
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
mushirMV files crash VLC and totem but smplayer works fine please help04:23
=== RudeViper_ is now known as 92AAASH5U
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
C13L0mhall119: Bryanstein hey :D We have our site up and running for FLDC and accepting sessions. Any of you guys up to doing a session?15:35
* mhall119 hasn't touched drupal in years15:36
C13L0It absolutely does NOT have to be drupal :D15:36
C13L0we are expanding out. Hense the reason we wanted to combine with fossetcon but we were not able to make it happen this year due to timing15:37
C13L0We have a track called Sessions Off the "Drupal Island"15:37
C13L0And most of use ubuntu or some flavor of linux :D15:37
mhall119ok, let me think about what I can talk about15:38
mhall119C13L0: is the audience more server/devops oriented than desktop/mobile?15:41
balloonsmhall119, you can admit your unabashed love for drupal. No judgement here17:08
C13L0sorry i had to run my daughter to work mhall11917:11
C13L0Let me ask. I really think there is a huge mix17:11
C13L0mhall119: here is reply/additional question17:17
C13L013:16 ultimike: C13L0: Hard to say. I think server/devops is a safe bet. By desktop/mobile does he mean desktop/mobile app development or front end development?17:17
mhall119C13L0: a little of both, but thanks for the update17:31
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
=== 92AAASH5U is now known as RudeViper

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