
ikoniaghostmediapro: for example http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10582877/00:00
ikoniaghostmediapro: that is exim - it is nothing to do with sendmail, but it provides a binary to emmulate sendmail00:01
ikonia(just an example)00:01
RudeViperikonia - got the basic system going now - thanks - I guess next thiing at this point is to get a set of backups run off so if I muck something up I can restore to working config to get back on track - any recommendations for this?00:01
ikoniaRudeViper: basic shell script ?00:02
daftykins!backup | RudeViper00:02
ubottuRudeViper: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:02
RudeViperdaftykins - THANKS00:03
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RudeViperblinking internet again - lol00:06
RubberDickhow could i grep a word that f.ex has the same letter in it to or more times? is this the best way: grep "q.*q"00:09
RudeViperYoutube is our 2nd best friend - IRC is truely our 1st and most important one - lol00:10
daftykinsRudeViper: again please let me remind you it's not a chat channel.00:10
daftykinsjoin #ubuntu-offtopic for the lol's00:10
ghostmediaproikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10582907/00:10
Sunstreamnice I can play MKVs without dowlong a player or plugin00:11
daftykinsmkvs or matroska, is a container and not a codec format... so that's not quite the same thing :)00:13
ghostmediaproikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10582916/00:14
ghostmediaprom4:sendmail.mc:10: cannot open `/usr/share/sendmail-cf/m4/cf.m4': No such file or directory00:15
rbrown_I'm trying to kickstart my server but it keeps prompting me that multiple interfaces exist how can I get around this ?00:17
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jpackHello. I am having an issue with xrdp. I have searched and tried a lot of things before asking here but it seems I can only get xrdp to run correctly if I use xfce4. Has anyone had success with using xrdp w/ ubuntu2d?00:25
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tewardwhat's the default font used in gnome-terminal on 14.04?00:30
jpackIs there a better channel to get assistance with xrdp?00:31
cuzzopen sans00:32
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daftykinsxfce is not ubuntu2D :)00:32
jpackYes I understand that.00:33
jpackthat is the ONLY WM I can get to work00:33
jpackI want to use ubuntu2d. but can only use xfce00:33
daftykinsunity 2D got removed after 12.04 i think00:33
jpackgnome-session and gnome-session-fallback don't work either00:33
alvin1has anyone seen the default wallpaper for Ubuntu 15.04?00:43
bekkswhat if? :)00:43
alvin1bekks: not sure if I like it. Its seems really dark.00:44
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SunstreamWhy is it so hard to install drivers on linux?!?!00:54
SunstreamI am trying to install the latest radeon drivers, however the problem is I do not know what they mean by "graphical install interface"00:55
THKSunstream.....mostly because linux doesn't have native drivers for a lot of systems and they have to be made?00:55
THKwhat's the context of what they're saying?00:55
Sunstreamscrew AMD cant even write a damned .deb package00:55
Sunstreamwhat the hell do they mean by this:  Driver installation can be done from X Window System by running the graphical installer, or from the console mode by running the text mode installer. In both cases, installation process is similar.00:56
bekksWhy are you actually trying to install the proprietary drivers outside of the package management system?00:56
bekksSunstream: And yould you watch your language please? :)00:56
Sunstreambecause I do not know where to get it otherwise00:56
THKRadeon is a big company, do they not have linux drivers for your hardware on their vendor website?00:57
Sunstreamum. what do i have to talk like a child uncorrupted in here? I cannot say anything close to a sware word tho sc*** is not one00:57
bekksWell, having that attitude, I'll just ignore your rants.00:57
SunstreamNo thk: they dont they are stupid idiots who do not know how to make things...... OF COURSE they do00:57
THKSunstream....it appears as though you're frustrated and upset. Please calm down.00:57
THKwe're here to help, but we won't take the brunt of your frustration for you in the process.00:58
SunstreamLinux is harder than I thought maybe I will just go back to windows to play games00:58
THKNo, no no, stick through it. It's tough, yes, but you can do this.00:58
SunstreamWell the thing is all other venders have .deb at least the ones i came accross however AMD seems to make it where you use the "suppored by other people so they can focus on there love of Miicrosoft"00:59
bekksI strongly assume that you've read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD already, dont you?00:59
THKI'm not a drivers guy, so my chances of helping you figure this one out are slim to none, but I will say that linux tends to be more geared towards professionals, and no one starts using linux as a pro, it takes a lot of screw ups before you can get it right. I've been using linux going on five years and still consider myself a newb.01:00
bekksSunstream: Nvidia doesnt have .debs either, as well as Intel doesnt. So that falsifies your statement.01:00
SunstreamIt is the most stupidest thing I ever seen why cant they do something like a excutable file instad of me having to go through 100 hoops to get it installed and each hoop is 3x higher..01:01
SunstreamOh so Video Cards all of them require you to sell your soul to get it to work?!01:01
THKthere there01:01
* THK pats Sunstream 's back01:01
bekksSunstream: So calm down and start reading the link given - ranting will not change things.01:02
SunstreamLook, the install process is near if not the same across the Linux flavors right?01:02
THKmmmmmm not quite.01:02
bekksNo, it isnt.01:02
letstrythisso i'm installing ubuntu on an old pc, 14.10 from cd and the install keeps failing on "select and install programs" i loaded grub completed setup, rebot and let it bot from hd, it loads but there is no gui...i can ctrl+alt f1...how do i install ubuntu from this console?01:03
THKi don't think, for the most part, that linux is really meant for high end graphics and it might be better if you use a dual OS01:03
SunstreamBah I will stick with the offical supported drivers forget proprietary drivers...01:04
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bekksTHK: Your assumption is wrong.01:04
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letstrythislinux is awesome better then winblows use open drivers01:04
bekksSunstream: Well, it seems you arent willing to receive the information given.01:04
THKor less bluntly put, "THK, I would disagree with your assumption."01:04
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SunstreamNo it seems like AMD wants those who are somewhat above novice to not install these things. Maybe I should take some linux courses01:05
letstrythisah, thk i believe your just wrong windows is extreamly limited01:05
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THKit seems like AMD is a big enough company that they could care less about the much smaller userbase of linux, as are the vast majority of companies01:05
SunstreamWell that is just plain ignroant01:06
THKletstrythis: 1. i would agree with you, windows sucks, which is why i use ubuntu ;), 2. I could care less :)01:06
SunstreamOkay apparently the EASIEST way is CLI01:06
letstrythissunstream, thing is amd need people from linux to help suport the drivers01:06
Bashing-omletstrythis: "installing ubuntu on an old pc" is it hoss enough to run ubuntu ? what processor and how much ram ?01:06
THKnot entirely. you sell to an audience, it makes sense. BUT, the linux community has made it possible for you to use a huge variety of flavors of hardware and software01:06
THKread the link bekks gave you.01:06
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jaitaiwanHey guys, anyone here have experience installing packages when trying to customise a livecd image. I'm getting issues with debconf not being installed (desktop 14.10)01:07
letstrythisany pc can run ubuntu/liunux its a p4 with 12mb ram xD01:07
letstrythis512mb ram Bashing-om01:08
SunstreamI have been01:08
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Sunstreamthe easiest is  sudo ./blahblahbla.run01:08
Elimin8erwhats the best way to check and fix errors on usb hard drive .. the only way I know how to fix it is move it to my win system and run partition wizard and do it from there01:08
letstrythisBashing-om: when i tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-* it lists several broken packages for 14.10 but the -f command doesn't fix any of it01:09
SunstreamI am not feeling good today and My ex broke up with me yesterday.01:09
SunstreamI am in a foul mood but I know better to leave it at the door I am sorry everyone.01:10
letstrythisnow your free to find someone better for you01:10
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THKyou should give your ex a linux box. give her the frustration. LOL01:10
teward!offtopic | Sunstream, letstrythis, THK01:10
ubottuSunstream, letstrythis, THK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:10
letstrythisgive her a broken linux package01:11
Bashing-omletstrythis: 512mb is the bare minimum :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements/ . Might try lubuntu or xubuntu . much lighter and less resource hungry .01:11
letstrythishmm i figured that would be an issue but it should freaking install01:11
THKroger teward.01:11
SunstreamWell teward this did start out of trying to waste my life to install drivers that probally are not as good as the default catalyst drivers that come with the OS01:11
SunstreamBut I will take it to offtopic..01:12
letstrythisi'm trying to get my bro's pc going and he is familiar with ubuntu's gui...xubuntu threw him for a loop01:12
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letstrythisis lbuntu more similar?01:13
Bashing-omletstrythis: P4 and 512mb of ram, just not going to hack it for ubuntu. For a good experience takes 2 Gigs.01:13
duckeyHi so I would like to establish a VPN connection. And so far, I have not been successful. I would prefer not to use PTPP but I will. How can I configure this VPN: freevpn.me01:19
SunstreamOkay I read that page and it does seem quite a small task to install I do not know if they will be any better anyways01:24
duckeySunstream, Me?01:24
Bashing-omSunstream: What ATI card ? Older one ? AMD has dropped support for and there is no FGLRX driver .01:26
SunstreamNewer/older one 6450HD\01:28
SunstreamRadeon HD 645001:28
SunstreamIt came with drivers.01:29
SchrodingersScatduckey: so did you try openvpn?01:29
duckeyYes I dont know any  commands01:30
Bashing-omSunstream: Good, what offers from : ubuntu-drivers devices .01:30
SunstreamATI binary X.Org driver01:30
duckeySchrodingersScat, What commands can I use?01:30
SchrodingersScat!info network-manager-openvpn | duckey, what about this?01:30
Sunstreamthat apparently works01:30
ubottuduckey, what about this?: network-manager-openvpn (source: network-manager-openvpn): network management framework (OpenVPN plugin core). In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 20 kB, installed size 109 kB (Only available for linux-any)01:30
duckeySchrodingersScat, GUI01:31
SunstreamBut I did read that document link that was in here earlier. It however is easiest with sudo .\fileneame.run01:31
SchrodingersScatduckey: idk, what are you on?01:31
SunstreamI have a great deal of respect for Linux because of the fact despite being open source no one really attacks it01:32
duckeySchrodingersScat, 14.0401:32
Sunstreamoooooh now I see01:33
duckeySchrodingersScat, I already have network-manager-openvpn01:33
SunstreamI missed a part of the section I was reading I need to chmod +x drivername.run01:33
Bashing-omSunstream: :) chmod .01:34
SunstreamHmm quite a task It may be better for me to stick with the ones that I can get through the software library01:34
rbrown_Guys i'm unable to automate ubuntu installs i'm testing with 14.04.2 it keeps seeing multiple interfaces and prompting me to select one before it installs01:34
SchrodingersScatduckey: does it allow you to configure your vpn?01:34
Sunstreamchmod +x (makes it executable)01:34
duckeySchrodingersScat, I have not tried this one yet. What would the commands be?01:35
Sunstreamrbrown there may be an install script you can use to automate it.01:35
rbrown_Sunstream I wrote it myself and from the documentation I'm using01:35
rbrown_if I select auto it shouldnt prompt me01:35
Bashing-omSunstream: still best for a non-pro to stick with the software rpository. Then the package managr has control, updates do not break the driver .01:35
rbrown_I'm just about ready to go back to centos01:36
Sunstreamyeah likely defaulting to UNITY if you do not select lower resources one01:36
duckeySchrodingersScat, What do you use?01:39
SunstreamBashing-om, I just wanted to install the amd drivers but.. I may have the latest and greatest , because when I installed Ubuntu I checked the box "Install updates"01:41
Steve_Jobsso is the Dell XPS 13 going to ship with Ubuntu? I thought this was going to happen in Feb...01:42
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SunstreamI am using the latest X.Org's drivers according to the software update. I forgot how to check version on it01:46
rypervencheSunstream: apt-cache show packagename01:53
Sunstreami do not even know that packages name01:54
SunstreamI guess I have to google it01:54
skinuxI need help with a mouse scroll-wheel. Everytime I move it, it scrolls and then scrolls back to it's original position, which renders it useless.01:57
sikksiidhi :)02:03
sikksiidwe def need to calm it down in here02:03
daftykinsthis is not a chat channel, it's support only :) so it's busy when people are asking questions02:04
sikksiidgood point02:04
Steve_Jobsso is the Dell XPS 13 going to ship with Ubuntu? I thought this was going to happen in Feb...02:05
daftykinspretty sure i told someone before to talk to Dell about their plans02:06
daftykinswe are not Dell :) we do not make money from fielding their sales queries02:06
Steve_Jobsit was ubuntu news, hence the question here02:06
daftykinsnope Dell news :)02:07
celestehHello, I have a question about wifi authentification, specifically eduroam which uses PEAP. Every other device on earth automagically deals with certififcates, but with ubuntu I seem to need to manually download a certififcate for each institution. Is there some way this can happen without my interaction?02:07
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THKSo strange thing just happened.....I am using byobu to keep my sessions open after closing windows and whatnot. In this one byobu session, I have three split windows, the top I use for weechat, the middle is htop for my server, and the bottom is just an ssh terminal. Suddenly just lost the functionality of several keys, 'l' 's' 't' '8' '9' in my terminal window, but in my other two windows, and even opening a02:22
THKnew terminal session, the keys work02:22
THKany reason why this would happen?02:22
LostNvacan someone tell me why I would get banned from the Debian room for no apparent reason?02:24
SchrodingersScat!ot | LostNva02:24
ubottuLostNva: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:24
daftykinsLostNva: not our problem, go talk to #freenode or maybe there's a #debian-ops02:25
daftykinsshame on you for even trying here02:25
LostNvadaftykins: you truly are an asshole, dealt with you before ban me here to cocklicker02:26
GraemeLionCan't imagine why he got banned.02:27
SchrodingersScat!language | daftykins02:27
ubottudaftykins: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:27
vvorEmacs help??? with "-c -c" I get a split with the python shell, running my script, at the bottom. How can I get the point to jump there by default? thnxs!02:27
daftykinsSchrodingersScat: what? are you serious?02:27
SchrodingersScatobfuscation isn't not swearing :(02:28
utalhi i am having a boot problem that says /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist02:28
GraemeLionSeems a bit pedantic.02:28
daftykinsSchrodingersScat: none of those words are swearing in my book. don't do that again please02:28
daftykinsutal: remove any disks lately?02:28
utaldaftykins: i did not get you02:29
daftykinshave you removed any storage devices from your system to cause this error?02:29
THK!ot | THK02:31
ubottuTHK, please see my private message02:31
daftykins!pm | utal02:31
ubottuutal: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.02:31
THK:O oh no!02:31
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utalubottu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/233684/luks-initramfs-boot-problem-dev-mapper-ubuntu-root-does-not-exist-how-can-i iwas trying out the solution . but i dont under stand exactly what to do02:33
ubottuutal: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:33
THKeveryone knows you're not smart ubottu.02:34
utaldaff http://askubuntu.com/questions/233684/luks-initramfs-boot-problem-dev-mapper-ubuntu-root-does-not-exist-how-can-i iwas trying out the solution . but i dont under stand exactly what to do02:34
daftykinsutal: that's only relevant if you've cloned your system recently02:34
utaldaftykins: then what should i do02:35
molly_millionsI have looked everywhere for a SHA256 hash of Ubuntu Mini 64-bit Trusty Tahr 14.04. Where might I find this?02:35
utaldaftykins: then what should i do02:36
daftykinsutal: dunno, i'm going to bed.02:40
syeekickBCM4352  anyone got this chipset? It doesn't work of the box02:41
syeekickhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xxhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx   im looking here02:41
syeekickso erm ... easier than i thought, additonal drivers fixed the problem.02:44
syeekickgod i love ubuntu more evvery day02:44
daftykinsi was gonna say...02:44
newbieAlerthey LBA are linearly organised ?? ie two files having sequential lba will make the seek time less for the hard disk ??02:56
DilloYodaI'd like to learn C in Linux.  What's the best free GUI-based C compiler for Ubuntu?02:59
cfhowlettDilloYoda, gcc is the default02:59
DilloYodaright, but that's terminal-based03:00
DilloYodaI was looking for something a bit more sophisticated03:00
cfhowlettDilloYoda, serious programmers tend to love the terminal03:00
DilloYodaWell, I suppose that's true03:00
ObrienDavesophisticated??? ROFL03:00
DilloYodamaybe that's what I'll have to do03:01
newbieAlertDilloYoda gcc is sophisticated. :P03:01
cfhowlettObrienDave, snarky ?03:01
DilloYodayeah, more like a word processor for code03:01
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pavlosDilloYoda, there is eclipse IDE for c/c++03:01
newbieAlertIDE ??03:01
cfhowlettDilloYoda, "editor" ; lots of choices.  try geany with the C plugins03:02
ObrienDavepluma is supposed to be a decent editor03:02
ObrienDavehas syntax highlighting for about 40 languages03:03
DilloYodaEclipse Integrated Development Environment03:03
doomlord_1eclipse can use commandline makefile projects03:03
doomlord_1you dont have to choose between terminal &ide, you can do both03:04
cfhowlettDilloYoda, here's no "best" for coding.  eclipse is mentioned quite often.03:04
doomlord_1qtcreator is good for c++, eclipse is more bloated but stil goof03:04
DilloYodathe suggestions are much appreciated :)03:04
DilloYodaI just want to learn basic C03:04
doomlord_1C doesn't need an IDE as much, because its not polymorphic03:05
cfhowlettDilloYoda,  for linux developing?03:05
gr33n7007ha good open source editor is atom03:05
DilloYodaInstalling Geany as well03:05
doomlord_1i like using emacs myself, but tend to gravitate back to IDEs for C++. actually lately i'd been using xcode on a mac more but I'm trying to use eclipse on linux03:06
DilloYodaUsing the Ubuntu Software Center03:06
helloobalaoonothing wrong with good old nano for coding03:06
gr33n7007hor vim03:07
DilloYodathose two sound like a really good start, thanks03:07
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helloobalaoovim's better for experienced coder but an average coder is fine with nano03:08
jarvixubuntu gnome 14.10 excessive screen tearing; intel mobile 4 series integrated graphics controller03:08
fenecohello, someone can explain me the behaviour of ubuntu notifications03:08
fenecoi cant understand it, when i put cursor over the notification, it fades03:09
fenecoi cant interact with it03:09
helloobalaoofeneco: you tried clicking on it?03:09
fenecohelloobalaoo yes03:09
feneconothing happens03:09
smile_Yes, you cant.03:09
helloobalaoothey're damned annoying03:10
fenecoits like, its useless lol03:10
DilloYodahelloobalaoo> they're damned annoying << pretty sure you can turn them off in Preferences03:10
helloobalaooi go to change the volume on the topbar and the volume notification kicks in03:10
fenecoyes, probably i can turn it off03:11
fenecobut i would like to understand why its like that, at least it could bring the app from the notification03:11
jarvixfeneco, http://www.webupd8.org/2014/04/configurable-notification-bubbles-for.html03:12
DilloYodaIf you haven't installed the Unity Tweak Tool, may I suggest it03:13
DilloYodalots of nice features03:13
fenecothanks jarvix03:13
fenecoi will try these suggestions03:13
fenecomaybe its different on a gnome/kde/xfce ubuntu edition too03:14
jarvixno p03:14
cfhowlettDilloYoda, http://www.bestpythonide.com/15-essential-compilers-and-ides-for-cc-programmers.html03:14
helloobalaoowhy isnt the notify config part of standard settings?03:14
hmp1768So, I'm having a really rough time instaling ubuntu in UEFI mode with a custom LVM+LUKS setup. No matter what I try ubiquity crashes at the GRUB2 installation. How to set the /boot and /boot/efi partitions properly03:19
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fenecohelloobalaoo not sure03:28
fenecobecause in gnome some apps interact with notifications03:28
fenecolie empathy03:28
fenecothat you can answer in the notification03:28
hmp1768So, I'm having a really rough time instaling ubuntu in UEFI mode with a custom LVM+LUKS setup. No matter what I try ubiquity crashes at the GRUB2 installation. How to set the /boot and /boot/efi partitions properly?03:30
CoJaBoK, so what causes wifi to completely disapear after an update? :/04:12
CoJaBoRunning kubuntu 12.0404:15
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pavlosCoJaBo, this might help ... https://www.kubuntuforums.net/archive/index.php/t-63804.html04:21
CoJaBopavlos: It's not the tray applet, it's no longer detecting the card at all, as if the driver was uninstalled by the update04:24
mushirWMV files crash VLC and totem but smplayer works fine please help04:25
mushirWMV files crash VLC and totem but smplayer works fine please help04:28
SchrodingersScattry mpv04:29
rypervenchempv is the way to go :)04:30
mushirI want to get wmv to work again with vlc and totem04:34
neodomatrixtem alguém pra teclar ?04:35
Jack-ZhangProblem:Has IPV6 address but can not ping any ipv6 address.04:42
Jack-ZhangPlatform:  Ubuntu 14.04 lts04:42
Jack-ZhangDetail: Having four IPV6 addresses, show on the picture. It works well in some time, when it works well, I obsever the traceroute, the computer uses the adress begin with 2043, but most of time it use the address begin 2001 and fail.04:42
Jack-ZhangI don't why it happen like this, but i did this command: sudo dhclient -6 eth0, does it matter? How can I fix it?04:42
Jack-Zhangcould anyone help me/04:46
Jack-ZhangProblem:Has IPV6 address but can not ping any ipv6 address.04:46
Jack-ZhangPlatform:  Ubuntu 14.04 lts04:46
Jack-ZhangDetail: Having four IPV6 addresses, show on the picture. It works well in some time, when it works well, I obsever the traceroute, the computer uses the adress begin with 2043, but most of time it use the address begin 2001 and fail.04:46
Jack-ZhangI don't why it happen like this, but i did this command: sudo dhclient -6 eth0, does it matter? How can I fix it?04:46
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Jack-Zhangam i ask wrong question?04:49
one_zero_onenope not enough information on whats happening it could be a ton of things wrong04:50
one_zero_onedo you know about networking? even basic networking?04:50
rypervenche /whois Jack-Zhang04:51
one_zero_oneI know enough so my gradma wont laugh at me when I talk about networking04:51
one_zero_oneshe always says "what?"04:51
Jack-Zhanga lita little04:51
Jack-Zhanga little04:52
one_zero_onemight be better to try #networking or something like mthat04:53
test__ubu 15.04 will be on systemd?04:54
one_zero_oneu still need more expaination04:54
Jack-ZhangI have installed two system on one mechine04:54
one_zero_onedual boot04:55
Jack-Zhangon win7 all works well04:55
one_zero_oneyes it usually does out of the box04:55
one_zero_onewith min config04:55
one_zero_onedhcp all that04:55
one_zero_onea thousand services running for this that and things you dont need04:56
cfhowlettJack-Zhang, you ask no question, you get no answer ...04:56
one_zero_onethe question was vauge04:57
Jack-ZhangI don't why it happen04:58
cfhowlett!details | Jack-Zhang04:58
ubottuJack-Zhang: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:58
cfhowlett!cn | Jack-Zhang04:58
ubottuJack-Zhang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:58
Jack-Zhangthank you04:59
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acerbroWould anyone happen to know why a browser would be able to open a few webpages, and not others05:08
acerbroI have cleared cache, etc, so thats not why05:08
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acerbroAwkward why only a few webpages load and then it just stops and nothign loads after that05:10
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neodo946tem brazuca aí /05:27
Blue1!picpaste | blue105:35
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LusoBlueAnyone else running Ubuntu 14.10 / Linaro 15.01 on Raspberry Pi 2?05:37
Ben64LusoBlue: should probably ask #raspberrypi or #ubuntu-arm05:38
LusoBlueWill do05:38
dataftcan someone please recommend me a good Jabber/XMPP server?  One that has been around for some time (so I know it wont die or go away soon), keeps updated as far as XMPP server software goes, supports avatars, message carbons, cell phone connection management (for spotty connectivity), and has reliable file transfer support05:43
cyrixhello all, I'm new to ubuntu and I just got my new computer in and having problems getting the onboard video chipset to work, I do not know the commands I need to get the info ya'll need.05:47
Jack-Zhangnothing happen on ubuntu-cn05:48
cyrixI know it's compatible I already researched that part05:49
Jack-ZhangProblem:Has IPV6 address but can not ping any ipv6 address.05:54
Jack-ZhangPlatform:  Ubuntu 14.04 lts05:54
Jack-ZhangDetail: Having four IPV6 addresses, show on the picture. It works well in some time, when it works well, I obsever the traceroute, the computer uses the adress begin with 2043, but most of time it use the address begin 2001 and fail.05:54
Jack-ZhangI don't why it happen like this, but i did this command: sudo dhclient -6 eth0, does it matter? How can I fix it?05:54
Jack-Zhangthat's some details05:54
CameronEAny xfce bandits active? My whisker menu popup has gone walkabout... have tried just about everything I could find on the internets.05:57
firefoxvtI have typed $ export PS1=’\w $’ in terminal06:18
UllarahCameronE, /join #xubuntu06:18
firefoxvtit's ok, How do I add that line to bash shell?06:18
CameronEUllarah, derp. Ha thanks.06:18
exportfirefoxvt: first guess: ~/.bashrc06:19
firefoxvtI added it to the last line in bashrc, right? export06:21
exportfirefoxvt: you can, yeah i don't see why not.06:21
export~/.bashrc <- that's the file btw,06:21
firefoxvtI have reopned terminal, it show me a message: bash: export: `$’': not a valid identifier ’w06:23
exportfirefoxvt: must be quoted06:23
firefoxvtOk, I did it, I thank you very much export06:24
firefoxvtIt's an exam of labs in linux foundation course, thanks06:24
exportthat's on a test?06:25
exportor am i misreading.. it *is* pretty late here.06:25
firefoxvtno, that's a lab06:25
firefoxvthomework :D06:25
exportSooo your homework was to set the environment variable PS1? O.o06:26
exportlike real homework or figure of speach?06:26
firefoxvtyes :D06:26
firefoxvtyou can find it on edx.org06:27
exportbest timing gif award goes to... Ullarah!!!06:27
firefoxvtlinux introduction :D06:27
exportwell that seems a little weird, but okay i guess everyone starts somewhere.06:27
firefoxvtChapter 9: User Enviroment06:27
firefoxvtit' too easy? export :p06:28
exportfirefoxvt: idk, i guess i just take the little things for granted nowadays.06:28
firefoxvtthanks export06:29
firefoxvtDo you have skype or email?06:29
thrasher194cool. i got linux on chromebook. ;)06:30
exportfirefoxvt: no but i'm usually idle in this channel, unless i get a random mistaken hilight due to my "amazingly clever" choice of nicks on irc lol06:30
exporthence how this conversation even got started xD06:31
firefoxvtexport: ok :D, If you have free time, I want to chat with you, I feel you very interesting06:32
exportfirefoxvt: well don't i feel special, lol  If you're here and i'm here, i see no reason not to chat.06:33
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firefoxvtexport: I'm a student, what is your job? :D06:35
exportfirefoxvt: hobbyist? lol06:35
firefoxvtI have to go, thank you very much, export, see you soon.06:38
exportfirefoxvt: good luck.06:39
Jack-Zhangwhat happen06:39
=== Yukkii is now known as Dhs92
cyrixanybody here good with figuring out display problems?07:03
lasko!ask cyrix07:03
lasko!ask | cyrix07:03
ubottucyrix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:03
lotuspsychjegood morning to all07:05
laskolotuspsychje: Good morning07:05
lotuspsychjelasko: hello mate07:05
cyrixI just got a new computer and the onboard video is not install or something. When I goto settings and display to change my resoluction its all greyed out.07:05
lotuspsychjecyrix: ubuntu version and graphics chipset?07:05
cyrixlotuspsychje, 14.04 and intel hd 460007:07
lotuspsychjecyrix: did you install 14.04 with internet+updates enabled at setup?07:07
cyrixhere's my lshw http://pastebin.com/YgjKUV5S07:08
lotuspsychjelets c07:08
cyrixNo, but as soon as it was over i did apt-get update and upgrade07:08
lotuspsychjecyrix: additional drivers doesnt show other drivers?07:09
lotuspsychjecyrix: driver= i915 looks installed07:09
cyrixlotuspsychje, I'm new to the ubuntu, so I know very little07:10
MaserI was offered sex today, with a 21 year old girl. In exchange for that, I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner to my friends. Of course I declined because I am a person of high moral standards with a strong willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the super strong bathroom cleaner. Now available scented with lemon or vanilla.07:10
loawhat is default ubuntu swappiness?07:10
lotuspsychje!ot | Maser07:10
ubottuMaser: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:10
lotuspsychje!swappiness | loa  6007:11
cyrixlotuspsychje, Earlier when I was googling, I came across this page. https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads07:11
lotuspsychjecyrix: normally the driver ubuntu chooses should be good07:11
loa!swappiness | loa07:12
lotuspsychjecyrix: does the resolution that ubuntu chooses by default was not good for you?07:12
cyrixlotuspsychje, Why am I unable to change my display resolution then?07:12
cyrixlotuspsychje, its 1024x768]07:12
cyrixI'm use to 1900x120007:12
lotuspsychje!xrandr | cyrix maybe this can help07:13
ubottucyrix maybe this can help: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:13
lotuspsychjeloa: you can set the default 60 to lower 10 example, if you have fast system with like an ssd07:13
cyrixlotuspsychje, thanks, i'll head over and see what I can find07:13
loalotuspsychje, no thx. I just need default value... somehow it was set to 0 on my system.07:14
lotuspsychjecyrix: normally ubuntu chooses best resolution for your screen size07:14
cyrixlotuspsychje, I just ran xrandr and this is what it gives me, http://pastebin.com/0xGDNnGm07:15
lotuspsychjecyrix: 1900x1200 doesnt show07:16
cyrixlotuspsychje, I saw that, So does that mean the onboard graphics only supports up to what is listed?07:16
lotuspsychjecyrix: i think so, not sure if you can edit a higher one yourself with xrandr07:17
cyrixbut it also saids max 32767 x 3276707:17
lotuspsychjecyrix: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html07:18
ap0cHey, I was wondering if it's safe to upgrade my kernel from 3.13.0-46-generic to the latest stable kernel? I found this guide http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/03/upgrade-kernel-3-19-1-ubuntu-linux-mint/07:21
lotuspsychje!kernel | ap0c07:21
ubottuap0c: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)07:21
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds07:23
Scott_ZI have an executable file that I downloaded. I changed the mode to 755. I placed it in a subdirectory off of my download directory. In terminal, I type ./abcd (where abcd is the file name) and I get a file not found error. It is there. I even tried to copy it (with proper permissions) to /usr/bin and still get the file not found error. I even tried sudo abcd. Any ideas?07:25
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cyrixlotuspsychje, It ask to edit a file that doesn't even exist?07:27
lotuspsychjecyrix: thats possible, i never edited xrandr myself sorry07:28
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cyrixlotuspsychje, oh thats fine, is it just adding a new file in the /etc directory because there's a gdb folder in there though07:29
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lotuspsychjecyrix: http://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution07:31
Julia7Hi! How do I figure out what the output of "date -u +%V$(uname)|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g" is? Please help. :)07:32
akkadrun it?07:33
CameronEdate -u +%V$(uname)|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g'07:33
CameronEyou were missing the end ' ?07:33
cyrixlotuspsychje, lol k, that one finally did it. Thanks so much and sorry im such a newb07:34
akkadwhat score did you get on the bash knowledge test? my skill score was only 2. "skill -9 -1"07:34
Julia7akkad: CameronE: Thanks! Can you run it for me? :)07:34
CameronEI have07:34
lotuspsychje!yay | cyrix07:34
ubottucyrix: Glad you made it! :-)07:34
Julia7CameronE: Do you want to tell me what the output is? :)07:34
lotuspsychjecyrix: we all here to learn mate07:34
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CameronEJulia7, As I have NFI what that does, not particularly.07:35
Julia7CameronE: :(07:35
akkadJulia using it for creating a ponce?07:35
lotuspsychjestick to ubuntu support guys07:36
Julia7akkad: No, I need to know the answer in order to register on a forum. :)07:36
akkadahhh linux only07:36
newhoaHi, is there a way to make a filter in synaptic that shows only packages you've locked?07:36
Julia7akkad: Are you able to run it for me?07:36
lotuspsychje!synaptic | newhoa07:38
ubottunewhoa: A Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:38
akkadJulia7:  you can07:38
akkadclearly it's a linux forum07:38
akkadand you're a spammer07:38
akkadJulia7: d567d4f0-c847-11e4-a98d-000c298d357007:39
Julia7akkad: I'm not a spammer! :@07:39
newhoaHuh? I know what synaptic is... I just can't find a way to filter only locked packages. Sorry if I misunderstood.07:40
laskoJulia7: I still don't understand why you can't run it yourself? The command doesn't do anything except print an sha256sum of the date in UTC.07:40
lotuspsychjenewhoa: did you read the url, maybe filter options are described there?07:40
akkadlasko date + Linux07:40
Julia7lasko: Because I don't have access to my Linux box right now.07:40
akkadthen remove the " -"07:40
laskoJulia7: Ah I see.07:40
akkadISO week number in utc + Linux07:41
lotuspsychjenewhoa: is this what you experience? http://askubuntu.com/questions/477582/i-accidently-locked-some-packages-in-synaptic-how-can-i-undo-these07:42
linuxuz3rhow do i recover grub on mac07:42
linuxuz3ri use refit07:42
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | linuxuz3r07:43
ubottulinuxuz3r: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub07:43
lotuspsychjelinuxuz3r: in some dualboot cases, sudo update-grub can do magic also07:44
linuxuz3rtried it it didnt work07:45
newhoaOkay, I figured it out. In the filter section the packages are called "pinned" instead of locked.07:45
linuxuz3rhow do i make apt-get upgrade not delete the kernel07:45
lotuspsychje!yay | newhoa07:45
ubottunewhoa: Glad you made it! :-)07:45
lotuspsychjelinuxuz3r: to wich version you wanna upgrade?07:47
UllarahWell it's a bit late now, but Julia7 could have used a online bash simulator to work it out. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/execute_bash_online.php07:49
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest88901
cyberpoliceis there a way to disable hotcorners via command line08:02
Ullarahcyberpolice, try the solution at the bottom, http://askubuntu.com/questions/450278/ubuntu-14-04-trusty-doesnt-utilize-hot-corners-after-rebooting08:06
cyberpoliceUllarah: very nice. thank you08:08
cyberpolicedo you know if the hotcorners work during full screen apps08:08
UllarahThey shouldn't.08:09
cyberpolicethey are working for this game i got. and its quite annoying08:09
UllarahI think it depends on the application cyberpolice.08:09
cyberpoliceso i was going to script and disable them when i launch the game08:09
dsc_woop woop08:09
UllarahI would just create a keyboard shortcut to do what you want your hot corners to do instead.08:10
UllarahI find hot corners to be annoying imo.08:10
laskoGuest72706: Hello08:21
Guest72706why our names are same08:22
Guest72706@< lasko> Guest7270608:22
laskoThey aren't. I typed your name and added a colon.08:22
laskoe.g.  Guest72706: Hello08:22
Guest72706yeah, I see08:23
Guest72706So how to change to my name?08:23
laskouse the command   /nick newname08:23
Guest72706ok, thanks08:23
laskoe.g.  /nick ThisIsMyNewName08:23
=== Guest72706 is now known as CrazyGod
laskoIf you have issues related to Ubuntu please feel free to ask them.08:24
CrazyGodso next time comet to here, will my nickname change?08:25
CameronEThat nick is a bit pretentious, isn't it? :P08:25
laskoCrazyGod: It depends on your IRC client.08:25
CrazyGodfirst time to  use irssi08:25
CameronECrazyGod, configure the login on your client, either with the username field most have or with tell the client to deliver the /nick command08:26
CrazyGodGot it08:26
nextechCan SSD compatible to used Service data storage?08:26
nextechwhat I mean Server08:26
laskonextech: I'm not sure i understand your question08:29
nextechCan SSD drive compatible to used a Server?08:30
nextechSorry my English08:30
laskoYou can use an SSD drive on Ubuntu Server yes.08:30
Ullarahnextech, I wouldn't use a consumer SSD for a server, unless it's a home server, in which case is fine.08:30
nextechOK thanks for your help guys. OK noted08:31
=== qwerty is now known as Guest40156
aciokvsince a few days i get a gpg error on apt-get update08:33
aciokvW: GPG error: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B508:33
laskoaciokv: Can you reproduce the error and use pastebin to show the complete output.08:33
aciokvsadly io can ;) http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584352/08:35
Ullarahaciokv, sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B508:35
UllarahIf that doesn't work, try with the space in the key like so, sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF 437D05B508:36
laskoYeah I was going to say try use apt-key del to remove the bag key (if its there) and readd it.08:36
aciokvi've to go to port 8008:37
UllarahAnd it didn't fix it aciokv?08:37
laskoIs is the same error?08:38
UllarahYou could try: sudo rm /etc/apt/*.gpg && sudo apt-get update | But try that as last effort aciokv08:39
UllarahThat's like a dire straits command :P08:39
pgunnarsdoes anyone know how to install matlab through the command line without having access to the installation files directly?08:41
laskoI would try this first --- http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584366/08:41
laskoAnd you get that after having done what?08:48
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aciokvtried everything, step for step:  i removed the lists, i removed the trusted.gpg08:50
laskoaciokv:   sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver ppa.launchpad.net 4F191A5A8844C542       Do that and then try again.08:56
laskooops, wait08:56
laskoSo in the error you aren't getting the public key for ppa.launchpad.net   --  sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver ppa.launchpad.net 4F4EA0AAE5267A6C08:57
laskoaciokv: brb, coworker needs help08:58
laskoOkay so that fixed one of the errors.08:59
* lasko is away for 5 minutes, will be back to help though.09:00
laskoaciokv: (half afk) but looking at that pastebin you did that command after apt-get update --- What errors do you get now when you run apt-get update now that the key has been imported.09:02
laskoOnce you've done that you'll want to rebuild the software cache via  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584439/09:03
testtestmewindow 309:04
laskotesttestme: forgot your /   hehe09:04
yudhistiraindonesian people??? please...09:05
laskoyudhistira: Which language?09:06
yudhistiralasko: yapp09:07
laskoyudhistira: You want #ubuntu-indonesia09:07
lasko!indonesia | yudhistira09:08
ubottuyudhistira: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:08
Xanatherdo i need to install nvidia drivers manually?09:08
cristian_clasko, hello09:09
laskocristian_c: Hello09:09
cristian_clasko, I own a tp-link tl-ps310u09:09
cfhowlettXanather, depends.  try "additional driver" to see09:09
lasko!nvidia | Xanather09:10
ubottuXanather: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:10
cristian_ci've set it up09:10
yudhistirauboutu: thnks!!!09:10
lasko!ask | cristian_c09:10
ubottucristian_c: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:10
Xanatherubottu, thanks09:11
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:11
Xanatherubottu i love u09:11
ubottuXanather: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:11
icewavehi all09:11
cristian_clasko, I've added the printer via system-config-samba, but when I try to print a document, after a few seconds, print is stuck09:11
laskoicewave: Hello09:11
aciokvlasko: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584461/09:11
Xanather!ask | cristian_c09:11
ubottucristian_c: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:11
Xanatheri had to try sorry09:12
laskoaciokv: Interesting, give me a few minutes to make sense of whats going on there lol09:12
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:12
cristian_cXanather, I've explained the issue09:13
icewavewhat news ?09:13
philiptrying to login as through ssh as root09:21
cristian_clasko, any ideas?09:21
philippermitlogin yes but still cant login from my other ubuntu terminal09:21
* Rust3dCor3 is away: 09:24
somsip!away | Rust3dCor309:25
ubottuRust3dCor3: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»09:25
CameronEphilip, can you log in with anything other user?09:26
Hounddog_Hey guys... How would i go about finding a programm that apparently is attacking some ip outside on my server?09:28
laskoaciokv: I'm kind of at a loss on where you should go from here.. Based upon previous bug report (with your same issue) the solution should have been to import the key and rebuild the software cache. I'm still looking around to see if maybe there is something I'm missing09:28
=== khushpreet is now known as khushi
XanatherHounddog_ that doesn't really make sense09:29
Hounddog_Xanather: we got a mail from amazon that our server has launched a ddos against an ip09:30
Ben64Hounddog_: netstat? but if you have something running on your server that you don't know about, might be time to format your server09:30
marandihi guys , i have a problem in updating 14.04 , (http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584529/) can anyone help me about it ? and another thing is my ubuntu partition still have free space09:30
Hounddog_Ben64: that server is cut off from everything but still trying to investigate09:30
Xanather<Hounddog_> oh right, now i get you lol09:30
Hounddog_just shutting it down and forget about it is not the solution09:30
rovo_HEllo, I've been trying to days to get my Docker package updated from 1.0.1 to 1.5 ... but I've exhausted everything I could think of to resolve it09:31
EriC^^Hounddog_: netstat -tuln , maybe09:31
Ben64Hounddog_: you can't trust it anymore, format time09:31
Hounddog_Ben64: so just format it install everything on a new server and just hope it doesnt happen again?09:32
Ben64Hounddog_: this time be more proactive about security09:32
z1lt0idhi guys i'm having issues when openvpn is running i can't access the internet.  i don't want to use network manager at this point09:32
z1lt0idany ideas09:32
closinginHounddog_, you can use wireshark09:33
=== eduardo is now known as Guest94565
closinginz1lt0id, do you have dns ?09:33
Guest94565im using ubuntu 14.0409:33
Hounddog_Ben64: sorry for beeing rude. but remind me not to ask you in security concerns. I dont really like brushing everything under the mat without knowing what was going on09:33
z1lt0idclosingin: its running on dhcp by default, what would i need to edit09:34
closinginz1lt0id, try to ping into a terminal with your openvpn started09:34
Guest94565with latet updates and i want to use some newer kernels that i found http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ but i miss the linux-extra-image packege ... where can i find it ?09:34
Ben64Hounddog_: yeah do your investigation or whatever, but you do need to format that09:34
closinginGuest94565, sudo apt-get install linux-extra-image i assume09:34
Hounddog_Ben64: i did say i cut everything off already09:34
z1lt0idclosingin: yeah i can ping but not google.com09:34
Hounddog_and this server is going to be shit down09:35
Hounddog_shut down...09:35
marandihi guys , i have a problem in updating 14.04 , (http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584529/) can anyone help me about it ? and another thing is my ubuntu partition still have free space09:35
closinginz1lt0id, ok that's it, install resolvconf09:35
Ben64Hounddog_: ok finally, jeez09:35
Hounddog_anyway... looks like its a false alarm anyway...09:35
Guest94565closingin no because im on 14.04 and latest kernels i can use are 3.1609:35
z1lt0idclosingin: already installed09:35
Ben64Hounddog_: you kept ignoring my point09:36
Hounddog_Ben64: no i didnt ;)09:36
Hounddog_Ben64: you are insisting on shutting it down without knowing what happened09:36
philippermitlogin yes but still cant login from my other ubuntu terminal09:36
Ben64Guest94565: do you have an actual need for a newer kernel? the mainline kernels aren't really meant to be run as more than a test09:36
philiptrying to login as root09:36
Ben64Hounddog_: not at all09:36
Hounddog_Ben64: also it loos like the server was not compromised09:36
closinginz1lt0id, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584562/09:37
Hounddog_elasticsearch made many requests....09:37
Ben64philip: root account is disabled09:37
closinginz1lt0id, add these three lines in your ovpn file09:37
Xanatherdoes ubuntu server have a GUI by default?09:38
z1lt0idclosingin: and done :)09:38
Ben64Xanather: nope09:38
closinginz1lt0id, now it should work09:38
=== Fuchs_ is now known as Fuchs
XanatherBen64 thanks09:38
Guest94565Ben64 well just testing i like to test new things... but also im having some problems when i hibernate ( it doesnt wake up)09:38
Xanatherwhat linux server distro do people recommend for a home server?09:38
closinginGuest94565, go to arch so09:38
closinginXanather, debian always09:39
Guest94565also i have problems with drivers with a 1tb WD elements external hard drive09:39
Ben64Xanather: this is not the place to take polls, maybe try ##linux09:39
XanatherBen64 thanks again :)09:39
Ben64Guest94565: well using those kernel packages can have unforeseen consequences, notably video drivers09:40
dfbdfbI want to run a launcher that runs a script so it can update Firefox under the filesystem, the command I have is "sudo ~/Firefox_Updating_Script.sh" thescript itself works in the terminal with that command, how do I get this to work?09:40
closinginjust apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade09:41
Ben64dfbdfb: uh, that seems very weird. apt-get will handle upgrades09:41
Guest94565Ben64 well i also have two more kenels just in casse that are working reasonably well.. is there any other link where i can get latest kernels ??09:41
Ben64Guest94565: mainline is your best bet for least breaking of everything09:42
philipben64 how is root account disable09:42
z1lt0idclosingin: thank you so much, you are a life saver09:42
closinginz1lt0id, yw09:43
Ben64philip: it just is. what are you trying to do09:43
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
philipam trying to login through ssh on my terminal as root to a server09:43
philipon the server i have enabled permitlogin =yes09:43
k1lphilip: why you do that?09:44
k1lphilip: why dont you login as user and use sudo when its needed?09:44
dfbdfbI am running an older version of Ubuntu and made a script to update09:45
dfbdfbFirefox I meant09:45
Ben64dfbdfb: what version of ubuntu09:45
Ben64dfbdfb: you need to upgrade now!09:45
philipokay....will do that rather i just like logining as root since its within my network09:45
k1ldfbdfb: well, if the ubuntu is EOL i would not worry about the firefox but all the other security issues that got it now09:46
dfbdfbPlease just let me be09:46
closinginphilip, never use the root user09:46
Ben64dfbdfb: security issues, its not going to get better, ever09:46
umbra_purushey. How can i check how many users i have via terminal?09:46
Ben64umbra_purus: define "users i have"09:46
umbra_purusUsers that I've created using useradd command09:46
closinginumbra_purus, your brain09:47
Ben64umbra_purus: this will work, but its probably not the best way... "cat /etc/passwd | grep 1[0-9][0-9][0-9]"09:47
laskoumbra_purus: Those users should appear in your /etc/passwd file. There are a few ways09:48
aciokvlasko: its on a virtual box, but that should not be a point at all09:48
EriC^^umbra_purus: cut -d: -f1 < /etc/passwd09:48
aciokvits the same at my colleges vm09:48
Ben64EriC^^: thats all users, not ones added :)09:48
EriC^^yeah i know :)09:49
EriC^^nevermind umbra_purus09:50
philiphow can i remotely login using a user account from my terminal09:52
Ben64ssh user@host09:52
closinginphilip, install openssh-server09:53
closinginthen open your ports09:54
closinginthen do what Ben64 said09:54
philipi have installed openssh09:54
philiphow will i open my port09:54
k1lyou dont need to if its a standard ubuntu.09:55
closingink1l, ... you know what "remote" means ?09:57
closinginphilip, login to your router, and open your ports then09:57
k1l5min. ago he said: "its all on my local network only"09:57
philipi will rather use user account09:58
philipand allow sudo privilegdes09:58
k1lphilip: using rootlogin is a bad habbit, once you are used to it you want it on other machines to. and there is the security issue then09:59
winem_hello, I get a segmentation fault whenever I run any apt-get command or use the update manager in ubuntu 12.04. please find the content of the core dump _usr_lib_update-notifier_apt_check.py.1000.crash  here http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584645/10:01
philipkil thank you so much10:02
winem_I don't get the cause for the seg fault... I ran updates using the ubuntu update manager for weeks now. no changes on the files /etc/apt.sources.list.d... no new repos have been added10:03
hoelkI just got a new thinkpad and the hardware mouse buttons above the touch pad are all configured weirdly, and i have no idea how to reassign them... any idea? (kubuntu 14.10)10:08
closinginhoelk, define "configured weirdly"10:09
hoelkthe lef tmous ebutton does nothing, the right mouse button is left click, the middle mouse button does nothing10:10
hoelkactually the left mouse buttons scrolls a web page a bit when you click it10:11
closingindid you try to go to mouse settings ?10:11
hoelkthat only gives me the option to switch between right and left handed10:11
chinermudgehow do i update ubuntu10:12
umbra_purushow do i write the operand "or" in terminal?10:12
chinermudgein the same way that you just simply run windows update10:12
philiphow can i remotely login using a user account from my terminal10:12
cfhowlettchinermudge, in terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:12
k1lphilip: "ssh user@ip"10:12
chinermudgewill it give me any hardware updates10:12
chinermudgewindows used to give me stuff for chipset and graphics10:12
chinermudgewith windows update10:13
umbra_purushow do i write the operand "or" in terminal? "And" is && but what about is "or"?10:13
cyrixwhats the best browser to use with ubuntu?10:13
k1lchinermudge: yes, if they are updated in the meantime.10:13
closinginphilip, are you serious?10:13
k1lcyrix: ask 10 user get 11 best browsers :)10:13
closinginumbra_purus, ||10:13
philipyes i am10:13
closinginso scroll back and you'll get your answer...10:14
cyrixk1l, firefox always freezes up while I'm using pianobar10:14
philipi try login using username but still get the same error10:14
closinginpaste the error10:14
k1lphilip: what error?10:14
umbra_purusso I can write something like this? cat /etc/passwd | grep santos || grep Santos10:14
philipPermission denied, please try again.10:14
umbra_purusto get users that have santos or Santos10:14
chinermudgeso by typing that into my terminal... im updating my hardware too?10:14
k1lumbra_purus: use grep -i santos10:14
closinginumbra_purus, grep -E "[sS]antos"10:14
chinermudgeor just possibly im updating my hardware?10:15
varaindemianhi guys, is anything else to do for migrating from ubuntu to linux mint other than formating root partition? I want to keep my /home partition10:15
umbra_purusclosingin: what if i write "[sS]antos$"? what does the dollar do?10:15
k1lchinermudge: you are mixing hardware and software.10:15
closinginumbra_purus, "$" means end of the pattern10:15
chinermudgewhat do you mean?10:16
Hounddog_Ben64: well no it was comprimised actually... because a colleague opened the port to the elastic search they where executing scripts10:16
umbra_purusclosingin: what do yo umean?10:16
k1lchinermudge: updating hardware means someone changing your video card or cpu. neither ubuntu nor windows can do that10:16
chinermudgewell it gives you updates10:16
chinermudgefor things like your graphics10:16
philipPermission denied, please try again.10:17
k1lchinermudge: you mean hardware drivers.  for ubuntu most drivers are in the kernel. or shipped as binary blops. the will stay the same for one ubuntu release.10:17
k1lchinermudge: which ubuntu do you use?10:17
closinginumbra_purus, with the pattern i sent you will grep "Santosfoo", "santosbar". With the one you sent to me, you will only grep patterns that end with "santos"10:17
chinermudgei dont know honestly, i just downloaded the desktop version from the site10:17
k1lphilip: are you sure the pw is correct?10:17
k1lchinermudge: "lsb_release -d"10:17
closinginumbra_purus, the correct way would be grep -E "^[sS]antos$"10:17
chinermudgei typed that other line into the terminal and put in my password and did "y" for yes10:18
k1lumbra_purus: if you use "grep -i" it doesnt care about case sensitivity10:18
chinermudgeso its doing something10:18
cfhowlettphilip, this is YOUR computer account you're logging to, rigth?10:18
chinermudge14.04.2 lts10:19
k1lchinermudge: ok. so now please "uname -a"10:19
cfhowlettvaraindemian, backup your data.  format at /home.  restore your data to /home.10:19
the_drowHi guys, every time I restart my startup applications restore themselves to the state before my changes10:20
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the_drowSo I can't add new startup applications for some reason10:20
philipcfhow yes10:20
cfhowlettchinermudge, if there are updated drivers in your OS, yes10:20
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philipkill wats the pw10:20
k1lphilip: the password you use on that remote machine when logining in locally10:21
chinermudgei cant copy paste it... after i did u-name10:21
chinermudgeuname -a10:21
k1l"uname -a"10:21
gsinghHi. I need CUDA and PYCUDA (python3) to be installed. If I install CUDA using nvidia repo (via .deb) I get CUDA but installing pycuda removes the CUDA. If I install pycuda then install cuda , there is version number problem. How to get both cuda and pycuda installed10:21
clefebvrehi, can anyone running Unity answer a couple of questions? we're working on a bluetooth configuration tool, we added support for most DE, I'd like to add support for ubuntu/unity as well.10:22
chinermudgewhatever i gotr 54 updates... and i suppose after i restart my performance should be better10:22
philipthe same password for my machine10:22
chinermudgeits crappy10:22
chinermudgeand my fan is on like really high10:22
k1lchinermudge: what video card you got?10:22
chinermudgei dont knw how to look and i dont remember10:22
chinermudgethis computer was made in 200710:22
closinginclefebvre, you should go to a dev channel10:22
k1lchinermudge: "lspci" and paste that into a pastebin10:23
closinginchinermudge, lspci10:23
clefebvreclosingin, it's not technical, anyone running Ubuntu can do it (saves me a 700MB download) :)10:23
k1lclefebvre: just ask, we will see if someone can answer that10:23
philipstill getting the same error 'Permission denied, please try again.'10:23
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clefebvreok, what do you get when typing "echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"10:24
k1lphilip: then your user or password is incorrect10:24
aciokvcan someone with 12.04 please check if apt-get update is throwing an error10:24
k1lclefebvre: Unity10:24
clefebvrek1l, thanks10:24
clefebvreand what do you get with "wmctrl -m"?10:24
k1lclefebvre: not installed10:25
chinermudgehow come it didnt suggest me to reboot after i did that sudo update line10:25
PeanutHi folks - what's the best place to ask for help with a mdadm (raid5) issue on ubuntu 14.04? After my server crashed, one of the raids has all drives marked as 'spare' and won't assemble.10:25
clefebvrek1l, ok I'll assume it's Unity as well10:25
k1lchinermudge: depends on the updates. if thre is no new kernel no reboot is needed10:25
Babaihow are you ?10:26
umbra_purusclosingin:  when you said $ greps patterns with Santosfoo and bar what do you meant? what is foo and bar?10:26
clefebvrek1l, final questions, can you tell me the name of the commands to respectively open sound settings, keyboard settings and mouse settings in unity?10:26
chinermudgei hope my performance gets better when i reboot10:26
chinermudgeeven this chat is laggy10:26
closinginumbra_purus, that was just some random strings10:26
k1lclefebvre: wmctrl its not installed as default. so it will not work for detecting in your script then on a regular ubuntu-desktop.10:26
clefebvrek1l, the tool will depend on it10:27
clefebvrek1l, so it will be installed10:27
k1lah ok10:27
clefebvrek1l, also it's one of two methods of detection, if it fails, XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is there as a backup10:27
closinginumbra_purus, so that you understand that grep will defaultly grep everything containing your pattern. Well if you don't know regexp, just use grep -iw "santos"10:27
k1lclefebvre: iirc unity uses the same settings "programs" like gnome does.10:28
philipi dont think my password is wrong10:28
clefebvrek1l, "gnome-control-center sound" for instance?10:28
aciokvplz, can someone with 12.04 please check if apt-get update is throwing an error, i checked it inhouse on 3 machines, and i need to clear if it is a maybe a firewall issue or if its an ubuntu issue10:29
EriC^^clefebvre: unity-control-center sound10:29
Ben64philip: either your username or your password is10:29
clefebvreah thanks EriC^^10:29
Ben64aciokv: pastebin the error10:29
k1lclefebvre: yes10:29
clefebvreok guys, many thanks for your help10:29
aciokvBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584761/10:30
k1l!paste | aciokv10:30
ubottuaciokv: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:30
Ben64aciokv: try a different repository10:31
k1laciokv: seems like the german mirror you get redirected to is not fully uptodate. so try another mirror or wait until its solved10:32
aciokvk1l: same with us10:34
chinermudgei'm trying to watch streams on twitch...10:34
chinermudgeand theyre bad when this chat is open... kiwiirc10:34
closinginchinermudge, ?10:34
winem_I'm also from german and using similiar mirrors. can the error from aciokv be related to my seg fault when I run apt-get upgrad10:35
aciokvwinem_: what version10:36
aciokvtried en and us, same error http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584776/10:36
codewizhi, my friend has a laptop with 14.04 lts, and bought a microsoft mouse, a cheap one for 7€... after a few seconds, left clicking stops working10:37
codewizi found lots of people on the inernet with similar issues, none of the solutions worked tho10:37
winem_version of what?10:38
aciokvwinem_: ubuntu (lsb_release -a)10:39
winem_ah sorry, 12.0410:39
aciokvsame here Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS10:40
winem_yep, 12.04.5 LTS10:40
Rifgood morning #ubuntu10:41
winem_http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584645/ this is the core dump10:41
Rifthis isn't a linux question (i'm getting a shell soon) but i'm curious if anyone knows how much it costs to get a cup of soda in new york. say at a good pizzeria in a working class area or something10:42
Ben64aciokv: just ran 12.04 live cd, sudo apt-get update works fine10:42
Ben64Rif: if you know its not on topic, don't ask here10:42
k1laciokv: using a proxy?10:42
Rifk apologies. PMs are ok if anyone wants to discuss the question off channel10:42
aciokvk1l behind a sohpos firewall10:43
k1l!ot | Rif10:43
ubottuRif: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:43
aciokvthx for testing Ben6410:43
winem_I will run some tests with a live cd too. good hint10:44
k1laciokv: i think its firewall related10:45
Rifoh ok thanks k1l10:45
k1laciokv: most bug or support questions i find on the net for the nodata,nodata error is solved by wrong proxy or firewall settings been corrected10:45
UllarahI'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but does anybody know of some good music creation software? I've got Renoise and Hydrogen already.10:46
winem_music creation? do you want to record something? if yes, I recommend audacity10:47
the_drowUllarah: On ubuntu? nope10:47
the_drowFL Studio can run with Wine but it won't be smooth10:47
CrueLenable wine softwar in ubuntu distro10:48
cfhowlettUllarah, ardour is a full DAW.  audacity is the easier option.10:48
cfhowlettUllarah, also:  #opensourcemusicians10:48
UllarahOh awesome, thanks cfhowlett :)10:49
CrueLsorry friedns i have one problem for reposity ubuntu don't download in ipv610:49
CrueLhow do I fix?10:49
winem_opensourcemusicians? thanks cfhowlett. will join that channel, too :)10:51
cfhowlettwinem, Ullarah happy2help!10:51
PeanutHi folks - what's the best place to ask for help with a mdadm (raid5) issue on ubuntu 14.04? After my server crashed, one of the raids has all drives marked as 'spare' and won't assemble. None of the drives seem bad, but I can't get the raid5 started.10:51
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CrueL<CrueL> sorry friedns i have one problem for reposity ubuntu don't download in ipv610:54
jpdsCrueL: What?10:58
jpdsCrueL: Most of the repos are IPv6 enabled.10:59
CrueLjpds: I have just enabled an ipv6 address in my vps, and not downloading reposity tells me as a result error11:00
jpdsCrueL: Which mirror are you using?11:00
CrueL http://it.archive.ubuntu.com trusty11:01
CrueLjpds: http://it.archive.ubuntu.com trusty11:01
jpdsCrueL: Yeah, I can't seem to resolve that.11:02
CrueLjpds: tenks :)11:03
jpdsCrueL: Try a different Italian mirror for now.11:03
CrueLjpds: I'm trying to change several reposity but none seems to work11:04
jpdsCrueL: Tried fr.archive.ubuntu.com ?11:05
jpdsCrueL: Otherwise, you're going to have to do some traceroute6's.11:05
CrueLjpds: i whait for .fr reposity11:05
jpdsCrueL: Just try a wget on it.11:06
CrueLjpds: wget i arlrealy ok11:07
CrueLjpds: my server dont install package requisite11:07
CrueLthe solution tells me to disable ipv6 address, but I like what I do I just?11:10
jpdsCrueL: Pastebin the error you get.11:11
Ben64it.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to be working at all11:12
jpdsBen64: Yes, because of the nameserver that serves the CNAME.11:12
Ben64and you know that... how?11:13
jpdsBen64: Because I checked. :)11:13
Ben64why would it even be a cname11:13
jpdsBen64: They usually are CNAMEs.11:13
jpdsBen64: $ dig it.archive.ubuntu.com CNAME11:14
jpdsBen64: Compare with se., fr., de., etc.11:14
Ben64most i see aren't11:14
agent_whiteHeh... the response will depend on your permissions for zone tranfer.11:20
AllelujahHi everybody :)11:20
mushircan't run wmv files with vlc or totem .. any help?11:21
jpdsagent_white: Not doing a zone transfer.11:21
EriC^^mushir, did you try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras11:23
jpdsCrueL: Should be fixed now.11:24
mushiryes I 've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and every thing was fine now i can only run wmv files using splayer .. vlc and totem crash11:25
EriC^^mushir, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:25
EriC^^also try running vlc from a terminal11:26
Prigithi swapnilz11:26
swapnilzAny one know about installation of any software in ubuntu  for particular user not for all11:26
abailarriHello. I'm develeoping  web that have a JS script to upload fils. I installed apache for store this web and when I try to upload a big image I get the error Unable to read image from file (/tmp/php6ZCttT)11:27
abailarriAny suggestion please? My server is Ubutnu 14.0411:27
mushirI tried running vlc from a terminal I get "Segmentation fault"11:27
swapnilz@Prigit any suggestion11:28
eightnoteight@abailarri u can always compile the code yourself, given you have enough system resources to do that.11:28
Zax1this is a slightly random question, but as this channel is full of knowledge i was hoping to risk straying off topic.......my DNS zone is hosted by SYSTEMDNS.com but when i WHOIS them its hidden. i need to add an A record to my zone but not sure where to go and login...obviously forgotten my logins, if i ever had them11:28
Prigitswapnilz: ask EriC^^11:28
abailarrieightnoteight, what do you mean?11:29
swapnilzHi EriC^^11:29
EriC^^swapnilz, hi11:29
swapnilz installation of any software in ubuntu  for particular user not for all11:29
mushir I tried running vlc from a terminal I get "Segmentation fault"11:29
swapnilzany idea about it11:29
swapnilzI know the simple install using apt-get11:29
EriC^^swapnilz, i'm not sure about the best way to do it, but you could either try installing the software to his home dir, using apt, or you could maybe change the binary's permissions to be read only by him alone, first one seems better i guess11:30
eightnoteight@abailarri sorry, it was meant for the @swapnilz11:30
k1lswapnilz: limit the permissons in /usr/bin to that user/group11:31
mushirsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade also didn't help still unable to run wmv files in vlc or totem11:31
k1l!paste | mushir put the output of vlc there when it crashes11:32
ubottumushir put the output of vlc there when it crashes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:32
swapnilzI will try11:32
Prigiti have the same problem opening a nmw file11:33
k1lPrigit: ?11:33
mushirbottu http://paste.ubuntu.com/10584971/11:34
Prigitkil: opening a nmw file to play it11:34
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laskoMakdaam_: Hello11:35
k1lmushir: please pastebinit "apt-cache policy vlc"11:35
mushir<k1l> how can I get that to pastebinit it?11:37
armandarmand hello11:37
EriC^^mushir, highlight it and press the middle mouse button to paste it11:37
k1lmushir: just copy and paste it11:37
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k1lmushir: or install the package "pastebinit" and then "apt-cache policy vlc | pastebinit"11:38
Prigitcopy: Ctrl + C and paste: Ctrl + V11:38
UllarahWouldn't it be: pastebinit < apt-cache policy vlc11:38
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Prigitopen terminal: Ctrl + Alt + T :)'11:40
Guest6920apt-cache policy vlc11:40
Guest6920pardon sorry error11:40
EriC^^Ullarah, you could do pastebinit <(apt-cache policy vlc)11:40
k1lmushir: you are using a PPA vlc. so we cant do aynthing about that. you could remove that ppa and that package with ppa-purge and see if the official ubuntu vlc works11:42
k1lUllarah: piping works. so its most used11:42
UllarahFair enough ^_^11:43
mushirI tried downgrading vlc but no use11:43
Allelujahhola de nuevo11:43
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mushirdo not forget that totem also crashs with wmv files not only vlc11:45
EriC^^mushir, try the official ubuntu one11:45
Ben64mushir: try mplayer2 or mpv or both maybe11:45
mushir<Ben64> yes all works but totem and vlc also I've noticed that no thumbnails are generated fo wmv11:47
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Ben64mushir: this is all about thumbnails?11:47
CrueLjpds: i resolve my problem11:47
k1lmushir: start totem from terminal and see what error comes then. please paste it again11:47
CrueLjpds: I must assign dns for my host v611:48
axscodehi guys in ubuntu i have this error with mysql -> http://pastebin.com/hQSzwp5a11:48
axscodeany clue pelase11:48
mushir<kill> all I get is "Segmentation fault"11:49
codewizany idea about a microsoft mouse not working in 14.04?11:49
Ben64i wouldn't really use totem for most things, doesn't have quite the codec support11:49
CrueLmushir: your sistem is x6411:49
mushir<CrueL> no x8611:50
k1lmushir: does the file work at all?11:51
CrueL<mushir> you have to double check your settings and what you want to do, and can do what you are not allowed11:51
jpdsBen64: You know that it uses gstreamer?11:51
mushir<CrueL> not sure what do u mean !11:52
CrueLmushir: because it tells you fault segment, which operation you have to give to the server?11:54
mushir<k1l> no not at all ! program window appears for less than second and dissappears11:54
k1lmushir: so you dont know if the file is ok. can you play it on another computer?11:55
mushir<CrueL> what server ? we are talkin about runnig wmv file using vlc11:55
mushir<k1l> I know for sure nothing wrong with the file . I can run every wmv files using splayer11:56
EriC^^mushir, try running totem from the terminal maybe it will give more info11:58
EriC^^maybe they use something common and it's causing the segmentation fault11:58
EriC^^also check dmesg11:58
k1lmushir: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"11:58
mushir<k1l> already installed !11:59
CrueLmushir: yes is a problem due to the allocated memory11:59
CrueLmushir: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/132192/running-application-ends-with-segmentation-fault11:59
CrueLlook my guide12:00
mushiralso totem gives me "Segmentation fault"12:00
k1lmushir: "mv  ~/.gstreamer-0.10 ~/.backup_gstreamer-0.10"12:00
k1lmushir: after that relogin the user and try again12:00
mushir~/.gstreamer-0.10 ~/.backup_gstreamer-0.10 didn't work!12:04
k1lmushir: details!12:04
k1l"my car is broken" doesnt help the mechanic to know what is broken :)12:05
mushir<k1l> funny ! man I was tring to run wmv files form totem and vlc and I was tring one of the solutions you guys gave me!12:06
Ben64you were asked to try a command, you replied "didn't work" .... that does not help12:07
mushir WMV files crash VLC and totem but smplayer works fine I tried reinstalling ubuntu restriected extras , ffmpeg and vlc but still having the same problem every time I try to open wmv file a program window appears for less than second and dissappears . I recently updated VLC to so I tried downgrading I also tried to run wmv file form terminal using vlc I have "Segmentation fault"12:07
Ben64right, we know all that12:07
Ben64how about that command you were asked to run12:08
k1l<mushir> ~/.gstreamer-0.10 ~/.backup_gstreamer-0.10 didn't work!12:08
k1lmushir: what didnt work there? was there an error? what command did you use exactly? etc12:08
EriC^^mushir, can you please pastebin dmesg | grep "vlc\|totem" ?12:09
laykeHey. What does this practically mean.. The following packages have unmet dependencies.  ruby-full : Depends: ruby1.9.1-full (>= but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.12:10
EriC^^layke, it means there's a dependency problem12:10
Ben64layke: it means you have asked for a package configuration that cannot happen12:10
EriC^^layke, try sudo apt-get -f install12:10
k1llayke: 3rd party .debs or a PPA installed?12:10
jpdslayke: apt-mark showhold12:10
laykek1l, Off the top of my head the only third party stuff I've installed is spotifyand google-chrome12:11
laykeI tried apt-mark showhold. It didn't return anything jpds12:11
mushir<EriC^^> please give me the command to do that form terminal12:11
EriC^^mushir, type dmesg | grep "vlc\totem" | pastebinit12:11
laykeEriC^^, Same error.12:12
EriC^^mushir, type dmesg | grep "vlc\|totem" | pastebinit12:12
EriC^^mushir, sorry12:12
EriC^^layke, try to install ruby it might say why it can't be installed12:12
Ben64layke: pastebin the output of this command..... "apt-cache policy ruby-full ruby1.9.1-full"12:12
mushir<EriC^^> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585116/12:13
chielhi all, i have a service that's starting up on boot, but it is run as root which leaves it inaccessible to another user which needs access. what is the best way to run an init.d script as a different user?12:13
laykeBen64, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585121/12:14
Ben64chiel: what service12:16
k1llayke: sudo apt-get update is run before?12:16
chielBen64: god (monitoring)12:16
chieli wrote an init script for it, but yea, it's started as root12:16
k1lmushir: again: use the original vlc version. not the ppa one. remove that ppa with ppa-purge12:17
chielthis is the script at the moment: https://gist.github.com/chielkunkels/9d618e9b3cff015b6bdc12:17
laykeBen64, Was that pastebin any help?12:17
mushir<k1l> OK I did that !12:17
k1lmushir: "apt-cache policy vlc | pastebinit"12:18
EriC^^mushir, did you try purging the avcodec package and reinstalling?12:18
Ben64layke: need more... "apt-cache policy ruby-full libtcltk-ruby1.9.1 ri1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-full libruby1.9.1 libtcl8.5 libtk8.5 ruby1.9.1 libruby1.9.1-dbg ruby1.9.1-dev ruby1.9.1-examples"12:19
Zarzaparrillahi i have a odd error and cant launch Xorg12:19
Zarzaparrilla~(gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0:2516): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2722: You forgot to call g_type_init()12:19
k1llayke: sudo apt-get install libtcl8.512:19
laykeBen64, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585149/12:19
laykek1l, E: Package 'libtcl8.5' has no installation candidate12:20
k1llayke: oh12:20
mushir<EriC^^> plz give me the commands!12:20
laykePackage libtcl8.5 is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:20
k1llayke: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:20
Zarzaparrillaseems apt-get is broken12:20
Ben64layke: are you sure you're running actual ubuntu? did you mess with software sources?12:20
laykeBen64, Yep 14.0412:20
laykeI think..12:21
laykeMaybe I booted into the wrong version12:21
Zarzaparrillasad. any chance to dpkg --configure -a ?12:21
Zarzaparrillais there a command to clear all apt-get?12:21
EriC^^!find libavcodec.so12:21
Ben64layke: you seem to not have a main repo, maybe pastebin what k1l asked? /etc/apt/sources.list12:21
EriC^^!find libavcodec_plugin.so12:21
hmp1768So I have this bluetooth mouse I can see in bluettoh configurations and apparently connect to, but it somehow only shows as not paired, so I can't use the mouse. Any advice on this?12:21
ubottuFile libavcodec.so found in libavcodec-dev, libavcodec-extra-56, libavcodec5612:21
ubottuFile libavcodec_plugin.so found in vlc-nox12:22
laykeBen64, k1l  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585169/12:22
laykeI can just reset my sources?12:22
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EriC^^mushir, try sudo apt-get purge vlc-nox , then sudo apt-get install --reinstall vlc , i think it should pull it in12:22
k1llayke: you disabled your main repo. is this a desktop?12:22
laykek1l, Yeah. (I don't recall disabling them)12:23
laykeI'm not really sure how to do that..12:23
laykeIs this what is wrong?12:23
laykeThat should be checked?12:23
k1llayke: go to system-settings -> software and updates -> 1st tab.: make sure its main and universe at least are checked12:23
Ben64looks like a few lines were deleted, you can see "main restricted" at the end of line 112:23
k1llayke: yes12:23
onlaI install damn complex install thing for wlan adapter and get reminded that I will need to re-do things when I install linux kernel next time and now only the next day I get notified that new kernel to be installed12:24
laykek1l, Ben64 Thanks. I will update now and see..12:24
laykeInstallingnow. Thanks for help.12:24
laykeSeems like an obvious error..12:24
laykeNow you've pointed it out. :)12:24
mushir<EriC^^> did that but vlc and totem still crash12:25
Ben64mushir: you should just use mpv or mplayer2 then...12:25
k1lmushir: please make a "file FILENAME | pastebinit"  for filename you need to change it to the actual filename in that folder12:25
EriC^^mushir, try vlc -vvv <filename> and see if it mentions anything else12:25
mushir<EriC^^> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585188/12:28
Ben64mushir: what is the output of uname -a12:29
mushir<Ben64> plz give me the command to give u the output12:30
Ben64i just did? uname -a12:30
mushir<Ben64> followed by anthing else ? file name may be?12:32
sumithey. i am a beginner in student of operating systems. i want to contribute to ubuntu. how do i proceed?12:33
bazhangmushir, are you on ubuntu, or something else12:33
mushir<Ben64> ok here it is Linux Cool-Nerd 3.16.0-31-generic #41~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 11 19:30:43 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux12:33
bazhang!contribute | sumit12:33
ubottusumit: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu12:33
k1l_!contribute | sumit12:33
mushir<bazhang> ubuntu12:34
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu <-- sumit12:34
sumitgot it12:34
bazhangsumit, read that link12:34
k1l_sumit: see the bots message12:34
k1l_mushir: "file ~/Desktop/1.WMV | pastebinit"12:34
mushirfile ~/Desktop/1.WMV | pastebinit12:35
bazhangdid he install pastebinit12:35
bazhangmushir, dont typ e here, type in the other Terminal12:36
chielhi all, i have the following script: https://gist.github.com/chielkunkels/9d618e9b3cff015b6bdc is there any way to start god as a different user (deploy)? during deployment we want to add scripts to god, but it's inaccessible due to being started as root on boot12:36
bazhangchiel, what is god12:36
mushirsorry <bazhang> it was by mistake!12:36
chielbazhang: process monitoring :)12:36
k1l_chiel: sudo -H -u USER command12:37
mushirher it is <k1l_> : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585232/12:37
chielk1l_: alright thanks, gonna read about the -H flag :)12:38
k1l_mushir: how big is that file?12:38
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mushir<k1l_> about 120 mb12:39
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mushir<k1l_> the problem is not with ( this ) file in particular .. it is with all WMV files !12:40
JethroTuxIs Ubuntu desktop session affected by .profile? May use this file instead of creating a script in /etc/profile.d/? Or should I use .bashrc to set the value globally for all users? ty12:41
bazhangmushir, did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras , mplayer and mpv yet12:42
jpdsJethroTux: Surely /etc/profile for all users?12:42
jpdsJethroTux: Or /etc/environment .12:42
mushir<bazhang> yes indeed .. the problem with totem and vlc12:42
bazhangmushir, did you install the packages I just said12:43
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mushir<bazhang> yes12:43
JethroTuxI've read the better way in idealogy of Ubuntu is creating new file under /etc/profile.d/ giving  right on executable12:44
k1l_mushir: try to start vlc with "vlc --ignore-config" and see if that works12:44
bazhangmushir, and do they play with mplayer, using mpv support, or not12:44
JethroTuxi'm a littile confused, I've always used /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc!12:45
mushir<bazhang> they play fine with them but crash vlc and totem12:45
bazhangmushir, so file bugs against vlc12:45
bazhang!bug | mushir12:45
ubottumushir: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:45
ntspRequest for unknown module key 'Magrathea: Glacier signing key <--- I get this everytime I update the kernel, any clous what could be causing it?12:45
mushir<bazhang> not sure it's a bug.. it was working fine before12:47
bazhangmushir, it works fine in mplayer/mpv and not in vlc, so use mplayer, problem solved12:47
bazhangmushir, its a bug if it wont work, and no other indications of it being corrupted12:48
mushir<Ben64> yes , I have no problem runnig wmv using vlc and totem before12:48
Ben64before what...12:48
bazhangmushir, before wHAT12:48
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mushir<bazhang> I can't really tell but I think befor i updated VLC12:49
bazhangmushir, update4d how and from where12:50
bazhangmushir, did you go outside package management and manually install a VLC "upgrade"12:51
mushirusing this ppa https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media/ then I revomed it and reinstalled vlc to solve my problem but no use!12:51
bazhangmushir, contact that PPA maintainer then12:51
bazhangmushir, removed the PPA how12:52
Ben64probably needed ppa-purge and didn't get it12:52
mushirsudo ppa-purge ppa:mc3man/trusty-media12:52
bazhangso theres the problem right there12:52
bazhangthat would have been good to know at the start of this12:52
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mushirand I installed ppa-purge12:52
bazhangmushir, installing/rem,oving PPA = at your own risk12:53
bazhangmushir, so go with mplayer/mpv12:54
mushir<bazhang> ok got it ! one more thing no thumbnails are generated for wmv any more and when I try to get any file properties the window crash!12:56
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dexterp91Hi, guys, I run a haswell and am trying my very best to get hardware accelerated video encoding working via transmageddon. Does anyone here use VAAPI to encode video?12:58
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Guest33868when im copyn larg file to ubuntu my system speed is very low y?? and my cach be full13:27
Guest33868my ubuntu has hang when im copyn large file to it13:29
CptRageToasterhow are you copying a file to it?13:29
Guest33868up to 8-9 gig13:30
k1l_Guest33868: how are you copying that files?13:31
Guest33868general copy and pase13:31
k1l_from usb drive?13:31
the-solipsistHello... I've a very simple issue: I have a NAS box at home that I need to access both when at home as well as when I'm outside. I've set it up with a DDNS provider (nsupdate.info).  How do I configure Nautilus such that a folder I mount using SFTP is accessible both from home as well as outside?13:31
k1l_Guest33868: support only in here please. well if the usb is very slow it can block your system13:34
BluesKajHey folks13:37
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jmscrkHi there, I'm having a major problem with a production server where mysql won't start / I've done a lot of googling but can't get it to restart, can I ask the brains trust here for some help please?13:47
aciculajmscrk: just describe your problem?13:48
cfhowlett!ask | jmscrk13:48
ubottujmscrk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:48
aciculajmscrk: what did you try, what outputs did you get, anything in the relevant logs that may be helpfull, what did you do to make it stop working etc13:49
jmscrkMysql stopped and now won't start again, googling makes it seem like possible corruption but the checks I've run from those pages make it seem not. I've added recovery to level 6 in my.cnf and still won't restart13:51
jmscrkhttp://pastebin.com/hQSzwp5a has some output13:51
ikoniajmscrk: why don't you look at the actual startup error13:51
ikoniayou don't start mysql by just launching mysqld13:51
ikoniait's wrapped via the init script13:51
jmscrkrelevant lines in the logs seem to be InnoDB: Error: trying to access page number 4294965119 in space 0,13:52
jmscrkInnoDB: space name ./ibdata1,13:52
jmscrkInnoDB: which is outside the tablespace bounds.13:52
jmscrkokay - I'm using "service mysql start"13:52
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ikoniajmscrk: no, you where not13:52
ikoniayou just typed mysqld --verbose13:52
jmscrk@ikonia oh sorry - that was to get that output -13:53
ikoniathat output is not useful though as it's not starting up using the same parameters as ubuntu is using13:53
jmscrkokay, how can I get the same kind of output from the service start?13:54
ikoniacheck the mysql log13:54
ikoniaincrease the debug log if you need to13:54
jmscrkat /var/lib/mysql/[host].err ?13:55
ikoniajmscrk: thats one of them13:56
jmscrktail of that mysql log file : http://pastebin.com/cUZ8uYhf13:57
jmscrkmysqld got signal 6 -- hmm13:58
jmscrkI ran an innochecksum on all .idb files and it didn't find any inconsistencies14:00
jmscrkalso innodb_force_recovery to level 6 in my.cnf didn't change anything so I'm not convinced it's corruption?14:00
hmp1768Any advice on how to proceed about debuggin a conflict in Ubuntu with my bluetooth mouse?14:01
junior_so i just recently went from kernel 3.13 to kernel 3.1814:02
junior_i lost my auto-update and my software center changed and it wont open up for me14:02
k1l_3.18 is not supported at all right now as kernel version14:03
newuser123Hello, do you guys have any experience with "Startup Disk Creator" on Ubuntu14:03
junior_what is the current supported kernel14:03
k1l_junior_: what ubuntu are you on?14:03
cfhowlettnewuser123, ask the question that matters14:04
junior_looks like i need to switch back14:04
jmscrkI don't even know what made it stop but it's been offline for around 5 hours now14:04
k1l_junior_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=14.04.x+Ubuntu+Kernel+Support+Schedule.png14:04
newuser123cfhowlett: when i click Other to select .iso file noting happens14:04
junior_so 3.1614:05
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cfhowlettnewuser123, picture14:05
junior_can i get some commands thrown at me on how to downgrade back to it14:05
k1l_junior_: with the lts enablement kernel. not the mainline kernels14:05
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:05
newuser123cfhowlett: yes i was following the guide on Ubuntu.com14:07
jmscrkI'll try the #mysql channel and see if someone there can help14:07
newuser123Am I allowed to post link here14:07
cfhowlettnewuser123, post a picture of the screen14:07
cfhowlettnewuser123, and the screenshot of YOUR computer not working?14:08
OerHeksnewuser123, when you press 'other' the filemanager should appear to select an iso14:09
anand2015hi, i am new user of ubuntu , facing problem with pidgin with gtalk14:09
newuser123Yes I click other the file menager appear I select iso file and then noting happens14:09
newuser123like i didn't select an .iso file14:10
OerHeksnewuser123, is it an ubuntu iso ?14:12
newuser123OerHeks: No14:13
cfhowlettnewuser123, that's why.  the ubuntu startup disk creator is for ... wait for it ... UBUNTU startup media14:13
newuser123OerHeks: cfhowlett: Sorry guys for being stupid14:13
OerHeksNot for windows or mac anyway, just linux versions i guess14:14
cfhowlettnewuser123, for other distros try unetbootin14:14
OerHeksnp newuser12314:14
newuser123cfhowlett: thank you14:15
newuser1230erHeks thank you too14:15
cfhowlettnewuser123, happy2help!14:15
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bmeneghello everyone, I'm facing a problem with nvidia proprietary drivers, either from  official website or repository. I have my nv card on PIC:4:0:0, as showed by  'lspci | grep VGA', but if I run 'nvidia-detector' it just doesn't find nothing,  returning 'none'.14:15
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bmenegIndeed I am trying to use bumblebee, since I have both intel and nvidia card (GT  750M), and after I installed it (from normal repository) and tried 'optirun  nvidia-settings' I receive "[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: [XORG]  (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:4:0:0."14:16
newuser123cfhowlett: Does unetbootin work for Windows14:16
bmenegSomeone have any suggestion?14:16
cfhowlettnewuser123, to make windows boot media, use windows tools.  but I believe there's a windows version of unetbootin for making linux media14:17
bmenegWhy even with my card on PCI:4:0:0 I receive this error?14:17
newuser123I'm helping friend of mine to make USB Windows because his CD-Reader is not working, and all I have is Ubuntu got rid of the Windows :) but still new to the linux world14:17
zetheroohow to change whats in resolv.conf?14:18
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/14:20
OerHekszetheroo, add your dns-nameserver to /etc/network/interface > dns-nameservers and  tell resolvconf to regenerate resolv.conf.>>> sudo resolvconf -u14:22
leeyaado you know how to check what is the cause of these interrupts: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585474/14:22
zetherooOerHeks: I did exactly that but its outputting: /etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc: Warning: /etc/resolv.conf is not a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf14:23
zetherooand resolv.conf is not showing the correct IP's as is in the interfaces file14:24
leeyaazetheroo: just fix the symlink14:25
leeyaaor "choose" how you want to configure it, then fix it14:25
HoloPedhow do I set ubunto to boot into terminal, without running desktop graphics ?14:25
leeyaabecuse there are several ways14:25
daftykinszetheroo: have you purged 'resolvconf' ? (the package)14:26
zetheroodaftykins: no, this is a productive system so I don't really want to break anything :)14:26
daftykinszetheroo: well if you want static DNS, you have to14:27
zetherooso 'apt-get purge resolvconf' ?14:27
zetherooand then 'apt-get install resolvconf' ?14:28
zetheroowith purging it's saying "The following packages will be REMOVED:  resolvconf* ubuntu-minimal*"  ... is that safe?14:29
daftykinszetheroo: no you don't want it back14:30
daftykinsi've not seen that before, what version is this?14:30
zetherooUbuntu 14.0414:30
hmp1768Any advice on how to proceed about debuggin a conflict in Ubuntu with my bluetooth mouse?14:31
joanhow can I troubleshoot bluetooth? I'm on kubuntu 14.10 (3.16.0-31-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 10), bluetooth is running, lsusb yields this: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode), but when I try to start bluetooth services (bluedevil, o transfer files service), the PC says "protocol dead unexpectedly"14:31
zetherooUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-44-generic x86_64)14:31
joanTo be more specific: can I try any bluetooth thing on the terminal, independently from KDE stuff?14:32
scarecrowdiablocurrently running 14.04,graphic card is nvidia geforce 720M..but ubuntu is using something called x.org x-server and i'm not able to nvidia..I installed bumblebee, but that didn't help i guess..14:32
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: bumblebee was a mistake, that's been replaced by nvidia-prime now. you're going to want to open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get purge bumble* " to undo any of those attempts first14:34
scarecrowdiablodaftykins : will do..14:34
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: after that "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "lspci | pastebinit"14:35
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: uninstalled bumblebee..installing pastebinit now14:36
scarecrowdiablodaftykins : here's the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585734/14:37
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daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: and which ubuntu are we on?14:39
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: 14.0414:39
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: what make + model computer is this?14:41
dr3er0xhi i have a problem with this package, wich freezes apt-get and freezes Xorg Removing gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1ubuntu3) ...14:41
dr3er0xits impossible to purge?14:42
scarecrowdiablodaftykins : Asus x550cc14:42
junior_so i downgraded back from kernel 3.18 to kerrnel 3.13 and now my software center isnt working and there is no auto update app either14:43
dr3er0xXorg works but sadly i removed gnome and its a mouse pointer on a black screen14:43
arcskythe dns always gone in /etc/resolv.conf. where do i add the DNS and NTP?14:43
dr3er0xplease a command to purge a package? forever? or "reset" apt-get?14:43
philipssh error Permission denied, please try again.14:44
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: so the 'additional drivers' section offers you nothing, yeah?14:44
hmp1768So, my bluetooth mouse connects to the ubuntu box, pairs with it, but seems dead, no pointer movement at all or response to clicks. Any help please?14:45
* dr3er0x needs a apt-get reset14:45
dr3er0xdpkg --configure -a reports no error14:45
dr3er0xbut when try to install something apt-get freezes on Removing gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1ubuntu3) ...14:46
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:46
dr3er0xwell i'm loosing the hole day i usually help people quick, my fault14:47
scarecrowdiablodaftykins : it offers me 1.Nvidia binary driver-version 331.113 from nvidia-331(proprieary,tested).....2.Nvidia binary driver-version 331.113 from nvidia-331-updates(proprietary)....and 3.x.org x server-Nouveau display driver from xserver-xorg-video-nouveau(open source)14:47
dr3er0xspecially on a specialiced channel on half knows the command and is slighty laughing under the noose14:48
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: i'm currently on 3...not able to switch to 1 or 214:48
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: have you attempted to pick any of those, then?14:48
zetherooI am still at a loss as how to change the DNS config in Ubuntu 14.0414:48
daftykinszetheroo: seriously? so once resolvconf is off, reboot once... then edit /etc/resolv.conf and it'll be fine14:49
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: i have, nothing happens..it just goes back to x.org14:49
dr3er0xok thanks for your quick reply, in the future if you need my help i beat you will finish before calling the army14:49
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: ok, "dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit" please14:49
zetheroodaftykins: without rebooting14:49
daftykinssame process applies then, but your resolv.conf will likely be wiped on next reboot14:50
zetherooand purging resolvconf means removing ubuntu-minimal as well ...14:50
daftykinsthat's probably only a meta package, but look it up to confirm14:50
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585800/14:50
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: yeah that's a mess too, heh "sudo apt-get purge nvidia* "14:51
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: fresh reboot after that and come back :)14:52
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: on it..be back in a few mins..14:52
scarecrowdiablodaftykins : rebooting now14:54
junior_ok so when i switched from kernel 3.13 to 3.18 i downgrade back down again to kernel 3.13 from 3.18. now since i have done so there is a ubuntu kylin software center that doesnt work. I reinstalled the standard ubuntu software center but how do i remove that kylin one?14:54
zetheroodaftykins: ok, it looks like it would be safe to remove ubuntu-minimal, however is it really needed to reboot the host to get the DNS changed!?14:54
daftykinszetheroo: no, it's just that on the first reboot whatever you put into resolv.conf now will be gone... so i do clean LTS setups of 14.04 like that so that i get the jump on it, so to speak14:55
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scarecrowdiablodaftykins: done with reboot14:56
philipfrom a windows laptop i cant connect remotely using putty but with my ubuntu i can i keep getting Permission denied, please try again.14:56
zetheroodaftykins: ok, and before you said that I don't want to reinstall resolvconf - why is that?14:57
daftykinszetheroo: because the thing that overrides resolv.conf - *IS* resolvconf! :D14:57
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: ok first "sudo apt-get clean" then "sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 nvidia-prime nvidia-settings"14:58
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: on iy14:58
zetheroodaftykins: huh? ok ... so without the resolvconf package being installed changes manually made to resolv.conf will persist through a reboot?14:58
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: and also "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"14:58
daftykinszetheroo: yes, except not the first time14:59
XenophonFhey speaking of nvidia-331, what's the difference between that package and nvidia-331-updates?14:59
daftykinsXenophonF: dunno :)14:59
daftykinsin my experience the two haven't made much difference for others14:59
philipfrom a windows laptop i cant connect remotely using putty but with my ubuntu i can i keep getting Permission denied, please try again.15:00
XenophonFok, here's another one - on my MacBookPro5,1 I had to replace nouveau with nvidia-331 in order to get the console to work15:00
XenophonFso how do I go about sharing my experience with replacing those drivers with other MBP users?15:00
XenophonFit wasn't immediately obvious how to contribute to the wiki, but maybe i need to rtfm more?15:00
daftykins!mac | XenophonF update the wiki here if it's wrong15:00
ubottuXenophonF update the wiki here if it's wrong: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:00
daftykinsXenophonF: it's a very funny webpage yeah, i've written one of those guides on the 3,1 i believe... (macbook) just login with your account then some editing buttons will appear15:01
Aamitphilip, ssh?15:01
daftykinsback shortly15:01
philipAamit ssh15:02
XenophonFalso, it'd weird that the nvidia packages really, _really_ want to install X alongside15:02
XenophonFor at least i couldn't figure out how to get just the KMS drivers installed on an Ubuntu Server install15:02
philipAamit yes ssh15:02
XenophonFi gave up trying to get Ubuntu Server to work on this mac15:03
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: installed...15:03
junior_the chinese software center somehow ended up on my computer how do i remove it?15:03
=== Bumblefluff is now known as Bumblefluff_dead
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: here's the link  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10585866/15:03
junior_its labeled as ubuntu kylin software center15:03
bobdrad1I believe there's a dependency conflict within some of the Xorg-related packages in the current Ubuntu repositories. Is there a better channel to pursue this?15:03
=== Bumblefluff_dead is now known as Bumblefluff
nicomachushey guys, when I get a "Ubuntu has experienced an internal error" message, can I look at the error report to see which packages need fixed?15:04
mainbraindell dimension 2400 anyone have a suggestion on a good fast distro for it15:04
Picinicomachus: It should be stored in /var/crash/, but it might not be very readable.15:05
philipfrom a windows laptop i cant connect remotely using putty but with my ubuntu i can i keep getting Permission denied, please try again.15:06
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
nicomachusif I hit "send error report" it'll bring up the package location of whatever crashed (usually).15:06
nicomachusso can I use that to do a --reinstall of those packages, or will that not really do anything to fix?15:06
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukkino
EriC^^nicomachus, you can disable error reporting if you'd like15:08
nicomachusspecifically, popcorn-time has been crashing on me consistently lately. The crash report says it is the popcorn-time package in /usr/ or /bin/ (don't remember which) that is crashing15:08
nicomachusEriC^^: I like them for now, because they tell me specifically which packages are failing.15:08
arcskythe dns always gone in /etc/resolv.conf. where do i add the DNS and NTP?15:08
bobdrad1I have a fresh install of 14.04.2 Desktop. I do dist-upgrade, and then attempt to add spice-vdagent and xserver-xorg-video-qxl and I get conflicts.15:08
OerHeksnicomachus, popcorn-time is highly illegal, unsupported here15:08
zetheroowhere does resolv.conf get it's information from?15:09
zetheroonot from /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base, head or tail ... so where!?15:10
bobdrad1zetheroo: Among other places, from the network cfg scripts in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifg-*15:10
zetherooand not from /etc/network/interfaces either15:11
zetheroobobdrad1: how does one change the contents of resolv.conf?15:11
bobdrad1zetheroo, you can edit it for an immediate runtime change. But for a persistent change I add DNS1 and DOMAIN records to my appropriate ifcfg-* scripts, or to /etc/sysconfig/network for a global change.15:12
zetherooand I have no " /etc/sysconfig"15:12
zetheroook, what does " ifcfg-* scripts" mean?15:13
bobdrad1zetheroo: Humble apologies, that's true for other distros, not Deb/Ubuntu it appears15:13
zetheroothis stuff used to be much simpler ... :P15:13
bobdrad1Yeah, it used to be consistent15:14
zetheroochanging DNS shouldn't be this complex15:14
bobdrad1zetheroo: Start by reading the resolvconf man page.15:15
zetherooall over the net people are saying to edit '/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base' and then do 'resolvconf -u' ... and that that sorts out resolv.conf - but this doesn;t work for me at all15:15
zetheroowell I am trying to get my head around this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/resolvconf.8.html15:16
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: are you sure this isn't either 14.04.2 or 14.10? (run "cat /etc/issue" )15:17
nicomachusOerHeks: I understand your sentiment, although untrue (legality is ambiguous). I can talk about it in general terms of how to fix a corrupted package.15:17
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: in about this computer , it says ubuntu 14.04 lts15:17
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: running it now15:17
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l15:18
sudormrfzetheroo, have you looked in to dnsmasq?15:19
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: ok, makes sense. now do you have another computer to come online from if it doesn't boot correctly after some more commands?15:19
daftykinsor perhaps another OS on that one15:20
zetheroo sudormrf: is this something additional to resolvconf?15:20
sudormrfzetheroo, dnsmasq is installed/enabled by default in newer versions of ubuntu, this could be part of the issue you are experiencing.15:20
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sudormrfzetheroo, yes.  it writes information to resolv.conf15:20
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: yeah..i have another computer collecting dust..can use that..15:20
=== lewronggeneratio is now known as THK
OerHeksnicomachus, channel rules i guess, remove that package and see if you still have issues15:20
daftykinszetheroo: what i've pointed to is already enough to handle the issue ;) i wouldn't worry about what sudormrf is saying - but you can certainly read more into the topic15:20
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munwhere should production code be placed in?15:21
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: ok, shouldn't come to that with any luck. are you ok enough on the command line to rename a file if it doesn't boot correctly? or could you boot a flash drive of ubuntu again?15:21
munsomewhere like /opt? /srv?15:21
zetheroocrap, removing dnsmasq wants to tear out a bunch of libvirt stuff too :P15:21
daftykinszetheroo: and this is why we kindly accept sudormrf's advice but don't act on it ;)15:22
daftykinssudormrf: <315:22
zetheroodaftykins: I am just not able to reboot this machine - it's a KVM host :P15:22
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: i gotta go for like 10-20 minutes..i'll get the other computer and be ready by then...and i'm pretty bad with command line..15:22
sudormrfzetheroo, daftykins knows everything.  no one else knows anything ;D15:23
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: i have a few important files on this..'ll copy it to my Hd..15:23
zetherooSo I guess changing DNS settings on Ubuntu is a nightmare now ... it used to be just a matter of editing a single conf file15:23
daftykinssudormrf: preci... hey wait a minute!15:23
daftykinszetheroo: yep, my process of clean server installs is: dist-upgrade, purge resolvconf, configure /etc/network/interfaces for static IP and reboot, then hardcode DNS in /etc/resolv.conf and it's done15:24
zetheroosudormrf: no, thank for the hint. Actually I recall having removed that package elsewhere and it solved this issue ... but I cannot remove it from here as it wants to tear out other things that I need ;)15:24
daftykinsfar too much automagic junk these days.15:24
daftykinsdnsmasq is more a parent of resolvconf i think15:24
zetheroodaftykins: aha - so from the onset you purge out resolveconf15:24
daftykinsbut my way works, since it's what i suggested15:24
daftykinszetheroo: yep :) not fond of that automatic rubbish15:25
daftykinsdoesn't belong on a server imo15:25
zetherooSo really I need to migrate all these VM's off and then get this server rebooted etc ...15:25
zetherooI agree!!!!15:25
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zetheroook, I guess I will have to wait on this change then - thanks again for your help.15:26
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daftykinsno problemo15:26
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sudormrfdaftykins, what was your suggestion to zetheroo to solve the problem?  j/w15:28
zetheroopurge resolveconf package - reboot - edit resolv.conf with nameservers15:30
sudormrfzetheroo, ah.  gotcha.  let us know if it works ;).15:30
zetheroowill do ... though it won't be today - gotta offload these VM's ... somewhere ... :P15:30
MortezaEHi, i remembered of a funny linux utility, i once installed years ago.. maybe ubuntu 8.* or 9.*15:33
MortezaEIt was about "sex" :))15:33
MortezaEit was giving some offensive/errotic (not sure) output15:33
MortezaEDAE used it? :D15:34
MortezaEnot sure about it's package name15:34
daftykinsyou're on your own with that one, MortezaE15:34
MortezaEdaftykins, just searching it for fun ;)15:34
XLVwhats the 15.04 channel again?15:37
bindi#ubuntu+1 i guess15:37
XLVbindi, 10x15:38
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: ok..i'm back..sorry about that..i booted up the other computer..15:41
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: i'm on the other system now.15:43
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: ok on the asus, try "sudo nvidia-xconfig" then reboot15:43
nicomachusdo kernel updates ever surpass the capabilities of older mobos/CPUs, or should they be pretty universally compatible?15:44
daftykinsnicomachus: what are you planning on doing? :)15:44
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.  New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'15:44
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daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: yep all safe, reboot :>15:45
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: phew...so glad..on it..15:46
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scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: done with the reboot...will come online with asus in a minute..15:48
ubuntu-mate HexChat: 2.10.1 ** OS: Linux 3.18.0-13-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "vivid" 15.04 ** CPU: 4 x AMD A10-7300 Radeon R6, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G  (AuthenticAMD) @ 1.20GHz ** RAM: Physical: 6.7GiB, 91.9% free ** Disk: Total: 116.7GiB, 43.0% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Kaveri [Radeon R6 Graphics] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic1: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic ** Ethernet:15:48
ubuntu-mateRealtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 1h 13m 5s **15:48
Piciubuntu-mate: please don't do that.15:48
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: done..15:49
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: ok click the dash icon upper left and try running "nvidia-settings"15:49
scarecrowdiablolooks really different than what it used to..15:50
scarecrowdiablowell..before it had barely few options..now it has..x-server info,x-server display config, x screen 0 . gpu 0 ,prime profiles, etc15:51
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: excellent, sounds like a success. to double check, can you do a "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" again?15:52
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: it just froze..the screen..15:52
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: shall i reboot it and try again?15:53
nicomachusdaftykins: just getting an error from Software Update when it tries to update the kernel to 3.13.0-4615:53
CasWHmm, anybody here who had the same problem of Thunderbird disappearing from the left bar? I didn't, but my (not so tech-savvy) gramps did, and so did some random Ubuntu reviewer on the internet, I just wanted to check if more people had it (and if it's a bug of some sorts; if so, if it's already reported)15:53
daftykinsnicomachus: what kind of error?15:54
nicomachusI also get Kernel Panic errors every other startup15:54
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: hrmm, so it keps showing the desktop image - but would no longer change? no mouse pointer movement, no keyboard presses etc?15:54
nicomachusdon't have the computer in front of me ATM, but it was a package manager error, I believe15:54
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: Exactly!15:54
nicomachusvery unspecific error report.15:54
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: weird.15:54
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key15:54
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: try ^15:55
daftykinswhich admittedly requires quite the keyboard gymnastics15:55
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: lol..on it15:55
nicomachusdaftykins: that's super handy to know, as a general FYI. haha15:55
daftykinsnicomachus: ok well get the error to us when you can :) that's where to start15:56
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: done..15:56
OerHeks"<nicomachus>specifically, popcorn-time has been crashing on me consistently lately. The crash report says it is the popcorn-time package in /usr/ or /bin/ (don't remember which) that is crashing"15:57
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: did it reboot?15:57
al1981help, can't put files over ftp - 550 no such file - but it is there15:58
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: yeah..http://paste.ubuntu.com/10586137/15:58
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: ran that command you said earlier..15:59
mainbraindell dimension 2400 anyone have a suggestion on a good fast distro for it15:59
k1l_mainbrain: since you ask in #ubuntu: ubuntu :)16:00
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: looks good, properly using the nvidia driver now. make sure you're fully up to date with a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then just see how you get on16:00
cfhowlettmainbrain, let me think ... ubuntu!16:00
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: it froze again... :(16:00
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: was trying to log into the irc and it just froze..16:01
k1l_mainbrain: since it seems to bee quite old see if Lubuntu fits better16:01
mainbraintrt it but it lagging when i play video im runnung ubuntu 14.10 on my acer just fine16:01
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: ok is ubuntu the only OS on this or is it beside Windows 8?16:01
cfhowlettmainbrain, lubuntu or xubuntu.  lubuntu is optimized for legacy and low spec hardware16:01
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: only ubuntu.16:01
nicomachusOerHeks: Why did you quote that?16:02
OerHeksnicomachus, as you said 'very unspecific error report." which is not true16:03
mainbrainok im running lubuntu on it right now got 1 problem ... vlc want play video getting audio though16:03
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: alright, see if you can get in again to run "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old"16:03
nicomachusOerHeks: The kernel issue and the popcorn-time issue are separate. Possibly related, but not that I can determine yet.16:03
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: will reboot and try that..16:04
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scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: tried that..nothing happened..16:06
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: i mean, no output of any sort..16:06
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: that's correct, and reboot again16:06
scarecrowdiablo1on it16:07
mainbrainok im running lubuntu on it right now got 1 problem ... vlc want play video getting audio though funny thing is that i can open video with system settings  while vlc is playing and the video will glitch in/out16:07
nicomachusmainbrain: do you mean VLC WON'T play video but you are getting audio?16:07
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: Done16:07
k1l_mainbrain: sounds like some video driver issue16:08
nicomachusmainbrain: sounds like a GPU or codec issue. what's the file type?16:08
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: this time, "sudo apt-get purge nvidia* " as earlier, then "sudo apt-get clean" then "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa"16:08
scarecrowdiablo1cool..on it16:08
mainbrain.avi mostly16:08
nicomachusmainbrain: so you get the same problem with .avi and other file types? More than one type?16:09
nicomachusI ask because .avi is a tricky file type for VLC in linux. something like .mkv or .mp4 should play just fine. so if you can play an .mp4 or .mkv with no errors, then it's likely a codec issue trying to decode the .avi16:10
nicomachustry this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/166311/cannot-play-avi-or-mp4-file-in-both-movie-player-and-vlc16:10
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: Done..16:10
GoatMasterI got a Macmini here with Ubuntu 12.04 on it16:11
nicomachuscongrats, GoatMaster16:11
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get install nvidia-346 nvidia-settings"16:11
=== nicomachus is now known as everyone
GoatMasterI now want to reinstall Ubuntu, how can I boot from the install cd16:11
GoatMasterstarting it with alt will not work...16:12
mainbrainno it being the same way for all video file types that i can recall16:12
cfhowlettGoatMaster, CD?  not USB?16:12
daftykinsGoatMaster: make a flash drive instead.16:12
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cfhowlett!mac | GoatMaster16:12
ubottuGoatMaster: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages16:12
=== Guest72638 is now known as nicomachus
GoatMasterThe first installation with the CD worked fine but no I cannot boot into the CD16:12
GoatMastereven with holding alt at the start...16:12
mainbrainno it being the same way for all video file types that i can recall and youtube does fine16:13
cfhowlettGoatMaster, see the mac support pages provided in the link16:13
GoatMastercfhowlett, thanks I will check the manuel16:13
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: done with apt-get update16:14
daftykinsand the other one too?16:14
scarecrowdiablo1it needs to download 287 mb..16:15
scarecrowdiablo1running it16:15
daftykinsah, slow tubes?16:15
scarecrowdiablo1not that slow, but kinda..16:15
nicomachusscarecrowdiablo1: Just an FYI, there are plenty of open apartments here in KC that are already wired for Google Fiber. ;)16:17
scarecrowdiablo1nicomachus: why you make me crie? :'(16:17
daftykinslets stay on topic peeps16:17
nicomachusaw, i was trying to instill hope! And sorry, daftykins.16:18
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: Done..16:19
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: reboot again :>16:19
scarecrowdiablo1on it16:19
nicomachusgood thing Ubuntu only takes about 30 seconds to reboot... jesus.16:19
daftykinsmaybe if you're using an antique16:20
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: done with reboot..16:20
daftykinssee what nvidia-settings says and whether it freezes now16:21
nicomachuslol, daftykins' i7 with the OS loaded on SSD only takes 5 seconds?16:21
bekksnicomachus: thats not true. I do have an i7, and I do have a SSD. It takes longer than 5s.16:21
cfhowlettnicomachus, same here ---16:22
nicomachusbekks: an exaggeration.16:22
bekksnicomachus: 30s reboot time is pretty fast. Very often the BIOS part takes 10-20s, so the boot process is done with 10-15s. Not calculating the time to shutdown.16:23
mainbrainnicomachus thanks it was my video output settings they must got changed on accident thanks again16:23
Basketballhas anyone gotten fitbit program to work in ubuntu16:23
nicomachusmainbrain: I'm glad to finally be helping in this channel instead of seeking it!16:23
ikoniaBasketball: it's windows and mac only16:23
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: i was able to switch to nvidia before..it used to freeze..tried x.org..stopped freezing..read forums online, they said 'need bumblebee'..installed bumblebee..didnt help..i couldnt switch to nvidia anymore and i ended up here16:23
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: yeah prime was meant to replace that though, plus bumblebee is more for optimus setups and i don't think yours is one16:24
mainbrainnicomachus yeah cant wait to start helping also16:24
nicomachussomeones gotta take the load off daftykins!16:25
daftykinslol, i'm by far not the most active16:25
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins : do i reboot the asus?16:25
wkejrnjklis it16:25
daftykinswkejrnjkl: look it up on youtube perhaps :P16:26
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: i really don't know what to suggest now, that's two different driver versions that aren't happy bunnies...16:26
wkejrnjkldaftykins, youuuutube or youtuuuube16:26
Basketballikonia, so there is no way16:26
ikoniaBasketball: there isn't a linux version16:26
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: damn..should i switch back to x.org to prevent freeze?16:27
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: just run "sudo apt-get purge nvidia* "16:27
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: i think that machine would rather be on Windows, seems a bit more of a gaming type16:27
Briankanhi, what's the channel for ubuntu touch/phone?16:27
k1l_Briankan: #ubuntu-touch16:28
Briankan!help ubuntu channels16:28
ubottuBriankan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:28
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: yeah, used to game a lot..quit now..plus , kinda sick of windows too..16:28
nicomachusoh wow, I didn't know there was a separate channel for touch16:28
Briankanthey keep them hidden :>16:28
daftykinsnicomachus: can you start filtering your comments to support only, please :/ chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic16:29
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: done with purge nvidia*16:29
nicomachusdaftykins: you got it, sorry, my self-control is terrible.16:29
k1l_well its not hidden. its just seperated since the support differs heavily from the desktop right now16:29
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: ok, restart and you'll be pretty much back where you started :(16:29
newbiemateAnyone using ubuntu mate?16:30
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: cool..16:30
newbiemateI am unsure which iso to download for my laptop.16:30
k1l_newbiemate: some might. but what is you real question?16:30
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: thanks a lot though...16:31
MortezaEdaftykins, found it ;) "purity-off"16:31
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: no worries, we tried! 15.04 might have a better chance once it's out16:31
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: is 14.10 any better?16:31
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: nah, you're also already using its' kernel.16:31
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: guess i'll be running on this till 15.04 is released..16:32
k1l_scarecrowdiablo1: keep in mind you need to upgrade the ubuntu release every 6 months once you leave the 14.04 LTS16:32
krabadorhow can i set envelop indicator?16:32
k1l_krabador: can you explain a bit more?16:33
scarecrowdiablo1k1l_ : guess i'll be sticking to 14.04 for a while then...thanks :)16:33
krabadork1l_, hi, i would know if it's possible to set what let appear in envelope indicator16:34
krabadorlike if xchat and not pidgin, not thunderbird, ecc16:34
k1l_krabador: theoretically yes. but that will be a lot of work, imho16:35
nicomachusa LOT. I tried once.16:35
nicomachuseasier to just purge pidgin and thunderbird.16:35
scarecrowdiablo1alright...guys..i've got one more problem..16:36
scarecrowdiablo1not able to run 'Steam'..16:36
krabadork1l_, oh, great, i supposed i missed some menu16:36
nicomachusscarecrowdiablo1: I think they've released Steam for Linux now, but it still runs WAY better under WINE16:36
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
daftykinsnicomachus: that's a very dubious claim16:37
nicomachusa lot of your games will be incompatible though. see here: https://appdb.winehq.org/16:37
nicomachusdaftykins: why dubious/16:37
k1l!paste | scarecrowdiablo116:37
ubottuscarecrowdiablo1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:37
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: what have you tried? "sudo apt-get install steam" worked fine for me16:37
scarecrowdiablo1nicomachus: will give it a try..16:38
nicomachustrust daftykins over me. always.16:38
Gamoder_Um, is there a version of rm accepting only a single argument?16:38
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo1: fwiw nicomachus is giving pretty bad advice imo, i would not touch WINE when there's a native program16:38
daftykinsGamoder_: what?16:38
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: some problem with 32-bit libraries..since i'm running a 64 bit os , etc..got it from the steam website,which redirected me to software centre16:38
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: wont try it..16:39
daftykinsyeah don't use a manual download16:39
k1lscarecrowdiablo1: we cant help you if we need to guess what the issue is. please give exact details and whole errormessages in pastebin16:39
daftykinsjust run the above command16:39
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: will log-in using the other system..16:39
k1lscarecrowdiablo1: and steam works fine for me on 64bit OS so please share the exact errors16:40
Gamoder_daftykins: A version of rm accepting only e.g. rm bla*.doc, but not rm bla *.doc16:40
Gamoder_but well ... as I thought of it, the *-expansion is done by the bash, right?16:40
Gamoder_so this cannot be done probably16:40
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: trying it..16:40
k1lsteam is not doing all the work to port the games to linux just to people on linux run wine again m(16:41
scarecrowdiablo1daftykins: worked like a charm!..thanks a ton!16:44
scarecrowdiablo1k1l : sorry about that..thanks :)16:44
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linux4uok, I am taring a file from an external drive to a sshfs mount point why is it taking up space on my local hdd?16:53
linux4uand the worst part is I cant find where it using up the space.16:53
daftykins /tmp perhaps16:53
linux4uand whats weirder is the space stays taken up even after a reboot.16:54
linux4uthe only way I can get the space back is to start the tar again and stop it right away.16:55
iorialinux4u, : /mnt  ?16:57
i1x2n37i made a usb boot stick with ubuntu using unetbootin. when i try to boot from it, i get a blank screen. can i make it somehow log all it tries to do to a textfile on the stick? otherwise this is impossible to troubleshoot16:57
linux4uhmm, interesting why there?16:57
daftykinsi1x2n37: which OS did you make it with?16:58
linux4uits a osx thumbdrive16:58
i1x2n37daftykins: archlinux16:58
iorialinux4u, : the mount point16:58
daftykinsi1x2n37: use 'dd' instead.16:58
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jmsshi, does someone know how to install a non-pae kernel?16:58
i1x2n37known problems with unetbootin? i used it successfully in the past16:58
jmssthe package without the pae suffix seems to install a pae kernel16:59
linux4uioria, no its creating the files in the mount point but its also taking up space on the disk.16:59
daftykinsjmss: everythings PAE nowadays.16:59
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jmssdaftykins, but if you use forcepae option in grub it will work on non-pae17:00
gabb0Hi! Xubuntu 14.04 fresh install. Is trim function enabled in this version? I have a 250Gb SSD.  Thanks.17:00
iorialinux4u, : did you edit  the fstab with  a permanent mount  point ?17:01
k1lgabb0: yes17:01
gabb0Kll thanks :)17:01
k1lgabb0: there should be a cronjob running trim from time to time17:01
wa_r_ch_i__ld1hey, anyone know how to query a bash program from rails?17:01
wa_r_ch_i__ld1or to install a bash program into a rails app17:02
gabb0Good to know. I've been on 12.04 the whole time. Don't care for 14.04 unity myself.. x tho, love it.17:02
linux4uhmm, it seems to not be doing it with a fat32 usb disk.17:02
linux4ucould it be a bug in the hpfs(extfat) driver?17:02
linux4ubut whats weird is I did another hpfs disk and it didnt seem to do that.17:03
linux4uand I have reproduced it a couple of times with the osx one.17:03
gabb0Is it good practice to do this on a fresh install?  ---> sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree17:04
daftykinsgabb0: depends what you're trying to achieve17:04
daftykinsif you're just running it 'because' then i would say it's not very wise17:04
k1llinux4u: are you talking about trim?17:05
gabb0daftykins, well my wifi is detected in the additional drivers.. shall I assume the OS understands it and should work? I don't mean to appear chicken, I just wondered about adding the firmware to avoid potential pitfalls is all...thanks.17:05
k1llinux4u: ah sorry. that was another issue. thought you were answering to the trim question17:05
RickyB98hello :-) i'm a little bit noob about reading/writing permissions in linux.. but why isn't /usr/share writable? is it supposed to be or not? and is there a folder that is writable by anyone in ubuntu?17:06
daftykinsgabb0: if additional drivers offer something, go that route first before trying any manual approaches :)17:06
linux4uioria, no, I am using sshfs17:06
linux4ukll sorry, for the misinfo17:07
gabb0ok daftykins thanx for heads up17:07
gabb0RickyB98, you can specify a universal folder if you wanted to. for sharing purpose?17:08
RickyB98gabb0, i need php to be able to write a file17:08
RickyB98and an application running in my home to read it17:08
RickyB98i mean, php from the web17:08
gabb0i dont do web stuff but you can make a dir under /var/www (?) and make it global.. whether that is best practice I am not certain.17:09
gabb0from a internet security standpoint.17:09
RickyB98neither am i.. that's why i'm asking.. coz it's pretty much easy to chmod 777 a dir.. but that's not the safest option17:10
daftykinsno, you should definitely never 777 things, that's the schoolboy error #117:10
i1x2n37daftykins: amazing, dd worked. thank you so much17:10
daftykinsi1x2n37: no problemo17:10
daftykinssimplicity is key \o/17:10
i1x2n37now i can fix my broken windows with linux :)17:11
RickyB98daftykins, exactly..17:11
gabb0RickyB98, might wanna check a PHP forum or ask in reddit/r/php17:11
gabb0reddit.com/r/php i meant17:11
RickyB98okay.. will do17:11
daftykinsRickyB98: so what's PHP running from? apache?17:11
RickyB98thanks :-)17:11
RickyB98daftykins, yes17:11
daftykinsso where's your PHP file?17:11
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daftykinsRickyB98: ok, so "ls -al /var/www/mysite" to look at the permissions, if you want to modify a file in that path or another path - have that path or file owned by the user apache excutes as (likely www-data)17:12
RickyB98yeah, www-data runs php17:13
RickyB98so you mean.. i should chown that file to www-data?17:13
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daftykinsRickyB98: well no, www-data is the user that's enacting whatever your PHP file says to do... so if it's saying "do something with /usr/share/blah" then you'll need to have /usr/share/ owned by www-data and relevant read+write permissions17:14
RickyB98daftykins, that's close to what i said..17:15
RickyB98i think that's the best solution.. thanks ^_^17:15
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krabadork1l, then looking that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu17:17
krabadork1l, creating a ~/.config/indicators/messages/applications-blacklist/ , it's possible to blacklist apps in messaging menu17:20
krabadork1l, but from that /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications ,17:20
krabadork1l, my /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications havent't all the apps that i really have in17:21
TheHonorableKittwhat do I have to do get get unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic?17:25
daftykinsask in #ubuntu-ops17:25
k1lTheHonorableKitt: ask in #ubuntu-ops-team17:25
Picik1l: you mean #ubuntu-ops17:26
k1lwell, yes. autocomplete and multitasking didnt work this time :/17:26
RoryThis command is making all the target files blank. Is there something I'm not understanding about redirection?17:27
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Roryfor e in `ls`; do sed '/cfparameters/,$d' $e > $e; done17:27
HiegeHuhu ich habe ein problem; ich bekomme die *sudo gem install mysql2 * nicht installiert17:27
RoryThanks rubber ducks I'm an idiot17:27
daftykinsRory: #bash might be better if you get no reply17:27
daftykinsHiege: englisch bitte17:28
Rory"sed -i" is the one I want :P17:28
k1lHiege: #ubuntu-de für deutschen support. das hier ist der englische kanal17:28
daftykinsheh i was about to say -i but didn't look up what it does17:28
Hiegeok thanks17:28
Hiegei will switch17:28
Rorydaftykins: Replaces in the file, instead of printing to stdout. Exactly what I needed but it's 2 minutes to hometime and I need wine.17:28
linux4uioria, can you or anyone interested in helping me with this weird problem. here is a pastie. http://pastebin.com/vLMT9tRy17:30
daftykinsugh use df with -h :P17:31
linux4uioria, here it is on ubuntu paste. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10586575/17:31
TheHonorableKittk1l, i posted in #ubuntu-ops17:31
linux4udaftykins, I did for the /tmp. wanted to be precise.  but you can still see whats going on.17:32
linux4uand it is doing it with a fat32 disk as well, its not just osx disks17:33
daftykinswhy do you keep saying OS X disks? what's OS X related?17:33
daftykinsearlier you mentioned a HPFS which hasn't been relevant since the 80s/90s :D17:34
linux4uthe one I had the problem was an osx thumbdrive and it shows up as hpfs/exfat in fdisk. thats why.17:34
linux4ubut its not related, fat32 disk does same thing, these are thumb drives, but I dont that matters.17:36
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daftykinsyeah i just wondered if you had been misled on file systems17:36
linux4uno it mounts fine, but its the weirdest thing,  everything I have read says tar does not use temp files and yet something is eating up the disk space.17:38
daftykinsi didn't say anything about mounting :)17:38
gabb0would running lsof in another terminal give a clue?17:38
* gabb0 is clueless though.17:38
linux4ugood idea I tried that and it didnt show anything that looked like a tmp file.17:39
Guest63300ubuntu pre installed laptops are available in india17:40
ikoniaGuest63300: ? and17:41
gabb0linux4u, maybe strace would help17:41
Guest63300i am asking ,17:42
daftykinsGuest63300: asking...?17:43
gabb0i assume he is wondering if they are for sale there17:43
linux4ustrace is another good idea.  thanks. here is the lsof http://paste.ubuntu.com/10586645/17:44
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Guest63300what is kpease17:45
cihhanHi all! Somehow in my Ubuntu, ifconfig shows wan instead of eth0. What could be the reason? /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules show eth0 and also /etc/network/interfaces does not have wan as well. Any idea why it might be showing wan instead of eth0?17:48
linux4unope strace did not reveal any files that I could see except for the ones being read and written.17:48
gabb0im out of my league linux4u. never had to do that sort of investigation myself.17:49
daftykinscihhan: keep a backup of persistent-net then comment out that line and reboot perhaps17:49
cihhandaftykins, i have deleted rules and rebooted and it still does the same17:50
daftykinsah, ah well.17:50
daftykinswhat's wrong with the name being different, exactly?17:50
cihhanwell im trying to use iptraf and it doesnt like the name change...17:51
cihhanand also i need to do many configurations due to the change now and i dont want to do it if possible17:52
sandeep_i tried to install ubuntu on laptop alongside win8, but  it is not booting from cd17:53
daftykinscihhan: sooo, look up interface renaming? pretty sure there are plenty of posts on it17:54
cihhanthanks daftykins, i ll check it more detailed again17:54
compdocsandeep_, the bios is set to boot the cd first? and not uefi?17:55
sandeep_i already set it17:56
sandeep_compdoc thanq for your responce17:56
gabb0sandeep_, do other bootable cds work? ruling out a bad burn is all17:57
sandeep_it  is uefi enabled , i bought it yesterday17:57
linux4unope strace did not reveal anything either.17:57
daftykinssandeep_: no flash drives?17:57
sandeep_i tried from booted pendrive , it install but, when i reboot again i will directlly booted into win817:59
krabadorthen looking that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu  creating a ~/.config/indicators/messages/applications-blacklist/ , it's possible to blacklist apps in messaging menu but from that /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications my /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications havent't all the apps that i really have in18:00
daftykinssandeep_: go into your EFI and change the boot device from 'Windows Boot Manager' to the name of the hard disk / SSD18:00
sandeep_k , thanq u so much i will try this18:01
daftykinsdepends if that booted as EFI to install though18:01
linux4umy other box does not have the issue.  this is a weird one.18:06
oli_bHi to all...18:06
michaeltking79I'm about to go bananas of Caja file manager, it will open using gksudo, as another user... just not with _my_ user... anyone have any ideas?18:08
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linuxuz3rhow do i change tty18:11
k1llinuxuz3r: ctrl+alt+f1 and come back with ctrl+alt+f718:12
linuxuz3ri have fn keys18:12
linuxuz3rit wont work on me18:12
ActionParsnipWow, 1900 users. Used to be like that on release days, now that's just Thursday traffic... Sign of the times18:14
oli_blinuxuz3r: try  Alt + Crsr left-right    or   Ctrl+Alt+ Crsr left-right18:16
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alex_agape94guys, I have a problem!18:18
TheHonorableKittok this is starting to drive me nuts, my ssh connection is slow and keeps disconnecting with the message 'software caused connection to abort' what in the frick?18:18
alex_agape94I have Xubuntu 14.04 installed on my laptop, and it runs like a charm, but the only thing that annoys me a lot is the suspend18:18
alex_agape94Like if I close the laptop lid, it goes suspended, but when I open it again, it won't start my screen18:19
linuxuz3rdid you install the video card drivers?18:19
alex_agape94I am able to type in my password, but after I hit enter the screen is black18:19
TheHonorableKittWould anyone know why ubuntu server would be killing my ssh connection?18:19
alex_agape94I think its a problem with xfce's power manager18:20
daftykinsTheHonorableKitt: do you have physical access to this box? try a localhost SSH and see if it kills that too18:20
TheHonorableKitti don't have local access, no18:20
daftykinsoh well18:20
alex_agape94I looked it up online and i saw that people are installing gnome screensaver, but I'm afraid that it will trash my whole system18:20
ruslanhi all!18:21
linuxuz3ralex_agape94: i got the same problem so i dont suspend18:22
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alex_agape94damn... I am soo used to suspending my laptop...18:22
linuxuz3ri suspend my laptop18:23
linuxuz3rbut it borked out on me18:23
linuxuz3rthe frame buffer got jarbled18:23
daftykinslinuxuz3r: any chance you could discuss your issue with fewer enter key presses? :)18:23
linuxuz3ri see weird artifacts when i use it on the screen18:23
orionhttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading <-- this page is broken18:24
scarecrowdiablohey daftykins.. this is regarding the frozen screen while using nvidia drivers..i was here earlier and you helped me..a lot..after it didnt work, started browsing , etc..and tried this -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10586850/18:25
daftykinsscarecrowdiablo: why'd you run those?18:25
scarecrowdiablonow the frozen screen has stopped and the nvidia binary driver - version 331.113 from nvidia-331(open source)18:26
scarecrowdiablothe nvidia driver works kinda fine now..did i do something wrong?18:26
daftykinshmm, weird.18:26
daftykinswell just whoever you got those instructions from should never let anyone run 'sudo su' as it does bad things :>18:27
akurilinHey folks, is anybody else seeing "Hsah sum mismatch" when running apd update?18:27
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: noted18:27
linuxuz3rdaftykins: why is that18:27
ActionParsniporion: report it in #launchpad18:28
daftykinsakurilin: some get that, it's not everyone though.18:28
ActionParsnipakurilin: I have a script for that18:28
k1lakurilin: which repos?18:28
akurilinapt.cache.FetchFailedException: W:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/i18n/Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch18:29
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: i just wanted to let you know that it worked..(according to me)..if you want me to run a few tests/commands/etc...let me know18:29
daftykinsnah that's alright, maybe the install was just a bit funny to begin with18:30
daftykinsglad it worked out, little annoyed it didn't earlier though XD18:30
akurilinWhat exactly should I do when I see the issue above?18:30
ActionParsnipakurilin: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage18:30
scarecrowdiablodaftykins: you helped me a lot though..cheers!18:30
k1lakurilin: since you use already the main servers: i would wait a bit until they are fixed18:30
akurilink1l: yeah it looks like it's intermittent, odd18:31
akurilinnever hit this one before luckily18:31
ActionParsnipakurilin: use the command I gave...18:31
linuxuz3rmoment of truth18:32
akurilinActionParsnip: I saved it for reference18:32
akurilinthank you18:32
akurilinWould prefer to understand what it's doing before I resort to it18:32
ActionParsnipscarecrowdiablo: why don't you just prefix the commands with sudo instead of 'sudo su'18:33
ActionParsnipakurilin: it's the commands from the official Ubuntu documentation. It's just in a script. It clears your systems package knowledge then makes it redownload a fresh copy18:34
scarecrowdiablodidn't realize superuser is that dangerous..will never use it again..pinky swear18:34
ioriabetter  than  medium  swear18:35
akurilinActionParsnip: as in, you get a new index altogether?18:35
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spagewmfI followed a Google link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick , I get a Python exceptions.TypeError18:46
spagewmf(I reported it in #ubuntu-website, no ack yet)18:46
spagewmfcommunity home page also getting the same MoinMoin.py error18:46
daftykinswow that's a messed up page18:46
hfsladmin_mktemp: failed to create directory via template ‘/tmp/scm_prepare_node.XXXXXXXX’: Read-only file system18:47
spagewmfshould have used MediaWiki :)18:47
daftykinsdid you want help making a flash drive up with an .ISO? :)18:47
hfsladmin_requesting help on the mktemp18:47
spagewmfdaftykins: thanks, I think I'm OK.  I built one on Windows 8.1 (WTF %$#! :-) ), ready to reboot. I did it 2 years ago18:48
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daftykinserr... i didn't need your life history but ok :)18:48
hfsladmin_Dear All18:50
hfsladmin_requesting help of mktemo18:51
hfsladmin_mktemp: failed to create directory via template ‘/tmp/scm_prepare_node.XXXXXXXX’: Read-only file system18:51
EriC^^hfsladmin_, type mount | grep /tmp18:51
EriC^^hfsladmin_, or pastebinit mount18:52
EriC^^hfsladmin_, type mount and pastebin in paste.ubuntu.com18:53
dataangelWhat's the right way on ubuntu to setup a 'user service' (background daemon that I want to keep running just as a regular user rather than a system service as root)? I know how to do it with systemd but I'm not running latest18:54
arooni-mobilehey guys; i can only hear audio when i plug in headphones.  when i dont have my headphones in, i cant hear anything18:54
spagewmfdataangel: something like http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/84252/how-to-start-a-service-automatically-when-ubuntu-starts , see /etc/init/mytrojan.conf example.  I haven't tried it but it seems legit.18:56
ActionParsnipakurilin: exactly18:56
spagewmfdataangel: if you want the script to start when *you* login but not otherwise, umm, there's probably some option to run when Unity starts, and probably a script to start a daemon would work, but for auto-restart and such you'd have to add the code to the script18:57
* WLM is away: I need food because otherwise I'll die and that's not really something I want to happen to me18:57
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EriC^^hfsladmin_, can you modify any file? try sudo touch /something18:58
amirsalarhey there18:58
julian-delphikiWLM: thats an unnecessary away message.18:58
hfsladmin_yes sir18:58
varaindemianGuys, I want to migrate from ubuntu to linux mint. Anything to do other than formating root partition "/" ? I don't want to format /home partition18:58
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: what is the output of: wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa- info.sh18:58
platzany good resources for learning about systemd?18:59
spagewmfdataangel: http://askubuntu.com/questions/178567/how-to-add-a-program-as-startup-application-from-terminal18:59
amirsalari have a probook 4540s HP and just cant controll my lcd backlight ... amd + intel 3rd gerenation is my video cards18:59
platzideally from a user's perspective18:59
ActionParsnipvaraindemian: I suggest you ask the mint guys18:59
popeyplatz: probably a good start is http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/FrequentlyAskedQuestions/18:59
ActionParsnipplatz: is this in Vivid?18:59
arooni-mobilebash: alsa-: No such file or directory18:59
hfsladmin_hfsl_user@FSCHADOOP-01:~$ sudo touch /something18:59
hfsladmin_touch: cannot touch ‘/something’: Read-only file system18:59
platzpopey: thanks19:00
julian-delphikisounds to me like you have a read only filesystem hfsladmin_19:00
platzActionParsnip: no idea what Vivid is19:00
julian-delphikiyou could try remounting it as rw.19:00
ActionParsniphfsladmin_: sudo mount -o remount,rw /19:00
EriC^^hfsladmin_, do you have any idea why it is mounted readonly?19:00
ActionParsnipplatz: codename of Ubuntu 15.0419:00
varaindemianActionParsnip, shouldn't be the same procedure?19:00
hfsladmin_i only installed the OS from scratch19:00
hfsladmin_probably i did some mistake while installation19:01
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=0918797b37ca08c27cec2cbfee5f64fd3b4bddfc19:01
ActionParsnipvaraindemian: we don't support mint here19:01
hfsladmin_hfsl_user@FSCHADOOP-01:~$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /19:01
hfsladmin_mount: cannot remount block device /dev/mapper/FSCHADOOP--01--vg-root read-write, is write-protected19:01
platzActionParsnip: ahh, on 14.10 but switching was pretty easy, and some of the newer nvidia packages kind of pushed me into it19:01
hfsladmin_do i need to re-install the OS :(19:02
dataangelspagewmf: Hmm, I'm specifically looking for the functionality of having the process restart if it dies. Looks like ~/.config/autostart just handles launching once19:02
EriC^^hfsladmin_, did you change anything on the drive since the installation?19:02
ActionParsniphfsladmin_: boot to live CD and do an fsck there19:03
hfsladmin_i am actually trying to install Hadoop19:03
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: if you run: alsamixer  Are all levels maxed and unmuted?19:03
hfsladmin_i was following the instructions , not sure if something went19:03
lyzeohai :)19:03
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, yes but i do recall doing this " 52 options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo enable=1 index=0 position_fix=1"  to my alsa-base.conf ... but maybe i should take that out and see how it runs19:04
spagewmfdataangel: right, so you'd have to have a starup script/program that keeps it running. You can hack that into a bash script, but maybe there's a way to get the upstart functionality when you log in19:04
hfsladmin_ActionParsnip: do i neeed to install CD and boot ?19:04
dataangelspagewmf: ah yeah I could just loop19:05
dexter__Hey guys, the one thing binding me to Windows is intel quicksync. Has anyone here got any experience with VAAPI? If you have I am ready to post a ton of logs and error information :)19:06
lyze!ask | dexter__19:06
ubottudexter__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:06
dexter__Okay, but this is a very big ask :) Thank you.19:07
Basketballhas anyone gotten fitbit program to work in ubuntu19:07
lyzedexter__: well then ask a short question which covers most of the problem19:07
Jordan_Udexter__: I would recommend simply posting a short summarry of the problem you're having, along with a single pastebin containing all of the logs and error messages (or maybe multiple pastebins, whichever is likely to be easier to work with for someone looking through it). If you don't get a response here, then file a bug report (assuming that you are encountering a bug).19:08
ActionParsniphfsladmin_: yes so that the storage is offline19:10
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solsTiCehi. for SSD, do you use discard on mount option in fstab, or you let it run fstrim via cron ?19:11
trendymoronOn Windows, I had Speedfan beeping obnoxiously whenever my CPU was too hot. Anybody know how I can do the same in Ubuntu? Psensor won't do anything more than a pop-up notification and I can't for the life of me figure out how to make gkrellm just beep.19:11
ActionParsnipBasketball: I found this http://linuxaria.com/article/how-to-sync-your-fitbit-under-linux?lang=en19:11
ActionParsniptrendymoron: look into lmsensors19:11
ActionParsnip!sensors | trendymoron19:12
ubottutrendymoron: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.19:12
BasketballActionParsnip, whoa long time no chat19:12
trendymoronI've got lmsensors installed and working, but it doesn't seem to have an alarm function.19:12
the-solipsistHow do you mount a remote folder in such a way that it is available regardless of whether you're accessing it via the LAN (192.168.x.x) or via a WAN (using DDNS)?19:14
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, i'm back19:15
arooni-mobileso i revmoed that line and nothigchanged19:15
ActionParsnipthe-solipsist: use SFTP and connect to the wan IP. Home routers will usually push the traffic back inside the LAN but externally you can access it securely19:16
dexter__Basically, I want to get hardware accelerated video encoding working on my haswell CPU. VAAPI supports this, but I can't invoke any VAAPI functionality either via the scary commandline option or by Transmageddon (A Video codec that supports this. First up is my vainfo http://pastebin.com/CHQzeK8v second gst-inspect http://pastebin.com/mkkJvmtV and thirdly gst-inspect-1.0 Transmageddon is set to use VAAPI when it is available, running transmageddon via ter19:17
dexter__minal does not show me it's processes. Thank you19:17
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Guest92144stupid question sudo mknod -m 777 mouse c 3 32 should make a device file on my computer for the usb mouse but under any user i get permission denied when i try to move the mouse or read from the mouse using this device file i.e echo or cat it19:24
Guest92144why is this is this some sort of resource lock on the mouse so the device file will never beable to uses it19:24
Guest92144cat mouse ; or echo "randomstuff" > mouse doesn't move or see the mouse data in any way19:25
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Guest92144I am on ubuntu 14 so anybody know19:26
EriC^Guest92144, echo something > .. doesn't carry the sudo19:26
EriC^you'd have to use echo something | sudo tee ..19:27
EriC^are you sure about the major and minor numbers for that device file?19:27
Guest92144cat /proc/bus/input/*  files told me i was a character device of major 3 minor 32 for usb mouse different then the ps2 old minor number19:28
Guest92144O wait I maybe wrong looking at a differnet mouse then i was using hold on19:29
delinquentmeKind of a fun question: Is there a way I can write a bash script to open 6 equally sized terminal windows each running a different command?19:32
Guest92144well cat /proc/bus/input/handlers19:34
Guest92144 says 3 and 32 for mousedev19:34
Guest92144and t is a ps2 stupid me IMPS/2 Generic wheel mouse19:37
Guest92144handlers=mouse0 event419:38
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bpromptdelinquentme:      run  .... 6 consoles... dunno xterm maybe   with the -geometry  WIDTHxHEIGHT  in pixels19:40
Guest92144O never mind it is /dev/input/mouse0  just had it in a subdirectory of /dev19:41
tezikoWhen I drag a tab from the xubuntu panel, the whisker menu logo disappears and reappears when I bring the cursor on it. Is it a bug?19:41
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lyzeteziko: xubuntu?19:42
eriscoI installed nvidia-current and now after the Ubuntu loading screen the display shuts off19:43
eriscothis is my Xorg log http://paste.ubuntu.com/10587197/19:43
tezikolyze: yes19:43
lyzeteziko: well it works for me and i use manjaro linux so i guess its a xubuntu bug so please ask at #xubuntu for help :)19:43
tezikolyze: I asked on the xubuntu irc channel too. Is it forbidden to ask xubuntu questions here?19:44
lyzeteziko: well its a official ubuntu channel so we provide support for ubuntu stuff not a other distro :)19:45
lyze!xubuntu | teziko19:45
ubottuteziko: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:45
tezikolyze: xubuntu ubuntu is the same thing I asked here because they are more people and because I didn't get any answer on the other channel.19:46
lyzeteziko: well ok :) when you use irc you need to be pacient to get a answer :) but yes i also had the black thingy bug when using xubuntu19:47
lyzebut it was only in xubuntu and, as i said, not in manjaro19:48
tezikolyze: I did a response from the xubuntu channel. They say that it's a known bug and they don't know what is the origin of the problem.19:50
lyzeteziko: well thats akward :(19:51
junior_how to re-enable wifi? using a rt5592 ralink pci card. just recently got the drivers to work for it. on the network manager GUI i i have it enabled but it shows wifi disabled. On rfkill it shows no for both soft and hard block. any suggestions?19:51
lyzeohai ankk19:52
ankkubuntu doesn't recognize my  notebook webcam19:52
ankkhow can i fix webcam problem?19:52
mamins1376ankk google it.19:53
ankkmamins1376,  thank you19:53
lyzemamins1376: best answer i read here19:53
ankkis there another way to do it easily?19:53
ankkwhy are you here then?19:53
lyzeankk: whats the model of the notebook?19:54
ankkdmidecode show this19:55
Guest92144I found that ls -l /dev/input/mouse0 has major 13 minor 32 but when i create sudo mknod -m666 (or -m777) mymouse0 c 13 32 I cann't sudo cat mymouse0 any more like i can with /dev/input/mouse0 or mice or event419:55
Guest92144why is this?19:55
lyzeankk: ya gave https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam a look already?19:57
ankkit shows all about clients19:57
ankkprograms to use on a recognized webcam19:57
halfbeingEvery day at some point the disk activity light comes on and my machine becomes completely unusable. I can't even move the mouse pointer. This goes on for at least 50 minutes and there is no way out except to hold down the power button for 5 seconds. I have disabled the mlocate cron job, but it keeps happening. Any idea how to stop it?20:00
mamins1376install iotop from repo and watch what is happening20:02
treelzebubhi all, quick question: will a regular 14.04 install w/ encryption + lvm resize my boot partition? i need it to, as I have mistakenly shrunk the boot partition too small.20:02
aruflHi, how can i compile rtmpdump with polarssl?20:04
aruflIt fails for mehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10587284/20:04
ankkhey guys20:04
ankkwhat's difference between usb webcam and builtin webcam?20:05
ankki don't see anything about webcam in lspci and lsusb list20:05
ankkis there anything else to see what it is?20:05
spagewmfI think I found a bug in the Ubuntu installer. It's inviting me to "Connect this computer to a wi-fi network..." but I'm on wired ethernet.  I'm pretty sure I already have a fast good connection.20:05
treelzebubankk: have you installed drivers for this webcam?20:06
ankki don't know the exact model20:06
ankki'm trying to find it20:06
ankki connected remotely20:06
spagewmfI booted into "Install Ubuntu", is there any way to bring up a terminal in that?  I guess I should have booted into "Try Ubuntu" and then run the installer, but the instructions didn't suggest that as an option.20:06
ankkthe real user does not know about linux20:07
Bashing-omtreelzebub: /boot partition bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1357093 .20:08
lyzespagewmf: yeah do this20:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1357093 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "LVM or Encrypted install creates too small /boot partition" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:08
treelzebubankk: without drivers or even knowing the chipset, you're not going to get it working, i'm afraid.20:08
treelzebubBashing-om: my hero.20:08
lyzespagewmf: i'd use install ubuntu whenever you dont need to install updates and so on and use try ubuntu to connect to the internet and then isntall it20:08
spagewmfI can run Alt-Ctrl-F1 to bring up a console in the installer, but what's the root password?20:09
lyzespagewmf: use try ubuntu instead of install ubuntu whenever you need todo something there20:09
Bashing-omtreelzebub: Naw, just been about // add your voice to the report .20:09
treelzebubdoing so now :)  thx mate20:09
lyzemus Hello :)20:09
mushello lyze20:10
spagewmflyze: thanks for the advice.  Install Ubuntu is offering to connect to network for updates, but yes running the Try Ubuntu would give me more flexibility20:10
ankktreelzebub, dmidecode shows W650EH20:10
ankkfor notebook model20:10
Bashing-omspagewmf: "root password" is locked in ubuntu, the procedure is "sudo" and use 'your' password .20:11
hfsladmin_i reinstalled the whole OS20:12
hfsladmin_and tried the hadoop installation again20:12
hfsladmin_same error20:12
spagewmfBashing-om: thanks, but I've booted into the Ubuntu installer. Turns out the default ubuntu user in a console is in the sudo group, so I can run commands20:13
Bashing-omspagewmf: :)20:13
treelzebubankk: seems to be a Clevo W650EH chipset. google returns motherboard and wlan/bluetooth drivers for it, but only windows. you might be SOL on that webcam20:14
tezikolyze: here the bug page for the whisker problem if you're interested: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-panel/+bug/1397095 bye20:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1397095 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "dragging applications in the task bar causes repaint errors" [Medium,Confirmed]20:15
ankktreelzebub,  SOL ?20:15
treelzebubshit outta luck.20:15
lyzeteziko: "Too bad this fix did not make it into 4.12.0"20:15
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SampeiCiao a tutti quelli di #ubuntu !20:21
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:21
=== kb is now known as Guest96310
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xSolidStateHello. I can only select one of my Hard Drives during side-by-side installation of xubuntu 14.10 x64  , even though the system detects all drives. BIOS HDD mode is set to RAID. How can I force the installer to let me install to that drive?20:24
lyzexSolidState: which raid?20:24
xSolidStatelyze, no, I have a raid array, but im not installing there. In my bios i can select modes for the HDDS, IDE, AHCI, RAID. Its on raid because i have an array.20:25
xSolidStatei want to install to sda. its an ssd if that matters20:25
dexter__I am building the newest gstreamervaapi plugins, winging my way through autoconf and have come up against this roadblock? configure: error: No renderer is enabled Can anyone hazard a guess?20:27
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xSolidStateIs it a good idea to install with the advanced partitions manager if the basic one does not want me installing to a certain drive? Or will that break something?20:29
SchrodingersScatxSolidState: which one is the 'advanced' one?20:30
joshumaxHey, are there any good window managers for Ubuntu that support small screens; i.e. about 300x300 pixels?20:31
aarobcwhat's the actual command that's run when I use ctrl+shift+n in gnome-terminal?20:31
aarobcbecause is handy, but I want to be able to call it from other processes20:31
lyzejoshumax: well i guess some window manager which just tiles those windows20:31
joshumaxi3wm perhaps then?20:32
xSolidStateSchrodingersScat, the one that pops up if you click 'advanced Partitioning tool' (translated from german) in the installation process. Not really sure what that is called20:32
xSolidStateIts not gparted20:32
lyzejoshumax: yeah something like this :)20:32
joshumaxAlthough it's really a poor choice for a touchscreen device...20:32
lyzejoshumax: thats also true20:33
joshumax...Ugh I really don't feel like building a custom one with Xlib and FLTK...not again20:33
lyzejoshumax: http://www.plasma-active.org/ http://alone-in-the-light.zenvoid.org/2012/09/desktop-for-tablets-and-mobile-devices.html20:34
xSolidStateSchrodingersScat, do you think i could try resizing the partition on my preferred install drive, create a new one and see if the installer finds it?20:34
joshumaxI should also note that the device I'm messing around with has an TI OMAP cpu clocked at about 600Mhz20:34
ankkso what20:35
ankkthere isn't anyway to detect an unknown webcam on linux?20:36
joshumaxankk: What?20:36
ankkjoshumax, we have a notebook20:36
ankkit has an unknown model20:36
ankkand we do not know anything about its webcam specs20:37
ankkwe need to use this webcam20:37
joshumaxI see20:37
ankkbut we are sure, there is a builtin webcam20:37
treelzebubankk: we established that your notebook is a Clevo W650EH20:37
joshumaxDoes it spit out a vendor ID on the kernel log at boot?20:37
ankkjoshumax, i checked it but i couldn't find it20:37
ankktreelzebub, it is not..20:37
ankklinux shows just a chipset model maybe. i don't know20:38
ankki learned its model but it is a local manufacturer20:38
joshumaxHmm...I wonder if you have to send some special initialization code to it20:38
joshumaxWell does your laptop come with nonfree installation software (i.e. a Windows support disk?)20:39
treelzebubankk: okay, let me rephrase. dmidecode returned that your notebook is using the W650EH chipset.20:39
ankktreelzebub,  yes20:39
NetworkingProhello everyone20:39
treelzebubankk: please confirm webcam is plugged directly into your motherboard, not USB20:40
joshumaxIf it odes I'd just grok around to see if the webcam drivers are in there to find your webcam model20:40
ankktreelzebub,  yes. it is builtin webcam20:40
pavlosankk, lsusb should list the webcam id20:40
wafflejockankk, lspci -k, should show you the devices in the system and a device id and if one is loaded what the kernel module is that's used for the device20:40
wafflejocklsusb for usb devices20:41
* OerHeks bets on lspci20:41
joshumaxpavlos: If it's built in it might use PCI instead20:41
ankkit is not usb webcam20:41
wafflejockankk, lspci -k20:41
NetworkingProAnyone know how to clear this:20:41
ankkok i'll paste it here20:41
wafflejockankk, use pastebin20:41
NetworkingProIm trying to install something else completely different.20:42
wafflejockankk, if you're dumping multiple lines20:42
joshumaxyay dependency hell20:42
NetworkingProI just want this to go away so I can use apt-get to install gdb20:42
joshumaxNetworkingPro: Check aptitude for resolutions20:42
NetworkingProYea joshumax I don't even care if that gets installed.  I just want me other app installed.20:42
NetworkingProI did do that, got not success.20:42
NetworkingProOne of the sysadmins left this nugget of goodness for me.20:43
joshumaxWhat do oyu mean by "no success?"20:43
NetworkingProIs there no way to tell apt-get to just forget about it.20:43
wafflejockNetworkingPro, if you're not using the package it's trying to install you can just remove it20:43
ikoniaNetworkingPro: where are you getting that package from20:43
ikonialooks like it's coming from a PPA with dependencies it can't resolve20:43
OerHeksNetworkingPro, the solution maybe: did you perform 'apt-get -f install' as the error suggested?20:44
NetworkingProikonia: Not sure.. . I didnt try to install this. One of the sys admins tried, failed, and left this mess for someone else to find.20:44
NetworkingProOerHeks: Yes20:44
NetworkingPro1 sec20:44
ikoniaNetworkingPro: would it not be better to wait for the sys admin to resolve it20:44
ikoniaNetworkingPro: if he's changed the repos for a reason you won't know it20:44
joshumaxwhy is gdb even trying to fetch salt-minion?20:44
NetworkingProikonia: Hes been fired for stupid stuff like thos.20:44
ankkwafflejock, https://paste.ee/p/Ek79y20:45
ikoniajoshumax: where does it say anything about gdb ?20:45
ikoniaNetworkingPro: look at what repos its using then20:45
joshumaxNetworkingPro "I just want this to go away so I can use apt-get to install gdb"20:45
ikoniaNetworkingPro: look at which repo it's coming from20:45
joshumaxI presumed NetworkingPro was trying to install gdb, no?20:45
NetworkingProikonia: Im trying to get this garbage out of the apt-get "queue" so I can install GDB20:45
ikoniajoshumax: right, it's not gdb doing this20:46
ikoniaNetworkingPro: find out what repos you have on your system and what repo this package is coming from20:46
joshumaxNetworkingPro: Ah, makes mroe sense20:46
ankktreelzebub, joshumax, https://paste.ee/p/Ek79y do you see a webcam :)20:46
joshumaxDarn new keyboard20:46
Ben64NetworkingPro: apt-cache policy salt-minion salt-common20:46
NetworkingProIs there no way to tell apt-get to basically forget about it, and get ready for the next pacakge?20:46
ikoniaNetworkingPro: why are you not doing what you've been asked to do20:46
xSolidStateLOL, found a bug i guess. If i dont mount any of my drives. it will only let me install to sdc. If i mount sdc and sdb i can install to sda lmao20:47
NetworkingProikonia: Because 10 people are saying different shit?20:47
wafflejockankk, don't see it in there at all... makes me think it's not connected or not functioning20:47
ikoniaNetworkingPro: no need to swear20:47
joshumaxankk: No... But your laptop uses a Xeon?20:47
ikoniaNetworkingPro: people are not saying different stuff you are not doing any of it, you're just asking how to make it ignore it20:47
ikoniawhich is not an option20:47
ankkjoshumax, nice yeah? :)20:47
NetworkingProikonia: Ah, so theres the first answer. thanks20:47
joshumaxYeah, and I bet it would be nicer if it had a working webcam! xD20:48
NetworkingPro1 sec20:48
wafflejockankk, even if the device doesn't have a module loaded or isn't functioning at a software level it should show up here if the hardware is connected and working and isn't usb connected20:48
joshumaxWhat's your laptop model ankk?20:48
wafflejockankk, you can try lsusb as well just for the heck of it but it should be here if it's built-in20:48
ikoniaNetworkingPro: please answer the questions20:48
ankkwafflejock,  it is builtin20:49
ikoniaNetworkingPro: what repos is this package coming from20:49
wafflejockankk, have you seen the camera work with any OS? if not I would suspect a hardware problem20:49
ankkjoshumax, it is a local brand..20:49
NetworkingPro500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/saltstack/salt/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages   is what I get when I check above.20:49
treelzebubankk: is there possibly a switch or FN+<key> combo to turn the cam on/off?20:49
ankkand there isn't enough technical specs20:49
NetworkingProSo I would assume 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/saltstack/salt/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages  ikonia20:49
xSolidStateoh man i hope this doesnt break my ssd20:49
NetworkingProikonia: Its all stock, no custom PPAs20:50
joshumaxankk: No online driver info online either?20:50
xSolidStatei just pressed space and it skipped an error message, that just popped up.20:50
ikoniaNetworkingPro: ok, so you need to remove the packages and remove that ppa20:50
ikoniaNetworkingPro: you've just posted a PPA20:50
ikoniaNetworkingPro: it's not stock20:50
wafflejockgood point treelzebub haven't seen hardware toggles for cameras but that could do it too20:50
ikoniahow can you say "it's stock, no PPA's" when you've just shown me the package comes from a PPA20:50
joshumaxankk: What does "lsusb -v | grep -E '\<(Bus|iProduct|bDeviceClass|bDeviceProtocol)' 2>/dev/null" show?20:51
NetworkingProikonia: Ubuntu doesnt have a PPA out of the box?20:51
ikoniaNetworkingPro: no20:51
ankkjoshumax,  yes. there isn't online driver info20:51
Ben64PPA = Personal Package Archive, so no20:51
NetworkingProBen64: So PPAs are always "after market"?20:52
NetworkingProgot it.20:52
NetworkingProso sudo apt-get remove salt-minon?20:53
joshumaxankk: This is normally the time where I tell people to open up their XYZ and start researching Chip IDs, but I doubt you'd want to do that20:53
wafflejockNetworkingPro, yea could even purge instead of remove in case any config was in place for it20:54
wafflejockshouldn't be though since it didn't get past checking dependencies20:54
xSolidStatewafflejock, cant that break something if its a weird ppa ?20:54
NetworkingProso sudo apt-get --purge remove salt-minon?20:55
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NetworkingProwafflejock: thx20:55
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:55
wafflejockxSolidState, not that I'm aware of, could always use the dry-run flag too (-s) to see what it will do without running immediately20:56
NetworkingProSo do PPA's override stock repos, or just work in parallel?20:56
NetworkingProAny idea on the order of operation?20:56
treelzebubBashing-om: in your opinion, what's the best way to get around this LVM bug? fresh install with only /home encrypted, maybe?20:56
wafflejockNetworkingPro, regarding the purge I meant sudo apt-get purge salt-minion, instead of remove, purge here means get rid of the binaries installed and config (including user config for the program)20:56
joshumaxOh no not again20:57
NetworkingProgotcha, thanks wafflejock20:57
wafflejockNetworkingPro, but like OerHeks points to there you'll want to just get rid of the ppa entirely too unless you really need packages it provides, and np20:57
NetworkingProwafflejock: NetworkingPro> So do PPA's override stock repos, or just work in parallel?20:58
Guest92144anybody know what the difference between /dev/tty* and /dev/vcsxx/vcsa  are?20:58
NetworkingProAs in, if you were to do apt-get on a package that was in both, which would get installed?20:58
Guest92144i get ttyS is for the serial port connections20:58
wafflejockNetworkingPro, they basically override in most cases, I'm not positive on how ubuntu determines which source to use off the cuff, but typically to upgrade to something not in the main repos people will add a PPA (if they trust it)20:59
NetworkingProwafflejock: Gotcha, that makes sense. And when you have something "stuck" like this you either have to resolve and install it, or remove it.?20:59
Bashing-omtreelzebub: In my opinion, encryption and LVM are more trouble than the worth - for general use.20:59
NetworkingProas ikonia pointed out apparently theres no "ignore" option.21:00
wafflejockNetworkingPro, yeah it wanted some dependency but couldn't find it so you either find it or build it or whatever and then install the thing or you have to remove it basically21:00
cxdvtyThere is a circle in my status bar on top right with a white bar in it21:01
treelzebubi am legally obligated to have my laptop encrypted for work :\21:01
cxdvtywhy is here a red circle with a white bar in it on my status bar21:02
Guest92144does anybody know the difference between /dev/console and /dev/ttyxxx devices21:03
treelzebubcxdvty: what happens when you run   sudo apt-get update?21:04
Guest92144seems like all the tty and console device files have major numbers of 4 , 5 ,721:04
Bashing-omtreelzebub: Then the "easier" thing is to pay close attention to the /boot partition, and keep the old kernels cleaned out ( sudo apt-get autoremove will do that ) . Other than that, one can manually resize partitions enlarging /boot in that process .21:04
Guest921447 seems to be fore vcs and vcsa and 4 , 5 major numbers seem to be for tty and console.21:05
pavloscxdvty, if you move the mouse there, does it tell you to reboot?21:05
cxdvtyNo it says i may have some unmet dependencies21:05
NetworkingProwafflejock: thanks, amigo21:06
treelzebubBashing-om: autoremove is not doing that. here's the latest round of what i've tried: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10587523/21:06
NetworkingProgot this crap working now.21:06
wafflejockNetworkingPro, no problem have a good one21:06
Bashing-omtreelzebub: look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/10587523/ .21:06
Guest92144but the distinctions of the differences between a regular console or terminal or a virtual console or terminal and all the other devices files seems to ellude me... i get virtual terminals are more block devices that can pipe there input over a network to another terminal .... confused not yet fully get it21:07
Bashing-omtreelzebub: "gzip: stdout: No space left on device" == no operational head room . show -> df -h , df -i <- and maybe we 'dpkg' remove the old kernels .21:08
moniessHey! Can some 1 help me? I can't install wordpress, i have got xampp.21:08
wafflejockmoniess, try #wordpress21:09
Guest92144seems like when you execute ssh or rcp or any command to a remote place it is taking your input and in sending it over the network in a way that a middle man device file  /dev/tty5 could intercept before being sent or recieved kind of like redirectling input or output from any terminal under any user sort of speak using these devices files in a certain way and not creating a program that did this thru  pipe and ioctl function calls21:09
OerHeksxampp is not the ubuntu way21:10
treelzebubBashing-om: all attempts to remove old kernels trigger update-initramfs, which fails (E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(1) )21:17
=== raykid is now known as xSolidState
treelzebubthis is indeed more trouble than it's worth.21:18
Jacoby6000is it possible to make a flash drive with two partitions... one with data, one with a bootable imag?21:19
Bashing-omtreelzebub: Let's try low level removal. pastbinit -> dpkg -l | grep linux- <- .21:19
xSolidStatehey its me again. install to SSD worked fine. I updated the kernel after installing and it does not output video anymore. Nvidia graphics card, no nonfree driver yet. It boots with Graphics on 3.16.0-23 and without on 3.16.0-31. What can i do to fix it?21:19
bekksJacoby6000: Yes, it is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:20
Jacoby6000thanks, bekks21:20
=== AustinTheGrey is now known as AustinTheGrey_Aw
treelzebub*AustinTheAwey  ...ftfy :P21:22
rigo_hi. how to install mesa correctly? (for filming with kodi based on a minimal server install)21:22
Versei've had a problem for a few months now where my laptop won't suspend (as in sleep, suspend to ram) if it's been on for a few minutes. its screen will go blank, it will disable networking, then it will remain on. hitting ctrl-alt-f7 a few times brings the desktop back. it might be due to being on a RAID 0 or a new wifi card that i put in. is there a way to see what's "blocking" the suspending?21:24
treelzebubBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10587703/21:25
Bashing-omtreelzebub: lookin at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/10587703/ .21:25
Bashing-omtreelzebub: That says you only have the 1 kernel installed, should not have a space constraint issue in /boot (??) .. so back to look'n what returns -> df -h , df -i <- .21:28
=== Rudench is now known as Shnaw
Guest92144curious for /dev/loop devices why would one want to uses these over just creating an empty directory and mounting the devices to the directory with mount instead of mounting to loop. I guess it is just preferences in most cases21:32
Guest92144because an empty directory acts exactly like its own block devices files /dev/loopXXX21:33
xSolidStateHow do i debug if a new stock kernel does not boot (correctly)?21:34
eriscoI would really like if ubuntu could just use nvidia drivers21:34
eriscothat'd be splendid21:34
treelzebubBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10587752/   ... I wasn't joking when I said /boot was way too small ;)21:34
letstrythiswhy does drm stay stucking in a pageflip?21:34
Bashing-omtreelzebub: look'n http://paste.ubuntu.com/10587752/ .21:35
xSolidStateerisco, you can just install them, cant you?21:35
eriscoohhh I wish21:35
eriscoinstalling them is one thing, having them work is another21:35
letstrythiserisco: unfortunatelt amd is awesome stuff tooo21:36
xSolidStateoh man, dont tell me you still have to do it manually to get it to work? Although that did work instantly back in the day21:36
geniitreelzebub: There's a little workaround i used to do for that. bindmount some folder on another partition to /boot ( but copy all the files currently in it over there first too )21:36
eriscoxSolidState, I have tried multiple driver versions from nvidia's website and none work21:36
eriscoI always get the same problem that after the ubuntu loading screen my display shuts off21:36
geniitreelzebub: It at least lets you install/deinstall stuff until you can get the partitioning sorted21:37
xSolidStateletstrythis, amd was so very terrible a few years back. has this really changed or was that sarcasm?21:37
Bashing-omtreelzebub: Yikes ! You are correct "/dev/sda1                     73M   48M   22M  70% /boot " way too small .. BUT, I have no direct knowledge how to resolve this . No experience with encryption to make anew .21:37
letstrythismy newst install doesn't boot the gui, come to find out it leaves everything unconfigured21:37
Ben64erisco: you shouldnt use the ones from nvidias site21:38
eriscoBen64, I tried the ones from the repo already, what else am I supposed to do?21:38
Ben64erisco: you could try coming in here and explaining the problem in detail, see if anyone can help21:39
eriscowhat detail do you want? my xorg log? I posted that a while ago and had no responses21:39
letstrythisxSolidState: i personally have no experience with ubuntu and amd...i just know the hardware is beast....os's really need to get on the same page and help work through issues....i did buy an fm2 cpu...still waiting for it to arrive21:39
eriscothere are no error messages in the log either21:40
Ben64erisco: all detail21:40
ubuntu-studioSo, I'm installing ubuntu-studio as we speak with a LUKS-encrypted filesystem.21:40
eriscodetail what detail you want me to detail21:40
eriscoI will give you anything21:40
Ben64erisco: well lets see, so far all i know is you have nvidia, give every relevant detail!21:40
eriscowhat detail??21:40
ubuntu-studioIs there a way to unmount the root filesystem when suspending?21:40
eriscowhat is relevant?21:40
treelzebubBashing-om: well, thanks for your help! I think I'm just going to reinstall without LVM.21:41
Ben64erisco: are you serious?21:41
xSolidStateSetting my refresh rate to 144hz doesnt change the refresh rate. Why?21:41
ubuntu-studioI've found a couple guides, but they seem pretty hacky.21:41
eriscoI start up my computer, the Ubuntu loading screen shows up, then when it is done my display turns off21:41
Ben64erisco: for starters, what ubuntu version, what nvidia card do you have, do you have multiple gpus?21:41
treelzebubgenii: i'll look into that before i resort to reinstalling. thx!21:41
xSolidStateDoes refresh rate not work on nouveau? Because it did work on my dads machine, from the live cd actually21:41
Ben64erisco: you've got to understand that nobody here is psychic and nobody can see your screen21:42
geniitreelzebub: Yer welcome21:42
letstrythishow do you mean refresh rate does not set?21:42
eriscoBen64, neither can I, it is off21:42
Ben64erisco: great, have a nice day21:42
eriscoUbuntu version 14.10, GeForce 320M, 1 GPU21:42
eriscoit is a MacBook Pro21:42
xSolidStateletstrythis, well, apparently. It sets to 144 without error in the settings but does not change de facto21:43
xSolidStateletstrythis, glxgears is still capped to 60 and i see no difference. although it should be very noticeable21:43
letstrythisBen64: it appears to be a common issue now tho, i have similar issue...ubuntu install is left unconfigured =c21:44
Ben64xSolidState: glxgears should not be used to test refresh rate21:44
xSolidStateBen64, what should i use then?21:44
Ben64xrandr maybe21:44
letstrythisxSolidState: its not oticable...the human eye doesn't see this...and your monitor must support it21:45
xSolidStateletstrythis, the eye sees it. this is not disputed. Even the mouse cursor has visibly more "ghosts" on the screen when you move it in a circle on the screen.21:45
xSolidStateand, obviously, my monitor supports it^21:46
letstrythisoh gawd...the mouse is ghosting that monitor must not support it21:46
spagewmfearlier "I found a bug in the Ubuntu installer." nope, this Ethernet cable goes nowhere :)21:46
xSolidStateletstrythis, i dont think you know what im talking about21:46
letstrythisspagewmf: lol21:47
xSolidStateBen64, xrandr --rate 144 returns no error. output for my displayport is:    1920x1080      60.0 +  144.0*   120.0     99.9     84.9     59.9  Does the 60.0 or the 59.9 indicate a frame cap or something else wrong?21:47
letstrythisxSolidState: i just hope you don't fry it, your moitor21:48
Ben64xSolidState: hard to tell from your paste, but the line with the * is the active mode21:48
xSolidStateletstrythis, please stop assuming its my monitor. I have a new 144hz monitor and extensively tested it under windows. 144hz is supported and confirmed working.21:48
letstrythishorizontal and verticle have different clocks21:48
letstrythisi'm not trying to assume...ghostig mouse is an idication of problems not a good thing unless you enable mouse trails21:50
letstrythisBen64: so it is set like he/she wants?21:51
xSolidStateletstrythis, you have misunderstood me. I put it in quotes because its not what one thinks of when you hear ghosting21:51
xSolidStatenevermind this21:51
xSolidStateBen64, how can i check if its actually working?21:51
letstrythisanyone know how to debug drm? it get stuck on "pageflips"21:53
letstrythishttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82612   says it's fixed but i get it everyday21:56
ubottuFreedesktop bug 82612 in DRM/Intel "[SNB/IVB] [drm:intel_pipe_set_base] *ERROR* pipe is still busy with an old pageflip (kernel 3.16.0)" [Major,Resolved: fixed]21:56
scriminalsrx650 onboard ports don't do L2 or LACP.  get rekt juniper :p21:56
rigo_thank you.22:01
letstrythisa beta driver i don't think is a good fix for the pageflip error...22:03
xSolidStateI still get no video output on the latest kernel. I am on 3.16.0-23 currently because of this. What can I do to get it working again?22:03
x1if I ssh into a ubuntu server and run a python script is there a way to make it 'carry on' even if i loose connection to the server?22:04
bekksxSolidState: That means your screen stays dark, entirely?22:04
xSolidStatebekks, yes. My monitor says "no signal" and turns off.22:05
bekksxSolidState: Run it in a session in "screen" or "tmux".22:05
bekksxSolidState: Can you ssh into that machine?22:05
x1how about if i run it with an & after it22:05
xSolidStatebekks, its my home desktop. So, i dont know? i didnt set it up22:05
xSolidStatei am online with it currently, on the old kernel...22:06
bekksx1: that will kill the script upon losing the connection.22:06
x1so the only way is with tmux22:06
bekksx1: Or with tmux, or with nohup22:06
bekksx1: or with screen :)22:06
x1ok thanks for the info22:07
letstrythisinterestig, i'd love to resume things despite disconnects22:07
letstrythiscan this allow software to keep runing in remote servers despite me disconnecting from it?22:08
92AAASH5Uwhat do you need to add to this command string to make it run all the way through without asking for input from the operator? "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade"  Want to set up a cron job at some point for the system to issue to keep system up to date without doing it manually.22:09
xSolidStatebekks, i tried with my laptop. and no i cannot ssh into it. Connection refused. Do you think i should configure ssh? I know that its responsive, powering off via the button works normally.22:09
=== 92AAASH5U is now known as RudeViper
streulmadoes Ubuntu work on the Macbook Air early 2014 ? It's not in the wiki's...22:09
RudeViperDon't know how that happened.....22:09
bekksstreulma: Yes, it does.22:09
streulmabekks: why is it so hot then?22:09
geniiRudeViper: Add -y switches in the appropriate commanda to auto answer Yes to the questions it asks22:10
streulmabekks: something with gpe66 interupts ?22:10
bekksstreulma: How does "why is it so hot" mean "it does not work"?22:10
MyrttiRudeViper: doing do-release-upgrade automatically without user input sounds like a really, really bad idea22:10
streulmabekks: I read something about gpe4E and gpe66 interrupts22:10
geniiRudeViper: Although I do agree with Myrtti on the do-release-upgrade22:10
bekksstreulma: "something"?22:11
Myrttilike, really, REALLY bad idea.22:11
b0ssheyo, what's up?22:12
=== MasterPiece is now known as Guest74211
RudeViperok - I can remove that - but what about the rest...I would like to do this without having to wait around to input y22:13
treelzebubRudeViper: what is the purpose of running upgrade and then immediately dist-upgrade?22:13
MyrttiRudeViper: there is a better way of doing automated updates than a cronjob22:14
RudeViperMyrtti - really - didn't know that.... What do you suggest. I would like to set it up so that it would run the commands every few days...Also do I add the -y after the apt-get or after the command name?22:15
MyrttiRudeViper: look up unattended-upgrades22:16
xSolidStatebekks, i can ssh into my machine now. What should i look for when booting the "no video out" 3.16.0-31 kernel?22:16
RudeViperMyrtti - ok will do thanks22:16
letstrythisi've never installed a nightly driver set/patch for intel gpu before22:18
streulmabekks: 14.04 or 14.10 ?22:19
xSolidStatehello, its the "no video kernel" guy. My computer turns on, but outputs no video after updating the kernel to 0-31. Machine is responsive and i am inside via ssh. How can i see what causes this?22:20
ikoniaxSolidState: look in the xorg log files22:22
ikoniaxSolidState: look at where you got the kernel from and the video driver package you get that links to that kernel package22:22
=== AlexStraunoff is now known as NikolaiToryzin
xSolidStateikonia, i am using xorgs nouveau and i got the kernel via ubuntus repositories22:23
ikoniaxSolidState: so looking at the xorg log is a good start22:24
=== mohammad is now known as Guest94403
x1how would i wget specific webpages with in a range for example between page 1 and 1022:24
xSolidStateikonia ok i will restart the machine with the working kernel and compare logs22:24
Guest94403my problem after fdisk : unable to read /dev/sdc: Inappropriate ioctl for device22:25
ikoniax1: you can't wget is dumb, you need to feed it urls22:25
letstrythismy add just kicked in, going afk to stores22:25
x1it would have to be a script then?22:25
ikoniax1: it can be whatever you want, you still have to give it urls22:26
=== Guest94403 is now known as msavad
msavadmy problem after fdisk : unable to read /dev/sdc: Inappropriate ioctl for device22:27
gr33n7007hx1: use a for loop22:27
xSolidStateXorg is reporting multiple problems with the display on the new driver. these are the errors in Xorg's log: http://pastebin.com/ZDbypNG2 ikonia22:29
b0ssthis is more of a general linux question, but is anybody familiar with any "jump server" packages?22:29
ikoniaxSolidState: doesn't looks like you are using noveu, looks like you're trying to use nvidia22:29
=== mohammad_ is now known as Guest53584
=== alexandr1 is now known as alexandros_tab
billy38newbie here, i have managed to load ubuntu 0n a laptop, but it doesnt seem to pick up any public wireless routers around me. I have enabled networking.22:30
Guest53584i have a problem about format a flash usb that is ReadOnly and i can not format it22:30
Guest53584please help me22:30
Guest53584after  fdisk : unable to read /dev/sdc: Inappropriate ioctl for device22:30
xSolidStateikonia, i have not installed or tried to configure that. (nvidia is the nonfree one right?) This is a fresh install22:30
ikoniaxSolidState: that seems unlikley22:31
ikoniaxSolidState: although even in the working kernel it appears to be trying to load it22:31
ikoniaxSolidState: if you look at the output of the broken one you'll see it's missing the device files /dev/* for your device, you need to find out why22:32
=== Mr_Sheesh_ is now known as Mr_Sheesh
gr33n7007hGuest53584: http://sharadchhetri.com/2013/12/19/how-to-fix-read-only-usb-pen-drive-in-ubuntu/ maybe this will help22:33
xSolidStateikonia, well its _definitely_ a fresh install, only did apt-get upgrade, which is how it stopped working. It boots with the new kernel when in recovery mode. I will crawl through the whole logs now22:33
ikoniaapt-get upgrade shouldn't upgrade your kernel to a major version22:34
ikoniait should only do minor versions22:34
xSolidStateikonia, it didnt. It upgraded from 3.16.0-23 to 3.16.0-31 . sorry for the confusion22:34
ikoniaxSolidState: I would drop the video card to vesa22:35
ikoniaxSolidState: then look at how to debug noveu22:35
treelzebubxSolidState, your errors are consistent with all open-source drivers for nvidia products that i've ever used.  just my 2 cents22:35
xSolidStatetreelzebub, did you have a similar problem once? because i think im going to install prop drivers anywas. Nouveau cant to gamez hehe22:37
xSolidStatealso, should the ECDSA fingerprint on SSH change if the machine gets a new ip ?22:37
treelzebubyeah, i love open-source as much as the next guy, but in my experience, in the gfx driver arena nvidia-proprietary just functions better.22:38
RudeViperis it possible to "copy" a windows bootable partition to another hard drive? I have a 320GB laptop hard drive and I would like to move the partitions to a 160GB laptop hard drive so that I can keep the 320GB in the server....22:38
RudeViperthe above using ubuntu of course22:38
xSolidStatetreelzebub, well they got fire under their butt at least, when people close in on them with OS drivers22:39
CharlotteFieldsi decided to use tasksel to install LAMP, how do i get to ok?22:43
ldleworkHello, after running nvidia-xconfig, x will not start (low-graphics mode) however I can't click or do anything in that mode. I ran nvidia-xconfig twice so I think that destroyed the back up of my xconfig. I think I'm screwed?22:43
k1lCharlotteFields: press tab22:43
CharlotteFieldsoh...i think enter works too22:43
CharlotteFieldsaptitude faild (100)22:44
k1l!paste | CharlotteFields22:44
ubottuCharlotteFields: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:44
CharlotteFieldsi didnt paste multiple lines :/22:44
CharlotteFieldsnor was i going to22:44
k1lplease put all the errormessage in there.22:45
k1li mean all the output.22:45
CharlotteFieldsthat was it22:45
thatprogrammercan anyone recommend a GOOD UPnP server by any chance?22:45
thatprogrammerive been using mediatomb, and wow, what garbage.22:45
CharlotteFieldsapparently enter and tab enter yield different results, I believe it is working now22:45
calicojackthis is ubuntu help??22:46
k1lcalicojack: yes22:46
k1lthatprogrammer: what about minidlna?22:46
CharlotteFieldshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10588040/ k1l22:46
CharlotteFieldssame result with enter and tab enter :/22:47
thatprogrammerk1l: have u used it urself?22:47
xSolidStatelol ikonia i really am an idiot. I just installed nvidia's prop drivers and now the new kernel boots AND 144hz works correctly. Why didnt i do this instantly?22:47
k1l!lamp | CharlotteFields try the manual package install like its adviced here22:47
ubottuCharlotteFields try the manual package install like its adviced here: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.22:47
calicojackawesome...i cant get mine to do anything...i just want to install wine & world of warcraft and it doesnt work :(22:47
k1lthatprogrammer: i use it, yes.22:47
thatprogrammerk1l: heh, looks good, i like this: “simple media server software, with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients”22:47
thatprogrammerwicked. gonna set that up now. thank u k1l22:48
calicojackive used ubuntu before and never had any issues with it, but i cant seem to get anything work on this install22:48
k1lcalicojack: what doesnt work? for help with wine you might want to ask the wine guys in #winehq directly since we cant change stuff in wine22:48
calicojacklike... the wine config the icon just sits there doing nothing, same thing when in try to install WoW through wine22:49
k1lweiter gehts mit spitzenfussball aus europa bei ran.   oh, wusste gar nicht, dass ran die championsleague hat ;p22:49
k1lsorry, echan.22:49
billy38Hi, I have a new install of 12.04 LTS on a laptop. It has an Intel network card. When I run nm-tool, it comes back 'disconnected', what do I do next?22:59
jhutchinsbilly38: Conntect it?23:00
billy38how do i connect it? it was fine under the other OS23:05
billy38ok, well , i answered my own question, there isnt a wireless driver installed for this intel device. Is there one in ubuntu somewhere or do I have to download one on a cable connection?23:16
nicomachusbilly38: system settings -> software and updates --> additional drivers tab23:18
nicomachusshould find them automatically23:18
atgnagI have a weird situation.23:19
nicomachusthis is bad, isn't it: https://imgur.com/AjXKUxm23:20
billy38ok, thanks23:20
nicomachusdid you get the driver, billy38?23:21
billy38thats weird, says driver is activated and in currently use23:22
nicomachusI just joined right before you posted that you answered your own question, so I missed the actual question. So the driver is active but you aren't getting a connection?23:23
geniibilly38: Does: rfkill list   ..show it as blocked?23:24
=== trelool is now known as ryan_46
nicomachusif anyone wants to help me with a crash while installing package linux-image-extra-3.13.0-46-generic 3.13.0-46.79, it'd be appreciated.23:25
tewardnicomachus: without error logs, etc, nobody can really assist23:26
billy38no not blocked23:26
nicomachusI have the crash report ¯\_(ツ)_/¯23:26
billy38no not blocked23:27
nicomachusis there a text file of the error log somewhere?23:30
k1lnicomachus: /var/log/apt/23:31
AndroUserAll are sleeping23:34
AndroUserAm i alone for linux??23:34
k1lAndroUser: you got a technical ubuntu issue?23:35
chromeosuser1234Hi, What is the best way to install the latest version of ubuntu on a windows xp23:36
k1lchromeosuser1234: erase that windows xp?23:36
nicomachuslol k1l, come on now be nice23:38
atgnagUmm.. help? http://sprunge.us/CXJP23:38
nicomachuschromeuser1234: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick23:39
atgnagThis dependency errors seem weird to me, because the packages apt says won't be installed are already set to manually installed.23:39
k1lnicomachus: he is already gone23:39
nicomachusoh, i have join/parts off23:39
nicomachusthey tend to flood in channels like these...23:39
k1latgnag: what was the command?23:40
atgnagk1l, sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libqt4-dev libsndfile1-dev libfftw3-dev libvorbis-dev libogg-dev libasound2-dev libjack-dev libsdl-dev libsamplerate0-dev libstk0-dev libfluidsynth-dev portaudio19-dev libfltk1.3-dev wine1.6-dev wine-rt-dev libxinerama-dev libxft-dev libgig-dev23:40
atgnagI suppose I should isolate it a little.23:40
wireless_i need help with a wireless problem23:42
tewardwireless_: details are helpful23:43
tewardwireless_: not giving details about what problem you have gets no real help - you have to give details, preferably in as few hits of the enter key as possible23:43
wireless_i am on a Dell latitude e640023:43
wireless_and on ubuntu wlan was not installed23:44
wireless_how can i connect via wi-fi23:44
daftykinsyou're pressing enter, stop that :)23:44
k1lwireless_: please put "rfkill list" into a pastebin23:45
ignusleocomo conecto no Ubuntu Br ?23:46
k1l!br | ignusleo23:46
ubottuignusleo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.23:46
w00tburgerignore * joins23:49
w00tburgersay, can someone point me in the direction of a good database diagram tool for ubuntu?23:50
tewardw00tburger: mysql-workbench for MySQL diagramming, Oracle has one for their db structure...23:51
w00tburgerill check that out. thanks23:52
tewardw00tburger: but if you are looking for a flowchart rather than an actual database structure diagram, not sure if you need specialized software23:52
tewardw00tburger: since 'database diagram' makes me think ERDs23:52
w00tburgerWell I will see what this one does what I am after. I am already using yED for the actual flowcharting23:52
billy38Hi guys, i have recently installed 12.04 LTS on a laptop, cnt seem to see any wireless routers. It has an Intel wireless card, There is a driver activated and currently in use. rfkill makes to mention of blocking. WHen I input nm-tool, it says diconnected. What do I try next? Thanks!23:53
tewardw00tburger: might help to be more specific regarding what you meant by diagramming then23:53
w00tburgersql workbench is what I was after :)23:54
w00tburgerruns kind of slow though :-\23:54
luisbilly38: sorry, you said rfkill showwifi is blocked?23:55
billy38I dont know about showwifi but rfkill list doesnt mention any wifi, only bluetooth23:58
budgI busted my laptop, what is a common laptop for ubuntu users?23:58
luisbilly38: any wlan entry under ifconfig -a?23:59
billy38question about chat... how do i respond to a specific user here23:59
luisbilly38: you may need sudo for that23:59
luisdon't really need to23:59

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