
Pwnnaapw: i think it's also turned off for 3.18.9, i'm not sure if the name has changed (it might have, but i think start from 3.16)00:00
Unit193pitti: Heh, well if it matters it popped up the volume again, either right after unpacking systemd or libpam-systemd. :P01:20
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pittikirkland: right, fix-invalid-cryptswap.sh is what needs to go into postinst, protected with the usual "run this on upgrades to this version" dpkg --compare-version06:02
pittismoser: yes, the init= on cloud images is hopefully temporary; I don't know exactly where this is done, but someone (Odd_Bloke or utlemming, don't remember) told me it's going away now06:03
pittirbasak: yes, of course; it needs the release team to add a permanent "I know the test of this version is broken" exception, but I can wave through this particular one06:04
pittiUnit193: oh, can you reproduce this with apt-get install --reinstall systemd? If so, can you reproduce it with "sudo systemctl daemon-reload"?06:04
pitti... and Good morning!06:04
darkxsthey pitti06:08
pittihey darkxst!06:08
darkxstso that retracer failure was from nettle changing nettle-dbg from a folder to a symlink06:08
darkxstI guess dpkg has no idea about those changes06:09
darkxstdo you purge your sandboxes regularly?06:09
pittidarkxst: ah, you have a permanent sandbox!06:09
Unit193pitti: Yes, yes.06:09
pittidarkxst: no, I use temporary sandboxes on the Launchpad retracers06:09
pittidarkxst: errors.u.c. uses permanent ones, though06:10
pittiI haven't gotten a report about that yet06:10
pittibut yes, symlinked directories are handled specially by dpkg06:10
pittiand packages need to be super careful when doing this change06:10
darkxstpitti, mainscript was added in Jan06:11
darkxst+dir_to_symlink /usr/share/doc/nettle-dbg libnettle4 2.7.1-5~ nettle-dbg06:11
darkxstbut I have only seen the error a handful of times06:12
pittiright, but dpkg-deb -x obviously doesn't run them06:12
darkxstyes clearly06:12
darkxstpitti, I suppose you have the sandboxes in tmpfs?06:17
darkxst(on the launchpad retracer)06:18
pittidarkxst: no, I don't, as I don't have any root privs on the retracer box so I can't set that up06:18
pittiit's a plain fs06:18
darkxstdoes it make much difference to speed?06:19
pittiit has never been a measurable bottleneck TBH06:19
pittitmpfs would certainly be a lot faster06:20
darkxstok, may try it with temporary sandboxes for a bit see how it goes06:26
darkxstbtw sent through a patch to make apport-retracer look in the sandbox for python scripts (pretty printers etc)06:27
darkxsts/for gdb to look in the sandbox/06:28
pittidarkxst: I saw, thanks!06:32
Unit193pitti: Any specific reason why it'd do that?06:37
pittiUnit193: I don't know, that's what I'm trying to find out :) but daemon-reload restarts generators and also does a few things, we need to zero in what causes it06:38
Unit193OK, sure.  No problem.06:43
Unit193I just found out I have to turn the music off before certain upgrades, or I'm in for a jump. :D06:43
pittiUnit193: if you can reproduce it with reinstall/daemon-reload, can you please file a bug, so that we have a place for logs and tracking?06:45
Unit193Meh, looked at the journel, started to suspect something.  It was in alsa-restore/alsa-store.07:19
Unit193Seems to be only triggering the former.07:19
pittiUnit193: right, that makes sense, I suspected the ALSA script; but I wonder why it's being re-run07:33
Unit193At least stored it at a lower volume.07:33
pittiUnit193: ok, please file a bug, this shouldn't be too hard to at least track down and understand why it happens07:34
Unit193pitti: Sure.  Not really sure what else to add, so 1431200.07:37
pittierr, daemon-reload surely?07:38
Unit193Right, that.  4am brings typos to bugs.  Sorry.07:41
pittiUnit193: no worries, it most likely happens with daemon-reexec too07:42
pitti(that kind of implies reloading)07:42
pittiOdd_Bloke: do you know why the current link on http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vivid/  is so far behind?07:46
pittiit actually seems it went backwards, it now points to a rather old version which doesn't have systemd at all, not even the init= bit07:47
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dholbachgood morning08:30
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seb128tyhicks, kirkland, there are several reports from users having issues with ecryptfs mounts recently in vivid, not sure if that's due to systemd or coincidence08:53
seb128things like bug #1430557 or bug #142023608:53
ubottubug 1430557 in schroot (Ubuntu) "sbuild / schroot unmounted encrypted home directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143055708:53
ubottubug 1420236 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Encrypted home directory randomly unmounts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142023608:53
seb128sil2100 just hit a case where his userdir was not mounted after logging08:53
seb128qtcreator unmounts it when setting up the click schroots for me08:54
sil2100Yeah, first time that happened, trying to browse my syslog for some info but so far nothing interesting08:54
seb128sil2100, ^ that channel is probably better for ecryptfs issues08:54
pittiI've had random cases like that for a fair while, but this sudden increase in report frequency sounds significant09:01
seb128pitti, well, I've filed bug #142726409:03
ubottubug 1427264 in click (Ubuntu) "using ecryptfs, creating frameworks fail to bind mount issues" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142726409:03
seb128pitti, for sure trying to use our sdk leads to issue, so maybe the sdk leads more people to use schroot09:03
seb128pitti, qtcreator force unmount the schroot which unmounts your userdir in session09:04
seb128you wonder why everything start acting09:04
pittiyeah, I'm always quite confused as well09:04
seb128until you open a command line or a filebrowser and see that your userdir is a README and a script09:04
pittiuntil I do an "ls" and see the the unmounted README09:05
rbasakpitti: thank you!09:05
pittiI use schroot dozens of times every day, but it only happens sometimes (not even sure it happens after schroot, or if somethign else triggers it, but it's a likely candidate)09:05
seb128pitti, what fstab config do you have in your schroot?09:06
seb128pitti, for me in fails 100% of the time to unmount with the default config09:06
pitti/home/martin    /home/martin    none    rw,bind        0       009:07
seb128same as me09:07
pittierr, WTH09:07
seb128you hacked it locally09:07
pittioh, leading / :)09:07
pitti /home           /home           none    rw,bind        0       009:07
pitti /home/martin    /home/martin    none    rw,bind        0       009:07
pittiyeah, I added /home/martin as otherwise in a schroot I would only get the encrypted one; I also need the unencrypted /home/martin mount09:08
pittibut I want my $HOME in schroots09:08
pittiseb128: weird what?09:08
seb128with the default config I do get the unencrypted userdir09:08
Odd_Blokepitti: We only update the current link once we've published to EC2, and we're currently tracking down a wrinkle in EC2 publishing.09:08
seb128but that's maybe because I run those from under my session09:09
seb128where the dir is unencrypted already09:09
pittiOdd_Bloke: ah, ok, thanks; I was just surprised that the image I built today seemed older than yesterday's09:09
seb128in any case without the /home/<user> entry I hit the issue that the bind mount can't be unmounted09:09
Odd_Blokepitti: Having read through more of the backlog, we have a cpc branch of livecd-rootfs which we build in to a PPA that we point the buildds at; we just copied the 03-boot_with_systemd.chroot hook from ubuntu-core.09:17
Odd_Bloke(As you said you didn't know how we were doing it at some point)09:19
pittiOdd_Bloke: ah, ok; apparently that was taken out again, /current image boots with upstart again09:20
pittias its ubuntu-meta is 6 uploads behind09:20
pittierr 5; it has 1.227 but 1.332 is current09:20
pittiOdd_Bloke: anyway, it'll sort itself out, thanks for the heads-up!09:21
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pittiOdd_Bloke: argh -- I was booting my utopic VM, sorry about the noise!10:00
Odd_Blokepitti: No worries; I was assuming it was all broken because we hadn't updated current in a while anyway. ;)10:01
pittidarkxst: question in bug https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/apport/sandbox-autoload/+merge/25268610:40
infinitypitti: So, was your assertion about weird version numbers on update_excuses that adt was returning the right data, and it's a britney bug?10:43
infinitycjwatson: Could this perhaps relate to you enabling britney for multiple suites?  It's pretty suspicious that vivid's excuses is showing utopic's linux version, for instance.10:44
infinityErr.  Wait.  I wonder if this relates to:10:45
infinityubuntu-archive@snakefruit:~/proposed-migration/data$ ls -l testing unstable10:45
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 ubuntu-archive ubuntu-archive  6 Jun  6  2014 testing -> utopic10:45
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 ubuntu-archive ubuntu-archive 15 Jun  6  2014 unstable -> utopic-proposed10:45
infinityThat seems not right.10:45
cjwatsonThat probably just means it ran most recently.  I don't think those symlinks are actually used though10:46
cjwatsonWe should probably stop creating those symlinks (in britney1) and remove them, to make sure there are no stealth dependencies10:47
infinitycjwatson: The dates on the symlinks suggest they've not changed since after we opened utopic.  Maybe we forgot to move them.10:47
infinitycjwatson: Or delete them entirely and see what breaks, sure.10:47
infinitycjwatson: But the excuses version oddities are confusing the crap out of me.10:47
cjwatsonProbably.  Yeah, just drop them.10:47
cjwatsonDoesn't look like anything still creates them.10:48
cjwatsonThe quoted versions there come almost directly from the results file.10:49
cjwatsonHmm.  Looking.10:51
infinitycjwatson: Well, data/adt/vivid-proposed/amd64/vivid-proposed_amd64_linux shows 3.19.0-9.9 running.10:51
cjwatsonThey're actually the causes.  At least sometimes.  Dubious variable use there.10:51
cjwatsonI: [Thu Mar 12 10:47:11 2015] - Collected autopkgtest status for linux_3.16.0-23.31/slang2_2.3.0-2ubuntu1: PASS10:52
cjwatsonpossibly related?10:52
cjwatsoncjwatson@snakefruit:/home/ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/autopkgtest/work$ fgrep 3.16.0-23.31 *vivid*10:52
cjwatsonadt.result.vivid:linux 3.16.0-23.31 PASS slang2 2.3.0-2ubuntu110:52
xnoxdoko_: boost1.57 is in experimental new queue... and in https://launchpad.net/~xnox/+archive/ubuntu/scratch/+packages10:53
xnoxdoko_: it's "unsplit", however 1.58 rc was posted this morning. =(10:53
cjwatsoninfinity: Could you try http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584839/ ?10:53
infinitycjwatson: lver being lastversion or something?10:54
cjwatsonas in coming from pkglist rather than pkgcauses10:54
cjwatsonpick a better name if you like, the important bit was to be different from ver in the outer loop10:55
infinityAhh, didn't noticed the outer loop had the same var.10:55
cjwatsonLooks like a very plausible cause for version confusion to me.10:56
cjwatsonAnyway, apply that live, run, see if you get more sensible output10:56
cjwatson(or wait for the next run)10:57
infinitycjwatson: cowboyed, waiting for next run.10:58
infinityAnd ubuntu-archive's INBOX is being spammed with:11:00
infinityW: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'compiz-core'11:00
infinityW: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'compiz-gnome'11:00
cjwatsonfrom chdist apt-get update I guess?11:01
infinitycjwatson: Yeah.11:01
infinitycjwatson: It's not wrong about the bug, just an entertaining place for me to find out. :P11:01
cjwatsonWill be fixed when snakefruit has a newer apt.11:01
infinityHrm?  Newer apt actually likes that value?11:02
infinityOh, the spec defines it.  I've never seen it used.11:02
cjwatsonMaybe it's worth SRUing that apt change to shut things up, otherwise we have to put up with cron spam for the next several years until those chdists run on trusty+411:04
cjwatson(But if we're SRUing anything to trusty's apt, I should include the source caching change ...)11:05
infinitycjwatson: Well, there's an SRU in progress right now for an AutoRemove bug.11:06
infinitycjwatson: But tossing this commit in with the source caching thing as an "archive support SRU" seems reasonable.11:06
cjwatsoninfinity: The source caching stuff is in ppa:~launchpad/ubuntu/ppa if you feel like chasing it up11:07
infinitycjwatson: Output from the cowboy seems more reasonable, if you'd like to commit that.11:07
cjwatsoninfinity: can't11:07
infinitycjwatson: Oh.  Hahaha.11:07
infinitycjwatson: I'll commit, then. :)11:07
cjwatsonThanks :)11:07
cjwatsonGood, that's been a long-running itch11:07
rbasakDo we know why monitoring-plugins didn't autosync? I don't see it in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/sync-blacklist.txt11:12
infinityrbasak: autosync is off.11:12
rbasakinfinity: I mean back when it was on.11:12
rbasakThere may be some conflict with nagios-plugins that needs resolving11:13
rbasakBUt I'd expect to deal with that in vivid-proposed?11:13
rbasakProbably too late for Vivid now, but I'm wondering why it hadn't come up before.11:13
infinitycjwatson: Reminds me, you might want to train someone else in the joys of autosync (or, the manual bits).11:13
infinityrbasak: There's some manual stuff involved when autosyncing NEW sources, I believe.  Nothing stopping you from just syncing it now.11:14
cjwatsoninfinity: not any more11:14
Laneyrbasak: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/auto-sync/current.log is enlightening11:14
cjwatsonYeah, I was about to link to that11:14
cjwatsonWe auto-sync NEW packages unless there are problems preventing it11:14
cjwatsonSo, yeah, it's the overwrite of modified nagios-plugins11:15
rbasakAh, OK.11:15
cjwatsonUnmodified stuff would get autosynced11:15
rbasakI was aware of it but assumed it would be automatic and was too busy with other things to pay attention.11:15
cjwatsonBut in this case you need to check the Ubuntu delta and see if it needs to be ported11:15
cjwatsonAutomation here would risk losing Ubuntu changes11:15
rbasakI see11:15
cjwatsonUntil about three months ago the only way to know about this was to run auto-sync manually or have access to my inbox11:16
rbasakThat makes sense. I hadn't considered the interaction of the delta with the autosync before. Thanks11:16
cjwatsonSo at least now there is a log *somewhere*, even if it's slightly under a rock11:16
mlankhorstdo I get outb on qxl?11:31
mlankhorstdoes arm64 have outb?11:32
infinitymlankhorst: Given the total lack of sys/io.h, I'm going to go with no.11:41
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mlankhorstseems outb is no longer defined for arm64..11:54
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mlankhorstmaybe convert to libpciaccess?11:56
mlankhorstit won't work either, but at least it will build..11:56
infinitymlankhorst: "no longer" implies that it was, at one point, defined.11:58
infinitymlankhorst: I assure you that I didn't drop io.h between glibc 2.19 and glibc 2.19. :P11:58
mlankhorstprobably xorg-server changes..12:00
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pittididrocks: nice, I just fixed pgbouncer, that was my last "Jenkins Failure" email in my inbox12:22
pittiour > 1000 package tests were rather helpful for this transition12:23
mlankhorstanyway all packages build in the ppa now..12:24
mlankhorstcan someone sponsor http://paste.debian.net/plain/160914 ?12:31
mlankhorstand http://paste.debian.net/160915/ please, looks like freedreno's not part of the xorg packageset yet12:36
tjaaltoni can do those13:03
tyhicksseb128: I've been prioritizing a (minor) apparmor feature over the eCryptfs schroot/unmounting issue(s)13:03
tyhicksseb128: but I'll bump it up and focus on it before everything else today13:03
tjaaltonmlankhorst: hum, aren't the debs copied from the ppa? so no need to sponsor these13:04
tjaaltonoh the rest got uploaded already13:04
popeyhmm, my laptop has been sat doing a dist-upgrade "Setting up systemd (219-4ubuntu5) ..." for some time.13:06
popey[Thu Mar 12 13:02:42 2015] Watchdog[1507]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f64e92f083e sp 00007f64d9fbd250 error 6 in libcef.so[7f64e89e5000+46b8000]13:07
popeyhah, now it carries on...13:09
popeyblimey, that took a loooong time.13:09
rbasakGoogle suggests that libcef.so is related to Spotify13:09
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cyphermoxgood morning!13:16
seb128tyhicks, thanks13:17
caribouLaney: can pull-lp-source pull from PPAs ?13:23
Laneycaribou: Nope13:24
caribouLaney: thanks :)13:24
infinitycaribou: It's perhaps poorly named, and should be pull-ubuntu-source13:24
LaneyI could imagine it getting a parameter to change the archive it uses though13:24
infinityBut yes, adding a --archive feature would make it work.13:24
caribouLaney: infinity: I'll look into that if I have a minute13:25
infinitycaribou: Cargo-cult the archive parameter from 'copy-package {--from,--to}'13:26
caribouinfinity: k13:26
cjwatsonExcept that IIRC ubuntu-dev-tools has its own caching LP abstraction layers for everything, so you may have to argue with those.13:27
rbasakI usually find the .dsc and then use dget. It'd be nice to have it integrated though. Together with pull-debian-source. How about "pull-source" that just DTRT?13:27
infinityrbasak: Well, "pull-source" would still need a --debian switch, so having the other name also works.13:30
infinityrbasak: On the off chance that we accidentally have the same version but different contents.13:30
rbasakIt'd be nice to be able to do "pull-source debian:hello"13:30
rbasakOr "pull-source ppa:racb/mystuff/hello", or "pull-source hello" to default to ubuntu: or something.13:30
infinityrbasak: Not sure how that's much different from pull-debian-source hello.  And the latter tab-completes more easily with less typing. :)13:31
cjwatsonWe should use LP's archive reference syntax rather than inventing a new slash-separated thing, for consistency among tools.13:31
infinityWe should.13:31
infinityOf course, I still need to train my fingers to use it.13:31
rbasakI was thinking of add-apt-repository. Does that do its own thing already though?13:32
cjwatsonIt does sort of, it predates archive references.13:32
cjwatsonAlso predates derived distributions, so it had to be changed.13:32
cjwatsonBut it's close.13:32
infinityadd-apt-repo and old-style dput are just missing the distro bit, aren't they?13:32
caribouinfinity: don't start to train yet, not sure I can dive into it that easily13:32
cjwatsonIn the archive reference syntax, "debian" means the Debian primary archive, so it shouldn't be that hard to use.13:32
infinityie: user/ubuntu/archive instead of user/archive13:32
cjwatsoninfinity: Yes, and they have an extra leading ppa:13:33
cjwatsonOh and the ~ stripped off13:33
infinityppa: == ~ more or less.13:33
infinityThat's the bit my fingers are retraining for.13:33
cjwatsonYeah, there's an argument for keeping that as syntactic sugar because it saves on escaping ~13:33
cjwatsonI wonder if we should change ArchiveSet.getByReference to accept that.13:34
cjwatsonOr maybe it should just be at the command-line tools level.13:35
infinityWouldn't hurt my feelings if it Just Worked at the API level.13:35
infinityGiven that most people who've done archive reference at the CLI level are used to ppa:foo/bar, why force a pointless syntax change when they go to abuse it at the API level?13:36
cjwatsonwgrant: ^- WDYT?13:36
wgrantI'd really prefer not...13:37
infinityI figured that would be his answer. ;)13:37
wgrantppa:user/archive is an abomination. It's ambiguous.13:37
cjwatsonOh, we should keep the distribution.13:37
cjwatsonadd-apt-repository already accepts that.13:37
infinitywgrant: ppa:user/distro/archive13:37
cjwatsonBut I mean ppa:user/distro/archive as an alias for ~user/distro/archive that doesn't require protection from shells, so is easier to use on command lines.13:37
infinitywgrant: Colin was talking specifically about making ppa: and ~ synonymous, not about using the old form with one missing component.13:38
wgrantOh, if you require ppa:, sure.13:38
wgrantI thought you were saying that an archive reference 'wgrant/ubuntu/ppa' would work, which is insane.13:38
wgrantI clearly didn't read back far enough.13:38
wgrant(but to avoid escaping I usually just use --from=~wgrant/ubuntu/ppa)13:38
cjwatsonYeah, me too, but it's a slightly annoying gotcha.13:39
infinityIs that a fragile and scary bash feature, or POSIX?13:40
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ echo --foo=~adconrad/foo/bar/whee13:40
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ echo foo=~adconrad/foo/bar/whee13:40
infinityThat kinda freaks me out.13:40
cjwatsonI think that's POSIX.13:40
cjwatsonThough I'm not sure, that shouldn't count as the beginning of a word and isn't an assignment.13:41
rbasakI was just going to say - using ~ in a CLI to mean something else might mean some escaping pain. I didn't realise it was that...surprising.13:42
rbasakAnd of course it only applies if it gets a hit from NSS.13:43
rbasak$ echo foo=~robie/bar13:43
rbasak$ echo foo=~rbasak/bar13:43
wgrantIt's odd in this case because it's part of a URL, except everything up to the first slash in the path is implied.13:43
cjwatsonThis disagrees with bash's documentation, AFAICS.13:43
wgranteg. the branch lp:~foo/bar/baz syntax isn't a problem, because it has another token before it.13:44
cjwatsonI wonder if it's misfiring and considering it an assignment.13:44
wgrantBut infinity's behaviour is very surprising.13:44
cjwatsonAnd dash doesn't do this.13:44
wgrantI hadn't realised it did that.13:44
mlankhorsttjaalton: nah the ppa was for testing, after that was done I uploaded the same _source.changes to the archive13:45
cjwatsonhttp://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/expansion/tilde notes this as questionable13:45
wgrantIsn't it more of a POSIX violation than a questionable feature? :)13:45
cjwatsonProbably, yeah13:45
tjaaltonmlankhorst: guess I'm living in the past, where packages were copied from the ppa13:45
wgrantHow very odd.13:46
infinitycjwatson: It might be for post-assignment in make.13:46
infinitycjwatson: ie: make foo=~person/stuff13:46
infinityAnd the lazy approach was just to evaluate everything that looks like an assignment rather than special-case ever name for "make".13:47
cjwatsonWell, if that's true it should at minimum be documented13:47
infinityYeah, just a shot in the dark.  It really just looks like a bug.13:47
wgrantHopefully it won't start magically interpreting it as code this time.13:48
infinity$ echo foo=~adconrad/foo13:48
infinity$ echo --foo=~adconrad/foo13:48
infinitydash appears to do what POSIX says.13:48
infinityOh, you noted that.13:49
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mlankhorstoops siliconmotion fails without outb too, meh14:51
infinitymlankhorst: Curious.  Did something change in a macro or header exposed by xorg?14:57
infinitymlankhorst: Cause glibc hasn't changed in any meaningful way since trusty.14:57
tjaaltonmlankhorst: did you check upstream git?14:58
ricotzdoko_, hi, regarding "gcc-5 - 5-20150311-1ubuntu12", now lib32mpx0 is missing14:58
mlankhorsttjaalton: no I doubt upstream has outb support14:59
mlankhorstinfinity: the headers for xorg-server changed, that probably unmasked those build errors..15:00
happyaronwhat's the approperiate way to enable partner repository by default? (Ubuntu Kylin wants it) I'm seeing apt-setup of ubiquity, is it?15:00
tjaaltonoh fedora got rid of it already15:00
tjaaltonwhy can't we? :)15:00
mlankhorstooh reading the driver reminds me of the vga days15:01
mlankhorstton of vga programming in there15:01
mlankhorsttjaalton: unfortunately pstream still puts in bild fixes to siliconmotion :/15:02
tjaaltonajax, who dropped the drivers from fedora15:02
tjaaltonlet's just drop all the non-kms drivers in v+1 :)15:03
mlankhorstlast codechurn commit appears to be in 201015:03
tjaaltonminus blobs..15:03
mlankhorst    Fix lack of precision in video resizing. #2644315:04
rbasakdoko_: do you think you could provide transitional packages for http://launchpadlibrarian.net/199658027/juju-core_1.20.14-0ubuntu2_1.20.14-0ubuntu3.diff.gz ? Then Juju upstream wouldn't need to maintain separate branches with different build-depends lines for their backports.15:06
rbasakI don't know if that is sensible or not, but I thought I'd ask.15:06
doko_rbasak, what do you mean?15:06
rbasakdoko_: have the new source package provide libgo5 and gccgo-go binaries15:07
rbasakThat are empty and just depend on gccgo.15:07
mlankhorstmeh, I'll just replace outb and inb with some macros15:07
rbasakmlankhorst: on a Build-Depends? Is that possible?15:08
Pwnnadoes this channel have logs?15:08
doko_rbasak, no, the libgo5 b-d is crap. feel free to upload an empty gccgo-go binary, depending on gccgo15:08
Pwnnamy buffer only goes back so far..15:08
rbasakPwnna: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/15:08
rbasakdoko_: so the libgo5 b-d was never needed? Then we might be able to drop that for all releases so that wouldn't be a problem.15:09
doko_rbasak, well, you build-depend on gccgo anyway, do you?15:09
rbasakdoko_: in Vivid we can. But in older releases that doesn't exist so is no good for backports.15:10
rbasakAnd currently we don't have backport branches - they all share the same packaging, which is convenient.15:10
rbasakBut we do depend on gccgo-go everywhere, so if that pulls in libgo5 we don't need it explicitly, so could drop it.15:10
rbasak15:08 <doko_> rbasak, no, the libgo5 b-d is crap. feel free to upload an empty gccgo-go binary, depending on gccgo15:11
rbasakWould you be OK with having this package until Trusty EOLs?15:11
rbasakI guess that's a bit unusual for a transitional package maybe, but unless we keep it that long there's no point in doing it, so I thought I'd check.15:12
rbasakAn empty gccgo-go binary I mean.15:12
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rbasakmlankhorst: oh, sorry, you were talking about something else :)15:14
dokorbasak, an empty gccgo-go binary package should be good enough, depending on gccgo. no need to build-depend on libgo515:17
rbasakdoko: ack. Thanks. I'll check it does what we need and upload.15:17
mlankhorstwell looks like the outb are easy to convert15:23
dokorbasak, jamespage: fyi, I verified that docker.io builds with golang 1.4.2 (in the doko/toolchain PPA)15:32
rbasakThanks! kickinz1: ^^15:33
jamespagedoko, ok - so I think we're also planning to bump docker version to the one in experimental (1.5.0) but that needs to go via the release team as yet15:33
jamespage1.3.3 + 1.4.x of go has some problems with sqlite stuff15:33
jamespagewhich is already impacting on the ppc64el version but not the x8615:34
jamespagehaving the golang version aligned makes alotta sense imho15:34
dokojamespage, like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gccgo-5/+bug/143103215:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431032 in gccgo-5 (Ubuntu) "powerpc: cgo appears disabled somehow" [Undecided,New]15:34
jamespagedoko, not that one15:35
mlankhorstdoes anyone even have a siliconmotion device here?15:35
dokojamespage, I would prefer 1.4.2, and backport this fix to GCC 5 too15:35
didrocksmvo_: hey, stupid question about conffile prompt. So, I removed from whoopsie the "enabled" line (as we are going to handle it via override/systemctl). However, there is another value report_metrics which isn't in /etc/default/whoopsie by default, but that people may enable via a gnome-control-center capplet. I think we don't want them to be prompted by a conffile change (the change being removing the15:42
didrocks"enable") line and my sedding in preinst won't prevent that, how do you handle that generally?15:42
didrocksmvo_: as there is only a second value, I can of course cache it in preinst, do the changes I need in the conffile (which is empty it), and reset the value of report_metrics then, but it sounds hackish15:42
mvo_didrocks: in a meeting, easiest is probably to have ".d" directory15:43
infinitydidrocks: If it's a dpkg conffile, and it's being edited by gnome-control-center, that's your bug.15:43
infinitydidrocks: That's a massive policy violation.15:43
didrocksinfinity: well, I guess it's ev's one in that case, but I doubt he will work on it (anyone in fundation working on whoopsie?)15:43
mlankhorstok fixed up siliconmotion15:44
evpolicy smolishy15:44
didrocksI don't plan to work on whoopsie for the record, was just here to help on the migration15:44
evdidrocks: bdmurray is your guy15:44
mlankhorsti probably broke it in the process on supported platforms, but at least that might show if someone's using it..15:44
didrocksev: ok, giving the hot potato to him then! thanks ;)15:44
evsure thing15:44
didrocksbdmurray: I guess we can have a debconf prompt on upgrade due to whoopsie, I'm happy to discuss it with you15:45
didrocks(to give you details)15:45
mlankhorstinfinity: oh can xserver-xorg-video-modesetting be deleted?15:46
mlankhorstmoved to xorg-server15:46
infinitymlankhorst: The source package, you mean?  Or both source and binary?15:46
didrocksbdmurray: as infinity told, whoopsie shouldn't edit those values using the conffile, I think we should get the report_metrics value migrated15:46
mlankhorstinfinity: source and binary15:46
mlankhorstall the packages recommending modesetting have been fixed15:47
infinitymlankhorst: Does the new xorg-server P/C/R xserver-xorg-video-modesetting in an attempt to smoothly transition?15:47
mlankhorstyes, except p15:47
infinityC/R is fine for forced removal, yeah, as long as nothing depdends on it anymore.15:47
didrocksmvo_: maybe you would have some opinions once your metting is done ^ (and no .d directory, it's already existing code)15:47
mlankhorstonly some of the ddx packages were recommending it, but I fixed those in the transition15:48
infinitymlankhorst: Which package has the conflict/replace?15:48
infinitydidrocks: The only way to avoid a conffile prompt is to never change the conffile.  But you can fudge it in pre/post by caching values, restoring to pristine, and then reinjecting values in post.15:49
bdmurraydidrocks: does anything really modify report_metrics?15:49
infinitydidrocks: Really, though, that file should not be a conffile at all if it's being edited at runtime.15:50
infinitymlankhorst: Yeah, no.  It's not. :P15:50
infinitymlankhorst: That has a versioned Breaks/Replaces on xserver-xorg-video-modesetting, that's not what you want if you want to force the package off.15:51
didrocksinfinity: agreed, I discovered that was the way it worked when doing the systemd transition though :)15:51
infinitymlankhorst: You want an unversioned Conflicts/Replaces.15:51
didrocksbdmurray: yeah, gnome-control-center privacy capplet15:51
mlankhorstinfinity: ah, but the version in vivid is only 0.9..15:51
didrocksbdmurray: part of whoopsie-preferences15:51
mlankhorstso << 0.10 will kill it15:52
infinitymlankhorst: Doesn't matter.  Breaks/Replaces is for overwriting files, not packages.15:52
infinitymlankhorst: Trust me, you want C/R, and unversioned.15:52
mlankhorstsec then15:52
infinitymlankhorst: I mean, sure, versioned if the package is going to show up again later and not conflict, but then you wouldn't be asking me to remove it.15:52
mlankhorstit might, x has split out all its drivers before15:53
didrocksbdmurray: I suggest that you changes whoopsie-preferences to read/write to another file, and we remove the conffile on whoopsie upgrade + create the other file with the cached value if report_metrics was true15:53
mlankhorstirony is that they're getting back..15:53
mlankhorstinfinity: ok I've added C/R unversioned15:57
rbasakdoko: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/10586133/ look OK to you please? I had to add the dh_gencontrol line so I tacked it on to the gccgo package build. Also the final deb produces /usr/share/doc/gccgo-go -> cpp - is this correct?15:58
pittismoser, infinity: hm, all of wolfe-0X give me "Permission denied (publickey)" on ssh now..15:58
smoserpitti, looking15:58
smoserpitti, seems batuan is denying me16:00
smoserand if i dont hop through there.16:00
pittiah, confirmed16:00
pittiis that IS? or CI?16:01
dokorbasak, urgh, adding it to gcc-defaults?16:01
infinityDidn't they send a warning that they were cutting everyone off the jumphosts and it was VPN or die?16:01
rbasakdoko: well that's where gccgo is. Where do you want it instead?16:01
pittiinfinity: ooh! it indeed works without the ProxyCommand now, nice!16:02
dokorbasak, well, then maybe just providing gccgo-go should be good enough16:02
pittismoser: so, all good, thanks (and you should probably update your ssh config too :)16:05
cjwatsonYeah, the batuan VPN has gone bye-bye.16:05
mvo_didrocks: well, not too much that can be done really, you could do crazy preinst magic or try ucf, do you have some more details or a open bugreport?16:06
cjwatsonAnd indeed probably the jumphost too.16:06
rbasakdoko: good point. I'll just add the Provides to gcc-defaults then. Thanks.16:07
pittidie, ProxyCommands, die!16:07
smoserso.. given that, and the fact that i used ProxyCommand to do shell hostname hack-resolution... as desscribed here:16:10
smoser http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/ppc64el-kvmhelpers/view/head:/ip4ppc64el16:10
smoseris there a way other than using:16:10
smoser ProxyCommand nc -q0 $(ip4ppc64el %h) %p16:10
smoserto get the hostname translation done ?16:11
didrocksmvo_: tried to express that on bug #143143216:12
ubottubug 1431432 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "conffiles prompt on vivid upgrade if report_metrics is enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143143216:12
caribouIs there a way to have sbuild take locally built packages into account to fulfill BuildDeps ?16:14
rbasakcaribou: I have a hack that I use, but I'd love to know if there's an easier way16:16
rbasakI set $external_commands in ~/.sbuildrc to add an extra local repository and apt-get update16:17
caribourbasak: that's what I tried first16:19
cjwatsonsmoser: I don't think so, unless you switch to generating .ssh/config sshebang-style.16:19
rbasakIt's a bit painful. I have scripted most of it, but it involves adding the key the Releases file is signed with with apt-key add16:19
rbasak(and of course generating Release and Packages and signing Release)16:19
caribourbasak: I was hoping to do "dpkg -i {}.deb" but the chroot is amd64 and it builds armhf16:20
infinitymlankhorst: That looks better, thanks.16:20
tarpmancaribou, rbasak: sbuild 0.65 has some improvements wrt. that use case: --extra-repository and --extra-package16:21
rbasakcaribou: you should be able to do that in $external_commands I think. In that environment, apt-get has to be able to install build dependencies anyway so presumably it works.16:21
cjwatsoncaribou,rbasak: sbuild >= 0.65.0-1 in unstable has --extra-repository and --extra-package options, but that hasn't been ... that16:21
cjwatsontoo slow16:21
cjwatsonOh, in fact, that's in vivid too16:21
rbasakOooh, nice!16:21
cariboucjwatson: tarpman: thanks I'll look into that16:22
tarpmanrbasak: also 'deb [trusted=yes] file:/...' in sources.list lets you skip the signing dance. hat tip to geofft for that one16:22
smosercjwatson, thanks. i didn't think so either. i'll just leave the 'nc' proxycommand in place :)16:23
rbasakThanks - I think I learned about that later but never put it together with my hack.16:23
rbasakI usually have a ~/repo/ directory that contains scripts "add" and "rebuild".16:23
rbasakAnd ~/repo/key16:23
rbasak"add" runs apt-key add against key16:23
rbasakand adds to sources.list16:23
rbasakAnd "rebuild" runs apt-ftparchive and gpg appropriately16:24
rbasakSo then my .sbuildrc just needs to run "add"16:24
rbasakIt's handy when testing inside containers and PPAs too.16:24
rbasakuh, KVM machines. Not PPAs. That makes no sense.16:24
didrocksinfinity: ok, conffile now killed on upgrade, I need to work on the g-c-c capplet side though as nobody seems to own it16:26
infinitymlankhorst: Remind me about the removal when the world is ready to migrate.  Can't do it now without breaking things.16:28
didrocksbdmurray: can you make core-dev ables to push to lp:whoopsie (same for whoopsie-preferences if it's not the case), please?16:46
bdmurraydidrocks: do you know which part of LP is the right place to do that?16:49
infinitybdmurray: Add core-dev to the team that owns the branch.16:50
infinityAssuming that's the canonical packaging branch.16:50
infinityIf there's a clear upstream/packaging split, tell didrocks to join daisy-pluckers to do upstream work? :P16:51
didrocksinfinity: no split :p16:51
bdmurraythere isn't but I'm not sure of everything daisy-pluckers can do16:51
didrocksI'm doing that's patch, because I won't let you down, but to be clear, I'm not a whoopsie maintainer :)16:51
infinityLooking at some of these branches, yeah, I'm not sure you want all of core-dev there.16:52
didrocksbdmurray: look at all branches it has access: https://code.launchpad.net/~daisy-pluckers16:52
didrocksbdmurray: I'm fine with pushing packages if you merge the content back16:52
infinitydidrocks: Just send an MP?  Or just upload and make bdmurray commit the debdiff. :P16:52
didrocksI will go with the second :)16:52
didrocksbtw, bdmurray, seems latest upload isn't in lp:whoopsie16:52
didrocksfrom rsalveti16:53
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dokoseb128, didrocks: please fix the component-mismatch mess which robert_ancell just introduced by promoting indic-fonts17:51
mlankhorstoh forgot to set a build-depends on qxl17:54
didrocksdoko: want to trade with whoopsie? It's coming from your team afterall :)17:58
mlankhorstand ati it seems17:58
dokodidrocks, whoopsie ie evil17:58
evbreaking my heart, doko17:59
doko... oops, evand even17:59
dokodidrocks, so nothing to trade ;-P17:59
ricotz_doko, did you notice my complaint about the recent gcc-5 build ;P18:00
didrocksdoing things in my priority order then ;)18:00
dokoricotz_, it's fixed18:00
seb128doko, didrocks, robert_ancell can fix it18:00
dokoseb128, yeah, can't see him neither here nor on #distro18:01
ricotz_doko, i mean: regarding "gcc-5 - 5-20150311-1ubuntu12", now lib32mpx0 is missing18:01
seb128doko, he's living in .nz18:01
seb128so sleeping18:01
LaneyPretty sure he's aware and will work on fixing it18:02
mlankhorstinfinity: so new xorg-server built, can you delete modesetting now?18:05
infinitymlankhorst: That doesn't seem to be the only thing preventing migration.18:10
mlankhorstinfinity: it will be soon, I rebuild bumped the missing bits18:11
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mlankhorstinfinity: how about now? radeon seems to be missing from the autohinter, but it's built in -proposed correctly now..19:10
mlankhorstyeah just modesetting blocking now19:12
infinitymlankhorst: Yeah, looks good now.19:12
infinitymlankhorst: Removal done.  Should migrate soon.19:12
asacanyone knows what KERNEL vs KERNELS is in udev land?19:36
asaclike first entry in this has KERNEL== ... the rest has KERNELS== https://pastebin.canonical.com/127488/19:37
asacopops bad pastebin :)19:37
asacok i think i found it kinda here: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev/udev.html19:43
flexiondotorg_Are there any sponsors here who could help expedite some Ubuntu MATE stuff?20:05
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flexiondotorg_cyphermox, Are you available for some sponsoring?20:30
cyphermoxflexiondotorg_: maybe later, but you can point things out or subscribe ubuntu-sponsors, so it shows up in the sponsoring overview.20:56
knomehey infinity, did you get bluesabre's ping about the ubiquity slideshow earlier? do you have time to upload it, or should we ask somebody else?21:09
infinityknome: Oh, you might be better off finding another sponsor.  I finished off that xfce4util transition for you, though.21:12
knomeinfinity, ok, cheers21:13
knome^ all that being said, anybody can sponsor the ubiquity slidehow upload?21:13
Unit193infinity: Noticed, thanks very much!21:13
seb128tyhicks, thanks for investigating those mount issues!21:15
tyhicksseb128: no problem21:15
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knomeRiddell, since you've done it before, would you mind doing a release for the ubiquity slideshow again? we've prepped the xubuntu slideshow and updated translation templates in main21:37
Riddellknome: I'm working on it right now, however did you know?21:38
knomeRiddell, oh, thanks! :D21:38
knomeRiddell, i guess it's some kind of UIF day black magic21:38
Riddellknome: your stuff is commited and ready to update?21:39
knomeRiddell, yes! :)21:39
* knome bows very deeply21:39
Riddellknome: groovy, I'll upload when kubuntu stuff is done21:40
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knomeRiddell, i see the upload - thanks - are the translations templates updated automatically to LP or do we need to take actions?23:29
Riddellknome: launchpad should extract them out of the .deb I think23:31
knomeok, we'll wait until tomorrow or sth23:31

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