
valoriecouldn't upgrade, and can't install kubuntu-desktop to my old laptop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1058846900:44
valorieand http://paste.ubuntu.com/1058848600:45
valorieoops, spoke too fast, got kubuntu desktop installed, but can't upgrade00:46
valoriewill try again after googling more00:46
sgclarkvalorie: I confused, what are you trying to do? according to the second paste it is already vivid00:47
valorieoh interesting00:47
valorieit got to 99% and errored out00:48
valoriei guess I will just do an update && full-upgrade then and see what happens00:48
valorieyup, you are correct00:49
valorieit all reads vivid00:49
valorieof course restart will tell the whole story....00:51
valorieI'm relieved to know the advice we're giving out actually works00:52
sgclarkkeep handy the email that Riddell sent to ML, seems some folks having issues with upgrades today00:52
valoriethis older laptop had ppa-next00:52
valoriesuccessfully purged and upgraded00:52
sgclarknice :)00:52
valoriehmmm, no way to shutdown, including sudo shutdown now00:54
sgclarkack, something definately not right then00:56
valoriebecause upstart is gone00:56
valoriepower button worked....00:56
sgclarklet me know how that goes00:58
valoriepower is back on, but nothing in screen, and no consoles00:58
valorienot a good upgrade I'm thinking00:58
valorieooo, blinking cursor00:59
valoriebetter than nothing00:59
sgclarkoh yay00:59
sgclarkyeah get that email out I mentioned earlier 00:59
valoriethat plus startx01:00
valoriejust was slow starting01:01
valoriemy ssd has spoiled me01:01
valoriehmmm, wooo, even kwallet seems fixxored01:01
valoriewoot, kpat works01:04
valorieaside from the error messages and sddm not starting, we're about there01:04
sgclarkyeah the sddm thing is baffeling as it did not affect everyone.. seems random01:06
valorieshutdown works too01:11
sgclarkyay :)01:11
valorieI'll write an email01:11
valoriereporting somewhat qualified success01:12
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunhey valorie03:28
ahoneybunvalorie: whats going on with sddm?03:46
valorieit's borked on recent upgrades in vivid03:48
valoriesomehow it doesn't get turned on for some people, including me03:48
valorieI wrote to kubuntu-devel about it03:48
ahoneybunyea thats weird03:49
ahoneybunvalorie: the bug about partman is getting a patch :)03:49
valorieso far a mystery03:49
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: http://imgur.com/a/eSmwk#003:50
ahoneybunvalorie: working on the feature tour03:53
valoriecool, I would prefer kubuntu.org on the FF page03:53
valoriegwenview slide is GORGEOUS03:54
valoriehmmm, 2 KTP slides of the same thing03:54
ahoneybunwhat valorie?03:55
valorietelepathy - 2 slides of the same thing03:55
valoriethat reminds me, hopefully that works again03:55
ahoneybunvalorie: I made those incase we need full screen or not03:56
ahoneybunalso the current kubuntu.org site has the 14.10 banner currently03:57
valorieah, ok03:58
ahoneybunI'll take one anyway03:59
valoriehow about the docs page?03:59
valoriethat has the banner03:59
ahoneybunyea sure04:00
ahoneybunvalorie: http://imgur.com/a/eSmwk 04:01
valoriehmmm, I can't get kde-telepathy to start04:01
ahoneybunwant to see the new slideshow valorie?04:01
sgclarklooks great ahoneybun :)04:07
ahoneybunthanks sgclark04:08
sgclarkI am on your IM lol04:08
ahoneybunXD yea04:09
valoriethat would be great if I could get it to start up!04:09
valorieever since I installed plasma 5, it will not start04:09
ahoneybunI;ve gotten it to work04:09
ahoneybunI'm on the Beta though04:09
valorieme too04:10
valoriehow do you start it up?04:10
valoriekde-telepathy doesn't find it04:10
valorienor does just telepathy04:10
ahoneybunin krunner04:12
valoriewow, that works04:17
valoriehow did you guess that?04:17
ahoneybunit says contact on the app04:23
sgclarkhmm, do you use google or ? I can't seem to sync anymore04:24
sgclarkI know I had it working at one point..04:24
valorieahoneybun: I see you on my phone, but so far none of my accounts are connecting04:26
valorieused to Just Work04:26
sgclarkyep timed out for me04:26
sgclarkand made yucky noises lol04:27
valorieI can't get my google chat set up, the rest work fine04:37
sgclarkyeah is the one giving me issues, but I have the double auth thing going..04:38
sgclarkI got it to work before though :(04:38
valorieoddly enough, my phone didn't ping me04:39
valorieit always has for all other google stuff04:39
sgclarkthat is odd04:40
valorieno biggie, it's just nice to have it running again04:40
valorieand google chat works on my phone04:40
sgclarknice! mine is not yet..04:40
sgclarkyeah my phone it works04:41
sgclarkwelp it is pumpkin time for miss scarlett, see you all tomorrow :)04:45
sgclarknight valorie, prolly at some point in the near future we need to sort out akademy04:47
valoriehave you bought your train ticket to Bellingham?04:48
sgclarkahh drat, I knew I forgot something. I am to ride up with wxl.. I will get it on the morrow04:48
sgclarksend me an email, I tend to forget everything these days :(04:49
valorieI could always just drive you home04:49
sgclarkboth of us?04:49
valorieoh sorry, I misunderstood04:50
valorieso you and wxl are riding the train up together?04:50
sgclarkwell it does not matter either way lol04:50
sgclarkyeah up and if we could not find carpool back we would take train04:50
valoriegot it04:51
sgclarkbut if you can drive me or both either way, that would be cool04:51
sgclarkI am obviously flexible04:51
valoriewell, I might drive over to anacortes and stay with my aunt for a night04:51
valorieif I can arrange for someone to feed my cat04:52
valoriebob will be gone by then04:52
sgclarkI have no idea where that is04:52
valoriehe's flying to San Diego on April 1504:52
valoriehiking from the 16th to .... October sometime04:52
sgclarkahh right, the big trip04:52
valorieAnacortes is south of Bellingham on the coast04:53
sgclarkooh sounds nice :004:53
valorieon of the two remaining sisters of my mother lives up there and I've not seen her for years04:53
valorieas beautiful as B'ham, yeah04:53
valorieso if you train it both ways, that would leave me more flexible04:54
valoriedon't forget to ask for money for the tickets and hotel room from Ubuntu04:54
sgclarkwell whatever is best for you, I don't necessarily have to ride back with wxl, was just an option04:54
sgclarkright.. need to do that.04:54
valorieI'd better start sending some emails and lining it up04:55
sgclarknow will that affect my qualifications for akademy?04:55
valoriegot sideline by my cold04:55
valorieit is what, $100 or so?04:55
valoriewell, maybe $30004:55
sgclarkakademy is very important for me :)04:55
valoriewith train and room04:55
sgclarkyeah around 250ish04:55
sgclarkakademy is umm much more04:56
valorieone is promo, the other is development04:56
valoriepromo is good04:56
sgclarkmy time has been split this year though, with kubuntu and kde04:56
valoriewhich is all to the good for both IMO04:57
sgclarkbut with 16 hours a day... I am burning the stick at both ends lol04:57
valorieoh my goodness04:57
valoriego sleep!04:57
sgclarkok :)04:57
sgclarkthis is my passion though, someday I will actually get paid lol04:58
valoriethis should help, honestly04:58
valoriepaid, and paid well04:58
sgclarkmeh I am happy so that counts, just need to convince my school loans collectors!04:59
sgclarkanyway, night :)04:59
valoriesweet dreams05:00
tsdgeosRiddell: not sure if grantlee is something you guys are responsible for the packaging of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grantlee5/+bug/143171508:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431715 in grantlee5 (Ubuntu) "package libgrantlee5-dev 5.0.0-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite «/usr/include/grantlee/parser.h», that is also in libgrantlee-dev 0.5.1-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,New]08:09
sitterRiddell: what do you think about this split of lib and dev out of cantor http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/cantor.git/commit/?h=cantor-split08:46
soeegood morning08:46
=== sitter_ is now known as sitter
sitternow I regret not looking into sddm on ci09:36
sitterah yes09:37
sitterVcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-kde/kde-std/sddm.git09:38
sitterVcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-kde/kde-std/sddm.git09:38
sitterRiddell: could it be that you didn't use git?09:38
sitteralthough that doesn't really explain why it doesn't start at all on CI09:39
sitterDescription: set minimum vt to 709:39
sitter maybe this will fix switching vt when installing packages and integration with ubiquity-dm?09:39
sitterI told you, this isn't a fix09:39
sitteralso patch, wtf09:40
Riddellquite possibly I didn't09:55
Riddellbut the issues did get solved09:55
Riddellbut I take your point it should actively kill plymouth to stop it coming back from the dead09:57
Riddellsitter: actually I think it does kill plymouth, I don't have plymouth running and sddm.service does ask to call plymouth-quit.service10:09
sitterRiddell: did you run your tty patch by upstream?10:10
Riddellsitter: yep10:12
sitter./services/sddm.service.in:After=systemd-user-sessions.service getty@tty1.service plymouth-quit.service10:12
sitterit appears to me that the patch is not complete?10:12
Riddellsitter: how so?10:12
sitternote the 110:13
sitterin vbox kci iso doesn't boot10:15
sitterworks on metal10:15
sitteralso the mouse cursor isn't breezed in the session for some reason10:15
Riddellany idea what getty@tty1.service does?10:15
sitterstarts the tty10:17
sitterthe kwallet dialogs10:19
sitterffs the kwallet dialogs10:19
sitternow we got a migration assistant gui that wants to migrate an empty wallet10:20
sittergod I hate my life10:20
sitterRiddell: I am also reasonably certain that the vt stuff isn't needed for ubiquity10:22
sitterlooking at the service files it appears to me that ubiqity-dm simply starts before sddm10:22
Riddellsitter: yes it does but for whever reason the images at the start of this week didn't transition to sddm10:30
sitterRiddell: that never worked10:30
Riddelland now it does10:30
sitterthat's why you bypassed ubiquity-dm in the next images as well10:30
sitterRiddell: for me it starts sddm not ubiquity-dm10:30
Riddellalthough it needs autologin but that should be easy enough10:30
sitteralthough actually my ubiquity-dm service craps out according to jounrald10:30
Riddellyesterday's kubuntu daily-live image started ubiquity-dm and transitioned to sddm10:31
sitterwell, today's KCI images don't :P10:31
Riddellsucks to be KCI10:31
Riddellsitter: the "Package KDE Telepathy KF5" trello item is done for kubuntu for this cycle with ktp-legacy-presence-applet in, can I move it to done? do you want one on kubuntu automation for the CI of the actualy KF5 branches?10:33
sitterthey are done as well anyway10:33
sitterwhy did you call the legacy thing anotehr name btw?10:34
sitternow I get to override the meta to make it drag in the proper desktop-applets10:34
Riddellsitter: how do you mean? I call it ktp-legacy-presence-applet and the binary is kde-telepathy-legacy-presence-applet in line with the rest of the packaging10:34
sitterwhich is loads of fun because of course pushing to git.debian before noon is as slow as sending the diff by snail mail10:35
sitterRiddell: yeah, except the kde4 version was kde-telepathy-desktop-applets and the kf5 version will also be kde-telepathy-desktop-applets10:35
Riddellblame upstream?10:35
RiddellI updated the meta package for it10:36
sitterwhich is why I blame you10:36
sitterbecause now the meta doesn't drag in the kf5 version anymore10:36
sitterso I get to redo the meta10:36
sitterjust so it drags in the right applet package10:36
Riddellmake an unstable branch?10:36
sitterI need to make a stable branch because you diverted in the deb naming10:37
sitteroh and KCI can't build natives10:38
sitternow I get to write code so I can have an ISO with ktp10:38
Riddellsitter: what do you think of https://community.kde.org/GSoC/2015/Ideas#Project:_libmuon_package_install_for_3rd_party_applications ? what do you think of ximian's suggestion to use packagekit-qt instead of libmuon?10:40
sitterI think that we can't use packagekit right now and perhaps not in 6 months because canonical has a reimplementation of the API that is too old10:42
sitterother than that I am indiferent10:42
Riddellfeels not unlike bluez10:43
Riddellfunny how it used to be kde that kept back libraries and now it's unity10:43
yofelsitter: don't we have the proper packagekit in the repos?11:10
sitteryofel: yes, packagekit is a lib and a daemon though. and aptdaemon reimplements the daemon or something11:11
yofelright, but what does that matter to us?11:11
yofelor did they rip out the vanilla one?11:12
sitteryofel: new packagekit has new ABI11:12
sitterwhich supposedly comes from a new API11:12
* yofel returns to fighting sql11:12
sitterthat doesn't sound like a lot more fun tbh :S11:12
yofelselect fun from work where query like "sensible"11:13
yofel->  MySQL returned an empty result se11:13
soeeany idea if kdeconnect will support ubuntu phone ?11:18
Riddellwould need someone to write a client for it11:20
Riddellthere's talk of a pure qt client being written which might do it11:20
soeeoh nice11:26
sitterRiddell: what do we do if bluez5 doesn't land?11:39
Riddellsitter: not have bluetooth support :(11:40
Riddellor at least not very good support11:40
sitterno KCI starts ubiquity11:40
sitterRiddell: there's a race condition between ubiquity and sddm I think11:41
sitterand now sddm doesn't start when I click try 11:41
sitterbooting iso with kernel param verbose starts sddm, booting with regular (quiet splash) it goes to ubiquity-dm but then doesn't manage to hand over to sddm11:44
sitteroh actually the verbose thing could be a bug in ubiquity-dm there was something peculiar about the cmdline I remember from months ago11:45
sitterat any rate handover is not working for me11:51
sitterand now it works11:52
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
sitterRiddell: can you try the cdimage ISO... start it and immediately after ubiquity-dm comes up click on try kubuntu11:54
sitterfor me that ends in a black screen, and going through the VTs it appears ubiquity-dm comes up before the ttys are started, which might or might not be why sddm doesn't start when one chooses start before stuff is ready11:55
Riddellsitter: could I try kubuntu daily iso?11:56
sitterthats what I meant, sorry11:56
Riddellok, zsyncing11:57
sitteralso for me ubiquity-dm has no background11:57
Riddellyeah me too11:57
Riddellleast of our worried I reasoned11:57
Riddellleast of our worries I reasoned11:57
sitterok, so, sddm not starting doesn't appear to be related to ttys not started, apparently they get started on demand once you manually switch to a vt11:58
sitteralso when sddm doesn't start I can't switch vts for some reason11:58
sittermakes getting logs kinda hard >.<11:58
Riddellwhich is what was happening in the kubuntu images at the start of the week11:59
sitterstupid me11:59
sitterRiddell: it's because you weren't using git when you made the fix...12:00
sitterKCI is behind the archive12:00
* sitter syncs12:01
BluesKajHiyas all12:02
sitterRiddell: does the kubuntu iso work in vbox?12:02
sitteror kvm for that matter12:02
Riddellit did yesterday, let me start it now12:03
sittermaybe my ancient vm finally decided that it's time to stop working12:04
Riddellsitter: hmm no my virtualbox isn't happy today12:04
Riddellno ubiquity-dm or sddm on it :(12:05
RiddellI can switch vts at get linux consoles12:05
Riddellif I run systemctl sddm nothing happens12:06
sitteryeah it's somehow blocked12:07
Riddellif I run systemctl ubiquity it complans that it didn't start12:07
Riddellprobably blocked on ubiquity12:07
sitterRiddell: I have the strong feeling that it is because of your incomplete tty thing :P12:07
Riddellstartx isn't happy either12:08
RiddellX doesn't seem to be very happy12:08
sitterkvm also doesn't manage to start anything FWIW12:17
sitterit works on metal though, so that is highly suspicious12:17
Riddellsitter: booting for real from a usb key on my computer works fine12:25
Riddellso maybe there is no difference from yesterday12:25
sittereverything is broken12:25
soeeare there any known problems with driver manager ?12:25
Riddellnow I'll try clicking quicker on Try Kubuntu12:25
sitteralso switching the ISO into verbose boot doesn't change anything apparently12:25
sitterRiddell: I am almost reasonable certain now that the quick click issue was due to integration issues12:26
soeewhat is thic microcode checkbox about http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/13/worksace14.png ?12:29
Riddellclicking quickly didn't change, plasma still starts fine12:29
sittersoee: nobody knows12:39
sitteralso the package description odesn't offer more information12:39
sitterquite the user experience fail12:39
sitterThe microcode data file contains the latest microcode definitions for all Intel processors. Intel releases microcode updates to correct processor behavior as documented in the respective processor specification updates. While the regular approach to getting this microcode update is via a BIOS upgrade, Intel realizes that this can be an administrative hassle. The Linux operating system and VMware ESX products have a mechanism to update the microcode 12:39
sitterafter booting. For example, this file will be used by the operating system mechanism if the file is placed in the /etc/firmware directory of the Linux system.12:39
sittershadeslayer: btw you should bribe jens into coming up with a nicer design for the manager :P12:40
soeesitter: so if i check it it should download some fiel and place it in /etc/firmware to be used by intel product ?12:43
sitterno clue where it places the file12:44
sittersomehow it will deploy the latest microcode for you cpu though12:44
soeemaybe i just should take the risk and install it ..12:46
soeealso why this checkbox once shows up above driver list, once under it ?12:47
sittersoee: ask shadeslayer12:48
sittersupposedly because the data returned by the underlying thingy is not actually sorting the detected drivers by anything12:49
sittershould be easy to force sorting on it though12:49
soeeok i have nstalled this maginc thing, will reboot soon and see what happens12:50
soeesystem did not die, so this microthing atleast didnt break it12:58
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
=== JJESSE is now known as jjesse
Riddellsitter: chatting with mvo I think packagekit is fine to update to 0.9 (not the latest 1.0 versions) and that means newer packagekit-qt and that means we could get kicker doing whatever it wants to do13:23
Riddelland my idea for a gsoc project to get dolphin/gwenview etc to install stuff could just use packagekit13:23
sitterfair enough13:23
sitterGLib.Error: udisks-error-quark: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Error.Failed: Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (0)13:23
sitterif usb-creator had any more bugs I would argue it should be removed from the archive........13:24
sitterand session got stuck on reboot13:29
BluesKajusb/disk-creator only worked once out of 3 tries for me, so i switched to dd13:35
mparilloBluesKaj: sitter: Same for me, but I am afraid of dd, so I used unetbootin. When I say it did not work, the UI appeared to work, but my laptops did not recognize it as a bootable image.13:37
BluesKajmparillo, yes I had the same experience ..just wouldn't boot 13:38
BluesKajunetbootin was worse, I never got it toi work 13:38
soeeso this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sddm/+bug/1430817 is result of daemon-reload reloading plymouth (as mentioned here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1431200) ?14:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431200 in systemd (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1430817 daemon-reload runs alsa-restore.service and others" [High,In progress]14:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431200 in systemd (Ubuntu) "daemon-reload runs alsa-restore.service and others" [High,In progress]14:03
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | 14.12.3 Status http://goo.gl/SudPKi | Crash tracker : http://goo.gl/Cdynad | kf5.8 http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.8.0_vivid.html
soeeRiddell: this link to kf8 is broken14:10
soeeee works now14:11
Riddellup now14:14
Riddellgroovy, es la hora para apredar castellano, adios!14:16
Quintasanovidiu-florin: Did you get anywhere with the design from Paweł?14:30
sgclarkhiyas all15:45
soeehiho sgclark15:47
PabloHello. I'm ovidiu-florin brother16:53
Riddellhola Pablo !16:53
RiddellI'm away just now but do stick around16:53
PabloI'm trying to help my brother with the Kubuntu site16:54
Riddellyay :)16:55
Pabloand i don't know how to find RSS link16:55
Riddellcurrent or for his new setup?16:55
ovidiu-florinPablo: read this: http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Feeds17:05
ovidiu-florinPablo: http://www.example.com/category/categoryname/feed17:13
ovidiu-florinPablo: run this here: /join #wordpress17:20
ovidiu-florin /join #wordpress17:20
RiddellPablo es un nombre romaniano?  escucha como un nombre espanol18:03
PabloMy name is not Pablo, is just a nickname18:11
Pablobecause of my long hair (unfortunately not anymore)18:12
ovidiu-florinyeah.. his girlfriend convinced him to cut it18:15
Pablohaha....good one18:16
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: ping18:39
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: pon18:39
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: what's wrong with the gwenview screenie?18:40
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: have you seen my trello comments?18:41
lordievaderGood evening.18:42
sgclarkevening lordievader18:42
lordievaderHey sgclark, how are you?18:42
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: yea but I don;t understand the filenames18:42
ahoneybunhey lordievader and sgclark18:42
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you?18:43
sgclarkhey ahoneybun. good lordievader and you?18:43
ahoneybungood just got home from work lordievader sgclark18:43
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: you gave 2 links18:43
ovidiu-florinI saw the right one now18:44
ovidiu-florinthe one on dropbox  is the one with the filenames18:44
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: it's awesome18:44
ahoneybunso gwenview is good now ovidiu-florin?18:45
ovidiu-florinI like it18:45
lordievadersgclark: Doing good, finished converting my server to a raid setup. The root filesystem is so much faster :D18:45
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: that is is free to use as well (did a advanced google search)18:45
ovidiu-florinthat what?18:46
ovidiu-florinthe image??18:46
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: the image that gwenview has open 18:47
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I have the image for the bottom of the page as well18:51
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: What about the text from them? Don't they have a version of the logo with text?18:57
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: want the text?18:57
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: what do you thin? do you agree with me?18:57
ovidiu-florinPablo: are you still here?18:59
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I'll post them and we take it from there19:00
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: can you also edit the plasma5 one from the site?19:01
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: edit as in what?19:01
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: resize19:02
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: make it larger?19:02
Pabloi'm back19:03
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: http://i.imgur.com/mDJQhub.png ?19:06
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: it's up19:07
ovidiu-florintake a look and resize the window19:07
ovidiu-florinPablo: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-category-excluder/ this might work19:08
ahoneybunsame images to me ovidiu-florin19:10
ovidiu-florinPablo: no it's not19:10
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: those images need to be tat size so that on any screen size, they will fit just right19:11
ovidiu-florinso far just the Ubuntu and Plasma5 images are the right size19:11
ovidiu-florinfor the other ones, I've been waiting for you opinion, if they would ook better with text19:12
ovidiu-florinwith the logo text / project name19:12
ahoneybuntext would let people know what they are using ovidiu-florin19:13
ovidiu-florinPablo: do the Copyright footer task19:13
ovidiu-florinso texxt is good19:14
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: can you use the images I made so I can see, cuz on my screen they are the old ones19:14
ovidiu-florincan you please get logos for KDE Linux and Debian with text?19:14
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I was thinking more like http://futures.commons.gc.cuny.edu/files/2014/11/debian-logo-horizontal.gif19:15
ovidiu-florinbecause if you say powered by, we shoud say that in all of them19:15
ovidiu-florinIMO we should use the original logos19:15
ovidiu-florinbecause we already have the title of that section19:16
ovidiu-florinwhich tells us what techlologies we use19:16
ovidiu-florinWe can change the section title to Powered by if that suits it best19:16
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: http://imgur.com/WeLw42f19:24
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: it's up19:28
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: should we contact this guy to make a logo with the "DE" appended to the logo? https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=119971&sid=06271e0a96d882c7241741988ff55952&start=15#p30554719:29
ovidiu-florinfor the first logo in the Icon Set 219:30
ahoneybunso it would be a "K" DE ?19:36
ovidiu-florinPablo: still here?19:40
Riddellbusy here tonight :)19:46
Riddellsgclark: did you get any test reports about the applications?19:47
sgclarknone, which is good I think19:48
sgclarkRiddell: ^19:48
sgclarkRiddell: I did have a bug come in on kdevelop, but fixed and pushed :)19:49
Riddellsgclark: will you upload applications?19:51
sgclarkRiddell: you bet19:51
Riddellawooga :)19:51
Riddellsgclark: you remember which ones not to upload?19:51
Riddellktux, print-manager probably some others..19:51
sgclarkRiddell: oh right19:51
sgclarkRiddell: thanks for the reminder19:52
Riddellahoneybun: you moved the trello card for packaging kubuntu-docs, does that mean you'll do the packaging?19:52
sgclarkoooh, really liking kdeconnect19:53
sgclarkRiddell: I do believe that was his intent19:53
sgclarkoh right and two apps got renamed to 419:54
Riddellkdeconnect is the bestest19:55
Riddelloh chicos, do we want kde-telepathy in the systray by default? I presume we do19:55
sgclarkI do anyway19:55
sgclarkso I signed up for kdetalk, but not clear on exactly what I signed up for lol19:56
Riddellsgclark: what is kdetalk?19:57
BluesKajwell it will another hidden app that I will never use :)19:57
RiddellBluesKaj: what will be?19:57
sgclarkRiddell: well seems I don't know, just saw it as an option in telepathy19:57
BluesKajRiddell, kde-telepathy19:58
ahoneybunRiddell: I get it to build from the newest docs20:03
ahoneybunwell yofel did20:03
Riddellahoneybun: oh cool, what needs done to upload?20:06
Riddellhuh, kde has its own jabber server, I did not know that https://kdetalk.net/20:09
sgclarkRiddell: yeah that is the one20:10
ahoneybunRiddell: no idea the script produced a docbook file20:14
ahoneybunRiddell: can you see this https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B6zAAODZFwQ2RmhxZHV0dVVZa2M ?20:17
Riddellahoneybun: hmm dunno, I click on them and they disappear20:20
ahoneybunanyway I got a dsc, source.changes and tar.xz files20:23
ahoneybunRiddell: just seem I'm having issues signing the package20:26
Riddellahoneybun: google drive really doesn't want me to download that, can you send another way?20:37
Riddellahoneybun: point me to your ssh key and I'll give you an account on our server for exmaple20:37
ovidiu-florinanyone the download link on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-12.04.4 is invalid, could someone please fix it?20:42
ovidiu-florinI'd fix it myself, but for what ever reason I never seem to be able to remember how tologin to that site20:43
Riddellovidiu-florin: you got the passwords for the sites?20:45
ovidiu-florinmaybe, somewhere in the IRC history20:46
ovidiu-florinseen it now20:46
ovidiu-florinthank you20:46
ovidiu-florinfixed, thank you20:50
soee__votes so far: https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/XdgxMysGSfw :)20:50
ahoneybunsoee__: :)21:09
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunyofel: sgclark how do you sign a package?21:41
sgclarkdebsign .dsc file21:41
ahoneybunsgclark: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10593390/21:43
sgclarkahoneybun: did you upload your key to hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com21:45
sgclarkyou also need to set up gnupg agent21:46
sgclarkahoneybun: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto21:47
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: hey21:49
ahoneybunsorry sgclark rain seems to be effecting wifi here21:49
ahoneybunhey ovidiu-florin21:49
sgclarkahoneybun: did you get my lest messages?21:50
* ahoneybun is using his mobile data as internet on his pc21:50
ahoneybunsgclark: no21:50
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: do you have enough?21:50
sgclark> ahoneybun: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto21:50
sgclarkyou have to set that up21:50
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: of?21:50
ovidiu-florinmobile data21:50
ahoneybun4/20GBs used so far and it resets in 2 days ovidiu-florin XD21:51
ahoneybunI have a gpg sgclark21:51
ahoneybunlet me look though that first though21:51
sgclarkRiddell: now I recall the problem with ksnakeduel... no kubuntu_vivid_archive branch21:52
sgclarkahoneybun: and the key is uploaded to hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com ?21:52
ahoneybunsgclark: I have some key on lp but I think so let me look21:53
sgclarkthis is different than lp21:53
sgclarkinstructions to upload to that keyserver is in that link21:54
sgclarkyou will also need to provide the fingerprint on lp21:54
ahoneybunI think the problem is that I do have a key on lp and it has been uploaded to the keyserver21:54
sgclarkyou can search with kleopatra21:55
sgclarkto find your key21:55
Riddellsgclark: interesting21:56
ahoneybunsgclark: gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com ?21:56
sgclarkahoneybun: that the line yes21:57
sgclarkRiddell: script also barfed on the two that were renamed 421:57
sgclarkso I have a few to do by hand it seems21:58
Riddellsgclark: which two are they?21:58
sgclarklibkdegames and libmahjongg21:59
ahoneybunsgclark: my key is on there22:00
sgclarkahoneybun: and the fingerprint is on lp?22:01
ahoneybunnot sure22:01
Riddellsgclark: I synced ksnakeduel to the archive and branched kubuntu_vivid_archive22:02
soee__we should have kf8 this weekend right ?22:02
ahoneybunI cant import my key though22:02
sgclarkRiddell: ty22:02
ahoneybunsgclark: I just got the fingerprint for the new one I made and put it on LP22:04
sgclarkahoneybun: if new one on both lp and keyserver you should be good to sign22:05
sgclarkif not, I am out of ideas :(22:05
ahoneybunnew key in on LP now and I sent the key to the keyserver22:07
ahoneybunRiddell: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10593390/22:08
ahoneybungot it sgclark22:10
Riddellahoneybun: it'll take the name and e-mail from the top entry in debian/changelog22:10
sgclarkahoneybun: yay!22:10
ahoneybunI needed to add my.... what Riddell said22:10
ahoneybunhow do I get it on LP sgclark?22:11
sgclarkget what?22:12
ahoneybunthe package22:13
ahoneybunthe dsc right?22:13
Riddellahoneybun: dput ppa:<lpusername> foo.changes22:13
sgclarkoh you have to create a ppa on your page22:13
sgclarkthe what Riddell said22:13
sgclarksheesh I can't type for beans22:13
ahoneybunok working on it22:14
ahoneybunRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-packages22:18
Riddellahoneybun: fingers crosses it'll compile!22:19
ahoneybunsame here XD22:19
sgclarkRiddell: odd I am still getting rejected on some of these packages. Mailing ScottK the rejected pile again22:21
ScottKsgclark: Instead of mailing me the stack, add them to the Kubuntu supported seed and then let me know when you've pushed the change.22:22
ScottKAny kubuntu-dev can do that part of it.22:22
ScottKThen there's a script you need to be either in the DMB or TB to run that I'll take care of.22:22
sgclarkScottK: I have no idea what you just said there :(22:22
ScottKRight.  Time to learn about a new thing.22:22
sgclarkplease :)22:23
ScottKsgclark: Start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement22:24
sgclarkScottK: ok reading, thanks :)22:24
ScottKThe Kubuntu seed for Vivid can be found at lp:~kubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.vivid/22:25
* ScottK is off for awhile.22:31
ScottKsgclark: If you have questions, just leave them and I'll answer when I get back if no one else does first.22:31
sgclarkScottK: thanks :)22:32
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybundamn wifi22:34
valorieI figured out that the wifi card on this laptop was my problem22:35
valorieso now I have an ugly cord22:35
valorieand rock-solid connection22:35
ahoneybunvalorie: I never had a problem before22:36
ahoneybunI think it is just crap AT&T22:36
ahoneybunor the nm22:36
valorieI blamed comcast and the software22:36
valoriebut the cable tells the truth: it was my laptop card22:36
ahoneybunoh boy here comes a sddm update22:37
* ahoneybun cancels22:37
valoriesddm update = bad?22:38
valorieI would hope for good?22:38
ahoneybunI don't want to get the update22:38
ahoneybunvalorie: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=78043822:39
ubottuDebian bug 780438 in fortunes "fortunes: Please add quotes from Terry Pratchett" [Wishlist,Open]22:39
sgclarkRiddell: the packages are uploading to archive. I have to run to the store but will tend to this seed stuff when I return.22:39
valorieI used the muon updater for the first time today22:39
valorienice, ahoneybun22:39
ahoneybunI've been using it a lot valorie22:40
ahoneybunmore then the ubuntu updater22:40
ahoneybunvalorie: https://launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-packages22:40
valorievery cool22:41
Riddellvalorie: yay22:42
Riddellsgclark: yay22:42
valorieI dunno exactly what it was - little shield with checkmark sitting in the systray22:42
valoriewe had a complaint it wasn't working so I thought I would test it22:43
ahoneybunRiddell: are you building it on your machine?22:47
Riddellahoneybun: not but it built in the ppa22:50
ahoneybunyea I saw that22:50
Riddellahoneybun: can you check if it installs from the ppa and if it contains the right files and you can read it in khelpcenter?22:50
ahoneybunkhelpcenter is broke I think22:51
ahoneybunit can't open docbook file 22:51
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunRiddell: I don't see kubuntu in the khelpcenter at all23:08
Riddellahoneybun: actually it'll need the paths changed for kf523:13
ahoneybunyea I see that now23:14
Riddellprobably not too hard but beyond me for tonight23:14
ahoneybunRiddell: it put them here: /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/23:14
Riddellshould be in /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/ I think23:15
ahoneybunRiddell: it put them here: /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/khelpcenter/23:15
Riddellyeah, drop the kde23:15
ahoneybunoh ok23:15
Riddellyou can move them manually to check it works first23:15
ahoneybundon't think that work (though it should)23:20
ahoneybunusr/share/doc/HTML/en/fundamentals/config.docbook -> /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kubuntu/index.docbook23:21
valorieyou might have to run ksycoca5 or whatever23:21
ahoneybunvalorie: ?23:26
* Riddell snoozes23:26
valoriesweet dreams, Riddell23:27
Riddellsome failues on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.8.0_vivid.html if anyone is at a lose end23:27
ahoneybunstill nothing23:28
ahoneybunmaybe reboot?23:28
ahoneybunbbl 23:32

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