
=== kpease_ is now known as kpease
Blackboltsdb1 and sdc1 is the drive.. it's a 2 part flash drive with 2 drives in one00:00
deblabhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10577425/ <-- lshw and free00:00
deblabk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10577425/ <-- lshw and free00:01
Blackboltthey are both formatted as fat3200:01
Blackbolti also boot off of this flashdrive...sdc1 contains the live usb files00:01
deblabSeems weird, it does recognize 2x2 and 1x400:01
Blackboltand i use sdb1 as storage for w/e i need to save..00:02
k1ldeblab: what kernel exactly?00:02
deblabk1l: 3.16.0-31-generic <-- Is that what you are asking for? :)00:03
Bashing-omBlackbolt: I know nothing about such an arrangment .. I too must then bow out, as I can not imagine one hard drive seen as 2 separate devices .00:04
Blackboltdon't worry about that it's really irrelevant.. it all has worked for a long time think of it as 2 actual drives00:05
k1ldeblab: hmmm.00:05
Blackboltit's not one hard drive seen as 200:05
Blackboltit's two on one flash00:05
Blackboltseperate devices00:05
k1ldeblab: is it because the bank2 (which is the 3rd bank) is empty?00:05
pavlosdeblab, bank 2 is empty00:06
Blackboltlets focus on sdb1 because this is the one i need write operations on00:06
deblabk1l: I only use 3 slots (2x2gb and 1x4gb), so my guess is that it would be empty? :)00:07
tripelbMy guucrashed and i DEARLY want to save the gedit file I was working on, with helpful advice copied from #ubuntu. IS THIS EVeN POSSIBLE ti00:07
k1ldeblab: maybe the order matters? can you try with setting the 4gb into bank2 instead of bank3?00:07
pavlosdeblab, can you re-arrange the memory sticks?00:08
deblabk1l and pavlos: absolutely! Worth a try! Thx guys.00:08
tripelbI am on my phone now.00:09
Bashing-omBlackbolt: Well, we can look and see .. what returns -> ls -al /media/<username>/, we can look at the access rights to a Windows' file system, see what we can do .00:09
Blackbolti did a mount command and the drive is mounted as rw00:09
Blackboltok Bashing-om want me to pastebin that?00:10
tripelbHi Bashing-om what you told me did not get saved. Wait now I remember ot might be logged. But it would be interesting to know if a command could be aent from terminal to a text edit program.00:11
Blackboltit looks like the folder that points to the drive is DEXXXX-XXX, and its ROOT only00:11
Blackboltdrwxr-xr-x   7 root   root    4096 Jan  1  1970 DE9D-799800:11
gr33n7007hMichaelHabib1: what terminal you using?00:11
Blackboltand the mount command says the drive is written as rw00:12
Blackboltmounted as*00:12
MichaelHabib1gr33n7007h: right now its terminator , but what i'm trying to do is create a script to run using the default CLI without setting which one00:12
Blackboltseems i need to just chown to set ubuntu (the account im on) to be able to rw the folder..00:12
MichaelHabib1gr33n7007h: so the scripts will run on different DE without having to change the code00:13
deblabk1l: well - it's better! 5.7! :-P00:13
gr33n7007hMichaelHabib1: that's going to be tricky as they've got different parameters00:14
UllarahDoes anybody know if using a FUSE filesystem to connect to google drive is against their TOC?00:14
gr33n7007hMichaelHabib1: probably `xterm -hold -e "sh yourscript.sh"`00:18
pavlosdeblab, I think bank0 is closest to the cpu ... set them as 4GB, 2, and 2 with bank3 empty00:18
pavlosdeblab, on the motherboard00:18
Bashing-omBlackbolt: Yes, please pastbinit -> ls -al /media/<username> so I see the path the the device we are talking about .00:18
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Bashing-omtripelb: Are you in reference to changing grub file ? for the change to propogate, one must issue -> sudo update grub <- . I should have told you so at that time .00:20
Blackbolti did ccopy and paste the relevant line here Bashing-om00:21
Blackboltthe internet is EXTREMELY slow here so pastebinit is still waiting lol00:21
sine0I heard that ubuntu package manager search had some data link to amazon, is this still the case00:21
BlackboltDE9D is the one in question here..00:22
RaMcHiPTechwoooohoooo first PEI treated build plate!00:22
RaMcHiPTechI have enough for 4 plates total00:22
Bashing-omBlackbolt: look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/10577471/ .00:24
BlackboltBashing-om it's crazy because since it's a live usb mounted on this read only flash(the other drive is read only too), I have to do sudo mkdir just to make a folder..00:24
RaMcHiPTechPEI doesnt look much differnt.  Almost got it applied perfectly except the corners a bit...00:28
BlackboltBashing-om: let me tell you more tell me when you're reading this..00:28
BlackboltBashing-om: I've unmounted the drive, created a folder called TEST as /media/TEST, performed chown on it and then checked the properties and it said i owned it, etc...everything was great.. After I mounted /dev/sdb1 /media/TEST and every file has a padlock on it.. trying chown to TEST the same way resulted in operation not permitted00:29
Bashing-omBlackbolt: As you know, 'roor' owns the drive, "you" do not have authority to access the drive . This is the one " drwxr-xr-x   7 root   root    4096 Jan  1  1970 DE9D-7998 " ? Note that only root can write to it ( the w's) .00:30
Blackboltyep read what i said there :)00:30
Bashing-omBlackbolt: reading the ups .00:31
Blackboltchanging permissions on the folders work until i mount to that folder00:31
BlackboltBashing-om the real question is.. how do I mount the flash drive so that anyone can write to it.... it automounts the FOLDER it points to as read-only except for root00:32
AndroidHackerguys i need a simple help.. i made a partition that mounts to ~/android_compile, put it in fstab to auto mount and chowned it. seems it doesnt last through reboots. any ideas?00:33
Bashing-omBlackbolt: TRY : sudo chmod -R 777 /media/DE9D-7998 . So that anybody and everybody has complete access to that device .00:34
BlackboltBashing-om: still can't write to it...00:35
MrAristoAny specific reason why one cannot open a 232MB image file on Ubuntu without crashing before RAM is even 3/4 used?00:36
Bashing-omBlackbolt: Sorry, should be -> sudo chown -R username:username /media/DE9D-7998 <- where 'username is your actual username .00:38
BlackboltBashing-om: operation not permitted, which is what i've said several times lol00:39
Blackboltin fact it spammed my screen with every file ending in "operation not permitted"00:39
Blackboltand I'm definitely nnot typing it incorrectly... because I've been typing it for a while now hehe00:40
Bashing-omBlackbolt: Evidently we are trying to impose ubuntu file operations on a windows file system .. lemme do some out of pocket research, see what I can learn . ( I do not do Windows ) .00:41
Blackboltoh ok maybe that's what it's not working.. very true!!00:42
pavlosBashing-om, how about becoming root first (sudo -i) then trying to change perms?00:42
BlackboltBashing-om: it  does work fine in windows.. i can write to it fine00:43
Blackboltby the way00:44
Blackboltpavlos: I tried AS root and it still says operation not permitted00:44
Amm0nBlackbolt, have you tried to mount it manually with -o umask?00:45
Amm0nsudo mount /dev/sdx /media/foo -o umask=00000:46
Amm0nfor example00:46
wikiemolHey, my root partition is out of space and I don't have access to a usb or livecd right now. Is there a way to resize the root partition without one?00:48
BlackboltAmm0n: wat does this do over regular mounting it? i never had to do this before....00:49
cxdvtyI need helppp00:49
cxdvtyHow do i make it to where websites cant open up new tabs and new windows for ads on chrome?00:49
rypervenchewikiemol: Possibly.00:49
rypervenchewikiemol: Depends on your partition setup.00:50
pavloswikiemol, remove old kernels of you have00:50
wikiemolrypervenche: I am kind of new when it comes to seriously dealing with partitions, can you explain what exactly you need to know?00:51
wikiemolpavlos: What do you mean?00:51
cxdvtyAnd also laggy web videos00:51
thurstylarkAfter typing a bit in Google Docs using Chrome Beta, my keyboard stops working only in Chrome until I relaunch it. Is this something I should troubleshoot at an OS level, or with Chrome? running 14.1000:52
thurstylarkcxdvty: you can search for keywords in the chrome settings page00:52
Amm0nBlackbolt, its sets a mask for permissions on mounted filesystems00:52
cxdvtyI cannot watch web videos on ubuntu at all -_- for real00:53
pavloswikiemol, maybe you have many linux-image files so you could remove some old ones, just a thought.00:53
Bashing-omBlackbolt: I can not say, this is same same advise : http://askubuntu.com/questions/405993/usb-drive-auto-mounted-by-user-but-gets-write-permissions-for-root-only as I have given, maybe try again from the top ?00:53
thurstylarkcxdvty: probably under powered hardware. Try using something lighter than chrome.00:54
cxdvtyCant wait to build my new pc -_-00:55
Bashing-omwikiemol: What relesae are you on ? IF 14.04 +  try terminal command -> sudo apt-get autoremove <- to get some space cleared .00:55
UllarahYou could install 'localepurge' to remove extra man pages that aren't in your language, unless Ubuntu does that automatically now.00:56
cxdvtyautoremove deletes unused stuff? Bashing-om00:56
wikiemolBashing-om: What exactly will that do?00:56
UllarahThere is also 'deborphan', but I wouldn't use that unless you love breaking things.00:57
wikiemolAs in how does it know which packages I am no longer using00:57
Amm0nBlackbolt, something to read about permission masks http://www.omaroid.com/fstab-permission-masks-explained/00:57
* thurstylark loves breaking things00:58
Bashing-omwikiemol: cxdvty :: that commnad removes no longer needed files, and in later releases that does include old kernels .. IF there is operational head room .00:58
tripelbRe can read but not writw on mounted drive. I thought that was standard ubuntu and somehow I needed to sign oto it. So it is a bug. And linus doesnt have to wonder why the desktop isnt popular.00:58
tripelbActually.makes me mad. I have seen this for at.least 4 years.00:59
uRockis it possible to delete the ufw.log while the system is running?01:00
artanisecsup peoples01:02
uRockis it possible to delete the ufw.log while the system is running? or should I wait for it to rotate, then clean it with bleachbit? It is 5.2GB01:03
pavloswikiemol, find / -xdev -type f -size +100M (find files in /root larger than 100MB), adjust as necessary01:04
BlackboltBashing-om: "I also made sure my user is in the relevant groups: fuse and plugdev" from the page you linked.. how would i check to make sure my username ubuntu is in these groups as they stated here01:06
wafflej0ckBlackbolt, in a terminal type, groups01:07
wafflej0ckBlackbolt, if you do, whoami in a terminal, verify it says ubuntu as well01:08
Blackboltit says "root"01:08
pavlosBlackbolt, id will show which groups username belongs to01:08
Blackboltthat's it01:08
Blackboltbut im in elevatd terminal one sec01:08
wafflej0ckBlackbolt, yeah exit that, groups with no params gets for the current user01:08
Amm0nBlackbolt, and don't forget to relog if you made any changes in groups01:09
Blackbolti'm not in "fuse"01:09
wafflej0cker I guess as root could have done "groups ubuntu" to get it for ubuntu01:09
Blackboltwell groups shows me what groups im in right? i see : ubuntu adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare01:09
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Blackboltwhoami returns: ubuntu01:10
bensockethi i was wondering if anyone one on here could give me help on setting up a network to sent and recieve files via dial up without internet ..thanks in advance01:10
wafflej0ckBlackbolt, okay yeah so you can add yourself to the necessary groups then01:10
Blackbolthow would i do that?01:11
Blackboltwould fuse group be required for write permissions on a folder belonging to "root" though01:11
wafflej0ckBlackbolt, sudo usermod -a -G fuse ubuntu01:12
wafflej0ckBlackbolt, not sure exactly what the root of the issue is just got the tail end of the conversation01:12
wafflej0ckBlackbolt, but that'll add ubuntu to the fuse group if that's what you needed01:13
pavlosbensocket, http://vanilla.co.za/setup_dc_ubuntu.php01:13
Enkidu_akThis is like a bad joke. the desktop livecd was able to configure the raid properly using fdisk and mdadm. The installation went flawlessly, but the OS can't load because mdadm isn't part of the standard installation of the desktop.01:14
Amm0nBlackbolt, you need the fuse group for nfts for example it doesn't handle FAT01:15
BlackboltwaffleJ0ck: I can't write to a flash drive.. when it automounts, it mounts it as belonging to ROOT01:15
Amm0nBlackbolt, did you try to set a mask while mounting manually?01:16
Blackboltnoi  have not yet.. that was a lot of reading01:17
Blackboltand i stopped to eat.. but im back at it01:17
Blackbolti just added myself to that group by the way01:17
Amm0ncan't hurt so far^01:17
wafflej0ckBlackbolt, the issue sounds familiar but I'm not sure about the details01:17
bensocketthanks pavlos01:17
RaMcHiPTechwell PEI adheres REALLY well.  Lets see if I can get part off after cooldown :D01:18
Blackbolti did this but it didn't add me... sudo usermod -a -G fuse ubuntu01:19
Amm0nBlackbolt, and don't forget to relog if you made any changes in groups01:19
Blackboltoh hah01:19
marco47I'm having troubles try to use apt-get trying to install fail2ban, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10577656/ do you know what am I doing bad ?01:19
Blackboltgeez that means i'd have to restart all of this?01:19
marco47how can I fix it ?01:19
Amm0nno just relog01:19
Blackboltis fuse important for FAT32 mounting and permissions?01:20
Blackboltidk how to relog................01:20
Blackboltwhat the heck ? lol01:21
Amm0nlogout and login again :)01:21
Blackbolthow do i log out then01:21
Blackboltfirefox and everything will close if i relog right01:21
Blackboltidk how...01:21
Blackboltif i hit power button it just has suspend, restart, shutdown, and lock01:21
Amm0nrestart is fine too.. but you can try logout in terminal sry i'm not using ubuntu atm01:23
Amm0nmarco47, are you trying to use apt in a directory that doesn't exist?01:26
umbra_purusWhat is landscape?01:28
marco47Amm0n: I'm trying to do it in root01:30
marco47Amm0n: is that bad ?01:30
marco47Amm0n: let me check again01:30
marco47Amm0n: I'm doing in root directory, is that bad ?01:31
Amm0nmarco47, no01:31
Whineerfire the community01:32
Amm0nmarco47, have you upgraded before?01:32
Whineeroinc oinc01:32
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marco47Amm0n: Let me show you the error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10577656/01:32
marco47Amm0n: no but let me make an update & updrage is that ok ?01:33
Blackbolti'm back.. it still says operation not permitted if i try to chown /media/ubuntu/DE9D-799801:33
Amm0nmarco47, sure01:34
_JuJuBeeIm running ubuntu as my gateway.  I have a linksys ea6400.  Can I not use the internet port on the wifi router and just plug my ubuntu box into lan and have wifi and lan on same subnet?01:34
marco47Amm0n: I'm seeing some errors about locales in the updrade01:35
marco47Amm0n: it still working...01:35
Amm0nBlackbolt, wb.. FAT / FAT32 formatted drives don't support file permissions, thats why you need to set a mask for mounting01:35
Blackboltyeah i was just reading that....01:36
Blackboltmy fstab has NOTHING about any of the drives im having trouble with..01:36
Barack_MaduroNecesito ayuda01:37
Amm0nmarco47, for your locale error read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale01:37
marco47Amm0n: its done,  this is trying to remove fail2ban, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10577756/01:37
Blackboltso i should put this entry in fstab? /dev/sdb1 /fat_files vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 001:38
Blackboltwell that's not exactly right..01:38
Blackbolti was copy paste01:38
Amm0nBlackbolt, no test it before you do that01:38
Amm0nunmount the drive and mount it with a mask01:38
Blackbolti did that earlier...01:39
Blackboltwasn't sure what to do after01:39
Barack_Maduroubuntu font is falling in every program01:39
Amm0nBlackbolt, was it working after that?01:40
rpp601hey guys, ssh'ing from my server to other boxes on my network throws a core dump and doesn't work. however it all works correctly on my internal network. it only happens when i ssh into the main box from outside.01:41
Amm0nmarco47, locale -a to check if en_US.utf8 is available in your system01:41
wisey_is there an app for creating a grub boot disk on flash?01:41
Blackboltnot sure what im supposed to do...01:41
Blackboltam i trying to check for write permissions or chown or what.. now that' its mounted with mask01:42
Blackbolti have it mounted at /media/TEST01:42
Amm0nBlackbolt, can you write as normal user?01:42
hmw_hello, ive been having an issue with startup in the new version of mint. My screen is blank for grub and plymouth but then the screen comes on for GDM. This happens whether i use the free or non free grapics drivers. I edited the grub file and commented out the quiet splash line as well as the hidden timeout lines but it doesnt help. any idea what i can do?01:42
marco47Amm0n: let me wait a little bit I just restart the server.01:42
Blackboltno it says permission denied!01:43
knotwurkhey everyone01:43
knotwurkit turns out all linux runs in ring 001:43
knotwurkcheck the eflags register01:44
knotwurkthis affects interrupts and the control registers01:44
BlackboltAmm0n: it says permission denied..01:44
knotwurkall you have to do is set teh iopl bits in arch/x86/kernel/process_64.c at the same time it sets the interrupt flag01:44
knotwurkand that fixes it01:44
Blackboltam i to try chown now?01:45
syriusBlackbolt: external?01:45
Whineerhow many have been fired from ubuntu so far?01:45
umbra_purusCan someone help me? Just did an instalation of ubuntu in a VM but I don't know if other then the core system if I should select anything more so it works01:45
knotwurkyou're welcome :)01:45
Amm0nBlackbolt, show me the command u used to mount it pls01:45
tewardumbra_purus: which installation did you do (server? desktop?).  what do you want it to do?  What 'select' screen are you seeing01:46
BlackboltAmm0n: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/TEST -o umask=00001:46
umbra_purusmini cd amd6401:46
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Amm0nBlackbolt, try to chmod /media/TEST01:47
marco47Amm0n: it works now I justa make an update && upgrade, and after that I just follow this http://jenssegers.be/index.php/blog/41/ubuntu-locale-warning then I rebooted the server now fail2banm is working01:47
umbra_purusI want to install my own window manager and GE so I shouldn't install nothing?01:47
marco47Amm0n: thank you very much !, I really appreciate your help.01:48
Amm0nmarco47, yw01:48
nextechhow to upgrade kubuntu?01:48
Blackboltpermission died...01:48
Blackboltchmod -R 777 /media/TEST  i did this as ROOT in terminal01:49
Blackbolti have 2 terminals open.. one with ubuntu username and one with root...01:50
Blackbolta chown says operation not permitted01:50
Blackboltas Root01:50
somsipBlackbolt: external drive formatted as NTFS?01:51
Blackboltspinning my wheels all day on this stu[id problem lol01:51
Blackboltit's a flash drive formatted as FAT3201:51
somsipBlackbolt: so no permissions support then?01:51
hmw_hello, ive been having an issue with startup in the new version of mint. My screen is blank for grub and plymouth but then the screen comes on for GDM. This happens whether i use the free or non free grapics drivers. I edited the grub file and commented out the quiet splash line as well as the hidden timeout lines but it doesnt help. any idea what i can do?01:51
umbra_purusDid I instalation of it but it won't start01:51
Blackboltbut i cannot write to it lol01:51
somsipBlackbolt: just change the perms of the mountpoint01:51
Blackboltso if it dont have permissions, why can't i write to it01:52
Blackboltlet me try to mod the fstab .. brb01:52
somsipBlackbolt: dunno if you do have permissions. paste an ls01:52
Blackbolti can do everything to the drive as ROOT01:53
Blackboltlike if i did cp fun.py blah.py, it worked and wrote it01:53
Blackboltbut only because i did it as root01:53
somsipBlackbolt: so change the perms at the mountpoint so $USER can write to it, or paste an ls so I can see what perms it has01:54
Blackboltidk how to do that01:54
Blackboltroot owns the drive.. user ubuntu, can't do anything but READ01:54
Blackboltchange perms at mountpoint?01:55
somsipBlackbolt: ls -la /media and paste one line from the result01:55
Blackboltdrwxr-xr-x  7 root   root   4096 Mar 11 01:30 TEST01:55
BlackboltTEST is my test folder it's mounted to01:55
Blackboltsame effect if i automount it cept the folder is DExxx-xxx01:56
Blackboltwe were just trying a mask mount01:56
somsipBlackbolt: so what do you want to do - just write to it or get it to autommount as writeable?01:56
Blackboltautomount writeable01:56
Blackboltidk how it become not that01:56
Blackboltthis is a live cd iso...01:57
Blackboltit worked fine and one day. bam this01:57
Blackboltive been at this for about 6 hours now01:58
Blackboltmaybe longer01:58
Blackboltsomsip: i want to write to it as user ubuntu, like ive always been able to do till now01:58
Blackboltif it would automount as writable that'd be great01:58
RudeViperGood evening all01:59
somsipBlackbolt: sudo chgrp ubuntu /media/TEST && sudo chmod 775 /media/TEST01:59
somsipBlackbolt: automount, I'm not so sure about with live cd01:59
mainbraini am having a problem compiling metasploit on ubuntu 14.10 can anyone help me02:00
Blackboltoperation not permitted on first command02:00
Blackboltin fact it's never let me do anything02:00
Blackboltto ubuntu02:01
Blackboltthe live CD its running on is another flash drive, which also is readonly02:01
Blackboltits ok im just ging to redo this entire drive....02:01
Blackboltive wasted so many hours on it lol02:01
somsipBlackbolt: k02:02
Blackboltwas trying to find the right way to do this...02:02
Blackboltmy live cd uses a squashfs loop.. maybe its something corrupt in that..02:02
Blackboltidk it's all so freaking insane02:02
Blackboltsomsip: before i go can you tell me how to run file manager as root....02:03
Blackbolti want to try an fstab edit real quick ...02:04
Blackboltthen reboot to see if it works02:04
mainbrainErrno::EPERM: Operation not permitted @ chmod_internal - /opt/metasploit-framework/./msfbinscan02:04
mainbrainAn error occurred while installing metasploit-framework (4.11.0.pre.dev), and02:04
mainbrainBundler cannot continue.02:04
mainbrainMake sure that `gem install metasploit-framework -v '4.11.0.pre.dev'` succeeds02:04
mainbrainbefore bundling.......can antone help me with this02:04
somsipBlackbolt: dunno - I don't use a filemanager like that02:05
Blackboltok how can i edit fstab from terminal02:06
Blackboltor simply add a line02:06
somsipBlackbolt: sudo nano /etc/fstab is possibly your easiest way02:06
artanisecnautilus has a root extension02:06
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RainMan28I am trying to get a cronjob to work and to run it as root. It is a bash script, and I have 08,35 * * * * root /root/script.sh  in my crontab -e and I get the error root not found02:09
somsipRainMan28: you want to run it as root?02:10
RainMan28somsip: yes please02:10
somsipRainMan28: put it in root's crontab02:10
TiKhey http://pastebin.com/fxvFPsis is my error.. any helpers?02:12
RainMan28somsip: ok, it seemed to try to run it this time and now got an error on the actual script: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token 'fi'02:12
RainMan28thats the last line of my bash script02:13
RainMan28do I need to exit it some other way02:13
tewardRainMan28: exit 0;02:13
tewardat the very end02:13
tewardexit nonzero for an error02:13
goodluckhi,genius,i hava a problem,hope someone can help me,i connect to a server using ssh in a terminal,but when i dont do anything for a while,i cant type any command in the terminal,everytime i must close the terminal and open again,anyone can help me02:13
somsip!info autossh | goodluck (might be worth a try if you server sshd_config looks normal)02:14
ubottugoodluck (might be worth a try if you server sshd_config looks normal): autossh (source: autossh): Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4c-2 (utopic), package size 27 kB, installed size 111 kB02:14
RainMan28teward: seem to keep getting the same error even with the change. if I do bash myfile.sh from the cli it works perfectly, but when cron runs it, it fails02:15
somsip!paste | RainMan28 (let us see the script)02:15
ubottuRainMan28 (let us see the script): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:15
tewardRainMan28: would have to see the script to get an idea of what's up then :/02:16
RainMan28somsip and teward: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10577889/02:17
TiKhey http://pastebin.com/fxvFPsis is my error.. any helpers?02:17
TiKit'sa a vlx install error02:17
UllarahSo apparently xubuntu doesn't like being removed from a laptop dock :P02:18
somsipRainMan28: empty else expression. remove it or use the no-op code ':'02:21
umbra_puruscan someone help me? I'm trying to install bspwm and when cd ~/.xinitrc and execute sxhkd & it gives me an error02:21
RainMan28somsip: just remove the else line completely?02:22
somsipRainMan28: It's suggested http://is.gd/p2Adtu02:22
Amm0numbra_purus, .xinitrc is not a directory02:22
RainMan28somsip: is it maybe a paths issue? if i'm root and running it from command line it works, but from cron it fails02:22
somsipRainMan28: worth making sure getbalance is available to roo's environment too02:23
RainMan28woah somsip removing the then worked!02:24
somsipRainMan28: k02:25
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RudeViperNeed a little advice - now that I have FINALLY solved most of the hardware issues I had - Had to recover some files from ruined hard drives. I need to know if I should be running server or regular (xfce most likely) desktop and which version - considering I'm using some older hardware for this home file server / private minecraft server (on same machine ) system specs are here (ignore the hard02:28
RudeViperdrive stuff - this was run before I fixed those issues) http://http://thelearningcurve.bezoka.com/Apollo.HTM02:28
umbra_purusthen .xinitrc is what?02:30
somsipumbra_purus: config file02:31
umbra_puruswhere can i find it?02:32
somsipumbra_purus: ~/02:32
umbra_purusI have none02:32
umbra_puruswhere can i find the file or how do i create? simply use nano and write what i want?02:33
somsipumbra_purus: just create it02:33
Ullarahtouch it02:34
Ullarahtouch it real good.02:34
umbra_purussomsip: but in my laptop where i've got ubuntu 14.04 lts desktop I have no xinitrc file02:34
umbra_puruswhat is the xinitrc file?02:35
rypervenchesomsip: When you edit the file that you want to create, it will create it when you save it.02:35
somsiprypervenche: should that go to umbra_purus or Ullarah ?02:35
Ullarahumbra_purus, http://www2.its.strath.ac.uk/courses/x/subsection3_9_3.html < .xinitrc example02:35
rypervencheumbra_purus: Sorry, that was meant for you^02:36
UllarahJust touch the file, no need to use nano or vim or whatever editor you use.02:36
Ullarah$ touch ~/.xinitrc02:37
eikon81gHowdy guys!! I wanted to ask if anyone has experienced issues with Qbittorrent and having the wifi connection drop while downloading.. To remedy the issue I have to disable the connection and re-enable it.. Anyone know of a fix or a solution for this? - Thanks in advance02:38
eikon81git's weird because the network manager sees other wifi connections and not the one I use.. After disable/re-enable it connects biz as usual02:39
rypervencheeikon81g: Does this happen with other torrent clients?02:39
eikon81gI actually was going to use an alternate one after this but the files I am downloading are about halfway done and I don't want to start again..02:40
eikon81gI knew this was the place to see if there was others with the issue and if there were any "quick fixes"02:40
bryanIs anyone here using 15.0402:40
somsip!15.04 | bryan02:41
ubottubryan: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142502:41
rypervencheeikon81g: Sounds more like a network problem than anything else. Hard to say. You would need to be willing to troubleshoot the problem, and by then I'm sure you could have your files downloaded.02:41
mainbrainErrno::EPERM: Operation not permitted @ chmod_internal - /opt/metasploit-framework/./msfbinscan02:42
eikon81gI understand, I will dig into it once I get this download out of the way..02:43
bryanI downloaded it yesterday, I was just wondering how peopls like it.02:43
eikon81gIt just did it (sorry if I disconnected) thanks rypervenche :)02:43
somsipbryan: support in #ubuntu+1, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic02:44
bugggi was playing with my synaptic touchpad settings and accidently broke the touchpad. does anyone know how to reset the settings to default?02:44
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bryanok, thanks02:45
gr33n7007hmainbrain: it's a permissions issue use sudo02:45
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Mongo44I got a new computer and I want to get rid of that flashy gui boot interface.02:47
Mongo44Oh wrong channel.02:47
bazhang!nox | Mongo4402:47
ubottuMongo44: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:47
eikon81git's called EFI btw02:47
eikon81gMongo44, it's called EFI and you may have issues with "getting rid" of it :\02:48
umbra_purushe probably just want a fast boot02:49
Mongo44Nah I am talking Windows 8.1.02:49
eikon81gah, my bad. I was thinking about when you boot your machine before the OS actually loads.02:50
eikon81gsounds like a problem for Google. LOL :\ in all seriousness Mongo44 best of luck :)02:51
vadersys69Anybody know how to run cod on ubuntu?02:51
gr33n7007hvadersys69: good luck with that one 8)02:52
bazhangvadersys69, check the appdb02:52
bazhang!appdb | vadersys6902:52
ubottuvadersys69: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:52
bazhang /join #winehq vadersys6902:53
levi777777hi can you guys hear me02:53
vadersys69Alright .will do that. Tx m802:53
bazhanglevi777777, yes02:53
levi777777thanks, first time on irc02:53
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mainbraingr33n7007h: sudo bundle install???02:55
gr33n7007hmainbrain: http://www.darkoperator.com/installing-metasploit-in-ubunt/02:57
mainbraincorrect thats the instructions im following ;)02:58
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sonic2How to leave this channel03:01
somsipsonic2: /wc03:01
sonic2sonic2 has quit03:01
mainbrainbash: /home/mainbrain/.rvm/scripts/rvm: No such file or directory03:02
mainbrainmainbrain@mainbrain-Aspire-5552:~$ sudo apt-get --purge remove ruby-rvm03:02
mainbrain[sudo] password for mainbrain:03:02
mainbrainReading package lists... Done03:02
mainbrainBuilding dependency tree03:02
mainbrainReading state information... Done03:02
mainbrainshowing last 15 lines of /home/mainbrain/.rvm/log/1426041551_ruby-2.2.0/update_system.log03:03
mainbrain++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_pretty_print()  78 > case "${TERM:-dumb}" in03:03
mainbrain++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_pretty_print()  81 > case "$1" in03:03
mainbrain++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_pretty_print()  83 > [[ -t 2 ]]03:03
mainbrain++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_pretty_print()  83 > return 103:03
somsip!paste | mainbrain03:03
mainbrain++ /scripts/functions/logging : rvm_error()  117 > printf %b 'There has been error while updating '\''apt-get'\'', please give it some time and try again later.03:03
mainbrainsorry about the paste guys03:04
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herroGpshi I'm trying to connect GPS receiver to ubuntu and see some data, is it possible to collect realtime kinematic stuff with decent GPS ?03:06
herroGpsyeah it's not going to be accurate, but enough not to get lost eh03:08
eikon81gsounds interesting.. are you trying to pull a logfile or use the GPS hardware?03:09
herroGpsjust the GPS yeah03:09
mainbrainwhy does google earth stop working for me day after install?03:11
gr33n7007hherroGps: is it a usb gps03:11
eikon81ghumm I imagine you would have to start with an application that can interface the GPS, do you know what you are planning to use to work with?03:11
herroGpsgr33n7007h: yes03:11
gr33n7007hherroGps: use gpsd03:11
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herroGpsgr33n7007h: I was looking for something like this! Thanks !03:12
eikon81gyea, there are several options out there.. I was looking at some the other dayu03:12
Whineerlovlly people in here03:15
Basketballanyone here a graphic designer03:17
eikon81gBasketball, you may have to check another channel.. this is mainly Ubuntu related here03:21
eikon81gwho knows, you may get a PM tho..03:21
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Ullaraheikon81g, he wants a slam dunk answer.03:22
eikon81gLool, don't we all Ullarah, DOn't we ALL03:22
eikon81gI was going to tell him to check out InkScape it's crafty I am just trash.. LOL03:23
eikon81gInkscape + Tutorials.. @ Basketball03:23
UllarahBlank Ink03:23
UllarahNo wait. Black Ink03:23
Basketballeikon81g, i cant find any good tutorials03:24
eikon81gyou checked youtube?03:24
eikon81ghrmm. . I wish I had a better answer for ya bud, I am no bueno..03:24
UllarahBasketball, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUIOEXssTSE03:24
UllarahIt's like a 5 part tutorial.03:24
UllarahIf you don't learn anything from that, then you are SOL.03:24
nick_____I loved Linux until I had to deal with xkb ... why is it so freaking complex?03:25
Basketballthanks Ullarah03:25
nick_____do you guys know if there is a simple way using xkb to map Super_L+F6 to increase the brightness?03:25
eikon81gnice, SlamDunk, as it were.. LOL03:25
eikon81gnick it may help to give details on what you are running.. These guys may be able to help more.03:26
UllarahUgh. I wish my wireless would work correctly after suspend.03:26
eikon81gwhat are you running Ullarah? Ubuntu 14.10?03:26
nick_____Ullarah: can't you write a script to do ifdown/ifup?03:26
Ullarahnick_____, yeah, that's what I'm currently doing :P03:27
Ullaraheikon81g, xubuntu 14.1003:27
eikon81gsee yall are pros. I am a newb03:27
UllarahI just wish I didn't have to create a script :P03:27
eikon81gyea, someone may have already made one, I am quick to copy paste lol03:27
eikon81gmine keeps dropping out since I started using this torrent client. SMH. I was going to try to get a quick fix from the pros but I may just need to use a diff. client03:28
nick_____Ullarah: I think when Ubuntu will switch to systemd, it will be a bit easier ... just catch the right event (pm-suspend), and do whatever is needed there03:28
nick_____is there an xkb expert here?  I want to map Super_L+F6 to increase brightness ... how do I do it?03:29
eikon81gnick_____, try #xubuntu there are some really talented members on that channel03:33
eikon81gI've worked with Unit193 and bluesabre and they were both very good03:33
nick_____ok, thanks03:33
eikon81gnick_____,  no problem good luck03:34
johnnyQim back03:35
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johnnyQJennykang, can you see me?03:40
johnnyQcan't tell if I am on the chat03:41
johnnyQcan anyone see me here?03:41
jennykangjohnnyQ: Yes, I can see you03:41
johnnyQthought I was invisable03:41
johnnyQthanks a lot03:41
johnnyQeverybody is quiting after they log in03:42
johnnyQnot sure why03:42
johnnyQa lot of Ping time out03:42
vodkodeI'm here03:42
johnnyQyes you are03:42
vodkodesup JohnnyQ how goes03:43
eikon81gthere's 1700+ people on this channel. I think it is the default channel for a lot of irc clients03:43
johnnyQok, but I have to pick someone up at the airport in San Antonio, so I have to go soon03:43
androidfr33kDual PIII which is the highest version supported03:43
johnnyQand you03:43
verdePjust enable smart filter in weechat, that join/part spam vanishes03:43
johnnyQwhats up with ya?03:43
vodkodeVery good03:43
vodkodeI finally got ElementaryOS configured how I want it today03:44
johnnyQgood job03:44
vodkodeI am a content creator and have kind of despised windows since 8 and osx since mavericks, so I decided to give linux a wirl, love ubuntu but eh liked the UI in elementary03:45
vodkodehad quite a few minor bugs and tweaks but its kickin now03:45
johnnyQi am use ubuntu03:45
johnnyQand sugar03:45
verdeP(I like mavericks >_>)03:45
johnnyQubuntu is flawless03:46
vodkodeI would like mavericks, I tried to like it, but eh, the damn scrollbars drive me nuts03:46
verdePbut I love ubuntu on my servers03:46
johnnyQruns on anything03:46
johnnyQit seems03:46
verdePvodkode: I haven't noticed03:46
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johnnyQi have not check ele os yet03:46
vodkodeI'm not going to get rid of OSX, can't, for screen recording, video editing, etc its the best (IMO)03:47
johnnyQi sure will though03:47
vodkodebut elementary is fine too, I replaced snagit with hotshots, office with kingsoft, skype works, firefox works, tvpaint runs via wine just fine, pithos works, etc, its really not hat bad, even xmind is native now, surprised me03:47
vodkodeI know the 'linux on desktop' convo has quieted down, but truthfully, its advanced a lot03:48
johnnyQglad to see someone is using it03:48
johnnyQand likes it so far03:48
vodkodeThe last time I had linux installed (note: non-LAMP setup) was probably 4 years ago03:49
vodkodeDell Mini10v I eventually put osx on03:49
verdePidk my next laptop might be linux rather than mac, although wouldn't be my first03:49
vodkodeI made a stupid mistake and bought an Acer Switch 10 because it was a display model I got for a song03:49
vodkodeI thought I could throw Ubuntu or Elementary on it and it would be alright, nah03:50
johnnyQvodkode:  got to run,  thanks for the update on ele os03:50
johnnyQairport run03:50
vodkodenice meeting ya JohnnyQ have a good one03:50
* eikon81g calls it a night03:58
eikon81gLater ALL03:58
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kruszhi all! is someone of you using covergloobus?04:15
Elimin8erI was getting error: error getting authority error initializing authority apon booting with lightdm as login manager, then when I changed to gdm. it booted up.. is there something that im missing that may fix this problem so I can continue to use lightdm ? as I have problems with gdm with logins.04:24
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st34lthanyone knows why despite having tools/ in my path I have to cd to the directory. to run ./android sdk. i'm on linux04:26
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pavlosst34lth, echo $PATH04:35
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cfhowlett!es | alvaro04:36
ubottualvaro: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:36
pavlosst34lth, yes, give output of echo $PATH04:39
st34lththis shows a bit more of what i'm ding04:43
pavlosst34lth, you should run android skk instead of ./android sdk. Not a good idea if there are other exe files in the PATH04:43
RudeViperI am going to be using the whole disc of a 160gb drive to put ubuntu on - except the swap partition - should that be at the beginning of the drive or the end?04:43
rwwRudeViper: it doesn't matter04:44
RudeViperwill either end speed it up any?04:44
st34lthpavlos: see the 2nd pastie. $ android as is won't run04:44
st34lthbut adb does04:44
st34lthsame permissions04:44
roger3415you guys ever play warzone 2100?04:44
pavlosst34lth, I added to my existing path another path, verified, added an exe in there and am able to reference it without ./ you may be doing something wrong04:44
pavlosst34lth, you could type an <hit TAB> and see if it autocompletes. That tells you if it is searching in the PATH04:46
rwwRudeViper: no04:46
st34lthnot auto completing pavlos04:46
RudeViperrww thanks04:46
st34lthI found out why04:47
st34lthsilly me04:47
bobbobbinshey, i’m just trying to open up port 3000 so I can view my rails app, and I checked iptables and ufw which all seem ok, but I’m still getting a connection refused when I do it via ip address(locally is fine), is there something I’m missing?04:48
phi0xhey guys, wondering if anyone has had experience with linux tc? I have prepared all the commands I'd like for when my server starts up. but i cannot figure out how to get the commands to startup on startup when the network card comes online. if I edit /etc/network/interfaces and throw post-up tc commands right after eth0's arguments. it works, however when I add further post-up commands, it fails to load anything from the post-up's.04:52
RudeViperis there any way to recover a partition in ubuntu if you accidentally delete the wrong partition?04:57
RudeViperdidn't format it- just deleted it04:58
st34lthwhat do you mean by delete it04:58
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st34lthunmounted it?04:58
RudeViperst34lth no - during setup used the install disk to delete the wrong partition - but never formated it05:05
st34lthdf -h05:06
RudeViperI just run that after the install?05:07
st34lthdo you see a partition there not mounted?05:07
RudeViperyeah - there are several - but I am in the middle of install process now - installing 14.04 server05:08
FKLinguistaAnyone good with fixing broken packages?05:13
rypervencheFKLinguista: What problem are you having?05:15
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GwydionHi there, how the f...ck are u tonight?05:43
t0asttI'm running an Ubuntu 14.04 server and need to replace libcurl with the latest version - best/safest way to do this?05:47
Chu_Tieu_Dep_Zaifuckkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu05:52
Chu_Tieu_Dep_Zaifuck Ullarah05:53
UllarahYou sly dog.05:53
Gwydionfuck them all05:54
=== heartbroken is now known as Guest60987
platzis there any way to force an unmounted ultrabay hard drive (i.e. secondary) to spin down/stop?06:06
platzfor some reason the disk is spinning actively but I'd prefer it to "sleep'06:07
platzthis worked: sudo hdparm -Y /dev/sdb06:10
treelzebubhere's some relevant info for you, platz: http://askubuntu.com/a/39764/36271106:13
phi0xhow do you prioritize which ethernet adapter gets to set the default gateway?06:40
Komptonhello, is there any other visual effect, on lubuntu, that can be disabled, besides antialiasing?06:41
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wagtagHas anyone had any luck getting sound working on the Realtek ALC 5640 chipset?07:12
dtscodehey guys... i installed chrome to watch netflix, and logged into my neflix account, but it just keeps saying error: something is wrong when i try to watch a show. any fixes?07:13
Two_Dogsdtscode: try the beta, i had same issue,07:14
dtscodewhere can i find the beta?07:14
Two_Dogsdtscode: where did you install chrome from?07:15
Two_Dogsdtscode: same place07:15
agent_whitedtscode: GOAWAY07:15
* agent_white hugs dtscode07:15
dtscodeagent_white: stop crashing pymarket!07:16
* dtscode hugs agent_white07:16
agent_whitedtscode: I'm the hero pymarket deserves, but not the ones it needs right now.07:16
dtscodeno one ever needs you right now07:17
dtscodeTwo_Dogs: i dont see any beta link07:17
* agent_white cries07:17
Two_Dogsdtscode: call them07:17
dtscodeunless youre talking about chromium?07:17
dtscodecall who?07:17
treelzebubdtscode: http://bit.ly/1Gqiayg07:18
Two_Dogstreelzebub: :)07:18
dtscodetreelzebub: i half expected that to be a ghost buster image07:19
dtscodethanks though... not sure why i cant see the beta link07:19
treelzebubnp. that might not fix your issue, though. you might need to get Pipeline, which plays Silverlight video, which Netflix uses.07:21
treelzebub^ if Chrome Beta doesn't fix it07:21
agent_whitedtscode: It may be a better idea to enable the multiverse repo, and install chromium via the package manager. That way you won't have to worry about manually checking for updates.07:22
Two_Dogstreelzebub: chrome beta plays netflix native, i would expect chrome to also07:22
dtscodeagent_white: eh... im only using it for netflix07:22
agent_whitedtscode: Still not a bad idea if you're installing it anyways... might as well keep it updated!07:23
treelzebubohh that's right. it's a chrome app now.  as you were :D07:24
dtscodeso i dont need pipeline?07:25
treelzebubprobably not for Netflix, no.07:25
treelzebubbut, yeah.  do it through apt-get.  i'll find you the ppa07:26
treelzebubapt-get install google-chrome-beta07:27
treelzebubpredictably enough07:27
dtscodechrome beta still isnt working07:34
Secret-Fireany idea why my screen freezes periodically and my pc reboots in kubuntu?07:36
treelzebubdtscode, give this a shot: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/netflix?hl=en-US07:38
treelzebubthe top hit is the one you want07:38
izaberahi guys, quick stupid question: trying to remove bsdutils, apt prompts me to confirm my action since it can be harmful.  the package provides wall, renice, script and logger, and its head package is util-linux, but it doesn't look critically important.  why do i get that message?07:42
Ben64izabera: why are you trying to remove it07:43
izaberajust cleaning up an old install07:43
Ben64that doesn't answer my question at all07:43
izaberaBen64: i think it does...07:44
antoniolmti taco07:45
treelzebubizabera, open a shell and type  apt-cache show bsdutils07:45
dtscodeBen64: why wouldnt it answer the question?07:45
Ben64izabera: "cleaning up old install" = removing random packages you don't know what they are or what they do?07:45
treelzebubthe line Essential: yes tells us that you should not remove bsdutils.07:45
izaberatreelzebub: ah, thanks for that07:46
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
treelzebubdtscode, how's it going over there? did you get the netflix chrome app installed?07:49
wagtagIs ksplice Uptrack still the best or is there a better option now for updating the kernel without reboots?07:50
dtscodetreelzebub: thanks for checkup. unfortunately the app just points to netflix.com. seeing what pipeline does07:50
dtscodeand if all else fails, i might listen to agent_white07:50
jpdswagtag: There's kpatch.07:51
treelzebubwait, you should be seeing a blue box that says   + FREE07:51
dtscodetreelzebub: i did07:51
jpdswagtag: And kGraft.07:51
treelzebubthere's literally no way you have a version of Chrome Beta that doesn't support Chrome Apps.07:51
dtscodetreelzebub: it is an app07:52
dtscodebut it just brought me to netflix.com07:52
wagtagjpds: any recommendations? I've been pretty happy with ksplice but then Oracle bought them07:52
treelzebuband you sign in, and you choose a video, and you get a black box?  no error?07:52
jpdswagtag: I just do a good old reboot.07:53
dtscodetreelzebub: same error as before07:53
dtscodesomething went wrong, try refreshing the page07:54
treelzebubhm.  yeah, give pipeline a shot, but keep track of what other packages it installs. I haven't had any issues with it, but i don't wanna be responsible07:54
dtscodeok i found this: https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/501137-SOLVED-Netflix-error-code-M7063-1913-and-how-I-got-it-running-natively-in-Chrome but im not sure how to translate this to ubuntu07:58
treelzebubdtscode, are you getting that error code, or does it just say "Something went wrong"?07:59
dtscodeit says that error code on the bottom. i didnt see it until now07:59
treelzebubcool.  one sec07:59
treelzebubthis is major overkill for your purposes, imo.08:04
treelzebubthis is referring to running Netflix natively in linux, not chrome08:05
dtscodeoh really? what do you recommend then?08:05
dtscodebecause nothing else has worked08:05
treelzebubpipeline didn't work?08:05
dtscodei installed it08:05
dtscodebut still nothing08:05
treelzebubweird.  i use chrome beta with pipeline to watch netflix; i don't use an app08:06
dtscodeis there anything i had to do to chrome?08:06
dtscodebecause i ran all of that08:06
treelzebubit can't hurt to reboot.08:07
dtscodethe whole computer?08:07
treelzebubyeah, you just installed a whole framework.  give it a reboot.08:07
dtscodemmk. thanks for all the help :D08:08
treelzebubnp! g'luck.08:08
cluelesspersonI'm having an issue with 14.04 ubuntu server.  It doesn't detect the network with Hyper-V VM. How to install drivers?08:09
robin-herohi! a quick question. I use Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 15.04 on my computer, which is always attached to an external screen. But this secondary screen is usually powered off. But at boot LightDM login window always shows on this screen. Is their any method I change this? Thanks08:09
cluelesspersonall the instructions that come up through google point to previous versions of ubuntu that don't apply.08:09
wagtagHas anyone had any luck getting sound working on the Realtek ALC 5640 chipset? I see "byt-rt5640 byt-rt5640: ASoC: CPU DAI baytrail-pcm-audio not registered" in the logs.08:11
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m0e42@robin-hero: under screensettings, i remember there was a something like dragging the "taskbar" to the other monitor08:12
marushello, i have lost a file while, is there way to restore it?08:13
m0e42in mate you can set primary monitor with right click. on gnome3 (and i mean unity too) you can change it by draggin the bar to the other monitor08:13
who_mehi, when I check with apt-get it tells me that there's a candidate for a newer version of unity, however the software updater does not actually show it as a download. Why?08:14
robin-herom0e42: I am not sitting that computer now, but I don't remeber function like that, there is an option to show Launcher on every screen, but this is not what I searching08:15
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MiguelllHi everyone :)08:20
Miguelllhru ? :)08:20
revaizgood, good08:20
Miguelllwhat's the topic of this room?08:21
revaiztry !topic, maybe?08:21
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:21
DJonesMiguelll: Its Ubuntu support, if you type /topic in a channel, it will give you detailed info if set08:21
Miguellldoesn't work08:21
treelzebub"For more information, please press 1. To press 1, please press 5."08:22
revaizI pressed 4, nothing worked :(08:22
treelzebubYour call is important to us, and will be answered in the order in which it was received.08:22
halfbeingevery day at some point the disk light comes on and my machine becomes completely unusable for at least 50 minutes (that's the point at which i give up and do a hard shutdown). i can't even get to a console or terminal to run iotop to find out what's going on. i've tried disabling the mlocate cron job, but it has made no difference. any idea how to stop this behaviour?08:39
wikiwiki is me08:44
arcskyhi all, if i want something "~/.bashrc " for all users what should i do then?08:46
Ben64edit /etc/skel/.bashrc08:46
Ben64any new users will get that08:46
arcskyBen64: ok and this /etc/bash.bashrc ?08:48
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pgunnarshey, I seem to be getting this message for everything i try to install by apt-get08:54
pgunnarsPackage unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:54
pgunnarsany clues?08:54
pgunnarsnope, still here after updating and upgrading08:56
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citroniksim compiling qt by 'make' it's showing following error please tell me how to solve09:05
citronikswidget.cpp:5:20: fatal error: mcrypt.h: No such file or directory  #include <mcrypt.h>09:05
citroniksthanks in advance09:05
simpleuserHi there. Is there a way in Ubuntu to lint a CSV file?09:08
simpleuserI knwo there are some web services, but I have several files very big (like 3GB).09:09
fox__994sorry wrong window09:11
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ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:17
illizianhi, I have just added the daily-builds ppa from Yorba - does anyone know why Geary does not get upgraded to the package from the daily builds.. apt-cache policy geary shows the candidate - http://paste.ubuntu.com/10579159/09:19
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avi__i have win 8.I want dual both it with xubuntu will there be a problem with my genuine win 8.109:25
illizianavi__: what sort of problem?09:27
illizianavi__: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2014/05/install-ubuntu-1404-alongside-windows.html09:28
illizianavi__: looks like you just need to disable secure boot (if active on your pc)09:29
illizianI'm confused http://paste.ubuntu.com/10579206/09:32
revaizthat may sound really strange, but on ubuntu, my lan connection only works if I force the cable all the way in in some way, unlike in windows, where I can just put it in and that's it09:35
brnhi guys, how can i change my DNS settings on ubuntu09:37
revaizsystem settings -> network -> options09:37
brnok thanks :)09:37
arcskyrsyslog.conf, *.* sends all from /var/log right? even dirs?09:38
weboneHello, 14.04 here. How can I known which wifi card I have? It is working just fine, but I need to install the drivers in Windows and I don't know which.09:39
linuxuz3rtry lspci -vvv09:41
revaizdid u try 'lspci|grep -i ethernet'09:41
rexwin_lsusb list my usb modem. but how do I mount it to see the contents09:54
popeyrexwin_: it's a USB 3G dongle?09:56
popeyrexwin_: if so, maybe it is dual mode and you can use usb-modeswitch to switch mode.09:57
Prigitis somebodu AFK?10:01
Prigitis somebody AFK?10:01
popeyPrigit: do you have a support question?10:02
PrigitPopey: i have a simple question: What is the difference between Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 14.10?10:04
popeyPrigit: 14.04 is supported for longer with updates / bug / security fixes10:04
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popeyPrigit: 14.10 has some newer packages but isn't supported as long10:05
Ben64Prigit: 14.10 is 6 months newer, 14.10 is supported until July 2015, 14.04 is supported until April 201910:05
TheBigDealeverything is messy :(, i lost the default fonts of Kubuntu.10:06
PrigitWhat happens after April 2019, you wouldn't get any updates or what?10:07
popeyPrigit: correct, you should have upgraded before then to the next LTS10:07
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popeyPrigit: e.g. 16.04 or 18.0410:07
TheBigDealis there a simple way to fix them?10:07
popeyTheBigDeal: #kubuntu might be a better place to ask10:07
TheBigDealpopey: thanks.10:08
PrigitPopey: Is Windows better than Ubuntu?10:09
popeyPrigit: you expect a sane answer to that in #ubuntu?10:09
Dielyubuntu has better pricing10:10
PrigitAnd what is good about Ubuntu is that it is free to download10:12
popeyPrigit: that's one good thing about it10:13
Prigitdo you need to install programs through terminal?10:14
popeyPrigit: no10:15
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Prigitwhat do you mean by no?10:16
DielyPrigit: its not too late for you to convert10:16
popeyNo, you do not "need" to install programs through the terminal.10:16
mintaliciousPrigit, it depends on what you are about to do with your OS. Gaming and .Net programming: Windows. Everything else: Ubuntu ;-)10:16
popeyPrigit: you can install programs via various graphical tools10:16
popeyPrigit: some people prefer to install stuff via the terminal, which is fine for them.10:17
PrigitBut what is the point about .exe file?10:18
Ben64point? exe is a windows executable file10:18
Dielythe point separates the filename from the file extention10:18
popeyPrigit: exe files are most commonly windows programs.10:18
Dielyin linux you dont have files extensions you need to guess what program open each file10:20
Dielythere are file extention but they arent mandatory10:21
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juncheolhi everyone this is the first time logging this10:21
popeywelcome juncheol10:21
PrigitHow is your day juncheol?10:22
popeyThis is actually a support channel, we tend to point off topic random discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic :)10:22
Dielypopey:is having a good day hes smiling10:23
Prigitsorry popey :(10:24
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pythonideusIf I'm writing a bash file does cd work?10:26
popeyyou can use cd in a bash script, yes10:26
pythonideuslike if I'm trying to edit a file can I do "cd foldername" "whatever_command file_in_folder" will it work?10:26
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PrigitPopey: If I want another boot menu for example windows, can I change it? If yes, how?10:34
popeyPrigit: another boot menu?10:35
Prigityes, grup10:35
popeyPrigit: if you dual-boot, the ubuntu installer will find the other installed operating systems and add a menu item for them10:35
popeyPrigit: so if you already have windows, and install ubuntu side-by-side, the boot menu will show Ubuntu and Windows, and you can choose at boot time which to run10:35
Dielythe menu will default to ubuntu10:36
Prigitbut i don't want the ubuntu grup?10:36
Dielyyou have to select windows if you want to go to windows10:36
PrigitI don't want the Ubuntu grup? Can i change it or?10:37
db0xgrub is grub ... u can customize it with grub-customizer or editor ..10:39
Prigiti want the windows loader instead of ubuntu grup10:40
db0xehy ?10:40
MaxFrameswhat package would I need to install to send wake on lan payloads over the internet (l3)? etherwake, wakeonlan, powerwake, others?10:45
redemptionsongHI all.  I have a question about installing wordpress on ubuntu 14.04. I have 2 screenshots to illustrate my question here : http://imgur.com/3d3p4pH,368E17O     (1st pic) : How can I make the url  custom to what I want it to be? (2nd pic) : Does it have anything to do with what is seen in this second pic?  Q : Can someone explain?10:45
popeyMaxFrames: etherwake10:46
jpdsNetham45: You mean configure fake DNS for 1)?10:46
jpdssorry, redemptionsong ↑.10:47
MaxFramespopey: looking at the man page for etherwake, it doesn't seem to support it (i.e. you can't specify an ip address)10:47
popeyMaxFrames: oh, over the internet!? sorry, missed that bit10:47
jpdsredemptionsong: 2) no.10:47
jpdsMaxFrames: You'd have to set up something like IPsec and have it forward broadcast packages.10:48
MaxFramesI've set up openvpn10:48
redemptionsongjpds: I don't know what the names for things are, have installed software that uses apache/web server in the past but not good at it. I have a resource (a good one) that instructs me how to do it step by step (where the screenshots I dook came from. But I want my own url not the one he uses.10:48
MaxFramesI need to figure a way to make it forward the magic packets10:48
jpdsMaxFrames: Yeah, I don't think it can send broadcasts.10:49
jpdsredemptionsong: Just set up an entry in /etc/hosts and point it at the IP address of your web server.10:49
redemptionsongOk, well (1) is the problem I want to solve - is there a way to do it using the exact same method given in the video? bc I need clear, step by step instruction to pull this off at all. That's the best I've found.10:49
jpdsredemptionsong: sudo nano /etc/hosts10:50
redemptionsongjpds: See, that's the thing. I just don't have time to research into ways to do it, then fail and try over and over and fix borked stuff. I need to 'just do it'10:50
jpdsredemptionsong:   blog.redemptionsong10:50
jpdsredemptionsong: Done.10:50
redemptionsongjpds: Are you saying that "adding your step to the existing tutorial" would accomplish the soln?10:51
jpdsMaxFrames: https://serverfault.com/questions/285359/can-wake-on-lan-work-on-vpn-connection10:51
jpdsredemptionsong: You want a fake DNS entry.10:52
jpdsredemptionsong: You can do that by editing /etc/hosts to have one.10:52
jpdsredemptionsong: That takes literally two steps, which I've given to you.10:52
redemptionsongjpds: This is great, but how does it fit into the rest of the stuff I need to do (ie: connect the dots)10:52
jpdsredemptionsong: Configure Apache to respond to that domain name,10:52
redemptionsongI see the "dots" not the lines between them10:52
redemptionsongholy cripes10:53
redemptionsongthank you jpds10:53
redemptionsongit's ok10:53
jpdsredemptionsong: 'ServerName blog.redemptionsong' in your vhost config.10:53
redemptionsongjpds: Does what you say elude to a different process of configuring and installin (in the global sense) or no? (bc I'm aware that there are several mens to install a web app).10:54
MaxFramesquestion: to add a static arp entry, do I edit which file? /etc/ethers ?10:55
redemptionsongI had an idea10:55
Prigitthanks Popey and db0x for the answers :)10:56
Patrockquick question, i'm looking for information on properly configuring /var/www/.. eg adding user to www-data or custom webmaster group. and correct file / folder permissions10:58
jpdsPatrock: Why does the user need to be part of www-data?10:58
Patrockjpds: to be able to write edit delete etc. to the web files (local development server). looking for the best way to configure11:00
Ben64you could add your user to the group, you could make your documentroot in your home directory, or theres probably other ways11:01
agent_whitePatrock: Also think about if you plan on having multiple sites in that directory... is a single-user best in that case?11:02
agent_whitePersonally, I like creating a new group with permissions that that directory, then users who can access certain child-dirs under that 'root dir'. Remove their ability to use an interactive shell... and that's a start.11:05
Patrockagent white: what would be the user and group of the root dir?11:08
agent_whitePatrock: That is up to you to decide.11:09
agent_whitePatrock: Most folks like to use "www-data", "web"... something that is obvious.11:10
agent_whitePatrock: Look at the documentation for your webserver (I assume apache or nginx) and see what permissions you need to grant to it.11:11
Patrockagent_white: for now i have owner= user and group=www-data.  if i add or edit files i keep having to chmod -R and chown -R the dir's (or should this be solved with umask?) this is the reason my question arose, i will start looking for the apache2 package documentation. just finished reading the "Ubuntu server guide"11:13
agent_whitePatrock: You need to look into "ACL's"11:17
agent_whitePatrock: They define permissions to be 'automagically set' when a new file is created under the designated directory by a certain user or group.11:17
agent_whitePatrock: FIRST!! -- Try out ACL's on a different directory, maybe a 'testACL' directory in your home folder, before trying them out on www-data or whatnot.11:18
agent_whitePatrock: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissionsACLs11:19
Utali have a error while logging in ubuntu can any body help me to solve it ..it says ubuntu--vg-root doesnt exist11:21
Patrockthank you, i will look into access control lists, made the mistake to chown -R user:www-data my entire filesystem once, since then, always a back up of the VM11:21
laskohehe Sorry thats kind of funny.11:23
peter100what causes kernel panic?11:23
* lasko fists pumps the air, "Chown all teh things"11:24
peter100i mean why kernel panic occurs11:24
laskopeter100: When a kernel receives an interfal fatal error11:24
laskoThen it causes a Kernel Panic11:24
laskoOne in which the kernel could not safely recover from.11:24
peter100lasko that means the operating system has some bugs?11:25
cfhowlettpeter100, any number of causes.  if you could possibly report, oh, maybe a pertinent detail, or even an error message, ...11:25
k1l_Utal: what device and what sort of install is that?11:25
kernixhey all11:25
laskoom: kernix: Hello11:25
peter100i am using ubuntu 12.0411:25
peter100on hdd11:25
peter100sometimes during boot,  get kernel panics11:25
kernixhey lasko hows you ?11:25
Utalagent_white: i am having a booting problem that says ubuntu--vg-root doesnt exist . can you help me out on this .11:25
laskokernix: I'm doing fine, how are you?11:26
kernixim good thanks lasko11:26
omcan somebody tell me how to install tomcat in ubuntu11:26
lasko!tomcat | om11:26
peter100like unable to sync11:26
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laskoom: What steps are you having trouble with?11:27
kernixsudo apt-get install tomcat11:27
Utalkll_: actully while booting it is showing a error msg ubuntu--vg-root doesnt exist11:27
peter100so kernel panc occurs due to a faulty hardware?11:27
peter100or software?11:27
omi was install it but its not open11:27
k1l_Utal: what device is it? what disk setup is it?11:27
laskoCMSloveDD: Hello11:28
peter100how to detect the root cause of kernel panic?11:28
agent_whiteUtal: It is better to ask the channel instead of me specifically :)  But providing a full log/trace of the error would be helpful.11:28
peter100any log files?11:28
laskoyuvi: Hello11:29
Utalkll_ :its a toshiba pc11:29
peter100i thought linux is proof to kernel panics, because its so robust11:29
agent_whitepeter100: See:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/CrashdumpRecipe  and  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash#linux-crashdump11:29
k1l_Utal: so its a lvm install? do you use encryption?11:30
laskopeter100: Well considering that Linux is based on a Kernel and a Kernel panic requires a Kernel. I'd say not.11:30
yuviiam new to this chat ,how is it helpful11:30
agent_whitepeter100: If there were no kernel panics, the term would not exist.11:30
peter100agent_white thanks for the link, much appreciate11:30
agent_whiteyuvi: It is as helpful as you make it.11:30
cfhowlettyuvi, ask your ubuntu question11:30
=== bongma1 is now known as phiona
peter100agent_white i see11:31
yuvii istalled xchat in my ubuntu pc  in what way can i use it11:31
cfhowlettyuvi, please read:  https://inkscape.org/media/cms_page_media/56/ask-smart-questions.pdf11:31
peter100what does DMESG do? does its displays the cause of a kernel panic agent_white?11:32
JethroTuxdoes anybody know why os-prober and 30_os-prober make kernel duplicates?11:32
kodo_maybe someone can help me...I try to get initramfs to use wlan0 so I can connect to the box over dropbear-ssh to enter the decryption pass for my HD. But it doesn't seem to have that loaded in the modules. Right now I have modules=most in the initdram config file. Any hints how to get it to load the wlan-drivers?11:32
peter100yuvi type xchat in terminal11:32
bhagwanhow to install android eclipse on mint11:36
agent_whitepeter100: You are on the right track... but if you google the question you asked me, you could find quite a bit of information :)11:36
cfhowlett!mint | bhagwan11:37
ubottubhagwan: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:37
k1l_Utal: that doesnt make sense. that message is a lvm message11:37
peter100agent_white will do, sorry buddy11:37
agent_whitepeter100: You're fine! You're asking the right questions.11:37
girihow to install android eclipse on mint11:37
cfhowlett!mint | giri,11:37
ubottugiri,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:37
girihow to install android eclipse on ubuntu11:39
cfhowlettgiri, you don't have ubuntu.  you have mint.  ask mint for support.11:39
giribut i want to install ubundu11:40
k1l_giri: then come here if you have installed ubuntu or if you need help with installing ubuntu on your device, but for mint support ask the mint guys. you were told the server and channel where they are.11:42
cfhowlett!instaill | giri, AFTER you install ubuntu you may ask for support installing android.11:42
jasonwhiteHi guys I hope someone here could help me :D I am running ubuntu 14.04. Few days ago I intentionally removed some packages "indicator-xxx" that I dont remember exactly. And I see the following error in ~/.xsession-errors like this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10579652/ . I suspect that startup time is a little bit delay. I think these errors are the cause for that delay. What I am doing wrong? Thanks.11:48
jasonwhiteI still can login and use my desktop normally. I just want to know about these errors and how to fix them in order to remove the delay at start up.11:49
Ben64you probably shouldn't have removed system packages11:50
jasonwhiteBen64 : Actually they are marked with Priority : optional or extra . So I think they are not system packages.11:52
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jasonwhiteBen64 : Do you have Ubuntu 14.04 system right there? If you have, can you give me your output of running $ sudo dpkg -l | grep indicator- ?11:54
Ben64dpkg -l doesn't need sudo11:54
Ben64jasonwhite: look in your logs to see what you removed11:55
jasonwhiteBen64 : What  kind of log? Sorry I am novice to this.11:58
laskojasonwhite: indicator-power, printers, session, sound, applications, appmenu, bluetooth, datetime, keyboard, messages, power, printers, sessions, sound.11:58
laskooops, there are some dplicates in there but you get the idea.11:59
Ben64jasonwhite: then you probably shouldn't remove packages without knowing the effects. /var/log/dpkg.log11:59
jasonwhitelasko : Well I still have these installed.11:59
redemptionsongjpds: Ok, now I have a real question - I hope it's a good one cause I think it would clear up my confusion - I had to paste the 6 lines here I think. I have to be clear on my question : http://ideone.com/bRZs6811:59
* Bl4ckD34Th Hi11:59
laskoBl4ckD34Th: Hello12:00
* Bl4ckD34Th Hi12:00
Ben64redemptionsong: whatever ip you want the dns to point to12:00
Bl4ckD34Thhow are you today lasko12:00
laskoBl4ckD34Th: I'm doing fine, and you?12:00
redemptionsongBen64: Well it's a local install - I'm asking about the meaning of the ip address cause I don't know.12:01
=== Dzone is now known as zer0byte
Ben64redemptionsong: ip address is a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.12:01
jasonwhiteBen64, lasko : I still have all the packages lasko mentioned. So it seems my errors in ~/.xsessions-errors do not related to those indicator-xxx packages. Can you help me to trace these errors?12:02
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Ben64jasonwhite: check your logs, find out what you removed12:02
laskoredemptionsong: Just replace the to be  OR the IP address of your local interface (eth0, wlan0 or whatever it is)12:03
laskoredemptionsong: As an example -- if you put into /etc/hosts    "     blog.redemptionsong"    then whenever you attempt to goto blog.redemptionsong in a browser it will just resolve to
redemptionsonglasko: thanks man12:06
laskoredemptionsong: No problem.12:06
BluesKajHiyas all12:07
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CodmadnessproWhat owner should I set autheroized keys too?12:08
laskoAnd a general rule is that it should have 600 for permissions (e.g. chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys* )12:09
jasonwhiteBen64 : Here are all the packaged that I removed : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10579751/ . It's just that I don't want some fancy things from Unity.12:10
Ben64maybe don't run unity then12:10
Ben64because you removed a lot of important stuff12:11
jasonwhiteBen64 : I thought GNOME and such are not officially supported by Ubuntu team so I think I'd better stick with Unity.12:12
Ben64not true at all12:12
TheNumbjasonwhite: you are wrong.12:14
cfhowlettjasonwhite, ubuntu-gnome is an official ubuntu distro.  you were misinformed.12:15
cfhowlett!flavors | jasonwhite12:15
ubottujasonwhite: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.12:15
TheNumbhmm, probably should add Ubuntu MATE to the factoid.12:15
cfhowlettTheNumb, yep!12:15
jasonwhiteBen64: I think I should have reinstalled those packages and see if there's still the errors. Thank you.12:16
xanthSo I have a question about dual-boot setups with ubuntu/windows7. I'm 90% sure I've got a keylogger on my desktop right now on windows 7, but I can't afford any sort of antivirus at the moment. If I just install Ubuntu andhave it dual boot like I've got my laptop set too, will the keylogger still function when I launch ubuntu?12:16
Ben64or install any of those desktops on top of any *buntu and it will still be supported12:16
TheNumbxanth: scan the windows partition using clamav.12:16
cfhowlettxanth, keylogger is installed to windows.  when ubuntu is running, windows is NOT, so ...12:16
laskoxanth: No, but I'd be more interested in why you haven't used something like ClamAV or anything like that12:17
xanthWell because I'm still fairly new to ubuntu so I'm still learning it's capabilities.12:17
xanthcfhowlett: That's what I assumed, but I wanted to be sure before I went through the trouble of partitioning my desktop hard drive.12:18
laskoI find full emersion to be the best method for learning12:18
jasonwhiteTheNumb cfhowlett : Thanks for your information !12:18
xanthYeah, thanks so much guys :)12:19
cfhowlettxanth, if you have at least 4 GB or ram: consider Ubuntu + virtualbox + windows in a vbox12:19
Walexxanth: note that the non-enterprise version of some MS-Windows AV products is free, and is pretty good.12:19
cfhowlettjasonwhite, happy2help!12:19
redemptionsonglasko: I finally see the connections (after much travial). The ubuntutrusty.tk (shown in the turoial vid is the hostname on the poster's computer - found the paralell, now I "get it". And, of course, all you said to me that made me look in the right places. Thanks man.12:19
akishi all. any idea why my hp wireless mouse recognized from 14.04 as mosart semi 2.4G wireless mouse jumps on scrolling? any solution on this issue? i read some documentation but nothing solved my problem. any idea?12:19
redemptionsongAnd jpds too12:20
PrigitHi. Are you there Popey?12:20
Walexxanth: unfortunately a decent keylogger disables installing antiviruses12:21
popeyPrigit: yes12:21
laskoredemptionsong: Good to hear12:21
xanthcfhowlett:  That would not be a bad idea at all. Vbox makes it so no program can change anything about your OS right?12:21
=== Dzone is now known as z3r0byte
PrigitWhy can't I connect to wireless network with 802.11 security?12:22
cfhowlettxanth, it can if you save a specific image.  for instance: you install win7 + update 1 and save THAT image.  if that's the only image you ever start, it is indeed a moment in time, non-changed OS12:22
xanthWalex: I hadn't even thought of that, but good point. Is there any way a keylogger could disable the installation of a whole new OS?12:22
popeyPrigit: what happens when you try?12:23
cfhowlettxanth, it would have to target your bios.  haven't heard of anything like that other (if you don't count Secure Boot)12:23
Prigitw8 popey let me try12:24
xanthcfhowlett: Thank you so much :) Gonna go figure out how to set up vbox hahaha :)12:25
cfhowlett!vbox | xanth12:25
ubottuxanth: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:25
Ultronhi all!12:29
laskoUltron: Hello12:29
Ultronwhich dhcp client utilities should i install ? isc-dhcp-client or dhcpcd5 ?12:30
Ultronhi lasko12:30
laskoUltron: What is it you are trying to do?12:31
Ultronlasko setting up my server for internal network but it's missing it;'s dhcp dependencies for leasing ip addresses12:31
laskoAre you making a DHCP server?12:32
m1dnight_guys, I have this bug where chromium does not redraw properly. The workaround is to add --disable-gpu-compositing to the executable12:33
m1dnight_but im wondering hwere I should change this so it's set like that for all my shortcuts12:33
Ultronlasko Nope got that up and running, i am making the receiving side now.12:33
Ultronm1dnight_ think that's a workaround you should not want.12:34
Ultronm1dnight_ have you installed any hardware video drivers?12:35
m1dnight_Ultron: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/1309801 this is the bug12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1309801 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[xubuntu] chromium redraw issue after switching workspaces" [High,Confirmed]12:35
laskoUltron: well isc-dhcp-client is used for automatically obtaining an IP address -- however if you are a client you should just be able to use dhclient (which is already on your ubuntu install)12:35
Ultronlasko not on this install, it's a very stripped down version.12:36
m1dnight_Ultron: Not particularly. I have used chromium for a while but it only started a few weeks ago.12:36
m1dnight_Tried opera instead, but yeah, that's chromium based to now I decided to fix it :>12:36
Ultronlasko i will go with the isc version instead12:36
ThmsI have set up PXE boot. It works but inet doesnt work because resolv.conf only contain domain-name "led.eco" (which is the general config), in the range definition I added option domain-name-servers but itisnt reflected in the resolv.conf of the PXE booted PC12:36
Ultronm1dnight_ lemme take a quick look12:37
Ultronlasko thanks for the feedback btw12:37
ThmsAny idea ? or can't I set the domain name server IP in the general config instead of the range config, since it's gonna be the same for all range.12:37
laskoUltron: No problem12:38
binniHow do I disable "Hi-DPI", that is everything on my screen is scaled up (text, widgets, etc). I'm running Ubuntu GNOME 15.0412:38
lasko!patience | Thms12:38
ubottuThms: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:38
Ultronm1dnight_ I cannot help you with the bug issued on the list, but maybe I could help you with your question at hand: you want to go and add the parameter to every chrome instance ?12:38
m1dnight_Ultron: yes, please :)12:38
m1dnight_I know there should be a .desktop file or something?12:39
Thmslasko, I am patient :)12:39
UltronSounds like you want to add it to the unity dash launcher12:39
Ben64binni: #ubuntu+1 for support until release12:39
Ultronm1dnight_ yes there should be a chrome.desktop something located in /usr/share/applications12:40
Ultronlook for it please12:41
m1dnight_aha, thanks Ultron12:41
m1dnight_that was what I needed12:41
m1dnight_much appreciated :)12:41
Ultronif found, open it and edit the Exec line to reflect the desired change. Should be best to first backup the file.12:41
UltronNo problem m1dnight_12:41
m1dnight_nice, problem solved! \o/12:43
laskoThms: I havent much experience with PXE boot, but maybe I can help narrow down the issue or the very least put a second pair of eyes on the problem.12:45
laskoThms: When you say, "domain-name-servers"  -- I presume this is the dhcp option you are defining correct?12:45
Thmslasko, yes12:45
ThmsI also use option routers and in PXE boots it is printed in capital letters12:46
Thmsthis line is just under it, but resolv.conf only contain led.eco which is gobal defined12:46
TomyWorkW: Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/universe/i18n/Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch12:47
laskoHmmm... Give me a few minutes to read a few things.12:47
ThmsSyslog doesn't say there is anything wrong about this line, it is from many sources, and also dhcp doesn't fail to restart.12:47
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: did you try a sudo apt-get update?12:48
TomyWorklotuspsychje that gives me that error12:48
lotuspsychjeTomyWork: maybe apt clean then?12:48
TomyWorkI suspect this to be a proxy issue and I have a way to bypass that proxy for deb packages. I can't find i18n in my sources.list. Which entry is it?12:48
laskoThms: Are you defining the domain-name-server option within a subnet scope or outside?12:49
laskoThms: Actually, would you be willing to pastebin your confguration (sanitized of course)12:49
Thmslasko, within12:51
Thmslasko, cannot have access to it right now..12:51
Thmsit's a freelance job, I'm on it for days but the guy only let me access when he is here.12:51
ThmsI'll try define outside of the scope, I didn't know/think it was possible12:51
ThmsLAN works by the way, just WAN doesnt. the default gw is good.12:51
Thmsso I assume it's this resolv.conf since it only contrains this one line. Am I right ,12:51
Thms(I asked for a term and ping/nslookup but the guy is too afraid of linuux to run anything..)12:51
laskoThms: So as an example you can do http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10579925/12:52
sine0A while back i installed gentoo on my laptop and had real issues finding support for the hybrid intel/nvidia graphics chip. im looking to switch to ubuntu and wondered if anyone had any experience with this12:52
cfhowlettsine0, I believe the "bumblebee" package is for dual card switching, but I've no experience with it.12:53
TomyWorkbumblebee or primus12:53
lotuspsychjesine0: is this an optimus card?12:53
TomyWorkand good luck :)12:54
Thmslasko, thanks12:55
sine0intell HD 4000 and Nvidia GT 650M12:55
sine0not sure if it has a hybrid codename12:55
laskoThms: No Problem. When you do get access and still need help -- hop on here and if I'm around I'll be glad to assist12:55
lotuspsychjesine0: can you check your cards website, to see if it has optimus technology12:55
Thmslasko, why do you set an IP12:55
Thmswell an adress instead of an IP.12:55
laskoFor what? The domain-name-servers?12:56
sine0ok thanks ill have alook12:56
Thmslasko, yes12:57
Thmshow should it now the IP of it then.12:57
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-prime | sine0 you will need this package for optimus card12:57
laskoThms: It knows based on DNS12:57
ubottusine0 you will need this package for optimus card: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.7 (utopic), package size 11 kB, installed size 102 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)12:57
Thmsin resolv.conf you put nameserver12:57
laskooh, sorry I see what you mean. That was just an example --- I would personally use IPs.12:57
Thmsnameservers and not nameservers server1.test.com12:57
Thmslasko, based on which DNS ? Defined where ?12:58
laykeHi. I have this similar bug. I'm running Unity, and Ubuntu 14.04 though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YURpSbEF-Ns&feature=youtu.be12:58
laskoThms: As I said, -- I would personally use the IP -- That pastebin was just an example. Not neccesarily a usable example.12:59
laykeI've tried so hard to figure out why it happens. It's really disruptive.. and happens ALL the time.12:59
Thmslasko, ho okay.12:59
ThmsWorking freelance is awful, can't wait to end this.12:59
lotuspsychjelayke: grafix chipset and driver loaded?13:00
laykelotuspsychje, 304.125 nvidia13:00
ThmsWell with this particular employeer, he has to be there all the time watching what I do through a crppy RDP software (it's an Hyeer-V server) and i can't even use "screen"13:00
ThmsI will let yo know lasko, thanks for your input.13:01
lotuspsychjelayke: well wobly windows can make compiz crash sometimes13:01
laykelotuspsychje, I'm not using compiz, sorry.13:01
laykeI just mean the black window bug13:01
angrywombatanyone know what this black box is? i'm assuming it's a notification that crashed.. wont go away: http://screencloud.net/v/x2Xo13:01
laykeThat's what I get.. I'm using standard install of unity 14.0413:02
login-name_how to start tomcat server13:02
laykeNo fancy gimmicks lotuspsychje13:02
laykeIf I click between applications, the alternate application gets a black screen instead.13:02
lotuspsychjelayke: did you try another graphics driver?13:02
laykeNo I haven't13:03
lotuspsychjelayke: try to make sure its not related13:03
laykeWil try13:03
lotuspsychjelayke: in additional drivers list switch13:03
laykeInstaling now. Thanks. I was "Using NVIDIA legacy bindary driver)13:06
laykeI'm install nvidia 331.113 now13:06
laykeSounds like at least I should have some improvements.13:06
ntspAnyone knows when the 4xx nvidia drivers will be available in the repos?13:08
girihow to start tomcat server on mint13:09
cfhowlettgiri, mint is not supported here.  NOT SUPPORTED here.  ask the mint channel.13:09
=== caroga is now known as Guest47387
roger3415i need some help. ubuntu wont let me use the proprietory drivers for my gpu13:10
k1l_giri: we told you that before. please dont ask again in here for mint support13:10
cfhowlettroger3415, what is your gpu and paste your error messages13:10
ntspUbuntu auto installs memtest86+ right?13:12
cn28hit's on the livecd.. not sure it would make sense to "install" it13:12
girihow to start mysql database13:12
cn28hunless you mean via grub, then I'm not sure13:12
k1l_ntsp: yes13:12
cfhowlettgiri, go to mint.  ask mint.  stop asking for mint support in this channel.13:12
ubuntuser13error while installing klavaro3.01 tar.gz package. how to solve make errors?13:14
lotuspsychjeroger3415: whats going on exactly?13:14
roger3415im using the GUI to try and set it so how would i do that in the terminal so i can see the error message? also its an amd radeon 731013:15
roger3415it was just fine until i set my pc to dual boot with kali13:15
roger3415i use the software and update GUI and go into the additional drivers to try and set the proprietory drivers, It gives me the option to but when i try to apply the change it just moves it right back to the open source one with no error window13:16
lotuspsychjeroger3415: ubuntu version?13:16
roger3415yes im on the ubuntu version right npw13:16
lotuspsychjeroger3415: wich ubuntu version plz?13:17
roger3415it was letting me do it just fine before but it started when i just did a dual boot setup with kali13:17
ubuntuser13make[2]: *** [main.o] Error 113:17
lotuspsychjeroger3415: a dualboot should no block ubuntu drivers13:17
lotuspsychjeroger3415: maybe you can try the same, with ubuntu 14.0413:18
cfhowlettroger3415, unless you did some weird distro mixing, dual boot should have no effect on your ubuntu13:18
lotuspsychje!make | ubuntuser1313:19
ubottuubuntuser13: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:19
laskoubuntuser13: Also, a pastebin of the full error would be useful.13:20
roger3415well to be honest i had ubuntu already installed and had the partitions fully set just for single booting. so maybe when i gparted outside of ubuntu and resized the partition ubuntu was on it couldve messed things up is what i was thinking. so maybe i gotta do a fresh install except this time make the appropriate partition sizes so i can fully set it up13:20
ubuntuser13ubottu: yes i'm actually want to test this software in my language. that's why.13:20
cfhowlettroger3415, sounds like a plan :)13:20
ubottuubuntuser13: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:20
lotuspsychjeroger3415: how about you make your life easy and install 14.04.2 single on hd with internet/updates enabled at setup13:20
ubuntuser13ubottu: thanks.13:21
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:21
* lasko <facepalm>13:21
roger3415lotuspsychje: i had it that way for ubuntu 14.10 when i first installed it13:22
robby_leeHi, I am trying to compile the ubuntu linux kernel, when I choose the "High Memory Support (4GB)" of "Processor type and features", there appears the "debian/build/build-generic" dir in the root of kernel source dir. But  when I choose the 64GB(I want PAE), I cannot get the debian/build/build-generic-pae dir, I want to get that dir, what can i do? TKS13:22
lotuspsychjeroger3415: yes, but 14.04 might give you less grafix issues perhaps13:22
lotuspsychjerobby_lee: you know you can force pae at F1 setup right?13:22
roger3415lotuspsychje: i didnt have any issues with setting proprietory drivers untill i resized the partition to allow dual boot with kali13:23
lotuspsychjeroger3415: like we already said, dualboot should not influence drivers13:23
lotuspsychjeroger3415: sounds more like a 14.10 update and after reboot issue13:24
lotuspsychje!pae | robby_lee13:24
ubotturobby_lee: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info13:24
roger3415i just dont want to deal with doing all the reinstalls of stuff and the games etc13:24
lotuspsychjeroger3415: on 14.10, you will have to upgrade soon anyways13:25
cfhowlettroger3415, then install an LTS version13:25
roger3415isnt 14.10 the most current version though?13:25
Guest47387IT WORKS! YESH!13:26
Guest47387lyze, you here?13:26
lotuspsychjeroger3415: if you want stable, try 14.0413:27
roger3415is it possible to downgrade without losing any data?13:27
cfhowlettroger3415, downgrade?  no.  clean install an earlier version?  yes.  do not format your /home13:28
lotuspsychjeroger3415: you can backup stuff and use aptoncd to backup your fav packages13:28
ceed^What exactly is the current kernel version on Ubuntu 14.10?13:29
BlackPanxmy ubuntu doesnt want to reboot... i installed acpid but it still doesn't want to reboot. it still hangs and waits for manual hold of shutdown button13:30
ceed^roger3415, thanks13:30
BlackPanxis there anything else i can do for it to work ?13:30
lotuspsychjeBlackPanx: can you still enter grub?13:31
Ray__Hi all, I was just wanting some help with batch renaming files and folders. I would like any file or folder found with the word ACE in it's name and then just remove the ACE part of the name. What would I have to search for to find out how to do this please?13:31
BlackPanxlotuspsychje: um, it doesnt want to shutdown normally... boot works as expected.13:32
BlackPanxit hangs and waits for me to hold power button and shut it down.13:32
lotuspsychjeBlackPanx: can you shutdown -p ?13:32
BlackPanxno shutdown works.13:33
BlackPanxit does not shut down.13:33
BlackPanxscreen is still saying it's going to shutdown... and waits there13:33
lotuspsychjeBlackPanx: any line that hangs when you press F1?13:33
BlackPanxit might be bios related... i'll check it again.13:33
robby_leeI don't mean in the boot, I'm trying to generate the "debian/build/build-generic" after compilation is finished.13:33
Thms /j #centos13:33
Thmswooops. sorry.13:33
BlackPanxlotuspsychje it's no error. it says: going to shutdown in 2 seconds. or something like that, then it waits.13:34
lotuspsychjeBlackPanx: thats strange indeed, wich ubuntu version and what kind of machine?13:34
BlackPanxlotuspsychje: it's clean install of ubuntu actually. it might be i need to enable acpi in bios or something...13:35
BlackPanxit's dell computer... and latest ubuntu. updated and upgraded.13:35
robby_leeActually, I don't know what is the "debian/build/build-generic" dir's use.13:35
lotuspsychjeBlackPanx: maybe try the no acpi boot option?13:35
BlackPanxit does have uefi bios...13:35
BlackPanxhum... good idea13:36
BlackPanxi'll try that13:36
lotuspsychje!it | rachele13:36
ubotturachele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:36
rachelei'm rachel13:36
rachelei am rachel13:36
Guest47387hi rachele13:36
cfhowlettrachele, this is ubuntu support.  ask your support question13:36
lotuspsychjerachele: your in an ubuntu support channel here, do you have a question?13:36
rachelehi to everyone13:37
rachelei am from Italy13:37
lotuspsychje!ot | rachele13:37
ubotturachele: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:37
cfhowlettrachele, ask your UBUNTU question13:37
racheleBring me to the desktop13:37
Ray__Hi all, I was just wanting some help with batch renaming files and folders. I would like any file or folder found with the word ACE in it's name and then just remove the ACE part of the name. What would I have to search for to find out how to do this please? ubuntu 14.04 server13:38
cfhowlett!it | rachele13:38
ubotturachele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:38
Guest47387Ray__ you would probable be able to do that with a combination of FIND and AWK13:38
Ray__ok I'll go search that thank you for you time.13:39
Guest47387Ray__ or Rename if it's still available13:39
Guest47387Ray__ try the following, make sure to test it first in some directory with some temp files13:39
Guest47387Ray__  http://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-bulk-rename-files-in-linux-in-the-terminal13:39
racheleI think that i can't answer you13:40
racheleI don't speak english very good13:40
racheleSorry, I am a bad girl13:41
cfhowlettrachele, use the Italian channel13:41
cfhowlett!it | rachele13:41
rachelehow can i go to the italian channel?13:42
racheleI am not able to do it13:42
cfhowlettrachele, /join #ubuntu-it13:42
racheleMany thanks13:42
ygreckihi all13:42
rachelei'll go13:42
racheleWhy no one answer in this chat?13:46
k1l_!it > rachele13:46
ubotturachele, please see my private message13:46
k1l_rachele: its a technical support channel only. its not a chat channel13:46
tewardoops sorry13:46
m0e42all sleeping13:48
racheleOh sorry, I'm new13:49
racheleI agree13:49
cfhowlettm0e42, no tech support problem stated = no tech support questions discussed13:52
tewardcfhowlett: well i've got an interesting one but it's not going to be liked :P13:54
teward(nonstandard setups and deployments and all ;P)13:54
cfhowlettteward, if it's ubuntu --- go for it?13:54
tewardcfhowlett: nonstandard as all heck but okay.  is it possible to keep dnsmasq while setting up a bind9 server that has one authoritative zone locally for a nonexistent domain (but needs full BIND zone support - hence the need for it and not /etc/hosts) while keeping the general functionality that dnsmasq provides?13:56
tewardpretty certain it's not feasible, and if need be i'll just run a lightweight VM with bind9 on it and fuss with my dns resolvers later, but was generally curious :)13:56
cfhowlettteward, sad to say WAY beyond my narrow range of "expertise", but no doubt more experienced people here can respond13:57
lotuspsychjeteward: maybe this can light up a bit? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto13:57
tewardcfhowlett: indeed.  i didn't remove the highlight from that first post because Drone` has a habit of +q-ing me when I do that :P13:57
tewardlotuspsychje: i know how to set up bind - the problem is dnsmasq binds to 53/udp - prevents bind from starting hence the questoin.13:58
tewardooo wait that answers my question, I think... have bind9 bind to a different IP... hmm...13:58
supermanisdeadyi have install ubuntu but have problem when using wlan network, it is show "soft block" to me when i typed "rfkill list". I have following this article http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2172044 by the way but shown an error like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10580129/ how to fix it?13:59
rachelecan i ask you the italian chat channel? thanks13:59
teward!it | rachele13:59
ubotturachele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:59
tewardrachele: you've been given it three times now.13:59
krabadorrachele, ci sei già nel canale italiano13:59
rasmus_Hi! I submitted my app to Ubuntu about half a year ago and still have not heard anything. Does anyone know how long the pending process takes?14:00
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: what kind of machine is this?14:00
muculusmy server ping is available but ssh not connect ?14:00
muculusno firewall rule change14:00
muculustelnet will answer on port 2214:00
supermanisdeadymuculus: asus-X450JN14:00
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: you have a wifi hardware button?14:01
muculussupermanisdeady: what ?14:01
samgrangerhey guys - how can I remove an unmet dependancy from the install list in apt-get install14:01
lotuspsychjemuculus: that was for me :p14:01
supermanisdeadyyes and its light up14:01
samgrangerie: linux-server : Depends: linux-headers-server (= but it is not going to be installed14:01
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: did you check your bios, for an option like 'last state' wifi?14:02
i7cWill my encrypted home be unlocked if I connect only via SSH?14:03
supermanisdeadyyes there is no option like that in my bios14:03
lotuspsychjerasmus_: maybe check in #ubuntu-devel ?14:03
samgrangernever mind, fixed it :)14:04
supermanisdeadylotuspsychje : by the way, i forgot it is exist or not the "last state wifi" option14:04
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: try sudo lshw -C network to see wifi chipset + driver=14:04
supermanisdeadyhow i could do if i found hat?14:04
supermanisdeadywhat happen with this error ? "14:05
supermanisdeady*** stack smashing detected ***: lshw terminated14:05
supermanisdeadyAborted (core dumped)14:05
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: well some laptops with wifi hardware button on windows, can be a pain on ubuntu sometimes, i remember a medion14:05
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: sudo lshw -C network14:05
chindyhas anyone here managed to install the NVIDIA driver for the GTX 980 ????14:05
lotuspsychjechindy: is that an optimus card?14:06
supermanisdeadylotuspsychje : im in root state14:06
lotuspsychje!sudo | supermanisdeady14:07
ubottusupermanisdeady: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:07
khamerI think I'm affected by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/1307545 - just trying to find workarounds so I can close my laptop lid and not have the system suspend - I'm monkeying around with systemd, but I'm not even convinced it's systemd and not acpid or something else14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307545 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power Manager settings are ignored when closing laptop lid" [Medium,Confirmed]14:07
lyzeohai :)14:07
lotuspsychjelyze: hi :p14:07
khamerCan I stop systemd without other consequences?14:08
lotuspsychjekhamer: wich ubuntu version are you on?14:08
wisey_how do I use bluetooth in Linux?14:09
khamerlotuspsychje: 14.1014:09
cfhowlett!bt | wisey_14:09
lotuspsychjekhamer: 14.10 doesnt use systemd, but upstart14:09
chindylotuspsychje, not sure i think so....14:09
cfhowlett!bluetooth | wisey_14:09
ubottuwisey_: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:09
lotuspsychjechindy: check your cards website, to see if its optimus technology plz14:10
supermanisdeadylotuspsychje : this is what happen after http://paste.ubuntu.com/10580231/14:10
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: without the | superman...14:10
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: sudo lshw -C network14:10
chindylotuspsychje, no its not14:11
lotuspsychjechindy: ok what errors do you get on your card, with ubuntu default drivers?14:11
supermanisdeadylotuspsychje :14:12
supermanisdeadyroot@superman-X450JN:~# sudo lshw -C network14:12
supermanisdeady*** stack smashing detected ***: lshw terminated14:12
chindyi can only use one of my 3 screens with a resolution of 1024* 640 eventhout its fullhd with default driver14:12
lotuspsychje!root | supermanisdeady14:12
ubottusupermanisdeady: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:12
lotuspsychjechindy: did you check additional drivers list? what ubuntu version do you have?14:13
supermanisdeadylotuspsychje : what do you mean? enter tthat command?14:14
lotuspsychjesupermanisdeady: close your terminal and sudo lshw -C network (dont use su)14:14
chindylotuspsychje, yes i installed the official drivers aswell as edger driver but when installing i cant boot correctly anymore(demsag showed me that it had problems loading the driver) so after installing them i can boot into tty but it crashes shortly after... now i purged the drivers... and dont know what do do now14:14
lotuspsychjechindy: ubuntu version?14:15
j_ayen_greenHi. I'm on the 3rd occurrence of my linode server being reported as the source of brute force attacks. I'm a web dev, not a linux admin, so my knowledge is limited, but I've taken umpteen steps published by Linode and reading I've done to secure the server, but China keeps nailing me. How would I find out which file/process is the culprit?14:15
lotuspsychje!security | j_ayen_green14:15
ubottuj_ayen_green: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server14:15
supermanisdeadylotuspsychje : same result14:15
supermanisdeadysuperman@superman-X450JN:~$ sudo lshw -C network14:15
supermanisdeady[sudo] password for superman:14:15
chindylotuspsychje,  14.04 lts14:15
supermanisdeady*** stack smashing detected ***: lshw terminated14:15
pbxsupermanisdeady, use a pastebin for multi-line stuff14:16
supermanisdeadyokay pbx :) sorry14:16
nodedfreehttp://pastebin.com/HVSqHhY7 , is that mean someone is trying to access my machine with range of usernames & passwords?14:16
akishi all. any idea why my hp z3200 wireless mouse recognized from 14.04 as mosart semi 2.4G wireless mouse jumps on scrolling? any solution on this issue? i read some documentation but nothing solved my problem. any idea?14:17
nodedfreei disabled authentication with passwords..14:17
pbxsupermanisdeady, no prob, easy mistake to make.  i like dpaste.com myself but there are tons including the /topic one14:17
roger3415ok so i just tried installing the ati binary X.Org driver from the ubuntu software center and i get an error. says dependencies cannot be resolved14:17
roger3415fglrx: Depends: libqtcore4 (>= 4:4.8.4) but 4:4.8.6+git49-gbc62005+dfsg-1ubuntu1 is to be installed14:17
roger3415       Depends: xorg-video-abi-18 but it is a virtual package14:17
lotuspsychje!info fail2ban | nodedfree14:17
ubottunodedfree: fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.13-1 (utopic), package size 131 kB, installed size 654 kB14:17
khamerlotuspsychje: if 14.10 doesn't use systemd... then why's it running? it isn't used at all?14:17
lotuspsychje!upstart | khamer14:18
ubottukhamer: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:18
pbxnodedfree, sounds like it.  moodle is a popular attack vector (as are many widely deployed PHP apps)14:18
nodedfreelotuspsychje, does fail2ban need any configurations? or just installation and thats it14:18
chindylotuspsychje, its version Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (just that you know i already tried it with mint/fedora/debian) couldnt get it to work on any of them14:18
nickihi guys, I would like to disable all anti-alaising on my desktop. Is this possible?14:18
khamerlotuspsychje: I know what upstart is, but I didn't think it handled things like, laptop-lid-switch, power button presses, etc.14:18
pbxj_ayen_green, more details please. what have you done to secure it? when "china nails you" what specifically are you seeing happen?14:19
lyzewell cya again14:22
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amirsalarhi there14:26
amirsalari got pretty bad problem with my drives14:27
amirsalarjust cant mount any of my drives14:27
amirsalarcan u help me?14:27
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k1l_!away > Zerant14:30
ubottuZerant, please see my private message14:30
Zerantk1l_: i am on it to just fix exactly that :D14:32
BluesKajamirsalar,does sudo fdisk -l, show the drives?14:32
BluesKaj!pm | amirsalar14:33
ubottuamirsalar: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.14:33
amirsalarim sry im just new :( whats the channel :(14:34
BluesKajthis is the channel14:34
BluesKajamirsalar, try this,  mount -o remount,rw /path/to/drive14:35
amirsalarwait a seond14:35
amirsalarmount: can't find /path/to/drive in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab14:36
zeproxdoes anyone have this sound package? the download link is broken. http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Hackers+evolution+sound+system?content=8703814:36
mguyStill no Ubuntu on Chromebook 2 yet, right? That whole seabios/coreboot deal?14:38
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santanahi everybody good night from indonesia14:40
DAMPNever mind14:48
Istalantarhey there, i am trying to set up a google print server. the guide i am using says i need to run the command '/opt/google/chrome/chrome/ ...' to start the print connector, but i am not using chrome but chromium, what command do i need to use here?14:50
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mcphailIstalantar: we are probably not going to be able to help with that one. Istalling software in a non-sattndard way isn't generally covered here. Have you tried cloudprint as a google print server? It is in the repositories14:56
mcphail!info cloudprint14:56
ubottucloudprint (source: cloudprint): Google Cloud Print proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-5 (utopic), package size 13 kB, installed size 105 kB14:56
Lyzeohai :)14:57
teaearlgraycoldWhen in a screen session over SSH a terminal bell will flash the terminal window, but otherwise PuTTY will handle the bell properly and make the window's icon on the taskbar pulse.14:57
teaearlgraycoldIs there a way to get screen to send the bell to PuTTY properly?14:57
somsipteaearlgraycold: do you have bell enabled in the puTTY settings?14:58
MoltenSlagHello there! Can someone point me to a comprehensible list of linux services (like crond type of service)?14:58
teaearlgraycoldYes and it works when I'm not in a screen session14:58
somsipteaearlgraycold: looks like CTRL A then CTRL G http://superuser.com/questions/488817/enable-audible-bell-in-gnu-screen-current-window14:59
Lyzesomsip: yes ^a ^g should work15:00
teaearlgraycoldsomsip, ping me. Gotta test it15:00
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )15:00
somsip!test | teaearlgraycold15:00
ubottuteaearlgraycold: please see above15:01
teaearlgraycoldThat works15:01
somsipteaearlgraycold: np15:01
teaearlgraycoldI shouldn't have to do that every time, right?15:01
somsipLyze: ^^^ any ideas? I just googled...15:01
Lyzesomsip: sorry i dont know :) discovered screen yesterday ;)15:02
somsipLyze: he's gone anyway. I'm a tmux user myself. Anyway....15:02
Lyzesomsip: oh that looks also fancy :)15:03
amirsalarhi there thanx for helping me im okay now15:03
RudeViperwhat can cause grub install to fail during clean install when there is only one hard drive in the systerm?15:03
dysocoDoes anyone have experience with xmodmap? can anyone tell me what's wrong with this .xmodmap file and how can I fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10580493/15:04
LyzeRudeViper: can you pastebin the logfile?15:04
Lyzedysoco:does it simply not work or do you get a error?15:04
RudeViperit finally went through -15:04
dysocoxmodmap tells me that the keysyms are wrong but those are the keysyms15:04
dysocoLyze, ^15:04
dysocomaybe I misspelled something15:04
Lyzeyeah looks like so15:05
Lyzedysoco: this looks a bit wrong: keysym Home = BackSpace  and for this: keysym Super_L = Shift_L15:05
dysocooh wait apparently only the first line is wrong15:05
Lyzedysoco:as you see you use the first time CamelCase and the other time you use underscores15:05
neesonHello I have just installed Ubuntu off a USB (that I had made through UNebootin) and when I remove the USB after installing it tells me that I need to insert bootable disk. It does not seem to be booting from the hard drive even though it is set to Boot option 115:06
neesonAny ideas?15:06
dysocoLyze, hm but that's the keysym according to 'xev'15:07
Lyzeneeson:how much partition's do you have?15:07
Solaris444Hi guys, is this the channel where I can ask ubuntu server questions?15:07
Lyzedysoco: then i cant help you any longer15:07
LyzeSolaris444: here15:07
neesonIt is a new computer with no OS. 120gb SATA drive15:07
Solaris444excellent thanks Lyze.15:07
DJonesSolaris444: It is, but you may also get responses in #ubuntu-server15:07
neesonI ran the boot repair and got the following number15:07
Lyzeneeson: thats weid. do you have a correct setup of your bios? (efi, ...)15:08
dysocoalright I just used keycodes and seems to be working15:08
somsipdysoco: dead_acute is not valid according to this http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/List_of_Keysyms_Recognised_by_Xmodmap15:08
dysocothanks anyways15:08
Solaris444I have enabled the root account on my ubuntu 12.04 server install. I have added the command "ntpdate pool.ntp.org" to the cron table for that account, but the command does not appear to execute15:08
Lyzeneeson: clickable: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10577294/15:09
Solaris444it executes when I issue it separately.15:09
somsip!ntp | Solaris44415:09
ubottuSolaris444: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)15:09
neesonIm not sure that I do15:09
ikoniaSolaris444: because you can't do that15:09
ikoniaSolaris444: you need to have fully qualitied paths for example15:09
Solaris444can you explain?15:09
ikoniaqualified sorry15:09
ikoniaSolaris444: have you ever used crontab before ?15:10
dysocosomsip, hm you're right, xmodmap doesn't yield an error but it doesn't remap properly15:10
Solaris444never had a problem15:10
somsipdysoco: but you got it, so end result is good15:10
dysocoit shows ´ but I can't use the braces15:10
Solaris444but never used it for root before15:10
ikoniaSolaris444: ok, so you understand it's not a user shell enviornment so typing things like ntpdate won't do anything as it doesn't know where ntp is15:10
dysocoyeah but it won't work with Alt or Shift15:10
ikoniaso you'll need to specify the full path to that binary or wrap it in a script15:10
Solaris444ikonia: so by fully qualified path you mean i have to supply the complete path to the binary15:10
Solaris444ok that answers that.15:10
Lyzeneeson: so you changed the boot partition to /dev/sda1 ? and enabled efi?15:11
R13ose1How do I access the files on my Windows 10 virtualbox from Ubuntu?15:11
Solaris444Thank you ikonia.15:11
dysocooh well this sucks, I can remap the keys, but if I try to use a modifier with the key, then it won't work.15:12
LyzeR13ose1: edit -> shared folders and then add the folder you need to share. then inside (windows) under network/virtualbox-host/<foldername> should be your folder15:12
neesonI am not sure how to do that. I put the USB in and followed the installation instructions. I clicked install only (i.e.. no partition etc)15:12
chindyif i got a binary file in /opt/xy how or where do i have to set the path so i can run sudo xy from any directory?15:13
Lyzeneeson: erm when starting the client you can press a button to boot into a specific partition. select it there15:13
Lyzeneeson: oh you have also windows installed?15:13
BluesKajR13ose1, do you have guest additions installed, if so you should have the windows folders available in the panel15:13
Lyzewell im off now cya15:14
R13ose1Lyze: don't see edit anywhere15:14
RudeViperI think some of my harware might be too old for 14.0415:14
neesonI have nothing else installed. It was a zotac nano box with no OS. I bought and inserted the SATA drive so it should be blank. I have no experience with BIOS, but when I go in I am able to amend "Boot Otion Priorities" and Boot Option 1 is USB, boot option 2 my SATA drive15:14
jhutchinsRudeViper: It's pretty rare that any Linux fails to be backward compatible.15:14
R13ose1BluesKaj: no guest additions installed.  Just Ubuntu as my main OS and Windows 10 within virtualbox15:15
swebmy ssh server not connected until one hour but ping is work ... is my server under attack ?15:15
BluesKajguest additions should be installed in VB , it's an option15:16
jhutchinsRudeViper: Are you having a specific problem?15:16
R13ose1BluesKaj: how?15:16
BluesKajR13ose1, best to ask in #virtualbox, it's been a while since I used it15:17
R13ose1BluesKaj: okay15:17
RudeViperjh - not really different problem each install - I'm gonna drip back to 13.04 and see if that works15:17
Istalantarmcphail: sry, saw your answer just now ... cloudprint won't work, i am trying this on a raspberry pi and i didn't find cloudprint there15:18
neesonHello, I have been attempting to instal ubuntu via a USB that I have prepared with UNebootin. I no other OS installed, it is a new Zotac nano-xbox with no OS. I have installed only Ubuntu as an OS (no partition etc). I do not know much about the BIOS, but I have amended the Boot settings "Boot options Proiorities" to Option 1 USB and option 2 my SATA HDD. When my instal finishes and I removed the USB after restart the message "reboot an15:20
khamerlotuspsychje: I'm starting to think the problem isn't upstart, it's that something is killing my whole login session and taking xfce4-power-manager with it15:20
neesonThis does tors again when I change the Boot Option 1 to my SATA HDD15:20
chadmandoohey all.  I am somewhat new to ubuntu but I installed LXDE to run Unity mode with my windows machine.  I am looking for the "terminal" that was on unity or an alternative terminal that will work well with such things as drag and drop file paths etc15:21
BluesKajneeson, no need to change the boot sequence if you no longer have a usb connected15:22
neesonThanks BluesKaj15:23
neesonDo you know why I cannot reboot? It happens whether I change it or not15:23
lanawifi is conneccted but internet not working15:25
BluesKajneeson,ok , try holding the left shift key down right after the post/bios screen to bring up grub menu15:26
mirinda2kgood Thursday everyone, excuse my disturbance, i have a rather wired question: Is there any copy utility where you can define the desired speed of copying? i am used to use dd, but in some cases its to fast for me. It may sound strange, but this is my problem15:32
wisey_how do I tell Ubuntu to render the audio through my bluetooth device. It's not listed in the sound app15:33
wisey_but it's connected15:33
lanawifi is conneccted but internet not working..15:33
mirinda2ki want to limit speed for example to 10 Megs / second15:35
jpdsmirinda2k: Use 'tc'.15:39
wisey_why doesn't my speaker appear in the sound app?15:39
jpdsmirinda2k: Read the man page first: 'man tc[4~.'15:39
mirinda2kjpds: thanks for the tip. a first view on the manpage assumes that this will do the trick for me. to be honest, i didn't even know that this traffic control subsystem exists15:41
mirinda2kjpds: Thank you very much!15:41
jpdsmirinda2k: I've never used it myself.15:41
mirinda2ki'll give it a try. thanks and bye.15:42
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wisey_linux is a piece of shit goodbye15:48
akishi all. any idea why my hp z3200 wireless mouse recognized from 14.04 as mosart semi 2.4G wireless mouse jumps on scrolling? any solution on this issue? i read some documentation but nothing solved my problem. any idea?15:52
helpseekerIs someone in here which can advise me15:54
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helpseekerI have a team in a game with five guys15:55
helpseekerWe want that server to recieve some streams15:55
helpseekerone stream is a livestream from a game15:55
helpseeker five webcams with streams from five different computers15:55
helpseekerthe server has to add these six streams into one and forward that to twitch15:55
helpseekeris this possible?15:55
helpseekerI thought someone built that before and I did not find it15:55
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julian-delphikihelpseeker typically people use a skype video call15:57
helpseekerjulian-delphiki: Did you my complete description? We want to send all video sources to one server.15:58
helpseekerjulian-delphiki: and this server has to merge them into one by a given layout. then he has to send them to twitch15:59
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julian-delphikihelpseeker: like I said most people use skype or something like that to merge that.15:59
helpseekerjulian-delphiki: okay, finally we have to merge the skype output and the game-window16:00
julian-delphikihelpseeker: right im not sure what software you use to stream on linux but it can probably do that16:00
helpseekerjulian-delphiki: and then we have some performance issuse what we wanted to prevent by using a "merging" server16:00
pavloshelpseeker, have you looked at http://bigbluebutton.org/ ?16:01
helpseekerpavlos: just a moment, I will check that...16:02
pavloshelpseeker, it is video conferencing, not sure it applies to you, but our local team gets together and share webcams.16:03
m_tadeuhi...I'm trying to install gdb-7.9 in my ubuntu 14.10...but I can't find a ppa with that....can you guys guide me?16:03
helpseekerokay pavlos this is an awesome piece of open source but its a conference tool I might have to watch16:04
helpseekerits not a server solution so far I can see just in short time but maybe useful16:04
pavloshelpseeker, thought of suggesting it ...16:05
helpseekeryes thanks man! pavlos I found another idea now... maybe a server how merges with web rtc...16:06
Saphi iam fasing a problem willing boot my laptop sudddenly .. it says ubuntu--vg-root doesnt exist what should i do16:13
Saphi iam fasing a problem willing boot my laptop sudddenly .. it says ubuntu--vg-root doesnt exist what should i do16:17
Saphi i my laptop sudddenly not booting .. it says ubuntu--vg-root doesnt exist what should i do16:17
john_doe_jrhow do I install GNU version of du?16:21
Saphi i my laptop sudddenly not booting .. it says ubuntu--vg-root doesnt exist what should i do16:21
pavlosSap, suggestion ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/567730/gave-up-waiting-for-root-device-ubuntu-vg-root-doesnt-exist16:21
Picijohn_doe_jr: You should already have it, it comes with coreutils.16:21
k1l_john_doe_jr: that is included in coreutils.16:21
john_doe_jrPici: how do I know ?16:21
Picijohn_doe_jr: du --version16:22
Picijohn_doe_jr: coreutils is installed on every Ubuntu install.16:22
john_doe_jrPici: alright thanks…I already have it16:22
k1l_john_doe_jr: or see this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&section=all&arch=any&keywords=du&searchon=contents there you can search for stuff inside the packages16:23
JuJuBeeHowdy all.  I'm looking to insert my Ubuntu PC between my cable modem and my home network (WiFi router).  Does this look like what I need to do?  http://pastebin.com/SbtBhCe316:24
kro2488finally got ubuntu on my laptop man that was a struggle16:26
kro2488Although I did encounter sometthing I never have before16:26
kro2488I was trying to install skype and it won't let me because of "broken pages" what does that really mean, and how do I fix it?16:26
k1l_can you pastebin the whole command and output?16:27
kro2488I was messing with it last night, should I just run the command line install command again?16:27
kro2488and pastebin?16:27
JuJuBeekro2488: pastebin error msg16:28
kro2488okay hold on16:28
bhaveshOur teacher told us to change pam_service_name from vsftpd to ftp for a tutorial on "Adding FTP users with ready-only access to shared directory"16:28
kro2488I would rather post it as an image is that ok?16:28
bhaveshCould someone explain me what is pam_service_name and why change it?16:28
k1l_!paste | kro248816:28
k1l_!paste | kro248816:29
ubottukro2488: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:29
kro2488I like imgur better16:30
k1l_for text pastebin is better. so we can copy/paste and dont have to tyoe16:31
JuJuBeekro2488: have you tried sudo apt-get -f install16:31
kro2488it also gives errors in synaptic package manager as well16:31
k1l_kro2488: please run a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"16:31
kro2488jujubee: no not yet16:31
kro2488k1l_: ok one sec16:32
=== Witzo is now known as Oozverok
kro2488just a general command run it like that16:32
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kro2488crap im using the laptop now I hit enter by mistake with only half of it on there lol16:33
JuJuBeekro2488: yes, that will attempt to fix missing dependencies16:33
kro2488ill do it again one sec16:33
bepolitePlease how do I remove the top panel in ubuntu16:33
bepoliteI want it to auto collapse16:33
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bepoliteAny tips? I am using ubuntu 1416:34
kro2488it technically wassnt installed yet jujubee but will that probably fix it?16:34
kro2488 how will i know?16:35
kro2488last night i had to also manually fix the sources list i got a line error there as well16:35
kro2488but i figured it out16:35
JuJuBeekro2488 Run the command and let me know if there is error16:35
kro2488jujust no errors16:36
JuJuBeekro2488: Paste output following the command please16:36
bepoliteAnyone with an Idea to my problem??16:36
pmitrosI just installed Ubuntu 14.10 on an EFI laptop. It worked fine a few times, dualboot with Windows, and then it stopped. When I try to boot, after grub, there's just a black screen. It boots fine from a USB Ubuntu stick. If I boot into Ubuntu recovery mode, it goes into a busybox on the initrd.16:36
kro2488also is there a command line command to udpate the system if you wanna do it without it prompting you?16:36
kro2488and one sec jujubee16:37
pmitrosI'd like to run fsck on the HDD, but I'm actually not sure how to do that on an EFI/GPT disk16:37
pmitrosA lot of people got this kind of error when there was a disk issue.16:37
pmitrosDoes anyone know (1) what the issue might be or (2) have pointers to any docs about EFI? Even something as simple as how to run fsck on it.16:38
JuJuBeekro2488: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade16:38
JuJuBeekro2488: that will upgrade your packages without prompting.16:39
kro2488okay i subittmed my paste16:39
quantshi, i want to load Lubuntu onto a 32bit windows system,  i have the download file but i need to make it usable as a boot usb.16:39
kro2488how do i make a link with it?16:39
k1l_kro2488: copy the url and paste it here16:40
BluesKajJuJuBee, -y is optional and not necessary if you want to see what's going to upgrade before you decide16:40
k1l_kro2488: like uploading a picture, just with text16:40
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: he wanted to do unattended16:40
BluesKajnot advisable IMO16:40
pmitrosThe normal devices (/dev/sdaN) doesn't seem to show up as anything sensible with UEFI/GPT16:40
JuJuBeeBluesKaj: I agree16:40
quantshi, i want to load Lubuntu onto a 32bit windows system,  i have the download file but i need to make it usable as a boot usb.16:40
k1l_kro2488: please show "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" in a paste, too16:41
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kro2488how do i open that16:41
JuJuBeekro2488: Was looking for the output following the apt-get -f install but it looks like there were no issues anyway...16:42
k1l_just put my command into the terminal, copy that, upload the text to the paste service16:42
BluesKajquants, load Lubuntu onto a 32bit windows system? with VM?16:42
k1l_JuJuBee: there is a trusty repo enabled. i would try to fix that first16:42
JuJuBeeAnybody wanna have a look: Howdy all. I'm looking to insert my Ubuntu PC between my cable modem and my home network (WiFi router). Does this look like what I need to do? http://pastebin.com/SbtBhCe316:42
JuJuBeek1l_: good eyes, missed that16:42
quantsBlueskaj, im a newb, sorry what do you mean??16:42
BluesKajquants, I'm asking you what you mean, Ubuntu is an operating system not a application that runs in windows16:43
doug_sevenHello guys16:44
doug_sevenI am a newbie and I wanted to ask something16:44
k1l_quants: what OS are you on right now, windows?16:44
quantsblueskaj, I know, I mean i want to destroy windows 7 starter16:44
k1l_BluesKaj: i think he wants a windows tool to create the lubuntu usb16:44
kro2488pendrive linux website and the option other than unetbootin worked for me16:45
doug_sevenI am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTs16:45
doug_sevenbut it keeps crashing16:45
quantsk1L_ windows 7 starter16:45
doug_sevenans sending out error reports16:45
doug_sevenanyway I cna fix that ?16:45
k1l_kro2488: look at that last paste you did. the last line starting not with a # is directing to a trusty repo. we need to make that a precise to not get issues16:45
k1l_quants: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows16:46
ioriadoug_seven,  can you be more specific, please ?16:46
doug_sevenwhn I am on firefox16:46
doug_seveni close all by itself16:46
quantsk1l_ thank you16:47
k1l_kro2488: in terminal: "sudo /etc/apt/sources.list" then in the editor go to that line and change the "trusty" to a "precise". after that press ctrl+o to save it and ctrl+x to exit. after that "sudo apt-get update" again16:47
kro2488uhh k1l_: which line?16:47
doug_sevenand the when I try to reload firefox again same problem16:47
BluesKajquants, let's start from the begining , what operating systems do yo have installed on your machine, and what do you want to do with Ubuntu?16:47
k1l_kro2488: line 1316:47
k1l_kro2488: that is a 12.04 install, right?16:47
ioriadoug_seven,  try this in terminal  :  sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-*16:48
doug_sevenalso sometimes even before I start to use ubuntu, prior to loading the desktop I get a message saying that ubuntu has crashed16:48
k1l_kro2488: "lsb_release -d" will tell you16:48
YesLeHi guys, I need help backing up a mysql database on an ubuntu server using SSH. I'm given a username and password with all privileges, but not the root account. I kept getting "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)" when typing mysql. Any idea?16:48
quantsBlueskaj im waning to put lubuntu ontu a windows 7 starter system as windows is horible.16:48
kro2488it says that the release command is not found16:49
tewardkro2488: the command is lsb_release16:49
doug_seventhanks for helping ioria16:49
tewardthe _ is part of the command16:49
doug_sevenI loaded the command16:49
kro2488no lsb modules available16:49
kro2488it says16:49
k1l_kro2488: "lsb_release -d"16:50
tewardkro2488: lsb_release -d16:50
kro2488ubuntu 14.02 lts16:50
k1l_kro2488: stop16:50
doug_seven0 to upgrade, 59 to newly install, 0 to remove and 25 not to upgrade. Need to get 34.4 MB of archives. After this operation, 119 MB of additional disk space will be used.16:50
kro248814.04. lts16:50
k1l_kro2488: details matter a lot. so make sure you dont make typos now16:50
kro2488its 14.04.216:51
k1l_kro2488: so how come your sources.list points to 12.04?16:51
k1l_kro2488: what did you do there?16:51
kro2488i had an issue with it16:51
kro2488i had to make it from scratch16:51
kro2488but besides that nothing16:51
k1l_kro2488: no. what version did you install?16:52
kro2488of ubuntu>16:52
k1l_yes, of ubuntu16:52
kro2488i think it was 1216:52
ioriadoug_seven,  say yes16:52
k1l_kro2488: and then?16:52
kro2488and then what16:52
k1l_kro2488: you system is a mess.16:52
BluesKajquants, what do you mean by "put  lubuntu ontu a windows 7 starter system " ?16:53
k1l_it says its a 14.04, but the sources say it should be a 12.04.16:53
doug_sevenI did16:53
kro2488how to fix that>16:53
loahello. I have question about using zram and zswap... can somebody explain why my zram is always free, even with swappiness 100?16:53
doug_sevenso now it will update the archives and other files16:53
k1l_so right now we need to find out what is going on to think about if that is fixable or if you will need a clean install16:53
doug_sevenbut what about the crash?16:53
kro2488ok how do i open sources text file16:54
kro2488lets look16:54
k1l_kro2488: therefore i ask: what did you do exactly? because no ubuntu comes to that state without a user doing stuff16:54
ioriadoug_seven,  it should fix the crash o fFF16:54
doug_sevenokey thanks16:54
kro2488it asked to do updates but i didnt let it yet before i wanted to install skype16:54
doug_sevencan I ask soemthing else please?16:54
k1l_kro2488: did you change the sources on that system?16:54
kro2488yes i got a line error16:54
BluesKajquants, do you want to replace windows with Ubuntu?16:54
kro2488so i copy and pasted from a help website16:54
kro2488to just make sources afresh16:55
doug_sevenwhenever I bot my laptop, the computer loads and then reaches the screen where ubuntu appears with the dots underneath16:55
k1l_kro2488: can you show that page and what you did?16:55
kro2488let me find it16:55
quantsbluekaj yes, sorry im new16:55
doug_sevenat this point the screen flickers until I press 'enter' on the keyboard16:55
doug_sevenanyway to fix that please?16:55
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kro2488k1l: http://askubuntu.com/questions/78951/how-do-i-remove-a-malformed-line-from-my-sources-list16:56
kro2488i did number 816:56
k1l_kro2488: ok, what gives you: "uname -a"16:56
ioriadoug_seven,  check first if your firefox is ok...  and please put the nickname in16:57
kro2488uname -a16:58
kro2488Linux kro24889-X202E 3.16.0-31-generic #41~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 11 19:30:13 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:58
kro2488i think its interesting i cant find skype in the software center where i could on my desktop16:59
BluesKajquants, do you have ubuntu iso/image installed on a usb stick?16:59
k1l_kro2488: ok. so you are on a 14.04 system and changed the repos to 12.04 back because of that help, which was directed to someone usin 12.0416:59
kro2488ah i diddnt even realize16:59
k1l_kro2488: skype is the last problem you got right now16:59
kro2488should be easy to fix right17:00
kro2488just find a default source list for 14.04?17:01
k1l_kro2488:  sudo sed -i 's/precise/trusty/' /etc/apt/sources.list17:02
k1l_kro2488: after that please pastebin the sources.list again with "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"17:03
BluesKajquants, if not , read this and follow the instructions that fit your situation, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.10/release/17:03
kro2488i get a no input file error on first command17:04
kro2488maybe i didnt type it exact?17:04
k1l_copy and paste it!17:04
k1l_there is no room for typos now17:04
doug_sevenhello again Ioria17:05
doug_sevensorry but got disconnected and could not find the channel17:05
kro2488ok i did the first one but it didnt say anything after17:05
kro2488is that normal17:05
kro2488ok onto second17:05
k1l_now 2nd command and show the output in pastebin17:05
doug_sevenhello again17:06
doug_sevencan I ask something please17:06
doug_sevenwhen ever i boot ubuntu, the computer loads up to the screen with ubuntu written underneath there are the five or six dots17:07
k1l_kro2488: now "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"17:07
doug_sevenat this point my screen start to flicker17:07
doug_sevenanyway I can fix that? I have to select enter everytime to proceed17:08
slackrulezdoug_seven: ubuntu sucks, why wont you try something else? like debian, or slackware17:08
ioriadoug_seven,  it's a  video   driver issue,i think17:09
doug_sevenerm simply cause I am a newbit and I am not familiar with the command lines17:09
ioriadoug_seven,  nvidia driver ?17:09
doug_sevenhow do I update the video driver?17:09
doug_sevenI don;t know17:10
doug_sevenIt's an old hp 6720s17:10
doug_sevenI kicked windows vista off and instaled ubuntu17:10
k1l_kro2488: that is the old paste :)17:10
slackrulezdoug_seven: if i were you, first thing i would do would be to change from GNOME to something more lightweight17:11
slackrulezdoug_seven: that way at least you can log in and use stuff17:11
doug_seveni am using unity at the moment17:11
BumblefluffI vote i3wm17:11
doug_sevenwith the little taskbar on the left17:11
slackrulezdoug_seven: well at least you can log in17:12
kro2488that is what it gives me17:12
kro2488when i ran that command again17:12
doug_sevenat that yes17:12
k1l_<k1l_> kro2488: now "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"17:12
ioriadoug_seven,  you need intel drivers17:12
doug_sevenbut I read about slackware being command line based17:12
slackrulezdoug_seven: yes but you can always "startx" your way into graphic interface17:13
doug_sevenso since Ubuntu is more graphical it's easier to people like me17:13
kro2488then i paste it right17:13
k1l_slackrulez: please stop.17:13
k1l_slackrulez: startx is not the ubuntu way17:13
slackrulezk1l_: doug has a free will to choose!17:13
doug_sevendon't know 'startx; but I can look it up sure17:14
kro2488it is updating alot k1L17:14
k1l_slackrulez: enough of you giving false advice. if you dont want to support ubuntu leave this channel here17:14
doug_sevenso far i have tried mind and ubuntu17:14
k1l_kro2488: yes, that is fine. let the updates run17:14
slackrulezdoug_seven: it is a script, when in text mode, you can run that command and you "windows" will come up17:14
kro2488yeah i need to run to restroom brb17:14
slackrulezdoug_seven: /j slackware17:14
ioriadoug_seven,  type lshw and check  what type is the cpu17:15
k1l_doug_seven: dont listen to the troll trying to get users switch from ubuntu to his favorite distro17:15
doug_sevenokey i will look Mobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller17:16
kro2488ok what should it look like when it stops?17:16
arrayjumperHi, I have a problem with my 14.04 ubuntu set up. For the past 2-3 months everytime on powering up and logging on the computer suspends by itself. I have checked to see if any of the start up applications are causing but none of them are. Any ideas what the reason might be?17:17
k1l_kro2488: your regular command propmt17:17
doug_sevenIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5670  @ 1.80GHz17:17
kro2488its still going17:17
kro2488im hoping this fixes the source list17:17
ioriadoug_seven,  that's  the chipset17:17
kro2488i didnt notice it was an older source list when i switched it17:17
kro2488i was just annoyed so much at that point looking for an easy fix17:17
doug_sevenMobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller17:18
ioriadoug_seven,  at thetop of thelshw output  you should see the 'cpu'  and in  'display' the graphic17:18
Paddy_NIhmm... 64GB Micro SD which works on android phone yet refuses to mount on both windows and linux17:18
kro2488ok its done17:19
kro2488k1l_: its done17:19
Paddy_NIBumblefluff, I think so, just a sec17:19
kro2488ok its asking me to reboot to finish installing17:19
kro2488i should do it right17:19
doug_seven*-display:1 UNCLAIMED              description: Display controller              product: Mobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller              vendor: Intel Corporation              physical id: 2.117:19
k1l_kro2488: yes17:19
Paddy_NIBumblefluff, Yes, it's this http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00J2BZOUY?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s0017:19
kro2488okay ill brb17:20
Paddy_NIBumblefluff, There is a small unallocated space at the start of the FS according to GParted17:20
doug_seveni hope thats what you a re looking for17:20
Paddy_NIBumblefluff, Here is the error "Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/patrick/disk: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,namecase=0,errors=remount-ro,umask=0077" "/dev/sdb1" "/media/patrick/disk"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: unknown filesystem type 'exfat'"17:20
Paddy_NII tried licking it and everything...17:21
Paddy_NIUbuntu MATE 14.04 which is technically 14.1117:21
ioriadoug_seven,  ok...  go in /etc/X11 and look for  xorg.conf file if exists17:21
linociscohi all, lets say I have a domain name and single ubuntu mail server configured using domain name. If internet down to my server, and I dont wanna lose all emails, how could I do?17:22
linocisco<linocisco> if my internet is down for 1 day or 1hr due to some reason, how can I protect now to lose incoming emails especially during these period?17:22
linocisco<linocisco> if my internet is down for 1 day or 1hr due to some reason, how can I protect not to lose incoming emails especially during these period?17:22
BumblefluffProbably getting this because xfat filesystem isn't install in Ubuntu by default17:22
linociscohi all, lets say I have a domain name and single ubuntu mail server configured using domain name. If internet down to my server, and I dont wanna lose all emails, how could I do?17:22
linociscoif my internet is down for 1 day or 1hr due to some reason, how can I protect not to lose incoming emails especially during these period?17:22
Paddy_NII was not aware of that Bumblefluff17:22
Paddy_NIThat could be relatively simple17:22
BumblefluffPaddy_NI: try sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils and try mounting it again17:22
doug_sevenwhere do i look that up?17:23
rypervenchelinocisco: I would recommend not spamming the room with the same question over and over. Please be patient.17:23
Paddy_NIBumblefluff, Remind me to buy you dinner17:24
kro2488ok im back17:24
BumblefluffPaddy_NI: just a beer is good ;)17:24
kro2488now how to check everything is ok?17:24
Paddy_NIBumblefluff, True true.. My wife might get the wrong idea17:24
linociscorypervenche, I didn't mean to flood or spam, as previous msg was with error,I resent17:25
BumblefluffPaddy_NI: Mine too...17:25
BumblefluffShe already thinks i love *nix more than her17:25
rypervenchelinocisco: Mail servers should try to resend the message for a certain period of time, so you shouldn't lose mail if it is only for a day.17:26
kro2488k1l_: you there?17:26
kro2488okay lets check that we fixed the mess17:26
rypervenchelinocisco: If you are very worried about that, then set up a second mail server as a backup to handle it.17:26
linociscorypervenche, I dont worry about outgoing mails from our mail server, Just worry about incoming emails from the outside world during this down time17:27
k1l_kro2488: "sudo apt-get install skype"17:28
kro2488we wont need to look at source list again?17:29
kro2488it seems to be installing skype ok now17:29
k1l_nope. that should not be touched anymore17:29
rypervenchelinocisco: That is what I meant.17:29
kro2488so do i have the right sources list now tho?17:29
kro2488assuming so17:30
doug_sevenIntel® 965GME/GLE x86/MMX/SSE217:30
doug_sevenfound it17:30
kro2488ill go to you guys first instead of the web17:30
kro2488when i have issues17:30
linociscorypervenche, I dont understand well. excuse me. and what about if downtime is more than 3 days.?17:32
rypervenchelinocisco: Messages will drop, if you don't have a second mail server in your MX records.17:32
linociscorypervenche, second mail server should also be online , right? so internet is so important to be 24/7 online anyway. We are in the place where there is no stable internet17:33
rypervenchelinocisco: Correct. If you are not in a place where Internet can be stable, then you should not be hosting your own mail.^^17:34
TomyWorkit can be stable, but it isnt :D17:37
EDragon205Hey guys17:54
EDragon205I put the ubuntu ISO file in my virtualbox linux folder, but it still says No bootable medium found when I try to run it17:54
k1l_EDragon205: you need to "put it into the virtualbox cd rom drive"17:54
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k1l_EDragon205: just click the menu on that vbox client and choose the iso to be loaded as cdrom there17:55
EDragon205Oooh I completely forgot about that step, thanks k1l_17:55
EDragon205do i put it in IDE or SATA?17:56
k1l_you can choose the iso there17:58
bmorrisoI'm trying to do a git clone from a preseed. It's from a private repo, so I'm cloning via SSH -- what user am I? So that I can ssh-keyscan github.com > /path/to/user/.ssh/known_hosts18:04
Paddy_NII am having a little difficulty finding a clear answer regarding rotating a video file 180 degrees. Most of the answers are using ffmpeg which afaik has been forked or depreciated. Ideally I would like a way of doing this with an absolute minimum of loss in quality.18:09
ioriaPaddy_NI, have you tried avidemux ?18:12
Paddy_NIioria, I have not18:15
Paddy_NIioria, I'll take a look now18:15
ioriaPaddy_NI, after selecting a video codec select in Filters: Transform: Rotate: add and select 180°, then save18:15
Paddy_NIioria, Should video quality be affected in any sort of adverse way?18:16
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ioriaPaddy_NI, i'mnot a video guru, but itdepends on your settings and your  system capacity18:17
Paddy_NIioria, I'll feel my way around :-)18:17
Paddy_NIThank you18:17
ioriaPaddy_NI, np18:17
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lyzeHello guys :)18:21
sine0I have a laptop with this setup on the harddrive:18:29
sine0./ boot / swap / gentoo                 / windows 7        /  storage  .../18:29
sine0I want to replace gentoo with ubuntu, will the setup allow me to install onto that partition and uuse the current swap and update tehh grub boot loader18:30
ObrienDavesine0, yes, if you're careful18:32
ablegreen_wI need a tool to install Ubuntu and install a bunch of Python modules from canonical on multiple computers. Any ideas?18:33
OerHeks!offline| ablegreen_w18:35
ubottuablegreen_w: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD18:35
ablegreen_wOkay I will check that out, thanks18:36
lyzehow do i use a server password in irssi with a : in it? (the pw is a oauth token)18:36
Rapturedo you have to umount before performing resize2fs?18:36
ablegreen_wubottu: How do I launch Synaptic from the terminal>?18:37
ubottuablegreen_w: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:37
OerHeksablegreen_w, synaptic is not installed standard, sudo apt-get install synaptic18:38
ablegreen_wOkay thanks,.18:38
Picilyze: try asking in #irssi18:39
ablegreen_wWhen I edit the connections in the graphical Network Manager tool, how come my changes aren't reflected in my /etc/network/interfaces file?18:40
lyzePici: ok :)18:41
lyzeablegreen_: because they are two different programs :) thats the same as using two different chat programs18:41
lyzeand both save the files to different directions18:42
ioriaablegreen_w, because it uses NetworkManager instead18:43
ioriaablegreen_w, but you can purge NM and configure the files18:44
user9newbie, doesn't ubuntu set up partitions and swap when installed?18:44
ablegreen_wioria: What file does Network Manage modify?18:45
ioriaablegreen_w, networkmanager.conf ... etc  ithink18:46
ioriaablegreen_w,  /etc/NetworkManager18:47
ablegreen_wloria: Thanks.18:47
ioriaablegreen_w,  np18:48
lyzeuser9: yes it does18:49
lyzeuser9: at least when you didnt use the "other settings" options18:50
user9i used the default cuz am new18:50
lyzeuser9: then it should have created a swap partition18:50
user9how come swap is always 0% even when ram is over 90%18:51
lyzeuser9: swap will only be activated when you ran out of ram18:51
user9isn't swap there to ease things up?18:51
user9ran out completely?18:52
lyzeuser9: yeah. when the os needs more ram then you have in reallity18:52
hellyeahi am using dual screen18:52
lyzefor example the os and programs need 16gb of ram and you have 8gb then it uses all of the 8gb of the ram and 8gb from the swap partition18:52
lyzeohai hellyeah18:52
hellyeahbut when i do something on my laptop screen it effects the another screen18:52
hellyeahfor example i watched full screen youtube video18:53
user91Gb of ram ubuntu running slow n often freezing18:53
lyzehellyeah: so it mirrors the same thing?18:53
hellyeahsomething i did on laptop screen it effect the another screen18:53
lyzehellyeah: so do you see the same thing on each monitor?18:53
hellyeahthere is no mirror screen here18:54
hellyeahbut for example when i watch full screen youtube video and my mouse curser is in my laptop screen and i clicked alt+f2. it exit full screen mode18:55
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hellyeahi dont know i can tell my problem18:56
lyzeso it exits out of the full screen window whenever you do sth on the other monitor?18:56
hellyeahyes exactly18:57
lyzehellyeah: which browser do you use?18:57
lyzehellyeah: yeah for me it does this to. use a different one :)18:57
lyzefor a quick solution18:57
lyzehellyeah: for example w/ chrome it works18:57
hellyeahlet me try18:58
hellyeahit works with chrome what the hell18:59
lyzewell firefox :)18:59
hellyeahfirefox was good in the past19:00
hellyeahwhy it is bad now :D19:00
lyzedont ask me :O19:00
lyzehellyeah: i guess thats because chrome uses pepper flash player and firefox uses the adobe one. and this one is a old version19:01
lyzelol that quit message from WML19:02
lyzeohai junior_19:02
junior_so if there is a driver for a wifi card within the kernel and it doesnt autoconfig it for it then how do i go abouts putting it on?19:03
junior_someone told me the command line for it something about rt2x00 | grep or something like that19:05
OerHeksjunior_, what 'a wificard' ??19:06
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )19:06
lyzeOerHeks: guess a network card with wifi functionality19:07
junior_aka wan019:07
ScuniziCan I delete everything in /tmp without worry?19:07
OerHekslyze, i guess you might be right19:07
lyzeOerHeks: :)19:08
OerHeksjunior_, give more details please, or follow the guides https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo19:08
junior_its a rt5592 wificard19:08
junior_xeon-enouf told me the command line to make it work but i didnt write it down :/19:08
junior_the drivers for it are rt2x00 in the kernel19:09
OerHeksjunior_, today ? http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/03/11/%23ubuntu.html19:09
junior_looks like it was yesterday not today19:13
lyzejunior_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/19:14
GoodOlFurballAnyone here?19:15
lyzeohai GoodOlFurball19:15
GoodOlFurballHey, I need help recovering my password rip19:15
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords19:15
tgm4883Any reason I can't use a variable when using scp in a bash script? This fails on line 9 pretending that ${FILE} (I've also tried $FILE) doesn't exist    http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10581658/19:15
GoodOlFurballWell, its for GameSurge19:16
lyzetgm4883: if i can remember correctly my time as a bash programmer. you can use `` for variables?19:16
OerHeksGoodOlFurball, GameSurge isn't freenode, so get help on their site?19:17
GoodOlFurballI guess19:17
tgm4883lyze: actually just fixed it. Super weird, but scp didn't like colons being in the filename from the timestamp19:20
lyzetgm4883: :)19:20
tgm4883But didn't throw any errors about that19:20
lyzethats weird19:21
tgm4883yea, fixed now though, so my mysql backups are actually somewhere else now :)19:21
tgm4883lyze: thanks for looking19:21
Basketballwhat i sht ecommand line code to install tightvnc19:25
OerHeks!info tightvnc19:26
ubottuPackage tightvnc does not exist in utopic19:26
OerHekssudo apt-get install tightvncserver19:26
BluesKajand tightvncviewer, if needed19:27
junior_i guess it was actually for the ##linux channel19:29
junior_so what would be the link for the chatlogs on that one?19:29
OerHeksjunior_,  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/19:30
OerHeksfind the channel in that list19:30
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OerHeks* if they log ofcourse19:30
junior_its not on the list though19:31
junior_its ##linux channel19:31
OerHeksthat doouble ## says it is not an official support channel, so enter that channel and ask again?19:32
k1l_junior_: ask them if they log that channel. we can not speak for other channels19:32
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evgenius123hi all. some problem with Nvidia19:38
evgenius123I cant change to it as default19:39
evgenius123cant change driver to proprietary Nvidia from opensource Nouveau19:40
evgenius123join #ubuntu-ru19:40
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=== Eponine is now known as Bumblefluff
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=== Gnocchio is now known as Bumblefluff
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syeekickwould installing I3 on a ubuntu server be silly?19:53
syeekickits a window manager19:54
bprompthmm is not Enlightment I assume, as in E319:55
compdocI always install a desktop on ubuntu server19:55
syeekickcompdoc, do you now19:56
syeekicksee im tempted  to do the same19:56
syeekicki've got it hooked to a display. And im sitting in a tty. So i think it would suit my taste for a gui19:57
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compdocsyeekick, because I use vnc/xrdp to connect, I have to install Mate 1.8.1, because I cant get Unity to run a 2d desktop19:58
AmitariI have a pretty weird problem here. I've looked for help on #lubuntu, #kubuntu and #kde, but no one could help. However, I was told on #kde that it's likely a distro packaging error, and that I should look for help here.20:00
tgm4883Amitari: what is the problem?20:02
AmitariWell, I can't run anything that depends on the kde-runtime anymore.20:02
AmitariI use LXDE, but I do run some KDE programs.20:02
AmitariI'll show you what happens when I try to install a KDE program.20:02
bprompt!paste | Amitari20:03
ubottuAmitari: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:03
billy98hi, i am a newbie, i just managed to load "chubuntu" (chromebook friendly ubuntu) on my chromebook. My question is how do you do the dual boot thing without losing chubuntu. Going into so called developer mode is scary on chromebook, because it wipes every thing.20:04
tgm4883Amitari: what happens if you try to install kde-runtime?20:04
bpromptAmitari:     tried   -> sudo apt-get -f install;     <-- yet?20:05
Amitaritgm4883:Not much. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10581919/20:05
bpromptAmitari:   are you on 14.04, 14.10 or 15.04?20:05
Amitaribprompt: Yes, I've tried that. And I'm on 14.0420:06
tgm4883Amitari: what is the output of 'ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/'20:06
billy98i dont know if tht was addressed to me, but i am going with default ubuntu-desktop20:06
Amitaritgm4883: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10581933/20:07
tgm4883billy98: I didn't research much into it, but my understanding is dual booting those is difficult/impossible20:07
bpromptAmitari:    ok... how about ->    sudo dpkg --configure -a ;     <---   just in case something was installed but not configured yet20:07
AmitariI've tried that too.20:07
AmitariI'll do it again though.20:07
AmitariNo output, as usual...20:07
tgm4883bprompt: shouldn't the -f install do that though?20:07
AmitariNo, it didn't make any difference.20:08
bprompttgm4883:     often times, yes, sometimes it fails to resolve the issues though20:08
billy98not really hard, because it was working beautifully on my $150 acer cb3-111 for a month until i managed to screw it up20:08
tgm4883Amitari: what is the output of "apt-cache policy libkdesu5 libkpty4 kdelibs5-plugins"20:09
tgm4883billy98: true dual booting, or booting into chrome then starting ubuntu?20:09
pranavHI  i am having some issue with cmake in my ubuntu . error   attr/xattr.h is missing on your system   keeps comming20:09
pranavany solution20:09
bpromptAmitari:    ok.... can you paste say what you'd get from   ->    dpkg -s gwenview;20:10
lucidohas anyone tried using multiple nvidia gpu's and displays?20:10
Amitari(Gwenview is not the only KDE program I use, also, it's not installed anymore since it was removed when KDE-runtime stopped working.)20:11
billy98chubuntu is the dual boot system, whereas crouton is the one that works in a term window of chrome20:11
tgm4883Amitari: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list20:11
tgm4883billy98: ah20:11
Amitaritgm4883: Here's the Gwenview-thing. I'll do the sources too. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10581964/20:11
billy98i am using chubuntu although crouton sounds good, it i ahvent gotten it to load20:11
tgm4883bprompt: that was for you ^20:12
Amitaritgm4883: Here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10581969/20:12
tgm4883billy98: IDK, I just loaded mine with straight ubuntu and wiped chrome20:12
bpromptAmitari:     so.. tried removing gwenview, and then try to install it back in?20:12
AmitariIt can't be reinstalled because kde-runtime doesn't want to get installed.20:13
bpromptAmitari:    well...you said is not gwenview... nevermind that ... is kde-runtime.. how about installing the package with apt-get?20:13
AmitariDidn't I already show you that?20:13
tgm4883bprompt: we already did that ;)20:13
billy98i like that, but can you do that on any chromebook?20:13
tgm4883bprompt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10581919/20:13
tgm4883Amitari: sec20:14
bpromptAmitari:    I assume this was an "upgrade" rather than a "fresh install" of "k"ubuntu ?20:15
AmitariIt's Lubuntu.20:15
AmitariAnd it's Lubuntu 14.04.2 LTS20:15
tgm4883bprompt: I think it's because it can't find kdelibs5-plugin which doesn't make sense why it's not available unless I'm looking in the wrong place20:16
tgm4883billy98: IDK, I started here https://johnlewis.ie/custom-chromebook-firmware/rom-download/20:17
bpromptAmitari:    sounds like you have the wrong version....or an older version of a kde package, so more or less a kde package with orphan files20:17
AmitariI should tell you how this happened.20:17
tgm4883bprompt: well that particular package doesn't appear to be in his repo list, but it does list it on packages.ubuntu.com20:18
bprompttgm4883:     sounds like just an old package, seeking for old libs, that the updated files aren't needing or wanting20:18
tgm4883!info kdelibs5-plugin20:18
Amitaribprompt: This command broke the kde-runtime. sudo apt-get remove xterm uxterm20:18
ubottuPackage kdelibs5-plugin does not exist in utopic20:18
AmitariBut xterm and uxterm didn't uninstall...20:18
tgm4883!info trusty kdelibs5-plugin20:18
ubottu'kdelibs5-plugin' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed20:18
AmitariAnd I don't understand why it would happen since they don't depend on kde-runtime.20:18
tgm4883I'm not sure how to have ubottu check older package info20:19
bpromptAmitari:     well... I'd think they didn't, something else, either before or after you did that, did it20:19
AmitariNo, it broke directly after.20:19
AmitariAnd it said something about kde when I tried to remove them.20:19
bpromptAmitari:   kde doesn't depend on either, so I don't see how20:19
AmitariI don't see either.20:19
bprompthmmm sounds to me that "you think" is what made it so, or you noticed it right after that20:20
tgm4883bprompt: Amitari a look at /var/log/apt/history.log or term.log should verify that20:20
tgm4883Amitari: I'm assuming you've done an 'apt-get update' recently?20:21
AmitariI do that every night.20:21
AmitariI update, dist-upgrade and autoremove.20:21
tgm4883so you've done that since it broke?20:22
AmitariI did it before too.20:22
AmitariHere's the offending piece from the history.log about xterm. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10582033/20:23
bprompthmm I can see the dist-upgrade doing a number on that20:23
AmitariIt has worked for so long without any problems, so I don't think so.20:23
AmitariAnd the problem didn't occur in connection with a dist-upgrade.20:24
AmitariWait, I think I managed to do something now!20:24
AmitariI think I fixed it!20:25
* bprompt rolls drums20:25
AmitariI traced down the dependencies and installed the root one manually.20:25
bprompthowdy pardner20:25
tgm4883thats not great....20:25
AmitariI'm installing kde-runtime now!20:25
tgm4883I mean, it will work, but you won't be able to update. and potentially dist-upgrade will remove it at some point20:26
bpromptinstalled the "root" one... not sure what that means20:26
tgm4883bprompt: my guess is that he installed the -plugins one20:26
tgm4883Amitari: out of curiosity, did #kubuntu #kde or #lubuntu do ANY troubleshooting?20:27
AmitariI meant that I traced the dependencies down and installed it manually.20:27
AmitariYes, they tried to help me.20:27
AmitariThey asked me to check logs and stuff.20:27
kyle__ Has anyone here had success with ubuntu on a macbook air, NOT dual booted?20:28
tgm4883Amitari: the one you installed was kd3libs5-plugin?20:28
Amitaritgm4883: No, the one mentioned in the log that I found interesting was "libkde3support4", but it couldn't be installed either, I had to go further down before it could be installed.20:29
tgm4883I was going down the wrong path because you didn't run the full command I asked :/20:31
tgm4883At least now I know why it wasn't making any sense20:31
tgm4883For future reference,  "kdelibs5-plugins" does not equal  "kdelibs5-plugin"20:32
billy98that looks kind of scary, will it let me revert back to chrome if it doesnt work20:32
tgm4883billy98: does it say it supports your chromebook?20:32
tgm4883billy98: I did it on two of my HP14 "Falco" chromebooks here and it worked fine. It makes a backup on a USB key of the original firmware20:33
Amitaritgm4883: Sorry dude.20:34
billy98actually it does, i believe i have a silver 13.3 silver toshiba20:34
AmitariThanks for the help everybody.20:35
AmitariI managed to fix it myself, but I probably wouldn't have managed to without your help.20:35
tgm4883billy98: you have to disable the write protection too. I ended up flashing mine then putting ubuntu on there, then upgrading the SSDs and reinstalling Ubuntu. Running 14.04 and 15.04 on there now20:35
billy98actually i have a couple20:35
tgm4883billy98: but this is all OT, so we should move this to #ubuntu-offtopic20:35
billy98does that mean i have to open it up?20:36
tgm4883billy98: yea20:36
billy98oh, no problem20:36
Tenkawagreetings all... Anyone running a TW100 (Microcenter winbook) by chance and messed with battery level checking? Thanks20:36
chindyhow/where can i change the refresh rate of one of my screens ?20:40
fedorafanhey have started a livedvd 14.04 and its running from an usb stick, did backup a file and at the next time it wasnt there anymore, is there a specific folder what wont be deleted?20:45
RudeViperhow do you get rid of the lxde desktop? I have tried remove and purge - but it is still there - I want to get rid of it and use xfce.20:46
Sunstreamokay I have a quesrtion. I am going to install ubuntu, on a system that has Windows 8.1 pro and 10 TP And I know how to shrink space on drives and I have  3 internal and one external drive and I want to make it easy to switch between them. Basically I do not want to lose my copies of20:46
Sunstreamwindows. So What do I do?20:47
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SunstreamRude: there should be a selection for that in the login screen as to what desktop you want to use. like Unity and lxde20:48
gr33n7007hchindy: check out xrandr20:55
SampeiCiao a tutti quelli di #ubuntu !21:00
ubottuSampei: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:00
RudeVipernope - I type in startx and up comes lxde21:02
* Sunstream mutters.21:02
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Sunstreamnone of you out here can help me? gee what a wonderful help channel21:06
ubuntu-matewhat is you problem?21:07
Blackbolt22anyone have any idea why copying a file to a usb flash in windows would make the usb read only in ubuntu..21:07
Blackbolt22i ejected the flash drive properly when i was done.....21:07
ubuntu-mate<Blackbolt22> what is filesystem on flash?21:08
pafurijazHi, does anyone have the instructions to install the drivers EMGD made by Karl-Thomas Pietrowski on ubuntu 14.10, are a beginner, and I can't find instructions on how to do. Remember that it is not enough just to add the repository and install.21:08
Blackbolt22t he drive is formatted fat32...21:08
Blackbolt22i worked with people here yesterday for same poblem.. so i redid the entire flash and it was fine UNTIL i copied a file using windows.. then now its back to read only for users and writeable for root21:09
Blackbolt22i already ran dosfsck -a and it said there wa sa dirty bit and fixed it... but still readonly21:10
gr33n7007hRudeViper: update-alternatives --config x-session-manager21:10
ubuntu-matein windows this flash reading and writing normally?21:10
Blackbolt22no problems in windows.. every time i take the drive back to ubuntu and put it in,, it goes crazy.. it also doesn't automount the same anymore either..21:10
Blackbolt22before the problem existed i could click 3.1GB drive in file manager and it would open.. now it says its already mounted at DEXX-XXXX when i do that21:11
ubuntu-matedelete all partitions and make new in GParted21:11
Blackbolt22oh im sure i can fix it like that.. but why is it happening lol21:11
ubuntu-matemaybe flash is slow dead21:12
Agent_Smith1I'm looking at an ftp page with many files, is there a way to download all of them from the command lines like wget?21:12
Agent_Smith1I tried wget <address> but it tries to log in as anonymous and even then i'm not sure if it would be download the actual files or not21:12
bpromptAgent_Smith_BR:   if it's asking for a login, that means the ftp server needs a login, you could use the "ftp <ftp url here> " from the console, or some other ftp GUI app,   or even the webbrowser, browsers do ftp protocol21:21
tgm4883Agent_Smith_BR: yea I'd use an FTP client to do that, probably the best way21:23
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spaceindaverHi all, I installed the latest nvidia drivers (340) and nvidia-prime (for switch graphics cards on an optimus laptop) and now every time I boot unity fails to start after I log in. I can get it to run again if I delete my .config directory. Any idea what could be causing this?21:29
doomlord_1i've had a similar problem with unity failing after changing nvidia drivers, I have xfce aswell21:30
spaceindaverdoomlord_1, have you had any issues with xfce?21:31
doomlord_1xfce was working fine21:32
doomlord_1i was messing with drivers for Folding, needed 343 specifically.21:32
doomlord_1and since installing that, I haven't been able to use unity. of course I might have damaged something changing drivers back & forth21:32
doomlord_1spaceindaver actually, let me be more accurate: i'm using xubuntu *on another drive* . i haven't used that unity install since it broke.21:33
spaceindaverdoomlord_1, yeah, I feel like I messed up my configuration somewhere since I was using bumblebee and switched to nvidia-prime last night because I was experiencing crashes when closing applications started with primusrun. Any idea where I could look for errors?21:35
doomlord_1spaceindaver sorry, i'm clueless. i end up just reinstalling. I wasn't able to fix it so I gave up.21:35
spaceindaverdoomlord_1, okay, thanks anyway :-)21:36
doomlord_1i've found having a spare drive or partition around is usually helpful..21:36
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momomohow can I adduser without being prompted for telefon number and other stupid shit21:43
ntspmomomo just press enter without inputting anything21:44
cuddylierAnyone know a good ipv6 calculator to convert a /51 to /64s?21:44
cuddylierI haven't found a single one that does that yet.21:44
Agent_Smith_BRbprompt and tgm4883, I think it was another Agent_Smith asking about ftp clients... I'd go with lftp :)21:45
momomontsp iam creating a scritp ... it's not nice ..21:45
tewardcuddylier: i think you want ##networking ?21:45
pelonwhat is the spanish ubuntu support channel?21:45
tewardcuddylier: although you could also do the conversion manually - if you understand where a /64 actually lies in network ranges21:45
teward!es | pelon21:45
ubottupelon: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:45
cuddylierI don't which is the unfortunate thing.21:45
tewardi think21:45
tewardcuddylier: time to learn (just saying)21:46
cuddylieryep, I need to learn a lot more about ipv621:46
NedalHi, I have a problem to install eclipse , not install it, but to execute it or to open it ... some help please21:46
bpromptAgent_Smith_BR:    yes, you do that, you need to have an ftp client as well :P, that's what you get for  using a matrix character nick :P21:47
tony1I am running ubuntu 14.04 with gnome. when using the mail-notification applet I do not get a notification sound. properties/general play sound is checked and if I try to select a different sound file to plat it will not work. sound effects is turned on in the sound applet, does anyone have an idea?21:47
Giwrgarashi, do you know any music player that supports shoutcast radio?21:48
tony1it has worked in the past but for some reason it has stopped working21:48
bpromptGiwrgaras:     IIRC shoutcast use a .pls file..... and I think most audio players play that21:50
Giwrgarasi was looking for a media player that has all the lists like winamp or something like that but yes i think it has such a file ill look at it now21:52
bpromptGiwrgaras:      hmm I don't use amarok,now and then if ever, use others, but amarok has a bunch of playlists, and does radio and other stuff... not sure on rhythmbox, but I'd suspect rhythmbox does as well,     or "clementiine", clementine has a bunch of providers in it already, like last.fm21:54
qfoundI'm trying to use the command line to move a directory and it's saying "cannot move dir, it's not empty"21:57
qfoundusing the mv command21:58
NedalEric^^ would you help me please ?21:58
RudeViperugh - nothing is working21:59
NedalHi, I m trying to open eclipse but an error message keeps showing : "invalid configuration location " . Do any one know what that means ?22:02
koberHey, I had fedora on my drive an ubuntu wont install now because of the partitions there but it can't remove them either (it used LVM)22:05
koberhere is the fdisk -l: http://paste.ofcode.org/gn7buJfCFtdPmMusHcWiKz22:05
koberHow can I delete those so the ubuntu installer can do its work?22:06
tgm4883kober: are you able to delete them with fdisk?22:13
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coderman2how would i go about determining if my network is configured to use the optimal route to a server?22:24
Ben64coderman2: should happen pretty much automatically22:25
hmp1776Hi, I wanto to install Ubuntu in UEFI mode, in conjuntion with whole disk encryption. I read elsewhere I must have an efi partition mounted under /boot/efi, and I understand bootloader files are placed in it. Do I have to create a separate /boot as well, since I`d be doing whole disk encryption?22:27
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thenerdjoneshi all, so i have been a long time fan of linux, but have had to step away for a few years. i recently built a computer for myself and now im having the worst trouble getting it to dual boot windows 8 and kubuntu. i have a 250ssd with windows, my / and /boot partitions, and then a 500 gig hdd with my /home folder, but when installing i dont even get the chance to put grub on it or anything, and i missing something here?22:30
RudeViperw00t w00t w00t - finally - got it back to stock server22:33
hmp1776Hi, I wanto to install Ubuntu in UEFI mode, in conjuntion with whole disk encryption. I read elsewhere I must have an efi partition mounted under /boot/efi, and I understand bootloader files are placed in it. Do I have to create a separate /boot as well, since I`d be doing whole disk encryption?22:35
coderman2is there a way to run a command, like a wc -l that would keep running every n seconds ?22:35
hmp1776coderman2:  man watch22:36
ikoniacoderman2: or use a while loop]22:37
cpt_yossariancoderman2: or cron22:37
ikoniacron won't work22:37
coderman2ah thank you, i just want it printed to a screen so i dont have to keep running it22:37
coderman2watch works22:37
ikoniaas it's not interactive/terminal22:37
cpt_yossarianikonia: oh, he didn't specify interactive. might've wanted it logged or something22:38
cpt_yossarianbut never mind then22:38
ni__Hi. How to change repositoried of choice from country ones to Main? Setting it in "Software and updates" doesn't work.22:44
ikoniasetting it on software settings should work22:44
k1l_ni__: what means: doesnt work? what did you set there?22:45
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ni__k1l_: With reloading data is being received from country repo.22:45
ikoniani__: how do you know22:45
ikoniahow are you checking this22:45
ni__ikonia: Under progress bar i see country address22:46
ikoniani__: what is the name of the repo you have set it to in software settings22:46
ghostmediaprohelp ubuntu 14.04 sendmail config22:46
ikoniaghostmediapro: ask a question then22:47
ni__ikonia: I changed from Poland do Main.22:47
ikoniaghostmediapro: ubuntu doens't use sendmail by default22:47
ikoniani__: main is a repo that will redirect to your country one via geo dns I think22:47
ikoniaI could be wrong on that though22:47
k1l_ni__: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" in a pastebin please22:47
RudeViperok before I go and muck this up like before - does anyone know how I can PREVENT xfce from starting at boot....99.99999% of the time I only want the machine to run in cli only - so that when I do want or need the gui I have to call it manually....I have run google searches on this several times but every time I have installed any gui it winds up starting at boot and I don't want that.22:48
ikoniaRudeViper: disable the login manager22:48
ikoniathat way X won't launch22:48
sudormrfRudeViper, you would need to modify the xinitrc22:48
hmp1776Hi, I wanto to install Ubuntu in UEFI mode, in conjuntion with whole disk encryption. I read elsewhere I must have an efi partition mounted under /boot/efi, and I understand bootloader files are placed in it. Do I have to create a separate /boot as well, since I`d be doing whole disk encryption?22:49
ikoniaxinitrc is read after X has started22:49
ikoniayou want X to not start22:49
sudormrfikonia, which file am I thinking of?22:49
sudormrfnot asking that to be smart22:49
ikoniaI have no idea what you're thinking of22:49
daftykinshmp1776: checked the uefi help page?22:49
RudeVipersudormrf - ok which file?22:50
sudormrflet me see if I can dig up what I am thinking of.  either way, looks like I am wrong22:50
daftykinsnot sure if it covers encryption, mind you22:50
hmp1776daftykins: Yes, but it ain't very enlightening on this particular subject22:50
ni__k1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10582623/22:50
daftykinshmp1776: i would just try it without a separate /boot, since the EFI images are in the EFI volume it shouldn't matter22:51
daftykinsactually, depends if it can decrypt before it gets to the kernel22:51
sudormrfRudeViper, how I accomplished it was modifying grub and modifying the xinitrc22:51
k1l_ni__: right, that is actual the polish mirror. but since you are using 15.04 that could be a bug. since its still beta better file the bug22:51
sudormrfthis was recently on a vm22:51
RudeViperikonia - please explain that - I haven't heard that one22:51
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hmp1776daftykins: as far as I understand, it should, but since the efi partition is mounted under /boot/efi, I'm uncertain22:52
sudormrfbut ikonia's way looks quicker22:52
ni__k1l_: Where?22:52
k1l_!bug | ni__22:52
ubottuni__: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:52
k1l_ni__: and for further beta support better ask in #ubuntu+122:52
sudormrfRudeViper, ikonia what I did was this: sudo nano /etc/default/grub then changed GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to read "text" instead of quiet splash.  then sudo update-grub22:54
RudeViperOMG - I read those instructions and they weren't that clear - it's really that simple?22:54
ni__k1l_: But what should I change in this file to get updates from Main?22:54
k1l_ni__: remove the pl.22:55
sudormrfRudeViper, that is what I did.  ikonia my notes point to that disabling lightdm.22:55
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ni__k1l_: Thanks22:56
RudeViperyeah I tried all those other things and failed - even did the modify grub but the way it was written led me to make it "quiet splash text" - no wonder it didn't work22:56
* RudeViper drops to his knees and prostrates himself at ikonia's feet22:56
SunstreamThere is the option of windows 8 bootloader however i hope not to lose 1022:56
tewardCIDR blocks22:56
sudormrfRudeViper, what?22:56
SunstreamBTW you wanna know how long it takes my 2007 era computer to load ubuntu after selecting what to boot to login screen? a few seconds wow SSDs are fast with this22:57
RudeViperyeha -it didn't make sense to me either sudormrf - but that is what the instructions looke like - lol so I did it....Now I know why it failed - lol22:57
SunstreamWill Ubuntu cme back every reboot?22:58
RudeViperThe documentation on some of this stuff was most definately not written for the linux impaired lol22:58
SunstreamOops wrong channel22:58
sudormrfRudeViper, so did it work?22:58
RudeViperok while I am in grub - I see a spot to set default resolution - is it SAFE to alter that here ikonia?23:00
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sudormrfRudeViper, what is GRUB_GFXMODE set to now?23:05
sudormrfRudeViper, also, what are you trying to set it to?23:06
sudormrfRudeViper, you can go about this two ways.  1, check the supported resolutions, or 2, set it to auto.23:07
RudeViperI changed it - it was 640x48023:07
RudeViperI want it to be 1024x76823:07
jordan4ibanezThe package libglfw-dev wants to remove ubuntu-desktop, x11 and a whole bunch of other apps23:07
jordan4ibanezAny way around this?23:08
sudormrfRudeViper, you should check to be certain that is a supported resolution before changing it and updating grub23:08
RudeVipersudormrf - I haven't pulled out of the file yet23:08
RudeViperit supported by monitor and card - running nvidia 210 card23:08
sudormrfRudeViper, it probably is, but just to be certain.  reboot and hold down shift to make sure your grub is displayed.  when you see grub, press c to drop to a console.  at the console type vbeinfo and make sure the resolution you want is on the list.23:09
RudeViperbetter change it back before it messes something up and I have to reinstall AGAIN...lol23:09
sudormrfRudeViper, if it is, go back into the /etc/default/grub file, change the resolution, save the file then sudo update-grub23:09
sudormrfRudeViper, you shouldn't have to reinstall if your grub gets borked.  you can repair it.23:10
RudeVipersudormrf I reset it to default for now - I just remembered this thing is going to be usig the stock drivers at first - till I change them23:11
RudeViperok here goes - rebooting server23:12
sudormrfRudeViper, so did you set it to text only, back out of the file (saving the changes), update grub then go back in to the file looking at the resolution?  or did you revert the resolution change, keep the text mode change and then update grub?23:13
woddyhello folks23:15
RudeViperawwwwe crap - I still have the stupid lxde desktop - ugh - I deleted it but it's still locked in somehow23:16
RudeViperthe heck with it - the software center is there so fine23:17
woddyI have run chkrootkit and rkhunter, what channel to go to ask people to help me in interpreting the results?23:17
woddy(ubuntu user)23:17
woddyI think I discovered a new law: in freenode the chance of getting help is inversely proportional to the number of users in there23:19
woddy(for a given channel)23:19
SchrodingersScat!patience | woddy, just have to hope someone is familiar with those, I am not, all I can do is tell you this.23:20
ubottuwoddy, just have to hope someone is familiar with those, I am not, all I can do is tell you this.: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:20
sudormrfRudeViper, do this cat /etc/default/grub | pastebinit23:21
sudormrfRudeViper, and post the link23:21
OerHekswoddy, you could use paste.ubuntu.com to share the results23:23
OerHekswoddy, /var/log/rkhunter.log23:23
userhabe großes Problem23:23
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!23:23
sudormrf!de | user23:23
ubottuuser: please see above23:24
=== user is now known as IcK3
woddyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10582752/ <- rkhunter.log   http://paste.ubuntu.com/10582753/ <- chkrootkit -q23:25
woddy@ OerHeks23:25
SchrodingersScatlooks clear to me (?)23:27
woddyin rkhunter.log I had some warnings23:27
woddySchrodingersScat: looked into chkrootkit too?23:28
OerHekswoddy, line 278 gives an error fixed in 2013, rkhunter is old news23:32
woddyI just installed it23:33
woddyapt-get install rkhunter, then went for the rkhunter --update23:33
k1lrkhunter is not that sort of virus scan like you do on windows23:34
woddyUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS23:34
woddyk1l: well yeh, thats why I ask23:34
woddyabout those results23:34
woddysudo cat /dev/.udev/rules.d/root.rules23:35
woddySUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{MAJOR}=="8", ENV{MINOR}=="1", SYMLINK+="root"23:35
woddynothing special there, right?23:35
Ben64basically, you have to run rkhunter often and compare one log to the next23:35
woddyyeah great23:35
woddymeans basically I can kill my whole system23:35
woddysince I will never find anything that is older23:36
woddythan today, when I first installed23:36
k1lwoddy: that explaines it: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/101017/rkhunter-warns-me-about-root-rules23:36
woddyso I can't know if the system is already compromised23:36
Ben64you can never really know if a system is ever compromised23:36
OerHeksno, as administrator you need to search any warning, if it applies to you.23:36
woddyBen64: well, but I would like to at least know about the common stuff23:36
OerHeksand scan well23:37
k1lwoddy: well, that is why i said its not a "one click" virus scan liek that on windows (which doesnt help anyway)23:37
woddyOerHeks: well but that would mean I have to actually understand the system23:37
woddythat sounds like ... work23:37
k1lwoddy: yes, its a lot of work23:37
SchrodingersScatyou shouldn't trust a system you think has been compromised, as well23:38
woddywell, I'm into control systems, I like using that operating system, not spending dozens of hours on studying it23:38
woddylike... not everyone is an OS nerd23:38
woddyor security nerd23:38
woddyyou know..23:38
Ben64i don't see how that is relevant23:38
k1lwoddy: i dont get what the issue is right here?23:38
woddywell the point is, I wonder if I should switch to windows now23:38
woddyI used linux for 8 years so far23:38
k1lwoddy: stop.23:39
woddyk1l: well obviously there is no serious way to determine23:39
woddywether I have the normal known exploits/rootkits on there23:39
Ben64because windows is better at security? whatever elevates your dinghy man23:39
woddygiven that I lack the qualification23:39
woddyso it would all be just a gamble23:39
k1lwoddy: dont blackmail in here or show that attitude. that is not motivating others to help you23:39
woddyk1l: yeah right..23:39
l7CDmpdoes anyone here know how I could set up an ICC color profile to set all colors to one bit lighter than otherwise? basically any hex color that ends in 0 should be converted to a hex color that ends in 123:40
k1lwoddy: so what is the exact issue right now?23:40
woddythe point is you tell me that a) there is no way to know if my system is compromised, and b) that I should not trust a system I think may be compromised23:40
woddywhich leads to the conclusion that I should not trust any system23:40
Ben64not a bad conclusion23:40
l7CDmpwoddy: set up something like rkhunter when you install a system, and you have that much assurance, etc, security comes only in layers23:40
ikoniathere is no value in setting up rkhunter23:41
ikoniait's just a sig checker23:41
ikoniaand on a system that is possibly compromised there is even less value23:41
l7CDmpthere isn't unlimited value in it, but there's nonzero value23:41
l7CDmpyes hence why I said "when you install a system"23:41
RudeVipersudormrf, ikonia - still here and it is still working - thanks for your help and input - trying to get everything set up now - again - THANKS!23:41
l7CDmpso does anyone know where I could ask color profile questions?23:41
jgorakHi all.  I wanted to play with maas, so I was going to spin up server 14.04 and try the option shown at https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/_images/install_02.png .  It boots me into a textmode installer and I never see something like the framebuffer in that picture.  Can I get to that option in textmode? It's not in the install list23:42
woddywlan0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/wpa_supplicant[931], /sbin/dhclient[29959])23:42
woddywhat would that mean23:42
Ben64l7CDmp: you can adjust that if you have an nvidia card, i'm sure theres ways on other gpus but i don't know them23:42
ikoniawoddy: in what respect ?23:42
l7CDmpBen64: what's the setting called for nvidia cards? it'd probably be a good place to look23:42
woddyikonia: a line in chkrootkit -q23:43
Ben64l7CDmp: it's in nvidia-settings, theres color adjustment23:43
ikoniawoddy: there is no value in that23:43
ikoniait's a false positive23:43
l7CDmpBen64: can I install nvidia-settings and look at it on a non-nvidia card?23:43
Ben64l7CDmp: nope23:43
woddyikonia: when you do the ubuntu security updates23:44
l7CDmpBen64: Would it be possible for you to tell me the exact setting or setting screen then so I can google it?23:44
woddyhow do you know those security updates themselves aren't compromised?23:44
Ben64l7CDmp: if you don't have nvidia its pointless23:44
ikoniawoddy: because they come from gpg signed repos23:44
k1lwoddy: again: that is a ridicolous false positive. but since you dont want to learn anything i am not going to explain.23:44
ikoniaand are gpg signed packages23:44
l7CDmpBen64: I just want to know the setting name so I can see if anything exists for ATI23:44
Ben64color correction23:44
l7CDmpwoddy: the updates are checksummed and the checksum file is signed with a GPG key23:44
l7CDmpBen64: thank you23:44
woddyso the real question is wether my first installation download was compromised23:45
woddyif I get you right l7CDmp23:46
l7CDmpwoddy: well, you could also have added a malicious actor's key since install23:46
l7CDmpwoddy: or the program that checks the signature could be compromised23:46
woddyah ok23:46
Ben64woddy: unlikely, but go ahead and check your md5sum of the iso you used23:46
SunstreamK-lined? I havnt seen anyone K-Lined in a long time and to see 4 in a row....... what...23:46
l7CDmpwoddy: there are really an infinity of things that can go wrong23:46
blood|workI am unable to start my server normally. Logs show : init: plymouth-splash main process(431) terminated with status 2. plymouth main process (50) killed by SEGV signal. How can I fix this?23:46
l7CDmpwoddy: but in the typical case, that is how you assure the integrity of the updates23:46
SunstreamOh is there any IDENT software that can help XCHAT send my ident to servers so I can connect faster23:46
woddyl7CDmp: how does ubuntu ensure that my system isn't compromised trough Intel AMT, or manipulated HDD firmware?23:47
k1lwoddy: it cant23:47
l7CDmpwoddy: there's no way to ensure that, since those threat models are outside the operating system's control23:47
Ben64woddy: you're getting quite tinfoil-hattish now23:48
SunstreamOh is there any tweaks  I can use to make my SSD get into UBUTU faster23:48
woddyBen64: oh the manipulated hdd firmware23:48
woddyis proven23:48
rbrown_I'm trying to kickstart my server but it keeps prompting me that multiple interfaces exist how can I get around this ?23:48
ikoniawoddy: this is nothing to do with ubuntu23:48
ikoniawoddy: ubuntu cannot sanity external device firmware23:48
* neo_punk is away: Я занят23:48
ikonianeo_punk: please disable that23:48
woddyikonia: so we are all screwed23:49
ikoniawoddy: no23:49
k1lwoddy: i think that talk better suits into #ubuntu-offtopic23:49
ikoniawoddy: you're being unrealisitic23:49
woddyikonia: just one thing: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/02/17/kaspersky_labs_equation_group/ "The US National Security Agency (NSA) infected hard disk firmware with spyware in a campaign valued as highly as Stuxnet that dates back at least 14 years and possibly up to two decades – all according to an analysis by Kaspersky Labs."23:50
ikoniawoddy: that is a pointless thing23:50
l7CDmpwoddy: if you're targeted by the NSA nothing any operating system does can help you23:50
woddyl7CDmp: but those are the enemy, they are the ones doing economic espionage etc.23:50
woddyfor USA, against the rest of the planet23:50
ikoniawoddy: stop now23:50
ikoniawoddy: this is nothing to do with ubuntu23:51
l7CDmpnice and idle, just how I like my IRC23:52
ghostmediaproany help sendmail errors on ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu.com/10582823/23:52
l7CDmpdoes anyone know a good reference for ICC profiles/color management in general?23:52
ikoniaghostmediapro: ubuntu doesn't use sendmail by default23:53
l7CDmpghostmediapro: why is your init.d script calling make!?23:53
ikoniaghostmediapro: why are you changing the MTA to one you don't know how to configure ?23:53
ikonial7CDmp: because sendmail depends on m4 configs23:53
ghostmediaproikonia sendmail to use gmail23:54
l7CDmpwow, is that sort of hostility really in the ubuntu spirit?23:54
ikoniaghostmediapro: you don't need sendmail to use gmail23:54
ghostmediaprobut in the proccess of config, i get this error on restart23:54
ikoniathe default in ubuntu (postfix) can engage with gmail just fine23:54
ikonial7CDmp: why hostility ?23:54
l7CDmp"why are you changing the MTA to one you don't know how to configure"23:54
ikonial7CDmp: it's a valid question23:54
l7CDmpsometimes people use software that isn't the default...23:55
ghostmediaproside loaded app, that is configured to use sendmail rather rhan postfix23:55
ikonial7CDmp: right, and I'm asking "why"23:55
ikoniaghostmediapro: side loaded ??23:55
ghostmediaproinstall on ubuntu but not essentailly apart of23:56
ghostmediaprojust need help with trouble shooting ssendmail on the ubuntu plateform23:56
ikoniaghostmediapro: so postfix normally has a sendmail binary (that is not really sendmail but a trick for apps like this)23:56
ikoniaghostmediapro: can you show me the output of uname -a please23:56
ghostmediaprouse sendmail, by default which is created by someone else, it is config to use sendmail23:57
ikoniaghostmediapro: no, it's not23:57
ikoniaghostmediapro: as I've said there is normally a link to pretend to be sendmail from mtas23:57
ghostmediaproikonia: i'm ears?23:57
ghostmediaproikonia: do i apt-get remove senmail, and apt-get install psotfix?23:58
ikoniaghostmediapro: I Would advise you to use the standard MTA if possible23:59
ikoniaplease stop that23:59
ikoniayou are getting help23:59
ikoniayou don't need to just keep saying that23:59
ghostmediapropoint me in the direction of sendmail or postfix help23:59
ikoniain the direction ?23:59
ghostmediapronew to ubuntu mta23:59
daftykins!alis | ghostmediapro find a channel using this23:59
ubottughostmediapro find a channel using this: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:59

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