
clmclmI-am-Groot, it's the window manager00:00
I-am-GrootIs it the some sort of driver or desktop component00:00
I-am-GrootI have no idea what triggers it to go all cray cray00:00
SirMooHaving hell of a time trying to get a wifi adapter thingy to work... Might I get some love here? :(00:02
clmclmSirMoo, <300:02
* alchemistswl humps SirMoo00:03
SirMooWell then... Guess love doesn't solve problems. T_T00:03
cxdvty!language | SirMoo00:03
ubottuSirMoo: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:03
gr33n7007hcxdvty: hardly think that was necessary00:05
SirMooI'm pretty sure I'm speaking in English, cxdvty.00:05
cxdvtyIf I say that word it happens to me d: I'm trying to become accustomed to the servers.00:05
cxdvtyI'm just jumping on the bandwagon00:06
cxdvtyBlame ubuntu d;00:06
user2_thank u very much00:06
cxdvtyPeople are not polite to me on these servers. Lol... everyone wants to team up on me :P00:07
SirMooTry opening up with cookies. People mightl ove you more.00:07
cxdvtylol Xd00:08
SirMooNow then... This netgear 'usb wifi adapter' seems to not want to, well, connect to anything. I've tried god knows how many guides on the forum...00:09
SirMooWould the ideal solution be to switch brands?00:09
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pavlosSirMoo, lspci will give you the id, I assume you looked up if it is supported00:12
Amm0nI-am-Groot, this window problem is looking like a driver issue to me too00:14
I-am-Grootyea...that was what i taught00:14
SirMooIt shows on lsusb... not pci.00:14
Amm0ni'd try to go back to xf86-video-intel00:15
I-am-Grootis there a way to downgrade to a lower version of the Graphics driver?00:15
I-am-GrootHow to do that pls?00:15
I-am-Grootbefore we do that, any command to check what version i am on currently??00:16
daftykinsSirMoo: i take it you followed guides for the actual chipset it has?00:17
SirMoodaftykins: As far as I'm aware I have, yes.00:18
miceikenI'm crashing when installing Wubi, logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10571000/ - error: http://clusterbrain.net/u/2015-03-09_22-44-37.png00:18
clmclmI-am-Groot, lspci00:18
pavlosI-am-Groot, lshw -c video00:18
daftykinsmiceiken: you shouldn't ever use WUBI, it is absolutely terrible and unsafe.00:19
daftykinspretty sure it's actually been abandoned for support too 0o00:19
user2_Hello again! Is there any encryptin program you can recommend me? I used to use truecrypt for windows but I switched to xubuntu and dont know which program I should use00:19
daftykinsuser2_: success on removing kernels?00:20
clmclmuser2_, single files or whole directories?00:21
user2_yes it is still removing files: In total 600mb. files and folders00:21
user2_Cause I wanna save them in my cloud00:22
I-am-Grootclclm and pavlos: i run both commands00:22
CoJaBoXorg froze with 100% CPU; GPU hung.. Is there any chance at all of recovering the stuff I had open?00:23
pavlosI-am-Groot, your driver is i915 (see the configuration line)00:23
Amm0nuser2_, LUKS can handle truecrypt files/partitions too00:23
CoJaBofricking i915 :/00:23
CoJaBo[44367203.310196] [drm:i915_hangcheck_hung] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung00:23
I-am-Grootso how do i downgrade??00:23
user2_Can I actually encrypt files with luks00:24
Amm0nI-am-Groot, sudo apt-get install xf86-video-intel should do it00:24
I-am-Grooti am going to give it a try right away00:25
Amm0nuser2_, yes you can00:25
I-am-Grootif u dont see me here again, it means i am busily reinstalling ubuntu. because it run int a huge error00:25
Amm0nbackup mate00:26
I-am-GrootI already have a backup00:26
I-am-Grootof the whole / directory00:26
I-am-Groothere is the command i used for the backup00:28
I-am-Groottar cvpzf "/media/mickey/New Volume/Ubuntu-setups/bk/backup.tgz" --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/media --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /00:28
user2_THX, what is the strongest encryption I can choose there00:28
I-am-GrootAmm0n: A quick one, is xf86 the stablest?? or the default that comes with ubuntu??00:29
Amm0nits the open source driver from intel00:32
I-am-GrootAfter running the command, i keep getting this00:33
I-am-GrootE: Unable to locate package xf86-video-intel00:33
daftykins!info xserver-xorg-video-intel00:34
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.99.914-1~exp1ubuntu4.2 (utopic), package size 705 kB, installed size 3267 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386)00:34
I-am-GrootAmm0n: what am i doing wrong??00:35
daftykinsI-am-Groot: see what i did above?00:36
gr33n7007hAmm0n: think that's what it's called in arch00:36
Amm0nI-am-Groot, wrong package name sry mate^00:37
I-am-Grootdaftykins:should i copy it and paste in terminal??00:37
Amm0ngr33n7007h, yeah00:37
daftykinserr, well that's up to you if you don't want to type that short name by hand00:37
I-am-GrootNo worries Amm0n00:37
daftykinsi'm kinda shocked you're still messing around with this if i'm honest :)00:37
I-am-Grootuhhmmm... i am kinda lost here daftykins00:38
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I-am-Grootdaftykins: How am i supposed to go about it?00:40
I-am-Grootafter entering "!info xserver-xorg-video-intel" in terminal, it says "bash:!info: event not found"00:40
daftykinsthat was only a command for ubottu00:41
clmclmI-am-Groot, you should not enter this exactly00:41
daftykinsit's not a terminal command.00:41
I-am-Grootdid u mean ubuntu??00:41
daftykinsnope the channel bot :>00:42
leetkingmaybe i00:42
Amm0nI-am-Groot, xserver-xorg-video-intel is the package you want to install00:42
I-am-GrootCan i please have the right command to install xf86 driver?00:43
I-am-Grootso it should be "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel" right??00:44
daftykinscorrect, although this entire approach isn't gonna net any benefit most likely00:44
nicolaasi need some help installing ubuntu00:44
nicolaascan someone help me a little?00:44
yeatsnicolaas: what's the issue?00:45
I-am-Grootbut then it says00:45
I-am-Grootxserver-xorg-video-intel is already the newest version.00:45
I-am-Groot0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 407 not upgraded.00:45
nicolaasok - i have installed ubuntu a fair few times00:45
nicolaasi just have a brand new computer00:45
nicolaasit finds the usb immediately, I choose install but then just get a blank screen.00:45
daftykins!nomodeset | nicolaas follow this00:46
ubottunicolaas follow this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:46
nicolaasok great!!! THank you... reading now.00:47
I-am-GrootI know i am being a pain in the a** but i would be happy if someone could help me downgrade my vga drivers00:48
k1lI-am-Groot: what did you do to upgrade them?00:48
daftykinsI-am-Groot: run the intel uninstaller if that's what you did originally.00:48
daftykinsnot all this guesswork people are goading you into :)00:49
I-am-Grooti used the intel graphics installer00:49
k1li dont know if that got a uninstall switch. if so, use it00:50
daftykinsI-am-Groot: yep and i'm suggesting to run the intel graphics uninstaller00:50
I-am-Grootdaftykins: there is no uninstall package, just the installer00:50
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I-am-Grootwhen i open the installer, it only tries to install but fails00:51
daftykinsso you're saying it was never on?00:51
k1land why is it failing?00:52
k1ldetails matter.00:52
I-am-Grooti remember running it after installation00:52
I-am-Grootso i guess its on00:52
DiddyKongI just had 2 applications quit launching - any idea on what to do ?00:52
=== DiddyKong is now known as Guest45263
daftykinsI-am-Groot: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "dpkg -l | grep linux | pastebinit"00:54
sgenI cant create folders in /var/www/html . The /var/www folder and its children are owned by www-data:www-data . My user is a member of www-data and yet I cannot create files or folders. Any idea what the issue is?00:54
yunesi have a macbook pro and can connect  to web via hard wired but not wireless, any suggestions?00:55
daftykinssgen: yes, you need to add write permission to the group on that path.00:55
daftykinssgen: show us a pastebin ( http://paste.ubuntu.com ) of "ls -al /var/www/" to confirm.00:56
nicolaasI am not really sure how to disable nomodeset00:56
daftykinsnicolaas: you're actually enabling it, to allow boot00:56
nicolaasI can enter the command line on startup00:56
nicolaasbut once I click "instal" I get the black screen only00:56
yunesthanks daftykins, not very knowlegable of linux though00:56
nicolaasok sorry daftykins00:57
nicolaasI am not sure how to enable it.00:57
daftykinsnicolaas: are you getting the white text on black background, or the menu where you pick a language etc etc?00:57
nicolaasI can also set some install options - something about casper and initrd, etc...00:57
nicolaasdaftykins: no00:57
daftykinsyunes: huh? none of my messages have been to you so far i'm afraid00:57
daftykinsnicolaas: err you can't say no to "this or this?" questions :D00:58
yunesmy fault misread00:58
sgendaftykins: I have write permissions00:58
sgenone sec Ill paste the dir00:58
nicolaasjust the first option: install Ubuntu (or run from USB).  I click install and then i get the black scrreen00:58
nicolaasif I choose run from USB I get the purple screen and then nothing00:58
nicolaasif I choose "check disk" I get the black screen also.00:59
daftykinsnicolaas: click? is this inside Windows or something 0o00:59
nicolaaswhat do you mean daftykins?00:59
daftykinsnicolaas: hang on...01:00
sgendaftykins: http://pastebin.com/MMRw9wrP01:00
I-am-Grootdaftykins: Here u go http://paste.ubuntu.com/10571834/01:00
daftykinsnicolaas: when you boot, do you see: http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347445084.png *OR* http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347445119.png ?01:01
daftykinssgen: you see the way the octal permissions are laid out on the left hand side? it goes "user, group, world". your group does not have a w, so you cannot write :) run "sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www/html"01:02
daftykinsI-am-Groot: 14.04 right? how come your install isn't even up to date?01:02
nicolaasdaftykins: i see somethig link http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347445084.png, but I can also see the other one, depending on the type of boot I choose... I guess this one: http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347445084.png is the useful one?01:03
sgendaftykins: Got it. Another question: should /var/www be owned by www-data:www-data or root:www-data01:03
daftykinsnicolaas: is ubuntu going to be the only OS on this computer?01:03
I-am-Grootbecause i i dont have a stable internet to download updates01:03
I-am-Grooti would have to visit an internet cafee for that01:03
daftykinssgen: www-data:www-data is fine, but /var/www/html is the document root of apache, not /var/www/ anymore. so put files in /var/www/html/01:03
sgendaftykins: thanks!01:04
daftykinsI-am-Groot: ok so "sudo apt-get purge intel-linux-graphics-installer"01:05
I-am-GrootDaftykins: Is it necessary i update before i downgrade my vga drivers??01:05
daftykinsno i just found it very odd you aren't up to date01:05
nicolaasdaftykins: yes ... only ubuntu... btw, THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!01:06
daftykinssince you've been experiencing issues, the #1 thing would normally be to update :>01:06
I-am-Grootso i just runned the command and its done.01:06
I-am-GrootSo is it done??01:06
daftykinsI-am-Groot: now "sudo apt-get autoremove"01:06
daftykinsnicolaas: no problem. yeah it doesn't matter which way you boot then, there is no benefit really either way. EFI boot would be fine, (the white text on black background) boot it then press 'e' on the 'Try' option and edit the line so it reads "quiet splash nomodeset" then hit ctrl+x i think it is01:07
daftykinsmight be shift+F1001:07
I-am-Grootdaftykins: done!01:08
I-am-Grootit only removed ttf-ancient-fonts01:08
RepThem1did i read something about ubuntu dropping support for mbit or something? cause i just tried launching mbit from a computer and it said something about "terminated" so i had to go with freenode01:09
daftykinsI-am-Groot: mmm, ok now i'm gonna need... "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | pastebinit"01:10
bazhangmibbit has been banned for use on freenode for a very long time01:11
nicolaasdaftykins: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 karma points your way.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!01:11
I-am-Grootdaftykins:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10571888/01:11
daftykinspoints mean prizes \o/01:12
daftykinsnicolaas: did it work ok?01:12
RepThem1bazhang: yeah my bad, mibbit01:12
k1lRepThem1: its banned from freenode since 2009.01:12
OerHeks 2009-06-19 As of today we have disabled access to the freenode irc network via mibbit.  While there are numerous reasons for this, it ultimately comes down to the ability to prevent abuse via this client01:12
daftykinsI-am-Groot: uuuuugh. that is a real mess.01:13
I-am-Groothuh? :o01:13
daftykins!ppa-purge | I-am-Groot you need to use this to remove the PPA01:13
nicolaasdaftykins: yes ... one more question... should i use LVM?01:13
ubottuI-am-Groot you need to use this to remove the PPA: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html01:13
nicolaasis that cool?01:13
daftykinsnicolaas: i wouldn't but i don't have a clue how to use it, totally up to you01:13
RepThem1bazhang: ok, time goes by fast i guess.01:13
RepThem1that or i time traveled again, which in that case damnit i prob. burnt something01:16
daftykinsI-am-Groot: btw guide here - https://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/04/how-to-add-intel-linux-graphics-driver-repository-in-ubuntu/01:24
daftykins(also says how to remove)01:24
vagrantfuck too01:25
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k1lguys, please watch the language in here01:25
azharim sorry , its not me01:25
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cxdvty!language | azhar | vagrant01:33
ubottuazhar | vagrant: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:33
cxdvtyWhat is the best way to jailbreak ipod touch 2nd gen on linux01:34
k1lcxdvty: ask the ipod jailbreak community.01:34
bazhang!alis | cxdvty01:34
ubottucxdvty: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:34
k1li dont know where they are.01:34
bazhangcxdvty, use alis to search01:35
k1li mean you got your jailbreak tools and howtos somewhere. ask there what experience is there for working on ubuntu01:35
rpp601how can i do ssh -X me@there 'conky' without having it tie up the terminal?01:37
aeon-ltdrpp601: conky &01:39
rpp601aeon-ltd, why wouln't that work but it works without &01:42
dharmacan anyone help me find drivers for my 2 scanners?01:43
aeon-ltdrpp601: what?01:43
dharmaand i don't know how to install them either, but it's an emergency and i need to scan papers so i can move apartments soon01:44
rpp601ssh -x conky works, but keeps the terminal tied up, ssh-x conky & just brings me to the next line. doesn't work01:44
rpp601aeon-ltd, minus the typos01:44
aeon-ltdrpp601: it's running in the background01:44
rpp601aeon-ltd, i did pgrep and can't find it01:44
aeon-ltdhmmm, gotta find out more, i've never used conky over ssh01:45
rpp601aeon-ltd, i'll just run it in a screen and ditch the screen01:46
aeon-ltdok, sorry i couldn't help01:47
dharmai know it's something about SANE probably01:48
Kionis is possible to remotely ssh into a linux box and somehow read the contents of /dev/webcam or so?01:51
virgiliais there a 32-bit desura client? the site only has the 64-bit download01:51
KionI have disappearing materials from a warehouse and thought I might use the linux computer I have there01:51
roger3415so i was wondering if there was a way to set it up so that you can use a usb flash drive as ram?01:52
roger3415kind of like you can do that feature on windows01:52
daftykins!pm | I-am-Groot01:52
ubottuI-am-Groot: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.01:52
daftykinsi'm going to bed now, i'm gonna need to pass you to someone else.01:53
I-am-Groothmmm okay01:53
dharmacan anyone help guide me through scanner driver selection and installation?01:53
k1lroger3415: you could do that with swap. but usb is that slow you dont want that as ram01:53
roger3415k1l: the idea is to just have an extra channel for stuff that would be used on ram to go through. The motherboard i am using is only a single channel so im just trying to make a second channel01:54
dharmathe friend who set up my system died, and i flounder now with a broken windows partition so i can't even use that to scan01:54
GeoHi, does anyone have an idea how to get something like nc -k -l 1234 < foo.txt to run over and over (ie, server foo.txt on each connection)? Right now, it does it once, then reverts to just a straight netcat connection01:55
dharmatrue story01:56
k1lroger3415: really: compare the speed of ram, a hdd and usb. its fast, slow, dead slow.01:56
dharmawow this lexar flash drive lost a ton of backed up videos out of the blue01:56
dharmais there another linux or ubuntu help chat for the slow people like me?01:58
nimbioticshello everyone/ I recently installed lubuntu 14.10 on an old laptop. I need this box to treat a USB headset as default, when plugged or the system's audio card when not. How can I do that?? TIA!01:59
dharmai guess the flash drive didn't lose videos, i'd put them on cd01:59
k1lroger3415: ddr2 (200mhz) : peak 3200 MByte/s ;  usb2: 60 MByte/s02:02
daftykinsit's actually 6.4GB/sec on DDR2 i believe :)02:05
d4mnb0bhello i need help. i use the spotify player ( spotify.com ) when the track end and jump to the next track i see every time a notification bubble in the right upper corner. how can i disable it?02:08
k1ldaftykins: i look at the slowest ddr2 clock speed :)02:08
d4mnb0bnobooty an idea? :O02:15
bazhang!info spotify02:17
ubottuPackage spotify does not exist in utopic02:17
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d4mnb0bis there a generaly method to disable the notifycation bubble? :)02:19
d4mnb0bfrom the notifycation area02:19
sondra_kinseyIs anyone here familiar with the startup process? My issue is here: "encrypted home dir unexpected message / hardware issues" <https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/263441>02:21
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cxdvtyok so i jailbroke my ipod touch02:25
cxdvtycan ubuntu touch run on it?02:25
bazhangcxdvty, doubtful02:26
bazhang!touch | cxdvty02:26
ubottucxdvty: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch02:26
bazhang /join #ubuntu-touch cxdvty02:26
cxdvtybazhang: nobody is answering me in that server02:28
bazhangcxdvty, thats the place to ask02:31
bazhangcxdvty, the chances are pretty close to zero though02:32
cxdvtyHow about porting android to ipod touch 2nd gen02:32
k1lcxdvty: seriously: what relates that to ubuntu that you need to talk about that in here?02:33
bazhangcxdvty, thats not an ubuntu issue02:33
k1l!ot | cxdvty02:33
ubottucxdvty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:33
nicolaashi... I have been able to load ubuntu with nomodeset, but now I have a low-res screen.  what should I do?02:36
nicolaasany ideas?02:36
bazhangwhat gpu nicolaas02:36
nicolaasVESA: GM107 Board ...02:37
nicolaasthank you for your help bazhang02:38
bazhangnicolaas, integrated intel?02:38
nicolaasnot sure... what do you mean?02:38
bazhangnicolaas, could you paste a single line from the output of lspci in the terminal telling us the card?02:39
nicolaasit is an intel processor i502:39
bazhangnicolaas, thats the cpu02:39
bazhangnicolaas, I mean the Gpu02:40
nicolaasyeah ... one sec.02:40
nicolaasI will check02:40
GoGo_Is it possible to disable UEFI on a HP touchsmart notebook model 15-010wm?02:40
=== GoGo_ is now known as Mongo44
nicolaasif I start the computer without nomodeset then I only get purple screen.02:42
Mongo44Windows 8 is buggy as all get out and I would like to replace it ASAP. No dual boot just straight up Linux.02:43
nicolaasany ideas bazhang?02:44
bazhangwhats the card nicolaas02:45
nicolaasdoes this help: http://pastie.org/10013403 ?02:45
QuantosThat's easy enough to do Mongo4402:45
bazhangnicolaas, nvidia? amd?02:45
nicolaashow do I find that out?02:46
QuantosAs far as disabling UEFI - I have no idea, try it and find out02:46
nicolaasnvida, I think.02:46
bazhangnicolaas, did you look at the output from lspci02:46
nicolaasyes, pasted here: http://pastie.org/1001340302:46
bazhang!uefi | Mongo4402:46
ubottuMongo44: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:46
Mongo44I have Windows 8.1 currently got to the boot screen. I rebooted several times and exhausted all the options. Nothing got me to where I could disable UEFI.02:49
fedorafanhey would like to use gptsync and therefore boot from a ubuntu live dvd will it work?02:49
lyntwoHello there, I receive lots of errors with my usb port like current rate 0 is different from the runtime rate 44100,  is anything to do whith os (ubuntu) ?02:51
trelooolMongo44, Did you try pushing enter upon boot?02:51
Mongo44Oh I got to the BIOS (UEFI?) menu.02:52
nicolaasanyone who can give me a help with graphics?02:57
nicolaasmy screens are not working ...02:57
nicolaasbazhang: did yuo have some ideas?03:02
bazhangnicolaas, did you check the additional drivers for ones available for your card?03:03
nicolaasI checked the available drivers in the software updates, nothing there...03:03
bazhangnicolaas, is this a very new, or an older machine03:04
nicolaasvery new03:04
bazhangnicolaas, which exact nvidia model is it, just tell us the card please03:05
aehey ppl whoudoing03:05
=== ae is now known as Guest59273
nicolaasEVGA GeForce GTX 750 SC version, 1 GB GDDR5, 1215Mhz 5012 Mhz D03:06
nicolaasis that it?03:06
lyntwolook at official Nvidia driver from the official Nvida web site...all linux driver are available03:08
nicolaasok - great.... you reckon that may solve it?03:08
nicolaassounds good.  I was just wondering if the fact that I can only start in nomodeset is any indication?03:09
lyntwoget the official nvida***.run boot in safe mode drop shell and   /nvidia***.run03:11
VolUTFan Apt-Mirror - Multiple Local Repository Setup - Kubuntu/Ubuntu - http://youtu.be/hr0hOHH2rNk - New Video Posted - Thanks for the tips everyone.  Hope this helps someone trying to accomplish the same thing.03:20
wagtagI got a new Quantum Byte which came with Windows 8 Bing installed. I want to replace it with Ubuntu but there is no option in the BIOS to disable UEFI or switch to a "legacy mode". What do I do?03:27
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wagtagWhen I choose the USB drive the machine just reboots03:28
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meetrihow can I add additional filesystem support? i need btrfs or overlay and it's not showing in /etc/filesystems03:32
Amm0nwagtag, you got the 64bit iso?03:35
wagtagAmmon: yes03:35
lyntwolook at /etc/fstab to add anything03:35
Basketballhow do i upgrade my kernel03:37
UllarahBasketball, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel03:38
Amm0nwagtag, there is a guide mentioned in here, maybe that helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:38
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wagtagAmm0n, Thanks but I am never able to get to the "Try Ubuntu" step. I've disabled "secure boot"03:50
georgeblazerhello there, i'm having what seems to be a super simple thing. my logrotate postrotate hook doesn't seem to be firing03:54
georgeblazeron ubuntu 1403:54
ablest1980how do i find my notebook model number in bash?03:55
cfhowlettablest1980, sudo dmidecode03:56
lyntwosudo dmidecode |grep Version03:56
ablest1980lots of info03:57
Amm0n|wagtag, sry mate can't help you with uefi03:58
wagtagThanks. I've never come across a BIOS where I can't just disable uefi03:59
cfhowlettablest1980, true.  system ID should be about the middle of the readout03:59
jasonwhite_Hi guys I hope some one here could help me :D  I want to write some BASH code then I put #!/bin/bash in the first line of my script but when I run $ sh myscript.sh, I still run as dash because it give me error of syntax. When I run $ bash myscript.sh, it works. Why #!/bin/bash does not work? Thanks.03:59
georgeblazerAny logrotate takers?04:00
georgeblazerwhy would postrotate not do anything even though I can "see" it happening when I run logrotate -vdf myrotate_script04:00
kro2488i switched to ubuntu for my desktop and i tried to boot from usb in my windows 7 laptop to do it there and it didnt work and i was messing around with the boot order and i accidentally deleted the option to boot from usb in the bios04:01
kro2488how do i recreate that option?04:01
cfhowlettkro2488, go back to bios and reset to defaults04:01
kro2488yeahhh it didnt work04:01
kro2488i tried that04:01
kro2488it stayed the same04:01
cfhowlettkro2488, contact the manufacturer or consult your system documentation04:02
lasersjasonwhite_: Try using ./myscript.sh instead of using sh or bash.04:03
ablest1980doesnt say model number04:03
ablest1980i need to see hp pavilion g6 and some numbers after04:04
cfhowlettablest1980, then HP didn't hardcode that info into the ROM04:05
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OerHeksturn laptop upside down, read sticker04:06
ablest1980no hp sticker just windows sticker04:06
cfhowlettablest1980, look again under the Base Board Information - Product Name04:06
Ben64its printed on it somewhere, you need to look04:06
ablest1980it notebook doesnt show04:07
OerHeksablest1980,  what were the commands earlier today?04:07
lasersCheck bios?04:07
cfhowlettablest1980, also System Information04:07
ablest1980i have pnly says hp pavilion g6 series04:07
Ben64then look on the notebook itself, you can't get the information from software04:08
ablest1980only windows sticker04:08
Ben64then join ##hardware since this is not an Ubuntu issue04:08
cfhowlettablest1980, if windows is present, you can find it in System Information04:12
georgeblazerare there logrotate pros here?04:14
tewardgeorgeblazer: you should ask your real question04:14
tewardand then have patience04:14
teward(asking if there's anyone matching specific criterion around is fruitless)04:15
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:20
mines5Thats sort of true for me, but not really.04:20
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ablest1980cfhowlett my model number was printed in the battery slot04:21
mines5good rules to follow as far as asking questions is concerned04:25
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mines5Also, not sure if this is the right chat for this question, but I was wondering if there was a reason chromium and chrome don't function well in the ubuntu environment. I didn't have any problems using either in Fedora.04:30
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=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
carpetstaticI am interested in some help with 'motion' is there a channel for said?04:39
lotuspsychjecarpetstatic: you can start to ask a question04:39
lotuspsychjeTemper: welcome04:41
carpetstaticI can not slow the frame capture down, I set the 'minimum_frame_time integer' to 2,5,10 but I still get Way to many frames saved....04:41
lotuspsychjecarpetstatic: does man motion show anything usefull?04:42
Temperwhere would you look if you had a standard ubuntu 14.04 installed plus a openvpn server in a vm. I am currently getting a lot of latency and low throughput ~10mbit. CPU load is low.04:43
carpetstaticI have the 'framerate integer' set to 2 but I think its capturing like 20 fps04:43
booby_tables_24talking about motion, what do you have as your threshold carpetstatic?04:44
lostHi there guys, just wondering why ubuntu can't share files with windows out of the box?04:44
Temperlost it can04:44
lotuspsychje!samba | lost04:44
ubottulost: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html04:44
carpetstaticnot familiar w man motion...04:44
Temperjust configure smb04:44
Tempersamba comes preinstall in ubuntu now doesn't it?04:45
lotuspsychjeTemper: you have openvpn in virtualbox on ubuntu?04:45
carpetstaticlemme check threshold, one moment04:45
rob_pTemper: What sort of latency are we talking, and what is the network connection speed of the VPN server?04:45
lostconfiguring smb is not "out of the box"04:45
Temperthe vpn server can download from kernel.org at 30megabytes/sec04:45
lotuspsychjelost: ubuntu is built for safety mate, so no network intrusion will work 'out of the box'04:46
Temperjust got 23.9mb/sec04:46
lotuspsychjelost: openssh is nice to share files04:46
rob_pTemper: ...so a 33% decrease in transfer rate... That does seem a little excessive. I typically see about 10% decrease in network speed over VPN.04:47
carpetstaticthe threshold I increased to 600004:47
Temperthat's roughly 191mbit plus overhead04:47
lostssh via a comand line?  my wife is not going to do that04:47
Temperno that's MegaBytes..04:47
Temperi am getting 10megabit vpn performance04:47
lotuspsychjelost: whats your purpose exactly, share files over network?04:47
Temperthat's a 95% loss..04:48
lostOriginally i had more granular goals, but at this point I just want to share every drive in my network with every computer in my network.04:48
Temperhey i got a hard one i know..04:48
Temperi am just looking for some ideas04:48
Temperthe cpu load is low04:48
losti would settle for making one ubuntu machine a fileserver which can be accessed by all the other machiens on the network04:48
Temperso i don't think it's an encryption bottleneck04:49
lotuspsychjeTemper: no router block of some kind? firewall?04:49
nicolaasbazhang: thank you so much for your help... .LIVE SAVER!04:49
lostright now i get a04:49
nicolaas*LIFE SAVER04:49
Temperlotuspsychje, in what way?04:49
carpetstaticmotion...slow down capture rate....04:49
lotuspsychjeTemper: just want to know the cause of speed loss04:50
Temperi am going to try to dl scp from the vpn server04:50
rob_pTemper: How about on the client computer? No spike in CPU usage while using the VPN and taxing the network connection?04:50
losti get "network://" could not be openeded from nautilus and "windows can not access this share" from windows.04:50
lotuspsychjelost: read the samba url, there's no other 'simple' way04:50
lostfrom what I can tell i'm going to have to edit fstab and smb.conf to make anything function, and given i've tried that fifty times and ended up tearing out my hair04:51
lostat this point I'm thinking just switching all my computers to windows will at least mean i can share things04:51
lotuspsychjelost: sharing on windows also means big security holes in your system, open to hackers04:52
losti simply do not care lotus, i would rather my wife could watch movies04:52
ghost_hiii all04:52
lotuspsychjelost: buy her a media hd :p04:53
lostit is hard to express how much more i want to be able to share files than care about hackers within my own network04:53
Tempersi disconnected the vpn04:53
Temperslost connection04:53
lotuspsychjeTempers: maybe the ##networking guys can also sort your issue?04:53
Tempersi got 1325KiB/sec or 10,600kbps04:53
lostlotus, i have 24tb of files, there is not external drive that can hold that04:53
carpetstaticI am interested in some help with 'motion' ?04:53
=== Tempers is now known as Temper
carpetstaticI am interested in some help with 'motion' ?04:56
lotuspsychjelost: http://www.noobslab.com/2012/03/configure-samba-sharing-between-ubuntu.html04:56
Temperit's pretty simple. I once configured a samba server as a domain controller heheh04:57
lotuspsychjecarpetstatic: did you thr the #motion channel?04:57
carpetstaticthank you, I'll go there04:58
ghhofstetterhello I have a dual monitor set up main one is right, my "secondary"monitor is to the left... everytime I fullscreen something from firefox or chrome or vlc media play it full screens onto the side monitor when I want to to fullscreen on my main one.... and help with settings?05:00
lostlotuspsychje, I just followed that guide again, and it stops working where windows goes to connect the share folder05:02
lotuspsychje!xrandr | ghhofstetter05:02
ubottughhofstetter: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1205:02
lotuspsychjelost: you have a firewall or a router?05:03
lostlotuspsychje, no firewall, yes there is a router.05:04
lotuspsychjelost: doublecheck if it can block network sharing05:04
wagtagHas anyone had any luck getting Ubuntu installed on the Quantum Byte? http://www.quantum-byte.com/ The BIOS has no option to disable UEFI that I can find. Fastboot and Secure Boot have been disabled but the machine will still not boot from USB.05:06
lotuspsychjewagtag: your trying single boot ubuntu or dualboot?05:08
lostlotuspsychje, the router firewall is disabled and it is set up to allow all traffic to everywhere, it changes nothing.  The other devices on the network can share with each other, windows can reach windows, mac can reach windows, windows can reach mac,  it is only the ubuntu devices which can neither share files nor access them.05:08
lotuspsychjelost: not sure then mate sorry, you can try #samba also perhaps05:09
lostah great, that would be the fourth time in as many months I've gone to #samba,  it always ends up with editing fstab and smbconf to such a degree that I end up reimagine the machine to fix their experiments05:10
lostI wish there was a way i could get feedback to the ubuntu devs,  I would ask for two things.  sharing with windows and opening android devices :(05:11
wagtaglotuspsychje: I'd prefer to just wipe windows and just have ubuntu05:11
lotuspsychjewagtag: how did you create ubuntu sb?05:12
wagtagI downloaded the 14.04 64-bit ISO and then used Pen Drive Linux's USB installer to format and create the bootable usb05:14
lotuspsychjewagtag: did you test the usb on another machine to see if it works?05:14
lotuspsychjewagtag: if you say fastboot and secureboot is disabled, should work05:15
wagtaglotuspsychje: works on older computer but it isn't a good test because it doesn't have UEFI05:16
lotuspsychjewagtag: how did you disable secureboot without uefi then?05:18
wagtaglotuspsychje: I totally expected it to work. Not sure where it is failing. When I set the boot order to USB first or choose it from Boot Override it just reboots to Windows05:18
wagtaglotuspsychje: sorry, my other machine I used to verify the usb doesn't have uefi05:19
lotuspsychjewagtag: there is a trick from windows to boot into your uefi05:19
lotuspsychjewagtag: ask in the ##windows channel howto05:19
wagtaglotuspsychje: oh? good to know. I will try that. Thanks05:19
lotuspsychjewagtag: it will reboot your windows in the blue screen with factory settings n such05:20
RedMercuryi'm having problems getting my openvpn tunnel to come up on boot05:20
RedMercurythe init script is in init.d05:21
lotuspsychje!upstart | RedMercury05:21
ubottuRedMercury: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:21
wagtaglotuspsychje: oh, that just takes me to the BIOS once I choose options from that menu05:21
RedMercuryso all of the googling i've done has led me to upstart, and threads telling me i need to write a script05:22
lyntwowagtag: did you create uefi-only bootable usb live media?05:23
MatthewsFacehey guys I'm having issues with ubuntu resolving a cname05:23
lotuspsychje!vpn | RedMercury maybe this can help also05:23
ubottuRedMercury maybe this can help also: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN05:23
MatthewsFacenslookup works, but when I try to ping the address it fails to resolve05:23
wagtaglyntwo: I just used the generic 64-bit ISO. That is my next step05:23
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lotuspsychjebleak: welcome05:55
bleakthanks, i'm sorta new to irc05:55
lotuspsychjebleak: you joined an ubuntu support channel here05:55
bleakoh, i knew it said ubuntu. I think i clicked it while looking for a specific channel.05:56
lotuspsychje!alis | bleak05:57
ubottubleak: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:57
bleakthanks... later.05:58
sicohello bleak05:58
sicospeaks spanish ?06:01
lotuspsychje!es | sico06:01
ubottusico: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:02
wagtagShould have done my research. Looks like Intel Baytrail Atom processors are not "Linux friendly" and disabling SecureBoot switches to 32bit UEFI06:08
lotuspsychjewagtag: i had a user in here recently that fixed ubuntu on a baytrail, not sure howto anymore06:09
wagtaglotuspsychje: At least I know the source of my problem now and can look for a solution06:10
lotuspsychjewagtag: im sure there's a solution for it06:10
lyntwodid you able to enter bios ?06:10
lyntwojust in case you'r not try everything:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:12
wickedheadacher/bin/do-release-upgrade", line 145, in <module>     fetcher.run_options += ["--mode=%s" % options.mode, AttributeError: type object 'DistUpgradeFetcherCore' has no attribute 'run_options'06:15
wickedheadachetried to follow the guide to do the update from 12.10 to 14.0406:15
lotuspsychjewickedheadache: i would go for a clean install mate06:16
htqpyou can't go 12.10 -> 14.04 directly,you upgrade 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 etc.06:16
htqp12.04 can go straight to 14.04 instead06:16
wickedheadachei know, but no cd-rs  no dvd-r no dvd drive to write06:17
lotuspsychjewickedheadache: clean install will save you a headache :p06:17
wickedheadacheyes it it will xD06:17
lotuspsychjewickedheadache: you have a spare usb stick perhaps?06:17
wickedheadachepc does not boot from usb =/ too old06:17
lotuspsychjewickedheadache: you can burn 'plop boot manager' to a cdrom then force usb to boot06:18
htqpdownload the iso filke, then edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg to boot the iso file following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot#Menuentry_Example06:18
htqp(ofc download the iso to a separate partition than /, since one cannot format the partition one has booted from)06:19
wickedheadachedoes this work on 32bit systems?06:19
htqpboth plop and iso booting work on 32bit and 64bit06:20
crimson83how can I find out whats making firefox freeze up and crash?06:28
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:33
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wickedheadachein xfburn what does "burnfree" mean?06:41
wickedheadacheah protects against buffer underrun06:42
laskoHello hello06:48
Duedue1bonjour a tous07:09
lasko!fr | Duedue107:09
ubottuDuedue1: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:09
Duedue1nobody is activ on french chanels07:11
laskoDuedue1: If you are capable of explaining your issue in english and understanding english then someone here can help you07:11
h41workHi, I installed Ubuntu 14.04 in VirtualBox 4.1.18_Debian and also the GuestAdditions from this Version. Everything went smooth but the resolution stuck on 640x(idk). I read in a Ubuntu forum that it needs a newer GuestAdditions release, so I downloaded and installed VBoxGuestAdditions_4.3.8 but the problem stays. Is this a known issue and maybe already a standart solution I'm missing while searching?07:12
laskoh41work: I've had that issue before on another box. After installing the VBOXGuest stuff do you now get an option in the menu to change to "Full Screen" -- or Seamless Mode?07:13
laskoAlso make sure "Auto-resize Guest Display is selected in the View menu.07:13
h41worklasko: the auto resize option is checked. the fullscreen option does not change the resolution and seamless mode is greyed out07:15
laskoAnd have you rebooted guest?07:15
laskoh41work: Here is usually my "checklist" if you will. Mount the VBOX Media again and manually run the VBOXLinuxAdditions.run script --- and once that is complete, reboot, and recheck the View menu. Seamless shouldn't be grayed out, otherwise the vbox guest additions did no install properly.07:16
laskoWhen I say reboot, I mean the guest host.07:17
crystal77My cron doesn't support weekday abbreviations like * * * * mon-sun, why?07:17
crystal773.0pl1-120ubuntu4 is my version...07:17
h41worklasko: I'll check why seamless mode is greyed out. Thank you and have a nice day.07:19
laskocrystal77: From my understanding -- if you want to choose specific days you can use the "number" of the day of the week..   e.g.  * * * * 2,3,4    And this will run Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.07:21
crystal77right, trying to find evidence that it's a known broken thing, haha07:21
crystal77can't find a changelong anywhere07:21
laskoI wasn't aware you could use Abbreviations honestly.07:21
laskoAnd as far as I can tell theres no indication in the man pages that specify that ability07:22
crystal77It's all over the web though, all the examples...07:25
laskocrystal77: Link?07:25
crystal77I've never seen this not work, which boggles my mind.07:26
laskoI think if you want to use CRON expressions you have to use commas and not dashes.07:27
laskoexample --    * * * * MON,TUE,WED07:27
laskoas seen in the example you provided.07:28
crystal77Nah, it seems to work both ways. :/07:29
laskoI dont see any examples that you've provided that show the expressions used with - (dashes) instead of commas.07:29
crystal77I just hate the fact that cron doesn't give me an error07:31
crystal77He used the example: "0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI"07:32
laskoDont get me wrong. I'm not saying you are /wrong/ -- I was just stating the documentation doesn't specify you can -- but it also doesn't specify you /cant/ -- To me thats a documentation flaw, as well as a bug that should report errant syntax.07:32
crystal77Yeah. I'm thinking my best bet is to convert these to just numbers07:33
crystal77No fancy syntax07:33
laskocrystal77: Go check out the launchpad bug page and see if a bug exists for it --- and if not, report one.07:33
laskociting that page -- which actually does not the MON-FRI syntax.07:34
laskodoes show*07:34
laskoAnd no errors are appearing in /var/log/syslog for that cron job/07:35
crystal77Nope, tailing it right now :/07:35
crystal77changed it all to commas to see if anything shows07:35
crystal77cron[17779]: Error: bad day-of-week;07:36
crystal77Oops, well at least I know my new change broke it07:36
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kakashi__I was updating the version of Ubuntu and it was not done completely as my  pc got shut down. Now I am not able to update it.07:50
kakashi__guys any solution?07:51
lasko!patience | kakashi__07:51
ubottukakashi__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:51
laskoIf give me like 5 minutes I'll be able to assist.07:51
laskokakashi__: Okay, so first off -- (i'm slightly still afk) -- but while you wait for me to come back -- can you provide me with the /issue/ you are having -- e.g. the upgrade failed but what specific issues are you seeing as a result of the failed upgrade.07:53
laskoAnd what steps have you attempted thus far to troubleshoot said issues.07:54
kakashi__its giving three options: 1) ignore 2) related to root 3) mount from shell07:55
laskoI presume this is when you try to boot?07:55
laskoleeyaa: Hello07:55
leeyaais it possible to upgrade ubuntu 8.04 LTS to ubuntu 12.04 LTS ?07:56
leeyaawithout complete reinstall07:56
geirhaleeyaa: yes07:56
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:56
leeyaathat didnt work out for ubuntu 6 btw ;p07:57
leeyaano way to upgrade it07:57
laskokakashi__: During the boot process are you able to boot in recovery (grub menu)?07:58
laskoand from there are you able to mount / ?07:58
odsent_does anyone know of a channel about assembly code? NASM?07:59
laskoIf you can get into a recovery console I would attempt to   apt-get clean && apt-get update && dpkg --configure -a07:59
maumhow to redirect http to https? http://pastebin.com/1duqX5K108:00
laskoodsent_: #nasm08:00
kakashi__no,i am not able to mount.08:00
laskomaum: This is a channel specific to ubuntu, if you need assistance with your Web server (e.g. apache, lighttpd) you'll need to see those channels about configuration issues.08:01
Sohail-AhmedIs there a keyboard shortcut for dragging windows a bit to left, right, up and down?08:01
maumI see08:01
laskoSohail-Ahmed: You can alt-click a window to move it heh08:01
laskobut nothing directly from the keyboard to move it a specific direction (that I'm aware of)08:02
Sohail-Ahmedlasko: Sorry I can't click with keyboard08:02
Sohail-Ahmedlasko: do you a command to do that. A command that moves a window having a focus?08:03
Sohail-Ahmed** know08:03
laskoYou could remap your keys do that but honestly I wouldn't be able to help you with that haha08:03
goodluckhi,genius,i have a action that must receive  post data from outside ip,address = http://www.example.com/flow/notify,but its forbbiden by yii because of crsf, how should i set crsf from the ouside ip for this (flow/notify) action,other action (flow/notify) keep theirs own08:03
Sohail-Ahmedlasko: thanks!!08:04
laskokakashi__: Give me a few more minutes and I'll get back with you.08:04
laskoor quit the channel before I can help you more lol08:05
h41worklasko: Hey, back again. I fixed it by installing the newest guest additions which are version 4.3.2408:22
laskoh41work: Cool, glad to hear it08:22
laskoI'll make a note of that08:22
laskoSo if anyone else asks08:22
h41worklasko: Thanks again for your help.08:23
laskoh41work: No problem, glad I could be of assistance :)08:23
asdfqwerHi, how do you launch a DOS attack from Ubuntu? I'm not planning to do it anytime soon but I'm curious.08:33
jpdsasdfqwer: Not here.08:34
HalfEatenPieAnyone ever had a problem with Ubuntu 14.04 server where DNS doesn't work?08:39
HalfEatenPie/etc/resolv.conf already has working nameservers at the moment08:39
HalfEatenPiehowever, no DNS08:39
jpdsHalfEatenPie: Use dig +trace to debug.08:40
ubuntuser13ubuntu-touch emulator asking for ubuntu-phablet login:  password:08:40
HalfEatenPieI would if dig was installed :/08:40
jpdsHalfEatenPie: Can you ping the DNS servers?08:40
HalfEatenPiejpds: I found what the problem was though.  Thanks08:40
HalfEatenPieYeah...  the DNS Server was behind an internal network08:40
HalfEatenPiethat didn't have the proper routing in the router table08:41
DJonesubuntuser13: It might be woth asking that in #ubuntu-touch08:41
jpdsHalfEatenPie: :-)08:41
HalfEatenPietherefore DNS requests weren't going to the right server08:41
HalfEatenPiethanks :)08:41
ubuntuser13DJones: i know, but no response on ubuntu-touch.08:42
ubottumikle: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:43
allstarsnorks2Hey there. Where are the lightdm.c files in Ubuntu 14.04 located?08:43
jpdsallstarsnorks2: apt-get source lightdm ?08:43
jpdsallstarsnorks2: /etc/lightdm/ ?08:43
allstarsnorks2it gave a lightdm.conf.d08:43
jpdsallstarsnorks2: I think you can just place a lightdm.conf file in /etc/lightdm/08:44
allstarsnorks2Alright. This is because I am remastering a system and remastersys told me to configure the lightdm.conf file prior to remastering.08:45
Utali am facing a booting problem which says that /dev/mapper//ubuntu--vg--root does not exist .can anyone here give me a solution.08:47
x44x45x41x4EAnyone have tried configuring an Ubuntu server on top of Hyper-V? I've tried this guide but I can't still seem to connect to the internet to install packages in the VM. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html08:48
Utali am facing a booting problem which says that /dev/mapper//ubuntu--vg--root does not exist .can anyone here give me a solution.08:51
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bepolite_I have some bluetooth earphones connected in ubuntu but I can't get to redirect all my audio output the these headphones09:03
bepolite_What do I do09:03
bepolite_Only sounds from skype are being played using the headphones09:04
frederik_2hi all09:08
frederik_2i am running latest ubuntu with xen 4.4 with virt-manager. when i run virt-manager to create a vm and install guest ubuntu, i don't see a usb controller09:09
jpdsPeople still use Xen?09:10
frederik_2jpds: what do you use ?09:10
jpdsfrederik_2: KVM.09:10
frederik_2is it better ?09:10
jpdsfrederik_2: 'better' is subjective.09:11
jpdsfrederik_2: Both are in the kernel, Xen is in universe, while kvm is in main and supported by Ubuntu.09:13
frederik_2worth a try09:16
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ustunozgurHi all, some operations, like logging in or getting the output of crontab have become very slow.09:16
ustunozgurFor example, time crontab -l takes 9 seconds09:16
ustunozgurI'm stuck as to what might be the issue09:16
ustunozgurcould anyone offer any suggestions how to debug this issue?09:17
jpdsustunozgur: strace crontab -l09:17
ustunozgurjpds: Thanks, it waits at send(3, "<78>Mar 10 05:17:38 crontab[3991"..., 53, MSG_NOSIGNAL09:17
ustunozgurlet me paste the whole output09:17
zetherooI am trying to delete a user with 'userdel' but am being told that the 'user is currently used by process 658' - how do I find out what this process is?09:19
jpdszetheroo: ps aux | grep 65809:20
zetheroook thanks09:21
InvisibleI just booted up gparted and shrined the / in extended. But i cannot use the unallocated space in extended. Help?09:24
zetherooI have killed the process a dozen times with several commands but the process keeps coming back as soon as it's killed09:30
ablest1980how do i know if i got ubuntu 14.04 or 14.04.1?09:31
cfhowlettablest1980, more /cat/issue09:31
cfhowlettablest1980, sorry.  more /etc/issue09:31
ablest1980its ok09:32
zetheroohow can I remove this user account regardless of the processes which are using it?09:32
ustunozgurjpds: here is an strace output https://gist.github.com/ustun/67d34c73083cff94bf8b it just waits at MSG_NOSIGNAL line09:32
ablest1980i got 14.04.209:32
ustunozgursame for other operations.09:32
ablest1980i want to install http://ubuntugnome.org/ is this available in ubuntu software center i never installed anything outside that09:33
cfhowlettablest1980, you want to install a website?09:34
cfhowlett!gnome | ablest198009:34
ubottuablest1980: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome09:34
ablest1980Ubuntu GNOME (formerly Ubuntu GNOME Remix) is a mostly pure GNOME desktop experience built from the Ubuntu repositories09:34
ablest1980ok ty09:35
ablest1980E: Unable to locate package shell09:36
ablest1980!ubuntu gnome09:36
jpdsustunozgur: zsh parse error on the last line.09:36
cfhowlett'gnome-shell' note the lack of a space09:36
ablest1980ok its working09:37
ablest1980its asking which display manager09:39
ablest1980gdm or lightdm which do i choose?09:40
ablest1980grey or light grey?09:40
DJones!es | lokita09:41
ubottulokita: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:41
cfhowlett!es | lokita09:41
lokitauff bueno ya lo hice pero esos canales estan aburridicimos09:42
onla!ee | onla09:42
onla!fi | onla09:42
ubottuonla, please see my private message09:42
ablest1980cfhowlett do you know which default display manager i should choose?09:42
ustunozgurjpds: I think that's unrelated, it waits long before that error.09:44
cfhowlettablest1980, How would I know your needs and preferences?  sorry, but that's a personal choice.09:45
ablest1980ok np09:45
ubottuTONY76GSX: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:46
pgunnarshey, im trying to reinstall QT since the installation suddenly got fubared and I can't run anything. When I try to run the .run file, it just generates a .lock file in the directory and nothing happens. What gives?09:48
I-am-GrootHello, I am back.09:59
InvisibleHey can you help me?10:00
I-am-GrootYesterday some awesome guys here helped me out with fixing my swap partition10:00
cfhowlett!ask | Invisible10:00
ubottuInvisible: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:00
InvisibleI just booted up gparted and shrinked the / in extended. But i cannot use the unallocated space in extended. Help?10:00
Invisible! patience10:01
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:01
mneHi. I was wondering whether (e.g. using udev) I can add a linked copy of a network interface device. The reason is that on a sever there are multiple network interfaces having names such as "em0", "em1", etc. However, to run a licensed copy of a development tool, there needs to be an "eth0" device so that the software can derive the mac address and check whether the license is correct.10:01
indn1234Does the graphical copy paste copy over the hidden and system files inside folders as well?10:02
I-am-GrootI needed to downgrade my intel vga driver from i915 to a stable version, but i wasnt able to get it done because the dev that was helping me out went to bed10:02
I-am-GrootThat brings me to my question, can someone help me downgrade my intel graphic driver from i91510:03
lyzehi :)10:07
lyzeI-am-Groot what?10:08
ablest1980how do i change my passphrase screen color?10:08
I-am-Grootcan someone help me downgrade my intel graphic driver from i91510:09
Ben64I-am-Groot: that makes no sense10:09
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I-am-Grootwhy is that?Ben6410:09
Ben64i915 isn't unstable, and even if it were, what would you downgrade to?10:09
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k1l_I-am-Groot: didnt we have that topic last night?10:11
I-am-Grootk1l:We did but Daftykins went to bed before we could finnish10:11
k1l_1) is the driver an issue? 2) you used that intel video driver updater thing. did you look if that got an uninstall process?10:11
I-am-Groothe asked me to remove some ppa10:11
I-am-Grootk1l: It didnt have an uninstall process10:12
lyzeare there any older versions from the amd graphics card drivers? the newest version gives me a blackscreen after restarting (also the same happens under windows)10:13
I-am-Grootlyze:I also experience a similar issue, but mine has black borders all around my windows, pop ups, terminal becomes black etc10:14
I-am-GrootThis problem with Ubuntu is making it a pain in the a** to use10:15
lyzeI-am-Groot: what did ya say?10:15
I-am-Grooti really love Ubuntu but this is super annoying10:15
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I-am-Grootcome on dude10:16
I-am-Grootlyze:I also experience a similar issue, but mine has black borders all around my windows, pop ups, terminal becomes black etc10:16
I-am-Grootthats what i said10:16
lyzeI-am-Groot: thanks. well that sucks too10:16
Ben64I-am-Groot: what ppa did you install, and why10:16
lyzebut its not so difficult to debug as having a complete black screen QQ10:17
Ben64lyze: if its happening in windows and linux, kind of points to a hardware issue10:17
I-am-GrootDuring my use of ubuntu, i installed a few, Numix,Mako,VLC,intel graphics installer etc10:17
lyzeBen42_: the open source drivers for linux are working perfectly10:18
lyzeBen42_: but i need to work with the amd drivers because of some heavy 3d programs10:18
Ben64lyze: you're missing my point. if it goes black in both windows and linux, that points to a hardware problem10:18
lyzeBen42_: yeah i know that it could be a hardware problem. but why does it work when it has the open source drivers installed?10:19
Ben64doesn't tax the hardware10:19
lyzehmm ok10:19
DulcinHi, I just installed the Ubuntu vivid daily, now when I maximize my terminator window it is dimming my screen, but only when I maximize it on my second monitor (dual monitor setup). Is this a new setting or a bug?10:20
Myrtti!vivid | Dulcin10:20
ubottuDulcin: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142510:20
Ben64Dulcin: #ubuntu+1 for support until it's released10:20
Dulcinok thank you10:20
lyzehi PriceChilde10:21
lyze* Prigit :)10:21
I-am-GrootBen64: What if i wanted to revert my graphics driver to the default one that comes with Ubuntu, How do i go about it?10:22
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Ben64I-am-Groot: you'd remove the intel ppa you added for whatever reason you added it10:24
PrigitI-am-Groot: uninstall and install again from www.ubuntu.com10:24
I-am-GrootBen64: I did that yesterday,10:24
PrigitDid it work?10:24
I-am-GrootPrigit: Are u saying i should do a fresh install of ubuntu?10:25
Ben64looking through the log from last time you were here, i don't see any confirmation that you actually removed the PPA10:25
I-am-GrootI did. Just tell me a command that i can use to check10:26
I-am-Grootso that i send it via pastebin10:26
I-am-GrootBen64: Check this out http://paste.ubuntu.com/10573739/10:27
Ben64"cat /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*list"10:27
indn1234Does the graphical copy paste copy over the hidden and system files inside folders as well?10:27
lyzeindn1234: if you enable hidden folders then yes10:28
Ben64I-am-Groot: and look at lines 10 and 11 in your paste...10:28
PrigitI-am-Groot: not install fresh ubuntu, but reinstall just the driver that has problem10:28
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PrigitGot to go.10:28
PrigitSee ya all :)10:29
I-am-GrootCrap, its still there10:29
I-am-GrootHow do i get rid of it10:29
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Ben64I-am-Groot: you were told yesterday to look here https://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/04/how-to-add-intel-linux-graphics-driver-repository-in-ubuntu/10:29
I-am-GrootBen64: I did that10:30
lyzeI-am-Groot: also with the ubuntu software center @ removing the ppa?10:30
lyzethis https://www.liberiangeek.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/intel_drivers_repository_1_thumb.png10:30
I-am-GrootBen64: It think its gone now. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10573748/10:31
I-am-GrootWait it still there10:32
Ben64did you just erase those files? what did you do10:32
I-am-GrootI deleted them using the System Settings –> Software Sources –> Other Software tab,10:33
I-am-Grootand removed them10:33
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k1l_removing the repo doesnt remove the files.10:35
Ben64ah, thought it would10:35
k1l_ppa-purge is for that10:35
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I-am-GrootIts gone for real this time10:37
I-am-GrootI showed them who is boss...hahah10:37
I-am-GrootBen64 & K1l_: What is next??10:38
k1l_what did ppa-purge tell you?10:38
I-am-GrootIt didnt tell me anything. I used sudo nautilus t launch nautilus in root mode and went over to /etc/apt/soureces.list.d and deleted the intel files10:40
I-am-GrootDid i screw up??10:40
Ben64in a couple ways, probably. shouldn't do sudo nautilus or delete system files you aren't 100% sure of10:41
I-am-GrootSo did that get the work done??10:41
I-am-GrootI mean did it get rid of the intel ppa??10:42
sRN5752is anybody there?10:43
Ben64I-am-Groot: well, sure. see if 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' makes stuff work maybe10:43
k1l_I-am-Groot: getting rid of the PPA is good if you got rid of the Files that are installed from that PPA first. so like the driver.10:43
I-am-GrootOOh Yea..10:43
I-am-Grootk1l: I did that yesterday10:44
k1l_I-am-Groot: now you have the packages installed and the system doesnt know where they are from and how to handle them.10:44
k1l_I-am-Groot: so the issue with the intel are gone?10:44
I-am-GrootI want to downgrade the intel driver to the default one that ubuntu ships with10:45
I-am-Grootbecause as i said earlier, the black border thingy happens again10:45
k1l_so you didnt remove the "wrong" ppa packages but removed the ppa10:45
I-am-Grootand the only thing i can do is restore my backup10:45
I-am-Grootk1l: I removed the intel ppa files from the sources.list.d directory10:46
I-am-Grootthat was the only file i removed10:46
k1l_I-am-Groot: ppa-files are not the drivers10:46
I-am-GrootYea... But from how i understand it, i needed to remove those files inorder for the downgrade to occur10:47
I-am-GrootI removed just these two10:47
k1l_yes. but you did it in the wrong order.10:47
I-am-Grootintellinuxgraphics.list and intellinuxgraphics.list.save10:47
k1l_get rid of the wrong driver , then get  rid of PPA.10:48
I-am-GrootI have a backup10:48
I-am-GrootIf u want i could restore it10:48
InvisibleHow can I merge two sdas?10:48
k1l_I-am-Groot: "sudo apt-get purge intel-linux-graphics-installer && sudo apt-get autoremove"10:48
I-am-Grootk1l: results are : E: Unable to locate package intel-linux-graphics-installer10:49
I-am-GrootThe thing is, i entered these commands yesterday10:49
I-am-Grootand it uninstalled the intel linux graphics installer10:50
k1l_I-am-Groot: "dpkg -l | grep  -i intel"   in a pastebin please10:50
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ablest1980how do i change my splash screenfrom purple to grey?10:51
ablest1980everthing is grey silver and black except starting screen i see purple then passphrase screen which is grey login screen grey desktop grey10:53
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k1l_I-am-Groot: ?10:54
ablest1980whats groot mean?10:54
I-am-Grootk1l_:How do i use that command with the pastebinit command??10:56
k1l_I-am-Groot: "dpkg -l | grep  -i intel | pastebinit"10:56
k1l_but you could have made the old but quick way of copying the text in terminal and upload it manually :)10:57
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I-am-Grootk1l_: Ikeep getting a socket error10:58
k1l_I-am-Groot: copy it manually.10:58
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k1l_I-am-Groot: so will you show the link to the pastebin?11:04
I-am-GrootSorry k1l_, Its like the universe doesnt want me to paste11:10
I-am-Groothere u go http://pastebin.com/NayJndGg11:10
k1l_ok, there we have the problem11:11
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
ws2k3i changed my /boot/grub/grub.cnf do i need to run update-grub for that?11:12
k1l_you got still a lot of PPA-packages installed (the one that version number includes intel) that should have had been removed with the ppa-purge program instead of just blindly removing the ppa-repo11:12
ablest1980hi i installed ubuntugnome and my startup screen and terminal window is purple i want to change it to grey11:12
I-am-Grootk1l_, i have a backup,11:13
I-am-Grootshould i just pull those two files i deleted and place them in the ppa directory??11:13
k1l_go for that. i dont have time now to help you there11:13
I-am-Grootrodger that11:14
I-am-Grootam on it11:14
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star3amhello all, having some trouble installing imagemagick development files on 14.0411:20
star3amanyone got a ppa or a quick work around?11:20
lyzestar3am: which problems do you have?11:21
halfbeingPeriodically the disk activity light comes on and then my machine becomes completely unusable for up to an hour or until I hold down the power button for 5 secs. I can't even log into a console to identify and kill the process concerned. Is there any way to disable this "feature"?11:22
I-am-Grootk1l_: Sorry for the delay, i am trying to extract two files from a full backup of my ubuntu installation11:25
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I-am-Grootk1l_: Its done11:27
I-am-GrootI have restored the two intel ppa files11:27
lyzeI-am-Groot: 12:13:50 PMk1l_go for that. i dont have time now to help you there11:28
star3amlyze: i installed graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat, and actually just looking for MagickWand.h so that I can install rmagick11:29
I-am-GrootUUhhmmm i taught he was referring to not having time to help in restoring the two ppa files11:29
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colp2halfbeing, could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-xapian-index/+bug/363695  ? remove apt-xapian-index if that's the case11:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363695 in apt-xapian-index (Ubuntu) "update-apt-xapian-index uses too much CPU and memory" [Undecided,Fix released]11:31
newbieAlerthey hi what is the way to know the sectors the files are located at ???11:31
I-am-Grootlyze: could u help out??11:31
lyzeI-am-Groot: i guess make a "apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get purge intel-linux-graphics-installer && sudo apt-get autoremove"11:32
lyzeor wait11:32
colp2halfbeing, or mlocate/locate?11:32
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I-am-GrootOOkay, let me try ur suggestion11:32
lyzeI-am-Groot: could you pastebin the complete logfile from today (this chat)?11:33
lyzeI-am-Groot: nevermind found the logfiles ont he internet11:34
lyzeI-am-Groot: ^^ according tot he website he gave you: https://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/04/how-to-add-intel-linux-graphics-driver-repository-in-ubuntu/11:34
I-am-GrootI hadnt enabled logging onto disk11:34
I-am-Grootbut i have now11:34
lyzeI-am-Groot: you need to do both commands i told you todo and then just remove the ppa (via the gui) and apt-get update again11:35
lyzeI-am-Groot: (System Settings –> Software Sources –> Other Software )11:35
I-am-Grootso after doing this, it would remove the driver that intel driver installer had installed on my pc right??11:36
I-am-GrootThank you lyze11:36
I-am-GrootI am on it, would keep u posted11:36
halfbeingcolp2, I don't know. I simply can't do anything to diagnose the problem because the machine locks up so thoroughly. this is a new installation of vanilla ubuntu. previously i was using ubuntustudio where i did get the problem of find operations making my computer very slow, but not making it seize up completely.11:37
lyzeI-am-Groot: lets see if it works then you can thank me and  k1l_ ;)11:37
azizLIGHTi want to test the launcher, how do i make a urgent animation happen?11:39
azizLIGHTthe wiggle11:39
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I-am-Grootlyze: Package 'intel-linux-graphics-installer' is not installed, so not removed11:44
I-am-Groot0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 407 not upgraded.11:44
I-am-Grootthats what i get after typing this command11:45
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I-am-Grootsudo apt-get purge intel-linux-graphics-installer && sudo apt-get autoremove11:45
lyzesudo dpkg -l | grep intel11:45
lyzepastebin this11:45
lyzewell brb in a couple of mins11:46
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I-am-Grootlyze: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10574066/11:49
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I-am-Grootlyze: Incase u come back, please let me know :)11:58
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mateusz_I cant open 1723 and 47 port in Gufw program for PPTP , could sb help me?11:59
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
lyzeback :)12:00
I-am-GrootYaaay!! u are back12:00
I-am-Grootlyze: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10574066/12:01
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang12:02
lyzewell if you have entered dpkg -l | grep intel12:02
lyzethen you have installed all the packages in the pastebin12:02
lyzeso you can sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-intel12:02
lyzeand then the other things12:02
I-am-Grootso i just executed this command sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-intel12:04
lyzedid it removed the package?12:05
I-am-Grootlyze: Whats next please??12:05
lyzeautoremove every unused package12:05
lyzesudo apt-get autoremove12:06
lyzeand then remove the ppa via the gui12:06
I-am-Grootyea it did12:06
lyzethen apt-get update and restart the machine12:06
myrkraverkEvery time I start a perl program, I get a warning that en_US.UTF-8 locale is not installed on my system.  How can I fix that?12:07
myrkraverkIs there a package I can install?12:07
lyzemyrkraverk locale-gen en_US.UTF-812:08
I-am-Grootlyze: one more problem12:08
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lyzeI-am-Groot which one?12:08
cfhowlettmyrkraverk, make sure you're online.  go into settings, language support..install / remove languages and apply system wide should fix if things are actually missing12:08
myrkraverkcfhowlett, I don't have gui.12:08
I-am-Grootthere is a red round thingy in my status bar12:08
lyzeI-am-Groot can you post a screenshot?12:09
I-am-GrootI am unable to take a screenshot of it12:11
lyzeQo with your mobile phone?12:11
myrkraverklyze, thank you, that works.12:12
lyzemyrkraverk no prob ;)12:14
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onlaanyone know whats up my ubuntus firefox is not working with silverlight content anymore. I installed the pipelight some months ago12:17
bongmawhy does nickserv say i am  not logged in??12:17
lyzebongma because the nick is registered by somebody12:17
cfhowlettbongma, because you're not logged in?12:17
lyzeif its you who has registered it then type in /msg nickserv identify your_password12:17
k1l_bongma: after you registered you need to login every time you connect. for help with that ask in #freenode12:19
cfhowlettbongma, or set your irc client to auto login.  easy in x and hexchat ...12:19
bongmalyze: tnx it worked12:21
bongmabut how do i change my REGISTERED nick?12:22
lyzeregister the new nick again12:23
bazhang /join #freenode bongma12:23
bongma /join #freenode12:23
EugenioHi all12:24
lyzehi Eugenio12:24
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I-am-Grootlyze: I am having a bad upload speed today12:25
I-am-Grootdont know why12:25
bobin_Hello people. I need some help with my network drivers. Installed elementry for a couplle of minutes ago and cant get the wierd network to work. My mobo is: Z97X-UD5H-BK so i have intel+killer ports? Any ideas? I am aware that this is the ubuntu channel but it should be the same method12:26
Ben64!elementary | bobin_12:26
ubottubobin_: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.12:26
bazhang#elementaryos for that bobin_12:26
I-am-GrootYea, i can barely upload a picture to imgur12:26
cfhowlettbobin_, elemenatary is not ubuntu and not supported ehre.12:26
I-am-GrootBut the error is about the ppa file i restored from the backup12:27
lyzeI-am-Groot Qo?12:27
I-am-GrootI think it didnt recieve the right permissions12:27
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:28
bobin_<cfhowlett>  I know that thought i should ask. It will probally be the same thing12:28
I-am-Grootsince i copied those two files out of the .tar file12:28
cfhowlett!ops | uczen ...12:28
bobin_<cfhowlett>  I know that thought i should ask. It will probally be the same thing12:28
ubottuuczen ...: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang12:28
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Myrtticfhowlett: surely you already noticed that ops are around?12:28
cfhowlettMyrtti, ops are *always* around ... somewhere :)12:29
lyzeI-am-Groot so you cant remove the ppa?12:29
I-am-Grootlyze: i fixed it.12:30
I-am-GrootThe problem was because i runned nautilus in root mode and used it to copy the ppa into the directory12:31
I-am-Grootso the permissions were set to root12:31
I-am-Grooti think it wasnt able to access it12:31
bazhangI-am-Groot, thats NOT how to add ppa at all12:31
lyzebazhang he deleted some ppa files inside the sources directory. so now he restored them from a backup12:32
I-am-Grootbazhang, i know, but i deleted the ppa and tried recovering it from a backup12:32
bazhangusing ppa-purge I hope12:32
lyzenope via a file manager12:32
bazhangthats not good a t all12:32
lyzethats why he added the files manually from a backup again12:32
k1l_I-am-Groot: really. use your backup and dont start fiddeling with root and such again if you dont have a clue what you are doing there at all12:33
bazhanghope he has very good backups12:33
I-am-Grootk1l_:Yes Sir!12:33
I-am-Grootbazhang: i have a backup of the whole ubuntu installation12:33
Ben64I-am-Groot: didn't i say not to run nautilus using sudo before? (spoiler - I did)12:33
* cfhowlett picks jaw up off the floor and backs away from thread ...12:34
I-am-GrootBen64: Yes u did12:34
bazhangI-am-Groot, I mean your own files/data; at this point your system is unstable12:34
colp2!info flightgear12:34
ubottuflightgear (source: flightgear): Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.0-2 (utopic), package size 3593 kB, installed size 14855 kB12:35
I-am-GrootSo now that i have removed the intel installer and xserver, what do i do next?12:35
lyzeyou removed the xserver?!12:36
k1l_I-am-Groot: "dpkg -l | grep  -i intel "  gives you what?12:36
I-am-Grooti runned sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-intel12:36
I-am-Grootjust as u said lyze12:36
lyzethats not removing the xserver ;)12:37
lyzeye reboot12:37
lyze!info  xserver-xorg-video-intel12:37
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.99.914-1~exp1ubuntu4.2 (utopic), package size 705 kB, installed size 3267 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386)12:37
I-am-Grootlyze http://paste.ubuntu.com/10574309/12:38
k1l_I-am-Groot: your system still got a lot old PPA packages installed.12:38
I-am-GrootPls tell me what do12:39
I-am-Grootokay lyze12:39
k1l_look at the version numbers. all with intel1 in the verison are from the PPA. that would have been very easy to reemove with ppa-purge, but you prefer wildly root nautilus hacking.12:39
I-am-GrootLol :)12:39
k1l_I-am-Groot: "sudo apt-get autoclean"12:40
k1l_I-am-Groot: then "sudo apt-get update"12:40
I-am-GrootYes sir12:41
k1l_I-am-Groot: then "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libegl1-mesa libegl1-mesa-drivers libgbm1 libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglapi-mesa libgles1-mesa libgles2-mesa libopenvg1-mesa libosmesa6  libwayland-egl1-mesa libxatracker2 mesa-common-dev"12:43
BluesKajHowdy all12:43
railsraiderhi, i need to exlude a single file on logrotate and match everything else how do i do that12:43
railsraiderglobbing doesn’t seem to work12:43
I-am-Grootk1l_: after running sudo apt-get update, it ended with an error12:44
railsraideri tried /logs/[!eye.log] but it still get that file12:44
I-am-GrootW: GPG error: https://download.01.org trusty InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A902DDA375E5236612:44
I-am-GrootIs it normal??12:44
k1l_I-am-Groot: so you added the ppa again?12:44
I-am-GrootNope, i havent added anything12:45
I-am-Grooti am just following what is being said here12:45
k1l_"cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" in a pastebin12:45
I-am-Grooti can see that the intel ppa is still there.12:50
k1l_what command did you use to install it?12:50
I-am-Grooti dont remember12:51
I-am-Grootits being a long time since i installed it12:51
k1l_i am running out of time. but imho its the best and fastest solution if you roll back your backup or you reinstall ubuntu and copy back the perosnal data. and then i suggest you dont use sudo and root to make your ubuntu "much faster" and first read about the command you will use.12:52
ablest1980hi installed ubuntugnome login screen how do i go back to the default ubuntu 14.04.2 login screen12:53
Lyzeback :)12:53
ablest198014.04 lts12:53
ablest1980wb :)12:53
Lyzethanks :)12:54
LyzeI-am-Groot: so everything is working now?12:54
I-am-GrootUUhhmm i cant confirm as at now12:54
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ablest1980anyone know how to remove ubuntugnome login screen?12:55
I-am-Grooti do have to reboot in order for the old intel driver to take effect12:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:55
I-am-GrootThen i am going for a reboot12:55
Lyzenah not that help the other help QQ12:55
Lyzeok cya I-am-Groot12:55
I-am-Groot*thumbs up*12:56
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Lyze!patience | tablet198012:56
ubottutablet1980: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:56
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salluIs there anyone who would help me issues with dual booting12:58
salluSorry i mean partitions of ubuntu. Ext412:58
=== AustinTheGrey is now known as AustinTheGrey_Aw
salluHow can we access partitions of ubuntu in windows 712:59
Lyzesallu: you can't12:59
Lyzeor you can but with 3rd party programs and they are uggy12:59
Lyzesallu: use a live cd of a linux distribution and then do there the work13:00
Lyze* buggy not uggy ;)13:00
salluI already did successfull dual boot with windows 7 and ubuntu13:00
Lyzesallu: and you want not to boot into ubuntu, get one file and then boot into windows again?13:01
salluI am having issues while accessing ubuntu partitions in windows13:01
I-am-GrootLyze: Am back13:01
salluIn windows i cannot see any linux partitions13:01
Lyzewb I-am-Groot13:01
Lyzesallu: yes thats right. windows can13:01
Lyze* can't communicate with linux partitions13:02
salluI want to access linux partitions in windows. For example i want to access data from home directory13:02
salluI have stuff in it13:02
Lyzesallu: but if you want to use buggy and ugly software where you can get data from linux under windows then use one of those: http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/13:02
I-am-GrootNothing has changed when i execute "lshw -c video"13:02
I-am-GrootIt looks the same13:02
Lyzesallu: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2read/files/Ext2Read%20ver%202.0/ext2explore%202.0%20beta/13:02
LyzeI-am-Groot: can you show me the output13:03
Lyzesallu: note i had bad experience with those files. your best bet is to create a ntfs partition with data you need for oth os's13:03
I-am-GrootLyze: lshw -c video13:03
BluesKajI-am-Groot, use sudo13:04
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I-am-GrootBluesKaj: I already entered sudo -s13:04
I-am-Grootso am root13:04
LyzeI-am-Groot: i guess why should your graphics card information change when you have uninstalled the driver?13:05
BluesKajI-am-Groot, try, lspci -knn | egrep -A 3 'VGA|3D'13:05
Lyzesallu: ?13:06
salluLyze i have dual boot with windows and ubuntu. 300 gb to ubuntu as 12 gb assigned to swap partition and 100 to root partition and 200 to home partition13:06
Lyzeyeah and?13:06
BluesKaj100 is a lot for the / partition 20 is plenty13:06
salluLyze and in windows i also assigned 100 gbs to c and d.13:07
I-am-GrootLyze: i was thinking the driver version or something was supposed to change to a lower number13:07
cfhowlettsallu, 100 GB to ubuntu root?  a ful is WAY less than that13:07
salluLyze i already have ntfs partition for windows 713:07
I-am-GrootBluesKaj: Kernel driver in use: i91513:07
I-am-Grootisnt that supposed to change??13:08
Lyzei already said there is no way to mount linux harddrives under windows. use one of the programs i wrote earlier to access the linux drive or move every important file to one of the ntfs filesystems13:08
salluCfhowlett yes u can say that13:08
BluesKajI-am-Groot, then you have an intel graphics card with the correct driver13:08
salluLyze i understand as u said u have bad experience with using these buggy softwares13:08
I-am-GrootOkay, But is it the default driver that windows ships with??13:09
salluLyze but have u heard any efficient application who can mount home partition to windows13:09
I-am-GrootBecause i used intel graphics installer to update it sometime ago13:09
salluLyze or only to read the home partition in windows. Not write. Only read . That will do13:09
I-am-GrootBut then we tried uninstalling the program and the driver it installed13:09
Lyzesallu: no there is no way to mount a ext4 file system under windows efficiently.13:10
carter1lyze is correct13:10
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Lyzesallu: you could change your filesystem from your home partition to ntfs but it doesn't work with linux. ntfs doesn't understand the permissions system from linux13:10
thevishyIs there any reason Font -> "Hinting" is not turned on by default ? Instaed its set to "Slight"13:11
philinuxsallu;~ easy to set up an ntfs data partition in ubuntu and put stuff in there you want to share with windows13:11
BluesKajsallu, http://www.ext2fsd.com/13:11
salluPhilinux ok but how to create now in linux. I have 3 partitions 12 gb for swap and 200 for home and 100 for root13:12
cfhowlettthevishy, there's a reason.  change it to your preferences13:13
salluBlueskaj ok i see ext2fsd13:13
I-am-Groot! patience | I-am-Groot13:13
ubottuI-am-Groot, please see my private message13:13
I-am-GrootOooohhh so ubottu is a bot?13:14
salluShould i break home partitions to make ntfs for windows13:14
I-am-GrootGood thinking13:14
I-am-Grootsallu: I dont know much but u cant access linux partitions in windows13:14
thevishycfhowlett: is that reason something to do with performance ? Just trying to understand13:14
I-am-GrootBut u can access windows partitions from linux13:15
cfhowlettthevishy, yes13:15
I-am-Grootthats one of the reasons why i love linux13:15
I-am-GrootSo if u want to access files on both operating systems, u should have one more partition where u keep ur files13:16
I-am-Grootthis partition should be ntfs13:16
salluI am groot yes u r right13:16
I-am-Grootthis way, when u are in windows, u can access it and when u are in linux u can access it there too13:16
salluI am groot. What u mean one more partitions?13:16
I-am-Grootthat is what i have13:16
salluI already have 2 parttions in windows and 3 partitions in linux13:17
thevishycfhowlett: ok then perhaps I will stick with default, thanks13:17
I-am-GrootYou want to be able to access ur files u save whiles in ubuntu in windows right??13:17
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LyzeI-am-Groot: yes he wants that13:17
I-am-GrootThen you should have an extra partition.13:18
I-am-Grootso u would have three partitions13:18
LyzeI-am-Groot: he has 513:18
I-am-Grootone for windows, one for ubuntu and the last one for ur files13:18
LyzeI-am-Groot: 2 for windows (c, d) and 3 for linux (/, /home and swap)13:18
Lyzesallu: so copy every file you perhapse need to d13:19
I-am-Grootdoes c and d have windows installations on them?13:19
Lyzec prob13:19
Lyzeand d for data13:19
I-am-GrootThen thats it13:19
I-am-Grootso use the D partition for saving ur files13:19
I-am-Grootthat is images,videos,mp3 etc13:20
LyzeI-am-Groot: and btw. why can't you reinstall ubuntu completely?13:20
I-am-Grootthat way u can access both partitions from both windows and linux13:20
Lyze##windows solution ? :)13:20
I-am-GrootLyze: I dont have a stable internet to redownload all my programs and stuff again13:20
I-am-Grootthats why13:21
philinuxAs long as there is a partition that both os's can read then no problem13:21
salluLyze is so right13:21
Lyzephilinux: ah that sucks13:21
salluI am groot exactly. C has windows 7 and d for data. And 3 partitions for linux as lyZe said13:21
I-am-GrootOkay sallu,13:22
I-am-GrootSo then whats ur problem?13:22
Lyzesallu: so just move every important file you perhapse need on windows to the "d" partition13:22
Lyzesallu: or create a script which will sync your /home partition with the "d" partition13:22
I-am-GrootIf u just want to be able to access the linux partitions on windows, thats simple inpossible13:22
Lyzeand then run the script everytime before you shutdown your computer13:22
Lyze* shutdown linux13:22
Lyzesallu: or what i would use: create a google drive account / dropbox account and sync your important data with the cloud on both computers13:23
salluLyze but d is also full now . Perhaps i will have to break home partition to make another ntfs for windows13:23
Lyzesallu: then you break the installation from linux13:24
I-am-GrootFor example when i download or copy anything i might need in windows, i copy it to my ntfs partition13:24
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Lyzesallu: you can resize your / partition to 30 gb or something like that. there is no way the basic linux installation (w/o /home) uses more than ~20g (but i would still use 30gb just in case)13:24
I-am-GrootSallu: how big is ur ubuntu partition?13:24
BluesKajI-am-Groot, one can use  http://www.ext2fsd.com/ to access/read/write linux folders from windows13:24
I-am-GrootOOkay. Blueskaj13:25
BluesKajnot impoossibe13:25
ViperXL75Once upon a time.... a LONG time ago... (3 years or so) someone showed me the command that I could AutoStart in Ubuntu in order for it to FORCE 1080p resolution. I forgot to write down this command. Can anyone help me out?13:25
LyzeBluesKaj: does it mount the partition or simply provide a gui where you can export / import your files?13:25
LyzeViperXL75: was it sth with xrandr?13:26
LyzeViperXL75: perhape sth like this xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00 ?13:26
ViperXL75xrandr.... that sounds familiar13:26
Lyze* xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"13:26
ViperXL75yeah.... it was some simple 1-liner like that.13:27
ViperXL75I'll got try it13:27
BluesKajLyze, it list the linux partitions as drives in my computer13:27
LyzeBluesKaj: :O nice13:27
LinuxStudentHi, i was wondering if i need a dns (like bind) to run services like OpenStack, Squid and puppet on a local network?  or if i can configure existing files? I am using Ubuntu Server, and have a Ubuntu desktop client.13:27
BluesKajLyze, never used it on W8 tho, so not sure it will work there, but it does work on W713:28
salluI am groot. 100 gb for root /  and 2oo for home and 12 gb for swap13:28
salluLyze you right13:29
LyzeBluesKaj: yeah luckily i didnt upgrade to win813:29
BluesKaj100 for root / is too big ,wasted space sallu13:29
I-am-Grootwow..thats alot13:29
CptRageToaster(not to mention 12GB swap)13:29
BluesKajonly need about 15G max13:29
I-am-Grootif u like u could use the method i used(Its a little bit lenghty)13:30
ubottuShortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks!13:30
I-am-GrootYes Sir!13:30
LyzeCptRageToaster: i heard that i should create a swap partition which size is the same as the ram amount? isn't that right?13:30
salluSorry for delay in messages. I am currently on different irc channels and servers while using my android phone13:30
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CptRageToasterLyze: SWAP is basically  what your PC uses when you run out of physical RAM13:31
CptRageToasterif you have 12GB... you'll have a hard time running out...13:31
salluLyze. Not same as ram. But you should say 1.5 times the size of ram for swap partition13:31
TheNumbWhat if I told you that I keep my install on a single 500 gig partition? <:13:31
LyzeCptRageToaster: yeah i know that. :)13:31
CptRageToasterLyze: you could probably run fine WITHOUT any SWAP...13:31
CptRageToasterSWAP is terribly slow13:32
LyzeCptRageToaster: yeah13:32
CptRageToasterif you end up using it, your PC usually locks up...13:32
TheNumbCptRageToaster: not true.13:32
Lyzeok :)13:32
CptRageToasterTheNumb: "Usually"13:32
TheNumbnuh uh13:32
TheNumbnever happened here13:32
CptRageToasterTheNumb: Not arguing here13:32
CptRageToasterLyze: So... while you CAN give ubuntu a 12GB swap partition13:33
CptRageToasterI highly doubt you'll use it much...13:33
CptRageToasterunless you have intentions to fill 12Gb of ram somehow.........13:33
TheNumbunless you use memory heavy software13:33
TheNumblike... you're linking a 800 megs executable.13:33
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I-am-GrootLyze: Just to confirm13:34
CptRageToasterif you were to create virtual machines in Virtual Box... or you know that you have HUGE resource files that need tabling... then you might want to be worried13:34
I-am-GrootDid my graphics driver downgrade work??13:34
CptRageToasterso giving yourself 12GB SWAP doesn't sound very helpful unless you know you're going to actually run out of physical RAM...13:35
lyzewell cya guys13:36
lyzetill in some hours13:37
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LinuxStudentHi, i am new to the linux world. i have tried to google how to add users to a domain, and if i need a dns server to run services. but i cant figure out how this works. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? i would relly appreciate it :)13:38
onlyforamitHI Everyone13:40
PiciLinuxStudent: Do you mean a Windows AD domain? or do you just want to add users to your server? or something else?13:42
Lyze... or not :) well i hate my school where we do 013:42
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LinuxStudentjust to my server13:42
LinuxStudenti dont understand the consept of managing linux users from the linux server (i know how to add users to a domain in windows,)13:43
PiciLinuxStudent: adduser is the cli tool to use.  The manpage has a bit too much info, but if you just do something like: adduser joeuser, it will prompt you for a few bits of info, and then setup the home directory and other stuff atuomatically.13:43
ViperXL75Lyze: perhaps i need to explain just a little more. My HDMI is hooked up to my TV. The problem is that even though my TV can handle it, when Ubuntu boots up it will lower the resolution to 1350x1000 (or something like that). SO i have to manualy put it back to 1920x1080 all the time. There is a 'xrandr' command that will simply force it to go to 1080p resolution. If i can get that command, I'll13:43
ViperXL75write it in the 'Startup' list and let Ubuntu execute it on every startup.13:43
LyzeViperXL75: i should have sent you a private message a couple of mins ago13:44
Lyzewith a link where it is described on how you can create a command like this13:44
LinuxStudentSo i can add a user on a server, and log on to this user from a desktop on the same network?13:44
daftykinsLyze: we keep help in the channel in here, so that others can learn and also check each others suggestions13:45
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:45
ViperXL75Lyze: when i read it, it looked like they were creating a resolution which wasn't being detected. But ok. I'll try what they're saying then.13:45
Lyzedaftykins: he was disconnected then13:45
PiciLinuxStudent: From a desktop? You mean via ssh? or do you mean that you have some other setup going on here?13:45
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genericumrunning bochs is a kinda impossible .. :(13:45
daftykinsPM someone disconnected? novel :)13:45
LyzeViperXL75: can you post the link in here again so i can take a look at it again? (Changed computer)13:46
Lyzedaftykins: from the channel ;)13:46
LinuxStudentif i am to add a user to a domain.... or is this not done in linux?13:46
LyzeViperXL75: oh ok in there they added a new mode to the xorg config with the --newmode parameter and then you can change to it with the --addmode parameter13:47
LyzeViperXL75: no sorry wrong informations here13:48
ViperXL75hmm ok13:48
LyzeViperXL75: here is the correct command:  xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x80013:48
ViperXL75I do see my monitor listed though13:48
Lyzebut change those parameters13:48
LyzeViperXL75: yeah thats why they where wrong13:48
ViperXL75kk gonna try it. Brb13:49
LyzeViperXL75: with a simple "xrand" in the terminal it shows every information about every display13:49
LinuxStudentThanx for your information Pici :)13:49
ViperXL75Lyze: indeed... I'm just trying to check which of the 2 monitors connected at the moment is the TV.13:50
ViperXL75seems to be DFP113:50
ViperXL75So it would be: xrandr --output DFP1 --mode 1920x108013:50
LyzeViperXL75: yes13:50
ViperXL75then i understood Xrandr now13:51
ViperXL75thanks allot for the help.13:51
daftykins"a lot"13:51
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ViperXL75Lyze: YEZZZZZ it worked!  Thanks man.13:54
LyzeViperXL75: :313:54
ViperXL75ehh.... u are a guy... right?   the nick kinda sounds female...ish13:54
LyzeViperXL75: does it :O well you are the first one to tell me this.13:55
Lyzeyeah i am a guy ;)13:55
ViperXL75hahah... ok Sorry. I'm not the smartest around here... obviously.13:55
daftykinsalthough gender is irrelevant online really13:56
daftykinsi could be a penguin.13:56
Lyzedaftykins: i'm a owl13:56
xatr0zthere are no penguins on the internet13:56
ViperXL75Quote: The thing I love the most about Linux is the thing that gives me the most headaches. Once you get something to work on it, Linux is so damn stable that by the time you have to reinstall it, you've forgotten how you did it in the first place.13:56
Lyzeyeah thats right13:57
cfhowlettViperXL75, first world problems ...13:57
Lyzeand thats the reason i write down everything i do on my machine13:57
daftykinsViperXL75: that's why i write notes like an engineer, as my University taught me.13:57
daftykinshowever by the time you come back to use them, it's all changed just a year or two later :P13:57
daftykinsanyway back to support13:57
ViperXL75The thing is, this was my first run at using Linux for such a dependant machine13:58
LyzeViperXL75: :)13:58
ViperXL75Its my XBMC machine... downloader, Samba sharer,13:59
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Lyze(last thing offtopic): the first time installing linux on my old laptop: it took me half a yeahr to setup everything correctly13:59
ViperXL75Last time i installed it, i think that was in 201113:59
daftykinsyou're stepping into general chat now, so please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic - ViperXL7513:59
ViperXL75First time i installed a linux machine, it was Debian for running a home-hosted website. I hosted my site for about 6 years on a Intel-P166 machine14:00
ViperXL75oh sorry dafty14:00
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=== TheZayc_ is now known as TheZayc
SohamIs there a way to accomplish p2p content caching at a central server ? This is not related to ubuntu, but some one may have knowledge of this!14:08
Lyzehi Soham :)14:08
I-am-GrootLyze, k1l_ and daftykins: I ave been able to remove the ppas that causes sudo apt-get update to end with errors14:08
jpdsSoham: The whole point of p2p is that there is no central server.14:08
k1l_I-am-Groot: you could already been done with reinstall and recopy the backup to have a clean system again.14:09
SohamYes! but Im a part of an small ISP now which has implemented such service! They use a Seed Server to capture download and provide upload from and to clients14:10
I-am-GrootThat would take time... and i just did that yesterday14:10
SohamI was reading about Pcache and Peerapp!14:10
I-am-GrootI also read that continous formating of a partition can cause the drive to fail or end up with bad sectors14:11
daftykinsI-am-Groot: you reinstalled, then added back all those PPAs of yours just yesterday? seems doubtful14:11
daftykinsthat's complete rubbish14:11
SohamI want to know is there exist a way to do that same! :(  Basically I need a Seed Server which will capture what user downloads and cache them or seed them!14:11
I-am-Grootdaftykins: i reinstalled ubuntu from from start.14:12
I-am-Grootthen restored my backup14:12
SohamI-am-Groot: I have formatted my drive many times and never had an issue! Only random power failure causes HDD problems.14:12
daftykinsI-am-Groot: and then added all those PPAs back in? why when you were claiming the intel drivers were the problem?14:12
SohamEXT4 is immune to bad sectors! I think !14:13
I-am-GrootOOokay..as i said i read it somewhere14:13
daftykinsSoham: no that's a silly statement, a file system has nothing to do with physical defects14:13
I-am-GrootNo Datykins.14:13
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
bios_Hi guys14:13
I-am-GrootThe backup was a full backup of the ubuntu installation not just home directory14:13
bios_I have a question14:13
cfhowlett!ask | bios_14:14
ubottubios_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:14
Lyze!ask | bios_14:14
daftykinsI-am-Groot: then you completely avoided what the purpose of the reinstall was :)14:14
Sohamdaftykins: I think you need to read about BRTFS ! and so do I!14:14
daftykinsso why are you here?14:14
I-am-GrootI didnt want to loose a thing14:14
I-am-Grootso what i did was just like doing a system restore in windows14:15
Sohambtrfs Wiki14:15
LyzeI-am-Groot: so is there no way you can take your computer somewhere to a location where you have a stable internet connection to download everything you need again? (programs,...)14:15
SohamBtrfs is a new copy on write (CoW) filesystem for Linux aimed at implementing advanced features while focusing on fault tolerance, repair and easy ...14:15
OerHeksSoham, power pailure can cause hdd issues, that does not depend on filesystems14:15
daftykinsSoham: no thank you14:15
I-am-GrootLyze: i would have to visit an internet cafe14:16
daftykinsis that really a tough task?14:16
LyzeI-am-Groot: you don't have friends with a stable internet connection?14:16
SohamUm ! Where I may find peoples in freenode where I can find/discuss about peer app or p2p caching? Any suggestions.14:16
I-am-GrootI do but they arent close to me14:16
I-am-Grootthey are like in the city14:16
bios_Yesterday install Ubuntu 14.04.2 and after i have update Ubuntu with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"... when restart, the software center has stopped and window as turned black. Some times the Fonts disappears on entire desktop and apps... I will need re-install Ubuntu ??? some solution??14:17
LyzeI-am-Groot: well you could be already there reinstalling the os again14:17
daftykinsSoham: maybe your company should employ someone competent :) try #linux14:17
bios_is more prudent check MD5 of ISO??14:18
bios_at burn on a DVD-ROM?14:18
I-am-Grootdaftykins: i was here because, this black border thing happened twice after restoring the backup14:18
daftykinsbios_: if you're suggesting things for your own problem, have you done them? :)14:18
I-am-Grootfirst tyme i did the restore, it happened after a week or so14:19
arcskywhat logs do you guys sends to your external syslog servers?14:19
daftykinsI-am-Groot: yes and you keep restoring the bad configuration!14:19
=== jester_ is now known as CrayXmp
I-am-Grootthen i reinstalled ubuntu and restored my backup again14:19
roger3415so even though i have ubuntu already installed would it be possible to break down a partition i already have and install kali to do a dual boot?14:19
LyzeI-am-Groot: so you again did restore the bad config. just drive to one of your friends and install ubu again (w/o using a backup!)14:19
bios_not even daftykins14:19
Lyzeroger3415: yes14:20
I-am-GrootBut one thing i dont get is before i did the backup, i never encountered such problems14:20
Lyzeroger3415: boot into a live cd and use gparted but make a backup (just in case)14:20
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bios_daftykins nautilus re open when minimize and restore NTFS partition, or USB drive14:20
LyzeI-am-Groot: like this? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/169592906/Zrzut%20ekranu%20z%202014-03-15%2012%3A22%3A51.png14:20
roger3415can i use gpart in ubuntu itself first or do i need to do it within kali?14:20
Lyzeroger3415: you need a system where you don't have the disk mounted you want to change the size of14:21
Lyzeso lets say you have on /dev/sda1 ubuntu and on /dev/sda2 kali and you want to resize /dev/sda2 you need to boot either to the ubuntu distro or use a live cd / usb stick14:21
roger3415oh ok14:22
roger3415so i can resize the /dev/sda1 but need to be in live usb kali then huh?14:22
LyzeI-am-Groot: because your system is again broken perhapse try those methods given in the forum: http://askubuntu.com/questions/360598/13-10-black-borders-black-terminal14:22
Lyzeroger3415: doesn't matter. it can be in any os which uses gparted as long as it is not on the partition you want to change the size of14:23
OerHeksroger3415, why do you want kali, if you do not have the basics about linux?14:23
LyzeOerHeks: i guess resizing a partition is not a basic thing (when data is on)14:23
roger3415ya partition resizing isnt lol14:24
LyzeOerHeks: at least i needed it yesterday, and i started to use linux 5 years ago14:24
roger3415even on windows it can be a pain14:24
I-am-GrootLyze: i tried this14:24
I-am-Grooti even deleted my ./cash but it still didnt work14:24
LyzeI-am-Groot: :(14:24
I-am-Groot./cache rather14:25
Lyzeroger3415: so can you post your partitions?14:25
Lyzeso i can say what you need todo?14:25
roger3415well my hard drive is already fully partitioned out i shouldve installed kali first then followed up by ubuntu since the installer of ubuntu can setup dual boot but idk if kali does that or not do u guys know?14:26
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
Lyzeroger3415: i dont know14:27
Lyzeroger3415: but you can install kali on a partition with nothing on it. then boot into a live cd and make repair the grub bootloader (if kali damaged it)14:28
daftykin1roger3415: this is not a kali support channel :)14:28
daftykin1nor will it ever be14:28
Lyze!grub roger341514:28
Lyzeubottu: lag :O14:29
daftykin1you did the command wrong14:29
Lyzeoh yeah14:29
OerHeksput a | after the command14:29
Lyzealways forget :)14:29
I-am-Grootubottu is with his girlfriend14:29
Lyze!grub | roger341514:29
ubottuI-am-Groot: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:29
ubotturoger3415: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:29
k1l_roger3415: why not install ubuntu only and put kali on a usb pendrive. since the purpose from kali is not to be used as a regular system at all14:29
LyzeI-am-Groot: :D14:29
I-am-Grootthat is funny14:30
Lyzek1l_: yeah that could be an option :)14:30
roger3415k1l_: that is an excellent idea minus the fact the system i am on currently the usb drive i have set as a swap since the hard drive swap is too slow lol14:30
Lyzeroger3415: Qo14:31
k1l_roger3415: i already proved to you that swap on a usb is not a clever idea14:31
LyzeViperXL75: well we could have simply used the !x command :)14:31
Lyzek1l_: is it because the flash format? -> gets damaged every write?14:32
k1l_not only that. usb is very very very very slow. if you use that for swap your system gets very very very very slow14:32
roger3415k1l_: to be quiet frank i am hard headed and like to do things my way so please not to be rude dont tell me not to do something if its possible and theres a way after asking how to do it :P14:32
carter1heh, a swap on usb14:33
Lyzeroger3415: ok :)14:33
roger3415i like to have unique computer setups and make things work the way i want it to and also this computer is an experiment computer so even if its not practical it isnt about being practical its about learning further what i can do with ubuntu14:34
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
carter1is it a usb 3.0 drive?14:35
daftykin1roger3415: that's nice and all but we're saying things that can stop you damaging hardware, so if you don't care about killing flash drives that's fair enough :)14:35
k1l_of course, you can hit your head with a hammer if you like. its your choice. but dont tell wrong facts about usb beeing better for swap because its "faster"14:35
roger3415i bought the flash drive for 2 dollars and dont even use it lol14:35
daftykin1roger3415: i am going to have to 100% disagree with your statement about 'slow disk swap' versus some cheap flash drive, that's an absolutely ridiculous claim :)14:35
k1l_roger3415: but back to the question: we dont know what kali installer can do or cant do. that is better to ask the kali guys14:36
I-am-GrootThanks guys for all your help14:36
I-am-GrootI would try going to either an internet cafe or a friends place for a fresh install14:37
carter1if you have a large, slow harddisk, i could see maybe getting better performance with a usb 3.0 drive (mayb14:37
roger3415k1l_: ty it was worth a shot to ask before heading there though!14:37
LyzeI-am-Groot: yeah would be the best thing!14:37
I-am-GrootThank yall k1l_,daftykin1,lyze and ubottu too14:37
I-am-GrootSorry if i was a pain in the ass14:38
=== KrisDouglas is now known as Guest97951
LyzeI-am-Groot: you were no pain in the ass :) we all like helping people (and owls) so yeah no problem :314:38
carter1actually, i kinda wanna try that on a spare box now roger341514:38
daftykin1carter1: don't say you believe this?14:39
arcskyhey i have added a line in my /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf, auth.* @ and restarted. but now when i do an ssh login i cant see that it sends a syslog message to that host. what do i do wrong?14:39
=== Guest97951 is now known as KrisDouglas_
KrisDouglas_o/ everyone14:39
carter1i don't, i just want to measure it xD14:39
roger3415carter1: i just figured it be like readyboost for windows but linux style14:39
roger3415since the princable of no moving parts being fast then moving parts for disk drives14:40
KrisDouglas_I am having a problem with VSFTPD on 14.04. I am getting a massive stack trace dump in dmesg when i try and load it. I know the configuration file is good and my google fu is not returning any concise results. Does anyone have it working properly that might be able to point me in the right direction?14:40
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
Lyzeohai KrisDouglas_14:40
carter1so, if you were talking about an ssd, you'd be absolutely right roger341514:40
k1l_roger3415: readyboost was just a PR stunt.14:40
carter1the slowdown is in the communication between the system and the usb14:41
Lyzeoh btw i guess having swap on a ssd is also bad?14:41
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
carter1i wouldn't do it14:41
carter1it's hard on the ssd to have that many frequent read/writes14:41
k1l_buying more ram will solve most issues :)14:41
roger3415thats why i would only do it to a flash drive14:41
Lyzek1l_: what happens when i run out of ram?14:41
roger34152 ram slots can only get you so much ram14:41
carter1at work, i have all the ssd computers set to optimize lifespan, which by default turns off things like hibernate14:42
carter1which do lots of read/writes14:42
roger3415which even then the speed of it depends on it being a dual channel motherboard or a single channel motherboard14:42
k1l_Lyze: the oomkiller starts killing processes.14:42
k1l_roger3415: you dont know the facts, so please dont talk like you do14:43
Lyzek1l_: ok thanks :)14:43
k1l_roger3415: i just stated you the facts of the speed of usb2 and dd2 and if you dont see the huge difference there, i dont know how to help you14:43
Lyzeand the swap partition only gets activated when i run out of ram. so having a swap partition on a ssd wont get activated when i have enough ram available?14:43
k1l_*last night14:43
k1l_Lyze: yes14:44
roger3415k1l_: but if you add them together its even faster14:44
k1l_roger3415: no14:44
k1l_roger3415: plain false14:44
Lyzeso cya guys14:44
roger3415do explain then comeon im curious14:44
Lyzeand thanks14:44
KrisDouglas_Lyze: if you have a buttload of RAM i wouldn't even bother with a swap. But it won't do a massive amount of harm14:44
daftykinsroger3415: your comments are totally facepalm worthy, total rubbish14:44
carter1yeah, after a quick search, it seems that generally it's recommended to use your hd for the swap, not the ssd14:44
daftykinscarter1: depends how quick you like to sleep/hibernate if on a laptop :)14:45
k1l_<k1l> roger3415: ddr2 (200mhz) : peak 3200 MByte/s ;  usb2: 60 MByte/s14:45
k1l_and that is the slowest speed ddr2 ram.14:45
salami_is there any way to find which version of ubuntu has a specific version of glibc?14:46
k1l_roger3415: so the slowest 1channel ram is 50times faster than the fastest usb2. and you really say it could be faster? please stop14:46
daftykinssalami_: packages.ubuntu.com ?14:46
roger3415usb3.0:5000 MBytes/s14:46
roger3415faster then ddr2 mate14:46
daftykinsroger3415: just because an interface is a given speed doesn't mean the device plugged in can operate at that, you do realise that yes?14:47
carter1change that byte to bit, iirc14:47
k1l_roger3415: that is maximal transfer rate.  so please test your 2dollar usb drive how fast that is in reality14:47
daftykinscorrect, USB 3.0 is 5Gb/sec = 625MB/sec *max*14:47
k1l_roger3415: trust me. you dont know the facts.14:47
k1l_roger3415: and today machines have ddr3 ram. which is even faster14:48
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
carter1yeah, I can't remember the last time I bought a stick of DDR214:48
roger3415k1l_: the machine im using isnt a today machine mate14:48
PiciPerhaps this discussion would be more on-topic for ##hardware or similar... this is #ubuntu after all.14:49
carter1that's a good suggestion Pici14:49
k1l_yep. Pici is right. we got distracted14:49
roger3415k1l_: no distractions with your big head in the way :P14:50
carter1that was bad form dude14:50
carter1bad form14:50
daftykinsi've never known so much hardware ignorance in one user.14:51
k1l_roger3415: as i told: you can go "your way" if you want. but wrong facts stay wrong facts. and no need to go ad hominem there.14:51
carter1you've been super patient k1l_14:51
carter1i still want to set a usb 3.0 as a swap, just to see what sort of read/write speeds i get14:52
RaMcHiPAll 12 colors of Sharpie https://www.dropbox.com/s/p3tlmseonlnsnrk/2015-03-10%2006.56.33.jpg?dl=014:53
=== bedpanboy_return is now known as bedpanboy
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
carter1did you print those RaMcHiP?14:56
carter1neat :-)14:57
carter1what are they for?14:57
RaMcHiPJust color samples for sharpie infused filament14:58
PiciCan we please try to keep #ubuntu clear for support issues only.  #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for random"14:58
RaMcHiPI posted to wrong channel sorry Pici14:58
Hanumaanhow to update only the kernel not all other softwares? with apt-get or some other command?15:01
PriceyHanumaan: "apt-get install packagename" will probably work.15:03
arcskynone know how to send syslog messages to an external syslog server via rsyslog?15:03
HanumaanPricey, to update kernel which package has to be installed in ubuntu 12.04?15:04
Priceyarcsky: http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/omfwd.html might be useful... depending on your version you might want the legacy sample at the bottom15:04
carter1hrm, I'm trying it umount a remote connection via nfs to a NAS box, but it's telling me it's busy15:04
HanumaanI just saw this solution "sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-quantal" is this correct?15:04
PriceyHanumaan: Do you want to update to a version not in the repositories?15:05
carter1umount -f doesn't even work15:05
=== Toledo is now known as croberts
HanumaanPricey, I have right now 12.04 ubuntu I do not want to update any of the other packages other than btrfs to the latest .. but to do that I have to upgrade latest kernel which is also fine for me .. how do I now upgrade only kernel and then btrfs?15:06
k1l_Hanumaan: the quantal kernel is out of life15:06
=== jorge is now known as jcastro
Hanumaank1l, I have right now this kernel "3.2.0-53-generic #81-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 22 21:01:03 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux" can I update the kernel more now from the repositories or this is the latest I can have?15:08
k1l_Hanumaan: you can update the original precise kernel with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-generic15:09
k1l_Hanumaan: if you want a more recent kernel you can install a enablement stack backports kernel15:09
k1l_sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-trusty15:11
k1l_!hes | Hanumaan15:11
k1l_!enablementstack | Hanumaan15:12
ubottuHanumaan: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:12
nouvalinuxfaut dire quoi ?15:14
k1l_!fr | nouvalinux15:15
ubottunouvalinux: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:15
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
nouvalinuxje comprend rien15:16
zhan_my software center said it needs restart, but nothing happens after it15:16
=== Josiah is now known as joyonomo
orionHi. I have the following line in /etc/fstab: "/dev/xvdf /var/lib/bitcoind ext4 0 0". When I type "mount /var/lib/bitcoind", I get "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/xvdf" but when I type "mount /dev/xvdf /var/lib/bitcoind" it succeeds. This is on utopic. Does anyone know what could be going wrong?15:18
Hanumaanubottu, in the documentation as it is given "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-utopic" does not work says unable to locate package package ..15:18
Hanumaanubottu, I think I should "sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-trust" as given by k1l_15:19
ubottuHanumaan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:19
I-am-GrootHanumaan: ubottu is a bot. It cant really help u15:20
Chelsea_JurgensHi, I'm needing some help accessing error logs for apache webserver. it always says permission denied15:23
carter2Chelsea_Jurgens, do an ls -la to look at the permissions15:25
zambahow can i see how a package was built in ubuntu?15:25
zambaand how can i find who's the package maintainer of a package?15:25
SchrodingersScatChelsea_Jurgens: right, mine are owned by root:adm15:25
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest54543
zhan_so whats up with my software center15:26
SchrodingersScatzamba: maybe apt-cache show packagename for the dev?15:26
zhan_said needed restart, and it's responding to it15:27
=== arun_ is now known as arunpyasi
popeyzamba: packages.ubuntu.com is good place to start.15:31
lyzeback :)15:31
popeyzamba: packages.ubuntu.com/unity for example, then click a release, then there's a changelog which may give you the info you need15:31
lyzeohhi tobis15:33
tobisI'm looking for some help with a script involing a typeset function and 2 hop on SSH15:33
Hanumaank1l_, I did the "sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-trusty" it upgraded .. but now when I try to upgrade btrfs-tools is not getting upgraded .. how to do that? how to know what other packages it needed to be upgraded?15:33
k1l_!info btrfs-tools precise | Hanumaan15:34
ubottuHanumaan: btrfs-tools (source: btrfs-tools): Checksumming Copy on Write Filesystem utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19+20100601-3ubuntu3 (precise), package size 794 kB, installed size 1724 kB15:35
k1l_Hanumaan: can you show a "apt-cache policy btrfs-tools" in a pastebin?15:36
Hanumaank1l, it seems to be the latest version available http://paste.ubuntu.com/10575202/ however I want to install latest which is 3.12 and not 0.1915:37
k1l_Hanumaan: well. you are on a system from 2012. ubuntu doesnt provide updates (beside security and heavy bug fixes) for most packages.15:38
k1l_Hanumaan: so either you get a PPA, get a 3rd party .deb (with all that disadvantages) compile from source (with even more disadvantages) or you upgrade to 14.04 which got version 3.1215:39
popeyHanumaan: I'd recommend running a very recent kernel and latest btrfs-progs from upstream if you're being brave and running btrfs15:40
superprowerHi. Why can't linux version of YUMI see the images i added with Windows version? Is there a way to create compatibility between versions? TY for answer.15:41
daftykinssuperprower: you'd have to ask the makers of it15:42
salami_has anybody built a edgy chroot with 14.04? for some reason old-releases.ubuntu.com is not working with debootstrap15:42
k1l_salami_: erm, can you rephrase?15:43
salami_I'm trying to build a edgy chroot environment so I can run an old application which depends on an ancient version of glibc15:43
k1l_salami_: how comes ubuntu 6.10 into play there? that is, i mean, dead long time now15:44
salami_when I run debootstrap I get an error "invalid release file, no entry for main/binary-amd64/Packages"15:44
harrisk1l_, hey15:44
laskoHello all15:45
b00b00i have ubuntu, and i want ftp kerberos client, what i need to install?15:53
s1991Hello, how is .deb different from source tarball?15:55
lyzes1991, yes15:55
lyzeyou can install deb files and then it will install all dependencies automatically15:55
lyzeyou would install it with sudo dpkg -i <name>15:55
s1991lyze: So what exactly does a .deb contains15:56
harrisbazhang, hey15:56
tewards1991: a .deb contains the compiled binaries.15:56
lyzes1991, its like an exe15:56
lyzeb00b00, you can simply use the file manager for ftp and other similar stuff15:56
harrison a voldyman,  CptRageToaster, so on a fresh install when i run apt-get dist-upgrade it runs and then it gets stuck on DKMS: install completed15:56
s1991teward: lyze ok, and source tarball can install packages offline too while .deb cannot15:57
harrisso on a fresh install when i run apt-get dist-upgrade it runs and then it gets stuck on DKMS: install completed15:57
tewards1991: while the source tarball contains the source code, a .deb binary installer contains the compiled software, either all in one binary package or with additional components in additional packages (take the nginx webserver, for example - nginx-full contains the binary nginx file with the modules compiled into it, while nginx-common contains the default configuration files that get installed, among other files that may be needed by the other flavors)15:57
tewards1991: not really15:57
lyzes1991,  see teward's answer15:57
tewards1991: a source tarball gives you source code - you have to install `build-essential` and compilers to build the source code, as well as dependencies for building15:58
tewards1991: the .deb can be downloaded separately and installed offline (provided you install the dependencies as well), but contains the actual built software, rather than the source code15:58
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
tewards1991: think of the .deb as a Debian/Ubuntu setup.exe file for that given program - it installs the software which has already been compiled and built into the system15:59
s1991teward: but source tarball can definately can be installed offline15:59
tewards1991: if and only if you install all the compiler software *and* the development libraries for the build dependencies15:59
tewards1991: in most cases you don't need to build from source, and a downloaded .deb can be installed offline instead16:00
tewards1991: i think your question is too broad, and you should narrow down your quesiton to be what exactly you're trying to figure this information out for16:00
tewards1991: what you're asking is an 'it depends' question, and i can only give you very general answers16:00
b00b00lyze: what do you mean? use the regular ftp client?16:00
s1991teward: I'm suppose to create a source tarball for a project, so first I was trying to understand the difference between them16:01
lyzeb00b00, your file manager is a ftp client16:01
=== beginners is now known as dhanvi
lyzeb00b00, so simply put in your address bar of the file manager (where you can enter a path) ftp://<ip> and it works like a charm16:01
s1991teward: can you redirect me to link which help me create source tarball16:01
=== lyze is now known as lyze_afk
tewards1991: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/creating-a-tar-file-linux-command-line/  <-- any guide to making a tar file of a directory will help16:02
b00b00lyze: i want client that uses kerberos and try to authenticate that way, maybe i am wrong what i search, but that is what i need16:02
tewards1991: alternatively http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/93139/can-i-zip-an-entire-folder-using-gzip may interest you as well16:02
s1991teward: one more question, now after making there tarfile and I can easily create my own PPA right?16:03
tewards1991: you're asking different questions.16:03
tewards1991: is your ultimate goal to create a PPA?16:03
s1991teward: my goal is to create both16:03
hybridgraphicsQUESTION: My laptop has a hyrbid graphics, Its a HP p045tx, i7 8gb ram, nvidia gt 630 and intel onboard graphics and im not able to get my nvidia card to work in it, it doesnt even get detected for me to later install the drivers separately. I've tried both ubuntu 14.04 and ubuntu 14.10 . I havent had any luck with either. This is the only problem i'm facing , everything else is smooth. Any advice?16:03
tewards1991: that wasn't my question, is your ***GOAL*** with your current questions to create a PPA containing packages16:04
s1991teward: I have read somewhere that to create PPA u need to upload .tar file16:04
tewards1991: if that is, that implies that you need an .orig.tar.gz16:04
tewards1991: it's more than just that.16:04
tewards1991: i think you may want to ask #ubuntu-packaging for assistance in creating the package16:04
tewards1991: since it's more than just a tarball you need16:04
daftykinshybridgraphics: have you been here before?16:04
hybridgraphicsNope :(16:05
s1991ok, thanks for that channel16:05
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
hybridgraphicsdaftykins: This is my 1st time here, I heard of ubuntu on air and decided to check it out they pointed me here16:06
daftykinshybridgraphics: not familiar with that, so you do see both adapters from "lspci" yes? i'd go for a clean 14.04.1 install then fully update it first16:07
gr33n7007hanyway to refactor this: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e66a11ccac7b4e4da9f616:07
daftykinsgr33n7007h: not a channel for more dev questions really, isn't there a ruby channel?16:08
carter2oh hybridgraphics, i had this problem on my laptop16:09
gr33n7007hdaftykins: that was for the ruby channel my bad i'm watching cheltenham festival ;(16:09
daftykinsgr33n7007h: ok np :)16:09
carter2hybridgraphics, my guess is that if you go into your bios, it's set to something called like nvidia optimus, which automatically switches between them16:10
carter2what you need to do is set it to just the discreet nvidia card16:10
carter2there are workarounds to allow you to do the same switching between integrated and discreet graphics but i would not recommend them at this point for someone unfamiliar with linux16:11
daftykinsis this because it's not truly an nvidia optimus setup with the GPU part?16:11
daftykins*with that GPU part16:11
carter2daftykins, yes16:12
hybridgraphics_I am willing to learn! No its not a true nvidia optimus card16:12
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Lord_Fark_IIso will ubuntu phone be compatible w/ sailfish os16:12
OerHekshybridgraphics_, so where do you have a problem? does ubuntu start with black screen?16:12
carter2oh sorry hybridgraphics, then i misunderstood16:12
hybridgraphics_No ubuntu works perfectly16:13
daftykinshybridgraphics_: are you typing from this machine now?16:13
hybridgraphics_when i load a video thats of high resolution theres a lot of chopping going on16:13
hybridgraphics_No im on windows currently16:13
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hybridgraphics_Also when i go to the about system window16:13
hybridgraphics_it doesnt show my nvidia16:14
daftykinshybridgraphics_: that's not relevant16:14
carter2hybridgraphics_, just to be clear, there's no option in your bios to select a graphics card?16:14
hybridgraphics_In my bios?16:14
carter2yes, in your bios16:14
daftykinsoptimus setups actually rarely have that, carter216:14
daftykinsprobably <10% of them16:14
hybridgraphics_Not to my knowledge no16:14
carter2My personal laptop does16:14
carter2ah, work meeting16:15
hybridgraphics_Its not a true optimus card16:15
hybridgraphics_Its a nvidia gt63016:15
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hybridgraphics_sorry nvidia gt64016:15
OerHeksLord_Fark_II, no i guess16:15
k1l_Lord_Fark_II: ubuntu touch talk is best in #ubuntu-touch16:15
OerHeksLord_Fark_II, join #ubuntu-touch for phone support16:15
laskoerkam: Hi16:16
erkamsby german?16:16
hybridgraphics_i have relatively good experience with working with the bios as in im not afraid to go and change something there16:16
lasko!german | erkam16:16
k1l_hybridgraphics_: what do you mean with "Not true" optimus16:16
ubottuerkam: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:16
daftykinsk1l_: i get the idea, though not 100% certain - that since it's not named as an 'M' GPU part, it's actually a discrete chip that doesn't work as optimus16:17
zhan_ubuntu software center says it needs restart to install some of the stuff, doesn't do it after restart16:17
hybridgraphics_Im sorry if it has a m in the end that means optimus is supported?16:18
k1l_zhan_: please show the exact message in a pastebin please16:18
k1l_zhan_: and what packages ?16:18
k1l_hybridgraphics_: what makes you think its not a optimus card?16:18
hybridgraphics_i didnt know that, i was referring to the fact that even after i insatll the drivers for my card manually nothing happens16:18
hybridgraphics_i even installed bumblebee16:18
hybridgraphics_to no avail16:18
hybridgraphics_its a Nvidia GT 640m16:19
zhan_k1L_: it's after I installed ubuntu, a lot of packages, and there're no messages, just the status bar. also the ubuntu is bugging out so I'm hoping its because of that16:19
hybridgraphics_This thing if your wondering --> http://www.geforce.com/hardware/notebook-gpus/geforce-gt-640m/specifications16:19
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OerHeksbumblebee is old, nvidia-prime is current16:19
daftykinshybridgraphics_: well, actually seeing the output of 'lspci' would've been nicer from the start :)16:20
daftykinsas requested 15 mins ago16:20
k1l_hybridgraphics_: no bumblbee is outdated. use nvidia-prime16:20
hybridgraphics_the vga controller part?16:20
zhan_k1l_: help me out, cuz ubuntu is bugging out without that software I think16:20
k1l_hybridgraphics_: so you are on a plain easy optimus nvidia setup and you are making more confusion than needed16:20
hybridgraphics_i do remember doing that and getting my card in it16:21
k1l_zhan_: i dont know what you did there at all? is it talking about a system restart? then do that16:21
zhan_k1l_: i have16:21
Lyze(i dont know if i have asked it in this channel already but here we go) does somebody know why whenever i install propertiary graphics card drivers from amd the screen completely gets black (after a restart) and never turns on?16:21
zhan_k1l_: is there special restart prompt?16:21
hybridgraphics_yes im aware, ive actually been trying to get it to work for nearly a month now16:22
daftykinsLyze: what card?16:22
hybridgraphics_This would be my first ubuntu install.16:22
Lyzelaptop, amd radeon hd 6300m series16:23
zhan_whats the special restart command to let software install16:23
k1l_zhan_: restart your computer?16:24
k1l_zhan_: i dont understand what you are talking about.16:24
k1l_zhan_: it could be that you installed like a new kernel and that needs a restart to be working16:24
laskoWhen you've installed the software its installed. Its not windows where you need to reboot lol16:24
zhan_k1l_: the fucking software won't install, and I suspect that to be reason why ubuntu keeps getting error messages as well as bugging out upon startup16:24
laskoexcept kernels of course.16:24
cfhowlettzhan_, 1. stop the profanity.  immediately.16:25
laskozhan_: Watch your language please16:25
cfhowlett!english | zhan_16:25
Pwnnadoes anyone know anything about cgroups?16:25
ubottuzhan_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:25
zhan_shut the fuck up please, i need some help16:25
k1l_zhan_: please be more precise and what the language please. details matter so please put that exact messages into a pastebin and show the link16:25
Lyze!anything | Pwnna16:25
ubottuPwnna: So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.16:25
laskoYeah you are just going to be banned16:25
Lyzewell thats akward16:25
cfhowlettzhan_, no you want to get banned with that kind of language16:25
cfhowlett!ops | zhan_16:25
ubottuzhan_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang16:25
k1l_zhan_: i am trying to help but you keep repeating "my car is broken" when i ask "what is broken exactly"16:26
bazhangcfhowlett, we are right here16:26
zhan_k1l_: I can't as then the error window freezes and then crashes16:26
Pwnnawell, specifically. a process within a cgroup of cpu.shares = something and a process not configured by cgroup. how does the cpu time get divided between these two processes?16:26
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
zhan_k1l_: my landline internet has went down too, and it doesn't recognize my 4g modem16:26
daftykinszhan_: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then reboot16:26
blackyboyHow can i monitor terminal activities, Whom ever type any commands or what ever it want to get in a log file.16:26
zhan_any ideas about having ubuntu recgonize my 4g modem?16:27
corneliusi have ttf font that i want to use with libreoffice. how can i install the ttf font?16:27
brigadacan anyone help me? I can't open configuration page by , it keeps loading  :(16:27
bazhangbrigada, for your router?16:28
brigadabazhang: yes16:28
daftykinsbrigada: open the terminal then run "ip route" and confirm it says "default via" and not another IP16:29
bazhangbrigada, thats not an ubuntu issue, try #networking16:29
pavloscornelius, http://www.wikihow.com/Install-TrueType-Fonts-on-Ubuntu16:29
pimfeHello. on my sony Vaio fit ubuntu is not able to recognized my Bluetooth modem :( i have tried everything16:29
brigadadaftykins: it says default via dev wlan0  proto static16:29
brigada192.168.25.0/24 dev wlan0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 916:29
k1l_zhan_: details matter! what 4g modem exactly? is it usb then "lsusb" in a pastebinit. what happens when you put it in in "dmesg"16:29
brigadathanks bazhang16:29
zhan_k1l_: I got no internet to put it on pastebin16:30
zhan_it's usb16:30
brigadathanks a lot daftykins16:31
john_doe_jrIs there a way to determine what cronjob just ran at any given time?16:32
laskoI can't tell if zhan_ is trolling or just not understanding.16:32
corneliusfigured it out: create .fonts folder in the user dir and put the ttf files there16:32
zhan_ill go reinstall the ubuntu16:32
corneliusit works - just tested it in libreoffice writer16:33
zhan_k1l_: so if i run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, I'll need the internet, or does it specifically make the software that needs a restart install?16:33
cfhowlettjohn_doe_jr, should be a cron log of sorts, right?16:33
k1l_zhan_: that commands need internet16:34
k1l_zhan_: and since you still cant tell the exact message or what you installed etc we cant help you any more beside saying: reboot the computer16:34
zhan_k1l_: am i fucked without internet, about the 4g modem16:35
laskozhan_: Stop the profanity.16:35
corneliuspavlos: ty but i figured it out ;)16:36
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laskolol I just spent the last fifteen minutes trying to   apt-get --purge remove cacti    ------- Only to realize I was typing apt-get --purchase remove cacti16:48
laskoI need caffeine16:48
Whitorcaffeine needs you16:48
Karsthi, good everyone!16:49
laskoMy body is in one time zone and my mind another at the moment. Jet lag is difficult16:49
laskoKarst: Hello16:49
Karstdo anyone how to install font pack from ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/9.x/9.1/misc/ ?16:50
LyzeKarst, there is a INSTALL file inside the package16:51
Lyzeso i guess just "chmod u+x INSTALL" the file and "./INSTALL"16:52
Lyzeablest1980, ohai :)16:52
ablest1980how do i delete history in firefox16:53
linhhello everybody!16:53
k1l_ablest1980: click in the firefox menu16:53
KarstOK, I got it, thanks to you , Lyze16:53
LyzeKarst,  no problem :)16:54
=== sins-_w_p is now known as sins-
Lyzethe little owl is always here to help :)16:54
WhitorAny compiz people here? ... I'm looking for a place to download the old screensaver plugin for Compiz... I tried over in #compiz, but no one appears to be awake.16:55
OpinieHi, does anyone happen to know, whether it's possible to have /proc on a different partition than the rest of the OS? I was intending to move the "OS" to ssd and leave /proc and /home on a hdd, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of documentation about, how to edit /etc/fstab with regard to /proc in this scenario16:55
ablest1980when i type www.ubu it will show www.ubuntu.com in address bar because i was at that before before16:56
LyzeOpinie, why not move /proc also to the ssd?16:56
LyzeOpinie, linux uses very low amount of gb (excluding the /home partition) ~ like 20gb is enough for everything16:56
laskoablest1980: Go into Firefox PReferences and delete history16:56
WhitorI have installed compiz-plugins-extra... it's not in there16:57
ablest1980wont let me delete form and address history16:57
OpinieLyze, erm, if I'm completely honest, mainly out of laziness.. my silly macbook pro doesn't want to boot from usb and I'm able to have two disks in my mbp because I've removed the dvd-drive16:57
WhitorLyze, you call 20GB low ?!?!?!16:57
laskoablest1980: Edit -> Preferences ->  Privacy -> "Clear your recent history" -> Select in the dropdown Everything16:57
WhitorLyze, you used to be able to fit a kernel on a floppy!16:57
LyzeWhitor, yeah i know :) but i mean as a regular user with all the bloatware installed16:57
linh<ablest1980>: press Delete in address bar16:58
LyzeWhitor, i have used up ~12 gb16:58
OpinieI was going to just rsync the / to the ssd, but that doesn't really seem to work with /proc16:58
Whitor20GB ?? you could put (at least) three windows 7 installs in that drive16:58
LyzeWhitor, no!16:58
WhitorLyze, I'm looking at a windows 7 install tats under 4GB16:58
WhitorI'm going high in this esimate16:59
LyzeWhitor, my windows installation (only steam installed on a external hdd) is ~50gb big16:59
WhitorLyze, you are doing something wrong16:59
LyzeOpinie, boot a live cd and then rsyn16:59
laskoablest1980: I'm not understanding your problem16:59
LyzeWhitor, its a clean installation. just drivers16:59
WhitorLyze, see my previous statement16:59
cfhowlettablest1980, ffox, edit > preferences > privacy16:59
Opinieokay, thanks, Lyze17:00
laskoablest1980: Edit -> Preferences ->  Privacy -> "Clear your recent history" -> Select in the dropdown Everything17:00
LyzeWhitor, yeah thats weird17:00
LyzeWhitor,  oh i know why17:00
Lyzebecause of the "swap file" and so on17:00
Whitorsometimes the temp folder used for updates/patches and such grows pretty large... has to be manually trimmed up once in a while17:01
linhablest1980: when it shows www.ubuntu.com, hover your mouse pointer to this address and press Delete17:01
ablest1980edit > preferences > privacy worked17:02
laskoablest1980: No problem.17:02
ubottuchristian_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:03
john_doe_jrI don't want to wait for a crontab to run…how do I run it automatically from the terminal?17:04
Whitorjohn_doe_jr, Pull the command executed out of the crontab file and run it from a bash shell17:06
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gglolsorry hi*17:22
maps_Hello. I've installed Ubuntu (Server) 14.04 on my machine along with a postgreSQL server… created database and installed pgAdmin3… all is good… I have then installed pgAdmin3 on another machine to try to connect to that same database, but I can't figure out how to use the Ubuntu machine's IP because all the machines here at my place have the same (external) IP… I was able to connect to database using the internal IP 192.168.etc17:24
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=== Berti is now known as berti
gr33n7007hmaps_: just port forward the ports to internal ip of machine if that makes sense17:27
lyzewhats the meta key?17:27
Opiniemaps_, you can find out the machine's internal ip with ifconfig17:27
FuchsWindows, on most keyboards, lyze17:27
Fuchs(used as a modifier)17:27
lyzeFuchs: hmm doesn't work. at least not in irssi17:28
Myrttilyze: alt or esc17:28
lyzeMyrtti: thanks alt worked.17:28
Ghostxmaster4how do i redownload windows back onto my laptop any one???17:28
Fuchsah, irssi. Okay17:28
gr33n7007hyeah irssi and weechat-cureses use the alt key17:28
Myrttiwindows is super17:28
Myrttialt is meta17:28
lyzeGhostxmaster4: download a iso -> burn it onto a dvd and then boot onto it17:28
Ghostxmaster4ok thanks you LYZE,17:29
maps_gr33n7007h and Opinie, I am able to make the link using the internal ip… but I need to be able to access the database remotely… I got he external IP from ifconfig.me but all my machines show the same ip on this page17:30
gr33n7007hmaps_: of course the external ip is the router ip17:30
gr33n7007hyour local lan is a subnet of generally 254 host on a class C network when you browse to google.com for eg it passes through the router eg localmachine -> router -> googleserver -> router -> localmachine17:33
maps_gr33n7007h, yes, I'm aware of that… but if I input that ip on pgAdmin3 on my laptop I can't connect… will a port forwarding fix this? and if yes, is it the port of postgreSQL that must be forwarded?17:34
Opiniemaps_, you'll probably need to open a port in your router's settings for that particular machine to do that17:34
Opiniewhich I wouldn't really advise you to do, unless you know what you're doing17:34
gr33n7007hmaps_: port forward 5432 in the router to local ip17:35
maps_gr33n7007h, thank you. I will try that!17:36
gr33n7007hmaps_: no prob17:37
maps_Opinie, this seems to be something that needs to be done if I want to access the database from abroad… isn't this correct?17:38
Opiniewhat is? opening a port in your router's settings?17:38
maps_Opinie, yes.17:39
Opiniemaps_, with all due respect - and I'm no security expert - I'd advise you to try and set up an openvpn server instead of leaving that postgreSQL port open17:40
Opinieyou'd be able to access said database through it as well17:40
maps_Opinie, are you familiar with ERP software xTuple? this is the software client that will be reading/writing database records… I do appreciate the advice, and I will do some reading on openvpb before I go any further. Again, thanks!17:44
Opiniemaps_, I'm familiar with openerp and odoo, not xTuple though17:45
maps_Opinie, one last thing, is 'open port' and 'port forwarding' the same thing?17:47
maps_Opinie, if not, are they equally dangerous?17:47
Opiniethey're the same thing17:47
maps_Opinie, alright. Once again I appreciate the advice. I've already found some posts written about openvpn related to xtuple, so I will for sure be doing some reading, and this may be the route that I choose to go… Thank you!17:49
Opiniemaps_, are trying to set up an erp server for some sort of an organization or something?17:49
maps_Opinie, yes! a resale and distribution company, together with a  couple of friends.17:51
Opiniemaps_, might be worth a go to apt-get openerp, though it is an outdated version of odoo, to see, if it meets your needs17:52
RaoulCode   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER RaoulCode uaqmniblrknp17:52
maps_Opinie, I had done some reading about openerp and a few other ERP systems… but it looked like the free version of xTuple had more to offer than the others17:54
k1l_RaoulCode: please stop that17:56
Locke2002Anyone know why I can connect to a service running on a port when my UFW isn't permitting that port? Something is weird here...18:02
Blackbolt22Hey guys I'm looking for some simple help with USB flash drive and permissions18:06
lyzeask | Blackbolt2218:07
lyze!ask | Blackbolt2218:07
ubottuBlackbolt22: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:07
Blackbolt22I'm using Ubuntu Linux booting from a flash drive..  Its automounting read only as /media/ubuntu/Dexxxxxx18:08
Blackbolt22Its vfat so I did dosfsck and it had a dirtybit and that was fixed18:10
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Blackbolt22How do I get it to automount full access  I tried chmod 777 the directory  no luck.. Chown I can't do because I'm not root and even if I sudo chown it says operation not possible or something like thst18:12
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=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
deitarionHas anyone else using Pidgin with IRC been getting frequent "Connection reset by peer" disconnects lately? I have since some time yesterday and it seems very specific to Pidgin.18:16
deitarion(Less frequent disconnect/reconnects on other protocols, nothing wrong in other apps... I'm testing with irssi right now and it seems fine)18:16
francis_Can anyone help me setting up outgoing NAT on my Ubuntu server?18:17
francis_I have an IP tables rule to forward traffic from eth0 to a private IP address depending on the destination IP address18:18
francis_But does anyone know how to go backwards through NAT?18:18
francis_Here's my question on StackOverflow, if anyone could take a look that'd be great! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28953922/ip-tables-2-way-nat18:19
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mvalley1978can i get zorin os support here18:26
k1l_mvalley1978: no. please seek the zorin support for that18:26
mvalley1978can i get the room tag for it18:27
k1l_!alis | mvalley197818:28
ubottumvalley1978: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:28
sansayHey guys, is there a way to test an apparmor config before reloading it? to make sure i dont break anything18:28
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solsTiCehi. I have jsut bought a wifi N150 TEW-648UBM. And when I plug it in, network manager applet disable the wifi! when I look at rfkill list, the device is hard blocked! why ?18:29
Guest84511Put your hand up if you have Minecraft me I am installing Windows xp18:29
PiciGuest84511: Do you have an Ubuntu question?18:29
Guest84511Our we all useing Linux I am useing Mac os x18:30
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lyzexchat server?18:31
bazhangtry #xchat Guest8451118:31
dsc_^ this means my ram is fine right18:32
dsc_not 100% usage.. just 4gb used for caching18:32
Picidsc_: correct18:33
DrewFmStateFarmError mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/stark/something_catchy: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sdb1" "/media/stark/something_catchy"' exited with non-zero exit status 13: $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).18:35
DrewFmStateFarmFailed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Input/output error18:35
DrewFmStateFarmNTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a18:35
DrewFmStateFarmSoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows18:35
DrewFmStateFarmthen reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very18:35
DrewFmStateFarmimportant! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate18:35
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest4548
belgianguyI have a question related to Ubuntu Touch, is there a specific channel for that?18:42
DrewFmStateFarmhttp://pastie.org/10016771 I get this error when i plug my USB into my computer18:43
Blackbolt22Anyone have any idea how to help. Me with what I asked18:45
refectionblackbolt i'm a newbie i'm sorry, but i'll repost what you said. (that's very good of you to be super-careful about spamming)18:46
refectionblackbolt22's question:18:46
refectionHow do I get it to automount full access  I tried chmod 777 the directory  no luck.. Chown I can't do because I'm not root and even if I sudo chown it says operation not possible or something like thst18:47
Blackbolt22Thank you I'm on mobile so it's difficult to retype18:47
lyzeBlackbolt22: so whats the error when using sudo chown ?18:48
dellhey morons18:48
lyze!ops | dell18:48
ubottudell: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang18:48
Blackbolt22Operation not possible18:48
delloh morons!!!18:48
lyzeBlackbolt22: something else?18:48
elkydell: that's not how we greet people here thanks. please read the guidelines18:49
dellhey idiots18:49
lyzeBlackbolt22: or just operation not possible18:49
dellhow do you retards do18:49
lyzeyeah totally :)18:50
popeymoving on..18:50
Blackbolt22I can't recall exactly  and its pouring raining I brought the laptop with me but my truck is filled with boxes that are on the laptop so I can't open to see exact18:50
Blackbolt22Says operation not permitted18:50
Blackbolt22I searched it before I came here...18:51
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: What is the result of `lsusb'?18:51
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lyzehow does one delete everything you have written in irssi?18:51
_war10ck_lyze: / clear <- without the space between the / and clear18:52
lyze_war10ck_: not the whole screen just the input of myself18:52
Blackbolt22Let me boot it and try the command u said18:53
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Blackbolt22Warlock what result were you looking for..  I see the USB drive..18:56
lyzeBlackbolt22: pastebin it18:56
Blackbolt22I can't at this time18:56
lyzeBlackbolt22: can you make a photo w/ your phone or sth like that and upload it to imgur?18:57
Blackbolt22All of the files are there and it shows up as normal18:57
mines5Has anyone got any experience with losing audio in Video and VLC?18:57
lyzemines5: only in vlc?18:57
Blackbolt22Ya I will when I can18:57
lyzemines5: in other applications too (e.g. firefox)?18:58
mines5I haven't checked firefox yet, but rhythmbox still works18:58
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: When you upload a screenshot/something of that sort, do let me know18:58
lyzemines5: do you have changed the settings in vlc?18:58
mines5Not that I know of, and firefox does work18:58
lyzemines5: can you still have a short look at the settings of vlc?18:59
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: I have a feel your device is not recognized/not updated properly in the fstab18:59
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_war10ck_Blackbolt22: install ntfsprogs program by running : `sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs'19:02
in_deep_thoughtany recommendations for laptops with really high dpi (retina display level) that run ubuntu well and are cheap ( i don’t need much power)19:02
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: After that run sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb119:02
bekksin_deep_thought: The only laptops with retina display level are Macbook Pro with Retina.19:02
Blackbolt22I don't have net on it..  I'm in a truck19:03
in_deep_thoughtbekks: what about close to retina display level?19:03
ioriaBlackbolt22, check if  you  have  an entry in fstab file19:03
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: When you have a proper internet connection you can do it19:03
bekksin_deep_thought: Basically there is nothing close to it.19:03
Blackbolt22There has to be something simple to fix this without. Downloading...19:03
mines5Look on amazon or google for laptop models with what you want.19:03
in_deep_thoughtbekks: wow that suxs.19:03
_war10ck_ioria: I think the device was unplugged while it was performing some operation on itself19:03
_war10ck_ioria: resulting in something going bad19:04
in_deep_thoughtmines5: they don’t really search by high retina display, runs ubuntu well, low power, cheap19:04
mines5woops ignore that19:04
_war10ck_ioria : ntfs3g can fix this I believe19:04
mines5in_deep_thought: the problem you'll have is that you require a certain amount of power to run in retina/4k levels for displays19:05
in_deep_thoughtmines5: oh I meant processing power19:05
Blackbolt22Warlock can I check fstab... For something19:05
bekksin_deep_thought: (reasonable processing power && retina ) != cheap.19:05
in_deep_thoughtbekks: I don’t need reasonable processing power19:06
bekksin_deep_thought: you need it otherwise retina is pointless.19:06
mines5I'd say you need at least a newer generation i3 at least19:06
bekksThats the minimum that Apple ships.19:06
in_deep_thoughtaren’t there any non macs built for people who do graphics work (web design, etc)?19:07
bekksin_deep_thought: Retina is shipped by Apple only.19:07
in_deep_thoughtI shouldn’t have said retina. I mean high dpi19:07
mines5If you want high definition image your looking for 1080p or 4k19:08
in_deep_thoughtman. are high def displays that hard to make that only super-financed power companies like apple can manage to make them?19:09
lyzein_deep_thought: the funny thing is that my lg g3 has a 4k resolution19:09
mines5No, you just need a specific amount of power to utilize them properly19:09
in_deep_thoughtor is it that only apple bothers to make them19:09
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: I am not sure what to look at in fstab, the only thing I had changed was for the XT1033 reading19:09
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: Hold on, let me check what should be present19:10
in_deep_thoughtlyze: seriously. why not a screen too??19:10
in_deep_thoughtlaptop screen19:10
lyzein_deep_thought: i dont know :) why do you need a laptop with 4k resolution. for myself i find it very hard to read 1080p on a 15" laptop so i cant imagine reading something w/ 4k on a 17" screen19:11
SCHAAP137there's dpi settings for text19:11
SCHAAP137the rest can only look better19:11
in_deep_thoughtlyze: idk actually. I have just noticed that any time I am doing web desing/graphic design I much prefer my macbook. However I prefer ubuntu’s operating system. I wish I could just use that19:11
lyzeSCHAAP137: but some software wont use those settings19:11
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: run sudo blkid on your terminal and check the UUID for your device, sdb1 in your case I guess19:12
lyzein_deep_thought:  dual boot?19:12
SCHAAP137true, but at some point that software will have to face reality19:12
in_deep_thoughtplus I would rather not pay macbook prices. I don’t feel like they are necessary for just that functionality19:12
mines5at lyze's comment19:12
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: After that view /etc/fstab for the UUID presence19:12
mines5You can boot any OS on a mac as long as you understand how to install them19:12
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fattaneh1hi all, i cant understand the meaning of pts/0 when i run ps command19:13
in_deep_thoughtmannnnn. I was hoping the answer to this conundrum wasn’t gonna be “buy another mac”. but I guess it is...19:13
mines5but I think Ubuntu as with all linux builds probably has to come last so that the GRUB bootloader doesn't get overwritten19:13
lyzein_deep_thought: why dont you use your mac which you have right now?19:13
in_deep_thoughtlyze: haha its actually my work mac. I need one for personal use19:13
lyzein_deep_thought: oh that sucks19:14
SCHAAP137that's the tty/console fattaneh1, it indicates which tty/console you're viewing19:14
mines5What kind of specs are you looking for deep?19:14
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: For more information on the fstab file contents, read this link : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab19:14
in_deep_thoughti3 dual core ssd (any size), some ram but I really don’t need that much19:14
mines5Or I guess the question is, what do you want the computer to do for you?19:14
fattaneh1SCHAAP137: thanks, so what is a tty19:15
in_deep_thoughtjust website design/graphic design with a pleasant viewing experience19:15
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Blackbolt22There's nothing in fstab except overlayfs.........19:15
GreenteaHey guys, I currently have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on my laptop and I noticed that my computer is so much faster, than when I had 14.04 installed. is there any particular rrereason for this?19:15
mines5then a 1080p would be perfectly fine for screen resolution then19:15
Blackbolt22Its a live USB19:16
fattaneh1SCHAAP137: is it terminal, then what is the difrents between tty and pts?19:16
I-am-GrootI am Back19:16
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: Mine looks like this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10576288/19:16
lyzeGreentea: does 12,04 uses unity?19:16
mines512.04 may have less programming running in the backround19:16
syriuslyze: yeah it does19:16
lyzethen i dont know why :)19:16
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: That's my fstab, how's your looking19:16
syriusGreentea: the initial kernel w/ 14.04 was not very popular for various reasons. could partially explain performance19:17
syriusI'm not sure if they've pushed through a better one yet19:17
syriusI'm still on 12.04 on my main machine19:17
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: And my sudo blkid : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10576301/19:17
mines514.04 is the LTS build19:17
Greenteasyrius: Should i just stick with 12.04 then? Or am i missing out on key security patches and updates. I mean 14.04 isnt that slow, just slower than 12.0419:17
syriusGreentea: 12.04 is LTS. it still gets security patches19:18
mines514.10 is what you should use if you want the new version19:18
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: How's your looking?19:18
I-am-GrootLyze, k1l_: i have reinstalled the intel xserver thingy again19:18
mines5its not LTS, but you can install a newer version over top of it19:18
lyzeI-am-Groot:  QQ19:18
PrigitGreentea: If you had 12.04 and upgraded to 14.04. The reason is that  14.04 has huge updates and have long term support up to 5 years :)19:18
syriusGreentea: 12.04 is LTS until 2017, at which point will be end of life19:18
I-am-GrootI tried watching a video and it was playing in frames19:19
I-am-Grootgames were lagging as hell19:19
syriusi wouldn't do any .10 releases tbh. too much of a headache when it goes end of life19:19
I-am-GrootSo i reinstalled it19:19
I-am-GrootIt was unusable19:19
lyzeI-am-Groot: yeah thats true19:19
PrigitWhat was unusable?19:19
lyzeI-am-Groot: why didn't you use the additional drivers menu?19:19
GreenteaThanks for all the input guys, so if i stay on 12.04, and install the updates, wouldnt it be the same as if I was on 14.10?19:19
lyzeGreentea: no19:19
I-am-GrootI tried but it didnt find any drivers19:20
lyzeGreentea: you don't get the same updates.19:20
lyzeI-am-Groot: ...19:20
mines512.04 will only take the updates made for it19:20
_war10ck_Greentea: The kernel versions are different19:20
Prigit14.10 is basically the final version of Ubuntu19:20
tripelbHello. 14.04 with an nvidia card that has the nouveau driver and keeps ditching the gui. First question. I know how to get to a cli screen where I can login but then how do I kill the running gui. THen how do I restart the gnome-classic gui (that I have been using all along. - FYI the same crash of the gui from nouveau (a well logged problem) happens in unity.)19:20
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ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:21
_war10ck_tripelb: ?dm is actually lightdm19:21
_war10ck_tripelb: don't get confused with that19:21
_war10ck_lyze: I did not know ubottu had that with it19:22
lyze_war10ck_: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi :)19:22
tripelb_war10ck_, let me read it and see what it says.19:22
I-am-GrootSo, i am hoping my graphic glitch was as a result of swap being inactive19:22
I-am-GrootOr else, i would have to go on and do a fresh install of ubuntu19:23
Blackbolt22No my fstab has none of that..  Its a live USB tho19:24
PrigitYes, that's what i sad earlier that day I-am-Groot19:24
Blackbolt22Read up I said what my fstab had19:24
lyzei told I-am-Groot  the same :) Prigit19:24
Blackbolt22Lemme run blkid19:25
I-am-GrootPrigit: I pray it was the fstab so that i dont have reinstall19:25
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: I did not see your name :(19:25
I-am-GrootYea u both did19:25
PrigitThanks buddy :)19:25
mines5So, getting back to my earlier question, does anyone have any insight into to fix the audio for VLC and Video on Ubuntu?19:25
I-am-Groot*fingers crossed*19:26
Prigitmines5: the easy way is to reinstall both of them :)19:26
Blackbolt22The drive is uuid =de9d-7998  and type=vfat19:26
tripelb_war10ck_,  lyze: How do I find out if the gui is still running and if it is, kill it. I know how to do top. THere is a ps command but I dont remember the -particular-controls19:26
I-am-Grootmines5 has reminded me, does the video app get updated at all?19:26
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: Does fstab have this listing?19:27
lyze!x | tripelb19:27
ubottutripelb: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:27
I-am-GrootBecause there are new codecs that it doesnt support19:27
mines5Not sure, it just has codecs for certain kinds of files.19:27
mines5I tried reinstalling Video, it did nothing.19:27
I-am-GrootSame here19:27
PrigitWhat''s the problem then?19:27
cheekolihow might I add key bindings to increase/decrease the number of workspaces in unity on the fly? is that possible?19:28
mines5Mine has to do with audio not coming through when I use it19:28
PrigitDo you have installed correct driver?19:28
I-am-Grootthere is this codec called x265. When ever i try to watch it, it just crashes19:29
tripelb_war10ck_,  lyze: Because as far as I understand it is still running but crippled and I can see that is keeps trying because it prints out errors in the cli (they have the words xorg and nouveau in them and are well logged. ) ---> first I want to learn how to restart the gui after it gets errors and see if it dies immediately to see if it has anything to do with a warmed up graphics card ---19:29
I-am-GrootSo i updated vlc's codecs from then, vlc plays it fine19:29
lyzetripelb: well so the process is running on a cli? if thats the case then kill it w/ ctrl+c and then start it again with "startx"19:30
PrigitAnd yes, if you have LTS version of ubuntu, use software update, and you should have all your programs up-to-date :)19:30
tripelb_war10ck_,  lyze:  After that I will "attack" the problem of how I can install the new proprietary driver I have downloaded from nvidia.)19:30
mines5I think so, I have decided to let linux do that for itself, the last time I tried installing the specific driver for the sound but it killed the actual driver19:30
_war10ck_tripelb: Are you using Bumblebee?19:31
I-am-GrootBut since the video app is responsible for video thumbnails and isnt able to play the file, it keeps crashing once am in the directory that holds a file with x265 encoding19:31
Prigitlook up the browser using the code x265, you should get the answer :)19:32
Blackbolt22Again fstab has nothing but the line I typed earlier19:32
Blackbolt22And I don't think it ever has..  I've added a ram disk line and it'd always looked like this I think19:33
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: Okay hold on - the fix is, I think with that ntfsfix, but let me check somethig on my system19:33
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tripelblyze re "the process is running on a cli? [It starts with the gui that then freezes. I press altF2 and get to a cli. SO I want to restart the gui. But it seems to be a good idea to make sure it is not still running as I suspect it is.   lyze: continues: if thats the case then kill it w/ ctrl+c and then start it again with "startx" <---  shoulc I do this instead of going alt-F2 ?19:34
PrigitHello new people19:34
tripelbSeparate question: How do I get the network indicator (fan thing that fills with horiz lines and menu) up on my panel again? gnome-classic 14.0419:35
mines5you mean the little image on the top bar that shows the level of signal?19:36
lyzetripelb, the cli is alt+f# (except the gui server)19:36
mines5the gui usually ends up be F7 I think19:36
lyzebut mine is on f1 so i write f# (except the gui server ;) )19:37
bazhanggnome-applets tripelb ? that one?19:37
lyzemines5: which ubu version do you use?19:37
mines5lyze: currently using 14.1019:37
tripelbmine5 yes, and it gives a menu that includes what wifi signals are around and lets you shut off networking19:38
tripelbLets say I am in the gui (xwindowing system). How do I close the Gui. Obviously then I will be in a cli.19:39
mines5I'd suggest installing unity-tweak-tool19:39
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: fstab doesn't get updated for USB drives, but blkid does19:39
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: now, just check if you have ntfsfix command available19:40
_war10ck_Blackbolt22: If you do, can you run sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb119:40
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lyze,omlet sudo service lightdm restart19:40
lyzein a cli / tty whatever you want to call it ;)19:40
_war10ck_lyze: and you made me hungry19:41
lyze_war10ck_: why? :)19:41
dingushello, booted from my usb backup. systemback works very well. haha19:42
kro2488ok so on my windows 8 laptop, i accidentally deleted the boot from usb option, and doing a default bios reset didn't change it back, i only have one boot option now is windows, how do I fix this so I can instlal linux on my laptop as well?19:49
kro2488i'm totally at a loss19:49
tripelblyze what does this do and was it for me. <lyze> ,omlet sudo service lightdm restart19:49
Blackbolt22Bios is not same as boot options when it comes to OSs19:49
OerHeks" accidentally deleted the boot from usb option" no such thing AFAIK19:50
kro2488well normally you go into the uefi and set boot option to usb19:50
lyze!info service | tripelb19:50
ubottutripelb: Package service does not exist in utopic19:50
kro2488i cant do that now19:50
MadLambi'm trying to downgrade from mysql-server-5.6 to mysql-server-5.5 and it is returning dpkg: error processing archive mysql-server-5.5_5.5.41-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb19:50
lyzetripelb: service accesses every service in your os. lightdm is the gui thingy, restart restarts the given service19:50
bekksMadLamb: Whats the complete output, can you pastebin it please and provide the URL?19:50
OerHekskro2488, disable fastboot in windows might help19:50
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:51
kro2488i dont think you guys are understanding what i'm saying19:51
BrunoMhi all!19:51
BrunoMTrying to setup DHCP on my proxmox internal network, somehow, no IP leases yet :(19:52
BrunoMAlso, configuring static IP on eth0 doesnt seem to work as well :S19:52
BrunoManyone bored enough to help me out ?19:52
lyzeBrunoM: how do you have configured your static ip?19:52
kro2488blackbolt did you see my pm?19:53
BrunoM/etc/network/interfaces.tail  <<  auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway
lyze!pm | kro248819:53
ubottukro2488: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.19:53
BrunoMlyze ^^19:53
bekksBrunoM: All in one line will not work. Pastebin that file please.19:53
kro2488ok on my laptop i only have one boot option now19:54
kro2488which is windows19:54
lyzeBrunoM: yeah please pastebin it19:54
BrunoMsorry, will do19:54
kro2488how do i create a new filepath for usb boot19:54
kro2488in uefi19:54
tripelbI cant get hexchat to highlight my nick tho the preferences says it does it by dafault. But I just messed with it and now I get a ding. -- lyze I will try to think of what that means by trying it ought. Thus you may see me suddenly vanish. This after I finish copying our convo into a gedit file for later.19:54
lyzekro2488: it should detect it automatically when you go into your bootoptions19:54
BrunoMlyze bekks  http://pastebin.com/zYEVtrjK19:54
kro2488lyze:it doesn't im telling you i accidentally deleted that option i used to have two boot options19:55
kro2488lyze:windows and usb etc19:55
kro2488lyze:now its just windows19:55
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lyzetripelb: im not vanished19:55
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lyzetripelb: you can access with the service command every service. a service is sth like a webserver or the gui server. and with the restart parameter you restart this service19:56
kro2488lyze: i realize this probably doesn't happen everyday sooo19:56
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lyzekro2488: can you show me a photo of the screen you talk from?19:56
tripelblyze: I will vanish (from your sight) if I succeed in killing the gui from terminal.19:56
MadLambbekks, http://pastebin.com/EkekfE7x19:56
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lyzetripelb: ok :)19:56
kro2488lyze: im on my desktop now, but ill turn on my laptop and see if i can get a decent quality photo19:57
bekksMadLamb: So read the messages closely, they tell you what to do.19:57
lyzetripelb: or use a terminal irc chat (e.g. irssi)19:57
lyzekro2488:  ok19:57
BrunoMlyze bekks  http://pastebin.com/zYEVtrjK19:57
lyzethe person with the network problems. auto eth0 -> configures everything automatically = dhcp19:57
BrunoMlyze that would be me19:58
MadLambbekks, it says to remove a file and try to install again. i did it and got same message19:58
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lyzeBrunoM: yeah :19:58
lyzeforgot your name19:58
ioriaBrunoM,  dns maybe ?19:58
BrunoMit's an internal network only, no name resolution needed/available.19:58
tripelblyze: i can install that good idea. then I will need to learn to use it. lol. I remember using the command "irc" long long ago. I had no gui then, unless you counted windows.19:58
tripelbirc was a putty telnet command. . . after I got a shell19:59
tripelbfrom my ISP19:59
lyzetripelb: its simple with default use just type in "/connect <ip>" "/nick <name>" and "/join #<channel>" everything else is advanced ;)19:59
kro2488lyze:i took a screenshot with my cell phone, what is the best way to get it to you?19:59
lyzekro2488: imgur19:59
BrunoMlyze what should I make it then, I thought that iface eth0 inet static was the configuration for static or dynamic settings?19:59
kro2488lyze:what is that?20:00
lyzekro2488: http://www.imgur.com20:00
lyzekro2488: a website where you can upload images20:00
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lyzeBrunoM: oh sorry20:00
sokollis there a way to check a whole ubuntu server for all directories that have a particular group assigned to them?20:01
kro2488lyze: ok im going to email to myself then use that20:01
Picisokoll: yes, using find,.20:01
lyzekro2488: example uploaded to the site: http://i.imgur.com/uM1FcMZ.png20:01
tripelbOh those I already well know /server /join /list /msg /nick /whois /whowas /knock /invite /part /exit (or is it /quit?) = my repertoire.20:01
sokollPici: what's the best syntax to use?20:01
lyzetripelb: thats the irc chat gui (a bit customized) http://i.imgur.com/uM1FcMZ.png20:01
Picisokoll: find / -type d -group whatever20:01
BrunoMsokoll I think you can use FIND for that20:02
sokolljust sudo find / -name [groupname]20:02
lyzeBrunoM: can you post the pastebin command again?20:02
Picisokoll: -name is for filename20:02
lyze* url20:02
BrunoMlyze http://pastebin.com/zYEVtrjK20:02
sokoll-type d = directory20:02
Picisokoll: yes20:02
sokolldo you need the - in front of the groupname?20:02
lyzeBrunoM: did you "sudo ifdown eth0" and "sudo ifup eth0"?20:03
BrunoMeven rebooted the entire machine20:03
kro2488lyze: http://imgur.com/iJxnmqf20:03
ioriaBrunoM,  sorry, but the netmask shouldn't be ?20:03
kro2488lyze: and the usb was in there when i took the pic20:04
lyzekro2488: add new boot option20:04
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BrunoMioria when using a CLASS C network only then yeah.20:04
BrunoMioria But I am using a CLASS A network, broadcasting on some more levels here.20:04
sokollhmm none of the commands seem to work20:04
ioriaBrunoM,  ah... ok  :-)20:04
sokoll"Arguments to -type should contain only one letter"20:04
kro2488lyze: im at the menu, it would be better if you pm me for the rest20:04
lyzekro2488: ok20:05
kro2488to mcuh stuff pops up between20:05
rypervencheWhy are you using such a large netmask?20:05
designbybeckI have XRDP running on a server and I can ssh into it, but I can't VNC into it with Remmina...might I be missing something?20:05
bpromptsokoll:    <Pici> sokoll: find / -type d -group whatever  -name ENTERFILENAMEHERE <--- should work20:05
mrchairmanI have a directory with tons files like this ~test.txt, how do I recursively delete all the files that start with ~20:05
designbybeckand It has XCFE DE on it20:05
Picibprompt: assuming that you want to limit it to specific directory names, sure.20:06
BrunoMrypervenche internal network will be vpn tunneling to several other networks over the globe. need to have a wider range available20:06
sokollbprompt: yeah but I'm not looking for a file20:06
rypervencheBrunoM: mkay20:06
BrunoM"find / -type d -group <groupname>" should be sufficient for you sokoll20:06
bpromptsokoll:   ohh.. directories with a certain usergroup20:07
BrunoMrypervenche I know I could use a smaller range as well, but this is not the issue at hand :)20:07
rypervencheBrunoM: Yep, that's why I quieted down :)20:07
bpromptsokoll:     k -> <Pici> sokoll: find / -type d -group whatever  <--  as suggested20:07
sokollBrunoM: that seems to have done something more productive20:07
BrunoMrypervenche I wasnt bashing you just wanted to explain some more, I appreciate your feedback ;-)20:08
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lyzeanybody knows how to add a boot entry in a asus bios?20:10
NegativeFlarelyze: you mean grub right?20:11
lyzeNegativeFlare: negative. bios settings20:11
NegativeFlareTotally confused xD20:11
lyzeNegativeFlare:  there http://i.imgur.com/iJxnmqf.jpg20:11
NegativeFlareThat's boot option.20:12
lyzeyeah and i want to add one20:12
lyzebecause i have accidentally deleted one20:12
NegativeFlareI have no idea what to tell you.20:12
lyzeok :)20:12
VidjaJameswhat does this error mean? ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000001828-0x000000000000182f SystemIO conflicts with Region \PMIO 1 (20121018/utaddress-251)20:13
OerHeksVidjaJames, a warning is not an error, it is just a message20:14
donniezazenI was wondering which version of Ubuntu would be more suitable for a system that is used for both work and entertainment. Should I expect normal releases to be less stable and brokage prone?20:14
donniezazenShould I choose LTS or normal release?20:14
OerHeksVidjaJames, if you have a lot like those, it might be an error/failure20:15
bpromptlyze:     why you need a boot entry in the cmos boot menu?20:15
NegativeFlaredonniezazen: If its a released, then you should be fine. Just remember to report bugs. For people can smash them.20:15
lyzebprompt: because i deleted a option out of there20:15
jpdsdonniezazen: LTS.20:15
NegativeFlaredonniezazen: Depends if you want when you want to upgrade.20:15
lyzeand now i can't select it20:15
NegativeFlareI don't mind upgrading every 6 months20:15
bpromptlyze:     ....ok.. how did you "deleted" it?20:15
lyzebprompt, by pressing the delete button in the same menu20:16
VidjaJames@OerHeks is that warning related to the graphics card?20:16
donniezazenNegativeFlare: upgrades are not a problem. I want to use the machine for both work and entertainment. 2 years between the releases make your system look dull.20:17
bpromptlyze:     not such option that I can think of, for a cmos menu, so... you think you deleted it... something happened... whatever that was... is sorta foggy thus far... neverminding the delete part... what happened, what did you have and now is not there?20:17
donniezazenjpds: Have you had any negative experiences with normal release that would prompt you to suggest LTS?20:18
Artemis3donniezazen im still using 12.04 and playing many steam games20:18
lyzebprompt: well i spoke for kro248820:18
lyzeso i guess now he should answer you20:18
OerHeksVidjaJames, an acpi error can be related to video, not sure if this is.20:18
bpromptlyze:    I see... ok.. so is kro2488  then, k20:18
lyzebprompt: yeah20:19
rypervenchedonniezazen: I would always suggest an LTS, personally.20:19
kro2488bprompt: i deleted the entire usb boot option in my laptop bios20:19
rypervenchedonniezazen: But it depends on what your needs are.20:19
kro2488by accident20:19
kro2488im trying to recreate it20:19
Artemis3donniezazen, mainly because the upgrade to 14.04 failes but whatever, not in a hurry for fresh install20:19
lyzebprompt: he can only select the given one on the photo but he wants to select the usb stick where he has currently ubuntu installed20:19
NegativeFlaredonniezazen: Then go with every new release20:20
NegativeFlarejust wait a little before you upgrade20:20
bpromptkro2488:     is your cmos booting, set to legacy CSM already?20:20
NegativeFlarelike a month, like I do. Because they end up fixing some of the bugs that people find out.20:20
bpromptkro2488:   usually such case doesn't happen, because such option is never there, so it's not deleted20:20
kro2488bprompt: legacy csm?20:21
OerHeksbprompt, maybe he enabled fastboot again20:21
kro2488fast boot i just disabled again, and csm is disabled as well20:21
kro2488but without usb boot its not going to work20:21
kro2488it will just boot windows again20:21
kro2488no matter what i do20:21
bpromptkro2488:    on some systems though, you need to boot with the usb stick inserted already in the usb-port, go to the cmos menu and choose it from the boot sequence, IF the usb is already plugged in at the time of the bootup, it shows up in the cmos boot sequence section, if not, it doesn't20:21
donniezazenrypervenche: Basically, I need the machine for Android development. I also use the machine for personal purposes and for that reason updated software is preference. If the LTS version carries a bug than that doesn't get fixed as version upgrades aren't allowed.20:22
kro2488ill restart the computer again but i doubt it does anything bpromt20:22
kro2488do i want launch csm enabled or disabled?20:22
kro2488fast boot is disabled20:22
Artemis3use all legacy modes you find in bios, no fast boot either20:22
bpromptkro2488:    bear in mind that if legacy CSM is not enabled in cmos, it may not do a usb-bootup, I've seen that in Toshiba's20:22
moniessHi guys i need some help20:22
NegativeFlare!ask | moniess20:23
ubottumoniess: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:23
kro2488i dont see "legacy" csm20:23
bpromptkro2488:    or CSM something, check boot section20:23
bpromptit  might be called a bit differently20:23
kro2488ok i found the usb configuration menu its in a different spot than boot order20:23
moniessHow can I keep on Cairo-Dock after shutdown the computer and when I turn it on to be still running ?20:23
kro2488legacy is enabled20:23
NegativeFlaremoniess: Look in the settings, there's probably something about startup. I know there is in XFCE420:24
bpromptkro2488:     i assume this -> http://i.imgur.com/iJxnmqf.jpg  <- isn't your screen, right?20:24
moniessokay cause i searched and i couldnt find it . Thanks !!!20:25
NegativeFlaremoniess: let me know if you need more help with it. I'm a little rusty with Unity.20:25
kro2488bprompt: it was when i was trying to make a new usb boot path cuz teh old oen is gone20:25
sokollcan you recursively assign a group to a directory and all subdirectories?20:25
lyzesokoll:  -R parameter20:26
NegativeFlaresokoll: chown -Rv user:group <directory>20:26
Artemis3kro2488, can you get to the boot device menu? sometimes f11, or f10, or some other key, having the usb thumb plugged should show the device20:26
bpromptsokoll:     chmod -R20:26
sokollNegativeFlare: -Rv?20:26
NegativeFlareR for recursive20:26
kro2488Artemis3 it doesnt show it on the boot device menu anymore20:26
NegativeFlarev for verbose20:26
kro2488i accidentally DELETED it20:26
sokollah so it would show the sub directories I'm editing too?20:26
Artemis3kro2488, no thats not possible, you just moved a setting or try plug to another port20:27
NegativeFlaresokoll: I'm sorry, its a habit I have as a IT person, I always like seeing the verbose results.20:27
bpromptkro2488:    ok.. give a shot of booting up with the usb-stick already plugged in, and check in the cmos/setup section to see if it shows up as a bootup option20:28
kro2488Artemis3: OK ill tty a different usb port and yes bprompt: ill goo back to uefi with it plugged in20:28
kro2488but it wont let me tell it to boot from it20:28
Artemis3there is also an option in boot settings, "boot from usb", or "boot legacy", or "boot removable"20:28
kro2488.... i dont have that option anymore artemis its gone, i used to have it then i accidentally deleted it20:29
kro2488its toast20:29
Artemis3i also remember some bios show boot uefi usb AND boot legacy usb20:29
Artemis3ie they show two entries for every device20:29
ToastNow we just need to find butter.20:29
Blackbolt22Warlock are you there20:30
Blackbolt22Lol dang  can anyone else help me20:30
tripelblyze that black screen with highlights is awesome. I hope the howto do that is in the info that I have collected and saved (or in that blackbackground window of yours.) -- very cool.20:30
kro2488sigh if i cant figure this out, whast is an easy way to just reinstall windows on my laptop it doesnt have cd drive btw20:30
lyzetripelb: which blackscreen?20:31
Blackbolt22My issue is my flash drive is read only and its being automounted as that20:31
Artemis3kro2488, booting from the usb you can't boot from :320:31
tripelblyze this one http://i.imgur.com/uM1FcMZ.png20:31
lyzetripelb: ah :)20:31
tripelbI had complained that when you use my nick I dont see a highlight.20:31
Artemis3kro2488, whats the model of the thing?20:31
lyzetripelb: tripelb yeah :)20:32
lyzetripelb: i could send you a whole configuration of irssi20:32
BrunoMkro2488 easiest way is usb20:32
lyzetripelb: which has everything setup correctly and some usefull plugins installed :)20:32
tripelblyze may I pm you please?20:32
lyzetripelb: yeah sure20:33
kro2488Artemis: its an asus laptop X202E20:33
kro2488also known as AR5B12520:33
lyzetripelb: created a query with you20:33
Amm0nkro2488, how did you delete the usb entry from your bios?20:34
kro2488Ammon: accidentally hit delete key then yes20:34
BrunoMkro2488 very very accidentally xD20:34
Amm0nkro2488, in the bios?20:34
kro2488yes in the bios20:35
Artemis3kro2488, follow this http://www.linlap.com/asus_s202e20:35
BrunoMlyze, i am curious about your irrsi setup actually, got screenshot ?20:35
kro2488ehhh it wont work cuz i cant boot from usb now20:35
lyzeBrunoM: http://i.imgur.com/uM1FcMZ.png20:36
lyzeBrunoM: just installed it today :)20:36
bpromptkro2488:    ok.. give a shot of booting up with the usb-stick already plugged in, and check in the cmos/setup section to see if it shows up as a bootup option20:36
kro2488bprompt:it doesnt i've tried every port20:36
kro2488will only show windows boot option now20:37
kro2488and its option one20:37
BrunoMlyze do you use NotifyOSD support ?20:37
kro2488before i had two options20:37
kro2488windows, and usb/drive etc20:37
lyzeBrunoM: no whats this?20:37
Artemis3kro2488, did you follow the guide?20:37
BrunoMlyze http://www.codealpha.net/215/script-irssi-ubuntu-notify-osd-notification-system/20:38
BrunoMlyze shows popups using the ubuntu notification system, when you have a new mention20:38
lyzeBrunoM: oh do you know if it works with arch to?20:38
bpromptkro2488:    after plugging it the usb-stick, and booting up, BEFORE going anywhere, did you try getting into setup > boot sequence? to see if the usb-stick shows up as an option there? as opposed to simply try to boot up the usb-stick20:38
lyzeBrunoM: using a manjaro currently because it works better with my setup20:38
kro2488bpromt: the usb DOES NOT SHOW UP in boot options anymore20:39
OerHekskro2488, contact the vendor20:39
BrunoMlyze I know of some modifications on the same file, like the second one in this post: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=11820820:39
kro2488bprompt: http://i.imgur.com/iJxnmqf.jpg20:40
bpromptkro2488:   did you go into setup > boot sequence?  after booting up with the usb-stick plugged in20:40
Artemis3kro2488, or try another stick, might have just died on you20:40
lyzebrodul: thanks :)20:40
bpromptkro2488:    saw that, just wondering20:40
BrunoMworks awesome, since I use a dropdown terminal it's nice to be able to get notifications when you are "outside" your terminal.20:40
kro2488but yeah ill call them later in the week20:40
bpromptkro2488:    just to be clear, you never deleted that option, is not an option from "setup" screens20:40
BrunoMlyze it's also possible to do so with remote connections, if for example you are connected to a server over ssh or something, but that would require modification of the plugin as well, and I havent got those.20:40
kro2488is there a way to force it to boot usb from the command prompt?20:41
kro2488if its not really totally gone as an option20:41
kro2488but i think it is20:41
lyzeBrunoM: yeah ok thats no use for me but thanks for the info :)20:41
BrunoMkro2488 it's not really gone, you cannot delete that ;)20:41
BrunoMkro2488 try pressing f8 or f11 or f12 during boot time.,20:41
kro2488brunom: so just deleted the way to access it?20:41
bpromptkro2488:      sorta chcken and egg issue, in order to do that, you'd need a command prompt firstly, and for that, you'd need to be booted in already20:41
kro2488i can get to windows fine20:42
BrunoMkro2488 I always just bash all of these keys after each other when booting.20:42
kro2488i can also boot to command prompt20:42
lyzedoes anybody know if i can restore a closed file from geany?!20:42
lyzeaccidentaly closed the file but i didnt save20:42
bpromptlyze:     a closed file?   as in a buffer you didn't save?20:42
Artemis3boot prompt menu changes its not even funny, how come manufacturers don't settle with one, almost everyone uses f12 for lan boot20:42
BrunoMlyze once it's out the buffer, it's gone.20:42
lyzebprompt: yeah a closed file. not in the buffer anymore20:42
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kro2488in my windows 8 artemis20:43
kro2488you have to go into windows first20:43
kro2488then go to advanced startup options20:43
kro2488i dont mash keys from the begining20:43
kro2488but you get to the same spot20:43
kro2488just have to restart first20:43
Artemis3kro2488, that only works with fast boot20:43
lyzeBrunoM:  :(20:43
kro2488fast boot is disabled20:43
kro2488it works either way20:43
lyzeBrunoM: also do i need to edit the file (excluding the path from the image)?20:43
kro2488you dont have a message flash up that say ssomething like20:44
kro2488press f whatever for bios20:44
kro2488like on my desktop i do20:44
kro2488its f1220:44
kro2488not on the laptop20:44
Artemis3kro2488, but, its possible to override windows idiocy removing the battery, i have done it before, but you should not :320:44
kro2488whoa whoa, battery?20:44
kro2488why are we talking about batteries now20:44
Artemis3kro2488, its a matter of forcing windows shutdown, it loves to hibernate and such20:44
Artemis3kro2488, probably unrelated to your case20:45
kro2488yea well im never going back to windows20:45
bpromptlyze:    I don't see any autosave option in "preferences" in geany, thus I'd say, nope20:45
kro2488i love linux so far20:45
lyzebprompt: ok that sucks but thanks20:45
kro2488ill either just buy a cheap new  laptop or something and make sure im careful in bios next time20:45
kro2488ubuntu on desktop been that way for a few weeks now20:45
kro2488im learning20:46
Amm0nkro2488, did you try to load cmos defaults in bios?20:46
kro2488what other distros are good?20:46
Artemis3kro2488, see if you have fastboot, and you are in windows and try to shutdown, it kinda hibernates instead and there is a fast boot when the pc is turned on, bypassing the chance to enter bios. In that case you have to use that windows method, enter bios and disable those things20:46
bpromptkro2488:     what's your machine make and model?20:46
BrunoMlyze I think you are good to go with the code from the second post, BUT maybe it's better to go with the following: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/irssi-libnotify-git/20:46
kro2488faast boot is disabled artemis20:46
kro2488im looking at it20:46
Artemis3kro2488, safe boot?20:46
Artemis3trusted security whatever boot?20:46
BrunoMlyze I have not used it since ages, I went back to hex20:46
lyzeBrunoM: oh theres a aur for this thanks :)20:46
kro2488so boot in safe mode?20:47
kro2488i see nothing about safe boot20:47
lyzeBrunoM: i went from hex to irssi because i want to try some console programs :) starting to like those ^^20:47
Artemis3guide says, enter security and disable safe boot, point 4 of the guide i gave you20:47
BrunoMirssi is actually very fine, but I was using it over SSH, kinda limited the fun for me.20:47
kro2488i dont have the same options man20:48
kro2488pressing escape does nothing20:49
bpromptkro2488:     what's your machine make and model?20:49
daudiHi, I could do with some help, perhaps pointers to where to start. I was upgrading my laptop from 14.04 to 14.10, got called away and while I was away my laptop suspended part way through the upgrade. I've got a partial 14.10 system, but screen drivers are not working and wifi is not working. I've booted from a 14.10 livecd fine so I know that 14.10 should work. As I can't get wifi working is there anyway I can complete the up20:50
daudigrade using the livecd? Or am I going to have to wipe the system and do a fresh install?20:50
Artemis3oh its x202e nvm then20:50
kro2488bprompt: asus model number AR5B12520:50
kro2488looking on back20:50
kro2488also see20:50
kro2488q200 e in top left sticker lol20:51
Amm0nAR5B125 is your wlan chipset20:52
Artemis3kro2488, don't you have another stick to try with anyway?20:52
Artemis3kro2488, what if the thing just died?20:53
kro2488but hey im looking on unetbootin20:53
kro2488it works i plugged it into my desktop running linux now20:53
kro2488it recognizes the files on it etc20:53
Artemis3kro2488, ok.20:53
BrunoMguys, have fun fixing stuff, im out. be back in about 20 hours. cya!20:53
kro2488what is a netinstall of a distro?20:53
BrunoMkro2488 smallest installation starter available, will download all the required packages over your active internet connection during installation.20:54
BrunoMnote that you will NOT have a working linux distro available for booting from the usb.20:54
Artemis3kro2488, you set up a server and boot from that, not exactly noob friendly :3 but awesome if you set it up20:54
BrunoMhaving that said, ciaoo20:54
kro2488well can i use that to install linux on my windows laptop?20:54
Amm0nkro2488, http://askubuntu.com/questions/298074/trying-to-boot-from-usb-on-asus-q200e-bhi3t45-just-brings-me-to-grub-menu20:55
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Basketballi have a laptop hooked up to a vga monitor how can i set both to a resolution of 1024*768 from the terminal20:56
kro2488ammon:yup thats why i wsa trying to do20:56
kro2488then i went back in there to mess with other settings20:56
kro2488cuz it didnt work20:56
kro2488then accidentally deleted that option20:56
Artemis3secure boot is mentioned20:56
Artemis3get that DISABLED20:56
Amm0ntried the solution of the answer?20:57
bekksAnd disable fast boot as well.20:57
Enkidu_akIs there an alternate 14.10 image that comes with fdisk rather than partman?20:57
kro2488both are disabled20:57
kro2488you guys arent getting it20:57
Finetundrahello everyone, I'm having a very slow internet connection on an hp pavilion p6537c. would anyone happen to have any experience with this?20:57
kro2488i fucked up royally20:57
kro2488and no have only one singular boot option20:57
Artemis3kro2488, then change the boot order in the bios20:57
kro2488i cant anymore20:58
kro2488i only have ONE BOOT OPTION20:58
Surkow|laptophi guys, any apache virtualhost experts around? I set up a server as usual, setting up my virtualhosts like normal. But on a newly installed ubuntu 14.04 server I can't stop the default.conf from being loaded. Even after removing it from sites-enabled, disablingit via a2dissite and eventually removing any trace from the default configuration - it's still being loaded. Naturaly, I restarted the service and even rebooted.20:58
Artemis3then screen shot all your bios settings, get a nice imgur album.20:58
bekkskro2488: Did you try to tell what you have done, in detail, before losing other boot options?20:58
kro2488i hit the delete key then accidentally hit yes20:58
kro2488not complicated story to tell20:58
Artemis3that does nothing20:59
kro2488no... it does20:59
kro2488you can delete them20:59
mshadlecan someone help me get some scsi (technically SAS) devices to be visible as devices? dmesg shows them being found. but i can't figure out how to find them in /dev  - http://pastebin.com/S2jXdPir20:59
Artemis3reset bios to factory defaults20:59
bprompthit the delete key in "setup" screen,  oddly enough since I've never seen a "setup/cmos" screen with such option20:59
kro2488factory defaults are the same20:59
kro2488i told it to do that20:59
kro2488its werid20:59
Artemis3turn off, remove battery, plug stick, enter bios21:00
Artemis3yeah leave the battery away21:00
kro2488i also tried resetting my entire os to factory but it didnt help anything either21:00
kro2488no im just goign to go get a new laptop or call asus21:00
kro2488anyways im out for now21:00
Artemis3take it to a LUG21:00
kro2488would best buy geek squad be able to fi xit?21:01
bekksOr to some computer store :)21:01
Artemis3kro2488, linux users are much better21:01
bekksAsk them, how we do know?21:01
Amm0nkro2488, the image you uploaded says cms is disabled, tried to enable it?21:01
bpromptkro2488:    doesn't it have a "recovery partition" ?21:01
Artemis3that bios might have the press fwhatever to restore thing21:02
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Enkidu_akI am attempting to create an md device to use as /. Normally I would create the partitions using fdisk and then use mdadm to create the device. Fdisk doesn't seem to be included on the Ubuntu Server 14.10 installation CD and partman has different ideas of how to go about this process. Sadly the raid configuration menu attached to parted is less than helpful. It appears to make the md device, but when I check the actual md config using md -Esv, those s21:09
Enkidu_akettings are not the ones that I chose.21:09
Enkidu_akI would like to do this manually. If fdisk isn't available, then can I force partman to behave more like fdisk and do what I tell it to rather than try to guide me through a process?21:10
bpromptEnkidu_ak:     I'm thinking you could make a Ubuntu Server bootable usb with persistent storage, and install fdisk from there, once booted in a liveusb session, do a quick sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install fdisk;  <-- and that would include it, and keep it after bootup, in the persistent area21:15
Enkidu_akbprompt, Currently it is a bootable usb with persistent storage, but apt is not in the path.21:16
OerHeksubuntu server has no live mode21:16
bpromptEnkidu_ak:   ok... using a hdd installation of the Ubuntu Server then... what I'd do is ... maybe if you do a  -> sudo apt-get install -d fdisk;    so it downloads the .deb files, then fetch them from  /var/cache/apt/archives and install it manually in the livession with -> dpkg -i21:19
_JuJuBeeDoes ubuntu log dhcp addresses I have received over time?21:23
bekks_JuJuBee: No.21:23
Enkidu_akbprompt, There isn't really a livesession and dpkg isn't available either.21:23
krystynahi everyone!21:23
_JuJuBeebekks: thanks21:23
Webflashingheya everyone. How the HECK can I make it to remove that white bar on every window? Only native ones like Nautilus and Tweak Tool are black like the theme suposedly makes, but not the others. And that 1px border on every window too.. http://i.imgur.com/TSBar0r.jpg21:24
Enkidu_akbprompt, Apparently the installer wants to to ride the track21:24
WebflashingAs you can see, Teamviewer, Empathy and Sublime dont respect this21:24
WebflashingAnd they have a white menu on top21:24
bpromptEnkidu_ak:   ... .... dunno that one...then, haven't used partman myself21:25
Enkidu_akbprompt, I'm going to see if I can find the man page. Maybe there is a 'do as I say' flag or something21:26
spaceindaverHi all, has anyone tried using nvidia-340 drivers with nvidia-prime or bumblebee and primus on Ubuntu 14.10. Unity crashes when I use it, usually when closing the application. Anyone else seeing this behaviour?21:26
Bashing-omEnkidu_ak: Just joined, but, does this help : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive . That is the guide I use for manual partitioning .21:28
Enkidu_akBashing-om, Sadly it does not. Even that guide references fdisk. Why partman would be used exclusively in the installer when even the guides give instructions based on fdisk is beyond me.21:30
Bashing-omEnkidu_ak: :( ,, Do not know partman, and can not say ...21:30
Enkidu_akbprompt, Actually, you might have had a solution, just backwards. I'm going to try using a desktop livecd and then installing the server software from there. I can also install mdadm and fdisk from there.21:31
WebflashingDoes anyone know how to theme those shitty white bars on top of apps? http://i.imgur.com/TSBar0r.jpg21:31
WebflashingAs you can see on the Tweak window, I already changed the gtk3 theme but nothing.21:31
bpromptEnkidu_ak:    hmmm that may work.. yes21:31
WebflashingOnly native windows as nautilus change, not the ones like sublime, teamviewer and others21:32
umbra_purushey. Where can i get a version of linux, ubuntu, in a terminal mode window? Kinda like without window manager and no GE?21:35
umbra_purusor the version you reccomend?21:36
umbra_purushey. Where can i get a version of linux, ubuntu, in a terminal mode window? Kinda like without window manager and no GE?21:36
Bashing-om!minimal | umbra_purus Start here21:36
ubottuumbra_purus Start here: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:36
Bashing-omumbra_purus: There is a learning curve in building from 'minimal' .21:38
CarlFKtrying to setup a drive to replace my current sda. new drive is currently sdc.  / and /boot and /etc is on sdb.  how do I install grub on sdc so that when it becomes sda and I boot from it 'everything works!' ?21:41
lyzeCarlFK: if i am not wrong a simple update-grub should be enoguh from a live cd21:42
rypervencheCarlFK: Are you looking to make an exact copy?21:42
karl1969how can I change the default windowing system ubuntu boots into?21:43
CarlFKrypervenche: kinda.  old drive is failing.  I used ddrescue to copy to the new drive, but when I boot I get "no filesystem found" grub >21:43
karl1969I chose recovery console, and now it only boots there21:43
rypervencheCarlFK: Did you copy the raw device or just a partition?21:43
CarlFKrypervenche: raw.  i does boot grub, just doesn't find /boot on sdb1 I guess21:44
rypervencheCarlFK: I would chroot into it and rebuild your initramfs and update your grub config.21:44
CarlFKrypervenche: what?21:45
jpdsdonniezazen: Not having to upgrade every 9 months?21:47
rypervencheCarlFK: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115624021:47
rypervencheCarlFK: I would reinstall Grub to the disk, update your initramfs with "update-initramfs -u -k all" and then update grub with "update-grub"21:48
rypervencheCarlFK: reinstalling grub would be "grub-install /dev/sda" if /dev/sda is the drive with your /boot on it.21:48
karl1969how can I make kde the default from a console?21:49
lyzekarl1969: from the first ubuntuforum post i found: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"21:50
lyzethere you can select which thing you want to use21:50
karl1969lyze , thanks, ill try21:50
lyzekarl1969, oh i guess its sudo "dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" now but you need to test it ;)21:51
CarlFKrypervenche:  /boot is on sdb1.   my box boots from sda.   how  will that know to look at sdb1?21:51
Jordan_UCarlFK: Chrooting into your new install is critical, without that update-initramfs, update-grub, and grub-install will all assume that the configuration you're trying to setup is the one you're currently booted into.21:52
rypervencheCarlFK: You will have to have /boot mounted correctly, and you may need to update your /etc/fstab as well so that everything is properly mounted as well.21:52
CarlFKIm not sure I have a live anything handy.  was hoping to use the installed OS to setup the new drive, then swap drives.21:54
lyzekarl1969: but i keep my mouth shut from now on. can't focus anymore so good luck furtheron :)21:54
nguyenHi guys, I'm trying to install Play on Linux but i get the following warning, when i attempt to install. "Nvidia opencl driver and icd loader must be removed", I found a solution on this site, however I dont really want to blindly follow it. Could you guys explain what exactly the solution suggested on this site is doing? http://askubuntu.com/quest21:55
Ben64nguyen: maybe try wine instead of play on linux?21:57
lyzeBen64: playonlinux is a simple wine management software21:58
Ben64lyze: right, it adds a layer of unnecessary to wine21:58
nguyenBen42_: Wine produces the same message I believe, the person who posted on the site was trying to install WINE, and got the same error.21:59
lyzeBen64: well its quite nice when you have problems applying patches to wine or installing software under wine correctly21:59
Ben64i'd suggest using the ppa here for wine https://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu21:59
jhutchinsnguyen: Is this playonlinux from ubuntu or from somewhere else?21:59
nguyenjhutchins: Correct, I am currently running Ubuntu 14.0422:00
Ben64lyze: except you don't get any support for it, the ppa i listed you can get support from #winehq22:00
lyzeBen64: #playonlinux + forums?22:01
clouddigI have a server that's running polipo proxy and should be listening on port 8123, but when I try to access it, the traffic is somehow intercepted by an external proxy system. How can that happen? Is that something in iptables or DNS?22:01
nguyenBen42_: Are you suggesting wine, because you feel that the solution provided by the site is not safe?22:01
Ben64nguyen: i'm suggesting it because its the actual thing that does the work, and i'm suggesting the PPA because it gets all the development22:04
nguyenBen42_: Okay, I will use your solution and try to install the game.22:05
nguyenBen42_: Thank you22:05
Ben64what game btw22:05
d4mnb0bjemand eine idee wie ich den notifycation - ballon oben rechts löschen kann?22:05
lyze!de | d4mnb0b22:05
ubottud4mnb0b: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:05
nguyenBen42_: its called league of legends >.>22:06
d4mnb0bsry about :-)22:06
lyzeno problem :)22:06
lyzenguyen: ^^22:06
nguyenlyze: you play x3?22:06
Ben64nguyen: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3179422:06
lyzenguyen: i played. but currently i mostly like to watch other playing (e.g. tournaments...) but lets talk in #ubuntu-offtopic or via pm22:07
lyzeohai fabianokock22:08
mpthrappWhat a good disk profiler for Linux? I was using windirstat on Windows.22:10
fabianokockComo se uso isso aqui, alguém pode me ajudar?22:10
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:12
nguyenBen42_: When i try to install wine, I get the same warning22:13
bekksSomeone should fix that factoid, since it will not work for lightdm.22:13
Amm0nmpthrapp, profiling like disk usage, size of directorys?22:15
mpthrappAmm0n: Size, sorry should have been more clear.22:15
Amm0ntry ncdu22:16
CyberGabbermpthrapp: Maybe 'Baobab' , A graphical tool to analyze disk usage. does enough for you?22:16
mpthrappAlso should've gone to windirstat's page. They have a linux port.22:16
bekks"du" :)22:16
mpthrappAlso, is there a way to only search one specific PPA with apt?22:21
umbra_purusis ubuntu arch based?22:25
Ben64umbra_purus: debian22:26
umbra_purusoh ok22:26
Bashing-om!ask | user922:29
ubottuuser9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:29
Amm0nmpthrapp, i don't think apt can do that but there are other ways22:29
user9newbie, how do i join a group/room22:29
Bashing-omuser9: in the status window type /join #<some_channel> .22:30
user9thank you22:31
Bashing-omuser9: :) here to help22:31
umbra_puruscan someone help me? I'm trying to install bspwm but i ran into a problem22:32
k1l!paste | umbra_purus you know that details and errors matter22:33
ubottuumbra_purus you know that details and errors matter: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:33
umbra_purusI'm following instructions in this tutorial https://github.com/windelicato/dotfiles/wiki/bspwm-for-dummies22:34
umbra_purusbut I can't proceed in "Configuration" i have no .config folder -.-22:35
k1lumbra_purus: no .config folder in your home folder?22:36
k1lumbra_purus: can yout show the output of "ls -al ~/.config"22:37
umbra_purusyes just a second22:38
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umbra_purusnop there's no .config in my home folder. is it because I'm running server instead of another version?22:38
k1lyes. just make that folder then22:40
kruxyeah i was just going to say just make the folder22:40
Basketballcan i use beats control talk22:41
umbra_purusk1l: quick tip: what is the best version of the minimal ubuntu to mess around?22:41
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k1lumbra_purus: ?22:41
umbra_purusWithout no windows manager no GE.. Just the basics22:42
k1l!minimal | umbra_purus22:42
ubottuumbra_purus: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:42
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:43
tripelb2 questions in one. How do I boot up with no gui? I suppose I have to edit the grub. I suppose I should really learn every step of what the grub does. Where can I do that? //AND-OR\\ How can I close the GUI22:46
umbra_purusHow can I make a folder .config?22:46
k1lumbra_purus: use "mkdir"22:46
kruxmkdir ~/.config ?22:46
tc0nnmkdir .config   ?22:46
umbra_puruswhen i create .config folder and see the folders and files with ls it just shows config?!?!22:47
Ben64!text | tripelb22:47
ubottutripelb: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode22:47
tc0nnuse ls -la22:47
tripelbBen64:  excellent22:47
tripelbumbra_purus:  about the ls command -a is all and -l is long and -al is both of them.22:48
umbra_purustripelb yeah thanks :D22:48
k1ltripelb: if you stop the lightdm the gui will be closed22:49
kruxctrl + alt + f1 -- login -- sudo service lightdm stop -- then append text << like ubottu showed you22:50
lyzegood night all :)22:52
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tripelbkrux copy22:54
Bashing-omtripelb: To always boot to terminal edit ' /etc/default/grub ' to make this line - GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text" .22:54
tripelbBashing-om:  thanks. now I pause to read the suggestions through and understand them.22:56
Bashing-omtripelb: Reading is good .22:56
umbra_puruscopy in linux is cp right?22:59
kruxis that why you said copy ? :P23:00
edenistis anyone else getting massive dependency issues after installing HWE in 14.04.2?23:00
kruxhehe sorry23:00
umbra_puruswhat krux? didnt get it? i'm focus on another thing23:00
Blackbolt22-Hello all I would like some help with this problem: I have a live USB that I made from an iso and I boot Ubuntu into it..  Every drive that is part of the flash USB is readonly and nothing I've tried so far has fixed it23:01
kruxoh never mind it was tripelb who said copy :)23:01
Blackbolt22-I have the laptop here booted on flash and ready to work with someone23:02
umbra_puruscan't i use cp to create a folder as I define it in the destination?23:03
Bashing-omBlackbolt22-: How are you tring to access the directories on the USB drive ? via termional or from the file manager ?23:04
Ben64umbra_purus: a destination has to exist23:04
k1lumbra_purus: use mkdir. easy one23:04
Lezzy111I have a problem with my Lubuntu 14.10 mouse curser - it is displayed doubled after I drag and drop icons on desktop! could need some help, please...23:06
Blackbolt22-Bash  I can access files from anywhere23:08
Blackbolt22-Terminal or file manager23:08
Ben42_Blackbolt22-: what is your question?23:10
Blackbolt22-How do I fix it lol23:10
Ben42_Blackbolt22-: fix what?/23:10
Bashing-omBlackbolt22-: So the only problem is 'writting' to the device ? -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit , sudo fdisk -lu | pastebinit . and pass the resulting URL back here, we will look at the result to see the file system type, then look at mount options .23:11
Blackbolt22-My internal drive for the laptop works correctly..RW.  I can make a ram disk and same....23:11
Blackbolt22-But my flash drive will not let me write at all23:12
Blackbolt22-I boot the same drive to windows I can write and delete just fine and properly eject it as well23:12
Lezzy111 How do I upgrade from Lubuntu 14.10 to absolute newest Lubuntu 15.04 ?23:12
delinquentmelooking for command line util to list all headers at a given url?23:13
Blackbolt22-I just put in another flash drive..  About to see what can be done23:13
Blackbolt22-Works fine...23:14
Blackbolt22-I noticed the owner of that drive is 'me'  and owner of my flash drives is root23:14
streulmahello, can I use the Modern.IE VM's for other programs too ?23:14
Blackbolt22-That said my ramdisk is owner root23:15
bekksHow is that related to Ubuntu?23:15
Blackbolt22-And I can write fine to it..23:15
Jpmhdelinquentme: not quite one line, but:  telnet domain 80; HEAD /pathAtTheDomain HTTP/1.0;host: domain;blank line - where the ; represent new lines, will get you the headers23:15
streulmabekks: running Windows in Ubuntu :)23:15
bekksstreulma: Whatever you are using in those Windows VM isnt related to Ubuntu :)23:16
delinquentmeJpmh, curl -I <domian>23:16
Blackbolt22-When I click my flash drive it tells me its already mounted at /media/ubuntu/dexxxxxx23:16
Lezzy111?? How do I upgrade from Lubuntu 14.10 to absolute newest Lubuntu 15.04  ?? anyone can help me?23:17
umbra_purusisn't there a fastest way to create folder within folder within folder and so on23:17
rww!upgrade | Lezzy11123:17
ubottuLezzy111: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:17
umbra_purusisn't there a fastest way to create folder within folder within folder and so on23:17
rwwumbra_purus: At the command-line? mkdir -p foo/bar/baz will make all three folders as needed23:18
k1lumbra_purus: mkdir .this/are/all/new/folders23:18
rwwthat ^ won't work23:18
rwwneeds more -p23:18
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k1l-p is needed, indeed23:18
umbra_purusokay thanks23:19
Enkidu_akBashing-om, So far, so good. the desktop livesession has fdisk and I was able to configure the raids without issue after installing mdadm. Sad that the server installation image doesn't have fdisk23:19
ubottuDani44: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:19
pavlos!it | Dani4423:20
ubottuDani44: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:20
ploperhi there23:21
Lezzy111ok, I got a solution: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/vivid-vervet-15-04-allgemeine-diskussion-zur-e/ (german)23:22
ploperdo you know how to start samba deamon after the network? I can find smb.service...23:22
k1lLezzy111: use any updater with the -d switch for development version23:23
pavlosploper, sudo service smb restart23:23
vookwhat's the trick to restarting networking in 14.04 LTS? (getting it to re-read /etc/network/interfaces) the /etc/init.d/networking script does nothing, nor does service networking restart ,etc.23:23
ploperpavlos: I know but this samba loading fail cause an infinit loop on startup on my computer23:24
pavlosploper, I tried on my system, 14.04, sudo service samba status23:25
pavlosploper, if you made changes to smb.conf, test them with testparm23:25
ploperpavlos: thanks for the advice I will dig on smb.conf carefully ;)23:26
Blackbolt22-Can anyone help me with my issue23:27
pavlosploper, I tried sudo service smbd restart ... that gave me new pid ... do the same for nmbd23:27
Bashing-omEnkidu_ak: I was no aware the the server dition did not include 'fdisk' by default . But it is great that ypu are making progress.23:28
Bashing-omBlackbolt22-: Scroll back to my request .. and I will try to help when I see those results .23:29
ploperpavlos: when the computer start smbd is running, the problem is sometimes the init process fail in an infinit loop whem smbd fail23:29
pavlosploper, hmm, sounds weird ... check your logs23:30
ploperyes thats sound wreid to me too23:31
pavlosI'm running samba -V ... 4.1.623:31
ploperVersion 4.1.6-Ubuntu23:33
umbra_puruswhat will this do "chmod +x"23:34
umbra_purusgive permission to execute?23:35
umbra_purushow can i check the permissions of which folder or file? ls what?23:35
k1lls -l, ls -al if its a hidden file/folder23:36
umbra_purusnice. thanks23:36
Ben64umbra_purus: did you know you can look at the manual of pretty much any command by doing "man <command>"23:37
umbra_purusyes I know Ben64 but I couldn't find the +x in chmod man23:38
Agent_Smith1is there an equivalent for ubuntu like visual studio wherein you can edit asp code and view the files as they would appear on the server23:38
bekksAgent_Smith1: No, because you need an IIS for ASP.23:38
RaMcHiPTechYay just got my PEI.  Now to figure out how to install it23:38
umbra_purusI'm not trying to anoy anyone but asking the primitives questions but I have like 2 or 3h of terminal working so I'm still trying to sync in everything as I go along23:39
Ben64umbra_purus: it definitely tells you about ls, which you asked about a couple times already23:39
pavlosumbra_purus, it is actually, man chmod as Ben64 wrote.23:41
k1lumbra_purus: no issue with asking questions. we just want to show people to solve issues on their own in the future so we dont park all users in here :)23:41
odsent_any free node channels about assembly language?23:41
odsent_i want to learn NASM but i can't find a good tutorial23:42
k1l!alis | odsent_23:42
ubottuodsent_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:42
umbra_purusBen64 Like I said, I'm not trying to anoy anyone but just to simply asking you guys to remind me of things that I know but can't quite remember sometimes because I'm still a newbie. Sorry if I've offended anyone. Thanks k1l23:42
odsent_all those MOVS and PUSHs look so cryptic to me23:42
Bashing-omBlackbolt22-: ?? problem with understanding 'pastebinit' >.23:43
AliG1000I am trying to install something called "open transit indicators" from git.  It seems to be OK until I get this message "Can't fetch local revision (neither .svn nor .git found)"  Any idea what this coule mean.  Is it just a bad file path?23:43
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Blackbolt22-No I'm driving again and got disconnect so idk what you said23:46
Blackbolt22-I been in this channel all day asking the exact same questions and sent pics and all no one can fig it out23:46
Blackbolt22-About to be back by laptop..23:47
Bashing-omBlackbolt22-: OK .  -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit , sudo fdisk -lu | pastebinit . and pass the resulting URL back here, we23:47
Bashing-om                    will look at the result to see the file system type, then look at mount options .23:47
Blackbolt22-Let me get it on the net cuz I'm by a friend and on mobile net here on my phone23:48
Ben64Blackbolt22-: maybe come back when you have more time and not driving a vehicle???23:48
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Blackbolt22-Stop assuming I'm a passenger and I'm back by the laptop23:49
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umbra_purusin nano how can i go to a specific line? imagine i wanna go to line 84?23:49
Bashing-omBlackbolt22-: OK, we want that 'pastebin' output with the USB device in question plugged in .23:49
Ben64Blackbolt22-: you literally said "I'm driving"23:49
Blackbolt22-OK I have to get it going give me a bit..23:49
deblabHey :-)23:51
umbra_purusin nano how can i go to a specific line? imagine i wanna go to line 84?23:51
pavlosumbra_purus, man nano ... it shows you there is a +LINE flag so try nano +84 <yourfile>23:52
MichaelHabib1hi, im writing a .sh script and I need it to open the default terminal and run the script in that window .. is that possible ?23:52
deblabQuick question. I'm having a fairly new computer with 8gb's of ram. for some reason, ubuntu (64-bit) only recognizes 3.7gb of ram, and almost maxing out.23:52
deblabAnybody know a soloution for this?23:52
alchemistswlsudo rm -rf /var/www/23:52
MichaelHabib1I searched the net and cant seem to find a "good" way to do it ..23:53
alchemistswl; sudo echo Beer! >> /var/www/index.html23:53
k1lalchemistswl: dont make such "jokes" in here23:53
vookdeblab: you probably aren't installing a 64 bit version23:53
MichaelHabib1deblab: faulty ram ?  I throw away one few days ago23:53
alchemistswlk1l why? a little joke goes along everywhere?23:54
deblabUTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux, Ram is OK, bios recognizes them. :)23:54
k1lalchemistswl: that is malicous, and not a joke. this is a beginners channel.23:54
Bashing-omdeblab: Sure it is a 64 bit install ? as 32 bit install only recognixes up to 4 Gigs . check -> uname -a <- to show the version/kernel .23:55
vookMichaelHabib1: various terminals can handle this in different ways.23:55
pavlosdeblab, lshw -c memory will shows you what banks are seen23:55
deblabBashing-om: UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:55
alchemistswlErm, it's the internet, so don't trust anything you don't know a bit of. Secondly if you are setting up a server and don't know your stuff it's probably a bad idea. But I give you the points for it being malicious :).23:55
MichaelHabib1vook: is there a basic version for all *buntu based distros ?23:55
deblabSeems like 64bit23:55
vookMichaelHabib1: look at the man page for the terminal.23:56
Bashing-omdeblab: Yepper that be 64 bit .23:56
arcskyhow can i send syslog messages to an external syslog server? i get no success with the crappy rsyslog23:56
deblabBashing-om: Crap. Would be lovely if that's was the problem.23:57
Blackboltok im on the laptop on freenode webchat..23:57
MichaelHabib1vook: No manual entry for terminal23:57
vookMichaelHabib1: but I know mate-terminal and gnome-terminal can do this with '-e'23:57
k1ldeblab: can you pastebin a "free -m" and "lshw -c memory"23:58
MichaelHabib1vook: but is there a cross-DE way of doing this ?23:58
deblabk1l:              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached23:58
deblabMem:          3837       3736        100          7          1        19523:58
deblab-/+ buffers/cache:       3539        29723:58
deblabSwap:         8137       2045       609223:58
k1l!paste | deblab23:58
ubottudeblab: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:58
Bashing-omdeblab: Does the system see the ram ?  < pavlos> deblab, lshw -c memory will shows you what banks are seen .23:58
vookMichaelHabib1: it isn't called "terminal", it's whatever terminal you are using. xterm is available on most systems - yes, this can be done.23:58
Bashing-omBlackbolt: look'n ar your23:59
Bashing-omBlackbolt: look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/10577405/ .23:59

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