
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
kalikianaubuntu-qa, ping, build errors in uitk sphinx docs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/143174909:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1431749 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "ImportError while building sphinx UITK Autopilot docs" [High,Confirmed]09:16
rhuddiekalikiana, thanks, I'll log that issue and have a look09:19
kalikianathanks, rhuddie!09:20
rhuddiekalikiana, I used sphinx-build to build the doc from trunk, it worked fine for me. how did you run it?09:58
kalikianarhuddie: CI does https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-sdk-team-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-staging-vivid-i386-ci/273/console09:59
rhuddiekalikiana, do you know if this is a new problem?10:01
kalikianarhuddie: not really. I just noticed while checking the logs for unit test results10:02
kalikianaso it may or may not have been there for some time10:02
rhuddiekalikiana, ok. the fact it builds ok locally, suggests to me its a ci environment issue, but I'll check to see if anyone else has any clue on it10:07
rhuddiekalikiana, from this it looks like the tests/autopilot folder needs to be on sys.path, so ubuntuuitoolkit module can be found and imported: http://sphinx-doc.org/ext/autodoc.html#directive-automodule10:27
kalikianarhuddie: oh, I guess it's run before install… and needs to set the build folder10:31
rhuddiekalikiana, yeah. it says you add it to the conf.py file in: ubuntu-ui-toolkit/documentation/autopilot-helpers/conf.py10:31
kalikianaaha! there's a comment mentioning that in fact10:32
rhuddiekalikiana, ah yes, right at the top :)10:33
kalikianaI haven't really done anything with sphinx… I just got worried when I see fatal errors :-D10:34
kalikianaI'll give that a try and see if I can make ci work10:34
kalikianathank you for the pointers!10:34
rhuddiekalikiana, yeah, hopefully that should sort it out, no prob.10:35
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kalikianaubuntu-qa, ping, how can an Autopilot test be run using upstart? we need a way to test URI handling API in context of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/142989913:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1429899 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "StateSaver should not restore when app launched from content-hub" [High,In progress]13:26
elopiokalikiana: hello.13:29
elopiokalikiana: autopilot has a method to launch the apps with upstart13:30
elopiotwo actually. Give me a second...13:30
elopiolaunch_click_package and launch_upstart_application.13:31
elopioon the toolkit, when we define the application as a QML and use the base class UbuntuUIToolkitWithFakeAppRunningTestCase, it is using launch_upstart_application.13:32
kalikianahmmm so you're saying it already is upstart?13:34
kalikianaelopio: so for sending URIs is it required to be a click package?13:35
kalikianalooking at the docs atm13:35
elopiokalikiana: no, you can do it with launch_upstart_application.13:36
elopiokalikiana: now, the problem with URI handling is that url-dispatcher gets configured only when mir is running. Currently we have no qpa other than the one in mir client.13:36
elopioso if you are running this on desktop without mir, url-dispatcher will not handle the uris.13:36
kalikianaokay. so this would be phone-only for now - I can live with that for the moment, considering right now we have 0 testing for it in the uitk13:38
kalikiana"it" being UriHandler API in QML and StateSaver being affected by ContentHub behavior13:39
kalikianaelopio: how do you pass an URI then?13:39
kalikianahmm there's launch_upstart_application vs. launch_test_application, the former has uris=[]13:40
elopiokalikiana: I would try to add some QML tests in there that don't require a QPA. Maybe putting a mock in http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtqml-qt.html#openUrlExternally-method13:41
elopiokalikiana: hm, wait, maybe we are talking about different things in here.13:41
elopiocan you describe the test that you want for me?13:42
kalikianaelopio: that unfortunately is completely different13:42
kalikianaelopio: so, we have UriHandler which takes URIs via DBus. but it relies on upstart implementing org.freeDesktop.application which the uitk merely listens to13:43
kalikianathat means we can only test it if upstart is actually running13:43
kalikianaelopio: on a desktop right now nothing is registered at all if you just launch an app13:44
kalikianasince there's no object there13:44
kalikianaI believe libnih is implementing the application object13:44
elopioI don't see any uri service on dbus on my desktop.13:46
elopiocould it be the problem that the service is not installed?13:46
kalikianathat's what I was trying to say - as far as I understand upstart is implementing that service13:47
elopio(you got me lost, and now it's me asking the question, that's good customer support :)13:47
kalikianaand UriHandler piggypacks on that via the pid13:47
kalikianawhich is part of the object path13:47
elopiokalikiana: upstart is running on desktop, and with ubuntu_application_launch you are using it. tedg is the one I would ask about it.13:47
kalikianain fact the app_id, not pid13:48
kalikianaelopio: well, upstart doesn't launch anything on a current desktop, though ;-)13:48
kalikianaso autopilot has to do whatever is needed to make up for it13:49
elopiokalikiana: autopilot is using upstart to launch the application when you call launch_upstart_application.13:49
kalikianaokay, so in theory it might be as simple as passing a URI to launch_upstart_application13:50
elopiokalikiana: that's where I get lost. What kind of URI are you talking about?13:52
elopiothe "uri" parameter that method receives is documented as:13:53
elopioapp_uris – Parameters used to launch the click package. This parameter will be left empty if not used.13:53
kalikianafor example file:///home/phablet/Pictures/nyancat.png13:53
elopiokalikiana: I see. I haven't tried that, but if the docs are correct, it should work.13:55
elopioexcept on desktop, where we seem to be missing a dependency.13:58
elopioI have libnih-dbus1 installed, but I don't see the service.13:59
kalikianaelopio: uris don't seem to be passed14:03
kalikianaelopio: a related problem might be that APP_ID is never set14:03
elopiokalikiana: how do you pass the uris on the command line?14:05
kalikianaI don't, I'm using the API14:05
kalikianahmmmm os.environ['APP_ID'] = application_name should work, right?14:06
elopiokalikiana: I'm lost. sorry.14:06
kalikianaelopio: I'm passing uris via launch_upstart_application and verifying that they show up in the QML14:07
kalikianaexcept they don't14:07
elopiokalikiana: in the phone?14:07
kalikianaelopio: no, on the desktop14:07
kalikianaas you suggested only upstart should be needed14:07
elopiokalikiana: yes, but I really don't know how this works so you shouldn't pay a lot of attention to me.14:13
elopioI thought that ubuntu-app-launch could not pass parameters to the apps.14:13
elopiokalikiana: do you have an example I could use to check it in the phone? I would like to see what happens in there.14:14
kalikianaI wouldn't know how you would use an example that's not a test - the point is to pass URIs14:15
kalikianaand really why doesn't it take my environment variable?14:16
elopiokalikiana: if it uses upstart, then you need to set the variable with inictl set-env.14:18
elopiokalikiana: I want to give a try to the test in the phone. That's the example I meant.14:18
kalikianaI think there must be some fundamental problem here, it "runs" syntax errors happily14:18
kalikianaso for some odd reason file-based tests use launch_test_application14:21
kalikianathat explains it14:21
kalikianaelopio: was this forgotten by any chance? we have two entirely different launch setups14:23
kalikianaand the second one can't use uris14:23
elopiokalikiana: ah, sorry, I thought it was the other way around.14:24
elopiokalikiana: not forgotten, just pending: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/130519014:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1305190 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Launch Autopilot fake applications with upstart" [Medium,Confirmed]14:24
kalikianaI'll try a string base dtest for now14:26
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
kalikianainterestingly all string-based tests fail for me now14:35
elopiokalikiana: with something like autopilot.exceptions.ProcessSearchError: Search criteria (pid = 24498, object path = '/com/canonical/Autopilot/Introspection') returned no results ?14:38
kalikianaelopio: no, rather http://ix.io/gSi14:39
kalikianaeven staging with no changes does that for me14:39
kalikianaelopio: could it be because I'm running systemd as init?14:40
elopiokalikiana: could be. I don't see that in the latest staging tests.14:40
kalikianaelopio: this is my branch in any case https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/uriPassingPOC/+merge/25290614:43
elopiokalikiana: I will give it a try in the phone. If it doesn't work, I'll report a bug to autopilot.14:44
kalikianaI need a break now, bbl14:45
dkesselelopio: i just noticed you were interested in a quassel client for ubuntu phones in 2014 - have you found one yet?15:02
elopiodkessel: nop. Still waiting.15:02
dkesseltoo bad15:02
elopiodkessel: yes, the web clients that we have on the phone don't work well.15:07
elopiothey don't keep the connection open.15:08
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
dobeyelopio: whoot! so with the little fix to ubuntu-app-test i landed a couple hours ago, the pay-ui autopilot tests all pass in jenkins now on a real device, along with my pay-ui MP :)20:49
elopiodobey: awesome!20:57
elopiowhat was the fix about?20:57
dobeyubuntu-app-test was always exiting with 0, and we need to verify that pay-ui exits with certain exit codes; so i had to fix it to exit with the same status code as the child process20:58
dobeyand the pay-ui MP is to make it use ubuntu-app-test when mir is the display server (and depend on ubuntu-app-test in the autopkgtest config)20:59
elopiodobey: thank you!21:00
dobeybut now i have to wait to land that in trunk until after the other pay-ui bit is tested/released though, i think21:01

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