
=== commandoline_ is now known as commandoline
=== commandoline is now known as Guest13074
Kilosmorning all07:09
ubot5The LoCo Council is coolbhavi, costales, jose, SergioMeneses, skellat, PabloRubianes, and nhaines - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com08:21
CtrlCHi there, what happens if a local community is not satisfied with the performance of a loco team?08:26
Kilosmorning dholbach  08:30
Kiloshi CtrlC  08:30
dholbachgood morning08:30
dholbachhi Kilos08:30
CtrlC Kilos: Hi.08:32
KilosCtrlC  just an idea, have you tried encouraging them to do better?08:35
Kilosor helping them08:35
Kilosalways best to try avoid conflict first08:37
CtrlCKilos: Yes but no changes.08:37
Kiloswhere are you?08:37
CtrlCYes. I'm not trying to conflict. Just asking to know what happens.08:37
CtrlCKilos: let's not to mention anybody. Ok?08:38
Kilosmany peeps have been busy the last year or so and just dont seem to have time anymore08:38
Kilosim just asking because im am trying to revive all the locos in africa08:38
CtrlCKilos:I'm not in africa. Asia.08:39
Kilosthen hang here till one of the council members gets a break08:40
CtrlCKilos: OK, Thanks.:)08:40
CtrlCI got disconnected. Anything for me?08:53
Kilosnot yet08:53
Kilosill keep an eye open here for you08:53
CtrlCOh god! I don't know what's wrong with my network.10:32
CtrlCAsking again:10:32
CtrlCwhat happens if a local community is not satisfied with the performance of a loco team?10:32
Kiloshehe 10:32
KilosCtrlC  you have to be very patient, some one will answer sooner or later and ill ping you10:38
CtrlCKilos: Thank you. I'm just here. Going no where.:)10:39
Kilosremember some are in other time zones10:39
Kilossome havent woken up yet10:39
CtrlCKilos: Never had any similar question here?10:42
Kilosi have only been here a few months so still leaning myself10:43
Kilosbut just looking at the state of things in africa, everyone seems to have faded quiet a bit10:44
Kilosonly 8 of the 18 locos are still going10:44
CtrlC Kilos: What happend to the other 10?10:45
CtrlChappened *10:46
Kilosim trying to find them one at a time, but the contact peeps dont even answer their emails10:46
Kiloslol the first contact i made was with nairobilug and from there im slowly finding ubuntu users all over10:48
CtrlCWhat are you planning to do then? I mean after contacting/finding them?10:49
Kilosi have made an irc channel to get them all together and nag them  there10:54
Kilosbut everyone is so busy its mostly a quick hello that keeps us in contact10:55
Kilosoh and a wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams10:57
CtrlCKilos: Now I get what do you mean by "be patient".12:06
KilosCtrlC  are your loco team ubuntu members?12:16
Kilosi dont know if there is a reprimand clause in the system12:17
Kiloswe are all supposed to work together imo12:18
Kilosthose that dont want to should move over and make space for those that do12:19
CtrlCI don't know what do you mean by "are your loco team ubuntu members?" I guess that's not a complete sentence?12:29
Kilosoh sorry, i mean official ubuntu members12:30
Kilosah then the council can talk to them i think12:30
Kilosmost peeps are reasonable12:31
CtrlCKilos: Maybe they should find a way to kinda monitor what this kind of members do. I know it's hard due to different languages. But not impossible.12:33
Kilosbecoming an ubuntu member is not easy in the forst place, so they must have been commited to the cause to start with. 12:34
Kilosthe trick is in finding what changed12:34
CtrlCWell all it needs is to other members choose you. And they always choose people like themselves.12:35
Kilosno man12:35
CtrlCYes! It's what I saw.12:36
Kilosofficial ubuntu members get in by showing some contribution to ubuntu on the whole12:36
Kilosyou might just have personal hassles there12:36
CtrlCKilos: So you mean it has nothing to do with other members?12:36
Kilosto become an official ubuntu member you need to appear before the members committee12:37
Kilosmembers arent voted in by friends locally12:38
CtrlCKilos: Look I see people in my local ubuntu member group that didn't contribute anything! They just sometimes show up in ubuntu forum.12:41
CtrlCIt's how it works:12:41
Kiloswell lets hear what one of the council guys has to say about it12:41
Kilosyou will find favouritism in local groups yes , thats human nature12:42
CtrlCYou make a page on wiki about yourself and then if other members vote for yes, you'll become one.12:42
Kilosyou can always in the meetime join other groups12:43
Kilosin ubuntu-za we have guys in the UAE and the states and the UK as well12:44
CtrlCYes, but maybe the council should somehow monitor them. You know to at least find out if they're not causing community members to leave the community. 12:44
Kilosand some from the rest of africa have joined us too12:44
CtrlCKilos: Didn't know about that!12:44
Kilosone must join where one feels welcome and can get help and help others that need help12:46
CtrlCKilos: yes and not to make community members leave. :P :D12:46
Kilosyes thats a bad attitude12:47
Kilosif you need help with something to do with ubuntu and most linux pop in at #ubuntu-za and someone will help you12:49
Kilosbut also patience is needed , the guys are very busy too12:49
CtrlCKilos: Thats so kind of you.12:54
CtrlCTell me more about the members which are not in your country. Are they african or what?:/12:55
Kiloswe welcome and help where we can12:55
Kilossome are in tunisia 12:55
Kilosand egypt andcameroon and so on12:56
CtrlCKilos: I mean maybe they're local but moved to other countries,12:56
CtrlCAre they?12:56
Kilossome have moved yes12:56
Kilosothers just joined12:56
CtrlCNice. So whay they didn't join their local group?12:57
Kilossome belond to many things12:58
Kiloswe even had some from russia visit for help12:58
Kiloshow are we supposed to promote ubuntu if we just stick in our local community12:59
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
belkinsaCtrlC, just e-mail them at lococouncil@ubuntu.com It might be faster that way13:27

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