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dholbachgood morning07:58
dholbachdpm, do you think you can help with https://code.launchpad.net/help-app/+activereviews?08:01
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dpmdholbach, I've approved the easy one, but I think on the other two it's best to talk to nskaggs. I see he's already done some reviews, and I'm not sure I'll manage to get familiar enough with testing to do a good review08:10
dholbachdpm, nevermind - looks like balloons commented on them - for some reason LP didn't show this to me earlier :)08:23
dholbachI'll take a look at it when I'm back from the dentist08:23
dpmok, cool08:25
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Organize Your Home Office Day! :D10:23
dpmdholbach, sorry, I got caught up with something else here it is: lp:~dpm/help-app/attr-lists-and-embedded-html11:16
dpmdholbach, so python-markdown supports something called attribute lists, which allow us to add additional ids and classes to content11:17
dpmyou'll see it on settings.md11:17
dpm{: #myid .myclass}11:17
dholbachlet's see how that's going to work out11:17
dpmand also one can embed arbitrary html11:18
* dholbach sees more workaround work coming his way11:18
dpmboth things work well11:18
dpmdholbach, but the issue is that they get added to the .pot file11:18
dpmdholbach, if we have to do a big hack, we might as well not use those features, though11:18
dpmbut I thought perhaps you might have some ideas11:19
dholbachit'd mean readding an old hack11:19
dholbachI think11:19
dholbachlet me take a look11:19
dholbachit's the same with [TOC]11:19
dholbach+#: content/pages/settings.md:611:19
dholbach+msgid "[TOC]"11:19
dholbach+msgstr ""11:19
dpmdholbach, yeah, I added a comment in the description of the MP I sent11:20
popeyhey nik90, hows the clock coming along? I saw z left a comment a few hours ago. wondered if we'd have something for QA this week?12:18
nik90popey: hey, I am going to top approve it now12:18
newsageshi, i cant install kit i386 15......    in create os.remove("%s/sbin/initctl" % mount) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-i386/sbin/initctl'12:31
popeysystemd strikes!12:32
* popey pokes bzoltan_ ^12:32
bzoltan_popey: WOW12:37
nik90popey, your MP at https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-weather-app/fix-1401718/+merge/252361 for the old weather app does still include a C++ timezone plugin.12:40
popeygah, I'm an idiot12:40
nik90no worries, I will top-approve once you push the fix12:41
popeynik90: done12:45
nik90popey: top-approved12:46
nik90popey: the critical bug-fix for clock app just landed in rev 216. I have updated the changelog as well at http://pad.ubuntu.com/clock-app-changelog12:47
nik90we're good to go12:47
popeythanks so much nik90 !12:48
Elleonik90: I'm happy either way with the licensing, having it relicensed under the GPL might be a bit simpler to keep track of if mhall119 doesn't mind that; but including it under a BSD license is also fine by me12:50
nik90Elleo: I am fine with either as well..so you will have to make the decision :P12:51
Elleonik90: alright, got with GPLv3 then so we don't have to make any special notes about it :P12:51
Elleonik90: put the copyright owner as mhall119 though, also feel free to add yourself to any copyright statements throughout the code if you haven't already12:52
nik90Elleo, yeah the owner of the theme manager will be mhall119. Any new file that I coded, I usually put the owner as Podcast team.12:53
Elleonik90: ah okay, if we don't already have an AUTHORS file might be worth making one to clarify who the podbird team are then12:54
nik90Elleo, ack. I will add that in a new MP12:54
Elleonik90: great, thanks :)12:54
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dholbachdpm, regarding the TOC branch - what do you think about simply overwriting all related msgstr with [TOC]? :)13:17
dholbachit's a hack, but I can't see it breaking :)13:17
dholbachdpm, I'll write some code for that and propose a branch for yours13:18
popeynik90: autopilot tests are failing here. I suspect because of the location popup....13:22
nik90popey, on the phone?13:22
popeyyes, confirmed,13:22
popeynexus 713:23
dpmdholbach, I'm not sure tbh. Translators will still be able to change that translation13:23
nik90popey, yup it has to be due to the location prompt13:23
dholbachdpm, we change it before we write any translated markdown13:23
popeyyeah, the test suite produces screenshots13:23
dholbachdpm, as part of the build process13:23
dpmdholbach, ah, I see13:23
dholbachdpm, kind of like making {filename}(something.html) be {filename}(something.de.html) instead13:24
nik90popey, looks like the upstream MP in the trust-store hasn't been merged yet https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/trust-store/fix-1420790/+merge/24932013:24
popeyok. i cant submit this to the store until we get AP passing13:24
popeydon't get me started13:25
nik90popey, Then I guess it would take at least a month to have all the necessary pieces in place to get AP passing.13:25
popeylooks like tvoss is away13:26
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popeydavmor2: ^13:29
popeywe need to talk about clock app.13:29
nik90popey, I have raised the priority of bug 1425004 to critical since this is now blocking crash fixes from being pushed to the store.13:31
ubot5bug 1425004 in linux (Ubuntu Utopic) "powerpc/powernv: Ignore smt-enabled on Power8 and later" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142500413:31
nik90bah, I meant https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/142504413:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1425044 in Ubuntu Clock App "Tests fail with location popup" [Critical,Confirmed]13:31
dholbachdpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/question-navigation.fixes/+merge/25243113:32
dpmdholbach, thanks, looking. I've also filed bug 143032613:33
ubot5bug 1430326 in Ubuntu Help App "Build system tries to find a title line for non-text files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143032613:33
popeynik90: there's only actually two autopilot tests. in my mind we should skip them both because the platform is broken. That would mean all five tests are skipped.13:34
popey(this is the only quick workaround I can think of)13:34
dholbachdpm, looking at your bug now - I think balloons ran into a similar issue13:35
nik90popey, hmm..I would rather apply pressure upstream since I have been asked to add AP tests for all critical functionality in clock app instead of QML tests. Only it is noticed that the clock app is crashing and cannot be patched due to AP failures upstream will this become a higher priority in the trust-store.13:37
nik90s/only/only if it is noticed,13:37
popeyI agree that we need to put pressure upstream, but this is blocking store uploads for a crasher bug.13:37
davmor2popey: what?13:38
nik90popey, and that is precisely when it will be noticed..the next time I upload with new feature for instance, we won't be able to by pass the AP failures and clock app will have to suffer as a result13:38
popeywell we already suffer13:39
popeywe have a crasher to fix13:39
popeydavmor2: clock AP failures due to trust store prompt means I cant upload a crasher fix to the store.13:41
nik90popey, its your call. I have seen the location-prompt failures being there since november 2014 without much progress. Disabling the AP tests would also not make QA happy either.13:41
popeyexactly, hence pinging davmor213:42
dpmdholbach, reviewd13:42
davmor2popey: have a chat with jibel I think we can possibly make an exception based on it not being in your hands to fix that, but I think tvoss's landing is in a ppa for vivid right?13:43
dholbachdpm, I'll look into the HTML stuff separately, if that's all right?13:44
dholbachdpm,  was that in the attr-lists-and-embedded-html branch?13:44
dholbachdpm, I also have https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/1430326/+merge/252433 for you :)13:44
dpmdholbach, yes to both. As I was saying, I think we might just have to not add support for that. I'm worried about opening a can of worms and generating more work13:45
popeydavmor2: I'll poke jibel about it13:45
dholbachdpm, I'll play around with it for a bit and let you know13:45
davmor2popey: I think the crasher fix would be more important but not my call13:45
dholbachdpm, can you merge the [TOC] fix into your branch and land it in trunk?13:46
nik90davmor2, https://code.launchpad.net/~brendan-donegan/ubuntu-clock-app/disable_location_prompt/+merge/242682/comments/62241913:46
dholbachdpm, or shall I land the two together?13:46
dpmdholbach, give me a few mins and I can do the TOC branch13:47
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balloonsdholbach, how we feeling after these branches land about putting a click in the store? ;-)14:21
dholbachballoons, https://code.launchpad.net/help-app/+activereviews would be nice to get landed - although I'm not sure how well this is going to work on the phone14:22
dholbachand then there's bug 141638514:22
ubot5bug 1416385 in Ubuntu Help App "Fix styling in the phone theme" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141638514:22
newsageshi  .. i have problem when install Kit 15.04..14:24
newsagesI: Base system installed successfully.  Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/click", line 86, in sys.exit(main()) File "/usr/bin/click", line 82, in main return mod.run(args) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/click/commands/chroot.py", line 266, in run return args.func(parser, args) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/click/commands/chroot.py", line 68, in create return chroot.create(args.keep_broken_chr14:24
balloonsdholbach, right I was meaning after the active review branches land..14:26
* balloons looks at bug14:26
balloonsI fixed *some* of that bug14:26
dholbachballoons, one for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/fix-automated-testing-content-build/+merge/252449 :)14:33
balloonsdholbach, pep8, <314:36
dholbachdpm, regarding the attr-lists-and-embedded-html branch... do we have a definite list of HTML tags and stuff we're going to use?14:42
akiva-thinkpadpopey, is there on-air today?14:44
popeyakiva-thinkpad: yes, dpm and dholbach are doing it14:44
akiva-thinkpadi'll go advertise it :)14:44
akiva-thinkpadwhat time dpm?14:44
akiva-thinkpad(calendar is not updated)14:44
dholbach16 utc14:45
dpmdholbach, so on the Q&A: we've got daytime savings, which means it appears in our calendars in 15 mins. Do you prefer doing it in 15, or in 1:15?14:45
dpmI'd go for 1:15, but I'm happy with either14:46
dholbachwhose daylight savings time changed?14:46
dpmUS, I think14:46
dholbachlet's stick to our time then :-P14:46
dpmwfm :)14:46
akiva-thinkpadso its in an hour and 15?14:46
dholbachcan we also just make the calendar UTC and be done with it?14:46
dholbachI'll set up the event in G+14:47
dpmok, thanks dholbach14:47
dpmakiva-thinkpad, yes14:47
dpmakiva-thinkpad, does that not work for you today?14:47
akiva-thinkpaddpm, lol no its good; i'm just gonna go make a reddit post14:49
dpmok, cool :)14:49
akiva-thinkpaddpm, we should start calling these AMA s :)14:51
dholbachubuntuonair updated14:52
popeyit's because it's in mhall119's calendar14:54
popeyeverything goes screwy every 6 months as a result14:54
akiva-thinkpaddamn you mhall119 !14:56
dpmakiva-thinkpad, this might be more questions than we're expecting :)14:57
akiva-thinkpaddpm, mhall has ran out of time before. This is my goal14:58
dholbachballoons, fixed :)15:00
dholbachballoons, there was no ".matches" :)15:01
akiva-thinkpadUbuntu Team AMA on Google Hangouts starting in one hour | #ubuntu-on-air  (Preface any question you have with "QUESTION:" ) http://ubuntuonair.com/15:02
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balloonsdholbach, lol.. I didn't use matches at first, but then decided I might like it better, so I only threw that version at you15:04
balloonsdholbach, ahh, I like it.. at least you dropped the needless ()15:05
dpmdholbach, sorry, I didn't answer your question earlier re: the html tags in the help app. I was thinking of only <div> really (and <div class="whatever">) but I'm thinking we might just have to sacrify the markup for the sake of not making the build more complex15:08
dholbachdpm, let me take a closer look at it again - maybe we can still do it :)15:09
dakerdholbach: is the web theme reponsive ?15:41
dholbachdaker, yes15:42
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dpmdholbach, merged the navigation fixes branch17:07
dpmI had to fix a conflict, didn't seem to be a hard one to fix, but might be worth checking if I didn't break anything17:08
* dholbach likes the look of https://code.launchpad.net/help-app/+activereviews17:09
dholbachdpm, actually, the test suite is now broken, but that might be a problem I created earlier - I'll take a look at it17:10
dpmok, thanks dholbach17:17
popeyElleo: was it you that was playing around with google cardboard?17:17
Elleopopey: yeah17:18
dholbachdpm, you just have to put money into the "breaks the test suite" fund now17:18
popeyElleo: I just ordered a couple off ebay for lulz17:18
dholbachaka the beer fund17:18
DS-McGuiredholbach, Any luck on getting the sdk to work with "help"?17:18
Elleopopey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5kYzcrAet017:18
dholbachDS-McGuire, no - I didn't look at it for now17:18
DS-McGuiredholbach, No problem.17:19
Elleopopey: will really need to get the gyroscope sensor sorted to be able to do anything decent with it though17:19
dholbachDS-McGuire, as I said in the other comment: it's not easy to do as we don't use "standard SDK components"17:19
Elleopopey: I had a quick look at the libhybris sensors stuff but it all seems like black magic to me17:19
dholbachDS-McGuire, so the best way, right now, is to just use your favourite editor and a terminal17:19
dpmdholbach, wait, you said it was you! :P17:19
dholbachdpm, no, you :)17:19
dpmnothing like blaming someone else :)17:19
DS-McGuiredholbach, That's fine. I can do that however I don't have a lot of experience with doing it this way. I shall see what I can do17:19
dholbachDS-McGuire, I know that's not as nice as using a proper SDK or something, but to make up for it we have some documentation in the HACKING file :)17:20
dholbachDS-McGuire, thanks a lot for your help!17:20
Elleopopey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtubuntu-sensors/+bug/139880617:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1398806 in qtubuntu-sensors "Gyroscope isn't supported" [Undecided,New]17:20
DS-McGuiredholbach, Not a problem. I really want to use HTML5 in Ubuntu touch as much as possible and this is a great start with a good idea.17:21
dholbachdpm, ok... partly you :)17:21
dholbachdpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/test-suite-fixes/+merge/252480 :)17:21
dholbachdpm, lines 22ff of the MP are probably what you looked at earlier, right?17:22
DS-McGuiredholbach, How are you testing the app? Pushing it to an Ubuntu Device?17:25
DS-McGuireSeems that's the only way17:25
dholbachDS-McGuire, or just launch it in a browser once you've built either the web or phone variant17:25
DS-McGuiredholbach, Okay :)17:26
dholbachballoons, or maybe you can take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/test-suite-fixes/+merge/25248017:28
dholbachI'll call it a day now17:28
dholbachhave a good one everyone and see you tomorrow!17:28
DS-McGuiredholbach, o/ Have a good dayt17:30
karnipopey: Hi Alan :) Just heads up I sent you an e-mail re: Telegram release. Cheers!17:47
popeykarni: super17:48
DS-McGuiremhall119, Are you here? I have a question17:51
DS-McGuirepopey, Could you help me out since mhall119 is away? I am trying to replicate the QML apps header on HTML5, see image: http://imgur.com/glar8UJ mhall119 Mentioned somebody did this in his talk at scale, do you know here I can find out about this?17:56
popeyDS-McGuire: that would be daker17:56
DS-McGuirepopey, Is he the "HTML" guy? haha!17:57
popeybeuno: app store is busted. I am trying to upload an updated click but the submit button at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/1501/upload/ never stops being grey.17:57
popeyDS-McGuire: he's the guy mhall119 talked about at SCALE17:57
beunopopey, indeed it is17:57
beunowe are working on it17:57
DS-McGuirepopey, fantastic, thank you17:57
popeybeuno: lemme know when I can try again pls17:57
beunowill do, it's a popular queue that one17:58
beunopopey, try again?18:05
popeybeuno: still seems unwell.18:06
popeyoh, now it passed18:06
beunoit's settling down18:06
popeyjust took a while18:06
beunopopey, upload is fine?  this is an update to an existing app, yes?18:06
popey"Waiting for package scan to complete..."18:06
beunoso not done done18:07
popeyyeah, still waiting18:09
popeybeuno: There was an unrecoverable error during the scan process. Please resubmit your application.18:13
popeyCONTEXT: pollScanResultsSuccess:poll-timeout18:13
beunopopey, try once more?18:13
beuno(we're debugging)18:14
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DS-McGuireballoons, Can we talk about the Help app?19:31
DS-McGuirepopey, Do you know anything about the help app? I need to know what direction the guys are looking for and it seems everyone is away.19:47
balloonsDS-McGuire, let's talk!19:55
DS-McGuireballoons, I just want to know where we are trying to go with Help. I don't know where to start as there isn't any content at the moment.19:57
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balloonsDS-McGuire, we have a launchpad project, and some initial content now: https://launchpad.net/help-app20:00
balloonsYou can grab the code and add some new content; bzr branch lp:help-app20:00
balloonsyou can also view the content locally on your pc, or generate a click easily and load it on a device20:00
DS-McGuireballoons, That I have done. It looked like this when I started: http://i.imgur.com/y4BO7EE.png Is that the most up to date?20:01
balloonsDS-McGuire, click the take me to the faq!. Does it have content?20:02
balloonswhat's in the branch (assuming you are up to date) is what we have, and we'd appreciate any further content :-)20:02
balloonsyou might need to bzr pull to get the updates20:03
DS-McGuireTakes me to: Get your questions answered. and a hyperlink to apps in there20:03
balloonsDS-McGuire, yea, sounds like it's old. Update the branch and you'll see the new stuff20:03
DS-McGuireI am trying to work on styling more than anything20:03
balloonsohh, even better20:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1416385 in Ubuntu Help App "Fix styling in the phone theme" [High,Triaged]20:03
DS-McGuireAh, okay. Well thanks for this, I am sorry but I need to shoot off right now, I will be back later on tonight if you are here.20:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1420408 in Ubuntu Help App "Proper theme needed for 'phone' build" [High,Triaged]20:04
balloonsDS-McGuire, sure.. feel free to leave questions and I'll respond, or send a long a mail20:04
balloonsI'd love to see a new theme!20:04
balloonsBut there should be plenty of content for theming if you update20:04
DS-McGuireballoons, Fantastic, feel free to assign that bug to me Daniel McGuire and I will be sure to fix it up. Toodals! o/20:06
beunopopey, we are back20:16
popeylemme try20:19
popeybeuno: nice20:21
popeybeuno: all done, thanks20:22
newsageswhat emulator i need to use QT 5.4 an kit 15.04 ?20:25
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