
sgclarkRiddell: nice :)00:02
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | 14.12.3 Status http://goo.gl/SudPKi
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ahoneybunRiddell: ping02:50
ahoneybunI need a link to the lp for ubiquity kubuntu02:52
prthahoneybun, https://launchpad.net/ubiquity02:54
ahoneybunI'm trying to find the vivid version of the slideshow so I can branch it and upload my changes02:55
prthahoneybun, both qt and gtk frontends are in the same package and for slideshow maybe you can check https://launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow02:56
ahoneybunprth: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-9202:57
ahoneybunthat is vivid or at least what is on my system02:57
prthahoneybun, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu ?02:58
ahoneybunall in one package then prth?03:00
prthahoneybun, i think so03:01
ahoneybunI think that is it then prth!03:01
prthahoneybun, yes i confirmed it :)03:01
ahoneybunnow to make my own branch lol03:02
ahoneybunprth: how do I make my own branch with the changes I have already made?03:04
ahoneybunI found this but it talks about doing it from scratch http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/03:04
prthahoneybun, commit the changes and bzr push lp:~<user-name>/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/kool-new-slideshow03:06
ahoneybunprth: bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/aaron/Documents/Kubuntu/Ubiquity-Mine/.bzr/checkout/".03:07
ahoneybunI went into the dir and ran bzr init-repo03:08
prthahoneybun, did you add all the files after init-repo?03:12
prthahoneybun, moreover it would be easier to merge if you bzr branch the lp package and replace the changed files03:13
ahoneybunyea doing that now prth thanks03:15
prthahoneybun, welcome03:16
ahoneybunprth: still no working treee03:25
prthahoneybun, "bzr checkout ."03:28
ahoneybunwithin the dir03:28
ahoneybunbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/aaron/Documents/Kubuntu/Ubiquity-Mine/.bzr/branch/": location is a repository.03:29
ahoneybunI have to get off anyway03:29
ahoneybunthanks prth03:30
prthahoneybun, yes03:31
prthahoneybun, if you are starting a new repo then bzr init-repo followed by bzr add 03:32
prthahoneybun, otherwise if you are branching from lp repo then bzr init-repo followed by bzr branch lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu 03:33
ahoneybunRiddell: prth I'm off for tonight but I'll leave this here: https://code.launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/15.0403:58
ahoneybunright now just the icons are different03:58
prthahoneybun, good night04:01
ScottKRiddell: or someone, please take care of quassel if you didn't already as I'll have no time before Friday.04:34
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
Riddellsgclark: nice first post :)08:39
lordievaderGood morning.09:21
soeegood mornign lordievader09:23
lordievaderHey soee, how are you doing?09:25
soeelordievader: pretty good, you ?09:26
lordievaderDoing good here :)09:29
sitterRiddell: friend, where art thou? ping!09:38
yofelsitter: you really had too much time on saturday ^^09:41
yofelIf anything, the only wrong statement in the post would be that there's no more package with complex rules. Yes there are. Interesting read otherwise xD09:41
sitteryofel: mh, about the time. I do really have a second post with a sequencer -> https://gist.github.com/apachelogger/467f2bf442291c3182bd09:43
yofelah, that's what the to-be-continued was for xD09:44
sitteryofel: does any example of complex rules package come to mind? because I can't even think of one that actually uses file patterns and that is a pretty strong use case of make09:44
yofelhm, pykde4? That uses a bunch of substitution references in the targets IIRC09:45
yofelor not09:45
sitterthat's the thing. most of the rules we perceive complex are in fact just a bunch of phony targets with a wall of shell (that usually has trailing \ because each line is its own fork)09:46
yofelsip4 would be a better example09:47
yofelI think the most retarded example I can remember would be the mono stuff in the old kdebindings. But that's why nobody ported it09:47
sittersip is almost what it should be yes09:47
sittermono stuff actually from what I understood when I looked at it some 4 years ago was already pretty resonable with debhelper09:48
sitterproblem was that most upstreams did weird things09:48
sitteryofel: going to rephrase that complexity bit. thanks for reading :)09:49
sitterRiddell: when you return ... is there a particular reason why you left okteta use the ABIManager? it screws with the symbols and is useless. albeit, when removing the abimanger now it will break the symbol table because the symbols don't get mangled anymore :S09:49
soeeoh plasma 5.3 will have wallpaper contest :)10:05
Riddellhi sitter 10:49
Riddellsitter: okteta used ABI manager in kdelibs4 times becuase it kept braking ABI without bumping soversion and it was used by kdevelop10:49
Riddellso that's been kept in kf5 land10:49
sitterkeeping abi manager without actually changing the ABI is very bad10:50
sitteralso now that we integrate it we would catch a lack of sobumping10:51
soeefor you pressing ALT + F2 also switches tty now not activating krunne rby default ?10:54
Riddellsitter: well nothing deps on it so you could get away with cheekily dropping abi manager10:55
Riddellsoee: nope10:55
sittermy oh my10:56
Riddelloh gosh sgclark, I do worry about your sleep patters!11:18
sgclarkyeah :(11:18
sitteron that note... anyone working on kf5.8?11:22
Riddellmaybe I will later, wanted to look at gtk themeing this morning11:23
sitterI am pondering on the notion of writing an initial tooling chain to have it handled through jenkins, that would however require a bit more time11:23
Riddellalthough it's no longer this morning11:23
sitterRiddell: kdeconnect also still needs its redness resolved one way or another http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_unstable_kdeconnect-plasma/7/parsed_console/11:24
sittersgclark: okteta will need a new upload momentarily btw. I am working on dropping abimanager11:25
sgclarksitter: k, np11:25
Riddellsitter: by adding a not-installed file?11:26
sitterRiddell: considering upstream says it is needed they need to go into a -dev package I'd say11:27
Riddellsitter: upstream says they're not needed unless someone wants to make external plugins11:27
Riddellwhich means "I don't want to think about this because then I'd have to care about ABI stuff"11:28
sitterRiddell: then explain to upstream that he musn't install them11:28
sitteractually ABI doesn't even matter11:28
sitterwhat he needs to do si make sure the so-version gets bumped when he breaks ABI11:29
sitterif he does that we might as well package the dev stuff to enable third party development11:29
Riddellhe doesn't want to choose, I'll see if I can just change git to not install the headers11:30
Riddellnot installing the headers is fine, not installing the .so names is harder11:33
sittersgclark: 11:34
sitterTo apachelogger-guest@git.debian.org:/git/pkg-kde/kde-applications/okteta11:34
sitter   a40f885..7836d7d  kubuntu_vivid_archive -> kubuntu_vivid_archive11:34
sitterRiddell: it's one flag11:34
sitterRiddell: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/workspace/kio-extras/repository/revisions/9e44dfa16facbad57b1b13737ba0beda6ab083a8/diff/network/network/CMakeLists.txt11:35
sgclarksitter: ppa5 up11:38
Riddellsitter: kdeconnect pushed11:42
Riddellhopefully I'm right in my judgement that vaca doesn't have an opinion and wants one made :)11:42
* sitter pokes ci11:43
sitterwe usually use reviews for that :P11:43
Riddellmeh, beurocracy always gets in the way of action11:45
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Riddellmeh, there I was thinking all was happy when suddently it's not12:56
Riddellcan someone test installing gtk-orion and trying firefox for a few minutes?12:56
sgclarkE: Unable to locate package gtk-orion12:58
sitterprobably would be more useful to test in a VM xD12:59
sittersgclark: orion-gtk-theme12:59
sgclarkis it in a ppa or something?13:00
sgclarkE: Unable to locate package gtk-orion-theme13:00
sittersgclark: regular archive13:01
sgclarkahh silly me13:02
Riddellsgclark: put this file in ~ and restart firefox http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/.gtkrc-2.013:06
Riddellsgclark: I had fonts go weird after a few minutes of using13:07
Riddellbut I don't know if that's the fault of the font or the orion theme or what13:07
Riddellsgclark: ooh look at http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/14380/do-we-need-a-license-to-sell-the-photos-of-empire-state-building13:07
Riddellare some of the characters missing?13:07
Riddellhmm they're missing even without that gtk settings file for me13:11
Riddellso maybe something else entirely13:11
sgclarkseems fine to me13:12
Riddellok maybe it's just my computer not liking stackexchange rather than a problem I just created13:12
Riddellthat's good, breeze uploaded with new gtk settings :)13:13
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
soeesgclark: 14.12.3 should be ready today ?13:34
Riddelldon't pressure her, she's working as hard as she can!13:35
BluesKajHey folks13:37
sgclarksoee: in theory yeah. got some kde stuff going on atm, sorry for the delay...13:38
soeesgclark: np :) just ready to test as always13:40
BluesKajstill have the kde-init problem , but otherwise the OS seems quite stable atm13:42
arvedhi, which ppa is the one to use for 14.10 + kf5 ? the one i used seems to be deprecated...13:52
Riddellsitter: what have I done wrong with breeze? http://kci.pangea.pub/job/merger_breeze/159/console13:53
Riddellarved: right, use the deprecated one or switch to vivid beta13:54
soeearved: i think only kubuntu-ci but im not sure13:55
arvedhm, how useable is vivid-beta?13:55
soeearved: almost stable :)13:55
Riddellalmost, I need to test sddm today to see if the vt1->vt7 change has helped or hindered13:56
soeeim using vivid liek 2-3 months alrerady without bigger problems13:56
arvedhm, ok except that the update from 14.10 kf5 is not supported :) let's see if i will manage it13:57
RiddellI recommend a reinstall, others have had success installing kubuntu-desktop and upgrading from there13:58
sitterRiddell: as I mentioned yesterday the bigger problem really is that plymouth doesn't shut down14:00
sitterthe DM is supposed to take over from plymouth and tell it to quit14:01
sitterso chances are the problem really is that plymouth gets a trigger and then requests focus which causes the vt switch14:01
sitterand in that sense simply moving sddm to vt7 would be a workaround14:01
sitternot a fix14:01
soeekernel upgrade again :-)14:05
Riddell14:36 <happyaron> Can you subscribe ~kubuntu-bugs to extra-cmake-modules? I'm filing MIR for it for another package, and even I have another team to subscribe to the package, it would be great if Kubuntu team  can keep an eye on it14:38
Riddellhow do I do that?14:38
RiddellI can see the list but I can't see how to add to it https://bugs.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs14:38
Riddelloh worked it out, you need to do it from the package page14:41
sgclarkRiddell: I am at a loss on analitza. It says new symbols for i386 but when I try to batchpatch it say no valid patches found14:47
Riddellsgclark: looking14:51
Riddellsgclark: yep it had a new symbol, I committed and pushed, what were you doing?14:53
sgclarktried using pkgkde-symbolshelper batchpatch14:54
sgclarkplus 50 other things, anyway thanks :)14:56
sgclarkRiddell: cantor... kalgebra missing file, isn't kalgrebra kf5 while contor is kde4 so not compatible right?14:59
sgclarkerr cantor14:59
Riddelloh yes I did something with analitza didn't I15:00
Riddellcantor is kf515:00
sgclarknot the tarball we have15:01
Riddelland so is libanalitza6 from analitza15:01
Riddellanalitza4 source package makes the kdelibs4 libraries15:02
Riddellsgclark: hmm, something is messy here15:03
Riddellsgclark: yes I'm just reding it wrong15:04
Riddellcantor is kdelibs415:04
Riddelland it uses analitza4 to make cantor-backend-kalgebra15:04
Riddellkalgebra is kf5 and uses analitza15:05
Riddellsgclark: so what's the problem? kalgebra not in ninjas?15:05
* Riddell spots bug 1427560 15:06
ubottubug 1427560 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Qt 5.4.1" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142756015:06
Riddellsitter: what do you think is the best solution for a kde library to install packages from apps?  e.g. kcm locale needs it, dolphin file share needs for samba, gwenview for kipi-plugins etc15:07
Riddellsitter: muon could gain command line, it could be packagekit, or a new framework library to do the right thing?15:07
Riddelldantti: got an opinion? ↑15:07
sgclarkRiddell: nah kalgebra is in ninjas fine. cantor is in there to but with issues. missing kalgebra file and missing analitza15:15
sgclarkboth of which are kf5, but cantor (at least this one) is kde415:15
Riddellsgclark: ok I'll take a look15:15
Riddellbut first, ktp presense applet!15:16
kfunkheya guys: weird issue: Alt+Left, switches from X to another VT. this is new behavior. do you get this as well?15:18
kfunk(or Alt+Right, resp.)15:18
Riddellkfunk: I've had it on some installs and then I reinstall and it disappears15:19
Riddellit's very annoying when trying to go back in browser history15:19
kfunkI have it right now, and oh dear, annoying like hell :)15:19
Riddelland it's quite a mystery to me15:19
kfunkRiddell: exactly15:19
kfunkthis should be X11's fault, right?15:19
Riddellyes could well be15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1429766 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Alt+Left/RightArrow switches from graphic into text virtual console (Vivid)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:21
Riddellkfunk: have you tried turning it off and on again?15:22
kfunkInstallationDate: Installed on 2009-11-01 (1953 days ago)15:22
kfunkInstallationMedia: Kubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" - Release amd64 (20091027)15:22
kfunkthat's epic 15:22
Riddellwhere's that from?15:22
kfunk6 years of upgrading, twice a year, and the system is still not borked? :)15:23
kfunkfrom that bug report15:23
Riddellnot bad :)15:23
mparilloLast night, I applied updates to Vivid and shut down. This morning, it booted to tty1 instead of SDDM. I applied updates in tty1, and got lots of ufs errors. Is this a known problem? 15:24
Riddellmparillo: :(15:25
Riddellmparillo: is sddm starting on vt7?15:25
Riddellcos I uploaded it yesterday to do that15:25
mparilloHow do I switch to tty7?15:25
Riddellmparillo: alt-f715:25
mparilloAlt-F7 gives me a blank screen.15:26
mparilloAlt-F1 gets me back to tty1.15:27
Riddellso sddm isn't starting I guess15:27
Riddellsystemctl start sddm ?15:27
BluesKaj_udo service sddm restart15:27
RiddellBluesKaj_: that's old school no? systemd land uses systemctl15:28
mparilloI have used BluesKaj_ version.15:28
mparilloIn the past. I will try Riddell vesion from tty115:28
shadeslayerplz use systemctl 15:28
mparilloIt asked for my password, and I got the SDDM login screen.15:29
BluesKaj_Riddell, ok , but it seems to me I restarted sddm with that command with systemd-sysv installed15:29
sgclarkRiddell: last one to bug you with I hope.. okular wants libkscreen that does not appear to exist15:30
mparilloAnd now I see lovely Plasma 5. TY, and I assume no bug is necessary.15:31
Riddellmparillo: hmm well it may be, I've yet to test it properly myself15:31
Riddellmparillo: but now you have a GUI do you fancy writing a wire article about the lwn story?15:32
sitterRiddell: qapt does all of that15:32
mparilloTen Years of Kubuntu?15:33
shadeslayerRiddell: mparillo bug 143133215:34
ubottubug 1431332 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Kububtu vivid beta is dead. Wont boot anymore since last dist-upgrade which provided new kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143133215:34
Riddellmparillo: yeah15:35
Riddellsitter: but only for apt distros, so it's not a good upstream solution15:35
shadeslayeroh my, look at that15:35
Riddellshadeslayer: digikam is naughty15:36
shadeslayerI don't have it on my screen, qtcreator is the top crasher on my screen15:36
=== shadeslayer changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | 14.12.3 Status http://goo.gl/SudPKi | Crash tracker : http://goo.gl/Cdynad
sgclarkshadeslayer: I think I am blind, I don't see the neon green that is suppose to represent 15.0415:37
mparilloHmm, my google-fu seems to be lacking. Do you have the link to the lwn story?15:37
shadeslayermparillo: https://lwn.net/Articles/635880/15:38
Riddellmparillo: http://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/635880/a9b3bd388f21a263/ (but don't use that link in the story just say it's subscriber only for a couple of weeks)15:38
sgclarkwell I don't get that chart. I don't see 15.04 on there at all, but the other info is useful15:41
sgclarkubiquity is on there alot..15:41
mparilloshadeslayer: Riddell TY, I think I understand now. If $work allows some mult-tasking, within a couple of hours.15:42
Riddellthanks mparillo :)15:43
mparilloRiddell: No, thank you for getting me a Plasma5 Desktop back, and for my first introduction to systemd.15:47
sitterRiddell: for locale there can't be a gneral purpose solution that is not specific to the kcm15:48
Riddellsitter: the kcm has a method for installing langpacks, it just has a comment saying //TODO15:49
sittere.g. we do have way too many different considerations playing into what gets installed for any given language that you couldn't possibly provide this through an 'install this thing' api15:49
Riddellsitter: upstream provides the packages as kde-l10n-xx so it would be reasonable for upstream to try to install those15:49
sitterfor samba and kipi it becomes indeed more of an install-this problem where this however still needs mapping to what $this is called in $distro15:49
sitterRiddell: that makes no sense for us though15:50
Riddellsitter: why not?15:50
sitterbecause we need l10n for libreoffice15:50
sitterand firefox15:50
sitterand possibly other stoftware the user has installed15:51
Riddellso we change kde-l10n-xx to language-pack-kde-xx15:51
sitterRiddell: what exactly does that solve?15:51
Riddellsitter: but my question is about the general case, e.g. dolphin needs to install samba for file share or gwenview needs to install kipi-plugins15:51
sitterthat should probably be done through muon15:51
sitteras I argued when someone had the idea to glue kickoff to packagekit rather than libmuon15:52
Riddellsitter: but muon doesn't have an easy way for external applications to use it?15:52
sitterthat's why packagekit was used in the end one presumes15:53
sitterRiddell: I'd first have VDG figure out what the samba thing in dolphin and the kipi thing in gwenview should look like before worrying about the tech to be honest15:54
sitterbest case scenario libmuon needs to grow one function install(QString package)15:54
sitterperhaps VDG would like a more involved thing in which case muon would need other stuff15:54
sittereitherway, libmuon is where that stuff should be going down15:55
Riddellsitter: to me it feels like a good SoC project no?15:55
sitterdoesn't make much sense to have a package manager that already abstracts on top of apt and packagekit and then go use one or the other again15:55
Riddellsitter: new CI love may be wanted on git clone debian:kde-extras/kde-telepathy/ktp-legacy-presence-applet15:55
sitterRiddell: quite possibly15:55
prthRiddell, adventurous decade of kubuntu! the article is really inspiring :)16:05
prthRiddell, congrats and thanks a lot16:05
Riddellprth: ooh yay thanks :)16:07
RiddellI was worried it would be too much grumping but I think that got fixed in the proofreading16:07
sgclarkI think you expressed all sides well. I enjoyed the article16:08
BluesKajhmm , suffering from memory creep here...the RAM usage slowly creeps til it's pactically maxed at the available 6G , the culprit seems to be /usr/bin/plasmashell --shtup showing in htop with several instances using 6.5% memory each16:24
BluesKajerr --shutup16:25
BluesKajwonder what these plasmashell instances could be ?16:28
Riddellsgclark: uploaded cantor and analitza, set okular issues to ignore, there's no kscreen for kdelibs4 now and no activeapp16:35
sgclarkokies, so then we should be ready for testers?16:36
Riddellsgclark: libkface symbols? 16:38
sgclarkoh bah16:38
Riddellsgclark: ksnakeduel?16:38
Riddellhmm I think I have a meeting with the community council shortly16:38
sgclarkthat is dead16:38
Riddellwonder what I should say16:38
Riddellsgclark: ksnakeduel is in http://download.kde.org/stable/applications/14.12.3/src/16:39
sgclarkwell that is odd, somehow go tmissed sorry, uploading..16:40
sgclarkclearly I don't know how to do symbols anymore. How are you patching these symbols Riddell? I just get no patches found16:45
Riddellsgclark: I used sitter's handy script http://paste.ubuntu.com/10586171/16:46
Riddell(had to run it through dos2unix)16:46
Riddellfirst time I ran it manually:   pkgkde-symbolshelper batchpatch -v 4:14.12.3 buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-i386.analitza_4\:14.12.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1_BUILDING.txt16:47
Riddellbut turns out the symbol was arch specific so I had to run it with sitter's script16:47
Riddellit may still break in the real archive where there's more arches again16:48
sgclarkyeah manually is not working for me16:48
Riddellsgclark: are you remembering to gunzip it?16:48
sgclarkLOL nope, that is it16:48
Riddellsgclark: khangman needs a not-installed file added?16:49
sgclarkRiddell: that file is in the not-installed... that error comes up everytime.. I don't rightly know why16:51
Riddellsgclark: "./usr/lib/*/libkhangmanengine.so" is there but wildcards don't work in not-installed16:54
BluesKajgotta be a memory leak , I've done nothing to increase the usage here16:54
Riddellsgclark: needs to be listed twice, once with x86-64 and once with i38616:54
BluesKajup to 75% now , satrted out at 7% or so 16:54
Riddell"kget source: source-is-missing extensions/webinterface/www/mootools-core-yc.js"  grr, bloody javascript16:56
sgclarkI hate freaking minified js16:56
sgclarkI can never rid of those nasty messages16:56
Riddellignore for now, it's upstream's problem16:59
sgclarkok fixing khangman, then I hope to be done haha17:00
sgclarkwhat is with libgit2 in kate, it is in control, but does not seem to be seen by the build17:05
sgclarkRiddell: ^17:05
arvedjust for the record i upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 w/o deinstalling kf5 and it worked, apart from KDE becoming inoperable some time during the installation process. 17:21
BluesKajarved, so my upgrade from 14.10 with default plasma 4 should go without a hitch17:24
BluesKajif and when I decide to do it17:25
arvedwell at least you are running a supported configuration ...17:25
BluesKajwell atm I'm testing 15.04 as well17:27
BluesKajand after the last kernel upgrade I ended up with a memory leak 17:28
BluesKajit's almost time reboot again since it's about to max out my RAM17:30
Riddellooh gosh I'm on http://www.protocolsplugfest.com/europe/speakers/17:53
Riddellany ideas on what I should talk about?17:54
Riddelljmux: I might need to pick your brain about that sometime ↑17:55
ovidiu-florin_hello world17:56
Riddellmparillo: if you're still planning to write a kubuntu wire article adding a sentence and logo about that conference would be good ↑17:57
Riddellhola ovidiu-florin_ chico17:57
ovidiu-florin_can someone help me with a script to get all the internal links from our current site?17:57
ovidiu-florin_and then test to see which of those links on the new site return a 404?17:57
mparilloRiddell: i POSTED TO THE WIRE. wHAT CONFERENCE?17:59
Riddellmparillo: oh cool so you did :)18:00
Riddellmparillo: well when you get the desire to write again then http://www.protocolsplugfest.com/europe/speakers/ would be worth a quick wire article18:00
mparilloYou are the only Kubuntu speaker, right?18:01
Riddellbut they still have spare slots if anyone else thinks of something to say :)18:02
mparilloWell, it would not do to plug yourself.18:02
Riddellactually if anyone thinks of something to say please tell me so I can use it :)18:02
jmuxRiddell: Sure - if I can help. You're in "smb directory services" - not sure how I can help there...18:02
Riddellno idea why they put me in that track, I'll just write about any sort of "interoperability" or different systems talking to each other18:04
jmuxWell - seems the speaker "tags" are a little bit random. And half of the speakers are from Microsoft. Strange mix. I know 4 of them - all non-MS18:06
Riddellsgclark: I fixed kget javascript upstream so we can ignore that in kubuntu now18:14
sgclarkRiddell: okies, I am stuggling with khangman, if I fix mine I break CI and vise versa...18:16
Riddellsgclark: what's up?18:18
sgclarkRiddell: more answers if you look at CI18:21
Riddellum, weird18:21
sgclarkmy fixing of those paths killed CI, so I merged and the other install files no match18:21
RiddellI've no idea what it doesn't build libkhangmanengine.so18:21
sgclarkso i am reverting and only changing not-installed locally and uploading..18:22
sgclarkclearly there are changes in unstable that are not in this tarball.. though I am curious why pushing to kubuntu_vivid_archive would trigger such breakage..18:23
Riddellwell pushes to kubuntu_vivid_archive get magically merged into kubuntu_unstable18:24
mparilloAnybody using wxWidgets on Plasma 5. Scrolling is a bit off for me.18:24
sgclarkand that is where it went boom18:24
Riddellmaybe it has changed in kde master..18:27
* Riddell looking18:27
BluesKajanyone have plasma shell eating memory? 18:32
yofelRES 278MiB here (with a one day uptime)18:33
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunRiddell: ping18:38
Riddellhi ahoneybun 18:38
ahoneybunRiddell: http://imgur.com/2aUmlJ318:38
ahoneybunfor some reason it does not show the background18:39
ahoneybuneven the old one does not show since I have not put the new one in there yet18:39
Riddellahoneybun: sounds like a beastie18:43
ahoneybunalso Riddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/15.0418:44
* ahoneybun loves the internet Riddell http://www.thepowerbase.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/reddellshotgun.jpg18:48
yofelwth xD18:49
Riddellahoneybun: the original version of that photo had a shotgun18:49
Riddellsomeone pointed out it was a little bit offensive for a pacifist quaker, but hey that's what you get for being an international freedom fighter :)18:50
sgclarkRiddell: khangman in ppa fixed... that should be all of it18:52
sgclarkwth  more sysmbols18:52
Riddellsgclark: I just reverted the khangman branch for kubuntu_unstable so hopefully that'll fix up ci18:52
Riddellsgclark: where are you looking for symbols?18:53
sgclarkevidently libkface has more symbols stuff, I already batch patched once..18:54
sgclarksorry, I am tired and cranky18:55
Riddellsgclark: probably it's platform specific, let me try18:55
sgclarkokies ty18:56
Riddellsgclark: yeah it was so it needs sitter's magic script18:59
sgclarkRiddell: ah okies19:00
Riddelllibkface ppa6 up to ninjas19:00
sgclarkRiddell: thank you so much19:01
ahoneybunRiddell: will http://www.kubuntu.org/support and http://www.kubuntu.org/community links still work with the new site?19:01
Riddellahoneybun: dunno ask ovidiu-florin_ 19:02
ahoneybunovidiu-florin_: ^^19:03
sgclarkRiddell: ok to ask for testers? or did I miss anything else?19:17
Riddellsgclark: ooh yes let's ask for testers19:20
sgclarkhow do you do that fancy irc thing? :)19:20
Riddelltry  !testers | something19:21
sgclark!testers | 14.12.3 in ninjas needs testing19:21
ubottu14.12.3 in ninjas needs testing: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31  for information19:21
Riddellyofel: yep19:24
BluesKajsgclark, ok where?19:24
yofelwhat's the official way to override the screen DPI detection?19:29
yofel(in plasma)19:29
BluesKajsystem settings >fonts>forcefonts DPI ?19:33
yofelthat fixed the font size, but thanks to my desktop screen exporting wrong information over HDMI, plasma is like 10x as large as it should be19:34
yofelexcept the panel, that's fine for some reason19:34
sgclarkwell I upgraded my kernel and cannot reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/143133219:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431332 in sddm (Ubuntu) "Kububtu vivid beta is dead. Wont boot anymore since last dist-upgrade which provided new kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:49
BluesKajok my RAM is maxed out again 19:56
ahoneybunRiddell: http://imgur.com/LqXWynW :)19:58
Riddellahoneybun: ooh shiny!20:00
ahoneybunRiddell: what was weird was that the css was missing the code to set the background, now the preview works so I'm guessing it will work fine on the installer then20:02
ahoneybunRiddell: can you review please?20:04
* Riddell runs bzr update20:06
Riddelldo I need to run make each change?20:06
Riddellthis thing takes ages to build20:06
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
Riddellahoneybun: building...20:11
Riddellyay today's live CD boots into X fine20:11
Riddellso sddm is ok20:11
Riddellmaybe there's a problem on upgrades20:11
Riddellbut I can't upgrade because I'm building ahoneybun's slideshow branch :)20:11
Riddellor at least I don't want to kill my machine half way through20:12
yofelI just did a release upgrade of my desktop to vivid, and sddm started fine after that (took a while because systemd got stuck on a missing device, but you saw that)20:12
ahoneybunRiddell: :)20:13
Riddellyofel: what vt is it on?20:15
sgclarkI also upgraded and it booted fine20:16
Riddellyofel: what happens if you  apt install libudev-dev ?20:16
yofellibudev-dev is already the newest version.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      │··············20:16
ovidiu-florin_anyone good with python around here?20:21
=== ovidiu-florin_ is now known as ovidiu-florin
Riddellyofel: what happens if you  apt install libudev-dev --reinstall ?20:24
Riddellahoneybun: I can't get it to transition between slides running ./test-slideshow.sh can you?20:27
yofelRiddell: nothing strange20:30
RiddellI wonder if bug 1407152 is magically fixed20:31
ubottubug 1407152 in sddm (Ubuntu) "Can't log out from KDE 5" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140715220:31
yofelcan't try it right now. But I do have that as well (killing ksmserver helps for me)20:33
Riddell20:27 < Riddell> ahoneybun: I can't get it to transition between slides running ./test-slideshow.sh can you?20:33
ahoneybunI can't get that script to run20:33
ahoneybunget some errors20:33
Riddellahoneybun: how did you test it?20:33
Riddelloh aye, didn't see that20:34
Riddellhmm also doesn't transition or have the background20:35
ahoneybunyour missing the background?20:35
Riddelloh it has the background if I ru nthe right branch20:35
ahoneybunit works on my branch20:35
Riddellahoneybun: does the slide transition work?20:36
ahoneybunit goes though all the slides with a nice "to the left slide" transition20:36
ahoneybunwant a short video Riddell?20:38
Riddellnah I'll just merge and see what happens then20:38
* ahoneybun looks through the css to edit where the icons are20:38
Riddellahoneybun: hmm merge isn't happy https://paste.kde.org/pqiprhnov20:40
Riddellahoneybun: lots of conflicts on https://code.launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/15.04/+merge/25281620:41
Riddellahoneybun: I think you did something funny to your branch20:41
Riddellahoneybun: could you try creating a new branch with your changes in it so they can be merged?20:41
ahoneybunRiddell: yea sure, could shoot me the commands as that is where I think I went wrong20:42
ahoneybunRiddell: prth helped me last night but I think I messed something up20:43
Riddellahoneybun: bzr branch lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu20:43
Riddellcd ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu20:43
Riddellcp <changed file> <changed file location>20:43
Riddellbzr diff20:43
Riddell(just to check)20:44
Riddellbzr commit -m "message"20:44
Riddellbzr push lp:~aaronhoneycutt/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/15.04-220:44
ahoneybunok will do20:45
ahoneybunthat one has a lot more revisions20:47
ahoneybunRiddell: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10587532/20:49
ahoneybunit looks good to me20:52
geniiHeh "PPAs with the highes number of uploads in the last 7 days"   Kubuntu CI Stable (Daily Snaphot) 818   Kubuntu CI Unstable 70120:57
Riddellahoneybun: when I merge your branch there is a blank icon on the first slide21:08
Riddelldid you bzr add that icon?21:08
Riddellahoneybun: yeah it's missing, you need to  bzr add <filename> for new files21:10
Riddellthen bzr commit21:10
Riddellbzr push lp:~aaronhoneycutt/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/15.04-221:11
ahoneybunon the welcome slide Riddell?21:11
Riddellahoneybun: yes and firefox for example21:12
ahoneybunRiddell: added those icons21:13
ahoneybunand pushed21:13
Riddellfixes the kubuntu logo21:14
Riddellhmm do I have to wait for it all?21:15
ahoneybunis firefox still missing21:16
Riddellfirefox is there21:16
Riddellno icon on the photos slide21:16
ahoneybunoh ok let me get the rest21:16
Riddellhmm can you change that to a krita icon?21:16
ahoneybunyea my icons show up21:16
ahoneybunyea sure 21:17
Riddellicons/applications-multimedia.png missing21:17
ahoneybunRiddell: there is just a paint brush as the krita icon21:18
Riddellahoneybun:  http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Calligra_Krita_icon.svg or http://www.extvia.com/temp/mascot_20121225_krita.png21:18
Riddellicons/application-vnd.stardivision.mail.png missing, is that from staroffice?21:19
Riddellicons/steam.png missing, I think that'll be trademarked and it's not kde surely there's something better?21:20
ahoneybunRiddell: steam icon was in the breeze set21:21
Riddellhmm ok21:21
Riddellbut still doesn't mean we won't get in trouble if we use it somewhere that's branding21:21
Riddellplus we want to promote KDE and not proprietary software21:22
Riddell(well maybe)21:22
ahoneybunlet me look21:22
ahoneybunI can't get that krita icon to download as a svg21:22
ahoneybungot it21:22
sgclarkRiddell: I agree21:22
ahoneybunRiddell: https://github.com/jsj2008/kdegames/blob/master/kblocks/hi128-app-kblocks.png21:37
Riddellahoneybun: looks nice21:38
soeesgclark: hiho 21:38
soeehows it going with apps ?21:38
Riddellsoee: needs testing21:39
soeeRiddell: where are they ?21:40
Riddellsoee: in ninjas21:40
soeeRiddell: ppa pls ? i see i has been removed from my sources list21:40
soeeRiddell: upgrading21:43
ahoneybunRiddell: everything should be fixed21:47
ahoneybunbbl I'll be in IRC in a few mobile wise21:47
Riddelltoday's live cd seems mostly good but needs autologin fixed on sddm21:49
valorieeek, today's vivid updates have left me unable to boot up completely: blank screen saying only "starting version 219"21:49
Riddellvalorie: yep, known problem21:49
Riddellvalorie: alt-f2  login  systemctl start sddm21:50
RiddellI've no idea what's wrong with upgrades21:50
Riddellnot everyone seems to be addected21:50
Riddellbut I was21:50
valoriethat seems to have worked21:51
valorieI was going to test upgrading this lappy to vivid today21:51
valorieI guess that's a simple enough fix to chance it21:51
RiddellI wonder if /etc/init/sddm.conf doesn't get upgraded21:51
soeeRiddell: upgrade without any errors21:52
soeewill reboot now21:52
valorieanything I can add that will help figure it out?21:52
Riddellvalorie: can you diff this against your copy? http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/sddm.conf21:52
Riddellsoee: watch out for issue valorie just had21:52
Riddellwell if he doesn't return we'll know it's a common problem :)21:52
soeeRiddell: all fine21:54
soeeRiddell: one more thing: why when booting, after few seconds when we see plymouth, we have this "srarting version 219" line ?21:55
Riddellsoee: I've no idea what that's about21:56
Riddellsoee: but sddm starts for you fine?21:56
valorieidentical that computer and your file21:56
soeeRiddell: yes21:56
soeeRiddell: sddm does not work only with nvidia-prime, atleast lat time i tried to install it21:57
soeenow im without nvidia-prime and sddm works nice21:58
Riddellhmm, so no idea what the issue with valorie (and me and others) is21:58
Riddelltoday's image installs and runs fine21:58
Riddellwhever would sddm now not get started by systemd on upgrade I've no idea21:59
soeeabout kdeconnect, we have icon visible in systray but when we click on it it fedes out because there are no paired devices, shouldn't this icon in that case be hidden by default than ?21:59
valorieit restarted yesterday, but today I couldn't come back from a logout21:59
valorieso I restarted21:59
Riddellbug 143133222:00
ubottubug 1431332 in sddm (Ubuntu) "sddm not starting after upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143133222:00
soeevalorie: logout is broken22:00
valorieok, this box i"m typing on becomes the experiement22:00
valorieanybody fixing that?22:00
Riddellvalorie: logout not working is another known but which (I just tested) seems to be fixed today22:01
Riddellsoee: can you test if logout is working for you after an upgrade/reboot ?22:01
soeeRiddell: were there any chnages lately that shoudl fix this ?22:02
soeevalorie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/142767222:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1427672 in systemd (Ubuntu) "System doesn't power off when shutting down" [High,Confirmed]22:02
soeeoh wait not this22:02
soeeRiddell: one second ill test now if logout works22:03
sgclarkhmm I think I killed my laptop rying to logout heh22:03
mparilloI have a VM. Want me to test logging out? Safer.22:04
valorieok, I confirmed the bug 143133222:04
ubottubug 1431332 in sddm (Ubuntu) "sddm not starting after upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143133222:04
soeeRiddell: broken, if i try to logout it ends wth black screen and cursor22:04
sgclarkyeah I am regretting my decision22:04
valorielogging out here and coming back on my other box22:04
Riddellmparillo: worth a shot22:05
soeeRiddell: i can login and startx from tty122:05
soeesgclark: regreat what ?22:06
mparilloHmmm the shutdown 'tab' is gone from the Application Launcher22:06
sgclarktesting logout22:06
sgclarkand now I am in initramfs busybox//?!22:07
sgclarkplease boot lol22:07
mparilloOnly my Favorites 'tab' is there.  Picking Leave from the 'Hamburger'22:07
Riddellsgclark: alt-f2 , login,  systemctl start sddm22:08
Riddelloh good :)22:08
sgclarkit is back22:08
soeesgclark: great work on apps, thanks22:11
mparilloI lost my breeze cursor, screen went blank, but VM did not shut down. No system messages. Sometimes I see something like System is going down NOW. Not this time. Just a blank screen.  Unresponsive to ALT F1-7 or virtual alt control delete.22:11
mparilloOn re-starting my VM, I get tty1. I will try to update.22:12
Riddellmparillo: systemctl start sddm ?22:13
mparilloWill do. I planned to update / upgrade first22:13
mparilloupgrade complete. dist-upgrade complete. systemctl start sddm got me the SDDM login. I needed my password for systemctl even though I had just given it to the sudo apt update22:17
valoriesame here22:18
mparilloAnd my application launcher has the leave 'tab' again. Trying it from there.22:19
mparilloLooks like a dump from the old days.22:21
* Riddell adds bug 143158722:22
ubottubug 1431587 in casper (Ubuntu) "livecd sddm autologin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143158722:22
ahoneybunDid that work Riddell ?22:22
Riddellahoneybun: your update? yes looks good22:22
Riddellto slideshow22:22
RiddellI'll update it when I've installed my dev tools22:22
ahoneybunSweet \o/22:23
Riddellahoneybun: if you're in the mood for useful stuff http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour badly needs an update :)22:23
ahoneybunIve been talking with ov22:23
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: about that22:24
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: ill be home around 10:30 pm est 22:28
Riddellgreat :)22:28
soeephew, i did apt-get autoremove to remove old kernels and during that action plymouth showed up and i had to reboot :/22:30
ahoneybunI'll get some screenshots up later tonight Riddell 22:31
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: there's a trello checkbox for that in Kubuntu Promotion22:31
ovidiu-florinI'm off to bed, it's awfull late here22:32
Riddellahoneybun: oh I had a request from the kexi buy to put calligra in the feature tour, dunno if you want to keep that in mind22:32
Riddellovidiu-florin: sleep well22:32
ovidiu-florinRiddell ahoneybunI'm currently working on the first 2 checks in that list (the URLs)22:32
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ^22:32
ahoneybunLibreoffice is the featured suite though Riddell 22:32
sgclarkright and calligra is not installed by default right?22:32
ahoneybunWe could offer it like we do rekonq and chrome22:33
sgclarkyeah that easy to download page or some such22:33
Riddellahoneybun: right that's why you may want to ignore it22:33
Riddellahoneybun: it was actually for kexi / calligra from the kexi guy22:34
ahoneybunOh 22:34
valorieor sitter will get an aneurysm if we try to offer it by default22:34
sgclarkprobably should mention it somewhere as it is KDE22:34
ahoneybunsgclark: like how we offer rekonq and chromuim22:36
soeeis there already kf5 kdetelepathy port ?22:36
soeedo we have it in vivid ?22:36
sgclarkoh sorry yeah to ahoneybun22:37
sgclarkno idea on kf5 telepathy22:37
ahoneybunWho does the decision fall down to Riddell ?22:37
Riddellsoee: there's a port but it hasn't been released22:40
Riddellahoneybun: slideshow uploaded, many thanks!22:40
Riddellahoneybun: decision on what?22:40
soeethere is widget: webbrowser available but by defautl it does not work as the error message states: QtWebKit is not installed22:41
ahoneybunRiddell: including calligra22:41
soeeif widget is available shouldn't teh dependency be installed also ?22:41
soeeRiddell: ok22:41
ahoneybunRiddell: \o/22:42
Riddellahoneybun: in the cd or the feature tour?22:42
Riddellsoee: if what widget is available?22:43
ahoneybunUnless you were talking about including calligra in the feature tour22:43
Riddellahoneybun: the request from kexi/calligra guy was to include it in the feature tour22:43
Riddellbut the decision is by whoever makes the feature then feedback from the kubuntu contributors community then if it really needs a vote the kubuntu council22:44
soeeRiddell: http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/12/worksace13.png22:44
ahoneybunIts not include by default so not sure how to include it in the tour22:44
Riddellahoneybun: I think a slide of "calligra has some lovely bits, try krita or kexi" would be nice22:45
Riddellsince krita and kexi are really lovely22:45
ahoneybunNever have used it22:45
Riddellsoee: I see the same problem, missing depends I guess, file a bug22:46
Riddellahoneybun: try them, they're lovely :)22:46
ahoneybunRiddell: I'll see if i can work it in22:46
soeeRiddell: against ?22:47
Riddellsoee: kdeplasma-addons I think22:47
Riddellit's late, time to go home22:47
ahoneybunSee yea Riddell 22:47
sgclarksee yas22:47
soeeRiddell: but i dont see such component there https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=kdeplasma-addons22:48
valorieupgrade of the older laptop is going well so far - ppa-purge seems to have worked just fine22:48
Riddellsoee: on launchpad22:49
valoriehmmm, do-release-upgrade isn't working; for the beta, how to upgrade in the cli?22:56
soeeRiddell: can you confirm please https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeplasma-addons/+bug/1431610 ?22:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431610 in kdeplasma-addons (Ubuntu) "Web Browser plasmoid missing dependency to TQWebKit" [Undecided,New]22:58
valorieaha, kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade works22:58
ahoneybunprth: i see my bug was marked at critical 23:15
prthahoneybun, yeah & triaged23:18
ahoneybunprth: \o/23:19
valorieRIP Sir Terry Pratchett23:32
valoriewhat a terrible loss23:32
soeetrue :(23:32
ahoneybunvalorie: the slideshow is updated :)23:33
Riddellit's how he would have wanted, he didn't want to degrade into Alzheimers23:34
valorieoh yes, I'm happy for him that he's no longer suffering23:34
valoriejust such a cruel end23:34
valorieexcellent, ahoneybun23:35
valorieI felt the same when my mother went, for the same horrible reason23:35
valorieat least he could still write for awhile23:35
* ahoneybun needs to fill bug against kmail23:43
sgclarkkmail... I want to love it, but alas breaks much to often23:43
KDDAwhat problems you having with KMail?23:43
sgclarkmy internet is absolutely horrible and timeouts alot, so I get stuck with cannot retrieve collection blah balh, there are many bug reports out with this issue23:44
sgclarkI can restart akonadi and most of the time it works, but filters then seem to stop functioning .. 23:45
sgclarkjust tired of fighting with it23:45
ahoneybunI could not get though the first time setup23:46
ahoneybunIt hangs23:46

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