
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
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zkvvoobHello everyone. I'm looking for some extremely kind soul who would be willing to help me figure out a mess that I got into after upgrading from 12.10 ro 13.10 and then 14.04.2. No websites load, I can't get the ISPConfig that had been managing the vhosts to run and besides Apache is giving me some strange errors. Please?08:47
Slingzkvvoob: what errors exactly?08:48
Sling(i know a lot about apache, nearly nothing about ispconfig)08:48
zkvvoob* Restarting web server apache208:48
zkvvoobAH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next release /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/000-ispconfig.local.conf:6208:48
zkvvoob(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:808108:48
zkvvoob(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
zkvvoobno listening sockets available, shutting down08:48
zkvvoobAH00015: Unable to open logs08:48
zkvvoobAction 'start' failed.08:48
zkvvoobThe Apache error log may have more information.08:48
Slingplease use a pastebin for pasting more than a few lines08:49
Slingbut it seems that its trying to listen on ports 8080 and 8081 but there is already something listening there08:49
Slingsee 'lsof -i:8080' and 'lsof -i:8081' to check what is08:49
zkvvoobNothing happens, just new command line08:50
Slingare you running this as root?08:50
Slingor with sudo08:50
zkvvoobsudo su, root08:50
OpenTokixSling: netstat -anp |grep :808008:51
SlingOpenTokix: lsof is a lot easier ;)08:51
zkvvoobOpenTokix: that did nothing either :(08:51
OpenTokixzkvvoob: if you do a grep :8080 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*   Maybe you are trying to bind multiple times to some ip or such? Anbd apache will kill itself.08:53
zkvvoobOpenTokix: Maybe it's this, I got two lines that go "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.vhost:NameVirtualHost *:808008:55
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
zkvvooband then /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.vhost:<VirtualHost _default_:8080>08:55
OpenTokixbleu.... ispconfig08:55
OpenTokixThat braindead howto infecting everything08:55
OpenTokixzkvvoob: That is probably it, yes - remove the _default_ one08:56
Slingyou're looking for Listen directives08:56
zkvvoobdefault.vhost or one of the lines?08:56
Slingthat is what tells apache on which interface:port to listen, you can have multiple vhosts defined for the same port/ip08:56
OpenTokixzkvvoob: Can you pastebin the 000-ispconfig.vhost and /etc/apache2/ports.conf08:56
Slingthe vhost won't cause that error08:56
zkvvoobopenjust a minute08:57
zkvvoobOpenTokix: just a minute08:57
OpenTokixSling: You can not bind to the same ip:port muliple times, but you can bind to *:port multiple times.08:57
SlingOpenTokix: the vhost doesnt bind08:57
Slingthat is what the Listen directive doe08:57
Slingand the _default_:443 vhost is a special case for non-SNI stuff08:58
zkvvoobOpenTokix: http://pastebin.com/EWYRjSgR08:58
Slingit won't cause the errors he just mentioned, since it has nothing to do with 8080/8081 :)08:58
OpenTokixzkvvoob: Do you have a listen 8080 in your /etc/apache2/ports.conf to ?08:59
Slingwow that is a weird config08:59
zkvvoobOpenTokix: No08:59
Slingso if you load mod_fcid you get one documentroot, and if you load the itk mpm you get another09:00
OpenTokixzkvvoob: try grep -r -i  Listen /etc/apache2/*09:00
zkvvoobOpenTokix: http://pastebin.com/0swhqd0P09:01
OpenTokixzkvvoob: I would try to change the _default_:8080 to *:808009:04
zkvvoobOpenTokix: where should I do that?09:05
OpenTokixzkvvoob: ispconfig.vhost09:05
zkvvoobOpenTokix: got it, just a moment09:05
zkvvoobOpenTokix: restarted apache2, but got the same message "AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8081;  AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address"09:07
OpenTokixintresting - one complains about ipv6, one ipv4 also09:08
zkvvoobOpenTokix: I honestly don't get it, why an upgrade would screw things so badly! Everything was running just perfectly up until 15 hrs ago09:12
OpenTokixzkvvoob: Nature of sysadmin - stuff breaks and one has to fix it.09:12
zkvvoobTrouble is I am only a sysadmin wannabe :(09:13
OpenTokixzkvvoob: you always use service apache2 restart; not service apache2 stop && service apache2 start ?09:13
OpenTokixzkvvoob: Since restart and stop/start it very different for apache209:13
zkvvoobOpenTokix: yes, service apache2 restart09:14
lordievaderGood morning.09:21
zkvvoobOpenTokix: are you out of ideas?09:26
OpenTokixzkvvoob: I was waiting for you to do a stop/start09:27
zkvvoobdid that, same thing09:28
OpenTokixzkvvoob: and ps ax |grep apache show nothing?09:29
zkvvoobOpenTokix:  8858 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto apache09:29
OpenTokixzkvvoob: ofc. Annoying09:29
zkvvoobOpenTokix: any other ideas? Sorry, if you're fed up with my troubles, I just really don't know who to turn to09:53
OpenTokixzkvvoob: I love troubleshooting, best part of the job.09:53
OpenTokixzkvvoob: did you try replace all _default_ with * ?09:54
OpenTokixzkvvoob: in apps.vhost and ispconfig.vhost09:54
zkvvoobOpenTokix: only in ispconfig.vhost, will do the apps now09:55
OpenTokixzkvvoob: if iirc the error changes slightly when you removed it in ispconfig.vhost09:56
zkvvoobOpenTokix: Changed it in apps.vhost as well, did service apache2 stop && service apache2 start, but the error remains the same: (98) Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8081; (98) Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
OpenTokixzkvvoob: There is only two files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled ?10:00
zkvvoobOpenTokix: no, there are: 000-apps.vhost, 000-aps.vhost, 000-default, 000-ispconfig.conf and 000-ispconfig.vhost10:01
OpenTokixwhat is the difference between 000-ispconfi .conf and .vhost10:02
OpenTokixzkvvoob: Can you pastebin them all? - Make sure you doe ----------- NAME ------- between them10:02
zkvvoobOpenTokix: http://pastebin.com/GK4PQcmX10:03
zkvvoobOpenTokix: http://pastebin.com/EWYRjSgR10:03
OpenTokixzkvvoob: Can you do grep -i include /etc/apache2/apache2.conf10:04
zkvvoobOpenTokix: http://pastebin.com/kPQdsyNM10:05
OpenTokixzkvvoob: is there any files in /etc/apache2/conf-enabled ?10:06
zkvvoobOpenTokix: 000-ispconfig.local.conf, apache2-doc.conf, charset.conf, javascript-common.conf, localized-error-pages.conf, other-vhosts-access-log.conf, security.conf, serve-cgi-bin.conf10:07
OpenTokixzkvvoob: grep -i listen /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/*10:08
zkvvoobOpenTokix: nothing, empty line10:09
d4rks1d3rhi all, noob question, I'm trying to install ZNC as a daemon, where do I need to create the systemd script?10:11
ReScOI'm in a pinch, somehow HSTS got enabled on my Apache2 installation and now i cannot access non-https resources.10:42
rbasakReScO: http://stackoverflow.com/q/10629397/47820610:53
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dmsimardHi. Anyone know why 14.04.2 isn't shipped yet for cloud images ? https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/17:45
rbasakOdd_Bloke: ^^17:48
rbasakdmsimard: I suspect that the images are effectively 14.04.2 anyway. Apart from maybe the kernel.17:48
sarnoldprobably the <h1> is broken..17:48
dmsimardrbasak: 3.16 doesn't seem to be in them indeed, e.g: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64.manifest17:49
rbasakThat might be too big a change to be worth making.17:49
sarnold.. and unlikely to make much difference, since it is mostly there for hardware enablement, not as big a deal with VMs17:50
dmsimardThe specific use case if for usage with Ceph (rbd kernel module) which for certain features requires kernel >3.1317:51
dmsimardI have no particular problems with building my own images based off of that (aka, install the utopic lts package on top of the existing image and re-package) but I would've expected that to be in the cloud image built-in17:51
rbasakI suppose the difference is that users might not expect to suddenly end up with a different kernel version if they use the current image.17:52
dmsimardSo it's going to stay at 3.13 until 16.04 then ?17:52
rbasakSo there also exist users who expect the original kernel.17:52
Odd_Blokedmsimard: rbasak is correct, the daily images always track the latest packages and so are 14.04.2 sans the HWE bits.17:53
Odd_BlokeAnd, in fact, he is correct again. :p17:53
dmsimardI understand that, no problem here17:53
dmsimardJust want to adjust my expectations :)17:53
utlemmingOdd_Bloke: looks like freenode let me join :)17:54
Odd_Blokeutlemming: o/17:54
rbasakI suppose what you need is a separate stream of images that include the HWE kernel. But that would be a whole load more for Canonical to maintain and support I guess, and more than we do right now.17:54
rbasakOTOH, you can probably arrange some cloud-init userdata magic to upgrade the kernel and reboot on first boot.17:54
rbasakIt would just mean slightly slower "boot".17:54
utlemmingOdd_Bloke, rbasak: I understand that there is some question about the HWE kernel?17:54
utlemmingOdd_Bloke, rbasak: are these in re:  to the downloadable images or EC2?17:55
Odd_Blokedmsimard: ^17:55
dmsimardrbasak: I'd tend to push an image that is already up to date and use that image :)17:55
dmsimardWell, I mean, on my end17:55
utlemmingOn GCE, Azure, VMWare's vCHS and a few other clouds the default is to use the HWE kernel at the behest of the cloud or because of virtual hardware compatability.17:55
dmsimardDownload cloud image -> update it -> push it -> use it17:55
utlemmingdmsimard: the reason why we don't default is that it was nacked at a v-UDS. Th17:56
rbasakutlemming: so dmsimard's need comes from Ceph, which makes use of newer kernel features. Firmly in userspace, AIUI.17:57
utlemmingdmsimard: and we did discuss the idea of having an HWE image download, but that was killed because of the maintaince burden, and user confusion. Not to mention that the HWE kernel can royally screw with DKMS packages (i.e. Virtualbox and open-vm-tools, not mention the filesystem modules)17:57
dmsimardFair enough17:57
rbasakBut save for bumping all users to the HWE kernel for that, or maintaining separate HWE images, I don't see any other solution really, except for an upgrade-on-first-boot thing.17:57
dmsimardFWIW, here's the Ceph recommendations off of the docs: http://ceph.com/docs/master/start/os-recommendations/17:58
dmsimardAnd features that might not work depending on Kernel versions: http://cephnotes.ksperis.com/blog/2014/01/21/feature-set-mismatch-error-on-ceph-kernel-client17:59
utlemmingdmsimard: believe me, I really would like to make the switch. But the decision is made on a cloud-by-cloud basis. We only use the HWE kernel by default on clouds where the pain of not having the HWE kernel is worse than the pain of breaking thinks like DKMS.17:59
dmsimardutlemming: I hear ya, not trying to make this happen17:59
mgagneutlemming: where are those cloud-by-cloud image located? aren't they the same as the ones publicly available already?18:00
dmsimardJust saying this wasn't about HWE, more about fixes/improvements made in later releases18:00
utlemmingdmsimard: they are not published generally since they are published into the clouds. GCE is probably the best one if you want in cloud. Their NVME SSD's are quite performant18:01
rbasakdmsimard: there is of course the claim that LTS release + new features = more recent release :-)18:01
mgagneutlemming: who is maintaining those images?18:01
utlemmingdmsimard: fixes is why we just switch Azure 12.04 over to HWE yesterday incidently.18:01
utlemmingmgagne: The Canonical Certified Public Cloud Team (me, Odd_Bloke and rcj, with our fearless manager gaughen).18:02
mgagneutlemming: pardon my hasty conclusion but it looks like someone is already maintaining different versions of those images and adding one more isn't that much of an issue. except for the potential public confusion it could cause18:03
rbasakmgagne: I don't think you quite appreciate the sheer number of images we're talking about, and the QA and maintenance work involved. Adding HWE is adding a whole dimension. There are two or three (?) HWE kernels each LTS, so you'd be multiplying the whole set by that number.18:05
utlemmingmgagne: I wouldn't call your conclusion hasty. It goes to the downloadable images. The GCE, Azure, et al, images that are published are not downloadable. You run them in cloud. And yes, I agree that there is a degree of confusion that is introduced here.18:05
utlemmingmgagne: and to rbasak's argument, you should see the bills for testing.18:06
mgagneutlemming: sure, I'm a pragmatic person, I'm not trying to corner people into doing things that doesn't make sense from a financial, time and effort perspective18:07
utlemmingmgagne: but the choice of HWE in some environments (i.e. Azure, GCE, VMware) is dictated by either the cloud or a technical requirement that makes choosing otherwise problementic.18:07
utlemmingmgagne: ack. fwiw, I really do appreciate your concern. And that's why I want to re-raise this for 16.04.18:08
utlemmingmgagne: I think that the HWE kernel has proven to offer far more benefits that problems, especially for bug fixes, and new features that make older versions of Ubuntu more usable.18:08
mgagneutlemming: but since it was mentioned that some cloud providers have "special" images built from them, I guess it's fair to wonder why it's ok for them but not the "public" ones.18:08
mgagneutlemming: if it comes down to finance and time resources reasons, I can't argue with that. those are fair reasons18:09
utlemmingmgagne: the downloadable images are the "ideal", where the in-cloud published images are pragmatic compromise.18:09
mgagneutlemming: right18:10
Odd_Blokemgagne: Furthermore, in places that we support HWE, we only support HWE; there is still only one 14.04 image.18:10
mgagneutlemming: lets say a provider wishes to have images built and maintained by Ubuntu, would this be something provided by the "Canonical Certified Public Cloud Program" ?18:11
mgagneOdd_Bloke: right, so you get the one with HWE, nothing else: no image without HWE. right?18:12
Odd_Blokemgagne: Yep; anything else would be (a) confusing for users ("wait, which of these is actually 14.04?"), and (b) too resource-intensive (both human and technical).18:13
mgagneOdd_Bloke: makes sense18:14
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rostamHi I am using ubuntu 14.04. I would like to disable console messages during boot. This is for production. How could I do that? thanks18:22
sarnoldrostam: try console=/dev/null on kernel command line? just a guess...18:35
Slingrostam: why would you want to disable that?18:37
Slingkeep in mind that anybody with physical access should be considered to have full access18:37
rostamSling at the customer site the console messages looks like something is wrong they do not understand it.19:06
rostamsarnold, thanks will try that.19:06
sarnoldof course when something does break you might regret turning them off :)19:07
londoncallinghi, want to get 3 vm's running on a digialocean droplet (1GB RAM, 20GB disk), how would I do this purely from command line. I don't want to have to use VNC.19:16
sarnoldlondoncalling: you can use libvirt via command line using virsh; or you can start your vms directly with qemu and command line options...19:18
londoncallingsarnold, thanks a lot. Ill whip out the google-fu19:22
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blizzowOk, I downloaded the 14.10 iso and formatted a USB stick with unetbootin.  Stuck the USB stick into a Dell Poweredge R510 and started the installer.  The installer complains about being unable to detect or scan a CDROM.  So I copied the iso to the USB stick as well.  As soon as the installation starts, I tap alt+f1 and mount the iso at /cdrom as a loop device.  The installation makes it through the disk partitioning and some package installation, but 21:45
bekksJust dd the iso onto the stick.21:53
geniiblizzow: The images made now are hybrid images, you don't need to do anything special so that they run off a USB stick instead of the CD/DVD. You just need to use dd if on a linux machine. If Windows then  you need to find a dd for it like RawWrite or WinDD22:00
blizzowbekks: I'm going to try that next.22:00
blizzowJust flashes isolinux.bin missing or corrupt and then boots the disk22:05
bekksthen how did you create the bootable usb stick?22:07
blizzowdd if=/home/myusername/ubuntu-14.10-server-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc22:08
blizzowI mounted the iso with mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/myusername/ubuntu-14.10-server-amd64.iso /mnt/ and did an md5sum of /mnt/isolinux/isolinux.bin and it's the same as on my drive.22:09
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geniiDid you check the md5 sum to make sure the iso is not currupted?22:13
blizzowyes, it's the correct hash22:15
geniiblizzow: I suspect an EFI issue22:20
blizzowMaybe so, but really, I've installed ubuntu on these suckers before.  The installer should not be this sensitive22:27
geniiblizzow: Did you fsck the USB stick ?22:28
blizzowgenii: yeah.  and dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/usbdev to wipe it first.22:31
blizzowThe weird part is I can boot to the installer if I use unetbootin to make the stick, but the cdrom isn't seen.  If I use dd, I can't even get to the installer.22:32
blizzowForcing mounting /path/usb/partition /cdrom  during the install from the unetbootin usb stick leads to an install that doesn't complete.  I'm wondering if there is a different way to mount/detect the USB stick as my CDROM or if I can do a network based install..22:34
blizzowGot it!  There is a setting in BIOS about usb drive emulation auto/floppy/hard drive.  It was set to auto and I set it to hard drive.22:53
RoyKPratchett just died :(23:06
sarnoldRoyK: i've been sad all day.. no new discworld books.23:59

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