:47
isthisreallifedont know where it is14:48
lotuspsychjeisthisreallife: use the 'whereis' command14:48
EriC^^isthisreallife, or locate14:48
EriC^^lotuspsychje, :P as usual14:48
LeartSHi guys! I have a strange problem: I booted up Ubuntu (using it on this pc since I first bough it) and I don't have a cursor. Everything works except for no mouse14:48
LeartSclicks don't work, so it's not just invisible14:49
EriC^^d4r3topk, are you sure you dont have the package installed?14:49
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: :p14:49
k1l_Pratik151: do you have some PPAs enabled?14:49
EriC^^d4r3topk, type dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ /^apt$/'14:49
d4r3topkEriC^^: locate apt-get should give usr/bin/, but it doesnt give that anymore14:49
Pratik151k1l_ : dont know about PPAS , Sorry i am new to ubuntu14:50
k1l_Pratik151: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d"14:50
EriC^^d4r3topk, does it return anything?14:51
d4r3topkrc  apt                                                   1.0.1ubuntu2                                        amd64        commandline package manager14:51
d4r3topkamd64 from next line14:51
EriC^^d4r3topk, ok i guess it's removed but the config files are still there14:51
d4r3topkany suggestions?14:51
EriC^^maybe use dpkg to install it14:51
EriC^^download the .deb and use dpkg -i /path/to/deb14:52
Pratik151k1l_ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10568694/14:53
d4r3topkEriC^^: I've been looking for it from quite a long time. Can you please guide me somewhere?14:53
d4r3topkEriC^^: Or tell me the link if you can?14:53
EriC^^d4r3topk, which ubuntu do you have?14:55
carter1so, I have an mdadm RAID 10 server that did a hard shut down over the weekend because of a combination of a power failure and my UPS failed (grrrr)14:57
d4r3topkEriC^^: ^^14:57
carter1one of the harddrives will not mount anymore14:57
carter1so I just started it w/o the disc and added in my spare14:57
carter1and it's copying over14:58
carter1but, I'm a little confused about how to check on a disc when that happens14:58
EriC^^d4r3topk, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/apt_1.0.1ubuntu2_amd64.deb14:58
k1l_Pratik151: "sudo apt-get install libgles2-mesa-dev"14:58
carter1like, how do I check for bad sectors14:59
carter1since e2fsck is just for ext2-4, right?14:59
nicomachushey guys, any reason I would wanna consider upgrading to 14.10?14:59
nicomachusCan I expect increased stability, or less since it's not LTS?15:00
cfhowlettnicomachus, less commitment to stability compared to LTS15:01
k1l_nicomachus: do you want to upgrade every 6 months?15:01
cfhowlettnicomachus, absent a compelling need, I'd suggest LTS only.  bleeding edges are bloody and I get along just fine with upgrading at every LTS.1 release.15:01
nicomachusOk. Just wanted to get an opinion. Logged into my home computer via SSH and it asked if I wanted to upgrade to 14.10. Not sure why it waited until just now to ask... but whatevs.15:04
d4r3topkEriC^^: Worked like a charm. Thanks a lot.15:04
EriC^^d4r3topk, no problem15:04
nicomachusI'll stick with the LTS. The PC in questions is rather old and stability is the highest priority.15:05
nicomachusFinally got some kernel issues figured out this weekend.15:05
quantshow do i convert a lubuntu download into a boot disk to intsal on a windows system?15:05
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.15:06
EriC^^quants, you can use lilo on windows to create a live ub15:06
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nicomachusOk, so I'm connected to my home PC right now via SSH, but how can get a remote desktop view?15:07
nicomachusIs remmina still installed by default?15:08
EriC^^nicomachus, ssh -X15:08
SchrodingersScat!info remmina | nicomachus15:08
bazhang!info remmina15:08
ubottunicomachus: remmina (source: remmina): remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.0-6ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 117 kB, installed size 415 kB15:08
bazhangubottu lag15:08
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag15:08
SchrodingersScatnicomachus: optional15:08
nicomachusEriC^^: what is -X?15:09
quantseric sorry i got booted off.  i want to set it up on my laptop. its running 14.04.15:09
EriC^^nicomachus, X forwarding15:09
EriC^^quants, ok, np you can use unetbootin or dd in the terminal15:09
quantseric whats the softwere to make the download live?15:09
nicomachusbut what is X11 forwarding?15:10
EriC^^dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX  get the sdX part using lsblk )15:10
quantseric im new, whats the code to use in the terminal?15:10
EriC^^nicomachus, it allows your home computer to communicate with the Xserver on your pc and put the gui there15:10
EriC^^quants, the dd command is the above one, if you want you could download unetbootin , sudo apt-get install unetbootin15:11
Jona995iam using ubuntu OS and i have problem in GUI i can't even find taskbar and file explorer15:12
EriC^^Jona995, you mean the left laucher?15:12
quantseric thank you15:13
EriC^^no problem15:13
Jona995EriC^^ i can't even see left laucher15:13
EriC^^Jona995, try the guest account and see if it works first15:14
Jona995all i see is blank desktop15:14
EriC^^Jona995, also, you might have it hidden, try putting the mouse in the left area15:14
EriC^^Jona995, no clock and stuff at the top?15:14
Jona995EriC^^ : i try to log in from guest but i face the same problem15:14
EriC^^Jona995, ok try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop15:15
Jona995EriC^^ : there's nothing at the top15:15
roddis it possible to upgrade a ubuntu server 10.10 to 14.x?15:15
Jona995EriC^^ : i can't even find or how to open a terminal15:16
EriC^^rodd, yeah but it's way easier to just clean install15:16
EriC^^Jona995, press ctrl+alt+f1 , type sudo service lightdm restart15:16
roddEriC^^: right thx15:16
EriC^^Jona995, go back to ctrl+alt+f1, and type sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop15:17
Jona995EriC^^ : so what's the work for this command "sudo service lightdm restart"15:17
ElyasSaeedHello all, I want some help15:18
SchrodingersScat!ask | ElyasSaeed15:18
ubottuElyasSaeed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:18
EriC^^Jona995, it's not really necessary, just to quit your ubuntu session before reinstalling15:18
EriC^^i dont think it matters though15:19
ElyasSaeedthanks ubottu and Schrodingers, i dont use irc that much15:19
carter1ubottu is a bot ElyasSaeed15:19
ubottucarter1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:19
Jona995EriC^^ : i try to restart my PC and log in back and it have the same problem15:20
ElyasSaeed!ask How can I downgrade to 14.04 lts? I am using 14.10... Or is there 14.10 LTS?15:20
ubottuElyasSaeed: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:20
EriC^^Jona995, did you try to reinstall unity?15:20
EriC^^ElyasSaeed, there's no command or easy way for that15:21
carter114.10 is not LTS15:21
carter1the best way is a clean install15:21
ElyasSaeedso will I install the iso for 14..04 lts and install it again15:21
* carter1 nods15:21
EriC^^yeah, just backup your stuff and app list and reinstall15:21
leetkingso good!15:21
carter1just make sure you back up any files15:21
Jona995EriC^^ : how can i reinstall unity while i have no access to any tool in ubuntu ?!15:22
EriC^^Jona995, ctrl+alt+f115:22
EriC^^that will give you terminal15:22
EriC^^*a terminal15:22
ElyasSaeedthere is an option to install without resetting (after the installer detects the OS), does it work nicely?15:22
nicomachusEriC^^: does ssh -X require some configuring beforehand? this is what I got: http://pastebin.com/ZSmEurr715:23
EriC^^ElyasSaeed, no, that's actually a bug that could wipe at your whole hdd i think15:23
SchrodingersScatnicomachus: you would still need the rest of the ssh command to connect, just add the -X before your username@machineaddress part15:24
nicomachuseven if I'm already connected?15:24
SchrodingersScatnicomachus: don't think you can do it mid-connection, afaik15:25
ElyasSaeediDC, i am new to ubuntu and installed it yesterday, you are so helpful people, thanks15:25
* lotuspsychje grabs the ubuntu cookie box15:26
nicomachusSchrodingersScat: I gotcha. I still just get a command line though.15:26
Pratik151k1l_ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10568870/15:27
EriC^^ElyasSaeed, that's great, no problem15:27
ElyasSaeedthanks all15:27
SchrodingersScatnicomachus: right, but if you start something with a gui then it should pop up, or you may have to set a display/something else.15:27
Jona995i can't connect myself to Freenode via Tor15:27
nicomachusAh, I see. Cool.15:27
k1l_Pratik151: "sudo apt-get install libegl1-mesa-dev"15:27
nicomachusJona995: Gotta register SASL15:27
Jona995sure i did15:28
Jona995i already registered with SASL before15:28
nicomachusJona995: this isn't really topical for #ubuntu, but you have to set up auto-SASL login in your client15:29
nicomachuswow, the GUI isn't very responsive... super slow.15:30
lotuspsychjeLunatic: wifi problems solved mate?15:31
New_User_UbuntuDear All,15:32
New_User_Ubuntuhaving issues with Name resolution15:32
Pratik151k1l_ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10568904/15:32
SchrodingersScatnicomachus: it has to send all that over the network, you could try a vnc, which i think your remmnia thing was, but can run into the same problem.  long-term it's better to use cli tools, but that's my opinion.15:32
New_User_Ubuntuthis is the error message15:33
Lunaticlotuspsychje> Oh happy to know you're alive x) No they're not... I sent you the logs on paste ubuntu last time but you where gone15:33
nicomachusSchrodingersScat: I'm an idiot. First program I tried to load up was the one that holds my 150 gb music library.15:33
k1l_Pratik151: "sudo apt-get install libegl1-mesa-drivers"15:33
lotuspsychjeLunatic: yes sorry bout that, support has to sleep also sometimes :p15:33
k1l_Pratik151: we need to find the end of that path where it says why its blocking15:33
yoggI have a apt-get repo over apache. Now I wan't to use https with an self signed certificate. I tired this: http://pastebin.com/E1vDn8kk      but it does not work :(  (ubuntu 12.04 Server)15:34
sudormrfyogg, that question is better suited in #ubuntu-server15:34
yoggsudormrf: ok thx15:35
lotuspsychje!hostname | New_User_Ubuntu15:35
ubottuNew_User_Ubuntu: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.15:35
Lunaticlotuspsychje>  I don't mind, it bothered me so I took a CPL to avoid problems till my wireless adapter is in that state15:35
Pratik151k1l_ : that was the end i guess that command is executing . so what should i do after it gets done15:35
k1l_Pratik151: then try sudo apt-get install libegl1-mesa-dev15:36
wesley9946does anyone know why only VGA is being detected when on DVI? on nomodeset atm15:36
wesley9946intel 945GM, using i915 driver15:36
lotuspsychjeLunatic: that was an atheros right?15:36
ElyasSaeedI have an update for you, I am now torrenting 14.04.2 lts, thanks for the tips!15:36
Jona995p4fsi4ockecnea7l.onion and lgttsalmpw3qo4no.onion address not workany more15:36
lotuspsychjeElyasSaeed: good luck with it!15:37
bazhangJona995, ask #freenode about that15:37
LunaticHmmm yes I think that's an atheros right, why? any bug reported about that? because I also had wireless issues when I was under W715:37
New_User_Ubuntulotuspsychje: ubottu :http://paste.ubuntu.com/10568945/15:37
New_User_Ubuntui have did it15:38
New_User_Ubuntuno luck15:38
lotuspsychjeLunatic: well atheros and broadcom arent the best chipsets to have on ubuntu, but you can try different firmwares and such15:38
vinod777I have AMD a8 APU 6410 with AMD R5 integrated and Radeon HD8570M 2GB15:39
vinod777whcih driver I have to download from AMD15:39
vinod777R5 series or HD 8xxxm series?15:39
lotuspsychjevinod777: mostly ubuntu will choose best driver for your card15:39
Pratik151k1l_ : ok that is also getting executed :) and then ?15:40
lotuspsychjevinod777: you can check active driver with sudo lshw -C video15:40
lotuspsychjevinod777: after driver=15:40
k1l_Pratik151: sudo apt-get install libgles2-mesa-dev15:40
vinod777i installed fglrx-updates15:40
vinod777but the gpu temp is around 55 deg15:41
lotuspsychjevinod777: you can check 'additional drivers' section to see the list15:41
Lunaticlotuspsychje> Yes when I instaled xubuntu on a friend's PC not long ago, there waas no wifi, so I checked up the internet, and saw broadcom etc etc so installed firmware-something.?.? and it worked, should I check for my atheros too?15:41
nicomachusvinod777: I have had more trouble with AMD drivers and ubuntu that with anything else related to computers ever.15:41
lotuspsychje!atheros | Lunatic yes, read here mate15:41
vinod777i have installed from additional drivers section15:41
ubottuLunatic yes, read here mate: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:41
k1l_Pratik151: when that installs, you can try your first command again that did that error and then carry on15:42
Pratik151k1l_ : Thank you so much dude :) .My command worked :)15:42
lotuspsychjevinod777: can you remember wich driver was installed by default on ubuntu?15:42
Pratik151k1l_ : thank you, you fixed my problem great :)15:42
lotuspsychje!cookie | k1l_15:42
ubottuk1l_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:42
Pratik151!cookie k1l_15:42
vinod777now i selected the default xorg opensource one15:42
nicomachuslotuspsychje: Ubuntu always chooses the open source driver by default.15:42
nicomachusIt's the .xorg15:42
Pratik151!cookie | k1l_15:43
ubottuk1l_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:43
lotuspsychjevinod777: and did it not work better for you?15:43
bryanhow to open ubuntu restricted extras15:43
sudormrf!cookie | SchrodingersScat15:43
ubottuSchrodingersScat: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:43
Lunaticlotuspsychje> thanks, I give news if it works, and if it don't too obviously15:43
lotuspsychjeLunatic: good luck! maybe also check atheros website for linux drivers maybe15:43
vinod777every thing is working perfectly,  I installed fglrx-updates and even switched between the integrated and discrete gpus15:44
wesley9946does anyone know why only VGA is being detected when on DVI? on nomodeset atm15:44
wesley9946intel 945GM, using i915 driver15:44
vinod777the problem is the temperature15:44
Lunaticlotuspsychje> you're right, I will15:44
New_User_Ubuntuany help on the DNS issue please15:44
Lunaticthanks BTW15:44
nicomachus!patience | New_User_Ubuntu15:44
Pratik151k1l_ : I searched that problem for long time on google tried many things but at last joining this IRC and finding you was great :)15:44
ubottuNew_User_Ubuntu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:44
VonGuardianhi there15:45
VonGuardiani found this bug report: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120381415:45
New_User_Ubuntu:) okie thanks15:45
wesley9946New_User_Ubuntu: set your DNS servers to and
VonGuardianand i am experiencing EXACTLY this problem15:45
lotuspsychjevinod777: does gpu temp warmup on both drivers the same?15:45
VonGuardiani have reformated, reinstalled, same problem15:45
swebhow can i change ttf metadata in cli15:45
VonGuardiankeyboard throws random letter onto the screen, and does so only at random times and must be restarted15:45
VonGuardiananyone ever seen this issue?15:45
=== tom_k is now known as tjk11
nicomachusVonGuardian: you've tried a different keyboard?15:45
New_User_Ubuntuwesley9946: its a internal DNS server which i am pointing to15:46
vinod777i checked on fglrx driver using aticonfig --odg15:46
vinod777I dont know how to check the temp on xorg driver15:46
nicomachusvinod777: you can't on the xorg driver, AFAIK15:46
VonGuardianthis issue too http://askubuntu.com/questions/526066/random-character-input-starts-after-typing-during-short-freezes15:46
VonGuardiannicomachus: yes15:46
nicomachusunless you find a 3rd party GPU monitor15:46
lotuspsychjevinod777: maybe psensor can show you stuff?15:46
VonGuardiani could not replicate with another keyboard15:46
wesley9946New_User_Ubuntu: within your network?15:46
VonGuardianit's defintiely a software bug. I was on 12.10 for 2 years no issue, i upgraded to 14.10 and this began15:47
nicomachusVonGuardian: you could not replicate with another keyboard, meaning that another keyboard worked just fine?15:47
VonGuardianand then up reformatted and reinstalled15:47
New_User_Ubuntuyes sir15:47
VonGuardianthey other keyboard worked fine15:47
nicomachusthen it's your keyboard that's bad.15:47
kurkale6kaHi, I am using lightdm and for some reason it interfears with my trying to use zsh as a default shell. I used chsh and I can see zsh is my default shell if I login via console. However, if I use lightdm, then bash is kept15:47
nicomachusget a new keyboard.15:47
VonGuardiani even found this type of bug reported by debian and arch users15:47
VonGuardiani cannot get a new keyboard it is a laptop15:47
LunaticOh there is something else, can I update my OS to 64 bits without reinstall the OS?15:47
VonGuardiantrust me this is 100% a software issue, not a hardware issue15:47
lotuspsychjeLunatic: better reinstall clean 64bit mate15:48
VonGuardiani guarantee it. if it was a hardware issue, ti would not be happening compltely at random.15:48
nicomachusVonGuardian: I wanna believe you, but it absolutely 100% sounds like a hardware issue.15:48
VonGuardiani'll be working for hours, then suddenly, typing makes me sound like i'm insane, sticking "r" into everything15:48
Lunaticlotuspsychje> that's what I tough... It's on the to do list15:48
lotuspsychjeLunatic: i reccomend 14.04.2 64bit then with internet cable + updates enabled during setup15:48
VonGuardiannicomachus: i understand, but i have found this issue reported elsewhere15:48
VonGuardianit is not hardware15:48
VonGuardiani am typing on the keyboard right now15:48
VonGuardianit's fine15:48
vinod777psensor dont retrive amd temp15:48
nicomachusand the replies all say "it's your keyboard"...15:48
lotuspsychjeLunatic: maybe with eth cable, your atheros driver will work better?15:49
VonGuardianyeah and the guys keep saying that doesnt change things15:49
LocusAsafwhen I open up settings/display and alter my settings, what's actually going on behind the scenes to adjust my display settings?15:50
Lunaticlotuspsychje> With ethernet cable everything works perfectly, can you tell me how to find what is my wireless adapter model?15:50
lotuspsychjeLunatic: sudo lshw -C network15:50
dfibso what is yalls idea for backup solutions for both documents(easy access/small) and video(long term/large)15:50
Lunaticlotuspsychje> thanks15:50
nicomachusVonGuardian: that link was a NumLock issue. I am still convinced its a hardware issue.15:50
lotuspsychjedfib: an external hd :p15:50
vinod777i will install the radeon hd driver from amd15:50
dfibmulti solutions may be required. but i think dropbox for the documents. but how do i store 3tb of videos?15:51
lotuspsychje!backup | dfib15:51
ubottudfib: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:51
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vinod777but i was unsure of choosing bw R5 or HD8xxxm series15:51
lotuspsychjevinod777: thats not certain gpu will be cooler with that driver15:51
dfibwell i wasnt sure if anyones used aws or knows of a cheaper solution. i just want something offsite15:51
dfibbut im looking into it now15:52
vinod777iam downloading the HD driver15:52
vinod777the integrated one is R515:52
carter1dfib, i use rdiff-backup to a remote site NAS15:52
carter1for documents it's a good solution since it keeps a delta of the file15:52
carter1so you can restore to a certain point in the document's history15:52
dfibversion control would be awesome. ill look into that15:52
vinod777lspci shows only R515:53
vinod777but amd has R5 2xx series15:53
jpdscarter1: I discovered a really bad thing about rdiff-backup the other day.15:53
sudormrfI use duplicity15:53
dfib(oh. look. this is why i ask jpds. i dont wanna get stuck with bad things haha)15:53
jpdscarter1: If you're midway through a backup and your connection fails, it'll start the backup again from the beginning.15:53
vinod777I feel like gpu i cooler on xorg driver15:54
dfiboh, well, i suppose that would be most backup solutions. is this restart all files? or the file its currently on?)15:54
carter1ah, yeah, it does do that15:54
jpdscarter1 / dfib: Of the alternatives, I think rsnapshot doesn't have the issue.15:54
carter1not a problem in my situation, but yeah dfib should be aware of that15:54
carter1i have a dedicated fiberline to my remote site xD15:54
jpdsHaven't actually tried rsnapshot myself though.15:54
lotuspsychjevinod777: you have cool n quiet enabled in bios?15:54
sudormrfdfib, although given the amount of storage you require, finding "cheap" is not going to be that easy afaik.15:55
dfibnp jpds. just need software names to research15:55
vinod777thats the best thing,.. my hp latptop has only boot settings in BIOS15:55
vinod777no other settings are available15:55
dfibwell, thats why i need two storage solutions. large long term, and then easy document small storage15:55
lotuspsychjevinod777: did you try F10 or F1215:55
jpdsdfib: Amanda, Bacula, backuppc, dulicity, rdiff-backup, rsnapshot.15:55
sudormrfdfib, sorry I was just focusing on the larger storage bit.15:55
sudormrfdfib, is this videos directory mostly static?15:56
lotuspsychjevinod777: some hp's have hidden bios15:56
vinod777ok i will check15:56
dfibi might use rdiff/dropbox for docs. and the video/images/iso/backups would be mostly static15:56
SomeThey my friend is trying to install ubuntu via windows 7 on a dell inspiron on some software called virtual box15:56
alchemistswlHallo there. I have a problem regarding permissions and apache2. I set the www-data folder to /mnt/hdd/httpd and added myself to the www-data group. Everytime I upload a picture from my user, it's permission denied. I have set permissions for read/write too, didn't help much. Tried this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/19898/whats-the-simplest-way-to-edit-and-add-files-to-var-www15:56
SomeThe gets it running but stuff dissapears etccc...15:56
dfibill have a local copy. i just want offsite for disaster recovery. my 3tb harddrives are finnicy at best15:56
lotuspsychjevinod777: maybe this can also help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/132433/how-can-i-see-the-gpu-temperture-of-my-ati-graphics-card15:56
SomeTthe os fails after a while15:56
SomeTis thhis a driver issue?15:56
SomeTif so how can I fix15:57
sudormrfdfib, hmm.  any way you could setup a NAS at a friends house or something?15:57
jpdsalchemistswl: Other will need read access on the file and execute on the folder.15:57
specingWhere did vim go?15:57
carter1if you have a friend with a tape drive, that would be pretty cheap too15:57
carter1not worth the investment for 3 T though15:57
lotuspsychjealchemistswl: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys can help a hand?15:57
specing"dpkg -L vim" only lists /usr/bin/vim.basic15:57
sudormrfdfib, from a cost standpoint that would be the cheapest route.15:57
specingWhy is there only basic vim?15:57
carter1wait, you probably don't have the connectors for most tape drives, derp15:58
specingWhere did the full vim go?15:58
alchemistswljpds: sudo adduser <username> www-data; sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /mnt/hdd/httpd; sudo chmod -R g+rw /mnt/hdd/httpd I tried15:58
dfibwell, ive gone through 4 3tb harddrives in the past 5 years and they keep dying. the hdd just doesnt stand up for long. so after 400$ im looking at maybe finding ofsite with aws if its cheap (~$20 month)15:58
carter1dfib, buy better quality drives15:58
lotuspsychjedfib: maybe check cloning on ubuntu15:58
dfibcarter1: lol. probably.15:59
specingdfib: look at backblaze data, 3Tb drives are notoriously POS15:59
carter1i'm serious15:59
carter1you might consider getting 4 2 tb w/d reds and running them in raid if you're failing that often too15:59
lotuspsychjedfib: stick to ubuntu support please16:00
dfibyour probably right. raid would be a good local idea16:00
dfiboh, my bad. your right lotuspsychje. sorry16:00
dfibi got what i need. thanks guys! ill look into rsnapshot16:03
lotuspsychjedfib: good luck with it16:03
specingDoes anyone know where to get full vim on utopic? dpkg -L vim lists only vim.basic...16:03
LunaticHow do I get info on my PC's bios?16:04
LoRezspecing: try apt-cache search vim16:04
lotuspsychjeLunatic: what kind of info your looking for exactly?16:05
LunaticIf my PC is an x51 or an x51 R216:05
specingLoRez: I did...16:06
lotuspsychjeLunatic: sudo dmidecode -t 016:06
specingLoRez: there is no "vim-full" or anything similar16:06
carter1are you looking for like a gui vim LoRez/16:07
LoRezcarter1: I'm not looking for anything.16:07
Picispecing: I'm pretty sure its just the vim package now, not vim-full16:07
carter1i'm sorry LoRez, I meant specing16:08
specingLoRez: carter1 Pici:https://paste.debian.net/160394/16:08
LunaticOkay, it's not precised, but I found the version, thanks16:08
lotuspsychjeLunatic: for cpu socket: sudo dmidecode -t 416:09
singamHello i cant get my bluetooth working16:09
lotuspsychje!bluetooth | singam16:09
ubottusingam: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:09
singamno it says bluetooth adapter not found16:09
singamthen i installed ralink 3290 drivers for bluetooth16:10
singamcouldnt compile so i compiled a patched ralink driver16:10
RobbGGRight, I have directory /path/to/dir containing executable file execfile. I have added /path/to/dir to my $PATH variable and re-started my shell, when I try to run execfile I am getting "No such file or directory" errors. Can anyone suggest reasons for this to happen?16:10
singamnow bluetooth adapter works but cannot pair with any phone16:10
singamRobbGG did you do chmod +x ?16:11
Picispecing: That is the normal vim. vim.tiny is the one you don't want.16:11
specingPici: it is not normal16:11
Picispecing: Whats missing?16:12
specingIt is not even remotely normal16:12
Lunaticlotuspsychje> I have a bad news, I can't upgrade to 3.5GHz CPU :c but that's not a problem for now, What I was looking for is the name of the PC, Alienware X51 or Alienware X51 R216:12
singamcan anyone help me with bluetooth ?16:12
specingPici: it suddently decides not to obey my commands (simple stuff like arrow left/right, insert) anymore16:12
specingPici: randomly switches insert/replace16:13
specingweird all around16:13
RobbGGsingam: Yep, to all directorys leading up to it and to the exec file it'self16:13
lotuspsychjeLunatic: man dmidecode and check code for motherboard16:13
cfhowlett!django | cfhowlett16:13
ubottucfhowlett, please see my private message16:13
specingPici: there are no colours... at all.16:13
Lunaticlotuspsychje>  yes I should be there thanks16:14
specingPici: only normal and extra white16:14
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zhan_what disk format ubuntu needs16:16
specingPici: pressing END on the keyboard is converting characters to upper case. WTF16:16
ntspzhan_ the standard is ext416:17
zhan_can i make that format in windows?16:17
specingPici: delete is converting them to lower case16:18
specingvim.basic is junk16:18
ntspzhan_ from standard windows no, some programs may be able to. If you want a USB drive that works in both windows and linux FAT(which you can make in windows( works in 99% of the systems16:18
specinglets see what vim.tiny does16:18
* ntsp likes vim.basic16:19
* ntsp also likes vi16:19
=== lasko1 is now known as lasko
zhan_ntsp: what program?16:19
ntspzhan_ no idea, havent used windows in years, if you want to transfer files simply use FAT16:20
lotuspsychje!info vim-gtk | specing16:20
ubottuspecing: vim-gtk (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:7.4.273-2ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 1096 kB, installed size 2746 kB16:20
specingntsp: 'vi' has the same problem16:20
specinglotuspsychje: There is no GUI16:20
zhan_ntsp: I just run ubuntu in virtual machine from a install disk, it didn't let me make a smaller partition inside of complete HD16:21
specingI have been using vim for 15 years and I can't even escape this thing!16:21
LachezarHey all. For some time now I've been unable to open URLs in Xubuntu from various places. Can't open URLs from Thunderbird or the Console. However "xdg-open http://ubuntu.com/" works.16:21
lasko!xubuntu | Lachezar16:21
ubottuLachezar: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels16:21
ntspzhan_ is there enough space on the disk? (obvious first question)16:22
lasko!info vim-nox16:22
ubottuvim-nox (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with scripting languages support. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:7.4.273-2ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 985 kB, installed size 2426 kB16:22
laskoThats what I've always installed and no issues.16:23
specinglasko: will try that, too16:23
zhan_ntsp: yes16:23
specinglasko: nope, same thing16:23
laskospecing: Are you executing it as vim.nox  or just typing vim?16:23
specinglasko: currently as vim.nox16:24
carter1i'm just going to ask one time and try to do so more clearly: does anyone know a reason why the partition table on a drive won't mount when i can see the drive and see the partition table and everything looks fine?16:24
laskospecing: Interesting issue you have lol16:24
laskocarter1: What errors are you seeing when you attempt to mount?16:25
carter1it's part of a raid16:25
carter1it's /dev/sdd16:25
carter1and for some reason, the raid autodected partition, /dev/sdd1 never loaded16:25
carter1just the /dev/sdd16:25
specinglasko: input is lagging by 3s16:25
carter1so my raid partition just carried on without it16:26
laskocarter1: Please try to put everything on one line as much as possibl to prevent people from having to read through multiple lines.16:26
carter1hrm, okay, sorry about that16:26
laskoUnfortunately I don't know enough about raid in an ubuntu environment to help carter1 but perhaps someone else will know.16:26
ablegreen_wIf I type 'date' in a terminal I get the local time. If I move my laptop to a different timezone does Ubuntu automatically adjust it correctly? How does Ubuntu do this?16:27
laskospecing: Like -- hitting any key is delayed?16:27
carter1so I listed the partition table of /dev/sdd using fdisk, and it looks good, and smartctl -a /dev/sdd looks good16:27
carter1i don't think it's a raid issue lasko, i think it's just the partition table for the drive didn't load on boot, and so the raid couldn't see it16:27
specinglasko: it seems so, but the delay increases the more keys I press16:27
laskoablegreen_w: You can utilize the command  dpkg-reconfigure tzdata   to readjust your timezone data16:28
laskospecing: lol thats just weird.. umm... Is your cpu pegged or low memory by chance?16:28
ablegreen_wlasko: How does it work?16:29
laskoablegreen_w: I'm not sure I understand your question. How does what work? The command, or timezones? hehe16:29
tos-1ablegreen_w: You can also set the environment variable TZ. See `man date` for further details.16:29
specinglasko: it is pegged on one of two cores, but the main GUI is very responsive16:30
oqochello everyone, my downloads are ridiculously slow (a 900mb iso download taking ages)..what can be the reason?16:30
laskoIf you move to another timezone you can click on the Time widget (top right corner) and select Time and Date Settings. From there you can select your region... or you can do it from the command line as I stated16:30
ablegreen_wIs there a way to do it automatically?16:30
ablegreen_wJust curious how OS's do this16:30
k1l_oqoc: server /isp is slow?16:30
laskoablegreen_w: Yes, in that same widget there is a radio box to select to do it automatically.16:31
specinglasko: there is more than enough RAM left16:31
oqock1l_ but I dont have the same problem on another computer connected to the same router16:31
ablegreen_wDoes it access the internet or something? Uses your IP address?16:31
bios_Hi guys16:31
laskoablegreen_w: Also It uses geolocation data from various sources, such as IP location, and ASN owner.16:31
bios_i have a question16:31
lasko!ask | bios16:31
ubottubios: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:31
ablegreen_wlasko: Got it, thanks.16:31
k1l_oqoc: same exact download server?16:31
dopieHey all Im having a problem installing CMake for VIM I dont know what the hell is going on and here is the error im getting16:32
oqock1l_ it was the same download link, therefore i think so..I will try another download16:32
k1l_oqoc: some servers have load balancer which use different mirrors then16:32
bios_yesterday i've installed Ubuntu 14.04.2... the result is very bad16:32
dopieIm on 14.04 32bit version ubuntu16:33
bios_Software Center buggy, and the graphics in general too16:33
oqock1L_ but isnt it too much to need over 30 min. for a 900mb download, even in that case?16:33
bios_someone else happens??16:33
k1l_oqoc: well, depends on your speed at all.16:34
laskobios_: You need to be more specific on the issues. In order for us to help you. What specific buggyness is happening, and what specific Graphic problems are happening.16:34
oqocI have a generally good connection16:34
cfhowlettbios_, pictures help too16:35
cfhowlett!details | bios_16:35
ubottubios_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:35
laskodopie: In the error message it states "No pre-built Clang 3.6 binaries for 32 bit linux" and that you'll have to compile Clang 3.6 from source.16:35
laskoSo the answer is to compile it from source hehe16:36
bios_open Software Center to install "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and the windows is set black.... and not respond. Later, i have open a nautilus and the screen the fonts disappears.16:36
xperiaHi all. I have a Problem with Oculus Rift and Ubuntu 14.10. I installed the latest SDK from Oculus Rift in Ubuntu but everytime i start a Virtual Reality Game the Video is 90 Wrong rotated. How can i fix this Screen Rotation Problem in Ubuntu with Oculus Rift ?16:36
dopielasko, ok im a bit of noob can you help me out on compile it from source means??? I think i've compiled it from source a couple of times but maybe I dont know what the hell I am doing...16:37
carter1xperia, you might have more luck on an oculus rift-specific help area16:37
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall16:37
lasko!compile | dopie: It means you'll download the source code for Clang3.6 and configure/make16:37
oqocand also I have fast connection without this download. only when I start downloading it slows down the rest, too16:37
ubottudopie: It means you'll download the source code for Clang3.6 and configure/make: please see above16:37
dopielasko, thank you very much16:38
LunaticAny idea how to manage LED under ubuntu?16:38
laskodopie: What is it you are trying to do currently?16:38
dopiei am trying to install something for vim16:39
dopieand it needs cmake as a requirement16:39
dopieand it needs to be 32 bit16:39
laskodopie: And sudo apt-get install cmake       doesn't meet that requirement?16:39
dopiei think it installs the 64 bit version16:40
laskodopie: And your system is a 32bit arch?16:41
Wikii'm wiki16:42
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swebis there any good cli tools for clear all meta data of TTF files ?16:42
Guest22483but I am not a roo=bot16:42
laskoDoesn't apt-get install based upon your system architecture though?16:43
carter1yeah, unless the sources were incorrect16:43
k1l_ubuntu uses multiarch. it can install 32bit stuff on 64bit system.16:44
k1l_but the user is not using the ubuntu repo, is he? i thought he was compiling stuff16:44
laskok1l_: Well thats why I was confused. If he just installs cmake through apt-get it should be i386 since his system install is 32bit16:46
k1l_dopie: so what did you do so far?16:47
dopiek1l_, Asandari  I have to currently go out but I will be back on to figure this out thank you veyr much for reaching ou and helping or at least directing this noob where to go16:48
k1l_"./install.sh --clang-completer"16:48
k1l_dopie: so get a depencie list from that software you want to install and make sure you got all that installed16:49
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RobbGGAnyone know why make might not be able to find a compiler specified in my PATH environment variable^16:50
bazhangRobbGG, got build-essential installed?16:50
RobbGGbazhang: Yep, it's a toolchain that I've just build with crosstool-ng, I can run it manually from the command line but make complains about not being able to find it when I try to build a project16:52
jhutchinsRobbGG: The configure script is often used to locate things like that.16:52
davidfetter_fbnis there a way to diff a package as installed vs. any hand modifications done to files in it?16:52
RobbGGjhutchins: configure script?16:53
gezmobileRobGG sudo apt-get install build-essential16:53
jhutchinsRobbGG: The compiler is probably relying on a config file rather than the local environment.16:53
RobbGGjhutchins: The makefile I'm trying to use specifies the following lines CC  := arm-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ LD  := arm-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ STRIP := arm-unknown-linux-gnu-strip16:53
RobbGGall of these I can run from the shell manually, however when I try to run make it gives the error make: arm-unknown-linux-gnu-g++: Command not found16:54
jhutchinsRobbGG: So use the full path.16:55
jhutchinsdavidfetter_fbn: Not really.16:56
davidfetter_fbnjhutchins, how about extracting a package to a separate root and diffing that?16:57
jhutchinsdavidfetter_fbn: Yes, and if the files are created by the install scripts you can read those and determine how they were originally.17:00
davidfetter_fbnjhutchins, ok, how do i do that extracting? i happen to know which files i want to look at first, if that helps17:02
* davidfetter_fbn somewhat new to the debuntu-sphere17:02
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oshekfehHello, I am facig the following problem when I type sudo apt-get install build-essential http://justpaste.it/juk917:03
oshekfehCan you help me, I am not that deep man on Ubuntu17:03
davidfetter_fbnhttp://www.faqforge.com/linux/how-to-download-and-extract-a-deb-package-on-ubuntu-or-debian-linux/ <-- trying this...17:03
k1l_oshekfeh: what ubuntu is that exactly? and do you have 3rd party PPAs enabled?17:04
jhutchinsdavidfetter_fbn: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6043117:04
davidfetter_fbnjhutchins, thanks :)17:04
oshekfehk1l_: I am using the native ubuntu server 64 bit 12.04.5 TLS without enabling anyting17:05
k1l_oshekfeh: what gives you "lsb_release -d"?17:06
lyzeHello again :)17:06
oshekfehk1l_: Description:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS17:06
carter1run apt-get check17:06
LunaticAnyone know how can I manage LEDs on my PC, I have RGB led connected to something looking like an half JTAG connectic, 5 pins17:07
carter1i don't think it will help, but it can't hurt17:07
k1l_oshekfeh: "apt-cache policy gcc"17:07
OerHeksoakridge, did you update first, before installing?17:07
oshekfehK1l_: gcc:17:08
oshekfeh  Installed: (none)17:08
oshekfeh  Candidate: (none)17:08
oshekfeh  Version table:17:08
OerHekssorry oakridge, was for oshekfeh ^^17:08
k1l_oshekfeh: please use pastebin17:08
k1l_!paste | oshekfeh17:08
ubottuoshekfeh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:08
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:08
oshekfehOerHeks: I updated already17:08
lyze:O thats nice17:08
k1l_oshekfeh: please put a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" there too17:08
oshekfehk1l_: http://jpst.it/xeoS17:09
=== libc-bin is now known as libc-is-importan
k1l_oshekfeh: please run "sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy gcc"17:11
oshekfehk1l_: I did that, then?17:12
k1l_please show in a pastebin17:12
=== libc-is-importan is now known as libc-is-love-lib
=== libc-is-love-lib is now known as mangotango
oshekfehk1l_: http://jpst.it/xepc17:13
k1l_oshekfeh: "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists"17:15
k1l_oshekfeh: then "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get upgrade"17:15
oshekfehk1l_: done17:24
k1l_please show in pastebin. details on output matter17:24
k1l_oshekfeh: if everything is fine now: sudo apt-get install build-essential         should work now17:25
amedsoftware to voice recognition in ubuntu, in spanish?17:26
oshekfehk1l_: Its under installation now, many many MANY thanks17:27
k1l_oshekfeh: the output from the apt-get update said it had some missmatch on the packages list and therefor didnt use the latest one (in your case none at all) so it couldnt find any packages. just keep in mind that error messages on linux tell whats going on in most cases.17:30
oshekfehk1l_: You mean the last two commands removing the packages list and build new list , yes?17:31
DovakinPoulethi guys17:31
isthisreallifehow can i restrict  users to their home directories only?17:32
cfhowlettisthisreallife, restrict them to guest sessions17:32
booby_tables_24isthisreallife: dont give them admin access17:33
cfhowlettisthisreallife, set up one account for administration with strong password.  let them use the guest account.17:33
isthisreallifei have create user with home directory17:33
isthisreallifebut this user still can change dicrectory like: cd ../etc/ for example17:34
isthisreallifei want to prevent that17:34
EriC^booby_tables_24: actually by default users can read other home dirs17:34
ntspisthisreallife they can see the files but not modify, why do you want to prevent reading?17:34
isthisreallifeyes i dont want them to see other files17:34
EriC^booby_tables_24: in ubuntu17:34
isthisreallifeactually its debian17:34
cfhowlettisthisreallife, if he's only a desktop user, he cant' change anything.  set each user's /home to be private.17:35
EriC^isthisreallife: chmod 770 /home/*17:35
cfhowlettand go to #debian for support.  NOT ubuntu17:35
isthisreallifeits debian vps17:35
cfhowlett!debian | isthisreallife17:35
ubottuisthisreallife: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!17:35
=== MagePsycho_ is now known as MagePsycho
EriC^isthisreallife: you can also edit a confiig file so that newly created users have 770 on their home dir by default17:36
isthisreallifeokay ill try17:36
RobertLabrieWhen mounting an NFS share, how do I specify a local user to "own" the files? With cifs I do: -o uid=someuser.17:44
skwishywill ubuntu run on the new macbook pro?17:51
DovakinPouletdoes anyone knows steam well ?17:54
pbxDovakinPoulet, ask your question with details and see what happens17:54
Prezidentskwishy: of course.17:54
DovakinPouletYeah, i'll do that :)17:54
skwishyPrezident: does ubunut/X know what to do with the new "Force Touch touchpad"?17:55
DovakinPouletWell, i purchased the witcher 2 on steam, but it doesn't work17:55
=== MagePsycho_ is now known as MagePsycho
DovakinPouletIt doesn't lauch17:56
pbxDovakinPoulet, tried steam support?  you paid money after all...17:56
TheHonorableKittHi everyone. I have a webserver on my ubuntu 14.10.1 server running apache2. I was an idiot and ran a batch script that installed httpd without realizing it until the last minute and didn't have my backups setup. Now apachectl is reading config files from httpd instead of apache2, so here's my question: I want to run apt-get del httpd, but I want to make sure I don't wipe out any dependencies apache2 needs in17:57
TheHonorableKittdoing so. Any idea how I can do this right without really screwing up my server?17:57
DovakinPouletyes i did. i went to see the officla topic, but the tweak they gave didn't work17:57
YukenLiterally just installed UBuntu, but can't install any packages.18:05
YukenUnable to locate package {package}\18:05
TheHonorableKittyuken: sudo apt-get install18:05
YukenTheHonorableKitt: YEs.18:05
TheHonorableKittyuken: sudo apt-get install [package name]18:05
YukenTheHonorableKitt: sudo apt-get install openbox (for example)18:05
bryanHas anyone used Bleachbit and is it anygood?  thanks18:05
TheHonorableKittwhat's it tell you?18:05
YukenTheHonorableKitt: E: Unable to locate package openbox18:06
TheHonorableKittoh, hmmm did you mount the E drive?18:06
TheHonorableKittor which drive did the sofware install to?18:06
trismYuken: openbox is in universe, check: software-properties-gtk; and make sure it is enabled, then run: sudo apt-get update; and try again18:07
TheHonorableKittwhat he said ^18:07
* Yuken is stupid sometimes18:07
* TheHonorableKitt pats you on the back18:08
YukenNow, how do I Fix this issue? Caps Lock seems to stay on for like a second after I hit it, causing stuff like HEy.18:08
YukenIT's minor, but annoying18:08
TheHonorableKittcan't help ya there18:08
skwishydoes linux support usb type-c?18:10
TheHonorableKittHi everyone. I have a webserver on my ubuntu 14.10.1 server running apache2. I was an idiot and ran a batch script that installed httpd without realizing it until the last minute and didn't have my backups setup. Now apachectl is reading config files from httpd instead of apache2, so here's my question: I want to run apt-get del httpd, but I want to make sure I don't wipe out any dependencies apache2 needs in18:10
TheHonorableKittdoing so. Any idea how I can do this right without really screwing up my server?18:10
imbezolanyone noticed an issue with rdesktop being unusably slow?18:12
imbezolit used to work fine but when i connect to a windows machine now it takes up to a minute to draw the screen18:13
imbezoli can make the same connection to the remote system from my windows VM and it's super fast18:13
drose379Hey guys, Im really new to linux and really dont wanna screw up my hard drive, do you reccomend just letting the ubuntu installer do the partitioning? Or  doing it manually?18:17
nagaozen@drose379 doing it manually18:17
drose379How come?18:17
SchrodingersScat!backups | drose37918:17
ubottudrose379: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:17
drose379If I let the installer do it I can still change the size for windows and linux, right?18:18
dethoshello, there is any way that i can setup an ad-hoc network with wpa2 using my ubuntu machine? i've read this docs -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc, but the last update was in 2011 so i'm not sure they are up to date.18:18
geekstayHi everyone. When I do y=$(git branch) to get all local branch in a variable y (to iterate on after), I have all branches, but also files in the current directory. What's wrong ?18:19
drapslaget@dethos Yes, shouldn't be a problem18:20
imbezolgeekstay: what's "branch" ?18:20
geekstayimbezol: What " what's "branch" " ?18:21
dethos@drapslaget tks, do you know where can i find any information about it?18:22
geekstayFor example, if I'm on the branch master which has a Makefile file, and I type y=$(git branch) and I iterate on with echo $y, the output is : Makefile master18:22
geekstayAnd not only master18:22
drapslaget@dethos what you just linked is accurate information. The guide is still very much accurate18:23
drapslaget@dethos are you looking for more?18:23
drapslaget@dethos it's a very simple process really, here's a quick guide http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-create-a-wireless-ad-hoc-network-in-ubuntu18:25
imbezolgeekstay: what if you do y="$(git branch)"18:26
dethos@drapslaget: i asked because the document says that "WPA2 is currently not supported.", and sinse you said it shouldn't be a problem, i wanted to know if there is any place with more information about it.18:26
geekstayimbezol : For example, if I'm on the branch master which has a Makefile file, and I type y=$(git branch) and I iterate on with echo $y, the output is : Makefile master18:27
imbezolyes i saw that18:27
phryk_hey there. I need to remove in some way the request for LVM encryption. Automating key insertion or removing encryption are both acceptable to me. Can someone help me please?18:27
ChristWAnyone here with expeience with accessibility? I have Desktop Zoom turned on for one user (why doesn’t it zoom the menu and locker bar as well??) but the menu entries cannot be reached. The mouse cursor jumps aside as soon as a menu entry is touched. See a video of the behaviour here: http://dna.ik.nu/rinske/Output.mp418:28
ViperXL75good evening18:29
YukenIs it possible to use the 12.04 verison of skype on 14.04.2? There is no later verison than 12.04 available, although if I can't I can just use the universal (ie. tar) one.18:29
ViperXL75I have a Raid 1 using MDADM. I'm now preparing to reinstall my machine with a newer Ubuntu version. 11 -> 14lts   How do i keep or restore my raid1 afterwards?18:30
drapslaget@dethos Gotcha. Missed that18:30
geekstayimbezol : I got it : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3846380/how-to-iterate-through-all-git-branches-using-bash-script.18:30
geekstaySo stupid...18:30
phryk_ChristW, I think you have to go system -> preferences -> aspect -> character types or something similar18:30
ViperXL75Or is no one using Raid anymore nowadays?18:31
phryk_Yuken, you have to use at least Skype 4.3. Any version after this is fine18:31
dethosdrapslaget: np, thanks anyway18:31
ViperXL75MDADM raid anyone?18:32
phryk_ViperXL75, how are you going to upgrade?18:32
ViperXL75phryk: was planning on simply do a complete clean install18:34
ViperXL75have a DVD with Ubuntu burned on it.18:35
wxlanyone know what one needs to do to the GRUB2 configuration to boot directly to an LVM /boot?18:35
phryk_ViperXL75, Ok, keep in mind that raid volume information will be persistent in your hard drives during installation. I'm not sure if a normal version of Ubuntu has it on the install media.18:36
daftykinswxl: update-grub didn't help?18:36
gludhi, i'm trying to install this software: https://www.npmjs.com/package/elasticdump and i did "npm install elasticdump" fine, but when i do "./bin/elasticdump" it gives me "No such file or directory"18:36
tvonQ: Setting up wordpress for a friend on 14.04, is there any opinion on installing the Ubuntu worpdress package vs installing via the wordpress.org tarball?18:37
tvonFor myself I'd just pull in upstream, but I'm not sure what the apt package looks like and if it would be easier to keep maintained (via system updates) or if it's woefully out of date....18:37
ViperXL75phryk: Not sure what you mean with persistent raid volume information.18:37
phryk_ViperXL75, I'm afraid that you have to install madm in live version, proceed with installation, than reboot in a live support, checkroot on your install and add madm on the system18:37
wxldaftykins: not in my particular case where everything is all FUBARed BUT you just gave me a great idea, so thanks. i'll come back if i need more help. ☺18:38
phryk_Does your DVD recognise the raid partitions in live?18:38
ViperXL75oh lemme see18:38
ChristWphryk_: Can’t find that, at all. Are you sure it could be related?18:39
linusthebearHello, All18:40
phryk_ChristW, what desktop environment are you running?18:40
ChristWphryk_: Unity. I used the Unity Tweak Tool to turn magnification on.18:41
linusthebearI really need to add the image of my hand written signature to a multi-page pdf.  I cant seem to find an easy way to do this, surprisingly.18:41
phryk_ChristW, Is there a compizconfig-setting-manager somewhere?18:42
ChristWI read some pages that suggested it’s now the Unity Tweak Tool instead...18:42
phryk_linusthebear, I did't get it. You need to add the image on every page?18:42
linusthebearJust once, on one page.18:42
ChristWAnd I’ve just checked that ‘compiz’ does not give me any hits.18:43
linusthebearLike signing a document.18:43
linusthebearbut the whole document is 3 pages.18:43
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ViperXL75can it be that ubuntu runs its own raid controller now instead of mdadm?18:43
linusthebearThis is a problem because GIMP wont handle multi page pdf files18:43
phryk_linusthebear,  Open page 3 with GIMP, do some copy-paste, export in PDF, than use pdftk to divide and merge pages18:44
linusthebearWell, moreover, it can open the pages as layers, but not export a multi page odf18:44
phryk_do not use libreoffice. use gimp18:44
linusthebearpdftk - is this a CLI tool?18:44
linusthebearHmm - yeah Ill try that.18:45
phryk_your pdf will be an image and not a "true" pdf anymore18:45
phryk_it means much more heavy18:45
linusthebearThat's a crazy workflow for many people I think.18:45
ViperXL75phryk: It looks like it's not being mounted18:45
linusthebearDam Really, Wow.  Why is this such an issue?18:46
phryk_ViperXL75, it's what i thought. It's not so simple indeed18:46
pbxlinusthebear, PDF studio is mentioned here but non-free: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PDF_software#Editors_218:46
phryk_linusthebear, well, there may be some more tools that i don't know. this is one way. you're trying to do graphical editing and it's not very easy to start18:47
=== Guest90242 is now known as db0x
linusthebearIs this yet another non free file format anomaly? Whats the deal with this?  On windows theres no problem interacting with PDFs18:47
phryk_ChristW, I havent forgotten you, i'm checking18:47
linusthebearThanks for your feedbacks though.18:47
linusthebearItll work this time...18:47
phryk_linusthebear, thanks adobe for not supporting linux enough18:48
phryk_ViperXL75, maybe you do have better to upgrade changing repos, haven't you?18:49
ChristWphryk_: Thanks! It’s probaby a hard problem...18:49
pbxlinusthebear, this app may feel like overkill (especially if you're not running KDE) but: https://okular.kde.org18:50
pbxnotice the pen tools here: https://okular.kde.org/images/screenies/okular-annotations.png18:50
ViperXL75I haven't upgraded for a long time indeed.18:51
phryk_linusthebear, have you tried to just import that pdf with libreoffice, stick the image and print as pdf?18:51
ViperXL75I did install the 'mdadm' in terminal server though18:51
ViperXL75on the LIVE cd18:51
phryk_ViperXL75, is a server what are talking about?18:51
ViperXL75i use it as a home server. But it's just old Ubuntu11 desktop 32bit18:52
phryk_It's way better to install ubuntu server edition18:52
phryk_it has all you need inside18:52
ViperXL75But what's the catch with server editions?18:52
PiciTheres no GUI on the server installs.18:53
ViperXL75I have this one connected to my TV. XBMC running on it.18:53
phryk_i just did a new installation with a software raid 1018:53
phryk_but you have to install the entire DE and all other things18:53
ViperXL75This guy is doing both filesharing in my home, downloader, Mediaplayer on TV and some other thingies18:53
phryk_ViperXL75, server edition is made for you18:54
daftykinsViperXL75: you really should be running LTS versions :)18:54
ViperXL75daftykins: yeah... i'm a bit late to find that out18:54
daftykinsphryk_: server for an XBMC/Kodi box on a TV? er, no.18:54
ViperXL75Now i am sitting on 2Gb of data on my Raid118:54
daftykinsViperXL75: try out kodibuntu :)18:54
ViperXL75dafty: tempting... but i prefer to do things a bit manualy for now18:55
phryk_daftykins, playing with madm on a desktop install is a bit more complicated I think18:55
phryk_he can mess up something18:55
ViperXL75if for some reason new upgrades comes of Kodi.. i dont wanne end up having to re-install the whole machine.18:55
daftykinsphryk_: they are identical, aside from X being on18:55
ViperXL75You have no idea how much painful it is to get all these things to work just right for me.  (I'm a bit picky)18:56
daftykinsViperXL75: ok, but if you have issues getting Kodi going on a server or desktop install of 14.04 LTS, don't say i didn't tell you so :)18:56
daftykinsi do have an idea, but i wouldn't make the mistake of combining server + HTPC roles :)18:56
ViperXL75I think i'll stick to Desktop version.18:56
phryk_daftykins, are you sure on madm? He can't mount his raid on live. I think that desktop edition will not install madm on the system18:57
daftykinsyep, wise decision if you run Kodi direct to the TV18:57
ViperXL75oh wait18:57
daftykinswell if your OS is installed on the RAID volume, that sounds out alarm bells to me18:57
ViperXL75I did install mdadm18:57
BluesKajViperXL75, fwiw I run kubuntu on this pc which is a media server , without server edition since I don't need it, and I just use VLC for any media playback , which works well for our needs, server edition is not really necessary for this kind of setup , if yours is similar18:57
ViperXL75i just had to do a quick apt-get install of mdadm on the LiveCD18:57
phryk_ViperXL75, you can install it but your system will not have it loaded. so your raid will not be recognised at boot time18:58
ViperXL75My big pain is.. How do i tell MDADM to take 2 drives who used to work in Raid1 and put them back together to continue working?18:58
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:58
imbezolViperXL75: it'll likely do it automatically but you will have to tell it where you want to mount them18:59
phryk_daftykins, this isn't the answer18:59
daftykinsthey're helpful resources18:59
daftykinsam i really harming anyone by linking them? :) i don't think so.18:59
ViperXL75My big question which makes me almost piss in my pants is... will MDADM format/cleanup my 2Tb of data on these drives?18:59
carter1no mdadm doesn't format19:00
carter1it just takes the drives and assembles them19:00
imbezolViperXL75: they have a unique identifier on the drives and when the kernel sees the identifiers it will reassemble the raid19:00
phryk_ViperXL75, can you tell me your configuration please? do a lsblk on a terminal and paste it on pastebin or something similar19:00
ViperXL75oh... sec19:01
ViperXL75hmmm... i think i need to restart it back to the old self19:01
bitcycleHey all.  We built a package and placed it in a local already-working apt repository, but the package couldn't be found by apt-get until an apt-get update was performed.  Is this a known bug?19:01
bitcyclein ubuntu 12.04?19:01
imbezolthat's expected behavior19:02
carter1that's what update is for19:02
carter1to update the list of packages in the repos19:02
bitcyclebut, I would think that if the package couldn't be found in the cache that it would check the repository.19:02
imbezolno. you don't necessarily want to throw away your cache automatically19:03
phryk_ViperXL75, your problem is that on desktop editions, there is no madm installed by default. so you'll have to install it manually after the installation. this means that you have to install madm on live, install the system, return on live, chroot on your existing OS, install madm and configure it19:03
bitcyclenot necessarily throw it away, but treat it like you might treat memcache:  get from cache if available, if not then get from db then set into cache.19:03
imbezolbitcycle: there are reasons you'd want it to only work on what's in your cache19:04
imbezolbitcycle: it just doesn't work like you're suggesting19:04
phryk_this should work on any distribution19:04
bitcycleimbezol: is there a way to tell it not to use the local cache?19:04
ViperXL75I do remember in the past that I've done that already.19:04
ViperXL75It's not the instalation of MDADM that scares me19:05
imbezolbitcycle: yup. "apt-get update && apt-cache search package"19:05
phryk_so what are you afraid of?19:05
ViperXL75It's the feeling that when i tell MDADM to 'assemble' the two drives into the raid volume that it was, that it will delete the contents of the drives and gimme an empty 2Tb volume to work with19:05
ViperXL75I did the lsblk by the way. Just not sure if its safe to paste it here.19:06
carter1mdadm doesn't work that way19:06
carter1it doesn't delete anything19:06
phryk_paste on pastebin.org19:06
acustra_está me lendo david?19:06
acustra_massa né19:06
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest8849
zhan_hi, i installed ubuntu, now the hard disk is gone, when running from USB image it recognizes it anyway. check out bios, it doesn't recognize the HDD19:06
phryk_ViperXL75, madm is just telling your system to see the drives as one. It's not madm that can erase your system. give me the output please19:07
ViperXL75just in here? Paste it here?19:07
ViperXL75I pasted it privately to ya.  :)19:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:08
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.19:08
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=== arlen_ is now known as arlen
phryk_ChristW, I really have no idea of this problem. It may be a bug19:13
zhan_ hi, i installed ubuntu, now the hard disk is gone, when running from USB image it recognizes it anyway. check out bios, it doesn't recognize the HDD, therefore I can't start up ubuntu19:13
phryk_ChristW, just try to lower the resolution19:13
ChristWphryk_: So, just file a bug report and see if people pick it up as such?19:13
ChristWphryk_: I could lower the res, but why does Desktop Zoom exist if it doesn’t work?19:14
ViperXL75Seems I was stressing the hell outta you guys for nothing. I think that everyone thought that I was running my root installation on the raid. That's not the case. My root installation goes on smaller disk. My downloads/music etc is on this raid. SO its no problem to enable it later.19:15
BluesKajzhan_, have you looked in the boot sequence of the BIOS/UEFI for the HDD ?19:16
zhan_I looked at BIOS19:16
zhan_and it doesn't show up19:16
ChristWphryk_: I mean: I turn it on, nad it makes a mess. Even the programmer itself  would notice…19:17
zhan_blueskaj: ?19:17
zhan_how do i look into uefi19:19
BluesKajzhan_, in the live media open a terminal and do sudo fdisk -l , then run sudo grub-install /dev/sdX , X is usually /dev/sda19:20
zhan_so book up the flash, sudo fdisk -1, sudeo grub-install /dev/sda?19:21
ChristWzhan_: minus ell, not minus one.19:21
masu3701Hello all19:28
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
zhan_so i run grub-install dev/sda1, and it's installing for i385-pc platform19:37
zhan_if i have ubuntu installed in dual bot, can i run it from VM?19:38
zhan_installation failed19:39
zhan_can some1 help me please19:41
pbxzhan_, give more details: what your specific goal is, what you've tried, specifically how it failed.19:46
jhutchinszhan_: Is it an eufi system?19:46
zhan_installed ubuntu through usb, now the HDD doesn't get recognized in BIOS or windows19:46
zhan_when start up from usb it detects installation19:47
zhan_jhutshins: don't know what youre asking19:49
treelzebubzhan_, have a look at this: http://blog.werk21.de/node/8819:53
treelzebubdoes it apply to your situation?19:54
zhan_whats dmraid19:54
zhan_vs mdraid19:54
OverandIs tehre an issue with the mirrors right now?  I have had a few quirks on a new system that i've never noticed before.  Missing key on the EXTRAS repo, so i imported one per a guide (from keyserver.ubuntu.com) - but now I'm getting a hash mismatch on the Backports (trusty) server19:56
Overander, repo.19:56
Overand... welp, the latter resolved itself, or i popped over to a different mirror - oh well!19:56
zhan_what the fuck do i do19:57
daftykinszhan_: first of all, you don't use that language in here... please19:58
daftykinsfamily friendly atmosphere thanks :)19:58
carter1zhan, what setting did you use when you installed19:58
zhan_i don't think that it exactly matters as the channel is pretty much a log of people leaving and joining19:58
zhan_cartel: used usb installer19:58
cluelesspersonHello, I'm trying to finish installing Ubuntu 14.04 as a guest for Hyper V, but it doesn't include the networking drivers and all of the google searches lead to instructions for previous versions that won't work here.19:58
cluelesspersonCan anyone help me out?19:58
Overandzhan_: I've had lots of success here, and have offered a lot of help here too.  Also, that's not a ver zhan-like thing to say.19:59
ubottuA list of official repository mirrors and their statuses can be found at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors20:00
carter1zhan_ that's not very helpful20:00
zhan_i used the installer20:00
carter1how did you partition, what version did you install, there are a lot of variables here20:00
carter1and you're just saying you installed it20:00
zhan_i let it partition whole HDD20:01
carter1so you have one hard drive, and the whole hard drive is now linux?20:01
carter1and what is your boot order?20:01
zhan_i got couple of HDD20:01
zhan_and no other option as i mentioned20:02
carter1so does it boot straight into windows?20:02
carter1or does it  give you a grub screen?20:02
zhan_it lets me choose between windows 8 and windows 8 pro20:02
zhan_no grub20:02
zhan_tried installing rub through sudo grub-install dev/dva120:02
jhutchinszhan_: You probably have EFI.20:03
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:03
zhan_what should i do20:03
carter1well, a) read the link he gave you20:03
jhutchinszhan_:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation20:03
carter1if you want help though, you need to get better about providing information20:04
AndroidHackerzhan_, do you happen to have an MSI brand laptop?20:04
Mik3Silv3rany expert in SAMBA?20:04
zhan_android, no20:05
carter1i run a samba backup doamin controller20:05
carter1but i'm not an expert by any means20:05
carter1what's your question?20:05
AndroidHackerzhan_, ok, have you tried to install ubuntu in legacy mode?20:05
Mik3Silv3rhello carter120:05
Mik3Silv3ri need help with shares...20:05
zhan_ill try the UFI thing for now20:06
carter1oh, that shouldn't be too bad20:06
carter1what are you trying to do?20:06
Mik3Silv3ry have a parent directory, but inside i want to deny access to one folder to a user, but all20:06
bryan_Doe's anyone here use Bleachbit and if so what do u think of it?20:07
AndroidHackeri had to install ubuntu in legacy mode, then use a different liveusb disk to go back and install another distro, then run update-grub, then change back to efi20:07
carter1probably the easiest thing would be to create a group with everyone except that one user, and then give the folder group permissions20:07
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.20:07
carter1what security level is the samba server?20:09
Mik3Silv3rbut my share is path = parent/directory, inside i have folder1, folder2 and folder3, all users can access to parent directory, but "baduser" cant not access to folder2 for example, how do it?20:09
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carter1you just chgrp -R allbutbaduser folder220:10
carter1er, actually, there's really no reason for the -R flag20:10
Mik3Silv3rwith chmod? or in the smb.conf?20:10
carter1so just chgrp it20:10
carter1no, change the group first20:11
carter1either chgrp or like chown user:notbadgroup folder220:11
carter1and then chmod it so like 77020:11
carter1if it's part of a windows domain, you can also use windows permissions20:11
carter1right click on it from windwos, go to security, and then add the user, and deny all20:12
myk_myk_: Can some please help I'm going crazy trying to get this Hardrive mounted. It's formatted msdos OS X journaled20:12
carter1sorry, right click, properties, then security tab20:12
Mik3Silv3rmy security level is users and password samba20:12
myk_Can some please help I'm going crazy trying to get this Hardrive mounted. It's formatted msdos OS X journaled20:12
DJJeffwhere does "libc-2.19.so" reside and should I have it in 14.04.2?20:13
zhan_fucking great20:13
Mik3Silv3ri have only two shares in smb.conf20:13
zhan_can't get boot repair either20:13
myk_Can someone help me with a drive not mounting20:13
carter1ah yeah, then i'd just use linux permissions20:13
DJJeffMik3Silv3r: I could never get samba to work on recent versions of ubuntu20:13
cxdvtyIs ther systemd out for 15.04 beta yet?20:13
carter1DJJeff, it's working on 14.04 for me20:13
carter1what issues did you have?20:14
Mik3Silv3rshare with all permision for all and equipment1 with valid users = @admins20:14
carter1yeah, that would work20:14
cxdvtycarter1 ?20:14
DJJeffMik3Silv3r: mounting ssh in windows 7/8/8.1/10 is easy20:14
Mik3Silv3rbut..... inside of equipment1 is the folder2 and this folder is for baduser20:15
carter1cxdvty 15.04?20:15
carter1Mik3Silv3r, then just rearrange the folders20:15
DJJeff16.04 = LTS20:15
jhutchinsmyk_: which device is it?  fdisk -l20:17
HarrisHi on a fresh install i ran sudo apt-get update and it is stuck on dkms install completed20:17
DJJeffok found libc-2.19.so is a part of libc620:18
cxdvtyyes carter1 do you run it?20:19
carter1no, i run 14.0420:19
Mik3Silv3rall group admins can access for all folders, only baduser cant access to folder220:19
Mik3Silv3rbut folder2 is inside of the share Equipment120:20
carter1so...move it20:20
fiZLiki have problem with lampp actually with authentication login to phpmyadmin20:20
carter1or create it as a separate share20:20
fiZLiki know my pass but dont know user20:20
cxdvtycarter1: so are you20:20
Mik3Silv3rmi idea is that in network places only  2 folders are displayed (share and equipment1)20:22
HarrisHi on a fresh install i ran sudo apt-get update and it is stuck on dkms install completed20:22
fiZLiki have problem with lampp actually with authentication login to phpmyadmin. i know my pass but dont know user20:22
Mik3Silv3rfizlik user root?20:23
jhutchinsHarris: update doesn't install anything.20:23
Harrisjhutchins: it was dist-upgrade my bad20:23
fiZLikMik3Silv3r: i do that but still cant login20:23
jhutchinsfiZLik: Can you get in through the command line client?20:24
fiZLikno i know that20:24
fiZLikauthentication login data20:24
Harrisjhutchins: please20:24
fiZLiki have secured phpmyadmin with authentication login20:25
Mik3Silv3rusername root, passwd leave blank20:25
Mik3Silv3rYou can also add to your /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php file this line: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE;20:25
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jhutchinsHarris: Give it plenty of time, then kill it.20:26
jhutchinsfiZLik: Do you have root access in the console?20:26
fiZLiksite require username and password. Site say 'xampp_user20:26
Harrisjhutchins: it happens everytime i run dist-upgrade20:26
Harriswhat do i do20:26
jhutchinsHarris: aptitude -f install20:27
cluelesspersonHello, I'm trying to finish installing Ubuntu 14.04 as a guest for Hyper V, but it doesn't include the networking drivers and all of the google searches lead to instructions for previous versions that won't work here.20:27
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jhutchinsHarris: if that hangs, shutdown -fR now (to check the disk).20:27
carter1Mik3Silv3r, you might also think about a better security level if you want more fine-grained permissions20:27
john-dadiswhat the hell is the update-software process?20:27
john-dadisIt is devouring my PC20:27
fiZLikMik3Silv3r: this is ok20:28
=== john-dadis is now known as thechitowncubs
thechitowncubswhat the hell is the update-software process?20:29
thechitowncubsSorry if I double posted i just regged didn't know if it went through20:29
Harrisjhutchins: what is wrong with my fresh install20:29
fiZLikjhutchins: yeah everything work fine i just cant login to phpmyadmin20:29
Mik3Silv3rcarter1: i try with groups and chmod but i dont have idea how...20:30
jhutchinsfiZ cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql/user.MYD20:30
jhutchinsfiZLik: cat /var/lib/mysql/mysql/user.MYD20:30
Mik3Silv3rfiZLik : Great! :-)20:30
jhutchinsfiZLik: Have you created any users?20:30
carter1you have a group admins that each user except baduser is part of20:30
jhutchinsHarris: Darned if I know what's wrong with it.20:31
carter1then just give the directory like a chown user:group folder220:31
fiZLikwhen i installed lampp he ask me just for pass not for user20:31
carter1and chmod 770 folder220:31
fiZLiki didnt20:31
Harrisjhutchins: please20:31
jhutchinsHarris: The two steps I suggested will move toward figuring it out.20:31
Mik3Silv3rcarter1 ok i try it20:32
carter1unix permissions always take priority over samba permissions20:32
carter1which helps20:32
carter1but make sure like guest and things are turned off20:32
carter1and be sure the create mask is 77020:32
Harrisjhutchins: if i reinstall the os will it fix20:32
Mik3Silv3ryeap guest ok = no20:33
Mik3Silv3rvalid users="admins20:33
fiZLikjhutchins: nothing there about mysql20:34
Mik3Silv3rchmod -R 0770 for all folders and the baduser´s folder chmod -R 0777 i correct?20:34
carter1yeah, but do a chown too20:34
carter1to set the group20:34
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fiZLikhow to remove authetication login?20:40
Mik3Silv3rowner or group?20:41
Mik3Silv3ror is the same command?20:41
carter1oh, it's user:group20:42
carter1like Mik3Silv3r:admin20:42
Mik3Silv3rchown bdauser:villains ?20:43
Mik3Silv3rchown baduser:villains ?20:43
carter1if i add just a plain text file with cron commands to /etc/cron.d, it runs them right?20:46
carter1nothing else you have to do?20:47
fiZLikanyone have solution for me?20:47
thechitowncubswhats the lightest weight floating window manager/similar to XFCE?20:48
FLHernethechitowncubs: TWM, probably :P20:49
daftykinsfiZLik: auto login you want?20:49
daftykinsgo into users in system settings20:49
FLHerneJWM probably slightly less hideous20:49
myk_I can't connect to this drive So the drive is working perfectly it's coming from a Mac tower that I just ran an update on and now I can't access the drive. It seems the drive is msdos formatted but it's 1tb  OSXjournaled20:50
ViperXL75what's that command again to tell MDADM to take 2 HDDs which used to work together, and re-create the Raid1 again with them?   Is that 'assemble   ?20:50
carter1viper, first, look at cat /proc/mdstat20:51
carter1and then yeah, you can assemble them, and then remember you have to mount the assembled drive20:51
myk_I have ubuntu installed and was wondering if there is a way to get this drive connected20:51
ViperXL75carter: and then the old data which was on both drives will come back... right?20:51
carter1if everything goes well, yes20:52
fiZLikdaftykins: i have that but what is my username for authentication login20:52
randomconstructsHello all20:52
fiZLikdaftykins: i know to login into phpmyadmin20:52
Mik3Silv3rcreate1 restarting services and testing...20:52
ViperXL75what the... i didnt have to type anything.20:52
ViperXL75I already see it there20:52
fiZLikdaftykins: :)20:53
kitcheFiZLik its a mysql user20:53
Mik3Silv3rcarter1 restarting services and testing...20:53
ViperXL75md0: active raid120:53
randomconstructsim having trouble connecting to my printr board.... i recently moved to UNBUTU and i lack basic knowlage20:53
daftykins"authentication login" is a very redundant term20:53
ViperXL75but... how... what the.... hmm?!?!?!?20:53
fiZLikdaftykins: i have secured phpmyadmin i need first authentication login to open my phpmyadmin page20:53
daftykinsfiZLik: phpmyadmin is a web app, nothing to do with physical machine login20:53
daftykinssorry i don't understand you at all20:53
carter1viper, do you have it in your fstab?20:54
fiZLikldaftykins: something like when you login to your router settings20:54
ViperXL75oh.. not yet. I have the old FSTAB backed up though20:54
bugs_buggerhi. does someone know how i can search for processes on a network of remote servers? i got an interrupted remote session running and don know the host name (roundrobin hosts)20:54
daftykinsbut that's phpyadmin's default...20:55
carter1cool, so just copy the line20:55
ViperXL75can we have a talk in private?20:55
star_pronehi all20:55
carter1nah, i'm about to leave work20:55
daftykins!pm | ViperXL7520:55
carter1it's almost 520:55
fiZLikdaftykins: i installed lampp with this20:55
ubottuViperXL75: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.20:55
ViperXL75dang.. ok20:55
star_proneI have tried to install npm but it failed because of some unmet dependencies, then I tried to install sqlite browser but failed because of the same problems20:56
ViperXL75cat /proc/mdstat gives me the following:20:56
ViperXL75md0 : active raid1 sdd1[1] sdc1[0]      [next line]   1953512400 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]20:57
randomconstructsI'm new to UNBUTU actually to LINUX in gerneral.... im having trouble  identifying what port my usb is20:57
jhutchinsfiZLik: If you haven't created any accounts then there aren't any users except root.20:57
ViperXL75I can just do 'mdadm --assemble' and wait?20:57
star_proneI have opened System Settings > Software & updates and I have checked the box next to "canonical-supported free and open-source software (main)"20:57
star_pronenow I have roughly 400 MB of updates to install20:57
fiZLikjhutchins: yes20:57
jhutchinsfiZLik: https://wiki.debian.org/MySql20:57
star_pronethe problem is that I'm afraid of doing that20:58
carter1watch -d cat /proc/mdstat will let you watch in real time20:58
carter1do --assemble --scan20:58
star_proneis it safe to install those updates?20:58
ViperXL75scan to check for errors?20:58
fiZLikjhutchins:do you have wireless router?20:58
ViperXL75it won't bother the content, right?20:58
jhutchinsfiZLik: Several.20:58
fiZLikjhutchins: they all have authentication login20:58
randomconstructsI'm new to UNBUTU actually to LINUX in gerneral.... im having trouble  identifying what port my usb is20:58
randomconstructsI'm new to UNBUTU actually to LINUX in gerneral.... im having trouble  identifying what port my usb is20:58
kitcheFiZLik we told you how to login several times20:59
fiZLikjhutchins:again please20:59
fiZLikkitche: sorry i missed20:59
fiZLikkitche: can you tell me again21:00
jhutchinsfiZLik: https://wiki.debian.org/MySql21:00
* randomconstructs tapps his foot21:01
jhutchinsrandomconstructs: You haven't actually asked a question.21:01
jhutchinsrandomconstructs: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?21:01
azharmy buetooth cant work normally , my kernel 3.16 .. wi fi good work but the bluetooth not actve , iam using ubuntu 14.10 lenovo G40 70 help me please?21:02
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:03
jhutchinsazhar: ^21:03
fiZLikhey all try to connect www.callofdutyvrbas.tk/phpmyadmin21:04
fiZLiktry someone21:04
cxdvtyi tried21:04
Robert_LabrieIs it possible to get out of LTS track?21:05
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kitcheFiZLik for that it would be whatever username and passwors you created for htpasswd21:05
fiZLikkitche: i know pass but i didnt made any user how to fix that?21:07
ObrienDaveRobert_Labrie, yes, on the software & updates settings page, updates tab, change bottom selector to "any version"21:07
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Mik3Silv3rfiZLik unnistall it and reinstall21:08
Robert_LabrieObrienDave thanks! box is headless, any idea how to do it from shell?21:08
ObrienDaveRobert_Labrie, no clue, sorry21:08
star_proneany help for me please?21:08
kitchefiZLik look at .htpasswd the user is most likely xampp though21:08
Robert_LabrieObrienDave NP thanks21:08
ObrienDaveRobert_Labrie, server?21:09
Robert_LabrieObrienDave yea21:10
ObrienDaveRobert_Labrie, ask in #ubuntu-server21:10
randomconstructs jhutchins>      About a year ago i bought a 1up 3d printer wich i assembled and got to print but got fustrated with the design flaws of the printer, so i put it on a shelf in my closet for about a year till i could afford a rostck kit for it.... well i have it builts wires ran and tried to hook it up to repetir but it wont connect.... ive downloaded arduino ide and it dosent auto connect to my board(wich should not be picking up as a duo) .21:11
randomconstructs I get power to my printr board REV D (the LED is on) but thats it.  I think i need to reflash the board since it has been over six months without power.  So now im trying to install dfu programmer and it wont make the file i can run bootstrap and config.... im connecting my printr board to my computer with a USB.  Since arduino is not auto detecting i need to know what port i am using to connect with my printr board21:11
randomconstructsIm brand new to UNBUTU / LINUX21:12
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randomconstructsHow do i detect what USB port is my printer bard plugged into21:16
aboSamoorhi, I am running ubuntu server 14.04, I am trying to install libffi-dev, but I am getting dependency error (http://paste.ubuntu.com/10570803/), any idea?21:16
kitcherandomcostructs could use dmesg in the command line or look though /var/log/messages21:17
randomconstructsthank you ill try21:17
Jakey2is there an easy way to install the android sdk on ubuntu 14.0421:18
randomconstructsso type /var/log/messages in the terminal?21:19
Jakey2with eclipse21:19
ax562I'm using 12.04 lts 64bit.  My problem is a while back I was trying to set a default display and changed a setting somewhere. Now when I use laptop without external display my laptop screen is black.21:21
ax562any ideas on how to fix?21:21
clmclmax562, did you set in in the ubuntu gui or in a text file?21:24
ax562I believe it was a text file21:24
Basketballi ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it is stuck on DKMS: install completed.21:24
ax562I check xinitrc and fstab and nothing looks out of order21:25
ax562but not sure which file I adjusted21:25
Basketballi ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it is stuck on DKMS: install completed.21:25
bpromptax562:     what if you, drop to a "recovery session", and "mv", not rm, just "mv" /etc/X11/xorg.conf     see if that gives you something21:26
bpromptax562:  "mv", so if nothing, you can always put it back21:26
ax562The only reason I messed with the settings was that no matter what, my system would always run 2 displays at boot.  nvidia settings would not stick21:26
clmclmax562, it must be a x11 file, try bprompt solution21:26
ax562would pastebining the xorg.conf file help?21:28
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ax562I do not see anyhthing in there that looks out of play21:28
clmclmax562, pastebin it21:28
ax562there it is21:28
ax562I'm able to login successfully as long as I have external display connected21:29
randomconstructs[ 2842.837826] sr 3:0:0:0: [sr0] unaligned transfer21:29
randomconstructs[ 3990.236067] usb 4-2: USB disconnect, device number 521:29
randomconstructs[ 5419.944252] systemd-hostnamed[8578]: Warning: nss-myhostname is not installed. Changing the local hostname might make it unresolveable. Please install nss-myhostname!21:29
MortezaEhello, my terminal has no beep21:29
randomconstructsthats the last of what i got21:29
Basketballi ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it is stuck on DKMS: install completed.21:30
MortezaEwhen i echo \007 i hear nothing. what to do?21:30
clmclmax562, ubuntu should have a graphical display manager?21:30
randomconstructsi think its cutting off the board when its trying to communitcate? theres alot of repetitive entries21:30
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ax562clmclm yes but super basic21:31
ax562didn't find solution there21:31
Basketballrww: hey21:33
clmclmax562, internet says nvidia overrides xorg.conf21:33
clmclmax562, what does nvidia-settings say?21:33
ax562clmclm what setting in nvidia?21:34
ax562everything looks okay if I have ext display connected.  If not, black screen.21:35
clmclmax562, did you try xrandr?21:36
Mik3Silv3rthanks for all carter1 !!21:36
ax562where is xrandr?21:36
ax562clmclm where is xrandr?21:37
clmclmax562, if you have an external monitor connected just pastebin the output of 'xrandr'21:37
Basketballsomeone please21:37
ax562where is xrandr?21:38
clmclmax562, just type it in the terminal21:38
azharwhy i cant instal wine , the error say not instaled msfont ?21:38
ax562clmclm I beleive xrandr is what I messed with originally.  Is there a text file associated with xrandr or how can I change xrandr?21:40
clmclmax562, lvds is your laptop montor, give me a minute to find the right syntax21:40
clmclmax562, 'sudo xrandr --output LVDS-0 --primary' could do it21:41
doomlord_1can anyone confirm if a radeon r9 290x works with ubuntu21:41
ax562clmclm that might have worked....let me reset21:42
clmclmax562, otherwise append the command above with '--auto'21:43
grafthey folks, i'm trying to make a user-space filesystem that mounts an encrypted file. any ideas on how to go about this?21:45
grafti can use EncFS, but it has some drawbacks (like no keyfile for example)... LUKS is much more powerful, but it seems like i need to be root/point to it via a loopback device, etc.21:46
antonio_algun español21:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:46
randomconstructs[14873.464036] usb 5-1: new full-speed USB device number 3 using uhci_hcd21:47
randomconstructs[14873.636799] usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=16c0, idProduct=048321:47
randomconstructs[14873.636805] usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=321:47
randomconstructs[14873.636809] usb 5-1: Product: USB Serial21:47
randomconstructs[14873.636812] usb 5-1: Manufacturer: Teensyduino21:47
randomconstructs[14873.636815] usb 5-1: SerialNumber: 1234521:47
clmclm!pastebin | randomconstructs21:47
ubotturandomconstructs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:47
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randomconstructsHere is what is thorwn up when i run that command :                   http://paste.ubuntu.com/10570973/21:51
OerHeksrandomconstructs, last answer on this page maybe? https://forum.pjrc.com/archive/index.php/t-24178.html21:52
randomconstructsi tried to follow these steps here to install a boot loader but couldnt get dfu to install past the config file                      http://reprap.org/wiki/Printrboard#Loading_Firmware_.28Linux.2921:53
miceikenDo you support Wubi issues here?21:54
d4mnb0bis it recommend to install the old xbmc ( kodi ) version from the standard repo? or is it better to install the newest version from the kodi repo?21:54
d4mnb0bi mean is there a security risk?21:55
OerHeksd4mnb0b, security risc in that repo or using the older standard one? depend on if you use 14.04 or 14.10 ..21:57
randomconstructsi tried to follow these steps here to install a boot loader but couldnt get dfu to install past the config file                      http://reprap.org/wiki/Printrboard#Loading_Firmware_.28Linux.2921:57
d4mnb0bwhats wrong with that kodi repo?21:58
randomconstructsi tried to follow these steps here to install a boot loader but couldnt get dfu to install past the config file                      http://reprap.org/wiki/Printrboard#Loading_Firmware_.28Linux.2921:58
randomconstructsHere is what is thorwn up when i run that command :                   http://paste.ubuntu.com/10570973/21:58
randomconstructsHere is what is thorwn up when i run that command :                   http://paste.ubuntu.com/10570973/21:58
miceikenI'm crashing when installing Wubi, logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10571000/ - error: http://clusterbrain.net/u/2015-03-09_22-44-37.png21:58
d4mnb0bOerHeks, are u paranoid, or its realy a security risk to add the kodi repo?21:58
OerHeksd4mnb0b, no, just asking what security risk you asking for21:59
d4mnb0bvery subtil bro :|21:59
OerHeksofficially we do not support PPA's, but it is a trusted way21:59
d4mnb0bno issues with the kodi repo? ^^or22:00
kro2488hey sup22:00
salty-horsehey. On Ubuntu 14.04, how do I disable a media player from auto-launching when I connect a usb media with music? All of the guides online refer to old Nautilus functionality in "Preferences" that isn't there22:00
kro2488i have a ubuntu question I need help, involving UFW and thunderbird22:00
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
d4mnb0bthe old xmbc version from the main repo is very okd and buggy, i hope the software will updates nearly22:01
d4mnb0bokd=old wth22:01
kro2488I am new to ubuntu and linux and I know how to do some ip tables ubt how do i fix my firewall to work with my outlook and gmail in thunderbird?22:01
kro2488anyone know how to do that?22:02
OerHeksd4mnb0b, 14 is pretty recent https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ( still waiting for that ppa name to change )22:02
kro2488Anyone see my question?22:03
MrJonnycan any one help me with regex please22:04
OerHekskro2488, easiest way is to install a gui for the already installed ufw, sudo apt-get install gufw # and you can enable it in systemsettings22:04
graftkro2488: what are you talking about, fix your firewall to work with outlook and gmail?22:05
kro2488im talking about using thunderbird22:06
kro2488with the firewall up it doesnt work22:06
kro2488i have a gmail and outlook account in it22:06
graftkro2488: is the firewall running on your linux machine?22:07
heinz_hi,way cant instal my dvd exe (test CSCS)....via Wine?22:07
graftkro2488: are you blocking some outgoing requests?22:07
kro2488start a private chat with me22:07
graftkro2488: no, that's the whole point of this channel...22:08
=== FLHerne_ is now known as FLHerne
kro2488and yes, because I want to control outgoing requests specifically with me22:08
kro2488i have had success being that specific with mostly everything else22:08
kro2488when i understand the ports and how it works anyways22:08
=== Buckethead is now known as Guest79301
graftkro2488: what's your current iptables setup like?22:09
kro2488one sec22:09
heinz_reason way is in message where is:This DVD has been detected as being a copied disc.22:09
heinz_but my dvd disc is original22:09
kro2488Status: active  To                         Action      From --                         ------      ---- 993                        DENY        Anywhere 465                        DENY        Anywhere 25/tcp                     ALLOW       Anywhere 587                        ALLOW       Anywhere 993 (v6)                   DENY        Anywhere (v6) 465 (v6)                   DENY        Anywhere (v6) 25/tcp (v6)                ALLOW  22:10
kro2488that didnt paste good22:10
graftkro2488: pastebin.com22:10
kro2488ok what do i do with pastebin?22:11
graftpaste the url in here22:11
ObrienDavepastebin rather than flooding channel22:11
clmclm!pastebin | kro248822:13
ubottukro2488: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:13
kro2488yeah ok so i pated with pastebin22:14
kro2488now how do i make it to a url to give you22:14
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miceikenI'm crashing when installing Wubi, logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10571000/ - error: http://clusterbrain.net/u/2015-03-09_22-44-37.png22:15
kro2488graft: how do i make the url to link you from pastebin?22:15
kro2488this is the first time I have ever used it graft ok lol22:16
cluelesspersonI've installed ubuntu in Hyper V, but it doesn't detect the Network adapters22:17
cluelesspersonwhat do?22:17
randomconstructsi tried to follow these steps here to install a boot loader but couldnt get dfu to install past the config file                      http://reprap.org/wiki/Printrboard#Loading_Firmware_.28Linux.2922:17
randomconstructsHere is what is thorwn up when i run that command :                   http://paste.ubuntu.com/10570973/22:17
kro2488theres my firewall how do i get thunderbird to work form there with gmail and outlook22:18
dreamcat4^hi. i need to install dhclient on a debootstrap'd minbase (minimum ubuntu image)22:18
tewardkro2488: allow outbound to the specific ports that the remote email servers work with22:19
tewardkro2488: depending on the setup of each client, that could vary22:19
kro2488teward: it still doesnt work22:19
tewardkro2488: 'doesn't work' is vague22:19
kro2488with gmail they rotate the ips and stuff too22:19
roger3415dreamcat4^: you should beable to use ubuntu software center22:19
kro2488servers i mean22:19
tewardkro2488: they haven't rotated their ports in the past few years, I don't think22:19
tewardkro2488: if you're seriously doing that kind of heavy filtering by IP as well, then i think you're going to need different rules and settings22:19
kro2488teward: yeah im still a newb to it22:20
malikeyeso with 12.04, why doesn't it regenerate the /etc/ssh/ssh_host keys are reboot/restart of ssh?22:20
kro2488teward: do I need to worry about incoming with the email client?22:20
malikeyeevery other distro I've tested this with does... as does 14.0422:20
tewardkro2488: what are you actually trying to achieve here though?22:21
malikeyethe google is not proving fruitful with answering the question22:21
tewardkro2488: is this one box's configuratoins, or is this a border firewall/router/NAT setup22:22
dreamcat4^but there is no apt package for dhclient - it's a part of the base system... but not in minbase22:22
kro2488teward: i just wann amake sure im allow access to my machine through tho servers in a safe way22:22
kro2488if i just leave the port open, anything can go through it besides email right?22:22
tewardkro2488: you shouldn't be concerned about OUTSIDE -> INSIDE22:22
kro2488teward: i guess that makes sense22:22
tewardkro2488: your mail clients are going to go INSIDE -> OUTSIDE, and then as long as there's RELATED,ESTABLISHED allowed in the inboud rules (i thin kufw does this by default) then the 'related traffic' on the return trip is allowed and permitted22:23
tewardkro2488: however, you usually don't need that strict a control set for outboudn traffic on an endpoint client machine22:23
tewardin a corporate environment, you might, but you can do that at the border firewall22:23
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tewardkro2488: also consider that doing port-restrictions can be a futile attempt - you can make pretty much any protocol work with pretty much any port, really, even for the 'most commonly accepted' port(s) for a given protocol22:24
kro2488tedward: thanks, I think it sworkign right now after i followed your advice22:26
Basketballi followed all of the steps to reset password in recoverymode and when i boot back when i type in new password ubunu says it is wrong22:26
randomconstructsok i got this error while installing pakages..... what do i do?!22:26
dreamcat4^roger3415: ah, 'dhclient' program seems to be called something else: 'isc-dhcp-client'22:30
randomconstructsok i got this error while installing pakages..... what do i do?!22:30
k1lthe second one is: just use one instance of package managment. dont run serveal apt-get or softwarecenter or updater at once22:31
I-am-GrootHello Guys22:39
BobTheSkullYou're out of character!22:40
I-am-GrootI am Groot!!22:40
kro2488one other curious thing with the firewall, i know its not letting me view live webcam streams on websites, i guess flash player uses certain ports for that?22:41
I-am-GrootYesterday, i was here with a problem that i was having with my Ubuntu installation where there were black borders around my windows and my terminal also turned black22:41
kro2488freaky groot22:42
roger3415dreamcat^: you could also try the command line sudo apt-get dhclient22:42
I-am-GrootI was able to fix that by restoring a backup i made about a month ago22:42
kro2488you mean black all round22:42
kro2488not just at time22:42
tewardkro2488: again, a case I believe of your firewall being too restrictive.22:42
I-am-GrootYea kro248822:42
kro2488is there a way to see connection attempts?22:42
kro2488im curious22:42
I-am-Grootits everywhere22:42
tewardkro2488: wireshark22:42
tewardkro2488: but you'll get a *lot* of packet data22:43
kro2488teward, oh sh lol22:43
kro2488teward: so its like needle in a haystack22:43
tewardkro2488: the trouble with a restrictive OUTPUT / OUTBOUND set is that you can't account for all those things22:43
I-am-Grooti did researches and it happens to happen on Nvidia VGAs but i had intel VGA22:43
tewardkro2488: if you really want to have a 'good' setup, you set up squid or something on your network as a web gateway to handle 'good' vs, 'bad' traffic, or something similar22:43
I-am-GrootThat was the second time i encountered that problem22:44
kro2488teward; is that in the app store? or command line install22:44
tewardkro2488: but if you're truly going to restrict every outbound bit of data via firewall you're going to run into a 'Kobayashi Maru' like scenario22:44
tewardkro2488: wireshark's in the repositories if that's what you mean22:44
tewardbut you shouldn't set up squid or anything on your endpoint client / machine22:44
I-am-GrootAfter restoring my backup of the whole ubuntu installation, the problem goes away22:44
tewardkro2488: and by 'Kobayashi Maru' scenario, I mean a situation where you're going to have to open up a ***lot*** of ports to make things work as intended22:45
I-am-GrootBut it comes back again eventually, just like a time bomb waiting to explode22:45
kro2488teward: so i was referrring to wireshark its in there too?22:45
tewardkro2488: so, back to my initial question, what's your ultimate goal here?  Restriction of outbound traffic, or preventing inbound traffic from reaching your system to do data22:45
BobTheSkullI'm coming into this late Groot, but is it possibly tied to an update/upgrade?22:45
kro2488i just don't wanna get hacked or get a virus or malicious anything22:45
I-am-GrootI was wondering if there was anyway someone here today knows how to fix this graphic glitch??22:45
tewardkro2488: it should be, but as i said, it'll return a lot of extra data than what you're seeking - it's a packet analysis tool, and can grba everything22:45
tewardkro2488: then doing what you're doing via a firewall is not what you need22:46
I-am-GrootBobTheSkull: No i didnt try to update22:46
I-am-GrootI am on ubuntu 14.04 as at now22:46
kro2488hey can you pm me teward22:46
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I-am-GrootAnd i dont have a stable internet connection at my place for an update22:47
BobTheSkullGotcha.  Only thing I could think of.22:47
tewardkro2488: sure, check your PMs - also note that i'm on the train, the wifi isn't the best22:48
I-am-GrootBut it all started after i did a backup of my / directory, formatted the ubuntu partition, extended it, then reinstalled ubuntu from a flash drive and then restore my backup.22:49
I-am-GrootI had to fix grub tho22:49
I-am-Grootsince then, i encounted this problem for the first time.22:49
zhan_so software center needs a restart which I gave, but it still didn't install stuff22:49
I-am-GrootAt bootup, there is an error right before the logon screen appears saying it couldnt mount a partition22:51
I-am-GrootI checked all my partitions and found out they are all working except for the swap partition, i had to manually mount it via the program disks. When i do, it asks me to enter my password22:52
zhan_any1 knows what my problem?22:53
clmclmI-am-Groot, is swap in fstab?22:53
I-am-Grootclmclm: Could u break it down a bit for me??22:53
I-am-Grootwhere is fstab??22:54
clmclmI-am-Groot, if you 'cat /etc/fstab' you see all partitions that are mountet on start. is the swap partition there22:54
I-am-Groothold on as i check22:55
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I-am-Grootclmclm: it says22:57
I-am-Groot# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation22:57
I-am-GrootUUID=6adef265-d8c7-4390-b701-3efbf311418b none            swap    sw              0       022:57
clmclmI-am-Groot, that looks okay23:00
I-am-Grootu sure??23:00
I-am-Grootcheck this out23:00
I-am-Grooti dont think it is23:00
clmclmI-am-Groot, yes and the swap must not be mounted23:00
clmclmI-am-Groot, which partition fails to mount?23:01
I-am-Grootthe swap partition23:01
I-am-Grootright now swap is not active23:01
I-am-Grooti have to mount it in disk before it becomes active23:01
clmclmI-am-Groot,  can you 'sudo swapon /dev/sda5' ?23:01
I-am-Grootclmclm: its now saying23:02
I-am-Grootswapon: /dev/sda5: read swap header failed: Invalid argument23:02
_blizzy_so, I'm in vagrant using Ubuntu trusty 64. in terminal, it reads23:03
_blizzy_is there a way to change what comes before the @ or after the @?23:04
Amm0nI-am-Groot, dif the UUID's in /etc/fstab with lsblk -f23:04
clmclmI-am-Groot, make 'sudo mkswap /dev/sda5' before23:04
Amm0nif they are the same your fstab should be fine23:05
positiveanyone know how i can look into recent changes in IP address associated with a domain ?23:06
airtonix-workpositive: google: dns history23:07
I-am-GrootAmmon and clmclm: Check this out23:07
clmclmAmm0n, how does lsblk show uuid?23:07
_blizzy_nvm, I figured it out. thanks.23:08
clmclmI-am-Groot, post 'sudo blkid /dev/sda6'23:08
Amm0nclmclm lsblk -f shows UUID's to me23:09
clmclmI-am-Groot, it's a one liner, you can do it here23:09
I-am-Groot/dev/sda6: UUID="325fe35d-c48f-4fe5-92bd-9af49e2e7b46" TYPE="swap"23:09
clmclmI-am-Groot, and there's the problem23:10
clmclmI-am-Groot, change the /etc/fstab file UUID to the one you just posted23:10
clmclmI-am-Groot, be careful with that. it's the second UUID23:11
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I-am-Grootclmclm:Where can i find the fstab file??23:12
clmclmI-am-Groot, /etc/fstab23:12
I-am-Grootthere is only fstab.d in the etc directory23:13
clmclmI-am-Groot, you posted your fstab a few minutes ago -> http://pastebin.com/2fVZk5PJ23:13
I-am-Grootbash: cd: /etc/fstab: Not a directory23:14
roger3415so has anyone experinced any cool linux based games?23:14
roger3415do share23:14
I-am-Grootbut its not in that directory23:15
Amm0nroger3415, simutrans if you like simulation23:15
clmclmI-am-Groot, yeah it's a file, not a directory. use 'sudo nano /etc/fstab'23:15
I-am-Grooti cant get to it23:15
roger3415Amm0n: what kind of simulation?23:15
I-am-Grooti was searching for a directory ;)23:16
Amm0ntransport with trains etc23:16
zhan_so how do i let sofware center to install software that needs restart, cuz just restart doesn't help23:18
tewardzhan_: don't swear please23:18
koli_ill try23:18
zhan_you momma23:18
koli_anybody knows the stream for bbc world news23:18
zhan_use youtube23:19
koli_would be nice to play it through my radio tray23:19
koli_you tube?23:19
I-am-Grootclmclm:I just replaced it23:20
I-am-GrootWhat next??23:20
koli_bbc radio in radio tray23:20
clmclmI-am-Groot, 'sudo mount -a'23:20
zhan_so how do i let softwear center install apps that need restart23:20
zhan_so how do i let softwear center install apps that need restart23:21
Basketballplease someone help23:21
zhan_so how do i let softwear center install apps that need restart23:21
Basketballplease someone help23:21
zhan_so how do i let softwear center install apps that need restart23:21
I-am-Grootclmclm:Nothing happened23:22
Basketballmy terminal is stuck on DKMS: install completed.23:22
clmclmI-am-Groot, that's good23:22
clmclmI-am-Groot, any errors on 'sudo mount -a'?23:22
I-am-GrootBut the swap is still inactive23:23
clmclmI-am-Groot, good, try 'sudo swapon /dev/sda6', pastebin me 'cat /etc/fstab' and reboot.23:23
I-am-Grootclmclm:here u go..23:25
clmclmI-am-Groot, looks good, try to reboot and look what happens23:26
roger3415there is baulders gate in the ubuntu software center!!!!23:28
I-am-Grootclmclm:before (http://imgur.com/FnNcohO.png) and after (http://i.imgur.com/Ah9n7JB.png)23:28
roger3415and icewind dale!23:28
I-am-Grootgoing for a reboot23:29
Amm0nBasketball, you were trying to install some wlan drivers?23:31
Amm0nbecause thats what google says about the line you gave us: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/117337223:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1173372 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "apt-get hangs: DKMS: install completed." [Undecided,Invalid]23:32
I-am-Grootclmclm: it works!!!!23:33
I-am-Grootthe error didnt show at boot and it mounted swap on its own23:34
clmclmI-am-Groot, good :)23:34
I-am-GrootBut i still dont know what causes the black boarders to appear around my windows23:34
I-am-GrootIt hasnt happened as we chat,  but it will23:35
I-am-Grootas it has happened twice23:35
clmclmI-am-Groot, you get black borders after a few minutes or after start?23:36
I-am-Grootclmclm: Nope, it happens randomly23:36
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I-am-GrootIt has happened twice and the only way i could fix it was by reinstalling ubuntu and restoring a backup i made of the / directory23:37
clmclmI-am-Groot,  well that's a strange behaviour. do you have a second monitor23:37
I-am-Grootafter the restore, it happens again after two to three weeks23:37
clmclmI-am-Groot, I'm pretty sure you don't have reinstall the whole system23:38
I-am-GrootI have a second monitor23:38
clmclmI-am-Groot, can you pastebin me 'xrandr'=23:38
I-am-Groothold on23:39
clmclmI-am-Groot, to make it clear: do you get black borders around the whole screen or around windows?23:40
I-am-Grootaround the windows23:41
I-am-Grootand the terminal becomes black23:41
OerHeksnice FF 36 update23:41
clmclmI-am-Groot, that's the first time I hear that, but it's a known bug. Look here and look at comment #8 for a solution -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/129283023:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292830 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Resuming from sleep makes black borders around windows to appear" [High,Triaged]23:42
I-am-GrootWhen u asked if i had a second monitor, i hope u didnt mean if it was connected right now because its not23:42
clmclmI-am-Groot, here's another solution for the bug -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/360598/13-10-black-borders-black-terminal23:43
I-am-GrootThe only problem is, mine doesnt happen after resuming from sleep. I dont know what triggers it23:43
I-am-GrootBut the solution in link1 doesnt work23:44
I-am-GrootYup, i tried the solution in link2 yesterday but it didnt work23:44
I-am-Grooti even wiped my /cache23:44
clmclmI-am-Groot, yes first link is a little different to your problem but second link describes your problem (?)23:45
I-am-Grooti also reinstalled the ubuntu launcher23:45
Amm0nI-am-Groot, how much RAM you got?23:45
I-am-GrootOkay, i didnt tryinstalling Mir23:46
clmclmI-am-Groot, well i have no idea what causes the black borders (don't even use ubuntu)23:46
I-am-Grootthen u are good23:47
I-am-GrootThe strange thing is that, the problem only happens in Nvidia VGAs, but mine is an Intel HD 300023:47
I-am-GrootMy PC is a Dell Latitude e642023:48
I-am-Grootcore i5 version vith 4gb ram23:48
Amm0nmaybe it was full and if your swap wasn't working strange things happen?23:48
user2_hi! I have some problems with updating xubuntu. Every time when I wanna start the cern. security update it says :" Don't enough free space in section 'boot', pls try sudo apt-get clear!" so I have tried that so many times but it still doesn't work out.23:48
I-am-GrootAmm0n: If that was the problem, a reboot should have freed my ram??23:48
I-am-Grootthereby returning it to normal23:49
I-am-Grootbut it never worked out23:49
clmclmI-am-Groot, here's a solution for 14.04 -> http://askubuntu.com/a/45545623:49
daftykinsuser2_: run "sudo apt-get autoremove" to get rid of some old kernels23:50
clmclmI-am-Groot, but be careful with things like that. you can try it if the black borders occur23:50
_blizzy_how would I 'open' a tar.gz file after I curl it?23:51
_blizzy_why is installing node on ubuntu so difficult.23:51
I-am-Grootclmclm: Got it23:51
k1l_blizzy_: you mean "extract"? on cli?23:51
gr33n7007h_blizzy_: tar -zxvf23:51
I-am-GrootI tried almost everything on that page yesterday except the Nvidia specific ones23:51
I-am-Grooti even installed gnome-session again23:52
_blizzy_thanks, gr33n7007h, and k1l, yes.23:52
I-am-Grootbut it wouldnt work23:52
daftykins_blizzy_: obviously be 100% sure that you can't get what you want in packages first23:52
_blizzy_daftykins, it's node.js23:53
I-am-Grootclmclm: The problem still occured when i used the other desktop environment(forgotten its name)23:53
I-am-Grootits found on the login screen23:53
daftykins_blizzy_: yeah that means nothing to me :)23:54
S[h]O[r]Ti've been seeing the following errors/warnings in dmesg for the last month or so ever since upgrading my ubuntu box. theres a similar launchpad bug filed that says its been fixed but im not sure if its the same. can anyone tell me what the errors actually mean? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10571563/ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/140276423:54
_blizzy_daftykins, thanks.23:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1402764 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 4940 at /build/buildd/linux-3.13.0/mm/truncate.c:652 pagecache_isize_extended+0xfd/0x110() in 3.13.0-43-generic " [Medium,Fix released]23:54
daftykinsas in, i'm not familiar with it - that is23:54
_blizzy_daftykins, oh, well thanks.23:55
clmclmI-am-Groot, the black border problem? u mean gnome?23:56
I-am-Grootclmclm: Yea23:57
I-am-Grootit apppeared there also23:57
_blizzy_gr33n7007h, I'm getting a curl error23:57
_blizzy_this is what I'm typing23:57
I-am-Grootso i begun to think it was a graphic driver issue23:57
I-am-Grootas that was the cause of the problem for those with nvidia cards23:57
_blizzy_curl nodejs.org/dist/v0.12.0/node-v0.12.0.tar.gz | tar -zxvf23:57
clmclmI-am-Groot, yes it's not a problem/bug of the desktop environment but of compiz23:58
_blizzy_"tar: option requires an argument -- 'f'23:58
I-am-Grootbut i had no idea to downgrade to the inbuilt graphics driver ubuntu uses by default23:58
_blizzy_nvm, I figured it out. thanks, gr33n7007h and everyone else who helped.23:59
I-am-GrootI once updated my vga drivers by use of the intel graphics installer for linux23:59
I-am-Grootand begun to think that, that could be the reason why23:59
I-am-Grootclmclm:What is compiz??23:59

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