
shaunoI hate when they do that.  if I want it from china, I'll buy it from china.  if I want it quickly, I'll pay more to buy it local00:00
shaunobut when you pay more to buy it local, and they ship it from china, you just feel robbed00:00
ali1234what is it?00:00
shaunojust a little i2c oled thingie00:00
ali1234oh those00:00
ali1234they are neat00:00
shaunotrying to make an mp3 player out of a pi.  the oled looked like a nice choice because it should look 'off' when its blank00:01
shaunorather than having to worry about when to toggle the backlight on an lcd00:02
ali1234what are you doing for battery?00:03
shaunonadda, it's going in the rack with hifi bits00:03
shaunobut players built for that role seemed to be quite pricey00:04
daftykinsthat sounds quite neat now that Logitech completely messed up the Squeezebox range00:05
daftykinsi kinda wanted a second one for the lounge, my amp does some playback but it's not ideal00:05
daftykinsno gapless playback from my file server :(00:05
shaunoso far I'm using https://volumio.org playing off an external hdd, and using https://www.hifiberry.com/product/hifiberry-digi-transformer-version/00:06
shaunoso I can use the DAC on my amp instead of usb audio00:07
shaunonow I want to make it pretty, so it looks like it belongs there :)00:07
shaunoshowing mpd's status on an i2c screen doesn't sound like a huge challenge, and hooking up a few buttons to gpios so you don't need to pull out your phone just to shut it off00:09
diddledanthere's something about naked electronics though00:09
diddledanputting it all in a neat and tidy box just ain't cricket00:09
shaunomarriage kinda beat that out of me00:10
daftykinslol a friend knew this guy...00:10
shaunotha's how I ended up with appletvs - they're much easier to get planning permission for00:10
daftykinsah your amp is non-HDMI?00:11
daftykinsso non-AVR00:11
shaunoright.  a few phonos, a couple of opticals, and a coax-digital00:12
shaunoI'm going for the optical.  coax should be 'better', but I don't think my mp3 collection is going to tax it00:13
shaunoand it'll keep them completely electrically isolated, which is nice.  ground loops be gone.00:13
shaunoespecially since filtering is near unheard-of in these little chinese wallwarts00:14
daftykinsthe 24TB array is now 47% initialised \o/00:15
daftykinsover 6hrs later, so 12+ hours isn't bad00:15
shaunothe other reason for not wanting to use hdmi, is I'm still curious if I can keep retropie using it00:18
shaunoif I can make one box do double-duty, that'd be lovely :)00:19
daftykinsi don't know what that is to know how HDMI is ruled out?00:21
shaunoretropie is just a canned libretro/emulationstation setup.  retropie + wireless gamepad and you're 12 again00:25
shaunobut the instructions for this board say to blacklist the regular broadcom sound driver00:25
daftykinsah i see00:25
shaunoso what's remaining to find out, is whether this is actually a requirement, or if they're just doing it to force it to become device 000:26
daftykinsmmm rather than some proper config00:27
shaunothis is where my lack of desktop linux for the last 12+ years comes in.  last time I paid attention to sound on linux, it had got to the point where it didn't matter if you picked alsa or OSS, because esound was going to break it either way00:27
shaunoluckily volumio is just a big frontend to mpd, so it's only really mpd that I need to force to use the wrong device00:28
shaunoI still have no idea what I'm doing, but at least it narrows down the list of things to break :)00:29
shaunoand making sure you're breaking the right thing tends to be half the job00:30
shaunoanyway.  enough babble.  bedtime again, because I have one more postman to stalk tomorrow00:30
daftykinsah-har! had some success with them today?00:31
daftykinsalso postie/postperson! :D00:31
shaunoyes, I caught one this morning!00:31
shaunothey should have both come, but there was some idiocy involved with the one that had been 'out for delivery' since 6am friday00:32
shaunothey couldn't find my house, so they phoned the people that sent the parcel.  and they couldn't help00:32
shaunofound this out when I sent them an email inquiring as to whether they'd seen their driver since friday00:32
daftykinslol, in China no doubt00:32
shaunoworse, dublin00:32
daftykinsi've noticed etailers keep printing my mobile # on labels of late00:33
daftykinsquite rude indeed00:33
shaunoat least china know that ireland exists.  dublin tend to forget we exist00:33
daftykinsd'aww, but you're attached!00:33
daftykinsanyway to bed with you sir, nn! :>00:33
zmoylan-piyeah but shauno is outside the pale :-)01:04
daftykinsi thought it was a universal term01:24
zmoylan-pidepending on the year it covered various parts of ireland01:28
diddledansome scary poo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ0I5tl0YLY01:55
daftykinsi think we know enough of your kinks, sir :D01:57
daftykinssorry :(01:59
daftykinshmm, 1hr - can't watch that right now01:59
diddledannear the end - doing live demos in a room full of geek hackers and the hackers start calling the accidentally shown phone numbers excessively02:02
diddledanhmm, I wonder what my chromecast just did update-wise02:04
daftykinsthat's... pretty unprofessional of them02:04
diddledantv just rebooted02:04
zmoylan-piinstalling service patches just before the detective told you the murderer was? :-)02:09
diddledanit's cycling a set of new images02:09
diddledanI wonder if that was what the update was for02:09
daftykinsthe TV or the chromecast?02:10
diddledanchromecast reboot == tv reboot :-p02:10
daftykinsit does 0o02:11
diddledannah, simile02:12
daftykinsthose things were all the rage for even shorter than netbooks ;D02:12
diddledanwhat's replaced them then?02:13
daftykinsyou could argue nothing really replaced netbooks02:13
diddledanno, what replaced the chromecast02:13
daftykinsyeah i'm getting at nothing, basically02:14
daftykinsjust seemed like a mass hype then suddenly... silence02:14
daftykinsnow there's sticks from everyone! :D02:14
diddledanandroid tv is gonna be the next wave02:14
diddledanthe majority of the available cheap tv sticks are just android for phones shoved onto a stick02:15
diddledani.e. they suck02:15
daftykinsok really sleeping this time, ta-ra \o02:16
diddledanusability on them is a nightmare02:16
diddledanwho'm'I gonna moan at now?!02:16
daftykinssorry :(02:16
daftykinsi was worried i'd genuinely insulted you with my kink quip02:17
* daftykins pats diddledan 02:17
diddledanyou'd be hard pushed to actually offend me02:17
diddledanI'm as laid back as they come02:17
diddledanI might even take it as a compliment ;-)02:18
diddledanI wonder what time the chocolate shop opens04:32
diddledanprolly 6am04:33
zmoylan-pifor that brisk baker/milkman/postman trade?05:13
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
diddledaneh? my bank just emailed me to let me know that they might email me07:17
diddledanwith no specifics just a "from time to time" announcement07:18
mappbank with a better ank:P07:21
mappI use Citibank07:21
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledanmy reply: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10573124/07:35
mappwe get emails every week about scams raud yawn yawn]07:39
mappand i always think you gotta be a moron to fall for it07:39
diddledanand it's sent07:40
diddledanlets see how they reply07:40
diddledanI feel like being a d**k today07:40
mappyuou should use citibank07:41
mappnever any problemx07:41
diddledanspeaking of which - reminds me of an old-skool joke: "do you use your dictaphone?" .. "'cos I use my fingers like everyone else"07:41
mappcitibank are good man07:42
mappi travel a fair bit and never had an issue with them07:43
mappwhereas HSBC blocked my card when we were in Latvia07:43
mappdeclined at the bar.........im sure ive got enought to covr it07:43
mappso paid on citibank07:44
jpdsUsually, I just call them and they unblock it.07:44
mapptoo much hassle07:45
mappwhy should i07:45
jpdsLess hassle than not being able to pay.07:45
jpdsmapp: Well, they ask that you tell them when you go aboard.07:45
mappi can always pay07:45
mappive got amex too:D07:45
mappyet here07:46
mappthy dont take it lol07:46
mappi have fortunes on credit:)  my MBNA card limits £15k lol07:48
diddledanthat's a lot of credit07:48
mappi only got the card because my dad said noone will give you credit bla bla07:48
mappyea diddledan07:49
mappBarclays is £10k07:49
mappHSBC £5K07:49
mappM&S £3K07:49
jpdsmapp: And that's not including your Swiss accounts.07:49
mappHSBC £5k07:49
mappso as i say im credited up;p07:50
mappto the eye balld07:50
diddledanyou could buy a house on all that07:50
mappi have more;p07:50
mappgot 2x Lloyds amex and mc07:50
mapp£10k limit07:50
mapphsbc £3000 overraft07:51
mappn&p £1000 overdraft07:51
jpdsNothing like talking about personal finances in a publicly logged IRC channel.07:51
mappwell it makes no diffrence nto me07:52
mappim not in the uk:)07:52
mappall i wish is i was with my ex07:54
MooDoomorning all07:54
MooDoosomeone want me last night?07:55
mappmorning MooDoo07:55
diddledanI don't recall :-p07:55
MooDoomorning mapp :D07:55
MooDoodiddledan: :p07:55
mappi wish id staed with ellie07:55
mappso much07:55
mappbut  cant turn bck tim:(07:56
mappSE1->N17->ST1->GIB :D07:59
MooDootime to move on dude :p07:59
mappyea i know07:59
mappthose are postcodes;p07:59
mappyou aint in gib07:59
diddledanI have no idea what they're representing08:00
mappSE1 south londn N17 haringey st1 stoke08:00
mappand GU2408:00
mappnear popey08:00
diddledanand if they're postcodes then I regret to inform that not many folk know their geographic locations by postal code08:00
diddledanhence my confusion08:01
diddledanjust looked like randomness to me08:01
mappi thought everyone knew se108:01
mappnext stop kiev08:10
diddledanno fair08:10
diddledan'cos I have to stay at home08:11
mappyoure welcome to come08:11
mapphows your russian?:P08:11
mappmines good lol08:11
mappmgoing with my friend fromn czech he speaks russian08:13
mappmine's a bit poor really08:13
mappUkraine is like russia08:15
mappamazing girls]08:15
mapponce we el my house in uk il never be going back;D08:25
mappwe sell jeez08:25
mappits so nice here 14c is 'cold' to locals08:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
bashrc_time zone appropriate greetings09:05
diploMorning all09:16
MooDoomorning diplo09:39
diploHows you MooDoo ?09:40
MooDoodiplo: yeah i'm ok thanks :D09:45
mappmorn diplo09:45
diploEnjoying the new job still ?09:45
MooDoodiplo: yeah it's fine for the moment09:45
diploFine :) that was a diplomatic response :D09:45
diploAnyone tried the bluetooth speakers on GroupOn I see every few weeks09:46
diploShower ones specifically09:46
MooDoodiplo: no comment lol09:47
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:52
mappmet one other person here that can speak russian09:53
diploI started to learn Russian last year, really must start again09:54
mappi suspect you;re mocking me;p09:54
diploNope, Russian and Spanish :)09:55
mappwe have nice girls09:55
diplo2 places I want to visit again, I like to be able to speak a bit of the languages before I go09:55
mappi live in gib now (spain)09:55
diploI was also looking to date an Estonian girl and she preferred to speak Russian09:56
mappand i try to speak a bit of spanih09:56
diploNever been there, my dad was there for a while09:56
mappbut russian is easy for me09:56
shaunodoes russian have a whole bunch of different word endings too?09:57
diploI was okay speaking it, reading and writing it not so good :)09:57
mappi can speak/write it09:58
shaunothat's my biggest problem with slovak so far.  you don't just have to find the right word, but there's 8? variations of each09:58
mappi dont here09:58
mappbut when i go to rusia they undestand me09:59
diploI think people appreciate that you actually try10:00
diploI found that when I went to Spain a couple of years ago10:00
mappmy russian is good though;p10:00
mappi just struggle somtimes10:01
mappmost of the time im ok:)10:02
mappsometimes have to get google tranlate up10:02
shaunoI still do the 'deer in headlights' thing.  sometimes I know exactly what to say, but it comes out in english anyway.  and then I kick myself afterwards10:03
mappmy 'mom' was russian10:04
mappthats why we know it10:05
diploA bit american as well :D10:13
shaunoheh, I imagine that helps10:14
shaunoI'm quite glad my mum was from Oxford.  growing up in scotland & the north-west, she's the only reason my accent isn't a complete loss10:15
diplohah, amazed you don't have a northern accent then10:16
diploMy gran was Scotland, left when she was in her late teens.. now 96 and still as strong as ever :)10:16
shaunoI have a complete mutt of an accent.  10 years in scotland, 10 years in the north-west, 5 in the US, 8 in Ireland10:16
shaunoand parents from oxford & newcastle10:17
diploBlimey been about a bit then!10:17
shaunojust makes it fun when people try to guess :)10:19
shauno(and less fun when people ask 'where in the UK'.   I've taken to deadpanning that with 'yes'.)10:20
diploI'd just go with current area :)10:21
shaunolol, nooooo10:22
shaunonever give Americans the impression you've even heard of Ireland.  you'll spend the next hour listening to how their grandmother is probably related to you10:22
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Organize Your Home Office Day! :D10:23
diploshauno, just go with Bath/Bristol then :)10:25
diploJamesTait, you're welcome to organise mine!10:25
JamesTaitdiplo, you work in a mine?10:26
directhexJamesTait: i recently shrunk my pile of paperwork by at least 6 inches!10:39
JamesTaitdiplo, crosscut shredder?10:39
JamesTaitdirecthex, ^^10:39
directhexjust filing what needed filing, recycling the rest10:39
diploI do that once a year, fill a few black bags and go down the recycling centre10:40
JamesTaitdirecthex, ah - yes, I have a couple of binders of paperwork here that I think I can safely put back in the filing cabinet now, slightly lighter.10:41
directhexdiplo: i found some 2013 bank statements in the pile...10:42
directhexcertainly my 2013 camra card10:42
JamesTaitAnd a laptop that I can probably lay to rest, unless I can cobble together a working power supply out of the bits of all the broken ones10:42
diploI've got my payslips since I started working 23 years ago....10:43
diploHoesntly don't know why I haven't chucked them yet, I'm on top of everything else10:43
JamesTaitdiplo, you do that too? I thought I must be the only person in the world!10:43
directhexi culled down to 7 years' retention on paperwork.10:44
JamesTaitdirecthex, is that a legal cut-off point for tax purposes or something?  I vaguely recall that figure from an e-mail at a former employer.10:45
directhexi think i heard the same, which is why i do it10:45
directhexthat said, i never took copies of electronic payslips, for my records10:45
directhexso basically all my slips from my last job are MIA10:45
directhexwhich is good, my binder is full and thr drawer the binders go in is full too10:45
diplo7 years is the figure for certain documents. Invoices etc10:46
* Laney bought a filing box, but that is now getting full10:47
Laneybuying a house generated a lot of pieces of paper10:47
diploI've never been self employed, but I had to deal with scanning all that stuff in at my last work place ( Not the work, organising hardware to do about 10 years worth for 80 branches!! )10:47
JamesTaitLaney, I know that feeling so well.10:47
diploOnly paperwork I have now is mortgage stuff really, all bills are electronic now10:49
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:06
lubotu3rat is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 19th September 2015 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/3040-real-ale-train-2015/11:07
popeybefore you do11:07
* bigcalm has his innocent face on today11:07
bigcalmWe have a healthy number of confirmed bookings. I don't need to pimp the event any more11:07
bigcalmMorning intrbiz11:07
bigcalmNew work station is proving fun to use. But the wired network isn't connecting (using wifi with a workstation feels odd). How might I debug this situation?11:08
bigcalmeth0 is showing up in ifconfig but it's not getting a DHCP lease. I don't think it's even trying to11:10
TwistedLuciditybigcalm: Force it down/up?11:11
TwistedLucidityOh, it's not configured static or something silly is it?11:11
popeybigcalm: dmesg | grep eth011:12
awilkinsbigcalm, Not on a network where they assign DHCP leases to MAC addresses?11:12
bigcalmTwistedLucidity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10573927/11:13
awilkinsbigcalm, At my last job, I had to log Windows in once a week because it knew the Secret Magic that told the routers that no, I wasn't an evil person11:13
bigcalmawilkins: no. My other devices connect just fine without auth11:13
awilkinsbigcalm, Hmmph11:13
awilkinsOk, how's it configured.. you have NetworkManager?11:14
bigcalmpopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10573932/11:14
bigcalmawilkins: I do, not changed any configuration for it though11:14
popeyreplace the cable11:14
awilkinsI suppose the little light is on11:14
popeybigcalm: actually can you paste the whole "dmesg -T" ?11:15
bigcalmpopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10573939/11:16
popeyyeah, replace the cable11:17
* bigcalm scratches his head but goes to look for a spare cable11:17
TwistedLuciditypopey: "eth0: link is not ready" <- that the subtle clue?11:58
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intrbizbigcalm: morning12:47
intrbiz'ip link' is handy for showing the media states12:49
bigcalmReplacing the network cable has made no difference12:50
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intrbizbigcalm: what is th output of: ip link show eth012:51
bigcalmUsing Adam's network port worked12:52
* bigcalm goes to look at the patch panel12:52
intrbizbigcalm: if you using structured cabling, that could also be at fault12:52
bigcalmMy SIP desk phone can see the network connection okay12:54
zmoylan-piit's little beady eyes watching everything... :-)12:55
bigcalmI really am rather confused12:55
bigcalmI think it might be the patch cable I made12:55
bigcalmHow annoying12:56
intrbizbigcalm: your SIP phone is presumably fast ethernet (100Mb/s), is the switch gig?12:56
bigcalmThe SIP phone being more forgiving is only 100mb while the switch and my workstation are gig12:56
intrbizbigcalm: often one bad or broken pair in a cable will work at 100Mb/s but not at 1Gb/s12:57
bigcalmI really don't want to remake patch leads12:57
intrbizbigcalm: gigabit makes use of all 8 wires, 10/100Mb/s only uses 4 wires12:57
bigcalmI see12:57
intrbizbigcalm: cable tester?12:57
bigcalmintrbiz: the one we have here makes no sense to me12:57
zmoylan-piwho carries a cable tester anymore.12:58
bigcalmI should bring in my own tester (if I can find it)12:58
intrbizzmoylan-pi: they are useful for debugging issues with structured cabling etc12:58
zmoylan-piintrbiz: i know but, but how often does that come up? :-)12:58
intrbizzmoylan-pi: for me not very often, for other people more often12:59
shaunofound an odd issue with this 'volumio' distro.  it auto-mounts usb-storage to /mnt/USB13:01
shaunoso using a disk with 3 partitions, they all get mounted to /mnt/USB.  if you add a second device, it gets mounted to /mnt/USB ....13:02
bigcalmMy tests before were with my workstation plugged directly into the wall13:02
bigcalmNow that I have the wall connection going to the SIP phone and the phone going to the workstation13:02
bigcalmWorkstation no longer gets a wired network connection13:02
bigcalmWhich may be an indication of a faulty phone13:03
intrbizbigcalm: or phone configuration13:03
bigcalmHadn't thought of that13:03
bigcalmI did a factory reset on it when we got them. Will poke the web interface13:03
* bigcalm shakes fist at Cisco13:05
bigcalmI'm not sure I can see if it's even an option to enable/disable the shared network connection13:06
davmor2bigcalm: I wonder is port forwarding is disabled on factory resets :D13:06
intrbizbigcalm: what cisco is it?13:07
bigcalmMy guess was that the phone acted as a hub13:07
davmor2bigcalm: read the manual?13:07
bigcalmintrbiz: Cisco IP Phone 30313:07
* bigcalm unplugs Adam's phone again13:07
bigcalmI just plugged Adam's phone into my PC and the network worked again13:09
bigcalmDefinitely something to do with this desk phone13:11
* bigcalm pinches his boss' phone13:11
intrbizbigcalm: BTW if your going to use the phone pass through, then presumably you'll only get a 100Mb/s connection for your workstation13:12
bigcalmintrbiz: yes, this is very true. But the wifi still appears to be a little dodgy in here13:13
intrbizsigh, solaris with only vi installed :( I want vim13:17
zmoylan-pibe nice or we'll remove vi and leave you with edlin... :-)13:19
intrbizzmoylan-pi: echo is actually easier to append the lines i need13:20
popeyslowlaris still exists?13:21
intrbizpopey: apparently :(, it's a PITA when ever I stumble onto one of them13:23
diploWe have a few customers still running them :/13:23
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awilkinsNHS still runs Solaris boxes to host Oracle13:51
awilkins(At the HSCIC)13:51
TwistedLucidityawilkins: Hasn't Orcale been given the boot (mostly)? Seem to recall a big change as part of SPINE2 (might be the wrong project).13:52
TwistedLuciditySwitches to some F/OSS NoSQL database or summat13:53
intrbizTwistedLucidity: IIRC moved to riak I think13:55
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
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=== s-hawking is now known as zmoylan-pi
daftykinschap in #ubuntu is claiming he's running swap on a $2 USB 3.0 flash drive because it's faster than swap on HDD14:49
shaunohm.  it might be ?14:50
zmoylan-piif it's cached in ooooooodles of ram and he's doing next to nothing he might just delude himself14:50
shauno(although if he's swapping often enough to matter, he's solving the wrong problem)14:50
popeydaftykins: I don't believe insulting people in #ubuntu is actually being a good person.14:55
zmoylan-pithe proper approved method is to meet them by appointment and hit them with a wet fish? :-)14:56
daftykinsthere's only so much crazy helpee i can take :P14:57
popeytake a break.14:57
zmoylan-piyet you hand around here... :-P14:57
popeynobody is forcing you14:57
daftykinszmoylan-pi: :D14:58
daftykinspopey: oh get off your high horse14:58
popeyExcuse me?14:58
awilkinsWhat's wrong with swapping to a USB3 drive?15:00
awilkinsWindows has a specific feature for swapping to a USB drive15:01
zmoylan-pithe same windows that calls it's first hard drive c as a and b are reserved for floppy drives?15:01
shaunoif the drive itself is up to snuff, it seems logical.  the transport is faster than his hdd, seek times will be faster, etc15:02
TwistedLucidityFight! Fight! Fight! Fight!15:02
TwistedLucidityshauno: I think you are right, if USB3 is solving the "problem"...then he has solved the wrong problem.15:03
shaunothe main catch will simply be that thumbdrives tend to use 'bottom of the barrel' flash15:03
TwistedLucidityMight be worth cleaning the HDD out and giving it a few checks.15:03
* awilkins may actually stick a drive in for ReadyBoosting15:04
TwistedLucidityI guess things could aso depend on what tasks they have running.15:04
zmoylan-piand how full the hd is15:04
TwistedLucidityIs anything battering the HDD to heck; etc15:04
awilkinsAlready using the Linux equivalent (bcache) on my laptop15:04
daftykinsswap kills NAND.15:04
awilkinsMaybe use bcache instead15:04
awilkinsNot swap, frequent read caching15:05
daftykinswell, you changed the topic :)15:05
awilkinsFor swap... I'd probably just shove more RAM into the box15:05
awilkinsI tend to regard it as a failure if I consume any of my swap15:06
TwistedLucidityawilkins: Assuming there is space.15:06
shaunoI wouldn't say 'any', some things make perfect sense to page out no matter how much ram you have15:06
awilkinsTwistedLucidity, Well, true15:06
awilkinsshauno, What would you page out if you had enough RAM to accomodate it?15:07
shaunoanything that's in ram but isn't actually being used15:07
TwistedLucidityAs my desktop mobo maxes out at 4GB; being able to bung in a stickl and treat it as ram/ramdisc/swap would be neat15:07
TwistedLucidityNot that I have USB3 either....15:07
daftykinsa long-term inactive program15:07
shaunoif a process hasn't been touched for hours, it may still make more sense to page it and use the phy for disk caching15:07
shaunothere's always something useful you can do with 'free' ram, otherwise it's wasted15:08
TwistedLucidityshauno: Which is where you get to read blogs post like "XYZ is soooooo bloated...it ate all my RAMz!" because a bunch of stuff was cached/pre-fetched or whatever15:09
shaunothey can rant all they like, their blog posts don't slow down my machines :)15:10
TwistedLucidityshauno: That will do if too many JS scripts go nuts!15:10
shaunoI think 'frequent swap' should be the metric, rather than the quantity.  if you're shuffling stuff constantly you're hitting limits.  it should be a dusty shelf.15:11
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
daftykinsthat's a good analogy15:38
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
* bashrc_ does not care about the antics of Jeremy Clarkson17:02
daftykinsnor i17:12
zmoylan-pidepends on what distro he's using17:16
awilkinsHe probably uses a small Chinese boy called Kevin to manage his appointments17:17
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
shaunolol, ireland's accidentally legalized class A narcotics.  until tomorrow.18:18
diddledanshauno: \o/18:18
diddledanhow'd that occur?18:19
shaunoseems the previous 1977 act didn't go through the full process18:19
zmoylan-piparty like your stash depends on it18:21
shaunoheh, no stash here.  my mind's the only thing I've got going for me, so I'm hanging on to it18:21
shaunoit's just funny.  "whoops".18:22
diddledaneh? sinn fein wants ex-pats to be able to vote for irish things?18:23
zmoylan-pihow many generations removed expats?18:24
diddledanwell exactly18:24
diddledanit's a footnote in the article shauno linked: The need for emergency legislation means that Sinn Fein’s private members’ bill, which calls for emigrants to be allowed vote in presidential elections, has been postponed to tomorrow evening between 6.30pm and 9.30pm.18:24
shaunothat actually sounds like one of the more sane things they've put their name to18:25
shaunoI'd be allowed to vote in the UK, if I'd registered before I left18:25
diddledanwell the whole "why not blow up britain" thing went well for them18:25
shauno(you remain registered in your last constituency.  if you never registered, you're a plonker, apparently)18:25
zmoylan-piit did, it made the uk negotiate after ignoring them blowing up northern ireland for decades :-/18:26
diddledanit's actually illegal not to register to vote in the uk18:26
shaunoI didn't register because there wasn't anything to vote for in the 2 years between turning 18, and leaving the country18:27
diddledanget out quick?18:27
diddledan"I'm legal now, so I'm leaving!"18:27
shaunokinda.  the age was relevant because <21 meant I could ride me ma's coattails into the states18:28
diddledancheaky monkey18:28
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
davmor2popey: talking of nethacks there is a qtnethacks you know you want to port it to the phone you know you do ;)19:22
* popey adds to the list of a million things19:23
davmor2popey: pffff if it isn't a million things that need doing today I'm not interested ;)19:24
foobarryi thought android was supposed to only restore to the same device19:29
foobarrypowered on my new hudl and my other tablet apps got restored onto it19:29
foobarryhave you rooted yours popey ?19:29
davmor2foobarry: nope restores all apps it's an option somewhere19:30
foobarrydavmor2, i was reading earlier today that it does it based on IMEI19:31
foobarryor other uniq id19:31
popeyyou rooted yours?19:32
foobarrythere isn't a root package for my build (201501*)19:32
davmor2foobarry: I'm quite happy with mine just working so I'm not bothering to root it or flash it19:33
foobarryso many branded apps makes me feel like i'm using an OEM windows build19:39
foobarryrooting makes it so....clean19:40
foobarryoh there is a root method for my build,19:51
foobarryjust lots of bricked devices..unsure if numpties or other19:52
diddledanpretend you're a numpty and blindly go ahead19:52
davmor2foobarry: you can swicth off the tesco stuff and install the google now page that is my setup19:53
diddledanon your marks, google.... NOW!19:53
foobarrymight spend myvouchers first :P19:53
diddledanvouchers ftw!19:53
diddledanI wonder if there's a world record of googling who googled google the fastest?19:54
foobarrylollipop has some hateful changes19:54
foobarryupdated my phone today and some are annoying19:56
zmoylan-piupdates these days seem more risky than ever.19:56
foobarrythats another reason for rootage19:58
zmoylan-piupdated mxplayer on my 7" tablet and found it wouldn't play audio on half my media files till i found out why19:59
foobarryoh app updates,yeah20:00
foobarrywhy was the mxplayer faily?#20:00
zmoylan-pims pushed out an update to my dumbphone which turned on data 24x7 till i noticed and deleted it20:00
zmoylan-pithey had a licence issue with dolby so had to remove it.  however they have an extension playform for the player so you could 'find' a file and copy it to their extension library and hey presto sound again20:01
zmoylan-pibut happened at a time when my insomnia had me on 8 hours sleep over 3 days so took me a while to find and install20:02
foobarry"Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended by the BBC "following a fracas" with a producer"20:02
foobarryi just discovered Peep Show20:03
zmoylan-piwas the fracas on film? would be most watched top gear ever20:03
foobarrynever seen it before. watched it over lunch and had to hold my mouth to stop laughing in the office20:03
shaunolol, Turkey are banning Minecraft because it's too violent for children20:22
shaunoI cannot facepalm hard enough20:22
diddledanpunching trees?20:22
zmoylan-piwell they wanted to ban twitter too didn't they?20:26
shaunobut they haven't banned call of duty, grand theft auto, battlefield, etc20:26
foobarryi tried the £3 of free paypal credit in google play. did not work. had to get a refund20:34
mappwonder how that happened my pi was set t use almost all memory for the gpu21:24
mappwhich was why it was so slow installing anything21:24
AzelphurSo here's a fun question I've never actually looked into before, if you want to revoke SSH access to a server, what's the procedure?21:36
AzelphurI know change the password obviously, but I'm not sure what to do key wise21:36
shaunothe host key shouldn't need to be changed, just make sure the user's authorized_keys is gone?21:37
Azelphurah I see, so that'd be .ssh/authorized_keys, there's only one entry in there and it's me, so it's safe to say the person hasn't taken the keys and I just change the password and I'm good?21:38
shaunoyou've been sharing an account?21:39
Azelphurshauno: yea, it's a server so they have access to the relevant account for that21:40
shaunobut no sudo access etc?21:41
Azelphuryea no sudo access21:41
Azelphurit's not a crazy situation where they are gonna break back in, I just wanna know the procedure really :)21:41
shaunousually they'd have their own account, so when you blow away their $HOME, their keys go with it21:42
shaunobut unless they have your private key, it's safe to assume they've been logging in with a password, so that's all you've got to tidy up21:44
intrbizAzelphur: clean out ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and if you wish you can also deny the user in the sshd config21:50
Azelphuryea :)21:50
intrbizAzelphur: and or remove the user acount as required21:51
lubotu3rat is The Real Ale Train. A yearly Ubuntu UK loco event to celebrate friends, trains and ale. Saturday 19th September 2015 Hampshire, UK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/3040-real-ale-train-2015/22:26
dutchie\o/ rat22:27
Azelphurhmm, Council is apparently reviewing my Council Tax band...22:27
Azelphurnot sure if good or bad thing...22:27
AzelphurAlso question, does anyone know whether it's cheaper to buy a ticket to London, then use my Oyster card in London, vs booking a ticket for the full journey online?22:31
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
shaunohm.  awkward.  I've lost a microsd card23:26
diddledanoh thanks for reminding me I've got old, buffy the vampire slayer premiered 18 years ago today23:26
diddledanshauno: it's stuck in a thingy somewhere23:26
shaunoI've even checked where they normally go - the roomba's rearend23:27
diddledanis it legal to inspect a roomba's behind?23:27
shaunomore than legal, it's mandatory23:28
diddledanoh myyy23:28
shaunoif neglected, it gets all stuffed up and starts leaving dustball 'droppings' everywhere23:28
diddledando you have to creep up on it so as not to frighten it off?23:28
shaunonah, you just need to know how to push its buttons23:28
shaunoalthough I cheat, I got a remote for it23:29
diddledanyou mean it's at your beck and call?23:29
shaunothe remote is highly recommended.  you can take control and drive it around like a little toy :)23:30
diddledanisn't that classed as M&Ms?23:30
diddledanor maybe skittles?23:30

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