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parsnipany ideas on when plasma 5 kubuntu will be somewhat reliable? i tried it about a month ago and had trouble. won't install on virtual box either.06:01
valorieI'm using it exclusively for this past week, parsnip06:08
valoriewell, vivid beta06:08
valoriedon't try 14.10 + next, as that is now deprecated06:08
parsnipthanks valorie , will try it out06:24
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afteoyoMoonUnit`, Kaliraa hello09:16
afteoyodo I report my bug to launchpad?09:17
afteoyoI have no idea if this a kde, plasma, ubuntu base, kubuntu or wahtever bug09:17
MoonUnit`hah, yeah i have that problem a lot, knowing what part to file the bug under is a pain on opensource09:18
afteoyo_I will try your fix09:19
afteoyo_of renaming the folder09:19
afteoyo_so this would work?09:20
afteoyo_mv .kde .kde209:20
MoonUnit`when i was testing vivid in a qemu vm i had the problem of loging into a black screen a lot, hasn't happend on my desktop yet though.09:20
afteoyo_Okay, brb, going to try that09:21
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afteoyoso that did not work09:35
afteoyoStill black09:35
afteoyobut it did create those folders again09:35
afteoyoI simply do not have the know how of how to fix this09:37
afteoyoweird thing is that the desktop grid still works09:37
afteoyoeven though it is all black09:37
afteoyoI still see the icons to add a new workspace09:37
MoonUnit`did you try moving .local too?09:39
afteoyoI think i will just install 14.04 or 14.1009:41
afteoyomy usb is now only 2mb large09:47
afteoyoinstead of 16gb09:47
afteoyoLooks like someone else had the same problem :D09:48
lordievaderafteoyo: What does parted say about the stick?09:50
afteoyoI am in my windows parition atm09:50
afteoyoso I just used the fix in the link I posted09:50
lordievaderLikely just a filesystem being 2mb.09:50
afteoyoalready done09:50
afteoyolordievader, yeah that was the case09:51
afteoyoI guess dd did that09:51
lordievaderMeh, if that is all...09:51
BluesKajHey all10:10
afteoyoI have broken my Kubuntu 15.04 install BluesKaj :(10:13
BluesKajbroken , afteoyo, how?10:15
afteoyoplasmashell is gone10:15
afteoyoI log in10:15
afteoyoblack desktop10:15
afteoyono launcher background, taskbar10:15
afteoyokrunnner is still there, but I can only type text in, it doesn't actually search or run anything10:16
JunkHunkhello where can I find this in kubuntu? : http://www.leaseweblabs.com/2014/06/disable-spyware-ubuntu-14-04/10:16
afteoyoJunkHunk, IIRC only ubuntu unity is blessed with that10:17
BluesKajctl+alt+F1 - F6 for aa VTT/TY login, then update and upgrade. then run sudo service sddm restart10:18
afteoyookay, let me try10:19
afteoyosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:19
JunkHunkblessed with the surveilance or the switcher?10:19
afteoyosudo service sddm restart10:19
afteoyoJunkHunk neither, I was being sarcastic10:20
BluesKajJunkHunk, ask in #ubuntu chat , this is kubuntu support10:20
JunkHunkthats why I am asking here10:21
afteoyoKubuntu doesn't have it IIRC10:21
JunkHunkI use kubuntu and wanted to know whether it has the same politic or not10:21
JunkHunkIIRC stands for?10:22
JunkHunkis kubuntu an ubuntu fork?10:22
BluesKajafter you drop to vt/tty as described above, and do an update and upgrade, then run the sddm command10:22
JunkHunkI ve been reading richard stallman10:22
BluesKajJunkHunk, not a fork. it use the same core and hernel, but the kDE desktop10:24
BluesKajerr kernel10:24
JunkHunkso no default spyware?10:24
BluesKajno , Unity desktop is accused of that , but not KDE10:27
BluesKaj!Blue Systems10:27
lordievaderGood morning.10:28
BluesKajJunkHunk, , Kubuntu is not longer supported by Canonical,. isupport has moved to a differnt company known as Blue Systems10:29
JunkHunkwow thats new for me10:29
BluesKajmorning lordievader, MoonUnit`10:29
JunkHunkerr...are those good or bad news?10:29
lordievaderHey BluesKaj, how are you?10:30
lordievaderHey MoonUnit`, how are you doing?10:30
BluesKajmostly good as far Kubuntu users are concerned10:30
BluesKajfine here lordievader, and you?10:30
lordievaderDoing good, here too.10:31
MoonUnit`lordievader: fine thanks10:31
JunkHunkhey I am good too10:31
JunkHunka bit paranoid but good10:31
JunkHunkyesterday I installed nagios on this kubuntu I am using...10:31
JunkHunkits a nice tool10:32
JunkHunkdo you know some enhancing I should add?10:32
JunkHunkthe free version is kind of poor10:32
JunkHunkI searched the web and found OPSVIEW10:32
lordievaderJunkHunk: Check out Zabbix ;)10:32
JunkHunkwhat about that?10:33
JunkHunkZabbix okay looking10:33
lordievaderJunkHunk: I like it better than Nagios.10:34
JunkHunkwhat about OPSVIEW10:39
JunkHunkI only have three computers but I like testing servers...10:41
JunkHunkand I am planning to build my own dedicated server at home10:41
JunkHunkwith the new funny nano tech devices in the market...10:41
JunkHunkcubieboard and raspberry pi10:42
JunkHunkthat is why I was searching for a nice monitoring service on the internet10:42
JunkHunkwhat else should I need to keep this kind of server up and running flawlessly?10:44
lordievaderYou want to use the RPi as a server? What are you planning to run on it?10:44
JunkHunkoh a lot of things10:44
lordievaderSuch as?10:45
JunkHunka web server... a samba4 server a mail server, a dns server...opensim and minecraft servers aswell and a nas server10:45
JunkHunkusing vlans I would keep some services far from the others10:46
MoonUnit`i find the fun with servers begins when you're dealing with mysql10:47
lordievaderRight... on a Pi?10:48
MoonUnit`on anything10:48
JunkHunka pi maybe a bit short10:49
lordievaderThe point I am trying to make, get something better than a Pi.10:49
JunkHunkI think the cubieboard 4 would do best10:49
JunkHunkmore cores10:49
JunkHunkand memory10:49
lordievaderA Pi is fun for something low powered. But if you want a server that allows you do actually learn a lot of things you'll find the Pi to be limited.10:49
JunkHunksee you folks10:53
lordievaderWhat a horrible website.10:53
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aftereyoI am in my Kubun 15.04 install11:08
aftereyoI logged in using the fallback instead of plasma11:08
aftereyoI am still not able to log in with plasma11:08
aftereyoI tried your commands BluesKaj but it did not work11:09
aftereyoterminals on f1-f4 are useless11:10
aftereyoI tried to startx in them11:10
aftereyobut only got a black screen11:10
aftereyocan I reset those terminals11:11
lordievaderaftereyo: Anything in your xsession log?11:11
aftereyohow do I chekc that?11:11
aftereyoAlso The failsafe kinda sucks11:12
aftereyoI cannot alt tab11:12
lordievaderaftereyo: less ~/.xsession-errors11:12
aftereyoSO I only have this konversation window open11:12
aftereyois there a way to execute commands form konversation?11:12
lordievaderErr, no idea.11:12
aftereyo/exec is broken11:13
aftereyoI can only use one gui app at a time11:13
aftereyoImma check the ~/.xsession-errors folder11:13
aftereyolordievader: ? I am not in a server11:14
aftereyothis is my laptop11:14
MoonUnit`wonder if it's worth creating another user then try to login to plasma with that, rule out anything in your home folder.11:14
aftereyohow can I do that?11:14
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "sudo" - See !sudo11:15
aftereyoI cannot open a browser either11:16
lordievaderaftereyo: So? You probably already have the ssh daemon installed.11:16
MoonUnit`i tend to add blackbox aswell very light wm, you can choose it from the login screen.11:16
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aftereyoOkay I added a new user11:19
aftereyonow how do I log out of my KDE session?11:19
MoonUnit`logging out is broken for me11:20
aftereyome too actuall11:20
aftereyoyI only get a black screen11:20
MoonUnit`sudo systemctl restart sddm, will restart it11:20
afteyookay so this new user "kim" works fine11:22
afteyoI have plasma desktop11:22
MoonUnit`wonder if moving .cache would do anything.11:24
afteyolast thing i did was to uninstall openjdk and replace it with java 811:25
afteyocould that have been it?11:25
afteyokim is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.11:26
MoonUnit`wouldn't think so11:26
aftereyoso renaming .cache kinda worked11:30
aftereyoI have everythign back except the task bar and launcher11:30
aftereyokrunner works though as does the desktop11:30
aftereyoI set my taskbar to autohide, maybe that had soemthign to do with it11:30
aftereyois there a way I can set the task bar to be always visivle withough havin ght taskbar?11:31
aftereyoUpdate, I added a launcher to desktop and that launcher works, taskbar is still gone11:32
aftereyoany ideas on how I could get the taskbar back?11:33
MoonUnit`i'd try moving .kde .local and .cache again and rebooting.11:34
aftereyookay, I will do that11:34
aftereyoupdate: I right clicked on desktop -> add panel -> defualt panel11:34
aftereyoeverythign seems to be fine11:34
aftereyoShould I rename .cache .kde .local and reboot?11:35
MoonUnit`is everything working again?11:35
MoonUnit`leave it then11:35
aftereyoshould I reboot just to see if it will work on reboot?11:36
MoonUnit`can do11:36
aftereyookay, will do11:36
aftereyostill works :D11:40
aftereyoMoonUnit`: you are a genius11:41
aftereyoJust as I was about to reinstall 14.1011:41
MoonUnit`np, it's all the stuff i learnt when kde broke on me too.11:42
aftereyoThere was another guy who had the same problem11:42
aftereyodo you have his name?11:43
aftereyowas it Kaliraa11:43
aftereyoI think it might have been11:44
aftereyomy log is is on windows11:44
aftereyowell Kaliraaif it was you the fix it to rename .kde .local .cache to somethign else11:48
MoonUnit`depending on what prgrams you use you might need to copy some folders back from the renamed .local, steam uses .local to hold game files etc..11:54
aftereyoi do not use steam11:55
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Guest67905qui serait me dire comment changer son pseudo svp ?16:31
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aftereyobein sure mon amie16:33
aftereyoavec le chein16:33
aftereyosur la boulangerie16:33
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BluesKajGuest86031, parle anglais ?16:41
BluesKajoops ")16:41
aftereyoI do not speak french btw16:42
BluesKajtoo many guests ,, pls choose nick you people16:42
BluesKajaftereyo, no kidding16:42
BluesKajthe guy wanted to change his nick16:43
BluesKajmy french is a bit rusty , but I'm pretty sure that's what he meant16:44
aftereyoyes he did16:47
aftereyodid he leave??16:47
atod77Hi I'm using Kubuntu 14.1016:52
atod77when I restart my PC after some time16:52
aftereyoI am using Kubuntu 15.0416:52
atod77the CPU is consumed almost to 100% by the plasma processes16:53
aftereyoHave you tried killing it with fire?16:54
atod77and the PC is unusable. can you advice how to recognize the problem?16:54
BluesKajatod77, have you updated/upgraded lately?16:54
atod77I updated from previous version before mount I think16:55
BluesKajatod77, no I mean the packages notn the OS16:55
BluesKajatod77, open a terminal and do : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:57
atod77BluesKaj, ok16:57
atod77BluesKaj, Thank you! It is upgrading the kernel  and Chrome. Do you expect that it will fix the problem?17:00
BluesKajatod77,, once that's finished , sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:00
atod77BluesKaj, after the kernel update do you expect me to restart the PC before I run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:03
BluesKajupating and upgrading the packages to the latest ersions usually helps fix 50% of users problems IME17:03
BluesKajatod77, no17:04
BluesKajrun dist-upgrade17:04
atod77BluesKaj, I'm doing it17:04
BluesKajthen reboot17:04
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atod77BluesKaj, there is nothing to be upgraded17:07
BluesKajok , then reboot17:08
atod77BluesKaj, ok. In case the problem persists what is the best practice. What information to provide about the processes which consulme 100% CPU. With what tool the information can be taken. In what bugtrack database I should search for already reported bugs?17:10
hyper_chHmmm, how can install an encrypted raid1 with current Vivid Desktop iso?17:11
BluesKajatod77, suggest you use syatem monitor/ksysguard to monitor the cpu load17:12
BluesKajthen you find which process/PID is causing the problem, atod7717:13
atod77BluesKaj, do you know what is the kubuntu bugtrack database?17:17
BluesKajatod77, launchpad,  https://launchpad.net17:18
hyper_chweird.... 15.04 fails to even properly start in virtualbox17:24
lordievaderhyper_ch: I've heard of more problems with Vivid + VB.17:25
BluesKajyou might need to do , sudo systemctl sddm enable17:26
hyper_chBluesKaj: me?17:26
hyper_chI can't even get the desktop cd to start17:26
BluesKajin a vt/tty , ctl+alt+F1-F617:27
hyper_chacpi pcc probe failed17:27
hyper_chno valid rapl domains foundin package 017:27
hyper_chwhen trying to start the desktop cd17:27
hyper_chBluesKaj: I still don't see how I could entery a tty if it even doesn't boot up17:30
aftereyoHey BluesKa, you are using 15.04. How can I get dolphin to always use the detaile dlist as default17:31
lordievaderhyper_ch: Try the nomodeset kernel parameter. Are you on a linux host?17:32
hyper_chhow do I set no modeset for vb?17:34
hyper_chand why isn't an alternate install cd produced anymore?17:34
BluesKajaftereyo, dolphin>view>adjustview properties17:34
lordievaderhyper_ch: It is a kernel parameter, you set it in the live-cd menu.17:34
hyper_chwhich menu?17:34
lordievaderhyper_ch: The updated version of this one: http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/computers/kubuntu_start_install.jpg17:35
hyper_chthat doesn't appear anymore17:35
aftereyoBluesKaj: I do not have a toolbar, hence I do not have "View"17:36
lordievaderhyper_ch: It does.17:36
lordievaderIn kvm/qemu it appears.17:36
aftereyoBluesKaj: okay, I am in the preferences for dolphin17:37
aftereyounder View17:37
aftereyobut how do I set the default?17:37
BluesKajaftereyo, right click on the toolbar>configure toolbars>show menubar then.in menubar choose main toolbar17:40
hyper_chstupid youtube... takes like forever for processing17:42
hyper_chlordievader: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbqjXMd-brA&feature=youtu.be17:42
hyper_chlordievader: no menu like you showed17:45
aftereyoBluesKaj: thank17:48
aftereyoI like how easy you can customize Kubuntu 15.0417:48
aftereyoinstead of going through long menus17:48
aftereyoyou can just do it right then and there17:49
hyper_chso, vivid can't be run in VBox17:49
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hyper_chand I guess the installer can't setup single disk/device raid1 with encryption either17:51
BluesKajhyper_ch, well it is a devel OS , so there are bugs , and systemd should probly be avoided if possible on a VM'17:51
hyper_chwell, I don't recall any desktop cd installer to have been able to setup single device raid1 with encryption this far17:52
lordievaderhyper_ch: There is, it is sort of hidden. The keyboard with the human icon is the menu. Hit some buttuns.17:52
hyper_chonly alternate installre17:52
hyper_chlordievader: just test it... nomodesetting didn't have any effect17:53
lordievaderHmm, try KVM ;) I can personally confirm Vivid works in KVM.17:54
arcturushas anyone ever used the smartadmin bootstrap template? for dev work17:54
hyper_chlordievader: no kvm installed... and there shouldn't be issues with vbox17:54
lordievader'Should not' does not allways mean there ain't any.17:56
lordievaderBesides KVM is faster than VirtualBox.17:56
hyper_chspeed doesn't matter for testing17:57
lordievaderHeh, right.17:58
BluesKajlordievader, agreed, guess I'll have to pay closer attn to the newtork settings next time , but kvm is fast17:58
lordievaderBluesKaj: This is a nice talk about debugging vm problems: http://video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-virtualisation/observability.mp417:59
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aftereyoSo when I click a link in here, it opens with FF instead of google chrome18:28
dune_Hi all. Got simple question - how to connect to irc.quakenet.org? I'm using Konversation (1.5-master #4303, KDE4, Kubuntu up-to-date). When trying to connect with irc.quakenet.org it stucks on connecting (shows something like "Server found, connecting..." then fails and trying again). I was trying to change ports but still no-go. Any ideas?18:50
BluesKajdune_, google is your friend https://www.quakenet.org/servers18:53
dune_BluesKaj, I tried those servers. Still nothing. Problem is - can't find any error log or something like that. Don't know why I cannot connect with quakenet.18:55
corpsemelter167Is Quakenet still being used?18:56
dune_Yeah, by reddit.18:57
lordievaderdune_: 6667 is open on underworld2.no.quakenet.org18:57
lordievaderFrom here at least.18:57
dune_lordievader, it's not working.18:59
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lordievaderdune_: Have you check if the port is open for you?18:59
dune_lordievader, I just checked ports with netstat and can't see port 6667 so I'm assuming that this port is closed. That's a good trace tho, imho. Thanks for advice.19:07
lordievaderdune_: Netstat will show localports, you want to check to see if you can reach the server. Use nmap or something.19:07
dune_lordievader, nmap shows that port 6667 got "filtered" status. After googling I added rule to ufw. Still nothing.19:24
corpsemelter167Doesn't 6667 mean that that port is for SSh or SSL connections?19:25
corpsemelter167I'm not too familiar with these things.19:25
_matte88hi everyone19:26
_matte88_I'd like to contribute to kubuntu development19:29
_matte88_but I don't know where to start. I'm a computer engineer so I want to contribute on the programming side19:29
Unit193_matte88_: Perhaps you should ask the fine folks in #kubuntu-devel?19:30
duneHm, it looks like I have to pass on quakenet. ;)19:30
Unit193corpsemelter167: And nope, 6667 is normally non-SSL connections.19:31
corpsemelter167So, is 6666 for SSl connections?19:33
dunewhy port 6667 is closed by default?19:33
corpsemelter167Disregard me, I'm stupid.19:33
corpsemelter167I'll google it.19:33
Unit193corpsemelter167: Depends on the server, 6697 is not uncommon to have it.19:34
_matte8I'd like to contribute to kubuntu dev19:39
_matte8on the programming side. Where should I start?19:39
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aftereyowhen I do20:06
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