
barrydkMore almal04:40
Kiloshi barrydk  inetpro  and others04:54
Kiloshi Tonberry_  05:09
mazalMorning everyone05:14
Kiloshi mazal  05:14
mazalHow goes ?05:15
Kilosok ty and you?05:15
nuvolario/ mornings05:58
Kiloslo nuvolari  05:58
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 05:58
nuvolarilo mazal, Tonberry_, barrydk 05:58
mazalMorning nuvolari05:59
MaazThatGraemeGuy: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell ThatGraemeGuy Hut near travel hub done" 14 hours, 14 minutes and 52 seconds ago06:16
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:16
Kilosyou might need to make it look better06:16
KilosYou do not need to be an expert to provide support, just know a little bit more than the people asking the question.06:25
Kiloshi Padroni  06:32
PadroniHey 06:33
Padronihow are you06:33
Kilosgood ty and you?06:33
Kilosyou been quiet lately06:33
Kilosyou also watch too many movies06:34
PadroniI wish06:41
Padronibeen busy 06:41
Padronidouble shift today so you will see more of me I think06:41
Padronihow's the site coming?06:41
Kilosim joking about the hey greeting06:42
Kiloswe are waiting for the fly to find time to make it work06:42
Padroniwhat is not working?06:43
Kiloshe just needs to review what we have done and put it on his server06:43
Kiloshe is very busy atm06:44
Kilosthe debconf thing is using lots of his time06:48
Kilosare you going to it06:48
Padroninot sure yet06:48
Padronito be honest06:48
PadroniI will see closer to the time06:48
Kilosits still far away06:48
Padronivery quiet07:07
Padronion all channels07:07
Kiloslekker i even closed one07:07
Padroniyou closed a channel?07:08
Kilosya all the pling pling messes me up when im trying to do something07:08
Kilosi only have 4 open now07:09
Kilos#ubuntu-locoteams wakes up later07:09
PadroniI am in 07:09
Padroniand Kali07:10
Kiloswhere is mu07:10
Padronino one is talking in any of them except here07:10
Padronimu = mauritius07:10
Kilosoh that guy doesnt say much07:10
Kilosi think he is almost a one man band there07:11
Kiloscyrilb hey?07:11
Kiloshe also goes to other countries to work07:11
mazalmaaz burger please07:12
Maazmazal: Excuse me?07:12
mazalmaaz food dude , food07:13
Maazmazal: Huh?07:13
mazalmaaz don't huh me , make a plan07:13
Maazmazal: *blink*07:13
Kiloshe only has rusks07:13
KilosMaaz  whats for lunch07:14
MaazGoats cheese on crackers and a bowl of salad for you fat people07:14
inetprogood evening07:14
Kiloshi inetpro  you poor lost soul07:14
mazalhi inetpro07:14
Kilosmazal  you must go see the link i gave above07:15
mazalwhich one of the many ?07:15
Kilosyou can help them with documentation07:15
Kilosyou can give them your version of doing the gpg thing07:16
Kilosoh no it wasnt you it was mopkop07:16
mazalMy version : sukkel jou g@t af tot jy regkom07:17
Kilosnee man mopkop het dit mooi neer gesit07:17
mazalWaar ?07:17
Kilosin trello ek dink07:17
mazalShould be on our ZA website me thinks07:18
Padronihi mazal07:18
mazalHi Padroni07:18
Kilosi think he has added it07:18
Kilosthe pro will know07:19
mazalThat defnitely needs to be somewhere easy accesible07:19
Kilosim sure they were going to put it on our site07:20
inetprowho is they?07:20
Kilosyou and mopkop inetpro  07:20
inetproyou go put it on the wiki man07:20
inetprostop cramming everything on the one website07:21
Kilosim the delegate here07:21
mazalJust a link on the website to it somewhere would be good07:21
Kilosyou go put it on the wiki thing07:21
* Kilos hides07:21
inetproKilos: did you see the new members page?07:22
Kilosi looked yes07:22
Kilosalso got all the mails about it07:23
Kilosstill trying to see what you did hehe07:23
Kilosit looks good to me07:23
mazalOne column was removed is what I saw07:23
inetproand you don't like the new look?07:23
mazalThere were 1 too many "comments" columns07:23
Kilosi like man07:23
mazalAnd I saw barry still not on launchpad07:24
inetpronobody used that column, so I just cut it out07:24
Kilosrev him07:24
mazalKilos: You try and convince him lets see :P07:24
inetproKilos: and I sorted it07:24
Kilosty for your hard work inetpro  07:25
inetprono that was not work.. work is what I need to do now07:25
Kilosim still waiting for your mail to the lists to get peeps to add themselves07:25
Kilosdo some work too07:26
Kilosto me all that wiki stuff is hard work07:26
Kilosto be able to see changes i would have to see the old and the new pages next to each other07:29
Kilosthe new one looks good so why worry about what it used to look like07:29
Kilosbarrydk  get a launchpad id man07:30
inetproKilos: and Padroni, does he have an ID even?07:33
PadroniHave what ID?07:33
KilosPadroni  ^^07:33
inetprooops, hi Padroni07:33
Kilosoh no man he wants to be incognito07:33
Padronilaunchpad ID?07:33
PadroniSee it?07:34
PadroniSEE IT?!?07:34
* Padroni fires off a few rounds into the air and kills a Windows 8 user by mistake...07:34
inetproaha you see, even incognitos have ID documents07:34
KilosPadroni  do you make static sites too?07:35
Padroniyesterday was my 1month launchad / ubuntu-za birthday07:35
PadroniI make all kinds of websites07:35
Kilosmaybe someone should make a linux-africa site one day07:36
Padroniwhat - and have these people bicker about my code07:36
Padroninot sure I am up for that07:36
Kiloswhat peeps?07:36
Padronioh there's always someone07:36
Padroniis there a linux africa domain?07:38
Kilosi dont know07:38
Kilosbut when i made the ubuntu-africa channel one of the nairobilug guys said it should be linux-africa07:39
Kilosso looks like the lugs are also stuck in their own little communities07:39
PadroniI guess we can do it?07:43
Kilosno rush. only when you are bored07:43
Padronidoes the domain have to be a .org or something?07:47
Padronior can we do it a .com07:47
Padroniand who will contribute content/07:47
Kilosanything i suppose07:47
PadroniIf we can maybe start blueprinting the scope of the stie07:47
Padronilike what we need on it07:47
Padroniapart from the info part of the site07:48
Kilossomething similar to our za site07:48
Padronithat would help07:48
Padronibut this would be for linux, not just ubuntu07:48
Padroniso we may need to set up specific sections for each distro07:48
Kilosyes so they all have a home site07:48
Padroniwe need a plan, in other words.07:48
Kiloswell 07:49
inetproyep without a plan you go nowhere07:49
Kilosthe pro is good at making plans07:49
ThatGraemeGuywhat if my plan is to go nowhere?07:50
PadroniThat is also a good plan, sometimes.07:50
Kiloslol then you just rest07:50
Kilossome lug peeps havent got the patience to help noobs, maybe giving them all a home site will encourage them to be more understanding07:55
Kiloslike here i help noobs , sometimes the wrong way then someone jumps in and gives the right advice07:56
inetproKilos: what difference will a home page make?07:58
Kilosyou tell me07:58
PadroniHow to start a fight on the internet: Express an opinion.07:59
PadroniAnd wait...07:59
PadroniApple smartwatch launched 24 April08:08
Padroniwhich reminds me of something I saw on the internet some time back...08:10
Padronifunny though08:11
Kilosi didnt watch, i dont do videos08:11
Padroniit's nto a video08:11
Padroniit's a gif08:12
Padroniso check it out08:12
Kilosmore ai!08:13
Kiloslanguage sucks and using Gods name sucks worse08:13
Kilosone should be able to express oneself without reverting to bad language08:14
Kilosimo anyway08:14
PadroniI agree08:18
Padronithe funny part is the image 08:18
Kilosmaybe my dad was too strict on me08:18
Padronimaybe your dad was not too strict08:18
Kilosoh the watch thing08:18
Padroniagain - I agree 08:18
Padronithat beach ball thingy is Mac's version of the hourglass08:18
Padroniie, it's hanging08:18
Kilosinetpro  will having a home page not encourage peeps to be more community minded08:20
inetproKilos: why?08:21
Kilosai! are you only at the why stage now08:22
Kilosbeing part of something should be enough08:23
Kiloslike why apply for ubuntu membership08:23
PadroniI would like membership08:23
Padronibut honestly - I am not sure I will get it08:23
Padronican't think of any worthwhile contribution I can make that will earn me that08:24
Kilosjust help everyone wherever you can and it comes08:24
Padroniwhat happend to jacques-stry?08:25
Kilosbusy i think08:25
Kilosthats the accepted answer nowadays08:26
Padronii need to still claim my phone from the insurance08:28
Padronidropped it08:28
Padroniscreen busted08:28
Padroninew screen = R130008:28
* Padroni sighs08:28
* inetpro keeps running into people who seem to think they just need a website08:29
inetprothen when they have a website they seem to think it will update itself08:29
Padronior worse:08:29
Padronithey want to update it themselves08:29
Padronithinking you  merely push a button and pull a lever and voila!08:29
Kilosi like buttons08:30
* Padroni points to inetpro 's pvt chat08:30
Kiloshmm... skelm08:31
Kilosoh ya ill be offline tomorrow while tswane electric peeps work in the area09:03
* Padroni makes a note of Tswane09:05
* Padroni is one step closer to Kilos now...09:05
Kilosone step closer how?09:06
Kilosoh hahaha09:06
Kiloswest of ptown09:07
Padronihi Neo3109:08
Padronihi R0ok_09:09
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  09:32
TinuvaMachi Kilos09:32
KilosPadroni  methinks something short sweet and basic, because i think linux peeps dont need lots of frills hey?09:40
Kilosthe frills are to catch peeps that like eye candy09:41
Padroniyou are probably right09:42
Padronican't have it look like it was made in Frontpage though09:42
Padronior worse09:42
Kilosim always right09:42
Kilosexcept when im wrong09:42
Kilosi dont know those things09:42
Kilosthe serious guys will be happy with a terminal in the sky09:54
Padroniso what now09:57
Padronimust I get a domain for linux-africa?09:57
Padronior not09:57
Padroniand who is gonna work on it?09:57
Kilosif you gotta pay for a domain, just leave it them10:03
Kiloswas just a loose idea10:13
mazalmaaz where is my burger ?10:22
Maazmazal: Erk, dunno10:22
mazalmaaz do you at least have a coke for me ?10:23
Maazmazal: One learns a new thing every day10:23
KilosMaaz  do10:24
MaazKilos: Sorry...10:24
mazalmaaz don't be sorry be careful10:24
Maazmazal: Huh?10:24
KilosMaaz  forget do you at least have a coke for me ?10:24
MaazKilos: I didn't know about do you at least have a coke for me anyway10:24
mazalOk then 10:25
* mazal needs a pa10:27
mazalFetch burger , make coffee , all other skills are only optional10:28
PadroniKilos: 10:43
Padronilinux-africa.co.za /com/biz/org/net/info is available10:43
PadroniR66 - R13410:44
Kilosleave it man10:44
Kilosya if it is going to work for you then its ok i spose10:47
Kilosbut linux-africa wont work for you , 10:48
Kilosright or wrong10:48
Kilosai! another why guy10:49
Kiloswhy what?10:49
Padroniwhy do you say it won't work for me10:49
Kilosi mean it wont attract peeps to your market or whatever peeps do with sites10:49
Kilosarent sites for marketing something you get an income from?10:50
Padroniif it is not making you money10:51
Padroniit is costing you money10:51
Padronibut there is such a thing as a labour of love10:51
Kilosya that10:51
Kiloswe have the ubuntu site for love10:51
Padroniso this will be a linux one?10:51
Padroniwhy am I here trying to convince you? it was YOUR idea...?10:52
* Padroni is confused10:52
Kilosim just looking at costs10:52
Kilosthat money can buy sweets for the kids10:53
Kilosor actually fruit is better10:53
Kilosright or wrong?10:56
Padroniit's - at worse - R13410:56
Padronisomething I can live with10:56
Kiloswhat does grumpy say about it10:56
Kilosinetpro  10:57
Kilosoosie strydom10:57
Padronido we need their permission?10:57
* Padroni is asking because he doesn't know10:57
Kilosbut he normally has sound advice10:58
Padroniso ask him?10:58
Kilosinetpro  ^^10:58
Kiloshe might take a while to answer, he has been ignoring me of late10:58
* inetpro feeling a disturbance in the force10:59
inetproKilos: sup?10:59
Kilosread man11:00
Kiloswe dont need your permission but value your advice11:01
* inetpro will read in a few minutes11:01
MopkopGood morning all!11:32
Kiloshi Mopkop  11:36
Kiloshi nlsthzn   too11:36
MopkopHi nlsthzn!11:36
nlsthznhow is everyone today?11:37
MopkopAnd you?11:38
Kilosim ok ty was actually thinking of having a nap11:38
nlsthznI am now officially beyond tired so should be ok until tonight11:39
Padronihi Mopkop11:42
nlsthznbaby timings don't correlate with the worlds timing it seems11:42
Kiloshi arnaudmez  12:15
arnaudmezhi Kilos12:15
arnaudmezhaving issues with vlc package12:18
arnaudmezthink i will move to another player for interim12:19
arnaudmezrecommand me a player please !12:21
Kiloswhat os you using?12:22
Kilosthere must be a default media player in it12:24
Kilosvlc is most likely top of the list12:26
confluencyWhat kinds of issues?12:27
confluencyI use mplayer.12:27
arnaudmezokay will try that one12:32
arnaudmezKilos: https://system76.com/laptops/bonobo12:32
arnaudmezthis guys are good12:32
* Symmetria dies laughing12:43
Symmetriasome guy is trying to sue every ISP in Kenya12:43
Symmetriafor violating the human rights of artists 12:43
Symmetriaby allowing piracy12:43
arnaudmezSymmetria: sure ?12:44
Symmetriahahaha he is funny12:44
Symmetriaand about to be very very bankcrupt12:44
Padroniwell this is silly12:45
Padroniyou get 8Gb ram12:45
Padronian extra 8 costs you almost R150012:45
Padroniit's like they're smoking their socks or something12:45
Kilosfor what is that Padroni  ?12:45
Padronithat link to bonobo you gave12:47
Padronibuilding a laptop now12:47
Padroni23" screen: $39812:47
Padroniwhere the hell do they get their prices from?12:47
Symmetriasounds like kenyan prices12:48
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening , God bless12:49
PadroniI am happy with my Roccat12:50
Kiloshmm... the pro has long minutes hey Padroni  14:28
Padronihaha 15:01
Kiloshehe betcha old grumpy forgot15:02
Kiloshow much of your shift is past Padroni  ?15:30
Padroni9.5 hours15:33
Padronistill another 8.5 to go15:33
Kiloseish so min15:34
nlsthznthat is a long shift15:36
Kilosyeah too long15:37
Kilosno wonder his brains are scrambled15:37
Kiloswb Mopkop  16:14
MopkopHello, Thank you!16:14
Kiloshi Squirm  16:31
Squirmhow're things Kilos?16:31
Kilosoh ty and you ?16:32
SquirmGood :16:32
linhey guys16:42
linWho has ever built Firefox OS from source?16:42
Kiloshi lin  16:42
linHi kilos16:43
SquirmHey lin16:45
Kiloshey Squirm  youre a meber of ubuntu-za wont you go fill in your info for us please16:47
linHey Squirm 16:51
SquirmKilos: how do i edit?16:51
Kilosoh my you choose some funny thing then edit opens16:52
Kiloslemme look at our site i think the pro put it there16:52
Squirmand when I login, it directs me to wiki.ubuntu.com16:52
Squirmthen when I go to the link you pasted, I'm logged out16:53
Kilosooo ya i battled with that in the beginning too, just open our link on another tab once you logged in16:54
Kilostell it to remember you when you login16:54
Kilostell me what buttons you see ill remember which one to click16:56
MopkopSquirm: try <CTRL>F516:56
Kilosah ty Mopkop  i go eat16:56
MopkopIt deletes the cache. Kilos: Geniet dit!16:56
Kiloswhat cache16:57
MopkopThe reason it doesn't show he is loged in, is because the page in which he is not logged in, is still cached in his browser. <CTRL> F5 tells the browser to delete that version and get a new page from the server.17:00
SquirmKilos: sorted17:03
SquirmNo crtl anything17:03
SquirmOne I was logged in, properly, edit appears in the top left17:03
Kilosaha ty Mopkop  Squirm  17:04
Padroni@ Lin : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS/Firefox_OS_build_prerequisites17:04
Kiloshi kulelu88  17:17
kulelu88Hello oom and folks17:18
Kilosyou been ducking hey17:18
Kilosbang we gave you work17:18
kulelu88ive been busy oom17:19
Kilosyou can do this now as punishment https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members17:20
kulelu88I need to register this nickname17:20
Kilosbut we forgive you for forsaking us in our hour of need17:20
kulelu88oom I've become like everyone else in GP. too busy to do any OSS work but enough free time for entertainment :D17:21
kulelu88chow time17:21
Kiloswb Tonberry_  17:22
Kilosdo you want to fill in your info for us please17:23
magespawngood evening17:35
Kiloshi my magespawn  17:36
SquirmSo, I'm looking for something like CPanel, except free, anyone know of anything?17:37
MopkopHello magespawn!17:37
SquirmOr something to easily manage domains/email accounts17:37
magespawnhi Mopkop Kilos Squirm 17:37
Squirmhey magespawn17:37
magespawni thought cPanel was free17:38
Padronicpanel is very expensive17:39
Padroniwas looking at the same page now17:39
Padronibut Squirm17:39
Padronito be honest17:39
PadroniI prefer WHMCS & cPanel17:40
SquirmKilos: I've been through that list17:40
Padroniis it for a server, or for a single hosting package?17:40
Mopkophttp://www.openpanel.com/ ?17:40
Kilosoh my17:40
SquirmMopkop: tried installing it now17:40
SquirmSo, maybe not supported anymore17:41
SquirmProject Status. Debian 7, Ubuntu 12.04.17:41
SquirmAugust 22nd, 201317:41
SquirmNew versions of our packages have recently been released. 17:41
Mopkophttp://www.virtualmin.com/ ?17:44
captineevening all17:45
MopkopHello captine!17:45
captinehey there Mopkop.  Don't think I have met you before.  You been in the channel long?17:46
Mopkopcaptine: No, for a bit more than a week now :) Pleased to meet you!17:47
SquirmWill have a look at that Mopkop17:47
Kiloshi captine  17:47
SquirmIt looked very system adminny17:47
captinecool Mopkop .  I've been out sleeping... daughter just arrived in the world so time is short17:47
captinehi Kilos 17:48
Padronihi captine17:48
captinehi Padroni 17:48
MopkopCongratulations captine! 17:48
Kilosfunny how peeps blame new borns for slacking off17:49
MopkopSquirm: You want a more user friendly one then?17:49
Mopkophttps://github.com/mustafaramadhan/kloxo/tree/dev ?17:49
PadroniCongrats, captine17:51
Padronimy son was born 4 months ago17:51
Padronibest thing ever17:51
captinePadroni, yip.  my son is 14 months... and daughter 2 weeks... son now has tonsalitis... not fun17:52
Kiloscaptine  when was baby born, didnt i congrat you the other day already?17:52
MopkopSquirm: Just found this on google: http://froxlor.org/17:52
Kilosya 2 weeks17:52
SquirmMopkop: Yeah, that was quite nice17:53
Kilosim not as look as dumb i be17:53
SquirmJust got... stuck17:53
SquirmDidn't quite do what I wanted it to17:53
SquirmVery nice UI though17:53
Padronithat froxlor looks... retarded?17:56
Padronior rather, extremely limited?17:56
SquirmSeemed like it17:56
* Padroni prefers cpanel and WHM & WHMCS17:56
Padroniwhich platform you basing your server on, Squirm?17:57
Padroniwhat you using as the OS, iow17:57
Padroniah ok17:57
Padronito be honest17:57
PadroniI have never used Ubuntu as a server17:57
* Squirm shrugs17:57
SquirmWorks well17:57
Padronifor hosting websites, I mean17:57
PadroniI can imagine17:57
Padroniwe use CloudLinux17:57
Padronibefore that CentOS17:57
SquirmI have done a course in RedHat17:57
Squirmbut Ubuntu works fine tbh17:58
SquirmWe actually host everything of ours on Ubuntu servers17:58
PadroniI have 5 Oracle certifications17:58
PadroniI love their hardware17:58
Padronitheir Linux is shit though17:58
PadroniOracle Linux is crap17:58
PadroniOracle Linux is based on RHEL though18:01
Padroniso if you can do the one, you can do the other18:01
captinePadroni, but Oracle linux is "Unbreakable"...18:02
captinePadroni, you refering to the Sun hardware?18:02
inetpro*shrug* 18:03
inetproKilos: sorry 18:03
Kiloslol its ok inetpro  18:03
Padroniyeah captine - they like to push that in the salespitch18:04
* inetpro just landed at home 18:04
Padroniunbreakable core18:04
Padroniuninterupted, no reboot kernel updates18:04
Kiloshave a break first man18:04
Padroniblah blah18:04
Padronilook at this though18:04
PadroniI love that machine18:04
Padronithe day I become a billionaire - THAT is my next gaming machine18:04
inetprolots of reading now 18:04
Kiloswas just befor e1 i think18:05
captinePadroni, nice.  I was pushing for Oracle Exalytics box or something like that at work (with 1TB of memory), but we went with IBM Cognos as our software so no need for Oracle hardware....18:08
Padronithose are damn fine machines18:11
PadroniThey are expensive though18:13
Padronithe T4 supercluster (last we looked at getting some) were $1.2m each18:13
Padronibut I mean - that thing runs up to 32 processors depending on your configuration18:14
Padroninot cores, PROCESSORS18:14
Padroniand it's their proprietary processors so only Solaris will run on it18:15
Padroniwhich rules out installing Steam on that beast, sadly18:15
captineSquirm, where do you work that you use Ubuntu?18:23
captinecool.  pretty upmarket18:26
PadroniI ordered beer from you guys18:26
SquirmPadroni: awesome18:26
SquirmWe have awesome beer18:26
Padroni2 cases of Naked Mexicans and Slow Brew18:26
Squirmcaptine: it is, we sell some awesome stuff18:26
captineyip.  oneday... :)18:27
Squirmboth good veer18:27
Squirmcaptine: I tell myself that too :)18:27
PadroniI should send in my CV18:28
Padronimaybe I can work there too18:28
SquirmPadroni: to do what?18:28
PadroniI don't know18:28
Padroniservers and stuff?18:28
Padronijust not web dev18:28
SquirmOnly dev jobs going18:29
PadroniI don't want a dev job18:29
SquirmI lapped up the sys admin job ;)18:29
SquirmSo, I'm a sys admin18:30
Squirmnot THE sys admin18:30
SquirmBut I plan to be :D18:30
Padroninothing wrong with ambition18:30
Kilosgo Squirm  18:30
Padronimost people I know lack it18:30
PadroniPing: 257ms18:31
PadroniPacket Loss: 34%18:31
Padronidafuq is up with  my network again tonight18:32
inetproPadroni: I'll be very honest, I don't like Oracle18:32
SquirmPadroni: what do you do?18:32
Kiloswb magellanic  18:32
inetpropersonal opinion though18:32
Padroniinetpro: I love their hardware.  Their linux is shit.18:32
PadroniPersonal opinion.18:32
SquirmOh yes18:33
Squirmwe were talking about the admin18:33
inetproSun Microsystems made fantastic hardware18:33
PadroniSquirm: I am sysadmin at a web hosting company18:33
Padronimy focus is on Abuse though18:33
SquirmPadroni: and which company is this?18:33
Padroniso I investigate hack/fraud/etc18:33
PadroniAh Squirm - Padroni does not give away any personal info18:33
PadroniI keep my online footprint as small as possible18:34
SquirmI see18:34
PadroniI work with too sensitive stuff18:34
Kiloshes bang we put the mafia on him18:34
Padronisomebody get Brad a cloak?18:35
SquirmPadroni: where abouts are you based?18:35
PadroniWestern Cape18:35
PadroniCompany I work for is in PTA though18:35
Kiloscaptine  go to #freenode and ask staff for a cloak18:35
PadroniI work remotely.18:35
SquirmI'll be happy with country :P18:36
captinewhat is a cloak18:36
PadroniIf I see an IP, I make portscan jokes and Graeme has a fanny wobble when I do that.18:36
PadroniSee, he does not like me much, it seems18:36
inetproPadroni: I may be wrong but I don't think Oracle is good for free libre open source18:36
Kilosno man he just does things different18:36
Padroniyou, Squirm?18:37
inetprothey want the whole cake only for themselves18:37
PadroniCape Town, I presume?18:37
Kiloshe has jumped on me too18:37
PadroniOracle is not Open Source 18:37
Padroniso no18:37
PadroniOracle isn't far behind MS, Apple, etc.18:37
inetproPadroni: but the sad reality is, they are using the open source stack to their advantage18:38
captineOracle even pulled down a website that had the JD Edwards Database Scheme reference with field names and explanation of tables etc.  Threatened to sue the site owner as the schema was "proprietary"18:38
magellanicinetpro: everyone is though18:39
captinebut he said screw them and started http://jdetables.com/18:39
captineincase any of you have the misfortune of also having to work with JD Edwards....18:39
captineso what is this cloaking thing?18:39
Kilosit masks your ip address18:40
PadroniIt hides your IP18:40
PadroniSO fools like me can't joke about portscanning you18:40
captineoh.  so mine isnt hidden?18:40
captineah well18:40
Padroni--> captine (~Brad@ has joined #ubuntu-za18:40
captinelet me know if i have a security hole Padroni 18:40
Padronihey captine18:41
Padronihow's gaming on a cybersmart connection?18:41
* Kilos smirks behing my double cloak18:41
Padronistable or do you get ping spikes like with Afrihost18:41
magellanicyou can hack my iburst modem, I hate that thing anyway18:41
PadroniI don't hack.18:42
PadroniI look.18:42
Padronihack implies maliciious intent.18:42
captinei dont really game18:42
PadroniI am just curious18:42
captinebut am happy with my speed18:42
PadroniI need fibre18:42
PadroniI boss disagrees18:42
Padroniwe're at a bit of a empass on that one 18:42
inetproKilos: you don't need my permission to start linux-africa18:43
PadroniI get as many free VPS as I want instead18:43
Padroniinetpro: we know18:43
Kilosput your glasses on and read properly18:43
Padroniit was a thought which we are working on18:43
* inetpro likes the idea18:43
PadroniKilos things R135 is much for a domain name18:44
inetproit needs a bit of thought18:44
* Padroni spent that on beer yesterday18:44
inetproKilos: that is very cheap18:44
magellanicanyone went to the open beer event?18:44
PadroniI went to the CTFOB 18:44
Padroniactually - won tickets18:44
inetproPadroni: and that is annula?18:44
inetproannual as well18:44
PadroniAnnula: almost like ANNUAL, only different...18:45
PadroniCape Town Festival of Beer18:45
Kilosi thunk it was monthly18:45
Padroniyes @ annula18:45
inetproPadroni: local?18:45
Padroni.co.za ? 18:45
Squirm[Web]A while ago18:45
Padronii was thinking .info18:45
Kilosi like18:46
Padronior .com18:46
Padronijust not .org18:46
inetpro.io even18:46
inetpronice and short18:46
Squirm[Web]Padroni: what if I told you in the time that I was gone, I know your name and where you're based?18:46
Padronipm me and I will confirm18:46
Padroniso we get a .io which belongs to a country with no citizens?18:47
captinePadroni, VPS's?  where you working that you get vps?18:48
captineand how do i get the cloak thing done?18:48
Kiloscaptine go to #freenode18:48
inetprocaptine: go to #freenode and ask18:48
Padroniwe get them inhouse18:48
Kilosask staff for a cloak please18:48
inetprooh yes, good point Kilos18:49
inetproask staff18:49
inetprotoo many others there as well18:49
Kilosfirst time i went there i got a joker18:49
inetprowow, that was quick!?18:50
Kilos20:50] --> captine (~Brad@unaffiliated/captine) has joined this channel.18:50
Kilosvery fast18:50
inetprocaptine: you're the first one to get it this quick18:50
Kilosnow in you irc client where you do the edit thing enterr your irc or freenode passwords18:51
Kilosthen it cloaks before opening channels18:51
Kiloswell done, you very fast18:52
Kilosthe freenode staff are very helpful18:52
kulelu88who is this mopkop fellow18:53
captinethanks all. I dont stress too much about my IP thogh...18:53
captinenothing on my network worth taking :)18:53
Kilosno matter18:53
kulelu88captine: everything is worth taking18:53
captinekulelu88, :)18:53
Kiloskulelu88  Mopkop  is our dominee18:54
Kilosand site helper18:54
kulelu88my afrikaans isn't that good that I remember dominee :-/ something to do with school? :D18:54
MopkopOh sorry kulelu88, Let me intorduce myself: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mopkop18:55
captinePadroni, I too am hoping for Fibre.  Our neighbourhood is going to tender, from what I understand... am hoping to be one of the trials...18:56
inetprokulelu88: please add your name on our members page18:56
kulelu88captine: you must be in cape town. I don't see folks in PTA tendering for any fibre "at all"18:57
kulelu88Mopkop: Jys die kerk man :O nice to meet you 18:57
captinejohannesburg.  18:57
captineParkhurst got it right with Vumatel18:58
captinesome company came to our neighbour home owners thing and are running with it18:58
Mopkopkulelu88: Wedersyds! 18:58
* Squirm[Web] looks around18:58
Squirm[Web]Can't seem to onnect to my bouncer18:59
kulelu88Parkhurst is basically a millionaire zone, so the worker-bees like us will wait for the monopoly fibre owner to come in18:59
kulelu88Unless! Let me be futuristic and try to arrange it B-)18:59
captineyip. lots of cash there 19:00
Squirm[Web]https seems to be veeeeery slow19:00
Kiloshi DarkSurferZA  19:00
inetproDarkSurferZA: welcome to #ubuntu-za19:00
inetproor is it wb?19:00
kulelu88Are any of you not registered? Can you try joining #docker whilst being unregistered?19:00
MopkopHello DarkSurferZA!19:00
DarkSurferZAHi guys19:00
Squirm[Web][21:01] == #docker Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services19:01
kulelu88dankie Squirm[Web] 19:01
Kiloslol hes pretending to be deaf inetpro  19:02
inetprokulelu88: yikes! that is one busy channel19:02
DarkSurferZAI have been on and off the channel for a year now, and every time I connect, there is Kilos. 19:02
KilosDarkSurferZA  im the greeter bot here19:03
inetpro1189 users + ops19:03
kulelu88I only see 4319:03
Kilosnot here man19:03
DarkSurferZAWhat IRC client you guys using19:04
MopkopDarkSurferZA: Pidgin19:04
DarkSurferZASo many fun feature in different clients, but none with all.19:05
Kiloson unity xchat or hexchat is good19:05
DarkSurferZAAnyone using irc on mobile?19:05
kulelu88IRC CLI ftw!19:05
DarkSurferZALove Pidgin btw19:05
inetproDarkSurferZA: quassel19:05
Kilospidgin is for msn and mxit and aim etc19:06
DarkSurferZAHana kulelu88, there must always be that one guy...19:06
PadroniI've yet to find a proper IRC on iOS, DarkSurferZA19:06
inetprohttp://quassel-irc.org/ ftw!!19:06
Padroninot that typing on the iPad is any fun to begin with19:07
kulelu88eeuww what is that mxit19:07
kulelu88DarkSurferZA: dont let me start about Vim!19:07
Kilosfastest im goodie around19:07
DarkSurferZAWell, and chat is great, but looks dies, and holoIRC feels a bit feature weak19:09
DarkSurferZAI have a hardware keyboard, charging now so typing sucks, but I love mobile19:09
KilosDarkSurferZA  what OS are you using?19:09
DarkSurferZAAt home or work, mobile or desktop?19:10
Kiloslol the one where you are trying different irc clients19:10
DarkSurferZAI am mostly a centos guy at work, with windows for corporate apps19:10
kulelu88if it isn't Open source, it doesn't count!19:10
DarkSurferZAAnd Ubuntu at home19:10
Kilosas you progress you will one day get to kde19:11
PadroniI use ubuntu on desktop, Kali on laptop with Win7 as secondary19:12
Padronilubuntu on my media centre pc 19:12
DarkSurferZAAndroid tablet, windows phone. Oh, and my home windows laptop is a mac which always boots windows.19:12
Padronibest mac I've ever heard of19:12
PadroniMac OS is crap19:12
MopkopKilos: Why is that?19:12
kulelu88so i'm not the only 1 with too many electronics19:12
Padroniwell, actually it's not19:12
Padroniit's terminal is just sooooooo limited19:12
DarkSurferZAPadroni, have you tried xbmc?19:12
PadroniYes. It blows19:13
PadroniI don't like the interface, to be honest19:13
Kiloslol have you never heard, when peeps have probs, there are some here that say i dont have those probs i use kde19:13
Padroniit's pretty, make no mistake19:13
Padronibut it just didn't work for me19:13
magespawnthose guys are on the ball tonight, just got mine too19:13
Kilosas i said you need to progress19:13
Padroniusing Lubuntu on the mediacentre pc means that the wife and kids can't work it19:13
Padroniso I get to decide what we watch.  Forever.19:14
Kiloslekker magespawn  19:14
DarkSurferZAKulelu88, I am a hacker, professionally, so I need every test environment under the sun. How do you explain to your SO19:14
magespawnmaybe i should do that too Padroni 19:14
PadroniIt works.19:14
MopkopKilos: I see. Yes I find unity to be somewhat unstable. But I guess that because it is less mature than KDE. Well I use Vista at church so Unity is the least of my problems. :-D19:15
DarkSurferZAPadroni, I have yet to see anything in Mac that is prettier than *nix19:15
PadroniMac is very beautiful.19:15
PadroniThen you start to use it ...19:15
kulelu88Does SO = significant other? that's the only 1 I didnt know :D19:15
Padroniand then you realize that behind that pretty desktop is the little OS that could, but didn't.19:16
DarkSurferZATrue. Try install dark table on mac, then see how much bandwidth it costs. Then count bugs. Then cry. Keep tissues handy. Salty tears are conductive, keyboard won't love you after19:16
PadroniDarkSurferZA: we should speak some at some point19:16
kulelu88DarkSurferZA: u are doing da hackz 19:17
DarkSurferZAThe legal ones. Consulting in infosec, specifically penetration testing19:17
Kilosyou okes that like the look of macs try elementaryos19:17
DarkSurferZAPadroni, any time.19:18
kulelu88what's the hourly dollar rate for infosec guys?19:18
DarkSurferZAAnd if anyone makes "penetration testing" jokes, it better be creative. I've heard soooo many19:19
kulelu88sex jokes about pentesting? This is IRC :-/ 19:19
magespawnDarkSurferZA: i don't know any19:20
PadroniI can think of a few along the 'backdoor'd' theme but will keep quiet19:20
PadroniDarkSurferZA: check your pvt19:20
kulelu88I have 1 joke and it's a 1-liner. Here it is: Systemd 19:21
Kilosthey must have chosen it for a reason kulelu88  19:21
kulelu88woo. 19:22
kulelu88that's a banned word19:22
kulelu88Kilos: they forced their way into Debian19:22
Kilosisnt it supposed to be fatser than upstart?19:23
kulelu88and bloated19:23
SquirmI think19:23
kulelu88doing too many things19:23
SquirmAm I alive?19:23
Kiloshow can bloated be faster19:23
SquirmMaaz: test19:23
MaazSquirm: What?19:23
Kiloshaha Squirm  what you doing19:24
SquirmRebooted my router19:24
kulelu88the idea behind it is fine. the implementation and their way of getting it through isn't19:24
SquirmMy https connections were strangely slow19:24
kulelu88you on Tor or VPN? Squirm 19:24
SquirmEven dropped irc19:24
Kilosthey will sort it within the next cople of releases19:25
SquirmThings seem to be back19:25
Squirmkulelu88: no19:25
MopkopAre people still using TOR?19:25
Kilosinetpro  dont you ever stop?19:25
* Squirm shrugs19:25
SquirmIt was just strangely slow19:25
kulelu88do any of you IRC lurkers attend meetups?19:26
SquirmStill feels slow19:26
SquirmIf it's being like this19:28
SquirmI reckon it's bed time then19:28
inetproKilos: stop with?19:28
Kiloswiki and trello stuff19:29
inetprouh, what did I do now?19:29
kulelu88oom is a coastal fellow, he is not used to gauteng work pressure19:29
Kiloskulelu88  meetups?19:29
Kilossomething on wiki19:29
kulelu88yeah, linux, java, ruby meetups19:29
inetproKilos: ai!19:30
Mopkopkulelu88: Like get-togethers?19:30
inetproKilos: I just fixed it man19:30
Kilosgood man inetpro  19:30
Kilosi didnt break it i promise19:30
Padronicaptine: 19:31
Padronigive me that URL again plz19:31
kulelu88yeah, get-togethers. talking tech, and drinking beer for the alcoholics, etc.19:31
inetprotalking about systemd19:31
inetprohere's something for you guys19:31
magellanickulelu88: yes, linux/python/google dev group meetups here in Cpt19:33
MopkopAnything in Pretoria then?19:33
magellanicI was at a clug meet this evening19:33
kulelu88magellanic: were you in the audience at the py meetup?19:34
kulelu88there's an angular and ruby meetup in PTA19:34
kulelu88were you the dude with the mac laptop? magellanic 19:34
magellanicnope, I don't do apple stuff :p I had no laptop, just watched19:35
kulelu88that venue was tiny @ magellanic 19:35
magellanicyou were?19:35
magellanicyes :p19:36
magellanicfirst time I got to see the top of that bar19:36
kulelu88on the other side of the camera19:36
magellanicoh, jhb python user group?19:36
KilosMopkop  nice page, i like your style19:36
kulelu88I keep hitting ctrl + w :-/19:37
magellaniccool stuff19:37
MopkopKilos: Thank you!19:37
magellanicwe hope to skype again during a meet kulelu88 19:37
kulelu88oom Kilos: Is there a log of the chat?19:38
magellanicwith a better connection though19:38
Kilosthis chat?19:38
kulelu88magellanic: yeah, from your side. we were running on 36MB/s19:38
MopkopWhy isn't the compose button on by default in Ubuntu?19:38
kulelu88yeah @ Kilos 19:38
Kilosya the pro knows where to find them19:38
Kilosi forget always19:38
Kilosinetpro  link to logs please19:38
* Padroni is getting tired now19:39
magellanickulelu88: I think it was us yeah19:39
Mopkophttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ 19:39
KilosPadroni  have some coffee19:39
Padroni coffee?19:39
Padronidude I am at work - I am drinking BEER19:39
Padronithank you though19:39
kulelu88magellanic: what Doctorate does Dr. Neil have?19:39
Kilosya man beer makes you sleepy19:39
magellanickulelu88: not quite sure, but, he is a mathematician19:40
Padroniyou're obviously doing it wrong then...19:40
Kilosjust now you gonna battle to carry your belly around19:40
Padronioh that ship has sailed19:40
kulelu88i think I shall visit my 1 prof some day and show him some data science skills19:41
inetprouh logs? oh ^^19:41
Kilosya the one with date in19:41
inetproin the topic19:41
Kiloswhere you just change the date19:41
inetproyou can even google it19:41
Padronitime for a game of LOL19:42
Kilosspeak for yourself19:42
MopkopThis? http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/03/10/%23ubuntu-za.txt19:42
Padronianyone else play League of Legends?19:42
Kilosthe only time i find logs is when you give me the link19:42
Padronior am I the only one again/19:42
Kilosya like that Mopkop  19:42
magellanickulelu88: were you guys at the ihub in jozi?19:42
Kilossjoe die mense gesels vanaand ne19:43
kulelu88jozihub ja19:43
kulelu88Padroni: I play: Nexiuz19:43
kulelu88if anyone wants to vs. me I'll be there at 1.30am :D19:43
magellaniccool stuff, space looked nice19:44
magellanicand no wonder the fiber\19:44
PadroniCan't get in to LOL19:44
Padronikulelu88: add me19:44
Padroniwe'll play later19:45
Padronimy connection is for shite tonight19:45
kulelu88I'll join a random server19:45
kulelu88we had some lekker CS servers before, then they took them off19:45
Kilosme needs to sleep. night all. sleep tight19:46
kulelu88magellanic: has the fire in cpt died down?19:48
magellanicit has yes19:48
kulelu88magellanic: Out of randomness, can you tolerate the winter?19:51
magellanicI got used to it, it's harsh19:52
magellanicI am here for 4 years, grew up in jhb19:53
kulelu88so the day I can afford a holiday home, i'l llook at cpt for november till march 19:53
magellanicwell zuma just said no more foreigners will be able to buy and own land here, so it might end up becoming a buyers market soon :p19:54
kulelu88magellanic: are you a developer?19:54
magellanicI'm a devops guy19:55
kulelu88do you think devops as a service can work? magellanic 19:56
magellanichow would that work?19:57
magespawni am also off, good night all19:57
kulelu88or would it fall into more managed hosting? magellanic 19:58
captinenight all19:58
magellanicwhat do you mean? I don't work for amazon if you are referring to their stack..19:59
kulelu88magellanic: eg. big company runs many systems in the cloud, would like it to be managed/setup by someone who works with their devs and looks after their systems20:00
magellanicoh, possibly20:00
kulelu88the economics doesn't work for me20:01
magellanicI think management layers already make it convenient for the big companies devs to do most stuff themselves20:01
magellaniceg, heroku20:01
kulelu88very valid point @mage20:03
kulelu88magellanic: 20:03
magellanicwhat do you do kulelu88 20:04
Padronithat is such a vague title...20:05
magellanicenjoy? what tools do you work with mostly?20:05
kulelu88I know Padroni  :D20:05
kulelu88I use mostly custom internal tools20:06
magellanicI see20:07
kulelu88What do you guys use?20:07
magellanicI mostly use non custom open source tools20:07
kulelu88wireshark :P20:08
magellanicno, Padroni uses that I think :p20:08
superflykulelu88: we just use Google App Engine20:30
superflydon't have to care about hardware, just make sure the software workds20:31
kulelu88that's like Heroku I think20:31
superflyja, something like that I think. I'm not terribly familiar with Heroku20:31
superflyI think the main difference with App Engine is that you kinda have to do things the GAE way. You pretty much write an application that makes use of their data layer and their tasks system. You can't deploy your own databases.20:32
kulelu88aah that is the difference then. I think OpenShift allows you to deploy your own DB.20:32
kulelu88I've been wanting to build a webapp for very long now. I just lack that enthusiasm @supe20:33
kulelu88superfly: 20:33
superflythe best way I've found to getting into things is finding a problem and writing a solution for it. 20:34
kulelu88I have an idea I'd like to build. Thing is, there are existing solutions. (it is a forum). 20:34
magellanicbuild it anyway, make it more locally relevant, easier to use20:36
magellanicyou learn the tools that way, for other things later20:36
kulelu88you think a custom solution trumps a tested solution?20:36
magellanicI second GAE - love it20:37
magellanicdoing such pet projects is a good learning experience20:38
magellaniceven if they amount to nothing20:38
kulelu88i'm looking to make some moola20:38
superflykulelu88: no, but a custom solution can be a learning experience20:39
superflyand I would rate a learning experience above making moola ;-)20:39
kulelu88superfly: I think maybe a custom solution would be more appropriate for a really custom personal project?20:39
kulelu88superfly: True :P20:39
magellanicsuperfly: probably are aware of the new status dashboard? https://status.cloud.google.com/ there were blips today which concerned me earlier :p20:40
superflyI get ALL the e-mails -_-20:41
magellaniclol I see20:41
magellanicI love the way they break down investigations there, and update them, kinda regularly through the process20:41
Padronianyone here watched Homeland yet?20:42
kulelu88local show?20:44
Padroniwhen I click on the first result for Google App Engine in Google20:45
Padronimy Untangle blocks the page for malware20:46
Padronithis from the first result in Google, FOR Google20:46
kulelu88$500 dollars for you @ Padroni 20:47
magellanicis it cloud.google.com/appengine/docs link?20:47
kulelu88oh wait, unless thats a security flaw20:48
Padronithe ad for app engine above it20:48
magellanicoh heh20:48
Padroni"Untangle says No"20:48
PadroniI unblocked it.  URL leads here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs?gclid=CPPFzqLUnsQCFakSwwodqnkAZA20:49
Padroniodd though, right?20:53
Padroniunless my Untangle is full of crap, which I doubt20:54
Padronicould just be due to a cross-site reference during the URL redirect20:54
Padroniyou know - for analytics purposes20:54
Padronithey do that20:54
PadroniI am off20:57
Padronilater folks20:58
inetprogood night22:01
Squirmcheers inetpro22:04
kulelu88no sleep yet? Sq22:27
kulelu88Squirm: 22:27
kulelu88you here early Zarw 22:45
SquirmNothing yet kulelu8822:50
kulelu88either you have sleep issues or you're a nightowl22:51
SquirmCan't sleep22:51
kulelu88warm milk?22:51
SquirmMy milk is off :/22:58
SquirmI'm ok22:58
SquirmMaaz: ping22:59
MaazSquirm: pong22:59
kulelu88is Neo31 new here?23:00

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