
veebersalesage: I tried to flash my device before and got the screen with an IC in a cross stating that the device needed to be restored. After a reboot I tried again but u-d-f complained about not enough space. It was then suggested that I needed to boot to recovery and use that command00:00
alesageveebers, ok I have the full history--not sure how to help except to give you a new set of instructions shared by rvr with me earlier today00:02
veebersalesage: hit me I'll give it a try00:02
alesageveebers, to confirm, is this a krillin?00:03
veebersalesage: yes00:03
alesageveebers, ok supah00:03
alesageveebers, forwarding a mail to you00:03
veebersalesage: much appreciated00:03
alesageveebers, we're needing vivid or RTM?00:03
veebersalesage: devel-proposed?00:04
veeberserr :-)00:04
alesageveebers, ok00:04
veebersalesage: you fired that email my way?00:08
* veebers is feeling impatient today00:08
alesageveebers, just had to verify something, in your inbox00:09
veebersalesage: heh awesome, thans00:09
veebersthanks even00:09
veebersalesage: just gonna get lunch then I'll give it a try and bother you if I can't get it going ^_^00:10
alesageveebers, ok I'll EOD soon but send you positive vibes00:11
veeberselopio: let me know when you get back, if after my EOD I'll fire an email (not urgent)02:21
elopioveebers: I'm back.04:00
veeberselopio: rats now I've forgotten what it was specifically :-\ one moment04:03
veeberssorry :-\04:03
veeberselopio: ah right I totally remember what it was now, looking the vanguard journal, why was the suggestion to kalikiana to us qt slots for the orientation and not the functionality described to Kaleo?04:05
elopioveebers: he wants to change the property, not to read it.04:07
elopioso we use the slots to call a javascript function.04:07
elopioreading the property is no problem in his case, because it is accessible to autopilot on the OrientationHelper component.04:08
veeberselopio: correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the intention of this code? https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical/unity8/fake_platform_sensors_module/+merge/24733404:09
veebersto fire off those events so the device acts as though it's been rotated?04:09
elopioveebers: yes. But what kalikiana is doing is for a lower level of testing. Switching the orientation through QML will be mainly used in QML tests, nothing specific to a device with sensors and nothing related to Unity.04:11
veeberselopio: ack ok, although (once that code lands) it'll be better supported than the autopilot slot calling code :-)04:12
elopiothere are some tests for the toolkit that are currently hard to write in QML, but easy to write in autopilot. So it's useful for those cases to have the option to rotate.04:12
elopiostill, those tests should be low level, and isolated from the shell and the sensors.04:12
veeberselopio: makes sense.04:13
elopioveebers: yes, almost all the autopilot tests, I'd prefer to use the fake sensors.04:14
veeberselopio: on a different note, can you recall the project that brendand mentioned this morning in the standup re: accounts and a cli?04:14
elopiowe need to be careful to watch at the level of the tests they are adding, and recommend the right thing for each case.04:14
elopioveebers: accounts-console?04:14
veeberselopio: very true04:14
elopioI wasn't really paying attention to that part of the meeting.04:14
veeberselopio: perhaps, man. I haven't gotten everything I wanted to get done today :-|04:14
veebersI've been spending it all pinging you to annoy you :-) Oh yeah, got my device flashed in the end, once I fixed the commands you gave me ;-)04:15
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elopioveebers: accounts-console does the same thing calling glib, but in an ugly way.04:21
elopioand sorry about the flashing commands. recovery, bootloader, boostrap, reboot. They are all the same to me :)04:22
veeberselopio: no worries, I got there in the end. Ah cool, I'll investigate further for the accounts stuff, at this stage it'll probably be tomorrow unfortunately04:24
elopioveebers: what is it that you are trying to do with accounts?04:25
veeberselopio: this is for the card "After upgrading check that online accounts are present and accesible"04:26
veebersso I (assume( that i'll need to check that the accounts that were created before reboot/upgrade still exist04:27
veebersthis is the MP that I showed you yesterday04:27
elopioveebers: yes, you can get some ideas from the list method in accounts-console04:31
elopioit just need to be cleaned up.04:31
veeberselopio: ack, that's the plan. I'll hit it tonight/tomorrow04:32
pittiGood morning06:04
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rvrGood morning09:49
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rhuddiefgimenez, I need to add another reactor for doing download and waiting on UpdateDownloaded signal13:44
rhuddieI was looking at your apply update branch, and it makes sense to branch from that I think, so I can use your reactor base class13:44
fgimenezrhuddie, yes, it's copied from barry's branch and a bit refactored to prevent code duplication13:45
rhuddiefgimenez, yes, looks very helpful for what I need13:46
fgimenezyou just have to define the namedtuple with the expected signal and fields and the subclass of BaseReactor with the signal name and the callable from the iface13:46
alecuvanguard: here's the proposed design for Refunds: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1Ecfz4TTL65S43KR68ZIlw2A-DB8ojg2RLw7sutxpB7o/edit#13:48
fgimenezalecu, ok thanks, i've added the link to the vanguard journal13:54
alecufgimenez: I was expecting leo to reply to that, but thank you! :-)13:54
fgimenezalecu, i'm on call today you know :)13:55
brendandalecu, the vanguard is actually ubuntu-qa13:59
brendandalecu, just so you know - otherwise we don't get a highlight13:59
alecubrendand: ah, good point14:00
alecubrendand: would you mind adding that to the channel topic? eg: #ubuntu-ci-eng explains who to ping there.14:01
brendandalecu, it is :)14:01
barrythis mp has been merged with the updated trunk, so it's ready for re-review: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/ubuntu-ota-tests/check-for-update-2/+merge/25232415:14
elopiothanks barry. I moved the card to the review lane.15:21
elopiobarry: you are missing the dependencies on15:22
elopio62+Tests: check_for_update15:22
elopiodoes this depend on the 3.0 version?15:23
barryelopio: oops, i meant to move it, sorry15:24
barryelopio: ah yes, it does, but now i have a successful recent build: https://launchpad.net/~barry/+archive/ubuntu/systemimage/+build/705276215:25
* barry will add them15:25
pittijibel: I just updated lp:auto-package-testing for armhf/ppc64el, could you please roll this out on tachash?16:35
pitti(added --eatmydata, for go-faster stripes)16:35
jibelpitti, if the VPN let me in ...16:36
pittijibel: going through batuan?16:36
jibelpitti, no, it often loses DNS resolution16:36
jibeland my brain stopped remembering IP addresses16:37
pitti$ host tachash.ubuntu-ci16:37
pittitachash.ubuntu-ci has address
pittidoes that help at all?16:37
pittijibel: ^16:38
jibelpitti, thanks, that's fine, I bounced the VPN connection but then lost IRC :)16:38
jibelanyway, it's done16:39
jibelpitti, r39716:39
pittijibel: cheers16:40
pittijibel: I'll be on holidays the next 1.5 weeks (Mar 16 to 25); do you have time during that to watch the jenkins failures and hit the retry buttons?16:44
jibelpitti, sure, no problem.16:45
jibelpitti, is there anything to do with the testbeds? for example we received lot of notifications for dead cyclops today.16:46
pittijibel: yeah, I'm working on the cyclops and  wolfes ATM16:46
pittijibel: I have all of them back running now16:46
pittiplars: ^ FYI16:46
pittibut often starting LXC gets stuck16:46
jibelpitti, OK. house cleaning before leaving on holidays :)16:46
pittiit's not the new kernel and it's not upstart vs. systemd16:47
pittiso apparenlty some problem with vivid's lxc, or cgmanager etc.16:47
plarspitti: yes, I got 4 back up and going yesterday, forgot to mention that, sorry16:48
plarspitti: I figured you would see too though :)16:48
plarspitti: was there anything else you needed done on them?16:49
pittiplars: no worries, I noticed that it was back and reinstalled it16:49
pittiplars: no, all fine; thanks muchly!16:49
plarspitti: awesome16:49
pittijibel: FYI, I upgraded all of them to vivid as we can't run vivid containers on trusty any more (no systemd support)16:49
pittior at least not until all the stuff gets backported, which is planned, but still some time out16:50
pittiand I don't want to completely stop testing on these16:50
pittiplars, jibel: FYI, the armhf boxes are running trusty's kernel as vivid's doesn't boot (I don't know why, I don't have a serial console -- would be nice to get a log/trace!)16:51
pittippc64 wolfes are happy with vivid's 3.1916:51
pittijibel: hm, so containers often hang on startup, not sure why yet; cancelling the jobs in jenkins works, and they become red fast, so at least there's some manual but easy way to clean up17:10
spagewmfI followed a Google link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick , I get a Python exceptions.TypeError18:51
spagewmf(I reported it in #ubuntu-website, no ack yet)18:51
spagewmfseems every community wiki page also getting the same MoinMoin.py error18:52
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elopioballoons: you have just send an email for which I have not a single word to reply.19:19
elopioI will just say: "hum..."19:19
elfyballoons: ok - so got the nexus, got ubuntu on it, want to do some of this touch testing - what's the best course of action here?19:21
elfyI've found some dekko issues and hassled DanChapman - so that's ok - but generally, is there a tracker type affair?19:22
balloonselopio, wow.. I've silenced you?19:22
balloonselfy, go break stuff!19:22
balloonshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting19:23
elfyballoons: yea that works - except I don't use it as a phone obviously :D19:23
elfyaah cool19:23
elfyoh cool - so there is tracker19:24
elopioballoons: yes. I won't speak anymore until you get the issue solved ;)19:24
dobeydrink the kool aid!19:24
balloonsin general though yes, try stuff break it, and hang out on the ubuntu-phone list also19:24
elfyso list and -touch on irc?19:24
elfyballoons: ok - so can I assume that the people who wrote these tests weren't English?19:26
elfyI don't want to blitz the system with pointless bug reports on test wording19:27
balloonselfy, there is no tracker19:27
* balloons waves hand19:27
elfygod - that sounds horrid - don't mean that like that ...19:28
elfyballoons: what's this then ? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/326/builds/89032/testcases19:28
balloonsthat is something someone continues to publish, and I don't know why19:29
* balloons knows a sneaky fix19:29
elfyballoons: lol - ok so basically - just use it and see waht goes on ?19:34
balloonselfy, yep. File bugs when you find breakages. Are you running -proposed?19:34
elfyno idea  ,,,19:34
elfyI set it up from https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/19:36
balloonselfy, ok, so devel channel19:37
elfyas far as I know yep19:37
balloonsyou should switch to proposed for maximum breakages19:37
balloonsalso, generally there are calls to test specific new versions of apps19:38
balloonsjust try and watch the list.. and let popey know you want 'in' on testin stuff19:38
elfynot on list yet19:38
balloonselopio, I'm not sure if I've done a good or bad thing, but it's taken me a few weeks to be able to write that mail19:39
elfyballoons: mmm - see I went https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/image-channels/ which made it seem like /devel was the right channel19:40
balloonselfy, indeed.. That's really aimed at folks who won't be testing of course19:41
elfyballoons: ok - I'll grab popey :)19:42
elopioballoons: it's good, of course.19:42
balloonsdefinitely flash proposed though.. all the cool kids run it ;-)19:42
elopioit's a huge hole in our strategy.19:42
balloonsyea, but I know how you feel realizing it.. I thought we fixed this stuff last summer19:43
Kaleowho is the vanguard?19:43
balloonselopio, ^^ in regards to vanguard do you want to update it here, or just ubuntu-qa?19:44
Kaleoelopio, I have a qml test that does some rendering but it fails on jenkins, is there a special thing to do to fix that?19:47
Kaleo"This plugin does not support createPlatformOpenGLContext!"19:47
brendandKaleo, just ping ubuntu-qa and the vanguard knows who they are19:49
brendandKaleo, right now it happens to be elopio anyway19:49
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | Need test automation help? Looking for the vanguard? ping ubuntu-qa | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam
Kaleobrendand, there is no ubuntu-qa19:50
Kaleoor I don't understand what "pinging" means19:50
brendandKaleo, it's an alias (irc highlight)19:50
balloonsKaleo, so true..19:50
balloonssorry, hence the questions.19:51
elopiocoincidentially, I'm the vanguard.19:51
elopioKaleo: let me see what you are talking about.19:51
elopioKaleo: this is run while the package is built?}19:52
jfunkthere is no spoon19:53
elopionevermind, I see on the logs that the answer is yes.19:53
jfunkthere is no ubuntu-qa19:53
elopioKaleo: we need ci here. Lets talk in ci-eng.19:54
brendandjfunk, we are but ghosts19:54
jfunkmind.. blown19:55
josephtalesage: hrm, that sounded more like a Bill and Ted "whoa" than a Matrix "whoa" ;)19:55
veebersthis is far too deep for a Friday morning19:55
jfunkgood thing its thursday19:56
jfunkin normal countries19:56
alesagejosepht I'm working on a ronin one too ;) , thanks for picking up that ref19:56
veebersHey, someone has to try the Friday out to make sure it's OK for the rest of the world19:57
veebersIt's a hard job but something something beer19:58
ToyKeeperI'm okay with someone QA-ing my Mondays before I have to deal with them.19:58
balloonsmmmhhhh.. ^^19:58
elopioToyKeeper: that's veebers too.20:00
elopioby the time when we arrive on monday he has already solved the problems.20:00
davmor2ToyKeeper: but veebers does that on Sunday for you20:00
veebersdavmor2: wait, ToyKeepers Monday is my Tuesday, so that's what I spend Monday doing (or maybe that's what I should be doing on Sunday and that's why they are rubbish)20:01
davmor2veebers: no you are hard at work on our sunday to ensure out Mondays go without a hitch, I mean if you were online Monday morning our time some of the names they call you when things go wrong ;)20:03
brendandveebers, clue, they rhyme with 'justin beibers'20:04
alesage. . . which is why it's ok for davmor2 and ToyKeeper to break everything their Fri.20:04
alesagealso I had no idea this 'lockout' feature existed20:05
veebersbrendand: lol, that's a good one20:05
davmor2alesage: hey no fair we deliberately break stuff to catch which developer are workaholics and fix things over the weekend ;)20:05
brendanddavmor2, the answer is ogra20:07
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davmor2brendand: the answer is always ogra.....who broke this ogra, who fixed this ogra, who implemented this craziness of turning off adb ogra ;)20:08
alesagethis is probably the one channel he's not in20:08
davmor2alesage: we should invite him but then he'd have more work to do :)20:09
alesagedavmor2, I'm finding that the lockout doesn't persist after reboot, is that a known thing?  (if so I'll correct the test)20:09
davmor2alesage: lockout?20:10
alesagedavmor2, i.e. the greeter passcode lockout20:10
davmor2alesage: it works fine here on everyreboot I get 2 sim unlock screens and a pin unlock to get into the phone20:12
alesagedavmor2, according to how the test is written I should still see the "device locked" screen--but it sounds like this isn't new, I'll file a bug or ask for clarification20:13
alesagedavmor2, if you'll confirm pretty-please20:13
davmor2alesage: which test20:13
alesagedavmor2 PMing20:14
alesagequery davmor220:14
* elopio goes away for lunch.20:14
davmor2elopio: but you can't do that you are vanguard what happens if someone has a question ;)20:15
elopiodavmor2: I'm too fast for you. No vanguard anymore :D20:15
dobeydavmor2: all's fair in war and testing21:20
dobeyor something21:20
barryelopio: i think your last branch left a bzr conflict turd in debian/tests/ubuntu_ota_tests/tests - update trunk and notice the .THIS file21:38
elopiobarry: damn it. I'll fix it, thanks for the notice.21:39

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