
bluesabreinfinity: I uploaded everything I had rights to, remaining items under PENDING on http://paste.ubuntu.com/10583712/04:12
bluesabreknome has also completed the xubuntu slideshow, in case you're also up for uploading ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu04:14
bluesabreHeading to bed now, will be back in a few hours04:15
bluesabreoh, and I did verify that all the items under PENDING continue to build as expected, so that is also out of the way04:16
bluesabrelet me know if you need anything additional from me :)04:16
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rbasakI presume bug 1422892 is moot and doesn't need an FFe because Juju has an exception?14:52
rbasakAny objections to me just uploading when ready?14:52
ubot93bug 1422892 in juju-core (Ubuntu) "Exception for Juju 1.23 (systemd)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142289214:52
rbasakThough it was provisional, and we've had one successful one now. So I guess I need to ask for it to be made full.14:54
infinityrbasak: Yeah, go ahead, though it would be nicer if the systemd support landed sooner. :/14:54
rbasakinfinity: thanks. For systemd, I just updated bug 1409639 with the current plan.14:54
ubot93bug 1409639 in juju-core (Ubuntu Vivid) "juju needs to support systemd for >= vivid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140963914:54
rbasakAIUI systemd support is committed upstream but won't be released for a while yet. Beta expected very soon.14:55
=== doko_ is now known as doko

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