
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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dholbachgood morning08:15
davidcalleGood morning all08:19
dholbachsalut davidcalle08:19
dholbachcomment ça va?08:19
davidcalledholbach, très bien! Et toi?08:19
dholbachtrès bien aussi, j'étais déjà pour une course(?) ce matin08:22
davidcalledholbach, pareil, réveillé à 6h30 par Tristan :)08:24
dholbach6:30m - c'est pas mal :)08:24
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dholbachhey beuno, when can we chat about moving the /publish docs into myapps?08:52
dholbachhey dpm, how's life over there?09:10
dpmdholbach, good :) check this out: http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/help-app/web/settings.en-us.html09:12
dholbachgood work!09:12
dholbachhey... so I thought about the attr-lists-and-embedded-html branch again09:13
dholbachI think the only real chance we have is to define a common markup we want to use for each of the questions and to identify it in a certain way09:13
dholbachkind of what we do with the "Title: " lines in the .md documents09:14
dholbachwe just assume that they're in the first line of the document09:14
dpmdholbach, shall we have a call in ~1h to discuss it?09:15
dholbachsure, wfm09:15
dholbachI'll add it to the cal09:15
dholbachdpm, davidcalle: do you think http://kylenubuntu.blogspot.de/2015/03/aptbrowser-qmlc-app.html is something we could use as an example, maybe on developer.u.c or in lp:ubuntu-sdk-tutorials or something?09:22
Mirvbzoltan_: so, it seems you found out that qtwebsockets is already available and can be even included on the images?09:26
bzoltan_Mirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-seeds/add_QtWebSocket/+merge/252303 I have this ready already09:41
dpmdholbach, in meetings until the next 30 mins, will have a look in more detail then09:52
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Plumbing Day! :-D09:59
Mirvbzoltan_: cool!10:00
dpmdholbach, I'm done with my call, happy to start earlier if you want10:26
dholbachdpm, mail sent11:11
dpmdholbach, awesome, replying to the bug now11:11
dholbachdpm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/help-app/+bug/143073511:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1430735 in Ubuntu Help App "Allow richer styling of questions/answers" [High,Confirmed]11:17
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mzanettiDanChapman, ping11:32
DanChapmanmzanetti: hey!11:34
mzanettiDanChapman, hey, I was just checking the ListItemWithAction from Dekko, and it seems you pimped that a little with haptics feedback and a bar indicating the current one11:34
mzanettiwhen triggerActionOnRelease is enabled11:34
mzanettiDanChapman, mind proposing those tweaks to the upstream component in UCS?11:35
DanChapmanmzanetti: yeah sure thing, i'll try and do that today. :-) while your here how are the reconnects working for you after the update?11:36
dpmdholbach, actually, rather than opening new bugs, I've added all of the details in comments on bug 1430735 - does that work for you? Happy to file separate bugs too. I've also added a link to that blog post on how to create a pelican plugin11:37
ubot5bug 1430735 in Ubuntu Help App "Allow richer styling of questions/answers" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143073511:37
mzanettiDanChapman, I think it's much better, will watch it for another couple of times and then close the bug as invalid/fix released.11:37
dholbachthanks dpm11:37
mzanettiDanChapman, sorry for the noise. I really should have checked if I'm up-to-date before reporting the bugs11:37
DanChapmanmzanetti: excellent! it's still not *perfect* but it's getting there.11:39
mzanettiDanChapman, It's awesome already11:40
DanChapmanpopey: hah i've been pinging you with my random screenshots in #dekko the last few days, didn't even realise you weren't even in there :-D so here you go http://dl.dropbox.com/u/86476930/new-outfit.png11:44
popeyDanChapman: oops.11:44
popeyDanChapman: my vps was restarted, and i clearly missed that channel when restarting my irc session11:45
popeyoh man!11:45
popeythat looks great!11:45
popeyI feel the urge to read my mail!11:46
mzanettiDanChapman, where do you get the people's images from?11:48
DanChapmanpopey: Hah! yeah i'm quite chuffed with it. I'll send a click your way in a little while. The header is still a little quirky changing states11:48
mzanettiDanChapman, don't forget to CC me on that mail :P11:48
DanChapmanmzanetti: gravatar atm, not sure if there are any other services like it but would be cool to include them as sources11:49
DanChapmanmzanetti: sure :-)11:49
* mzanetti never heard of gravatar before11:49
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dholbachdpm, your suggestion from yesterday: https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/1430336/+merge/252566 :)11:58
dholbachand now: lunch time11:58
nik90popey: Hi, did jibel approve clock app's release? I plan on adding some more AP tests and wanted to do so after the store release.11:59
popeynik90: no, they're currently testing tvoss' update to location11:59
popeynik90: well, jibel didn't actually answer my mail yet :)12:00
nik90popey: ack. I will continue to work on my branch meanwhile.12:01
nik90balloons: ping12:14
newsagesi try to test mi app, whit c++ plugin and qmake,, but i cant probe on emulator,, QT 5.4... need on emulator,12:27
DS-McGuireCan someone tell me how I can run a click package in the emulator without uploading it to the store.14:16
batopaDS-McGuire I have the same question14:19
DS-McGuirebatopa, Any luck at all?14:21
ElleoDS-McGuire: I haven't done anything much with the emulator myself, but can you SSH into it? if so you can just run "pkcon install-local /path/to/your.click --allow-untrusted"14:22
DS-McGuireElleo, Thanks! I am going to try that now :)14:24
batopaDS-McGuire I haven't no time to try it... maybe opening ssh connection on device and load the package to it14:24
ElleoDS-McGuire: you're welcome :)14:24
balloonsnik90, pong14:29
dholbachdpm, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10580323/ :)14:29
balloonsDS-McGuire, you get all updated a-ok with the help app?14:32
DS-McGuireballoons, Yeah I did thanks! We are in talks now about where to take the design of it :)14:34
DS-McGuireThis is where I got to yesterday: http://i.imgur.com/Q0MGBtl.png14:35
balloonsDS-McGuire, really nice! I love nice design. Thanks so much for helping out. Can't wait to see the result14:36
DS-McGuireElleo, I am trying the ssh now, I am getting this back: Fatal error: could not resolve: /home/daniel/help-app/help_0.1_all.click14:36
ElleoDS-McGuire: are you sure you're using install-local not install?14:37
DS-McGuireballoons, Not a problem, I am very happy to help. I think that design will change to look more native on the phone judging by recent talks :)14:37
DS-McGuireElleo, Very sure. However I am trying to put this onto a Nexus 10 rather than the emulator, does that make a difference.14:38
ElleoDS-McGuire: should work fine on real devices (I use it on devices)14:40
ElleoDS-McGuire: is your user really called daniel?14:40
ElleoDS-McGuire: surely that should be /home/phablet/help-app/help_0.1_all.click14:41
DS-McGuirehttp://i.imgur.com/qy50XS3.jpg Elleo,14:41
DS-McGuireI don't understand why that would be phablet?14:42
ElleoDS-McGuire: ah, you need to have your click package on the device14:42
ElleoDS-McGuire: you're pointing it to a local file14:42
ElleoDS-McGuire: so the click package has to be on the same system you're running pkgcon on14:42
DS-McGuireElleo, My apologizes, I think I have confused you haah! Yeah that's my problem, I can't get it on there to start with.14:42
ElleoDS-McGuire: so just adb push help_0.1_all.click to your device first14:43
ElleoDS-McGuire: e.g. adb push /home/daniel/help-app/help_0.1_all.click /home/phablet/14:43
ElleoDS-McGuire: then ssh to the device, and run pkcon install-local /home/phablet/help_0.1_all.click --allow-untrusted14:44
batopaElleo thanks I need it too :)14:44
Elleono problem :)14:45
DS-McGuireElleo, Thank you so much!! All working now! :D :D14:46
Elleogreat :)14:47
dpmdholbach, yay!14:54
dholbachdpm, so I can now safely hide and readd whatever statements we have - I'll add tests for it now14:54
dholbachscratch that, I'll look into the extension first14:55
dholbachgood morning balloons, one for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/1430336/+merge/252566 :)14:55
dholbachballoons, it adds no new "\" :-P14:56
balloonsdholbach, lol.. I glanced at it earlier. Found it neat you can check for markdown14:57
dpmhi DS-McGuire, thanks for your contributions to the help app!15:09
nik90balloons: hey, when I try running adt-run the tests on my phone, it complains that some dependency cannot be found. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10579772/15:11
nik90balloons: I followed the instructions from your blog post at http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2014/09/autopilot-test-runners.html15:11
dpmDS-McGuire, and to answer the question about the emulator: it behaves exactly the same as a physical device when it comes to adb15:11
dpmso you can use 'adb push' to upload a package to it15:11
dpmand 'adb shell' to log into it and install it locally with pkcon15:12
DS-McGuiredpm, Not a problem, I will be making more progress soon. And thanks for the tip :)15:12
dpmor you can use SSH directly as an alternative15:12
dpmok, cool :)15:12
popeynik90: try adding --setup-commands ro-apt-update15:12
popeynik90: to the adt-run15:12
nik90popey: ok15:13
* nik90 tries15:13
popeyi ended up having to make my device rw to do an apt-get update15:13
nik90popey: btw what's ro-apt-update? it complains that the command is unknown15:14
popeyadt-run -d --setup-commands ro-apt-update --click com.ubuntu.clock --- ssh -s adb15:15
popeyshould work15:15
balloonsnik90, essentially there is an issue with running tests on an out of date image. That is, an image which things older than the current archive15:15
balloonssometimes that can even cause problems with -proposed the same day it's released15:16
nik90ah ok..yeah I am trying to run tests on an rtm device15:16
balloonsno solution since we don't ship test libs or depends with the image; you have to be able to grab them from the archive on-demand, but this is not always possible15:16
nik90hmm, popey's command doesnt work either http://paste.ubuntu.com/10580554/15:17
balloonsnik90, right, so you can do the apt-get update hack popey mentioned, but it's only a workaround. I'd guess it won't work15:17
popeyyeah, i ended up going rw, doing a sudo apt-get update, then make it ro again15:17
nik90balloons: ok, I will make the device writable and then try the command from your blog?15:17
popeysudo mount -o rw,remount /15:17
popeysudo apt-get update15:17
popeysudo mount -o remount,ro /15:17
balloonsnik90, well more or less the "answer" is you can only test new images that match what's in the archive15:18
balloons<-- don't shoot, only the messenger15:18
nik90hehe .. ok15:18
balloonsnik90, is your rtm image up to date? I felt like last time I tried on rtm it did work for me.. I'm probably running rtm-proposed though15:19
nik90balloons: yup it is..I should be updating to the OTA-2 image next week hopefully15:20
nik90balloons: nvr mind, doing what popey did worked...make the device writable, run apt-get update, make it ro, and then run adt-run com.ubuntu.clock15:20
balloonsnik90, so apart from adt, you can always go to rw, install or push depends and manually run autopilot directly. But you'll need to get autopilot on the image asap, as if the archive changes, even that won't save you later :-015:21
nik90balloons: hmm, but I figured that was the best part of autopkgtest where it would do all that for me15:22
balloonsnik90, I agree and feel the same. the whole, the archive must == image index though sort of ruins it for me15:22
balloonsI *think* the answer may be to build a click containing packages needed for test. I don't have any other ideas15:23
balloonsin essence adt is never an issue as I use it and I'm always running new images.. But for anything else  . . .15:23
nik90balloons: ok, I will do the autopilot push, install and run tests part myself..I just was hoping for a consistent way of testing. I will try to make a script for myself for this scenario15:24
popeyYet again, we have a broken test setup, so people write their own scripts.15:24
* popey gets his coat15:25
* balloons cries a little15:26
balloonsnik90, adt is the consistent way of testing.. The fun I found out with popey recently though that it only works until the archive changes :-(. Which is sad. So modifying the image to r/w and installing your test depends means you can run it even after those packages are gone from the archive. It's put a dent in the magic15:28
* nik90 hugs balloons15:28
balloonsWe're closer to having an answer... this is simply another wrinkle to iron out eh/15:28
balloonsin other news, I'm writing qml tests today ;p15:29
nik90ooh that's cool15:29
popeynik90: in case it's useful, this is my mad script http://paste.ubuntu.com/10580623/15:31
popeyif you set ONEOFF to com.ubuntu.clock and just run it, it should work15:32
popeyalso change logdir :)15:32
* ahayzen also has a magical script for running adt/ap on device :) lol15:32
ahayzen..think it is even called magic_script.py or something15:32
nik90popey: nice, very organized folder creation with timestamps15:32
dholbachdpm, I'm looking at comment #1 on https://bugs.launchpad.net/help-app/+bug/143073515:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1430735 in Ubuntu Help App "Allow richer styling of questions/answers" [High,Confirmed]15:33
dholbachdpm, maybe you can explain to me which q&a goes into "eight-col" and which into the "four-col last-col" <div>?15:33
dpmdholbach, sure15:34
dpmso on the ubuntu web guidelines each row is twelve-col wide15:34
dholbachdpm, if I understand it correctly we always want to wrap one specific pair of question+answer in one special div, right?15:34
dholbachah ok15:34
* dholbach listens and pays attention15:35
dpmso first of all, each question regardless would be enclosed in a div class="row"15:35
dpmthat's the 12 col width row15:35
dpmso each question in a row15:36
dpminside that row, you can partition columns as you like15:36
dpmwhat I was suggesting was for text-only questions to have an eight-col column for the text and an empty four-col next to it15:36
dholbachsure that WFM15:37
dpmfor questions with images, we could have an eight-col column for the text and a four-col one for the image next to it15:37
dholbachnow I get it15:37
dpmok, cool15:37
dholbachso the "four-col" thing is just for an image15:37
dholbachand not for a separate q&a15:37
dholbachI'll see what I can do15:38
dpmbut yeah, this is something to have some thoughts on. If you think it overcomplicates things, we can perhaps leave it15:38
dholbachno, that's fine15:38
dholbachdpm, do you have the markdown markup for http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/help-app/web/settings.en-us.html somewhere?15:41
dholbachI'm interested in how the entry for an added image looks like15:42
dholbachlooks like it's not in https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/help-app/test-animated-gif15:42
dpmdholbach, I think I have a branch, just a sec15:42
dpmoh, that was the one I tought :)15:42
* dpm looks15:42
dholbachlooks like only the image gets added15:42
dpmah, yeah, that branch is missing the markup, I just pushed the content to reproduce that bug from yesterday15:43
* dpm pushes markdown15:43
dholbachgo go go!15:45
* dpm needs to reconstruct the branch, which lived in /tmp :)15:45
dpmdholbach, actually, I've tested it and lp:~dpm/help-app/test-animated-gif should have all you need15:48
dpmit's got the markdown on settings.md15:48
dpmah wait15:49
dpmsorry ignore that15:49
dpmdholbach, try pulling now15:50
dholbachyep, found it15:52
dholbachdpm, so... to implement this, I think it'd make sense to always assume something like ".textonly"15:52
dholbachas it's likely going to be the primary way how we present questions and answers15:53
dholbachso for cases where we add a picture, we could add something like ".image"15:53
dholbachor ".highlight" in case we ever want to do that15:53
dholbachand add the statement to both question and answer line15:54
dholbachso the extension knows what to do and what to replace it with15:54
dholbachdoes that generally make sense?15:54
dpmright, yeah. But perhaps we'd need to use some other notation to distinguish it from the python-markdown attribute lists15:55
dpmwhat I mean is that we use {: .someclass} to add a class to an element15:55
dholbachdpm, I was actually thinking of dropping the attr-list extension again15:56
dpmbut with this new extension we'd be wrapping divs around the questions15:56
dholbachas we don't necessarily use it right now15:56
dpmdholbach, sounds good to me if we're not using it, yeah15:56
* dholbach nods15:56
dholbachsmile! I'll add this conversation to the bug report15:56
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DS-McGuiredpm, Has anyone thought about how we go "back" in the help app?16:14
* DS-McGuire currently working to make the app not depend on css from a server.16:15
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dobeyis there a way to set the qt main window title to something other than what the current Page's title is yet? if not in qml, is it possible to do so when driving the qml from c++ directly?16:53
kalikianat1mp: still waiting on a reply from mir folks but fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/142530717:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1425307 in mir (Ubuntu) "[regression] Exception when running phablet-screenshot (mako/vivid 110) [std::exception::what: Attempt to set swap interval on screencast is invalid]" [Medium,Triaged]17:01
kalikianathis seems to explain the failures in ci17:01
dpmDS-McGuire, sorry, I was on some calls. Yeah, thought about it, I think it's a critical part we need to figure out. On the web theme, I was thinking of adding breadcrumbs17:14
dpmwhich is easy enough when you deal with raw html, but as we're working with markdown for the content, this proves to be a bit more difficult17:14
DS-McGuiredpm, That is something I was thinking. I have already set it up so when it's on a tablet it adjusts and give it self lots of room for breadcrumbs. However I struggle to think about how we could do this on the phone.17:15
dpmDS-McGuire, if we use the html toolkit, we could theoretically use the pagestack widget17:16
dpmbut markdown is always the limiting factor, as it's not easy to define html markdown there17:17
dpmhowever, on this one perhaps it wouldn't be that difficult to add it to the pelican template code17:17
dpmit's just that we haven't looked at it yet17:17
DS-McGuiredpm, That is fine with me, however I have already written a HTML5 app using that and I didn't find its performance very good. If you can confirm it works well on a proper phone I am happy. The app using this is in the store called Golf Score Card if you want to see what I mean.17:18
dpmoh cool, I haven't tried that yet17:18
* dpm installs17:18
DS-McGuiredpm, It was only a simple app I wrote to see what I could do in a couple of days.17:19
dpmDS-McGuire, oh wow, good work in exercising the html5 toolkit! Just tried it now. It works well on the phone, I probably could have not told it was an html5 app if you hadn't mentioned it17:21
DS-McGuiredpm, Thanks! That means quite a lot :)17:22
dpmI think I see what you mean about performance17:22
DS-McGuireYeah, it is not the best at the moment.17:22
dpmit takes slightly longer to e.g. switch tabs vs a QML app17:22
DS-McGuireWithout a doubt. I don't want that sort of performance in an app that's quite important to some people.17:23
dakerdpm: screenshot ?17:24
dpmdaker, of Golf Score Card?17:24
dpmon it17:24
dpmdaker, http://i.imgur.com/KGNhdiJ.png17:26
dakerDS-McGuire: is this HTML5 ?17:27
dobeyshouldn't that be 18/9 holes17:27
dakerDS-McGuire: well yes from what i can see :)17:27
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DS-McGuiredpm, I didn't even know it did that! haha17:28
DS-McGuireOh, and I do see that mistake :L :L17:28
* DS-McGuire loads sdk17:29
dpmdaker, it is17:29
DS-McGuiredpm, The performance issue I was talking about was when you would swipe across through the pages.17:30
dpmDS-McGuire, ah, there seems to be no swipe anymore with the new header17:30
dakeryes, we have switched to the new header17:31
dpmgood work daker, btw, I did hear we finally landed it!17:31
* dobey wonders about page title vs window title though17:31
DS-McGuiredpm, Well that's good then. But is there still performance problems? I haven't got an Ubuntu Device so I can't really tell.17:31
DS-McGuireyes daker It is much nicer :)17:31
dpmDS-McGuire, I think I wouldn't call them problems. I notice that it takes _slightly_ more to switch to pages than a native app17:32
dpmbut that's probably because I was explicitly looking for a performance issue :)17:32
DS-McGuiredpm, That's fine then. If you are happy with that performance then I have no problem doing it :)17:32
dpmI think in this case it's acceptable17:32
DS-McGuiredpm, I will look at it later today :)17:34
dpmawesome :)17:34
DS-McGuiredpm, Is something like this okay? http://i.imgur.com/xzUDQl1.png17:47
dpmDS-McGuire, that looks way better now, yeah :) As a comment, I'd say that perhaps the 3 <li> should probably not look as an action that can be tapped17:53
dpmbbiab, grabbing something to it17:53
DS-McGuiredpm, oh, I was planning on making an action that took them to that relevant thing.17:53
dpmDS-McGuire, yeah, that'd make sense for links, but those 3 are just list items without a link18:04
DS-McGuiredpm, Do you want them to be or not? I don't mind :P18:04
dpmDS-McGuire, I think I'd leave them as they are (i.e. not links), as it might be confusing to have both them and the buttons below18:05
DS-McGuiredpm, Okay :)18:06
dpmcool, thanks!18:06
dobeylinks in apps is confusing, yes18:11
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popeyogra_: what was the max capacity microsd card you said you had in your krillin?18:30
rickspencer3mhall119, fyi ... lately, I think my tablet might as well be called the UReddit 7 instead of Nexus 718:33
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
jgm90hello guys18:49
ahoneybunhey jgm9018:50
jgm90i want to create an app for ubuntu touch18:50
jgm90i need download a file from url is there any example like that18:50
jgm90and sry for my english :D18:51
ahoneybunso you need to use wget jgm90?18:51
DS-McGuireCan someone give me a hand pushing the code for the help app to LP? I want to rest!19:33
DS-McGuireballoons, Sorry to be a pain^19:35
balloonsDS-McGuire, what;s your branch?19:36
DS-McGuireI got the code using: bzr branch lp:help-app and according to LP  I can push the branch directly to Launchpad with the command:19:37
DS-McGuirebzr push lp:~daniel-mcguire351/help-app/help-app BUt I am not sure what that means.19:37
DS-McGuireI don't think I have a branch.19:38
dobeyit means you run that command and it will put your changes in that location on launchpad, assuming you've committed your changes19:39
dobeythe last "help-app" in that url is just the branch nick, so if you want to name it "fix-something" instead, you can push to lp:~daniel-mcguire351/help-app/fix-something instead and it will be there (or just rename the local directory from help-app to fix-something first, then push)19:40
DS-McGuiredobey, I have made changes yes. And when I run that command I get : bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/daniel/".19:40
dobeyDS-McGuire: you need to do it inside the branch tree19:41
dobeyyour home directory isn't a branch, which is what that error means (you're not in the branch)19:41
DS-McGuiredobey, right... So what is the branch?19:41
dobeyDS-McGuire: where did you make the changes?19:42
DS-McGuiredobey, Do you mean in the code?19:42
dobeyDS-McGuire: the directory created as a result of "bzr branch lp:foo" is the branch19:42
dobeyDS-McGuire: go into that directory and do the bzr push19:42
DS-McGuiredobey, Done. Thank you so much! I literally am exhausted. You are a life saver :)19:44
balloonsDS-McGuire, awesome :-)19:44
balloonssorry, I stepped away a sec19:45
DS-McGuireballoons, Not a a problem. dobey was here to rescue my ass :)19:45
balloonsDS-McGuire, so I see your code now: https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-mcguire351/help-app/help-app19:46
DS-McGuireballoons, That's it!19:46
balloonsyou can propose it for merging and we'll review19:46
DS-McGuireI will do that now ;)19:46
balloonsDS-McGuire, ohh, there is one thing though19:47
balloonsDS-McGuire, you didn't commit your changes locally19:47
balloonsDo you see on that page how the recent revisions shows Daniel and David, but nothing from you?19:48
DS-McGuireballoons, yeah...19:48
balloonsDS-McGuire, so this is simple to solve. From the directory, type 'bzr commit'19:48
balloonsthis will commit your local work to the bzr repo. Then you can issue the push command again and it will appear in launchpad19:49
DS-McGuireballoons, When I type bzr commit I open nano...19:50
balloonsDS-McGuire, right. Add a small statement about what you did, then save and close nano19:51
balloonsctrl+o and enter will do the second piece of saving and closing19:52
DS-McGuireI will commit now19:53
DS-McGuire"Pushed up to revision 91."19:54
DS-McGuireballoons, Pretty sure that is all done now, thanks a lot :)19:55
balloonsDS-McGuire, can you see what bzr status says?19:59
balloonswhenever you add or remove files from the branch you have to use commands to let bzr know about it. I'm guessing you added some files that aren't showing up19:59
DS-McGuireI think I may have added a few images, yes. I don't know where to look for the bzr status.20:00
dobeyDS-McGuire: run "bzr status" :)20:05
dobeyDS-McGuire: when you commit, it also lists unconmitted files in a comment in the editor so you can see if you missed any20:05
dobeyyou need to "bzr add" new files before committing, so they will be included, though20:06
DS-McGuiredobey, When I run "bzr status" I get unknown:  app/pictogram-quote-orange-hex.svg20:07
DS-McGuireI assume i missed that then.20:07
DS-McGuireJust added it and commited it.20:08
dobeyyes, that means it hasn't been added20:08
DS-McGuireonto revision 92 now :P20:08
DS-McGuireThanks guys for you help, I hope that is all correct :)20:13
balloonsDS-McGuire, you are welcome20:13
balloonsso looking at your mp, there's another little issue (always something eh?). See the 'Text conflict ' line?20:13
DS-McGuireI have saved all the commands haha!20:13
DS-McGuireballoons, I do yes20:14
balloonsDS-McGuire, that means your branch is out of sync with trunk20:17
balloonsDS-McGuire, so you need to re-merge trunk20:17
balloonsbzr merge lp:help-app20:17
DS-McGuire1 conflicts encountered.20:18
DS-McGuireI assume that isn't good.20:21
DS-McGuireballoons, What is the next best step?20:24
balloonsDS-McGuire, what does the conflict say?20:27
balloonsDS-McGuire, to avoid this, use bzr pull to keep your local branch up to date before making changes. I know the help-app has been moving fast, so that's likely the reason it happened ;-020:27
DS-McGuireNot attempting to fix packaging branch ancestry, missing pristine tar data for version 0.1.20:27
DS-McGuire M  edit-here/po/de.po20:27
DS-McGuire M  edit-here/po/es.po20:27
DS-McGuire M  edit-here/po/fr.po20:27
DS-McGuire M  edit-here/po/it.po20:27
DS-McGuire M  edit-here/po/pt.po20:27
DS-McGuire M  edit-here/po/ro.po20:27
DS-McGuireText conflict in edit-here/po/de.po20:27
balloonsDS-McGuire, did you intend to change that file?20:27
balloonsedit-here/po/de.po I mean20:28
DS-McGuireballoons, I see. But wont that overwrite what I do?20:28
DS-McGuireballoons, No I didn't. I never touched that app.20:28
balloonsDS-McGuire, ok, so you can manually fix it then. Go into the file and edit it20:30
balloonsmake it like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10582075/20:30
dobeydoes help-app have automatically updated po files?20:31
balloonslooks like a lp generate thing yes dobey20:31
balloonseasier ways to tell him to solve it20:31
dobeyi meant when you run 'make' for example20:31
dobeyif they don't get built locally and only get updated from lp imports then it shouldn't be a problem20:32
DS-McGuirewith the updating of that file do I only change lines 28-30?20:32
dobeyjust edit the file and fix whatever happened to have changed in your own branch so that the change isn't there and the version in trunk is what's in your tree20:32
dobeysuch that ideally "bzr diff --old lp:help-app" does not include any changes to that file20:33
DS-McGuireI did update the file however I still have text conflicts.20:40
DS-McGuiredobey, It looks like all the po files get updated automatically:20:42
DS-McGuiredaniel@Otacon-Desktop:~/help-app$ bzr status20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/de.po20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/es.po20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/fr.po20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/it.po20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/pt.po20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/ro.po20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/de.po.BASE20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/de.po.OTHER20:42
DS-McGuire  edit-here/po/de.po.THIS20:42
DS-McGuire  Text conflict in edit-here/po/de.po20:42
balloonsDS-McGuire, yes if you edit it the way I showed in the paste (remove the other lines completely), you should be fine20:43
DS-McGuireballoons, I am so sorry about all this, but mine isn't even like that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10582138/20:46
balloonsDS-McGuire, ohh it's worse now, heh20:47
balloonsDS-McGuire, ok, so the idea is to remove everything between ======= and >>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE, including those lines20:48
balloonsfinally then remove any <<<<<<< TREE lines20:48
balloonsDS-McGuire, then tell bzr to resolve it20:51
balloonsbzr resolve --all20:51
DS-McGuireballoons, ...20:52
DS-McGuire0 conflicts resolved, 0 remaining20:52
DS-McGuireIf I ever meet you I am buying you a drink...20:53
dobeyyeah conflicted files have conflict markers20:53
DS-McGuiredobey, So is it all good?20:53
dobeyweird that the headers got changed around like that though20:54
dobeyDS-McGuire: "bzr diff --old lp:help-app"20:54
dobeyDS-McGuire: if that command shows no changes in that file, then you're good20:54
balloonsDS-McGuire, yes more or less simply commit then and push again20:54
dobeyi suspect it'll show you've added an empty line though20:54
DS-McGuirepushing now :)20:56
DS-McGuiredone balloons and dobey thank you so much guys! :D20:57
balloonsDS-McGuire, you had to learn quite a bit to get that proposed, heh20:58
DS-McGuireballoons, I literally haven't learnt so much in all my life hahah!20:59
balloonsso DS-McGuire now that everything is "correct" on the mp, the only change I see is you added an image. I presume there are more changes20:59
balloonsso heh, we should solve that20:59
DS-McGuireI didn't add any more files, just modified them. balloons20:59
balloonsDS-McGuire, I assume you did. The trouble is, we don't see any modifications. Did you make the modifications in the same directory as what you commited?21:01
DS-McGuireballoons, Jesus. It doesn't have the www folder inside app21:02
DS-McGuireballoons, If you want the code it's here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/guftavrydtlbk5c/help-app.zip?dl=0 I can't do anymore tonight. I have been awake for 14 hours already. I am sorry for messing most of this up, thanks for you help21:06
t1mpkalikiana: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1425307 is fix released now21:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1425307 in mir (Ubuntu) "[regression] Exception when running phablet-screenshot (mako/vivid 110) [std::exception::what: Attempt to set swap interval on screencast is invalid]" [Medium,Confirmed]21:26
kalikianat1mp: wow that was fast then, looking forward to ci re-running22:28
batopawhich qml components needs to display drawer?23:10
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