
ali1234what program is responsible for popping up the window that says "you must reboot your computer to complete updates"00:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
mappno idea01:02
mappdamnit too awake to sleep01:04
mappwhat to do01:07
daftykinsi'm streaming this new game Ori and the Blind Forest atm01:37
daftykinsoh dear it's nearly 2am already :S01:37
celestehHello, I have a question about wifi authentification, specifically eduroam which uses PEAP. Every other device on earth automagically deals with certififcates, but with ubuntu I seem to need to manually download a certififcate for each institution. Is there some way this can happen without my interaction?01:40
daftykinsmight want to try #ubuntu since the UK is mostly asleep right now01:43
diddledanssh, tis sleepymoo time01:45
diddledandaftykins: this stream better be playing daft punk :-p01:45
diddledanooh pretty01:46
daftykinslovely game so far01:49
AzelphurDoes anyone know wtf "player" is, and why it's using 13.3% of my 24GB of RAM? XD02:09
daftykinswhat a weird total, you on a quad channel box?02:09
Azelphurdaftykins: tri02:09
daftykinshad to reset the boss' sky box again today, damn those things are rubbish02:19
zmoylan-piconnect a rasp pi to a cd drive and put something on the cd drive to press the reset button so you can do it remotely? :-)02:21
daftykinshaha, oh i meant power cycle really02:23
daftykinsamusingly i was asked by the wife to go look at a problem the nanny was having watching TV02:23
zmoylan-picould do that to with a second cd drive :-)02:24
daftykinsi went to where the skybox is, wasn't even displaying a picture over HDMI to the TV - only over the RF output to the rest of the house02:24
zmoylan-piyeah i was once asked to look at a washing machine after fixing a computer at someones house02:24
daftykinsdid you politely refuse?02:25
zmoylan-pioddly i fixed the washing machine too.  some wacky ui problem.  simple rtfm problem02:26
daftykinsgood man \o/02:29
mappgood tv tonight02:56
* zmoylan-pi watches st 4 the voyage home02:58
mappcrim minds then sunny in philly02:58
mappblack sails good? i didnt fancy it when i looked it up03:22
mappbut several people say its good03:22
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
mappanyone seen vikings? just looking through series to pickup;]04:15
zmoylan-pii've watched season 104:16
mappi quite like watching entire seasons after its finished airing..watch a whole season in a few days:)04:16
zmoylan-piit's... ok.  i'd have preferred more historical accuracy04:16
mappstarted Oz but not really bothered by it04:18
mappdid you check that CSI:Cyber? i did even after diddledan said it wasnt great04:18
mappand james van der beerk is SUCH A POOR choice for main character imo04:18
mappanother show with potential ruined by poor casting04:19
mapplol workaholics is so funny04:30
knightwisemorning peeps07:10
diploMorning all07:57
knightwisehey diplo , morning to you08:00
MooDoomorning all08:10
knightwisemorning peeps08:18
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knightwisehey MooDoo09:05
knightwisehow are you doing today09:05
knightwisehey michelle :)09:05
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Guest1848Knightwise Hey :)09:06
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davmor2Morning all09:12
knightwisehey davmor209:15
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ujjainCan somebody running an updated 12.04 check with kernel they run? I run 3.2.0-38-virtual and think it might be outdated.09:44
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Kidney Day! :-D09:46
foobarry 3.13.0-40-generic #69~precise1-Ubuntu SMP09:47
foobarryujjain: 12.04 has the option of running kernels from later releases09:49
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:55
ujjainah ok, thanks.09:59
foobarrya user wants a different home dir on another partition, but we won't change it. what should i suggest? edit his .bashrc to drop him somewhere else with cd command? or change $HOME in his bashrc?10:41
* davmor2 makes JamesTait eat steak and kidney pies till he can't move10:58
JamesTaitdavmor2, oh no, how terrible. :-P10:59
davmor2JamesTait: it would be you'd never want to eat another steak and kidney pie again as long as you lived :D11:00
JamesTaitdavmor2, I can't imagine that ever happening, tbh. :-P11:00
foobarrywhat happens on kidney day11:00
shaunono-one finishes dinner :(11:01
JamesTaitfoobarry, current experience suggests "the same kind of things that happen any other day".11:01
shaunowe take over the world?11:02
JamesTaitfoobarry, also, I don't think I fully understood your earlier question, could you expand?11:02
davmor2foobarry: a lot of them are illness awareness days so it might be don't drink and give them a holiday, or become a donor day11:03
shaunothis is interesting; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-3183492711:03
shaunoseems a shame they can't partner with the pi foundation11:03
knightwisettytter ... eating up all the cpu cycles on my Pi. #badttytter !11:04
JamesTait"World Kidney Day aims to raise awareness of kidney-related diseases and of the overall importance of our kidneys to our health. It also tries to highlight preventative measures, in an attempt to reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and related health problems, on a global scale."11:04
foobarryJamesTait: the kidney or home dir question?11:05
foobarryso kidney day is not about food11:05
JamesTaitfoobarry, the home dir one.11:05
foobarryuser says please can my home dir be /data/DEPT/work/barry instead of /data/home/barry11:06
foobarrywe say no, for standards reasons11:06
foobarrywhats the next best thing?11:06
foobarrychange the $HOME env variable, change bashrc to perform a "cd /data/DEPT..barry" command?11:06
foobarrycreate symlinks to work/barry and cd manually?11:06
diploI'd just go with No and not explain yourself11:15
diploWhether I try to be tactful or not, it never seems to be understood by users, has he given any reasoning behind why apart from that's what he'd like11:16
shaunochanging $HOME breaks more than it fixes11:17
shaunoeg, if I set HOME=/tmp, "cd ~" takes me to /tmp, and cd ~soneil takes me to /home/soneil.  things will just get weird in subtle ways11:18
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shaunoif you have a good reason not to do it "the right way", I'd just accept that as a good reason not to do it the wrong way either11:19
JamesTaitThis makes me think about how ecryptfs homes work; after you login, it tries to unwrap the ecryptfs passphrase using the login password, then mounts /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.Private as /home/$USER and then you have to cd $HOME to see the unencrypted contents. But that doesn't involve messing with $HOME.11:20
JamesTaitBut I think shauno is right - twiddling with $HOME after the login session has already started is just likely to make things misbehave in weird and wonderful ways that are difficult to debug.11:21
shaunoI guess you could do something similar to that with mount --bind11:22
diddledanre: the micro bit. I can't actually find out any information on the device itself11:24
diddledanit looks like it might be custom built for the beeb like the micro was in the 80s11:25
DJonesdiddledan: Have you seen this http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/mediapacks/makeitdigital/micro-bit?ns_mchannel=social&ns_campaign=bbc_press_office&ns_source=twitter&ns_linkname=corporate11:26
diddledanDJones: yeah, that's where I am now11:26
DJonesok, litteraly just saw it on twitter11:27
shaunoI guess the final line is probably the biggest clue.  they won't say what's in it because they're not sure yet11:30
DJonesUgh, I hate websites that start playing music as soon as you go on them, just going through the product partners listed, sciencescope is just a holding page, technology will save us starts blasting music when you go there11:31
foobarryyeah, i said no, because standards, housekeeping and consistency reasons12:08
foobarrybut you might wanna make some symlinks to make hopping directories easier12:08
diddledanI think my head just exploded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=72RqpItxd8M12:08
foobarryis it in 3d?12:13
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popeythey got a lot of things right in that12:19
foobarrywhat the name for the first steps of troubleshooting you might do in a technical incident? if i'm putting a list of the 5 essential pieces of information for an app (how to restart, config files, server, typical issues), what's a good name for that?12:30
foobarryits not a complete guide, just the barebone essentials of each app/service that might solve 90% of issues while the main guy is away12:31
popeyProblem Diagnosis12:31
popeyit's what we always called it.12:32
foobarrythere's a term i'm trying to think of relating to the first steps or essential info12:33
foobarrymaybe i'll just write essential info for initial analysis of problems12:34
foobarryor PD12:35
foobarryfor short12:35
popeybeen using ddrescue to backup a usb3 disk in a usb2 port12:39
popeytaking hours12:39
diddledanfoobarry: emergency response?12:45
foobarrynice try, but i realise that i'm looking for a word in my brain that you guys do not know, which is a bit hard12:46
foobarryi might use that term as well thoguh12:46
diddledantry uberflipperamus12:46
JamesTaitfoobarry, triage?12:49
diddledanooh, that's a good one12:49
foobarrytriage is useful for routing issues, this is ServiceEssentials for EmergencyResponse and ProblemDiagnosis, but we do name the service owner for triage too12:51
foobarrygonna go eat a sandwich12:51
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
knightwiseVms are the bomb :)13:06
knightwiseinstead of dual booting the mac , i'm just shoving in a linux Vm fullscreen .. Works like a charm .. no driver trouble13:06
diddledanknightwise: which vm software you using to drive the machine?13:11
diddledanknightwise: btw, I absolutely loved your spock tribute episode! made me tearful :'(13:11
diddledanleonard nimoy**13:11
knightwisediddledan: :) thanx . I'm glad to hear you loved the show. Took me a while to mix the music and samples down.13:12
knightwiseits a mix between the movie soundtrack and a live performance of amazing grace13:13
knightwiseI use virtualbox , the guest os is Chromixium13:13
knightwisediddledan: The goal I set out when I recorded the episode was : When I get one listener to tear up ... my goal has been achieved13:17
diddledanmission accomplished :-)13:17
knightwise:) Radio/podcasts are a powerfull medium for transmitting emotions ...13:18
knightwisei love working with music and moods and stuff13:18
foobarrywhats this all about?13:37
diddledanfoobarry: kids like chips, so we're giving them some for free when they go to secondary school13:38
diddledan(11 is secondary school, right?)13:38
diddledanor is 11 last year of primary?13:38
foobarryare involved :|13:39
TwistedLucidityGood - we need children to learn these vital skills /s13:39
knightwiselistening to american radio commercials on Stitcher .. my god !13:42
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: One wonders what was so terribly wrong with the Pi2. Ready-built community, already entering schools, will be able to run Windows.13:44
TwistedLucidityWhen the BBC Micro launched, it was a bit of a different beast to those on the market at the time. This "Bit" seems very like a "Me too!" product.13:44
foobarrymicrosoft weren't in on it?13:45
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: They "in on" the Pi2.13:46
foobarryNIH syndrome?13:46
foobarrycan't support an existing initiative?13:46
TwistedLucidityThat's probably more correct. Or perhaps this is even cheaper?13:47
foobarrythey will get crushed in school bags anyway13:47
TwistedLuciditySell the kids cases.13:47
popeyooh https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/modiphius/the-thunderbirds-co-operative-board-game-by-matt-l13:47
knightwiseanything that features the thunderbirds is great in my book :)13:49
knightwisefafafafaaaaa ... !13:49
zmoylan-piwill they not have to pay a huge licence fee for the rights to use thunderbirds name?13:50
knightwisehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok7J17rGI3s&gl=BE ) just to prove barry Gray's brilliance :)13:50
shaunough, the pi won't be able to 'run windows'.  I can't wait until this win-IoT is actually released so people can see what they're claiming13:51
TwistedLucidityshauno: Will, it won't be "Windows 10 Modern UI Professional Enterprise Edition Plus" or whatever. But it will be Windows and if it can pump graphics to the screen - that's enough13:52
zmoylan-piit'll be huge, cost a bundle, have a sucky battery life and the biggest button will be the reset button to clear errors and restart it13:52
foobarrythe metro newspaper have pioneeered an r of shame like the daily mail, but it never ends13:53
foobarrythe page keeps on scrolling forever13:53
shaunoit won't have a shell, it won't run more than one process .. just how little is 'enough' ?13:53
foobarryits enough for MS and PHB13:54
knightwiseanyone have a pi2 yet ?13:54
* foobarry doesn't have a pi113:54
diddledanTwistedLucidity: it won't be able to pump graphics to a screen tho13:54
foobarryalthough i borrowed one to try risc OS13:54
shaunoI have two 2's.  I'm not sure how to make a non-silly sentence out of that :)13:55
diddledanTwistedLucidity: it's designed to be interacted with via telnet13:55
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Sure? I'd actually like to know proper details on the limitations. I know someone who wants to use them as an RDP client (they tried some RPi1 and they didn't work so well)13:55
zmoylan-pimeant to pick up a pi 2 over the weekend but was busy13:56
diddledanI've got 2pi213:56
diddledanor should I say, I've got 2pi2, too13:56
knightwisefoobarry: are they a lot faster ?13:56
TwistedLucidityknightwise: ~6 times on average; varies from operation-to-operation though.13:57
diddledanfoobarry: more like 2pi-d13:57
diddledanaka pi-d13:57
TwistedLucidityLast months LinuxVoice (I think) had a break-down of the performance differences13:57
diddledanit's at least 4 times as fast13:57
foobarrywhen do they opensource their issues?13:57
shaunoI haven't done anything to particularly tax them yet, but on stuff like emulating a ps1, re-assembling dpkg's caches, etc, it's much betterer13:58
* diddledan taxes shauno 13:58
diddledan50% rate for you, boy-oh13:59
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: A year after publication. Think the first two issues are now out there13:59
knightwiseI was wondering if I could use it as a PLEX server13:59
shaunoand the 'limitations' of win10's pi support is there's no OS.  it's a .net stack running on the pi so that you can treat it like an arduino from visual studio14:00
diddledandocker on a mac? http://blog.docker.com/2015/03/kitematic-a-docker-gui-joins-the-docker-family/14:00
shaunonot docket, just a docker-gui.  you can run docker as a client, to interact with docker running on another machine14:00
shauno(there's a 'yo dawg' joke in there somewhere)14:01
TwistedLucidityshauno: Is. That. All? Yeek. I assumed it was going to be some kind of knobbled Windows stack with a CLI and (maybe) some way to push/relay graphics. So it really can only be used for GPIO stuff then?14:01
foobarryi love the idea14:01
shaunoright, that's why it's being pushed as an 'internet of things' platform.  it's not a desktop14:01
foobarryi'm driving to st albans next week to pick up a massive stash of old magz off a guy14:01
foobarryand then may attempt to read or scan them14:02
foobarryscanning will destroy them though14:02
* TwistedLucidity utterly fails to see what anyone would want Windows on a RPi2 in that case14:02
zmoylan-pibecause management decreed it14:02
* TwistedLucidity thinks there's w-a-y better tools for those kinds of jobs14:02
shaunowell, if you're a windows dev in a windows world, you'll be able to build wotsits and run them on a pi, just the same as linux users currently can14:02
diddledanshauno: oic (re: docker on a mac) they integrate with this to run docker on a mac rahter than running docker on a mac: http://blog.docker.com/2015/02/announcing-docker-machine-beta/14:03
TwistedLucidityIf you are a decent dev of any sort, you can get to grips with Python (or whatever) in a day.14:03
zmoylan-piexcept that i don't see the same guides and instructions for windows on pi popping up at the same rate14:03
shaunobut as far as I can tell, that's about it.  it lets them do whatever in .net that we've already been doing for 3 years14:03
TwistedLucidityI just hope the RPi Foundation doesn't give up on the F/OSS community with MS weighing in.14:04
diddledanas far as I can tell regarding windows on pi is that they're able to say it's windows running on a pi because it uses the NT kernel and some basic windows-style initialisation routines14:04
diddledane.g. the services paradigm for background.. erm.. services14:05
zmoylan-pithe olpc spent a fair time getting windows working on the olpc14:05
foobarryits ARM , are they putting mobile OS on instead?14:05
diddledanthey're not really putting an OS as most people would define it - they're putting a hardware shim that can run .net executables as shauno said14:06
diddledanit's little more than just a kernel and enough libraries to run .net in headless manner14:07
TwistedLucidityGuess I'll hear the screams in a bit then, my mate has his company signed-up for some dev-preview type thing.14:08
diddledanTwistedLucidity: this? https://dev.windows.com/en-us/featured/windows-developer-program-for-iot14:08
zmoylan-piwince was going to change the mobile market, as was pocket pc, windows mobile and windows phone14:08
diddledanI've signed up for that too14:08
zmoylan-picompletely unusable14:09
shaunoright.  the "for IoT" part is the bit people seem to be glossing over14:09
diddledanzmoylan-pi: windows phone changed the market - it made the apple iphone a compelling choice14:09
zmoylan-piand eliminated nokia14:09
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Don't think it's that, he deffo said they wanted to use RPi2. Maybe their plans changed.14:09
diddledanwell the elimination of nokia was mainly due to the elopalypse14:09
zmoylan-piwho was hired to make nokia ms digestible14:10
diddledanhe has a track record of such things14:10
diddledane.g. macromedia and adobe14:10
* daftykins steps back, agasp14:10
daftykinswhat's the late night group doing alive at 2pm!?14:10
diddledandaftykins: breathe!14:10
diddledandaftykins: my boss insisted I do some actual daytime work14:11
shauno6am shifts this week, I can'd do the late late show14:11
zmoylan-piinsomnia, can't sleep, clown will eat me...14:11
daftykinsfor my recent crimes i've been asked to decrapify a Windows machine today :(14:11
shaunoalthough I can nap at 3pm, wake up at 5pm like normal and pretend work never happened :)14:11
diddledansounds like shauno had the same talk :-p14:11
diddledanoh god, daftykins !14:11
shaunonah, I just have a cyclic shift pattern.  this is the 'low' lol14:12
diddledanso apple mail has died on me :-(14:13
* diddledan pokey with a pokey stick14:13
daftykinsyou use it? o014:14
zmoylan-piisn't saying that in a linux room on irc begging derision? :-)14:14
diddledaneah, to access gmail :-p14:14
diplodaftykins, fresh install sounds best :)14:14
zmoylan-pioutlook express on winxp will fix it :-)14:15
diddledandiplo: daftykins: or wipe and linuxify?14:15
diddledanzmoylan-pi: you bar steward!14:15
daftykinsno chance would i put a Linux on :D14:15
diploheh even more support :)14:15
diddledanzmoylan-pi: that's even worse than windows live mail14:15
daftykinsi think this mate enjoys his gambly poker games14:16
diddledanI saw someone request help with windows live writer - I didn't know that was still a thing14:16
foobarryis google keep a real thing14:16
daftykinsmy cat is having a groaning match with neighbour cat through the window14:16
daftykinsit got violent a moment ago14:16
diddledan(the ms blog frontend tool)14:16
foobarryi want an evrnote type thing that makes it easy to actually get your data out again14:16
diplofoobarry, yup... I like it and use it14:17
diploShopping list at work14:17
diploCheck on phone whilst in shop14:17
zmoylan-pii use a text file on dropbox with #hashtags to keep notes14:17
diddledanI don't keep notes - because they just remind me of all the crud I can't be bothered to do14:17
diddledanspeaking of which, I guess I should do some real work-related pointing-n-clicking14:18
foobarrydiplo: i worry that they would can it again14:19
foobarrythey can a lot of products14:19
diploI guess, I'd find something else instead after I suppose14:19
foobarrycan you get the data out cleanly14:19
foobarrythe evernote web clipper is really nice14:19
diploI enjoy the use of smartphones, but I don't live my life by them so things like that don't bother me so much14:19
zmoylan-pii miss memopad on palmos14:20
diploNever tried if I'm honest14:20
diploI'll take a look14:20
diddledandrupal really makes a programmer feel useless with the way everything is done via point-n-click14:20
shaunoI can't rely on my phone for stuff like this because I get no reception in the bathroom, which seems to be where I do most my pondering14:20
foobarryevernote does offline14:21
foobarryi have a like/hate relationship with evernote14:21
zmoylan-pidon't you have to pay for offline?14:21
diddledanshauno: you need to sync before you go?14:21
foobarrymy work paid for it for 1 yr14:21
shaunoevernote I could never get the hang of.  I even wound up with a paid sub for a while, but could just never make a workflow out of it.  it just felt too forced14:21
foobarryyeah, has a lot of reasons to hate it14:21
diploDoesn't look like it foobarry14:21
foobarryoh , bad14:21
diploshauno, keep is offline as well14:22
foobarrytomboy was the best :(14:22
foobarrystill haven't migrated all my notes off14:22
diddledanubuntu one with tomboy14:22
foobarryand on my phone too14:22
shaunothis is why I dig dropbox .. it living on the filesystem makes it easy to glue it to other stuff.  I have things go in and out of it quite automatically on various machines14:23
foobarryi want the other features, like the web clipper14:23
foobarrywhere you only choose a portion of a web page and then annotate it14:23
foobarryso i'm choosing a new freezer14:23
diddledanI wouldn't have minded the shut-off of u1 if there was a drop-in replacement that was supported by everything that originally had a u1 backend14:23
shaunoright, that's the love/hate with evernote.  the clipper's neat, but then it shoves it in a box that's very difficult to handle14:23
foobarryi can snipped pages and point at bits and collate it all14:23
shaunoevernote+dropbox in unholy matrimony would be neat.  dropbox is great and getting stuff in & out, gluing it to other systems, etc.  and let evernote worry about doing clever stuff with the contents14:24
diplofoobarry, looks like someone has wrote some javascript to download stuff but thats it14:26
diploI use Syncthing now shauno14:26
foobarryi also do things like write notes from a meeting/sermon on paper and then take a photo and pop in evernote, then throw paper away14:26
popey\o/ syncthing14:26
diplohah you have it on highlight popey ?14:27
foobarryfor those times when writing on a laptop is not convenient14:27
popey\o/ evernote too14:27
diploI was waiting for you to jump in :D14:27
popeywe have an evernote app on ubuntu phone just for you foobarry :)14:27
diploI've never used Evernote14:27
popeyi use it all the time now14:27
daftykinsdiplo: nor me14:27
daftykinsi don't even know what it's about 0o14:27
popeynotes, synced to the cloud14:27
davmor2popey: I think you mis-spelt reminders as evernote then dude easy mistake ;)14:27
popeylike google keep14:27
diploFirst thing I heard about it was for scanning receipts or something near the beginning ?14:28
foobarryubuntu phone came too late :(14:28
foobarrynow i have to wait 5 yrs until this phone dies14:28
foobarrytoo late for my purchase14:28
popeygive it to charity14:28
popeyand save yourself from google14:28
foobarrybecause my htc died after 5yrs and i had to buy then14:28
popeyok foobarry and his weird purchasing rules :)14:28
foobarrymy mrs and i have his and hers moto g14:28
foobarrywe used to both have htc14:29
daftykinswill touch do funny amazon related things? :)14:29
popeyjust like desktop doesnt14:29
daftykinsah been a while now is it?14:29
daftykinsi don't use desktop so don't tend to notice much, quick live session here and there14:29
foobarryi want to hide the "all notes" view14:29
daftykinsmostly prefer to stay CLI14:30
foobarryin the web interface, can't seem to14:30
foobarryi also have evernote desktop app running under wine14:30
foobarrysucks that they hate linux14:30
popeyyou could run the ubuntu touch app on the desktop :)14:30
popeythey dont hate linux _that_ much :)14:30
popeyI will make a debian package for you if you want14:30
popeyit needs more desktop testing tbh14:31
foobarryhave you tried that?14:31
foobarryi would be happy to test it14:31
* popey adds to to-do list14:31
davmor2popey: you should just be able to install the click surely?14:31
foobarryon evernote14:31
popeywhat distro / release you running?14:31
popeydavmor2: not on desktop, I wouldn't14:31
foobarryelementary freya approx equal to 14.04 LTS14:31
popeywill see if i can build for that14:31
foobarrypopey: are you concerned about backups?14:32
foobarrygetting your notes out?14:32
popeyhow do you mean?14:32
popeymy notes are backed up on my phone :)14:33
popeywhich is then backed up to my server14:33
popeyso no, not bothered :)14:33
foobarryyour evernotes?14:33
foobarryi've experienced some bad note destroying bugs in evernote14:34
foobarrysync doesn't seem intelligent14:34
popeynot seen that14:34
foobarryi don't offline sync all my notes14:34
popeyhad that in tomboy!14:34
popeyall my notes sync to a sqlite db on my phone14:34
popeyat least I think it's sqlite14:34
foobarrylets just say conflict resolution is agressive14:34
foobarryand 2 people can edit a note without knowing14:35
foobarryand there's no process to choose14:35
foobarrywhose edits win14:35
foobarryit doesn't seem to lock the note14:35
popey$ uptime14:36
popeybash: /usr/bin/uptime: Input/output error14:37
popeythat looks bad14:37
Azelphurthere goes that drive.14:37
foobarryquick! in the freezer!14:37
popeyits a usb stick14:38
diddledandaftykins: drive failure alert!14:38
daftykinsi had that for fd0 in a VM yesterday, i lol'd14:39
diddledanI swear you are a bad omen14:39
AzelphurI think I found an external USB battery that somehow defies the laws of physics, which sounds quite nice14:39
foobarrymy mp3 player does that14:39
foobarrynever knowingly undercharged14:40
diddledanwhenever daftykins is around, hide your women^Zdrives14:40
AzelphurIt's only ~1cm² bigger than my existing 12,000mAh battery, but it's 25600mAh :o14:40
daftykinsdiddledan: noooo, i'm just the disk sniffer14:40
diddledandaftykins: well don't sniff mine14:41
daftykinsi'm really chuffed with spotting one the other day purely from "this system seems a bit slow"14:41
daftykinssmartctl - BAM bad sectors \o/14:41
diddledanI'm not sure killing a disk is worthy of celebration14:41
diddledanit was fine until you came along. just a bit slow.14:42
daftykinsbut i... :(14:42
diddledanas soon as you get your grubby mits on it then it has bad sectors14:42
daftykinsspeaking of slow, that old 12TB array is copying at 25MB/sec to the new one =|14:42
daftykinsmy maths puts that at 5 days to rsync XD14:42
diddledannot over the network?14:42
daftykinssame controller card, so unit to unit14:43
daftykinsRAID6 to RAID614:43
diddledanthat may be why it's a bit slower14:43
diddledanif it was between cards then I'd moan14:43
daftykinsi wonder if i've somehow introduced a massive fail on the file system front that's causing it to really underperform14:43
daftykinsXFS' docs aren't the best described14:43
diddledanto be fair, filesystems aren't well described across the board14:44
diddledantuning them seems a black art14:44
daftykinswell i was reading my notes that i made last time, you specify values for the RAID stripe size and the stripe width - but it seems last time i just said i had 8 disks, whereas a page online said state how many *data* disks you have14:45
daftykinsso, ugh14:45
daftykinsi'm tempted to go up there, wipe it with ext4 and compare performance14:46
daftykinsspeed isn't even important, but it'd be nice if the copy finished this year :D14:46
diploIt's just taken me 3~ months to copy 4tb~ of data off my microserver from disk to disk :)14:47
foobarrywere they in seprate llocations?14:48
diploNope, same machine :D14:48
diploRaid 0 - 1 of the disks was failing and it took that long to copy... I'm amazed it still did, should see my logs... filled with hdd errors :)14:49
diploAll copied now apart from 4 files14:49
daftykinsouch at RAID0, what was that used for?14:50
diploA quick fix for space until I bought some more disks 4+ years ago14:51
diploA month later my wife left me and never got around to it/had any money :D14:52
daftykinsthat's a sad tale :(14:52
diploStill not got a lot of moolah, but bought a 4tb disk for now and waiting a month or two and buy two more and do a btfrs setup I think14:52
diploI'm also terrible at buying my self ANYTHING14:53
diploSpend all my money on the kids14:53
directhexspend some on me!14:54
awilkinsJust get 1 more 4TB disk14:54
awilkinsI got an ASUS NAS box that's very nice14:54
TwistedLucidityawilkins: I hope it's not running Linux14:55
awilkinsAlthough I think the cheaper one I looked at does btrfs out of th ebox14:55
awilkinsTwistedLucidity, Why?14:55
diddledanhmm, gpodder on mac has a serious memory leak - was marked as using 16GB14:55
diddledanI have 8 total14:55
awilkinsTwistedLucidity, Is ASUS's version of Linux awful?14:55
diddledanso lots of swappage14:55
directhexasus use a vaguely modern kernel, which is a revelation in embedded14:55
TwistedLucidityawilkins: Because Linux is terrible. I read it on the Internet. Got to be true.14:56
TwistedLucidityA rather hysterical read....14:56
* awilkins does a doubletake (but only because this is a *family* channel)14:56
* diddledan goes to read it14:57
awilkins"Their FTP servers are partially incompatible with standard FTP protocols.."  in that... they support extended features like remote file hashing, presumably?14:57
directhexdirecthex@RT-AC68U:/tmp/home/root# uname -a14:58
directhexLinux RT-AC68U #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Nov 11 20:34:57 CST 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux14:58
directhex2.6! so modern!14:58
awilkins"NAS boxes become inaccessible via their DNS or network name" ?!?!?!?!? how is that a problem with the NAS??14:58
awilkinsSurely that's a problem with whatever broke-ass name server they're using?14:58
TwistedLucidityawilkins: I did say it was a hysterical read14:59
diddledanawilkins: well it'll be the windows dns server14:59
awilkinsNAS : Linux vault 3.12.20 #1 SMP Wed Feb 25 14:23:21 CST 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:00
awilkinsYeah, that's real old15:00
daftykinsdirecthex: is that stock or alternate firmware? :)15:00
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
* awilkins is using stock firmware15:00
TwistedLucidityBut it's proprietary!15:00
* TwistedLucidity runs around with pants on fire15:00
directhexdaftykins: router fw15:01
awilkinsYou could just have tremendous fun going through this post and debunking everything it says15:02
TwistedLucidityawilkins: Also note the very professional stock Wordpress icon for the page15:02
awilkinsTwistedLucidity, I get their BackupChain one for the favicon15:03
TwistedLucidityawilkins: Huh - I just see Wordpress15:03
awilkins"Extensibility: you could run regular Windows applications on your NAS server; and scripts, and whatever else you may need,"15:03
* awilkins facepalms15:03
diploPower cut :/15:03
awilkinsMy NAS OS has a freakin' app store15:03
diploReally want a UPS for work15:04
directhexlemonjohn> uname -a15:04
directhexLinux lemonjohn #5022 Wed Jan 7 14:19:44 CST 2015 armv5tel GNU/Linux synology_88f6281_112j15:04
foobarrywe had a power cut that necessittated a generator15:04
foobarrywhich is still here15:04
TwistedLucidityawilkins: My "NAS" has apt-get :-)15:05
awilkinsI suppose that's an option...15:05
foobarrythis chan is microserversRus15:06
awilkinsI mean, this box is basically a laptop motherboard with a nice disk rack bolted onto it15:06
diploTwas why I went for a microserver over a prebuilt NAS15:06
TwistedLucidityHP Microservers 4 eva! Shame they're a dead product....15:06
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: I know a place with an on-site, gas genny to keep freezers etc running. Gas supply passes through various saftey board...which are main powered.15:07
awilkinsUgh, google15:07
awilkinsShiny though15:07
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: So when there's a power cut, the circuits fail to safe (no gas) and thus the genny can't start. Clever, eh?15:07
TwistedLucidityawilkins: £180? For that? Get out.15:07
awilkinsFree shipping too, allegedly15:08
TwistedLucidityMy 8GB job with 2TBx2 (RAID 1) was about that all-in.15:08
awilkinsCashback also15:08
foobarrywe have 3 phases15:09
foobarry1 phase is on a 50yr old cable which has crumbled15:09
diploYeah, I was going to get one for work, anyone tried the new one ?15:09
popeyi refuse to buy microservers now15:09
popeydue to HP policy on firmware updates requiring a paid subscription15:09
diploOh I didn't know that15:10
diploNot a great policy, may have a look around before ordering one then15:10
TwistedLucidityawilkins: £40 cashback? Pfft...the deals on the old microserver were w-a-y better15:10
TwistedLuciditypopey: Say what?15:10
awilkinsHP *spit*spit*15:11
popeyonce your warranty runs out, you pay for updates15:11
popeytry getting the bios update for an N40L for example15:11
awilkinsThat's almost as evil as Solaris15:11
TwistedLucidityHmm...that might be fair, depending on price15:11
awilkinsI think I may have been aware of that15:11
foobarryi have an n54l15:12
foobarryin warrany15:12
foobarrybut how would they know?15:12
awilkinsPresume you get a special support account15:12
awilkinsWhich KNOWS15:12
diddledanI think I need to reboob15:13
popeyyou put the serial number in15:13
popeyi had to for my n40L15:13
popeyyou can't even download updates, you have to sign up and pay for maintenance15:14
foobarrydoes yum have a dry-run option?15:14
diddledanpopey: :-o I was thinking about getting one, too15:14
MyrttiNEWSFLASH: Terry Pratchett has passed away.15:14
foobarrysome helpful internet person will post a clean or tainted bios package15:14
popeyoh dear :(15:15
diddledanMyrtti: :-o15:15
foobarrynot sure how different this is from not even producing bios updates15:15
awilkinsdiddledan, Going to reboob later15:15
diddledanfor folk googling and not finding news of TP: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-3185815615:18
diddledanseems it's only just broken15:18
diploI really need to reinstall this machine, I was going to wait till 15.04 release15:21
diploSafe enough to install it now ?15:21
diddledandiplo: BETA!15:21
awilkinsDepends what system is for15:22
diploWork station, use it for hosting my local dev work15:23
awilkinsStill running 14.04 on my main desktop (mainly inertia - 14.10 not that much different or shinier, can't be bothered to bleach and retweak desktop until our new security honcho insists that I need full-disk encryption)15:23
diploapache/php etc15:23
awilkins(at which point I'll probably get an SSD and bcache things because *dayum* does it make my laptop fast)15:23
diploI'm normally a LTS guy for work machine15:23
awilkinsApache / pgp15:24
awilkinsGo for LTS15:24
awilkinsBEcause it's what you'll end up running it on in production15:24
diployeah 15.04 is a LTS isn't it15:24
awilkinsIs it?15:24
diplohah, yeah our host runs CentOS 5.* something15:24
awilkinsOne year after 14.04?15:24
diploAlready have issues with 14.04 being newer than their packages :/15:24
awilkinsCentOS?   *spew*15:25
awilkins16.04 is the next LTS15:25
diploOur work uses CentOS for everything too15:25
diddledanthe next LTS is 16.0415:25
davmor2diplo: 14.04.2 is the current lts 15.04 is short term next lts is 16.0415:25
diploAh right, hmmm what to do :)15:25
awilkinsInstall the newest, plus VirtualBox for a CentOS VM15:26
awilkinsThe main annoyance of 14.10 for me has been the MySQL Workbench packages that Oracle release being broken and having to build it from source15:27
awilkinsBut they fixed that now15:27
diploAnyone running the 15.04 atm ?15:28
popeyon my main laptop15:28
diploOnly another month till release, but this machine really needs installing now15:28
awilkinsHave the nighlies transitioned to systemd yet?15:28
diploAny major issues you've come across ?15:28
popeyother than the fact we switched to systemd on monday?15:28
diploBah I'll go for it then :)15:29
awilkinsDoes systemd produce the promised shower of rainbows made from fine sprays of unicorn wee wee when it boots?15:29
popeybut then I've only booted once since I updated15:29
awilkins(The major feature missed from Utopic (that's why it had a unicorn as it's mascot))15:29
popeywell, twice if you include the one where it had just installed15:29
bashrc_did the transition to systemd cause the sky to fall down?15:33
davmor2Terry Pratchet is dead man this year sucks :(15:34
davmor2popey: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-3185815615:34
popey(the no was at bashrc_)15:34
bashrc_I never actually read any Pratchet, but I know plenty of folks who did15:34
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
awilkinsHave been reading him since The Colour of Magic15:38
awilkinsHe matured tremendously as an author as his career progressed15:38
awilkinsHis books started off fun15:38
awilkinsAs they went on the became incredibly insightful of the human condition, touching, and remained funny15:39
awilkinsThe last ones were equally touching, but because you could see the decay setting in, destroying this mind that you grew to love even though you only touched it's imprint on paper15:40
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
daftykinsi was reading the Discworld series back to back for a bit, the odd few pieces repeated were sometimes jarring15:46
daftykins"he drew himself up to his full height, which was hardly worth it" was used a few times in the first 5 or so15:46
daftykinsbut yeah, great books :D15:47
awilkinsYeah, there were some nasty continuity errors between the first two15:57
daftykinsugh browser hijackings on Windows :P15:58
foobarrynot sure why books never seem to be edited15:58
daftykinsseen chrome get pinned to an old version and updates disabled quite a lot now15:58
foobarrythe dragon tattoo books were a fine example of a book that never saw an editor or proof reader15:58
foobarryshould have been about half the length15:59
daftykinsi enjoyed that trilogy :) murdered them in quite short succession16:01
foobarryyeah but they were poor though16:01
foobarryi still rad them16:01
foobarry..plugged in her macbook, 800mhz processor, 128MB RAM, it was the fastest thing money could buy16:01
foobarrythe real text was even worse16:01
daftykinsthe explanation of how her pal's backdoor access installed itself was horrifying16:02
daftykinsclaiming it slowly slipped in appended to images then assembled itself like some kind of T1000 from Terminator at the other end16:02
foobarry"PowerPC 7451 processor with an AltiVec Velocity Engine, 960 MB RAM and a 60 GB hard drive plus Bluetooth and a DVD burner."16:02
foobarrythis kind of stuff gets out of date the moment it's penned. don't do it!16:03
daftykinsaww yes, cold black coffee16:14
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
diddledanhmm, everyone stopped talking while I reboobed?18:23
diddledanI disappeared at 17:00 and came back shorty and nobody has spoken since18:23
daftykinsmmm chinese takeaway tonight i think18:24
popeygood call18:28
popeywe had curry last night18:28
popeygot the guilt trip from the owner18:28
popey"You never come in here with your wife"18:28
daftykinsooh i wonder when i last had a curry, probably too recently18:28
diddledanlurve curry18:29
daftykinsi'm less fond of the gut i've developed than the curry i think :(18:30
popey"Barbecued chicken with minced lamb, boiled egg & tomato cooked in medium spice."18:34
popeymy fave18:34
daftykinsweird, that guy i put data on a 1TB drive formatted as exFAT for says it doesn't work on their macs18:41
daftykinsseems to be a default cluster size incompatibility, damn18:44
davmor2had curry just popey hmmmm curry :)19:12
=== m0nkey_|away is now known as m0nkey_
=== m0nkey_ is now known as m0nkey_|away
=== m0nkey_|away is now known as m0nkey_
Myrttiblogging is overrated22:37
zmoylan-pido a write up on your blog...22:38
MyrttiI just hooked up a keyboard to my Nexus 9 and installed the Wordpress app to start doing the promised write up of my bouquet on my blog22:40
zmoylan-pii rustled a symbian phone with a qwerty keyboard out of my collection and installed ftp, ssh to work on emails i have backlogged over wifi22:41
Myrttinoticed that the latest unpublished draft was from summer 2013 about "a Kickstarter looking for funding to make a documentary about gaming misogynia and how I've lost my will to live in IT communities"22:41
MyrttiI'm not sure it's wise even still to publish it22:42
zmoylan-piit'll just tile up gamergate :-/22:42
Myrttiso I just started drafting the blog entry about the bouquet.22:43
Myrttisnoring is distracting me from it but I did manage to jot some things anyway22:43
mapphi all22:43
Myrtti(not my snoring) :-D22:55
m0nkey_Myrtti, go prod him to keep him quiet. You can say Dave told you to do so.23:00
Myrttioh he's well beyond the point that a nudge would help23:00
Myrttitbh so should I23:01
* zmoylan-pi hands Myrtti nerf pistol to bounce a dart of her snorer23:05
Myrttigood night everyone23:07
zmoylan-pisleep well23:13

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