[05:40] Link on !ntp to https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html is a 404 [05:44] ooh, new rewrite rules! Lovely. [05:45] canonical's just keeping us on our toes :c [05:46] rww [05:46] !time =~ #/serverguide/C/#/serverguide/# [05:46] I'll remember that Flannel [05:50] * whac-a-retro can't remember his password [05:51] !search serverguide [05:51] Found: serverguide, sshd, samba, vhosts, server, resolvconf, dns, time, php, guide and 2 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=serverguide [05:52] sigh [05:52] !samba =~ s#/C/#/# [05:52] I'll remember that rww [05:53] I guess it has been a while since they broke all the links in ubuntu.com, we're overdue. [05:53] !dns =~ s#/C/#/# [05:53] I'll remember that rww [05:54] !mailserver =~ s#/C/#/# [05:54] I'll remember that rww [05:54] i wish i knew who kept doing stuff like this [05:54] !php =~ s#/C/#/# [05:54] I'll remember that rww [05:55] !sshd =~ s#/C/#/# [05:55] I'll remember that rww [05:55] oh, https vs http, bugger. [05:55] hrm? [05:55] I was searching for http://h.u.c/ and verifying, and I was thinking "man, rww sees a lot that I don't have..." [05:55] oh. yeah, I just used the search ubottu linked above :P [05:56] !vhosts =~ s#/C/#/# [05:56] I'll remember that rww [05:57] !-handbook-#edubuntu [05:57] handbook is edubuntuhandbook - added by bimberi on 2007-05-09 05:47:57 [05:57] !forget handbook-#edubuntu [05:57] I'll forget that, rww [05:57] !forget edubuntuhandbook [05:57] I'll forget that, rww [05:57] !forget packageversions [05:57] I'll forget that, rww [05:57] !forget versioning [05:57] I'll forget that, rww [05:57] alrighty, that's everything with /C/ in it reviewed, I think we're good [05:58] although now it occurs to me that a link checker spider pointed at ubottu.com would be a good idea, i'ma go do that [06:03] ... except wiki.ubuntu.com blocks validator.w3.org, because god forbid the wiki go a week without annoying me somehow [06:03] (as does help.ubuntu.com) [06:04] and ubuntu.com doesn't support HEAD requests, because lol [06:04] Noticed that last one a while ago.. [06:09] You also have to set a heavy throtlle on checking wiki.u.c for dead links, else it marks you as a spambot and blocks you. [07:01] Hey [07:02] I'm supposed to be unbanned from #ubuntu-offtopic from client too, not just web chat [07:09] I guess I it isn't too much of a problem. Thanks for your time, operators! I will be looking forward to my future visits [13:57] im ready for questioning [13:58] go and troll somewhere else, when you are bored. [13:58] bring it o [13:58] n [13:58] name calling? [13:58] thats verbal aggressoin [13:58] PIG! [13:59] ypou can take your spywarebuntu and shove it up you buttunt [14:21] Hannspree23 called the ops in #ubuntu (POOPIE) [14:21] yay! [14:21] ban me! [14:22] !ops [14:22] go out and play some ingress or such. but dont come here if you are bored [14:22] Hannspree23: Consider finding another hobby [14:23] hah decide to kill a quick 6 mins before i take the train to work [14:23] hey h00k is you refridgerator running? [14:27] k1l: good call on Ingress, I like that suggestion [14:28] google said somewhere that one of its intentions was to get the nerds out on the streets :) [14:28] I've suggested it to him few years ago for the first time, if memory serves right [14:28] that, and spinning, knitting, learning languages, playing Clash of Clans, Civilization, Minecraft [14:28] nethack, reading, cooking [14:44] nIRC: Is there anything else we can help you with today? [14:44] err what? [14:45] you been halping me? [14:45] helping me? [14:45] i just saw red on this channel [14:45] window placer [14:45] nIRC: I haven't done anything. If theres nothing that we can do for you, I'm going to have to ask you to part. [14:46] you can unban me [14:46] isnt that obvious? [14:46] that would help kinda [14:46] nIRC: that will not happen, given your behaviour [14:46] well go fuck your selfs then [14:47] That works too. [14:47] indeed [16:40] k1l, [16:40] you there? [16:40] anyways, about how long do i need to wait before i ask to be unbanned. 30 days? [18:04] hello, i think someone is abusing the #ubuntu channel? maybe? He answered my request and then opened pm? He wants to create a shared terminal session with me, and tries very hard to convince me its way too hard without him on my terminal. I just asked about resizing partitions and am not a linux beginner [18:06] whats up ? [18:07] I don't understand the issue [18:07] if you don't want to share your session with him - don't [18:07] and why is this abuse ? [18:08] wasnt sure, thats why im asking. maybe he was just super nice. I thought id ask because this isnt standard irc behaviour. Didnt want to be rude or anything [18:08] thx [18:17] I've agreed to help teamviewer a stranger on something once [18:17] it sounds odd, but I was able to geniunely help them [18:17] I was like "You can always close my session, etc, here's exactly what/why I'm doing" [18:17] It worked out well. [18:42] i'm concerned if someone is withholding assistance until people give them access to their computer, especially things that require root. [18:42] because some people are actually going to be desperate enough to give this person root access. [20:35] Bet that was phunyguy again [20:36] No ti wasn't [20:36] it* [20:37] it was me. You are banned and until a #ubuntu-offtopic operator specifically tells you while in this channel that your ban has been removed, you are not allowed to join #ubuntu-offtopic [20:37] is that clear? [20:38] Then why do I keep getting unbanned? That is like the third time [20:38] Because you change IPs. [20:38] o.o [20:38] No I don't [20:38] you don't keep getting unbanned. Your ip address is dynamic and so is your nick changing. [20:38] do you have a registered nick? [20:38] just stop joining the channel [20:42] yeah his IP changed quite a few times [20:42] just going through BT [20:42] and the account he is using now was only registered 13 hours ago [20:43] hmm, could just $a:maxi_retro [20:44] Oh, I see, he joined -ot via webchat [20:46] Pici: how do you get registration info? I can't remember. need to take notes. [20:46] /ns info nick [20:46] /msg nickserv info phunyguy [20:46] ahh right [20:46] *retro!*retr@*internode.on.net ? [20:47] he's used other things like steven, etc [20:47] various iterations of it. [20:47] plus the webchat. [20:48] He is a pro at ban evasion, but acts like he doesn't know what he is doing. [20:48] like "I bet that was phunyguy again" [20:48] he knew it wasn't me. [20:49] He also probably reads these channel logs. Hi retroispresto! [21:16] [insert periodic reiteration of my opinion that #ubuntu-offtopic should be +r] [21:28] bekks called the ops in #ubuntu (AxeChopper)