
ohsixinfinity: what do you do to unmount a / that you're currently using, just dont? mount it ro and hope it doesn't fail?00:10
ohsixthe 'reason' things are copied to an initramfs at all is because you need them to prepare /, you also need the same tools to 'unprepare' it; having them somewhere in the / you eventually mount is the same problem that you have an initramfs for in the first place, finding the things to mount /00:12
ohsixpivoting back just keeps the entire responsibility for it in the initramfs, it can also unmount things cleanly because it's still not on /00:13
ohsixand even disregarding network or weirder filesystems for /, any given local filesystem is going to vary in how cleanly remount -o ro / is going to be at shutdown, so you depend implicitly on the behaviour of any existing and future filesystem behaviour00:14
ohsixi like the term vortex rather than some allusion to a force that can't exist, btw00:15
ohsixthere are a lot of people being introduced to these problems for the first time, and not many of them are choosing to know or care about them00:15
mozmckapw: thanks for the information.  so I'm guessing the vivid kernel at the v3.18.7 would be the closest to 3.18.9?01:37
mozmckpreempt-rt has a patch for 3.18.9 and one for 3.14.34, as well as some older ones, but I would like to use the latest patch.01:39
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taihsianghenrix, the kernel version looks weird if I enable -proposed to try to run few SRU test09:46
taihsianghenrix, for example:09:46
taihsianghenrix, 3.13.0-46-generic #79~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 10 20:25:33 UTC 201509:46
taihsianghenrix, 3.13.0-47-generic #78~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 5 15:38:11 UTC 201509:47
taihsianghenrix, 3.13.0-47 is not there anymore, and 3.13.0-46 has newer built stamp09:47
taihsianghenrix, this issue block me to perform certification part of SRU09:48
henrixtaihsiang: correct, that's because 3.13.0-46.79 was a security fix kernel.  we had to respin early this week09:49
henrixtaihsiang: this should be fix soon, i'm currently working on respinning the kernels again09:49
henrixtaihsiang: the -47.78 kernel had to be dropped from -proposed and replaced by the security fix kernel09:50
taihsianghenrix, ok, that sounds great. one more question: so only precise(lts-trusty-backport) and trusty has such security fix and respinning?  09:51
henrixtaihsiang: no, *all* the kernels have that fix09:51
taihsianghenrix, e.g. how about precise(3.2) and utopic?09:51
taihsianghenrix, oops, understood, thanks!09:51
henrixtaihsiang: np09:51
taihsianghenrix, are we going to skip  the certification test of the upcoming security-fixed kernel because the kernel team may want to  release the security-fixed kernel as early as possible?10:04
taihsianghenrix, or the kernel team would like to release the security-fix kernel as the original SRU cycle date? (21 Mar) Then the certification team could have time to have certification test.10:05
henrixtaihsiang: the security kernel has been released already; i believe certification testing will run on the kernels that will be in proposed later this week, for this SRU cycle10:07
taihsianghenrix, I see, thanks.10:08
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infinityzequence: There's a new precise kernel spinning up shortly, FWIW.13:57
infinityzequence: You'll have a bug number later tonight, I suspect.13:57
ricotzsforshee, hi :), is there an eta for trusty-backport of 3.16.0-33.44?15:30
henrixricotz: the utopic 3.16.0-33.44 is still building, so it will take a while.  i would say that tomorrow it will be in -proposed15:43
ckingamitk, is a new tag'd version of idlestat coming out soon?15:53
ricotzhenrix, ok, thanks15:56
amitkcking: I've been thinking about tagging this one. I need to run a few more tests to ensure it is stable enough15:57
amitkcking: we've already added several new features15:57
ckingeven it it's a 0.5.1 or something, it looks kinda useful with the new features and man page15:57
cking*if it's15:58
amitkcking: ack, let me do some more testing over the weekend and I'll tag it next week15:58
ckingthat's great, no rush15:59
smbinfinity, Do you know from the top of your head what apt is doing when it "configures" a package as opposed to "unpacking" it? I am having a peek on fixing the false dkms failures and finding it a tad more complex than initially thought. I would imagine configuring runs a package post-inst. Or is there more? 16:01
infinitysmb: configure is "postinst configure", yes.16:02
smbOk, so I have to check what magic the headers do there... thanks16:03
infinitysmb: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html16:03
infinitysmb: See 6.6 for the ordering.16:03
smbinfinity, cool. ta16:03
smbinfinity, Hm... one starts to wonder why there is a hook for dkms in kernel/postinst.d at all... The one in header_postinst.d probably should be enough...16:21
infinitysmb: Probably.  Are you looking into the bug we were talking about the other day?16:22
smbinfinity, yeah (with other day being last week)16:22
infinitysmb: I still think the fix I suggested should be made anyway.16:23
smbinfinity, So I looked today at the term.log of an upgrade that produced false positives. And saw that basically those fails all came from kernel postinst runs16:23
infinitysmb: But you may be right that the hook doesn't need to live in both places.16:23
smbThe problem is that the headers are unpacked at that stage, so the checks for existing directories fail to detect anything wrong16:24
smbThe check we miss by exec is actually done in the dkms script again... so any echo is a duplicate. The only advantage would be that then the exit would be the rc code from the echo... 16:26
smbbut then the only sucessful run is the one in the headers_postinst... so *shrug*16:27
infinitysmb: Yeah, perhaps just removing the kernel image one is enough, then.16:39
smbinfinity, yep, typing a patch as we type..err speak16:39
smbinfinity, btw, we are past the "magic" time16:40
infinitysmb: \o/16:42
infinitysmb: Time to find my decapulator.16:42
zequenceinfinity: Alright, thanks.17:02
absk007does the standard kernel support Flash file systems? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_file_system#Linux_flash_filesystems17:44
absk007i want to run lubuntu in microSD card without wearing it out17:44
absk007which flash FS is good?17:55
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infinityzequence: http://launchpad.net/bugs/1431501 is your new bug, FWIW.20:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1431501 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]20:33

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