
nerdistmonkworked up the nerve and yanked upstart-bin00:03
nerdistmonkno ill effects from what i can see.00:03
Unit193nerdistmonk: Except, you lost upstart user sessions and your indicators no longer work...00:32
nerdistmonki dont use XFCE indicator00:32
nerdistmonkits already gone on my system00:32
nerdistmonkYour going to have to refresh me on what upstart user sessions do, i don't consciously use them unless its one of those important background tasks.00:34
Unit193xfce4-session used them.00:35
nerdistmonkoh i see that thingy in "sessions and startup" that i always turn off.00:37
Unit193Not likely, but anyway...00:38
nerdistmonkyeah sessions i just looked xfce-session is the thing that saves every program/window you had open during logout.00:39
knomeUnit193, ping01:17
Unit193knome: No!01:17
knomefor what?01:17
Unit193knome: Whatchaneed?01:21
knomea pair of eyes01:23
Unit193Mmmm, mine aren't great, only slightly better than elfy's.01:24
knomethat's fine01:24
knomeok, ready soon01:25
knomeUnit193, https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-150401:29
knomeUnit193, so, does it look sane at all?01:34
bluesabreUnit193? sane? hmm01:36
Unit193The diffs look sane, though I do not like the indenting of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-1504/revision/66901:36
Unit193bluesabre may have a point.01:37
Unit193(I'm sure the rest of them are like that though. so. :P )01:38
knomepushing to main branch then01:41
knomebluesabre, you like the monkey?01:42
knomebluesabre, let me flesh out the memory01:42
knomebluesabre, didn't somebody tell you they won't give you the upload perms for the slideshow, and that somebody who has the perms will do it on request?01:43
bluesabreknome: yeah, I think that was the case01:45
knomeso do you want to poke people with that now or...? :)01:45
knomewas there a way to check who has upload permissions for a specific package?01:45
Unit193ubuntu-core-dev, kubuntu-dev, ubuntu-desktop  people in those teams.01:47
knomebluesabre, so you want to poke people about that?01:50
bluesabreknome: I'll mention it to infinity01:51
bluesabrehe was going to rebuild some stuff for me tonight/tomorrow01:51
knomeplease also mention to update the translation templates01:51
bluesabreso that goes along with it01:51
knomeand thanks01:51
bluesabreoh... is that not part of it?01:51
knomebluesabre, i didn't do it01:51
knomei can look into doing it01:51
knomebut i've never done it :)01:52
knome(i think)01:52
knomemake pot01:54
knomeguess that was too easy.01:55
knomebluesabre, now the branch has the translation templates up-to-date too01:55
Unit193So what's Xfce's plan with Xfwm4 and -DMONITOR_ROOT_PIXMAP?03:57
elfyUnit193: ftr - my eyes are fine - it's everyone else :p07:20
elfyobvious really 07:20
Unit193bluesabre: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/0.2.4-3ubuntu1 ones like that you want to use build1, as autosync will then run on that package.09:18
Unit193xfce4-dict, ah you already know this.  Nevermind then.09:19
bluesabreUnit193: I'm learning as I go :)10:54
brainvvashbluesabre, trusty users who upgraded to xfce 4.12 via ppa encounter the qt theming problem11:18
knomewell, aren't we telling them they use the PPA at their own risk?11:19
brainvvashhow is that possible?11:19
bluesabrebrainvvash: no idea11:19
bluesabreobviously something used to tell qt what to do11:19
bluesabreand now it doesn't11:19
brainvvashit looks like that11:20
bluesabrewhat they can do is install and set qt-config11:20
bluesabreor not use a ppa11:20
bluesabreprobably something in xfsettingsd11:21
brainvvashthe question is, did Xfce change anything to trigger the theming issue? It always looked like qt was the culprit11:21
bluesabreit probably did at some point11:22
bluesabregood luck finding the commit in the last 3 years of development11:22
bluesabrethen again, I'm not sure if should be up to xfce to set the qt theme11:22
bluesabremate also has the same problem11:22
brainvvashtrusty has xfce4-settings 4.11.2, utopic 4.11.311:23
brainvvashwe noticed this issue in utopic, and x-d-s installs the skel qt config file11:24
brainvvashI'll check if other distros are affected too11:27
brainvvashcould be ubuntu specicifc11:27
bluesabreknome: you may want to ping #ubuntu-devel folks if you don'11:27
bluesabret see a slideshow upload in the next hour or so11:28
bluesabreinfinity finished uploading the rest of xfce a few moments ago11:28
bluesabreso that may very well land in vivid-release today11:29
bluesabreI'm looking forward to getting to bug fixes once all these uploads are finally done :)11:31
knomei'm looking forward to the status tracker looking much better after all the uploads are done11:32
brainvvashbluesabre, bug 130529412:22
ubottubug 1305294 in upstart (Ubuntu) "QT uses incorrect theme when GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID is unset" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130529412:22
brainvvashsetting this env var allows qt to determine the correct theme style, tested with "GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=123 clementine"12:25
brainvvashunity has GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated12:26
brainvvashbluesabre, there is also QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk14:42
brainvvashcould be used instead of putting the conf file into the skel directory14:44
brainvvashactually, this one does not work 14:50
nerdistmonkman that was a fast kernel update lol15:28
elfythanks nerdistmonk - I thought for a moment that I was dreaming yesterdays :)15:29
nerdistmonkyeah, same here, i swore i just got a new version of 3.19 just last night15:29
elfyyea - you did 15:29
nerdistmonkoh well, i like new and shiny lol15:29
nerdistmonkat least wine finally got updated15:30
elfywouldn't have a clue about that15:30
nerdistmonkit hadn't been updated in 7 weeks (unrelated to this room obviously)15:30
elfynever used wine15:31
nerdistmonki use it all the time, its a cornerstone for me.15:31
elfywell - not for years15:31
nerdistmonkCouldn't play simcity 4 without it, couldn't play alot of stuff without it.15:32
nerdistmonkreboot time for nerdy15:34
drcwhat is "oneconf-query"? I keep getting (ad odd times) this error.15:41
drcagain :(15:46
drcTo hell with it...now I have to have an UbuntuOne account to auto-report a bug?  I'm done with Canonical.  Sorry guys, I really like Xubuntu and the community (a lot), but am tired of the crap one has to put up from "higher".15:52
=== brainvvash_ is now known as brainvvash
ochosi!team | progress for V is looking great – good job, everyone! http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-v/group/topic-v-flavor-xubuntu.html20:16
Unit193Noskcaj: I know Corsac had some objection to the latest screenshooter, but what about taskmanager 1.1.0?20:30
NoskcajUnit193, I've not heard anything. Do you want me to check or can you?20:31
Unit193Well, just generally wondering if he had an objection, or if it was likely just missed.  I think it may have gone GTK3.20:36
bluesabreUnit193: the latest taskmanager can be built with gtk2 or 321:42
knomebluesabre, yai, Riddell's going to handle the slideshow upload if you didn't pick that up yet :)21:42
bluesabreknome: great21:45
bluesabreI saw that all the packages finally landed today as well21:45
Unit193bluesabre: Hmm.  So I'll just go with 'missed'21:45
bluesabre'missed' indeed21:46
bluesabrebut thankfully not myst21:46
bluesabrethose games suck21:46
elfyhi bluesabre :)21:48
bluesabrehey elfy, how goes?21:48
elfyok thanks - you? 21:49
bluesabrejust got home, and getting ready to eat dinner21:49
elfy\o/ 21:49
knomewhat are you having then? :P21:49
bluesabrenoodle bowl and a chicken patty21:50
elfyI'm assuming it's not cat-pawed chicken 21:50
knomesurely yummy21:50
knomeelfy, who knows... ;)21:50
bluesabrethe box says chicken21:51
bluesabreand thats all I know21:51
knomewell if it is, it's possible that they are eating chicken-pawed cat tomorrow..21:51
elfybluesabre: if you want some cat-pawed I've got some you can have ... 21:51
knomebluesabre, oh noes, take away?21:51
knomewell anyway i'm happy that..21:51
knome...we have this important development discussion logged21:51
nerdistmonkwoah big pile-o-updates21:52
bluesabrevery important21:52
knomedevelopment of bluesabre's tummy :d21:52
nerdistmonkhmm it wants to remove nouveau during this update21:54
nerdistmonkoh well i dont use it anyways, no guts no glory and all that jazz.21:56
elfydist-upgrade only wants to remove xserver-xorg-video-modesetting here21:56
nerdistmonkover here it wants to gank the following xorg drivers: modesetting, intel, nouveau and 'all'21:57
nerdistmonkits hard telling, just going to ignore it21:57
nerdistmonkits likely a difference in repos because i use xorg edgers21:57
elfyreinstalled all of those here21:57
elfyaah right21:57
elfyI'll remember that when sudoku doesn't work ... 21:58
nerdistmonki use the binary nvidia driver so its not a huge painful loss21:58
nerdistmonki quit using nouveau because it liked to crash the OS while gaming.21:58
nerdistmonkmade me think i was using mac os 9 while trying to play Xonotic lol, sysrq-reisub is your friend.21:59
Unit193elfy: Same, -modsetting.22:01
nerdistmonkxorg edgers may likely be causing the 3 extra drivers to popup on mine since its also giving me a new binary driver right now too.22:01
elfyUnit193: good - not going nuts then :)22:01
nerdistmonkexciting isn't it?22:02
nerdistmonkyou just never know what color undies apt-get is going to fetch for you each morning. :D22:02
nerdistmonk346.47 of the nvidia binary driver, oh goodie, i likely gained 2fps in a game i do not own yet. :D22:04
nerdistmonkYou know what i wished worked in xubuntu? The CPU Freq applet in xfce22:15
nerdistmonkI had to just give in and write myself a script to change the cpu governors for me, because the cpu-freq applet isn't able to because it needs root privileges to do so.22:15
nerdistmonkhmmm i see why nouveau got yoinked22:24
nerdistmonkdepends on xorg-video-abi or something like that.22:25
nerdistmonkand theres no package by that name in my repos currently.22:25
nerdistmonk*shrugs* meh it will fix itself eventually.22:25

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