
gamerchick02but howdy, either way00:17
gamerchick02it's morning somewhere00:17
cmaloneyI typed morning in another channel and figured I'd double down00:17
gamerchick02rick_h_ the dell is rockin00:17
rick_h_gamerchick02: glad you like it00:18
gamerchick02:) thank you. my check should be arriving soon.00:19
gamerchick02i mailed it yesterday00:19
mrgoodcatdid you buy ricks xps13?01:19
gamerchick02i did, mrgoodcat01:19
gamerchick02i love it01:19
mrgoodcatyea thats a solid machine01:19
gamerchick02i'm trying to figure out what's up with the "operating system not found" error on bootup. i press "enter" and it works but... you know01:19
mrgoodcati've only had my hands on them a handful of times but i liked it enough01:19
mrgoodcatthat's an odd problem...01:20
gamerchick02it is01:21
mrgoodcatyou're running just ubuntu right? no dual boot or anything like that?02:03
gamerchick02on the Dell yes02:05
gamerchick02straight ubuntu, no mods02:05
gamerchick02i can figure it out tomorrow or something. it's getting late and my brain is kinda mush.02:06
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
cmaloneyGood morning11:20
cmaloneyAnd it was good.13:04
greg-gneighbor is drilling in concrete (it sounds like, can't see), which made me look through somafm's stations and pick.... the dub step one17:08
greg-gthis stuff is.... great if I were 17 again17:08
cmaloneygreg-g: Yeah, Dubstep great to the point where the transformers start stomping about.17:12
greg-gisn't that the entire thing?17:12
cmaloneyI've heard certain songs where they have a decent beat and then CRASH Woooom wwwwwwoooooom wub wub wub wubawubbawubba brrrrrrip.17:13
cmaloneyI've grown to detest it less over time17:13
cmaloneybut it still kind of sucks in a "Watch the giant robot stomp about in bullet-time for no good reason" sort of way.17:13
cmaloneyLike this current track17:14
cmaloneyhere comes the brackdown17:15
mrgoodcati see dubstep as a gateway into bettter electronic music17:15
cmaloneymrgoodcat: That's like saying Hair Metal is a gateway to better music17:15
cmaloneynot everyone makes the jump17:15
mrgoodcatsad for them i guess17:16
cmaloneyThough honestly a lot of electronic music sounds similar to me17:16
mrgoodcata lot of metal sounds similar to other people17:16
mrgoodcatsubjective taste etc17:16
cmaloneyI mean, I'm not going to confuse Tangerine Dream with Skrillex17:16
cmaloneyBut I'll be damned if I can tell the difference between Breakbeat, Jungle, House, et. al17:17
mrgoodcatjust takes a practiced ear17:17
cmaloneyor perhaps I'm just not as discerning. :)17:18
mrgoodcatmusic seems to be one thing where familiarity breeds taste and vice-versa17:18
mrgoodcatit builds on itself17:18
mrgoodcatthe more people listen to a genre, the more they notice about it17:18
cmaloneyCould also be I don't particularly care for labels17:18
mrgoodcatand the more they notice about it the more they are able to appreciate the subtle differences17:18
mrgoodcatelectronic music is perfect for people that don't like labels. so many indie electronic artists its hard to keep track of them17:19
cmaloneyWhether it's blackened death metal vs. death metal vs. technical death metal I couldn't care less.17:19
cmaloneymrgoodcat: True dat.17:19
cmaloneyI think Electronic Music is about as useful a term as world music17:19
cmaloneyor "guitar music":17:19
mrgoodcatthey all claim weird genres that i can't ever even tell what they mean17:19
mrgoodcatoh cool17:21
cmaloneyunder the "hard" button there' Psytrance, Hard Dance, JHungle, Big Room House, NIghtcore, Trap...17:21
mrgoodcati've been on a newgrass kick recently17:21
cmaloneyClub Dubstep vs. Dubstep17:21
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I can handle *grass music for one and a half songs.17:21
mrgoodcatyea lots of people feel that way17:22
mrgoodcatits not exactly popular17:22
rick_h_heh wife is hilarious17:22
rick_h_"I'm going to get the snow tires taken off on Sat"17:22
rick_h_"but, it could snow still!"17:23
rick_h_"Yep, it could, but going to be getting to warm for snow tires so I'd rather not burn up $1k in tires"17:23
mrgoodcatgreg-g: its like bluegrass but modern electric instruments incororated17:23
rick_h_"but what will do if it snows?"17:23
mrgoodcatbasically modern bluegrass17:23
mrgoodcatyonder mountain string band17:23
rick_h_"exactly what you did before I got you snow tires...drive carefully?"17:23
cmaloneySee, Bela Fleck I fucking love17:23
mrgoodcatnewgrass revival17:23
cmaloneyand here's why:17:23
greg-gbela is newgrass? I guess so17:23
mrgoodcatrick_h_: my gf is the same way17:24
greg-gI love me some real appalachian bluegrass17:24
mrgoodcati told her to take her snow tires off if she wants them to last17:24
brouschI only bluegrass if there's no singing17:25
cmaloneyJoDee and I tried to watch that movie17:25
mrgoodcatbela fleck is definitely newgrass17:25
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yea, funny I had to talk her into snow tires a ton17:25
cmaloneyWe got to about the second song17:25
rick_h_mrgoodcat: now she's like "but but...will my car work without them in snow" now :)17:25
cmaloneyrick_h_: Nice. :)17:25
greg-gI guess I never knew what to really call Bela before17:25
mrgoodcatcmaloney: what about o' brother where art thou?17:25
cmaloneygreg-g: Mr. Fleck, likely.17:25
cmaloneymrgoodcat: never saw it17:26
brouschrick_h_: Reveal to her that the snow tires are just a placebo17:26
cmaloneyMy dad loved the sound track enough to pirate it17:26
greg-gcmaloney: :P17:26
rick_h_brousch: lies!17:26
mrgoodcatbrousch: they aren't though17:26
* rick_h_ loves him some snow tires17:26
* cmaloney does love The Browning though. nice mix of electronic / death metal. :)17:27
cmaloneywith a hint of dubstep-like stuff17:27
brouschMy anecdote says they are worthless. I have been in exactly 1 winter accident, it was in a car with snow tires. I've never had snow tires any other time.17:28
rick_h_I've never figured out wtf 'dub-step' actually is17:28
mrgoodcatrick_h_: club noise mostly17:30
greg-gI liked cmaloney's description of transformers stomping around, with all of the eletrical gear/pistons that implies17:32
rick_h_hah volunteers? https://twitter.com/Jimmy_Byrd/status/57607064401995776117:38
rick_h_I know of a couple of things that live over there I used17:38
brouschThe Internet Archive?17:40
mrgoodcati don't use a lot of google code things17:40
cmaloneyHonestly I'm not surprised Google Code is finally getting the plug17:50
cmaloneyit's been moribund for years and they've made no secret about their intent to discontinue it17:50
rick_h_wooo! launchpad outlasted google code! :P17:50
cmaloneyNot sure that's much to crow about17:57
rick_h_oh come on, that was funny!17:57
cmaloneySadly, it was17:58
cmaloneyPretty sure something named Sourceforge will outlast us all17:58
greg-gthey should do like what gitorious did (they were just bought by gitlab and will be shut down) and give a tarball of all the git repos to IA17:58
cmaloneyand everyone will claim they never use it17:58
cmaloneygreg-g: Something tells me gitorious is a little more curated than Google COde17:58
* greg-g nods17:59
cmaloneyI'm sure there's stuff on there that isn't 100% legal17:59
greg-g(same with IA ;) )17:59
greg-gsee also: Citizen Four being on there for about 2 days17:59
greg-gI didn't know it wasn't authorized and downloaded and watched it before I found out it was removed. I think that still keeps me in the ethical bucket.18:00
cmaloneySee: Certain manga series. :)18:00
cmaloneyand one of the audiobooks I recently listend to18:00
cmaloneyand the Oxford bible w/ annotations18:00
cmaloneyThat's right: I pirated the Bible. :)18:00
greg-gI don't think God needs the royalties18:01
cmaloneyNo, but apparently Oxford needs the DRM on the new version18:01
greg-gI mean, if he does, we're all more fucked than we thought18:01
rick_h_are you kidding me? everything with him is about the $ :)18:01
cmaloneyHarsh but fair18:01
rick_h_http://amzn.com/1416576576 :)18:05
rick_h_interviewed on the daily show last week18:05
greg-gman I want time to read again18:05
* greg-g looks at Rowan, Carrie, RV, work, work, and work as the blockers18:05
rick_h_you and me both, I'm still on the same book for the last 3 weeks I think :/18:05
mrgoodcatname announced for star wars standalone film18:05
brouschDo you not work on the biggest encyclopedia evar?18:05
mrgoodcatrogue one18:06
mrgoodcatfelicity jones first actress cast18:06
greg-gbrousch: I wish that means I could have time to read it (or even edit, so many things I want to contribute)18:06
greg-gyou know what I just realized, the drilling in the concrete next door is indistinguishable from the dubstep I'm listening to. I just realized between songs that it wasn't part of the song18:17
mthxAnyone every used Brasero to make an ISO copy of a blu-ray disk before?18:18
cmaloneygreg-g: That's the best part about electronic music18:18
cmaloneyYou can't tell when the music ends and the environment begins18:18
mrgoodcatanybody know of any OSS databases that are drop in replacements for MS SQL?18:38
cmaloneymrgoodcat: You'll want something that's close to Sybase18:41
cmaloneynot sure anyone cloned Sybase18:41
cmaloneyHonestly you'd probably have a better time migrating the data over to an OSS database like PostgreSQL18:44
mrgoodcatdon't really have that choice18:45
mrgoodcatwe're using GoldMine CRM and MS SQL express18:46
mrgoodcatExpress has a 10 GB size limit for databases and GoldMine only speaks MS SQL18:46
cmaloneyWelcome to lock-in18:46
mrgoodcatMS SQL standard is like 3k per core that you have to buy in 2 core packs18:47
cmaloneyYep. You've made a mistake. :)18:47
cmaloneyYou'll have to do some heroics to keep using Goldmine, pay money, or migrate off GoldMine.18:48
mrgoodcatwe've been thinking about migrating away from goldmine for a while anyways18:48
cmaloneyAnd now you have a great reason to start loking18:48
mrgoodcator we could decide that data is stale after 5 years and dump it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯18:48
mrgoodcatalthough that seems like not the best option18:49
cmaloneyDepends on how you value the data.18:49
mrgoodcatheh goldmine rated last place by g2 https://www.g2crowd.com/categories/crm18:49
cmaloney5yo contacts might be the best thing ever, or not worth the effort18:50
mrgoodcatwe don't really have much use for history past 5 years18:51
mrgoodcatthe company owner is extremely averse to any sort of change18:52
cmaloneyWell, if he's adverse to change perhaps he'll be more happy with bigger bills.18:52
mrgoodcatand also a bit paranoid that people are trying to steal company data (which since the data is basically useless to anybody but us, they are probably not)18:52
cmaloneyThen it's time to have this person sign off on updating the MS-SQL server18:53
cmaloneyand call it a day18:53
mrgoodcathe's chosen to pay rather than change in the past, i wouldn't be surprised if that's how this plays you18:53
mrgoodcatplays out rather18:53
cmaloneyProblem solved18:53
gamerchick02Terry Pratchett died today. dunno if anyone followed his stuff. i have not but i regret not reading his books. his books will still be available though.22:23
cmaloneyYeah, I read The Color of Magic.23:18
cmaloneyApparently his later books are great, so I look forward to reading them23:19

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