
pittiGood morning05:50
MirvLaney: re: bug #1429836 I don't see the upload or changes anywhere06:40
ubot5bug 1429836 in qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qtquickcontrols-opensource-src" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142983606:40
mvo_hey didrocks07:05
mvo_hm, no seb yet07:05
didrocksmvo_: yeah, he's back on his French schedule07:06
didrocksmeaning, up late :)07:06
pittibonjour didrocks et mvo_, comment allez-vous ?07:07
mvo_didrocks: heh :)07:08
didrockspitti: ça peut aller, et toi ?07:08
mvo_hey pitti! good morning07:08
pittididrocks: I can't tell you how much fun I have :)07:08
pittididrocks: but otherwise good, cold is by and large gone07:08
didrockspitti: so many issues?07:08
didrocksvia the switch07:08
didrocksat least, health is good!07:09
pittididrocks: well, and questions, etc.; but making good progress07:09
pittitackling bug 1430479 now07:09
ubot5bug 1430479 in systemd (Ubuntu) ""telinit u" under upstart with systemd-sysv installed runs systemd" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143047907:09
mptdesrt, larsu, mdeslaur: Specification updated. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Power?action=diff&rev2=69&rev1=68>08:13
larsumpt: thanks! Don't know if you read all of the scrollback, but we were doubting the "switch meaning of the battery icon based on which devcice has least power" approach08:37
larsuwell, I think I was the only one doubting it08:37
seb128good morning desktopers08:39
mptlarsu, there’s a bug report somewhere complaining that it shows unintelligent mice too often … Apart from that, what is your doubt?08:43
larsumpt: I have the feeling it confuses people, because they expect their laptop's battery in that position and nothing else08:48
larsualso, I goubt that it's very helpful08:49
larsufor most aux devices, you don't need battery status all the time08:49
larsuand you can always get at it in the menu (and of course you get a notification when it is empty)08:49
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willcookemorning desktoppers08:50
larsuhi willcooke!08:51
seb128hey willcooke08:51
didrocksmorning willcooke08:53
willcookeis this anything to do with us:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/142426308:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1424263 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Broken dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:55
willcookemlankhorst perhaps?08:55
seb128yes, that's one for mlankhorst08:56
mvo_seb128: hey, good morning!08:58
mvo_seb128: so your silo - I messed that up, sorry08:58
seb128mvo_, hey, no worry, feel free to wipe my changes and do another mp/silo08:58
seb128I just wanted to help moving things forward08:59
seb128I didn't expect click to be special in landing and having to use a devel staging08:59
mvo_seb128: sorry, I think your approach is fine for a single branch like this, but I reassigned to devel out of a reflex  and now I can not land it anymore (ci-train complains)09:00
mvo_seb128: so thanks and sorry09:00
seb128mvo_, no worry, do you fix it?09:01
mvo_seb128: not yet, I was wondering if there is a magic way to just reuse the existing silo/line etc09:01
Laneyyo yo09:03
willcookewhat up dawg09:04
seb128mvo_, let me have a look09:04
seb128Laney, hey09:04
larsumorning Lane!09:05
seb128mvo_,we can just delete the new branches I think09:06
seb128mvo_, let me try09:06
seb128mvo_, can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/click/initctl-not-there/+merge/252479 as approveD?09:07
mvo_seb128: oh, nice09:09
mvo_seb128: yes09:09
seb128mvo_, landed09:10
mvo_seb128: \o/09:10
mvo_seb128: you rock09:10
seb128mvo_, thanks ;-)09:10
LaneyMirv: bah, the dput was the last thing I did before shutting down yesterday09:10
Laneywonder why it didn't go09:10
Laneyhey seb128 willcooke larsu!09:10
Laneyluckily I suspended instead of shutting down and I can see that I did indeed dput it right ...09:12
* Laney gets suspicious09:13
willcookeFJKong, ping09:28
willcookeFJKong, free for a chat with me & dpm?09:28
FJKongwillcooke: pong09:28
FJKongwillcooke: yes09:29
willcookeFJKong, dpm - please join #letschatwhynot09:29
LaneyMirv: there was some kind of outage, uploaded now09:38
LaneyMirv: Would be preferable to get this fixed properly in the upstream buildsystem and also applied in Debian, if you want to do either. :)09:38
* Laney hadn't used dh --until / dh --remaining for quite a while09:40
Laneyfelt old skool09:40
MirvLaney: thanks! yeah it'll be put to Debian at least09:44
LaneyI just do it manually because qmake is hard09:46
MirvLaney: oh, right, I'd think qmake QT_BUILD_PARTS+=tests would have worked09:49
Laneyit was hard to find documentation09:50
Laneythen you see that I had to give an import path to actually run them, and only the final installed tree worked09:50
Laneybecause the built one didn't have qmldir files maybe?09:50
Laneyanyway, improve it if you can!09:51
Mirvbeen there, Qt having hard to find documentation. disabling pch was another thing that was really not documented anywhere but had an option like that.09:54
Mirvyes, those import paths are pretty normal, they are similar in the already test enabled Qt packages09:54
seb128willcooke, mlankhorst, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa-lts-utopic/+bug/1429529 is another not-too-different issue10:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1429529 in mesa-lts-utopic (Ubuntu) "Package resolver can't find *-lts-utopic package dependencies, aborts" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:00
willcookeseb128, mlankhorst is on a day off today10:00
willcookeI'll pick it up with him tomorrow10:00
seb128willcooke, ok oh, thanks10:00
LaneyJohnLea_: hi, do you think the wallpapers could be attached to bug #1429011 today?10:00
ubot5bug 1429011 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "15.04 wallpapers package" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142901110:00
seb128willcooke, was he off yesterday as well? he missed the meeting/was not around it seems10:00
willcookeoh - yeah, so he was10:01
willcookeusing up leave10:01
Laneyshame we don't have a holiday calendar any more10:01
JohnLea_Laney, can do, I sent the final assets to willcooke yesterday10:03
willcookeJohnLea_, no assets received10:04
willcookeseb128, Laney - looks like I couldn't be bothered to add it to the calendar10:05
Laneywillcooke: we can't see that anyway10:05
LaneyUE holiday calendar10:05
LaneyI tried to add it a while ago, no go10:05
willcookewell thats silly10:05
* willcooke goes to look for a fix10:05
JohnLea_willcooke, I've forwarded the email to you again just now so you should have them10:06
JohnLea_willcooke, let me know if I need to chase alex for a compressed version, if we can use the .png version then even better10:06
willcookeJohnLea_, oh, yeah - I got that one, but I think we're waiting for compressed ones, no?10:06
willcookeheh ^^^10:07
JohnLea_willcooke, do we need it?10:07
JohnLea_willcooke, if so no prob. of course10:07
willcookeLaney, 3.3MB default wallpaper - too big>?10:07
Laney-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.3M Sep 17 09:18 warty-final-ubuntu.png10:09
Laneyseems on a par10:09
Laneyif you can do it without losing quality then that's good though10:09
willcookeJohnLea_, if you could ask Alex to take a very quick look at compressing it, that would be worth spending 20 mins on.   I don't feel comfortable making a call on whether or not the compressed version would be acceptable, better done by the original artist I think10:11
mlankhorstseb128: just dupe it10:20
seb128mlankhorst, thanks10:20
mlankhorstwith bug  142446610:20
ubot5bug 1424466 in freeglut (Ubuntu) "Devel package not installable in 14.04.2 (mesa-lts-utopic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142446610:20
willcookemlankhorst, run out of horse faeces to pick up? ;p10:21
seb128mlankhorst, seems like it didn't dup (yet?)10:21
seb128mlankhorst, is that something you are looking at?10:21
JohnLea_willcooke, compressed wallpaper sent, it's now 750kb10:32
willcookesweet!  thanks for the MBs JohnLea_ :)10:32
willcookethe internet salutes you10:33
JohnLea_willcooke, ;-)  but our number of MB of ubuntu downloaded stat for the next ubuntu release won't look as good10:33
willcookeI'll download it twice10:34
JohnLea_willcooke, as long a ubuntu continues to provide a legitimate use case for the use of torrents ;-)10:35
willcookeLaney, seb128 - uploaded10:36
seb128willcooke, thanks10:38
Laneyi'll do that in a little while10:50
seb128bah wifi timeout issues here, could be a buggy routeur but unsure how to debug where packets get lost11:17
nessita_tkamppeter, hi! would you know of any workaround for LP #1430561 ?11:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1430561 in hplip (Ubuntu) "hp-plugin crashes with error: Python gobject/dbus may be not installed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143056111:31
willcookeseb128, try running a traceroute (or tracepath) to
seb128willcooke, going to try next time it does it, thanks11:33
willcookeyou can expect some "no response" along the way, but you should be able to see if it is the local router or not11:33
tkamppeternessita_, do you have hplip-gui installed?11:45
nessita_tkamppeter, yes sir11:46
nessita_tkamppeter, latest version from vivid11:49
tkamppeternessita_, "dpkg -S models.dat"?11:53
mptlarsu, maybe that expectation is just because other platforms don’t have the feature? That would be an unfortunate reason for us to drop it11:54
nessita_tkamppeter, libsane-hpaio: /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat11:56
nessita_tkamppeter, I retry yesterday and got a new error, added it as a new comment in the bug11:56
tkamppeternessita_, probably it is some Python3 transition problem. I have added a comment asking the HPLIP developers at HP to check it.12:00
didrocksphew, systemd-fsckd logic changed12:03
didrocksI hope this time upstream won't complain :)12:03
nessita_tkamppeter, do you know if I could dowload the driver file by hand and set it up in any way to make the printer work?12:03
tkamppeternessita_, go to http://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/auxfiles/HP/plugins/ and download the file corresponding to your HPLIP version, for 15.04/Vivid currently http://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/auxfiles/HP/plugins/hplip-3.15.2-plugin.run. The do "sudo sh hplip-3.15.2-plugin.run".12:07
tkamppeternessita_, tell in the bug report whether this works for you.12:08
nessita_tkamppeter, thanks much!12:09
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Mirvright, so it's not just SDK having troubles on 14.04.2 hwe stack but other dev packages too and even (?) installing Steam?12:40
MirvI wonder how 12.04.x avoided the dev package installation problem if eg. libsdl & friends are involved12:41
Mirvor did apt resolving regress for the use case..12:41
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larsumpt: I don't know, maybe. I suspect it's simply confusing in its own right to be honest13:39
desrtsal, karaj13:39
larsuhi desrt!13:39
seb128hey desrt13:42
larsudesrt: are you in hamburg?13:42
desrtnot today :)13:42
desrt(or ever, since you mention it) :)13:42
larsudesrt: do we have a convention for using g_autoptr with variables that should be returned?13:43
larsunot in my glib13:43
desrtthen you must not have autoptr either13:44
larsulet me paraphrase: not documented in my glib13:44
* larsu wonders why13:44
desrtoh look.  i forgot to update -sections.txt :)13:44
larsuthis is awesome and exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!13:45
desrtanyway... this is made exactly for this purpose, as you can see by the code example in that documentation13:45
desrtyup :)13:45
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
desrtlarsu: tsk tsk tsk g_list_store_new() made the list as well :)14:00
desrt(or failed to make the list)14:00
larsuoops, thank14:01
desrtoh.  thanks to gtk-doc choking on G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE14:02
Laneydidrocks / seb128: can you promote for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtquickcontrols-opensource-src/+bug/1429836 if you have a minute?14:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1429836 in qtquickcontrols-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qtquickcontrols-opensource-src" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:27
Laneyfcitx looks interesting there14:28
seb128Laney, interesting in which way?14:29
Laneybuild-depends that aren't yellow, i.e. the script doesn't think they have MIR14:29
seb128weird, I'm pretty sure we have approved MIRs for it14:30
Laneyperhaps some of them were missed14:30
seb128I don't think so14:31
seb128Laney, did promote the qt one14:32
Laneythat means image builds for us again14:32
seb128mvo__, hum, seems like my click change didn't work, not sure why :/14:34
seb128chroot.py", line 540, in create initctl = "%s/sbin/initctl" % mount FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/sbin/initctl'14:34
seb128is that line buggy?!14:35
seb128        initctl = "%s/sbin/initctl" % mount14:35
seb128        if os.path.exists(initctl):14:35
seb128I don't understand what's going on14:35
ochosilarsu: your last changes fix the hover/focus-state when i grab and move the scale, not the hover of the scalebutton itself though14:37
ochosiand actually that part worked for me before14:38
ochosiso s/fix// :)14:38
larsuochosi: what do you mean by scalebutton?14:39
larsuthe slider that you can grab?14:39
ochosiwell that circular button that sits on the trough14:39
larsuhm, that works fine for me14:39
larsudoes it also not work with Adwaita for you?14:40
ochosilemme try that14:41
ochosihm, that also doesn't seem to make a difference, no hover-highlight on the circular button/slider14:42
ochosiand sorry, yeah, i just looked it up and you're totally right. it's called the slider :)14:44
ochosilarsu: if the slider's hover works for you, i'll try to re-test it again in a clean env/vbox. maybe i've messed around with this one too much...14:45
larsuochosi: please do. I just tested it again and it works14:45
ochosiokeydokey, i'll let you know how it goes14:46
larsudesrt: g_autofree is also missing15:03
desrtlarsu: i'm currently kicking gtk-doc's ass15:04
desrtthe markdown parser stuff is extremely confused as to whether it's meant to be processing escaped or unescaped xml15:05
* Laney screams15:10
mvo__seb128: oh? meh :/ is that the autopkgtest or a local test?15:15
seb128mvo__, trying to create framework env in qtcreator15:15
happyaronattente_, seb128, I think fcitx/fcitx-qimpanel parts in bug #1363150 are released already (as well), have I missed anything?15:17
ubot5bug 1363150 in fcitx-qimpanel (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Fcitx input method integration in Unity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136315015:17
seb128happyaron, I don't know, didn't follow much those, if they are please close the corresponding bug lines15:18
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happyaronseb128: I'm just double checking if I've missed something, :)15:19
Laneyhappyaron: please could you chase getting that all promoted to main15:19
attente_happyaron: yeah, i think those can be closed. they're already upstream long ago i think15:19
Laneysee that link I just pasted, it makes desktop builds now fail15:19
* happyaron looking15:19
happyaronattente_: ok15:19
didrockspitti: my proposal for bug #1428486, instead of the dropping in .wants.d/ would be to add [Install]\nWantedBy=nsf-server.service in rpc-statd.service and rpc-statd-notify.service, then disable it by default and do the one time Wants migration15:58
ubot5bug 1428486 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Only start rpc.statd if $NEED_STATD" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142848615:58
didrockspitti: that way people would be able to still enable/disable the stats15:58
didrocks(without having to mask the unit)15:59
didrocksand of course, we patch the Wants=15:59
pittididrocks: oh, you figured out an "automatic" way to determine when we actually need statd? nice!15:59
pitti(that's what an init system should do for you, after all :) )15:59
didrockspitti: no, we still do the one time migration15:59
didrocksbut then, at least, the admin would be able to activate/disable it with traditional systemd tools16:00
didrockspitti: phrasing on the bug report, maybe that would make more sense16:06
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Laneyluverly new default wallpaper16:15
Laneycoming soon to a distribution archive near you16:16
Laneythe greyscale one is about to burn my eyes out16:16
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attente_seb128: hey, i just filed this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/1430893, but i'm not sure if we want to do the depends on the meta package, or do the depends on u-c-c like we did with ibus16:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1430893 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Make Fcitx default for Chinese users" [Undecided,New]16:41
seb128attente_, I don't think we want to install fcitx by default? maybe make language selector install it/part of the chinese langpacks?16:42
attente_oh, ok, that sounds better16:44
didrocksthe langpacks dep sounds the best (worth telling it in the FFe I guess)16:46
didrocksbut the wrong build-dep should be fixed first16:46
attente_didrocks: what's the build-dep issue? those packages are approved for main but not in main yet?16:48
didrocksattente_: no, there has been some additional build-dep since the MIR was approved that was added, but not in main16:50
didrockshappyaron is fixing it and removing them16:50
didrocksso you need to wait for that to be in before getting the FFe approved and packages promoted16:50
Laneythe promoting can definitely happen independently16:51
didrocksLaney: well, I certainly don't promote packages which have build-dep in universe16:51
didrocksyou never know what or when the next "fix upload" would happen16:51
LaneyI didn't say now, I said independently16:51
Laneyit's not tied to making it the default16:51
Laneyu-s-d is already pulling fcitx into main16:51
didrocksas recommends, so at least, won't block image build (but it's a build-dep also, which worked through the train PPA :/)16:53
didrocksshouldn't the recommends be fcitx-data | ibus (>= 1.5.0), rather (or the other way around?)16:54
didrocksI didn't follow, that may have been discussed here already16:55
Laneyhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/199935937/buildlog_ubuntu_vivid_i386_ubuntu_BUILDING.txt.gz sure is blocking builds16:55
happyaronseb128: if we don't seed it, then users will get input method changed after installing langpacks, is that expected?16:56
didrocksLaney: I was talking about the build of u-s-s itself16:56
seb128happyaron, why would they?16:56
seb128happyaron, or do you mean chinese users only?16:56
happyaronseb128: yes, they'll get ibus after installed the system, and installing langpacks make it change to fcitx16:57
happyaronthat's wired experience16:57
seb128don't we have a chinese iso?16:57
Laneydidrocks: oh, misundersood because you said "image build"16:58
happyaronno we don't16:58
Laneyanyway this is why it need to be promoted sooner rather than later16:58
didrocksLaney: no, I was talking about the package build (due to the ppa usage, that wasn't spotted), of course image build are screwed :/16:59
seb128happyaron, I don't think we should put ibus & fcitx on the iso16:59
happyaronseb128: with both of them it looks odd, but it doesn't waste space, things like ibus-pinyin (and its database) is replaced by fcitx ones, and the framework itself isn't large17:01
seb128happyaron, can you look at how much space difference we are talking about?17:02
attente_Laney: do we need a separate MIR for those packages? or could we just reuse the old one?17:02
happyaronseb128: sure17:03
Laneyattente_: Don't know if it matters much, talk to a MIR guy :-)17:04
Laneysounded like happyaron was working on it though17:04
attente_oh, ok17:04
seb128happyaron, thanks17:04
happyaronattente_ Laney we don't need them, fcitx-qt5 is in -proposed, and I'm testing the presage patch atm17:05
Laneyhope you're forwarding back :P17:06
attente_happyaron: but what about the other gclient packages?17:09
attente_libfcitx-gclient0, libfcitx-config4, libfcitx-utils0, fcitx-data17:10
attente_*fcitx packages17:10
happyaronattente_: they aren't using extra-cmake-modules, only fcitx-qt5 does17:11
attente_oh ok17:11
didrockshappyaron: attente_: seb128: Laney: I just calulated seeing the Recommends/Deps, I'm already at 6megs compressed17:15
seb128didrocks, yeah, I seemed to remember that it was quite some "to download" to apt-get install fcitx17:15
didrocksI don't think it's desirable to grow our target image size by 6%17:15
didrocks0.6% :)17:15
didrocks(and it's packed, so more onced unpacked)17:16
seb128no, we don't want more than a few mbs17:16
seb128it seems wrong anyway to have 2 IM frameworks on the iso17:16
didrocksI think we should really have that optional in the code17:16
attente_sorry, what are our options again? make language-selector install it, or have the depends on language-pack-zh-*?17:17
happyarondidrocks: we'll remove ibus pinyin related stuff at the same time17:17
didrocksattente_: have the depends on language-pack-zh-*, and having u-c-c and other things pulling it having a fcitx | ibus17:17
didrockshappyaron: ok, so you are going to patch u-c-c, u-s-s and so on to remove the fcitx-data dep?17:18
didrocks(I only started from the u-s-s changes)17:19
happyarondidrocks: wait, did you count the space get freed after removing ibus-pinyin/libpyzy-1.0-0?17:19
Laneywillcooke: did you see that someone is complaining about jpeg compression artifacts on the wallpaper?17:20
Laneyis that legit if you compare to the original one?17:20
willcookedesign were happy with it, so.. ?17:20
didrockshappyaron: no, I didn't see that removal in the MP17:21
didrocksI really think as well though that both shouldn't be installed17:21
LaneySeems like language-selector should set it up for you17:22
Laneynot sure how hard that would be to implement though17:22
willcookeLaney, hrm - yeah, it's suboptimal - I'll upload the big one17:22
Laneywillcooke: ack17:22
didrocksattente_: is the code that entered as part of that landing is optional? like if -data isn't installed, the code will still run?17:22
happyarondidrocks: pinyin was seeded long ago when sabdfl was asked to include full Chinese support in default installation17:23
attente_didrocks: checking17:23
willcookeLaney, done17:24
happyarondidrocks: I prefer removing ibus-pinyin/libpyzy from cdimage, and add fcitx/fcitx-pinyin/fcitx-module-cloudpinyin instead17:25
Laneyoh yeah, you can tell the difference17:25
happyaronfcitx-pinyin is much smaller than ibus-pinyin/libpyzy though17:25
willcookeJohnLea_, compressed version was sucky ^^^ ;)17:25
seb128happyaron, how would that work for ibus users?17:26
* Laney tries a pngcrush on it17:26
Laney2.8M \m/17:27
happyaronseb128: pinyin is only used to type Chinese, and we are seeking to change the default for Chinese17:27
happyaronalso, people will probably tend to install ibus-sunpinyin if they really want use ibus to input Chinese for everyday life, but the database is even larger so not able to get included to cdimage17:29
attente_didrocks: no, it seems that we need fcitx-data because it provides the template file for fcitx' configuration17:30
didrockshappyaron: do you have a MP to remove ibus-sunpinyin and libpyzy-1.0-0 from the seeds?17:31
didrockssounds like we are quite in a stuck situation, but let's focus on getting things fixed17:31
didrocks(not tonight for me anyway, but drop me an email if you need me to track it for tomorrow)17:31
didrocksstill sounds suboptimal to have code depending on 2 IMs17:32
happyarondidrocks: I can propose a MP for the FFe17:32
didrockssounds good, then, we'll see how much we win/loose on the image17:32
didrocksand decides from that what to do17:32
didrocksif the FFe is accepted17:33
didrocksattente_: I'm surprised that you hard-dep on fcitx-data as it's only a recommends17:33
didrocksattente_: shouldn't that be a dep then?17:33
attente_didrocks: this is in u-c-c, right?17:34
didrocksattente_: ah, I thought you talked about u-s-s17:35
didrocksok, it's a dep in u-c-c17:35
attente_didrocks: it's only a recommends in u-s-d because it uses it only once for the migration which i guess is not a good enough reason to have a hard dep17:35
didrocksattente_: sounds ok then17:36
attente_but for u-c-c it's needed if the user is going to be able to edit their per-window options17:36
didrockslet's see once it's done how many space difference (with the unseeding) that's going to result in17:37
didrocksjust fix the image build meanwhile (hoping it's the only remaining issue and we'll get an image tomorrow)17:37
didrocksand then, we'll refine :)17:37
attente_yes :)17:38
didrocksattente_: happyaron: just a warning, I think we'll go on war again on image size soon, and that one would probably be something to do17:38
didrocksonly ship, per language, one IM17:38
didrocksand have some optional dep17:38
didrockswould have been great to do it from day 017:38
didrocksso I hope you will ready once this happens :)17:39
happyarondidrocks: next cycle we'll decide on ibus vs fcitx, which is the only one to keep17:39
didrockshappyaron: ok, let's see then, do you already have a methodology to decide?17:39
didrockslike how to reach users from different cultures using different layouts?17:40
happyaronalmost, as part of fcitx upstream we've done that for quite some time17:40
didrocksok, let's plan on how you will post the results next cycle early enough17:41
JohnLea_willcooke, can we use the non-compressed version then?  bandwidth and storage is cheep and only getting cheeper ;-)17:41
seb128mvo, the click chroot seems to work now, I wonder if I had a staled instance or copy earlier...17:42
seb128didrocks, ^17:42
didrocksseb128: ah interesting, the error you pasted made no sense :)17:42
didrocksseb128: is there any chroot daemon, keeping old copy?17:42
seb128didrocks, indeed not17:43
seb128didrocks, I don't know enough about schroot/click to say17:43
seb128maybe mvo knows ;-)17:43
didrocksps aux | grep click ? ;)17:43
JohnLea_willcooke, ping17:50
willcookeJohnLea_, :D17:50
willcookeJohnLea_, sorry - was otp17:50
willcookeback now17:50
JohnLea_willcooke; could we delay the default wallpaper submition until end of play Friday?17:50
willcookeLaney, ^^17:50
willcookeJohnLea_, we can always upload a newer one17:50
JohnLea_willcooke; marcus has decided there are a couple of things that need to change17:51
willcookesure, no worries17:51
LaneyIt's already uploaded17:51
willcooke(I think)17:51
Laneyalso UserInterfaceFreeze is tomorrow17:51
JohnLea_willcooke; ok, I'll sent the updated version over on friday, many thanks!17:51
Laney...but minor changes are probably okay...17:51
seb128those are bugfixes I guess :-)17:51
JohnLea_Laney, it will only be subtle modifications to the wallpaper pattern, so changing this after won't impact documentation17:51
willcookeSo as long as it's not more naked people, I think we'll be OK JohnLea_17:51
JohnLea_willcooke; I'll pass on the no more naked people message to our visual designers ;-)17:52
willcookelolz, please do :)17:52
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* Laney phases out18:11
* willcooke -> EOD18:16
=== tsimpson is now known as lubotu1
GunnarHjattente_: ping?18:20
attente_GunnarHj: hey18:20
=== lubotu1 is now known as tsimpson
GunnarHjattente_: Saw bug #1430893. It looks to me as if a couple of changes in pkg_depends would be sufficient.18:22
ubot5bug 1430893 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Install Fcitx for Chinese users" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143089318:22
attente_GunnarHj: possibly. we just had a discussion about it, but we're waiting on some build failures to be resolved18:23
GunnarHjattente_: Ok.. Where did the discussion take place?18:24
attente_GunnarHj: this channel18:24
GunnarHjattente_: Thanks, will take a look.18:24
happyaronGunnarHj: updated the FFe just now18:45
=== nessita_ is now known as nessita
GunnarHjhappyaron: Is the plan to have fcitx *installed* on all machines, or just have it available on the CD for those who choose a Chinese locale at installation?19:15
happyaronGunnarHj: installed19:15
GunnarHjhappyaron: In 15.04?19:15
happyaronGunnarHj: yep19:15
happyaronGunnarHj: installed, but only made default for Chinese locale19:16
GunnarHjhappyaron: Ok, then I realize there is a need to reconsider a few things...19:16
attente_is there an alternative to ubuntu-desktop-next that works with systemd? can't seem to install it without upstart19:59
seb128attente_, what do you mean by alternative?20:09
seb128ubuntu-desktop-next should still work20:09
seb128we still install upstart for user sessions anyway even on unity720:10
attente_seb128: it conflicts with systemd-sysv, no?20:11
attente_ubuntu-touch-customization-hooks seems to depend on upstart20:12
Laneydesktop-next didn't switch yet20:15
seb128attente_, can you describe the issue/what you are trying to do exactly?20:17
attente_just trying to install ubuntu-desktop-next20:18
seb128you rather want unity8-desktop-session-mir no?20:19
seb128desktop-next is an iso20:19
seb128if you want an unity8 session on your normal system just install that one?20:19
attente_ah, ok. that worked. thanks seb128!20:20
robert_ancelltjaalton, did you reject the right SRU for lightdm to utopic?22:14
robert_ancellThe email suggests you rejected 1.12.3-0ubuntu1 which should replace the current 1.12.2-0ubuntu1 in -proposed.22:15
tjaaltonrobert_ancell: there were two uploads of the same22:15
robert_ancelloh, weird22:16
tjaaltonso I rejected the slightly older one22:16
tjaalton#1383321 from the old upload is still unverified22:16
robert_ancelltjaalton, ah, thanks22:17
tjaalton#1190344 too22:18
robert_ancellthat one was only partially fixed in 1.12.2, it should be fully fixed in 1.12.322:19
ochosilarsu: a late re: sound indicator scale slider hover – it works! well done!22:54

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