
bdxjamespage, charmers: Could I get an update when this issue is fixed? My email is jbeedy@darkhorse.com. Thank you!!00:00
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ctlaughI started a merge proposal review that failed due to not updating a unit test.  I believe it has been fixed now.  I have not gone through this process before -- do I do anything to trigger the merge proposal to test again, or do I cancel it and submit a new one?03:29
ctlaugh^ (I forgot to say this is for the nova-compute charm)03:31
ctlaugh^ Sorry - I just found how to resubmit03:34
beisnerhi ctlaugh03:49
beisnerctlaugh, as long as the MP status is "Needs Review," tests will automatically re-trigger after you push a new commit to the proposed branch.03:50
ctlaughbeisner: Oh, sorry -- hopefully I didn't cause too much spam03:51
beisnerctlaugh, no worries!  extra testing is better than not enough testing  ;-)03:52
beisnerctlaugh, it does look like we have 1 minor lint issue @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/10583581/03:53
ctlaughbeisner: I fixed that in my latest revision (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~clark-laughlin/charms/trusty/nova-compute/arm64-patch-1/revision/110)03:54
ctlaughI see the latest comments about the failure about 15 min ago.  I fixed the lint problem after that -- doesn't look like it's re-run yet (or it hasn't updated the comments yet)03:55
ctlaughOr, I've confused it by resubmitting so many times? :)03:55
beisnerctlaugh, yeah the bot checks MPs every 30 min, so it should re-trigger soon.03:56
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Muntanergood morning charmers08:49
MuntanerI've my charm, and I want to connect it to an HAProxy in order to have load balancing. Btw, I don't know how to call the "relation-joined" hooks with the HAProxy. I wrote some of them, but they don't seem to be fired. How can I diagnose this situation?08:50
Muntanermay this be a problem of metadata.yawl?08:51
Muntanercalled them "loadbalancer-relation-x", and my metadata.yawl is the following:08:52
Muntanerand, in general, how can I get the public address of the HAproxy charm? is that available?08:55
MuntanerlazyPower, marcoceppi: ping09:05
jamespagebdx, please can you log a bug here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/heat  with what you need - we'll review that alongside all the other charm work going on for 15.04 release09:24
jamespagebdx, you can of course fix this yourself if you need something right now09:24
jamespagebzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/heat/next09:25
jamespagewill get you the current development version09:25
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beisnerhi gnuoy, the nuage nfv project folks are needing to land a c-h change.  with a couple of issues now resolved, i think the MP is ready your review.  https://code.launchpad.net/~nuage-canonical/charm-helpers/charm-helpers/+merge/25264413:54
MmikeHello, guys. Recent amulet update broke amulet - that is, python3-amulet seems to depend on pytho3-path.py which is nowhere to be found13:56
MmikeE: Package 'python3-path.py' has no installation candidate13:57
rbasaksinzui: a number of people have asked about systemd on Juju, so I'd like to update the bug description with a full explanation of the current status. Could you please review http://pad.ubuntu.com/ehGldKIiT4 as this is how I understand it right now?14:24
lazyPowersarnold: ping when you're here, i need your input14:27
rbasaksinzui: thank you! Copied to bug 1409639.14:32
mupBug #1409639: juju needs to support systemd for >= vivid <systemd-boot> <juju-core:Fix Committed by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu Vivid):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1409639>14:32
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sinzuirbasak, 1.22.0 vivid ppc64el and arm64 builds are failing. they cannot get gcc-go. Do I need to be patient, or do I need to change package deps15:00
rbasaksinzui: could this be http://launchpadlibrarian.net/199658027/juju-core_1.20.14-0ubuntu2_1.20.14-0ubuntu3.diff.gz ?15:01
rbasaksinzui: doko uploaded that a few days ago. I was planning to send you an MP when sorting out our next upload.15:02
sinzuiouch.  I can make that change rbasak . Thank you for the diff15:03
rbasaksinzui: however, this does bump everything to using gccgo 5, from 4.9. You won't have that in older releases.15:03
sinzuirbasak, yeah. I hope I can do something like we do for the mongodb/juju-mongodb to keep one packaging branch15:04
rbasaksinzui: I'm not sure that's possible for a Build-Depends :-(15:04
sinzuirbasak, yeah, sad day for me15:04
rbasakMaybe we can ask for a transitional package15:05
arosalestvansteenburgh: any ideas on why this test result isn't showing up?15:09
arosalesfrom https://code.launchpad.net/~nicopace/charms/trusty/rabbitmq-server/all-tests/+merge/25128415:09
tvansteenburgharosales: url is wrong, see http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-test-details/charm-bundle-test-11070-results15:11
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: does RevQ make that url, or is it passed to you by jenkins?15:13
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: it's passed by jenkins15:14
arosalestvansteenburgh: thanks15:15
arosalesI updated the bug with that15:15
rbasaksinzui: doko says that the libgo5 build dependency is "crap". I'm taking this to mean that it isn't needed.15:16
tvansteenburgharosales: marcoceppi: i just updated the jenkins job with the new url15:16
sinzuirbasak, thank you!15:16
rbasaksinzui: he's happy for me to add an empty gccgo-go that depends on gccgo to vivid.15:16
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: thanks15:16
rbasaksinzui: so if that all works as expected, we shouldn't need to change the build-deps any more.15:17
sinzuirbasak, how long does that take for Lp buildsers to see it15:17
rbasaksinzui: half an hour + the time it takes to queue/build15:17
sinzuirbasak, please :))15:17
arosalestvansteenburgh: thanks15:18
arosalesany folks interested in doing a test review on15:21
arosalesand https://code.launchpad.net/~nicopace/charms/trusty/gunicorn/all-tests/+merge/25130715:21
arosalesmarcoceppi or charmers can you kick a test off on these ^15:21
lazyPoweron it15:24
arosaleslazyPower: thanks15:24
lazyPowerarosales: gunicorn is missing from revq15:25
arosaleslazyPower:  hmm it has a valid merge req @ https://code.launchpad.net/~nicopace/charms/trusty/gunicorn/all-tests/+merge/25130715:26
arosaleslazyPower: does this look ingestion issue or a bit wasn't flipped on the MP?15:26
lazyPowerarosales: i'm poinging blame @ ingest, MP looks fine15:27
arosaleslazyPower: ack, thanks15:27
arosalesmarcoceppi, aisrael ^ any ideas15:28
AskUbuntu_Landscape is not running after a reboot with juju-core 1.20.x | http://askubuntu.com/q/59600415:28
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aisraelarosales: I'd also guess it's an ingest issue15:55
arosalesaisrael: any way we can kick it into the queue, or alternatively kick off a test on this one?15:56
aisraelarosales: I'm not sure about adding it to the queue (aside from debugging why it didn't get added in the first place) but maybe tvansteenburgh can kick off the test15:57
arosalesaisrael: a manual test would be helpful in the near term, long term be nice to see why this didn't ingest15:57
arosales#action marcoceppi ^15:57
aisraelarosales: ack.15:58
rbasaksinzui: uploaded a new gcc-defaults. You should be able to Build-Depend on just gccgo-go soon. But drop the libgo5 build dep.16:25
sinzuirbasak, already done and uploaded. I think I'll need to rebuild the two vivids if they get to the builder before your package. Thank you very much16:26
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sinzuirbasak, I see gcc-defaults arriving in proposed. Will it be copied to release soon? I thought proposed required a 1 week holding period16:55
Muntanermarcoceppi: I'm having troubles in understanding how your wordpress loadbalancing works16:59
rbasaksinzui: that's only for stable releases. Development -proposed doesn't have a waiting period. As soon as binaries are built and the publisher runs it'll move over, unless there's some kind of regression.17:00
sinzuifab, thank you rbasak17:02
rbasaksinzui: it's in17:17
sinzuithank you rbasak17:17
sarnoldlazyPower: heya :)17:26
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lazyPowersarnold: heyo17:51
lazyPowersarnold: can i get you in a hangout for say, 15 minutes? Just some quick q/a over something i'm going to sign us up for17:52
sarnoldlazyPower: sure17:53
lazyPowersarnold: shot details over in a pm17:55
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bdxopenstack_charmers, charmers: Is anyone availible to help out with a network config issue??19:14
bdxI am noticing unexpected traffic on certain interfaces on my juju deployed openstack.....was wondering if anyone might help me diagnose the issue??19:15
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